BOWMAtWVILLE STATION. &CNQ KÂ. Q omeW us Ezpss -100 Lca.... -à.71 5Matl.558 pm. are lht only kind liaI pay. The nlost healthiy are tio'se free froir ILce--and ice cannot exiýsl ter JEMPR PouereDu'S For: sale in Bow-manviibe by FALL TEIOPES 13ETT, I Tbcoset Who keew beet the merits of this seheol are lis st'aunehe Dsu 1Ipprters. TORO NT0, O N T, This colleg-e stanids, d:rst in po-pdlafity, amri genutue neiet. Go' where yonwlllowH ye ili nt ,ou, grdute ughing t t e fro-nt. Th'eir supertor- tra! iLng enabies teM te gel 'Dd hld fistca ositions. CO!Jegeý open all sanimeýr. Enter mny lime, Write for cantalogue. BOWMA4NViLL.E,, JULY 29. 1908. MUis Millie Jackson le hoiidaylng lu Oshawa. Mise Millie Horne, Owen Sonuad, is homne forvati. M iss -Bea Taness îe vlsiting. fie-ude lu Toronto andi Paris. Mn. Gien Case, Tro-nto, !S boIidatlng at Mn. F.ý A. Hddv'7S lMiss Susle Mv. Duistan, DotroIt, Mich Mus. J.Kap Wegt Tcoruo, le vieil. MWl!! Calver, Rochbester, N. Y , le s ishi mather Mrs. W.Calver. Y isS Steila M. Gale, Colbarnc,l ieil ing rionde at Rochester and SyýýRcuse. mriss Loi Down, milliner lu G. B. Ryan's, Gneiph, le holidaying at home. Master einald Joliliffe ie visltlng bis eleter is. A. C Deuike, 'mre nt Bridge, Mis. J. S. Atkinson, Hamilton, le vihlgMis. <Rev) W C.Waigtn Misse Elizabeth ansd Margaret 9hea, TorDruto, have been visitIug Misýs -'da Richarde. Mn. W L, Conîtice and i!e Pier- ing, recontly Vislted aIM.G. McGIIi's, LetySt. Mns, (Rlev) J. -Gartoutt le vlsiîtIiug ber pa.ýrents ReP, and Mrs Ue.Robinson, Mrs. W Asbuny ilo and dangb- ter~Kenoa. ave been guaet aI eg b'een v MiigbS ae molter. wba le iu ber 93r'd 'ear. M.Fred Foster, w-ife, and da-agbter Do is vlstedc Mn Frank C. Batty, Dr Garnet MI. Trewin atud wlfe, Osbhawa, ,speuit Euuday with bis father Mr, Wm. Trcewiu. Miss P-,e, Boston, Mass., and Mie Myrtîe PN e Osbawa, wene niceuts guIeEse of MuJas. R, F-ýe hor Mieronls cousins lun towu and Gnandfathen James, Mn. Wiu. Beith, Toropta. basi been1 gustf bIs slster Mrs. W Mc an sd oerrelatives lu îown. Rev, Dir. Neil McPheýrEuI, Iniana- 'Polis, Ind., wae reenýt gue, o bis1 sitnMrs. J. N. Lawnle. Mre. H. J Hooper aud s don, du udi mise Muriel Maxsoma, Linjdëay,1 vlsited Mie. J. T. Hoopen. Mis. Buuuham, and Mie Mary have retu-ued home [rom a pleasant trip ta LaeSimcae and vlclnity. Mns A. L. Vanstone and daugbten Gertrude, Brantford, are visiting ber sitr Mi. P. C. Tuebilcocb. MWise Fisher and Miss Broughal. Tonr auo are eujoyiug hilidays witb ie i<Dr ) Beitha a3d othen fnIeude. Mn. Albert F. Crago and !amily, 'lle Evengreensreetlv Vielted lber Elîsten, Mrs. Thos, M elnear Mltom Clarke. Miss;es Aimia auDk Loule James and brother HoadLeslie.,, Columbus, vieil doerth3 wek-nda Mn. Narman S. _Mus. Tbqs.8 Jackson, Miseset Jack- son aud 'M aster Rçoy have5 uetunned a! ten a yenypleasat vieil with fnieude in (ueee and Lindsay. M J. L3. Wll ,wife and famillY Toronjto, came owu 1-u their auto Satunda%, aut sýpent a JfiW days wltb hie father Chaqs. i!ae Mqissý Mtulle M'asn ententained about thinty aV fnieudg aI a1 Uardoý Panrty PFniday, aflernoon lu heoa o! ber friand MisCDoada Daveupont, la mirs, (Uný) W, J,Gerw Booln Preelýdent ai the WbitbYi 1reb78 ri Society, Whiile lu ta0wu_ waVuce ! s ncle.M John aNee. hiic boro, wth Medceaif Methociet S Oshawva, Thursdlay 31ly,t. Tai 11.00 See argoPosters. Mr. and lMrs. Williama Canu hav7e gone on uxte nded trip ta the Par ciic Coa-s, vistIng frielnd eueronte3 at Win- nipeg? anEd fHia ro, àMa,,i V au, auyver, B. 40.,8San TFraucisca aud Las Angele, ClChicago, Ili,, aud other town-S, I ýf sei o lSaoflen eiegged ta. nc.appearl whie ebe lt once heard. ThiA e tesson sh lep&etu spýllnd icstume rocita4l of lite lry o! Bon iRu, Hon soms lieve coStýumae slcin.mise Tuons bas apaidtbrýee imes lu Bow- Maucville auid al wa ys wit h groat fa o n h erauine !inusicsud:gamere lnl1ged lu î"; the woýe se-ah Lours, Pan[om idgetonlyspepsia, and boo hbeaît tlngfý-, le rËliý-ed aI onEce by taklg iuae a! Car tei 's- Littie Liven il inmcdiately aller dne.Doýn't lorgel la jMr. Wm Jý. Scott, Tozuldo, epept S'unday at home. MisEthel Tabb, Sydney, C, B, i home fo3r holidass Mrïs. 11, T, Phîlilpe le visiting Lber son lu Rohestor, N, Y. Mr, W H. Ives, Coibornoe, Zave us a frienl a!Frlday. Mr.J obert6 la visitlng Mi a. W. E. Courtice, Courtice. Mitchell tests eyes fra0 of charge- Mr, Wm, Muttou, Hilton, isitn M.Hugh V Iox rockville., le holida7ing wltb lé atives bore. Miss Gertrude Joues, Belleville, le vis!lting hepr uncle Mr, 1J-RFixikie. Miýss Bertha and Master Harold Cann, a-re visitlng friends lu Detroiýt, yMieh. Mrý1s. W WlhsToonole vi'sitlng tier daghe M Wlia aynarýd.i M5r larke Bennett has returnod [rom an ezsijoyable trip to thfealfic Coast. Mi-rs. Frank Grigg and familv, Toronv- tOýao ar!stiDg ber father mrr. E Gifiord, Miss Gertrude Burdenr, Bufflalo, N y, le visiting ber cousin M"iss Lottie Thick- son 1 Miss Manrgaret Fletcher, Toronto, la, visling b!er parents, Jos. Fletcher and MUr. Ed1. Maye r, wile and daughter, Buiffalo, N. Y,, are vlsiting bis uncle bore. Kenneth Fletche3r Sle iting bis unclo D. H. Fletcher, 2463 Vitoria St , Tor- onto. Rose Penfourd, who l ith ïýa seurvev- lng party at Brac,,ebridgeý, epenit Sunday nt home.ý EiJa es iitt adwfWwan2esa, Maitba re visitlug MrnJms llt adthrfriends ibore. RiDadeiîrs Peter Pollard, Canton, and urs. Grîer., Charlotte. N Y., have been giets of arr. Jacob Pollard, Meser. Claence a5Ofland Percy Wetaeare ejyiga -eek'bs cruiso lu the formpýr's dinghy along the north shore Cf Lake Ontario. Mrs E C Virtue of Monrtraand rii:Mr, Chas, Glbert and wifea ad son Ray.. moud, Rochester, N. Y , ae visitin-g MrsI. W. RR. Cawkor. Messie. J. C Devitt, F. C. anid B. S, Vansztone are 01n a fishing trip up the Temagami. Tbe.y will aiso loo-k [or silve-r rniggets la tbe Co)balt Miss L'vtle, Victoria Roal, M..Stin- sin and wife, janetville, sisters of Mqro Dowsn, lso MssFlorence StInson, Orono, wore recent guests of Mr. S. T. Dowson, Providenjce. ýMr, C. H. G. Fletchier, Toronto, vlsited relatives bore. He came dawn on ac- count of tho serions ilînes ofbis brother Mr, A. H A Fletc-her 'Who Io recaverlng from congestion of the lunge. Messrs. Sam and Wm. Jeffery, Port Ferry, were lu town Monday on business and vislted their cousin Mrs. W7, j, Jefferv, NMaple Grave, on their retiru. They did the trip lu tbelr auto. Mrs S. Thompson and sister Mrs. D J, Berry and dangbter Hazea1 l Chîcago, !111., have returned homie fter spending a mounth wlth her brotbers Messrs John and J Williamr Fogg and Otbehelaý,tives Dr. and Mrs. F. C, Trebllcock and daugliter Mîajùry who have mest returu. ed fromn Englýand where the Dr. bas bceen takiulrg a speclal courseý, spen)t Sna with bis fathor Yr P. C. Tnoëb- ilcecAI Miss E, A. Allin, M A., Sunderland, a f ormerly blgbly succeseful teach:er o! Bowmanville H Jgb Schooi bas been appointed teacher of Moderne at Lind. say Colloglate Institute at a sa]larv o! $1000. We congratulate the Board lu baving securod the services of sncb capable teachen. Mn. Henry Anderson, ste.p.fatber o! Mrs, Goo. H. Joil, Newcastle, and Mis, R. Hîooper. Orono, salis Anguet let for Liverpool, England, to vlit hie brother ln L'verpool and relatives lu Ireland, 1, leS4 years since ho ieft the Old Land to on e to yonng Canada. Ho sails by the 55. Canada of the Dominion Line belug booked by M. A. James, Domin- io ioagent. Haddy's IdOal Tea eaves a 1goedilm pression. Try it. Btter to pick uap ipoints from yoýzun competi'tor than kil!lm Tea-tea of qaiy-ad sIdeai Tea. F., A. Haddy, grocer. Milten's Grip Powders Cure. 1R. M Micel& Co,, Bowmanvllle. .obn Grigg wants ynr ld ioan, brase, rub ber' etc. See advt, The bigzost seller of all-Mlitcheil's Creme Detific-per tube 25e. Gnelph OId Home wek la Aug 2 ta 6. Sond ta J. M5. Struthors, Secretry, for a prograXn. MiN. J. Mornlsseyv bas been visitlnag bier mother, Mrs. Jas. Bande!, Whitb, An d-ad-du d u-N--orkan t-1 Gem jars, -al Sfzes, at IF. A. Haddy's. Neck filîs 6 fila boX, In' at Ni7zeohîs. Olnly 30c for a new subecn-ibor taonid Bowmauville views on Posi Carde at Nicholls', White shoe dressing 10e a baIlle aI, Nichoils'. 1Goid ses! belt. Finden beave ut STAT- ESMAN office, Foot ballesud ohm .pad I tP. C.,' Bowmuvile ouvnirwrýLtIng Tab- lots gaIihhs ïil ou tny la gel ne a uew tria! lispsubscvrîbenP "ave0to read Meitchell & Co'e advît onl the lfrt page? Use Bug Death ou youn ,potatoe. Sold by7 P. Murdoch. Big 8 Shoe blacking-, regular lOc a1 boGx aow 7 jc at Nic hoclle i,'.0 F. A. Haddy for ail kinde cffrs fruitsg. fOreigu and domeeîîc, Laie' aîud bags lu lgreat varlety and cap. aI P. C. Trebilcock's.ý Yucca Olulmeut curespeczeima.If you1 suIfr ueil. B.M Mtchell &Ca. L7 pright pliano and good organ for sae _Apy ta M. D. Wiiiameo&S on '7Tbe childreu's Wabash wagoins are the3 beet. P. C. Trebilzock bas thom. Civic Holidav excursion ta Peterbono audKawrlh Laos ug.8.Steeadvl, Frieud, do ns tho favon cf seuidlng usE one new enasculber at 30c la end a! 1908. ' Try anc of Mitch-ell & Cols speciai 25e!1 1001h bruebes. The bains nover corneg Ail white blouseýs seiling aI or belowT cos t p r ce at Co uch, Joîýhuzt,)ni & Cry5d en-k Ladies, elariadsece the uow lhue af haeieny at NichOlls pecial 280 vain-e aI 15e a pain. meu's two piece suit eUhing oeff at aud bolow wcataICouch JaOl'stOn& We selimore o! oui rFloua! iTalcnmC Powder tharn o! auy other. Tny Il Rt M. MlItchell & Ca. Dou't [ail te cee the great bargainis lu muSEli naddresgoade aI Couch, Johuetoýn & Crydeîmau's. t A dose o! Milen's Worm Powders occasianally wll keep 10e ebildre n beai. ýtbhy. Ri. M. M i t chelel & Co0. 66,,-F' c Iran and Wire, Lawn Fone for sleaI lese hen bal! prîce JA.S. EMN mni. 25-t! Peterbona Is a popular excursion cen-n tre. Ils a very fine City. Go witb t Bowlers' Excursion Civie Holiday. Walt fan the Bowmauvillle Bowers' excursionla Peterboro and the backe lakes. Augnet S (Cisie Hloiday). c Bhneberny season wili soo.n ho over.h F. A. Haddy nocoives two shipmente each week o! good dlean blueberries. 1 Mr, Samnel Gales, one of tho !ewb remaiuiug pioneen citizeus, bas aur e tha-uks foir a box o! very flue raspberries I Genùtlemau's gold seal set wltb blond- Stone, bei e lv luJun.Finden suitablv rewardedblavinPtaISTATES- MAI4 office Ail eolored mu -is eliiünt aIreatly reduIced pniceýs sud several nieces atI exctlv hall- prlet itUoneh-, ioh Dstou We would like la sýhow youà our the piee panr 'suite, AMahozanlv [rames, upholsteîed lu VeliourntaI,'18.75, _M. D.i Wihhiam_ý sSou. 1l W. A.Remmer, for the pael lwa jyeans principal a! Victoria School. Br-ockvilie bas been appointed euporvising -Principal oI five echoolsin that towu witb coneiden- ablo ineeaseo! salany.E Boy s, the approval ofla well-regnlatede conscience anud the respecîful admira-C lion of ycur fellow citizeuse, wortblly earnedsnd be regauded aes thol high- est huiolial by a Canadian, For sixteen yeare the name "Salada" basn etaod fan the maximum o! qualitv, puri'y aud lavo-r l bed'qeyo 'reas, sa that the onlv thî, vo ne ta look out for le the 1'Salada' label an, eveiv package o! tea jonuse. Mnk. R. Fulford bas oui thauks for a copvý o! anual roniurt of Pont EHope Mlethadiel cbnnch. 111e one o!fthe most 0 complote cbnrcb reparte tbat neaches us eachyea, Te idiviualgivngeta tbe variais funds are tabulated, but Ià woi oimpio'ved 1by insertion a! a total1 coanmE lu Pcerboro, mauyo! lhemn, and few have been there sinice il, becýame a city Ud sncb a bugy industrial contre The cbcap excursion next -Manday wili> aI! ord ah a chance to see the o an lu ruuulng condition as!Il le ual civiep Mnr. T. R_ Follick, M. A., who wasIl Science Master in the3 Collegiate inst i lite bore for many yeansl, bas beenl1 appointed to a similarposition at Bowe mauvillo, The people o! Bowmanviile -lhfe deanrd for yaung mou, o! brame,ý enorg, loyaitV. bou1)e'ty suBd charactel WaRS LneyVer as-urgent as uow Bowm~anville Women's 1intitute Mol lue îeCauncil ERoom Saturday aller- noon. Mue. E, R. Bo5unsail, vice-presi- dent, occupied thie chair, Mis W.L. bLaw, Oshawa, gave a paper on Labor Saviug Appliaucets;Mise Wblte gave useful bints an lauudry work and, Mie j 1> Sparliàg au caaning and preserviug f nuit. rSergt F. H Morris won C108 fan the Canadin Blsetam sud £ 9 for hlm- self Ite. Gea. J. Rowe made a capital reor, a, for a statrter, winuiugF£14 for Marris' blg wiulgs the Teame made a uewrecrd.Ibis yeun'simauey beýinug ie largese er. Bow'mauvllleoulo^d be the Cauadiau Bisley bereafler- Miss FrankIze i.Jcwoll etranda ni.mber o o! j ug ladies "Wedueedayý eveiug lu hanon 0Gf Mis Susi e YMBell'- man wha w01! soon be!ceaviug boDwn for the- WeeI. lu autîcipation o! a happy eveut ber fniende gave ber a generoneS "Shawor of 1kitchon iutensila" ýaccom- pani by thie good wishee o! aM for ber fture bappluess. R!ehmuswene Senved au-d a Vory onjoyable evenug Mn, W. T. reaa, omnll ba01, wb zompleted hie 251h yean as Fareman of The Guide Office, Pont Hope,' JuIy 28 was luted wifth a nim- ber o! other !nIends taetW e home a!f Mr. F W. Wil!son, propniezor, and& preseut- ed W ith a b-3auit.filsilver mouuted cane ,engraved as follows-:'lW, T. G. JUly, 28, 1888-1908 [nomr F. W. W." We cou- gratlate Foreman en awy uat- lain.iug ibis aun najad ou the pleasaut relations existig betweeu hlmr anrd the propnieton and staf f ! The Guide duning &aIl Inese yjans. EXCURSIO0N TU ORSE The Durham Rubben Ca., Ltd., i.,;ta -ive Ibeir -empI0oyees &au excursion on Friday, Auzuet 7th, 10. Rochester and Chaylotte, Grand Tnujnk R. R. la Co- bourg au!d 10e newOual No. 1 ferry_ from Cobourg ta chai latte. VWait Ian o! tick.'ets adveneîýd lu next issue o!t Ibis papor. Coanmir'Ez BeoeyuStart'mon balidayego Hays the paorpe, Ssit fDr e dazen o! those ftlc cabinet photoýs ho les maklug. Ilf san waul a cheaper photo tnry T he Ge m &at $1,50 a F.d az e teowl11 suit V on aI prces rang ing f rom 1J. 50 te 88.00. Ail wonk gaate.Ondoe axoculed promplly Ibis fiue weatber. Came whiie jour ulew S3priug- oulfit looke well. Bn-iug the childien. Haye, lias greal succes wth thelittho folk. Have you.,seen the lovely pietunes ho bas made o! young babies? Coma lu sarly. Tbe nid stand lu h STATEs- MAN Elock-28 KugSt , West. BGOWM'IAN VILE-T--LAKE Sena.tor Robt. Beitb h Was with ie. Wr MeXa cKyven Snnday R. Hug' hes' newlyïp.,iLted -caIlagewvil be ocnpadIis Tee",Ilbobsqite Dr Herb HE. Tylon, CantoN.Y paid a fli1ng: ViSit ta the cmen.Ho loit for h ome Sun-dao. T71nsda V while 'lYr-wh Dg MeS d a me S Gceo W Gramnt sua Uo.E Manard Landied a uc-szdpike Mîissý1 es HeuaLd Lois Smal, Pont Hlope, are enujoyinz a vîsit aI mt ah ewe'. The5y are: jolly girls, tco. Charlie Fletcher o! Danlop Rubbeî Co., Toronto, and Mis. E. Ra ch wer e roceul guesteaI a "Floradara Fnank Todgbam founid a large peiri. lied spongeoan the beach- quiîo a eue. loeily. See It lwindow o!ri"J. B M1artyn's store. Fred Pîien oouo eïeto Clint Lunpy aI "The BuuýgaloW" Wheý'e Nfus C. W . Mundoif, Belle a d Hazel are aiea guoste. Ue.2c W. Grant and R(ager Fishlsigh %vero home for the 7week end aud thon- ougbîy en)Josef the beach Rar, le goiug on a fou"irwok'trn noth on baller iuetin SundaV's fine btWeather buongbt nanv citizeus, ta tthe lke MessrpRleb Eamhl'y 0and lwl!,T e elland wiîe. Fred Dweadlml a' 'tDr-umieuý" gliests a! Ueo. W. Grant. Wm Bîx-ton sud wlfe camroniL.aTon- outo lu thieir gasaline launcli aud are 'iiigthein Inoende. Willi "as a nice rocomy launcb aud mauy have had the privilege of onjojllng a pleasant rd The'1 Aliogaboioozars" aI the Wli!- liamsi' Cattage wish ta announce Ibat trie D O.ý & P. Ca Baud wll1i give au open air concert aI thein cotage Friday. svun.AIl campons arc invited. î Thunsdav a ulce campany epennt àa jolly Ci'vic -Holiday EXCURSION"'. An excursion will be ruu! ulnder au spices of Bowmanvilie Law:% owin Club on Civic Holiday, T1ONDAY AUUUST j t iy0fe Peterbaro, Lýake2£eld and Bnlegh Faîls by specialtrn as 081haî jet Peter b ora1B.1*l0 Darlln g te 6.r21 a, nM. M1.00 81. 50 BQ w1uan3vlU1a 6.28 a 1L, 81.ý0 $1.60 Neweastle 8.37 a. ni, 11.c0 1.50 yew«tnvýlle (553 a la. .515 81.4C Oblîdren ~ta iz years haîf price. ail tick-ets goosd for 2 da7seeept tickets from NecseN tuvie Port Hope, Cobonrg and Graftou Incltu- ive ta Peterbaro wbich are good îfaGr ane day only. Speciai train leaves Lako- field 6,20 p. mn. and Peterbroa)83o p mn Aug 3rd ta connoc with main fhue train1 east.9 Speiclal -Arrangements Harve been mnade ta enable thase b desine ta vieil tono_ýy Labo, Yoýung's Point, J uniper Isianide M1LJ uian andj Bunleigh Falls by stea-mers of Stoney Lake Navigation Ca. AIll xcuisianists wiii bave au op- portnnity te 500 the vwanderful LifI' Lock at Peterboro the largeet lu the Ao d aealmthbetweeu the Y M. C. A. Tamâ o! Peterbeo and VicIons M owicvleanel a Bowirg Maýtch bct-weeu r owmanv-t1ie and Peter- bora Clubs Wl!!taLelaet t Peter- 50 Cents; Deuatike, E0 cents, each Ai- serio. Wenfuneral cards aý"re !iZinte t ,-this offie, insertion free L'ïCKSO-N-111 Orno, july teth. to Mr5.and Mrs~~~~ JaesDtksna aghter. MRI--il Oroln. Juiy lth, to -Mr, and M isiliaLimiMatin, a agtr M5CLEO-1n lNsw.Castle, Juîy L9th, te Mfr, aud Mis. Doniald MLea sen. BONDEit5ON-In Kirb)y, .luly Ili, toMi. ad tirs.p, eo enerson a s"t S]HEPHERD-TVI.ER- At Asacog House, Brooklyn. New York, July 6th, by Mev. à. Howard Melieli, tector cfEoly T rinity Epîs Copal hureb, assisted by Mev. Mr. Shepherd,; Scuili'h Shields, England, father of the groom, Dr. Henry Ferguson Shepherd and Miss Vel-' nia Florence eldeet dangliter of tMr Philip BITy- 1er BonavîleOnt. At Home after Sept 1. a46Chiarlotte. St., South Shetîds, England. .J.aîncosE-A Gren Cut"Bowmani- vile.SLnayý Jcly lSUj, John iM. Rrimacomlb,. Db. D. S., lul bis 72n yea(_r. RoBINsIn amponclIlTho. oMbis. toridc'Cf tLe Lte Tho'Liuas Burton, ÏD in ri 88tib year hrcýf Ms.Thos. Flegle, Bow. maeni tle Souch, beived iilfe et îWiliamMorion ae MCEW-At ;17 Church t. TronoJuly 22. Dcniald Kelili, only cud cf Thomaas and Mabif! McKeown, aed2mot is. ICeed ai W h!Lty. ýTAliiî-Ai 314 Markham n, lToronto, July lIed, Mev. Joseph Belrbelrt Stanr, aged 7;3 yeaîs, Inteired at Whitby, GOUDUlÂiq--At BrOole, tý.Jcl!y lSth Eizbeth ikibeloved wîte c f Thos, Goo0iman, aged SI7TCL IFF-AI Bih-cokîli, July vî<th, J tee Sykes, relie' of the li onStel gd71 yeuars. ,McKEowN-At 617 Churceh St.TontJl 25, 31abel Blanche Strailà, wtfe cf1T*_cs, mc-i Keuwn, inteired ai Whitby. RICUARDS-In Cleaîke, at the reiec f Peter Staîker. Jrly25, Anc Heard. rehctcf the late William Richards, ie her 77th yeary, CIARI itR-In South Osha wa, July 24tb, isert lunte May. daugloter cf William and Horsý Herand wife cf Williami David Carter , ed 17 :e-3. Ioterîed at Bowmniile (oniSundy McuNrJo -Ie Hs'ydouJo'ly 27, Mary A ye5r. Fensi> froi the chuch on Tliirsds;y 3101h m2orbus, . J. j Phip, Dominion Frulit Comms loer sed55years. rtbiînlwCf Mr, E. Belîian,, Bownisnville. Bitsnaiv-I IngesoîlJuly CtO, egina. ycungest son cf Davîd .Brad,(ley, fermer-ly cfi E. q.BUNAL Deûsigner and Dealer ln Monumnts, Tabletm, Markeîs, etc , Me Granite and Marlole BOWMNVILE, ONT This MWeek A T S.* W. MAS.ON& SON'S. 150 yds. White Muslin, fancy check eur stnipes, -eguL-4ri lz5nd 20e, this week forï. - - --ea Ladis' Vste witor itbot eeeves, extra special SJilk ibbolls, assorted color, I box rcg. 12o ra yd. for-..S i o e,7ca yd. for..34- 1lbox reg, 5-e,,yd. for ý. .2u 10 only Ladies',Fancy Parasols to cdean. ....... 75cecd 5 doz. Ladies' Long Silk Glov'es, ln black,white or tans, reg. 75e. for........................... 38e pair 56 yds. ouly Delainette, red and white stripe for. .1M. a yd. 3 ends black and wmhite, broken rcheek DesGoods, reg, 75e for ~38e a yd, Misses' Plolka Dot Hase, assorted izsand clrreg 20Ceand 2 5e fo-r ........... ...,....2 pair foýr 2'5e Boys' faney-, Sweiters, reg, 50ce forý, » ....... 25c eaeh, 'Boys' Overal, b clark or fane-y snpseil No CREDIT Grocers' Due Bille taken as Cash, 5ý. W.. IASON e& ,SON, jex, door t tanar ri ow av 1i E- - - il LetUIs Help Youl to i 41 lean Housle hese are sneo! the things that ep 'Washing machine,,wigcs sl rni ope, 1I Sc-arpet swe>eper9, broome, scrabbî-3inudwhewhbrhs Coslve and sink bnushes lu. great varioty. G Lbeîs..... .. 3 is for 25e. 414 Old' DUtých Cenè.....10c. tins, fi HcsseholdAmmonia (liquid). .1I5c, bottie. fi ~ ES EZE ashing poywerinà e S e.M p'kgs Globe Metal Polieinlu . ..e 1A INMs. 414 Mayer'e Pubz Cream ...... 2e.large ln Fairbank's seourng soap .._8. bars 25e.-ý Powered borax 1e). &20e. p'kgs. Nousueh iiquid stove poishI ,. 5e.bolt2se.4 XRay soye plih ......,.... ,, 10c, eau 414Alabastine (--Il colors)iu 25e aud 40eý pkgs. Paris white.........0Oîbs,. [or 2Se. 414 ashing Sod 10 Yb.for 25e. Snap'at 15e, ,a li n d hand S aia aI10e Pa cake laCk0 yoUrýhand s ft and whitcand remove the mork souis, Arche Tait, 44 Phono 6ý 5, The People e Grocer, 41 Iighest lPrke paid fotr Farm ,Produ'ece. bonse,,men from il OIpul i toproiuce The Summen lorseShow le y"a luA i lufancy, but in bas mas.d rapîd etMWe luring tepttre, yeansadva gained a weli-arneil reputanf itseli. o oît anuLmbr ro Bw m an iv illewillj1atte nd niïsbir îgteute n paricuarecomunîatowith the Presj idenof heAsocitio.,Ur the seciearc, JQhu H.Pavis The HUem e old I - ~ u-todate mluail ues o! T min buiness tha toaid was. The les st ýay tiglit longer, Ther ole u carlng onù No danger o! aven dishing the wbeel. The paint le ual scratchod or lujurod. Can,.gel your job doue lu anc quarter the lime. .We wll guanantee all wonk doue by Ibis machiîne. e are aIea prepared ta cnt dowu wheels or auy other repaire that yFonr nig tnav need. Lawa Mowens sharpeued and overhauled as mtua!l and a>i kinds o! Bicycle repainiug doue promptly. Aw . P1,%eIC IXARD, Con, Klug & Onltario'Sts. Blackssnitft, M BlacksSltih.