ICURRL-NT TOpC5; T'he xvar xitsJapan laIt Bussia pr'ac- tîcaliy witheut a aavy. Itlis net sur- prising ihat she sheulcI ha thiîîking and plankiing the consts"ucttoa cf 'a Iew fleet-, sud a reasenable naval pro- gramme weuld ho taken everywhere as a mdll r e! course. A reasouabla programmewould lecognize accempllsîî- -dfaccs-ihe boset Port Arthur_ tise (lsh«' g eft hie hepe-,e!f un ice4ree port -d lrliyIsud incleecl hoý-was-higgcr rl à, oy cx.~an üf.oisic. t-5.cie retenu is deeor. Poî'isap',,1hsw- andhasposiîftelycuredthiisandsofboys!nfidoiYt' fi-cru loadiug w5ite'rs lire- M__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ e v e r , t ie g v e r um e n t x vil f n aiil l a g r a s l o m e n w h o h a v e b e e n tr o u b l e w t I ~ w f u eu cA ndMa n h a r th bay b c nv c sO ak h b e sI I o " p r te y l c i e t v e a i t and Ccnste5- ioHc- 1 - -, ' i n ri ec -- --- ~ '-'- -uzzle---Fiud ',imeLhing Ihset b lieIbMa9 Prric)l asapcd ;eil 1<îP ,lUPg<I10ilOsW. - mu " ""' etc. 1ifse an seu'-e inecieus i4-,- ,C -j" uni xa.î' o O y O m. Nthtcaille at resideace, direct- x a.n--.ay d .aturas, brigh- ýl l1ad ieîatcvO nuenza ' - an "- iii hie respira.- 13' o1ppostte PiM Shed 7-ad<. H'nif Ie LAscS li e îiî"linoci-'ilbo 1t s udv.î h xxi p'ae uy i 1 oncihlcîc so[ l iescer 1 cI -rl - V~* l mpesce," lh' steps îg5îal ý i11 ~cvcÙu u O.' ilccO b~'.ibno'. Un1~',' ~- .' ' ,. cci.E. 'cZi ' iii.'" c..l'.-fî ' 41 icc, ciii hX '.c ccir .cc..... 1 -lllý' a iJ n '., u idc iec O iot i. ci uhd ii ai .ru n ia.e c e' '-a'".'.-"-'.ctt a' c~57V il iltiSI hr<v ,',~,. '.,.. ~ t- m -lon icSi-ctonîî as xon t lieaHa1 t i, ulge-ixn n suemqssînri-m re1 s. aln aie e Yr ie ]Bdg, Montrea aid Wahint~,D.C.,TU..A. IIA tI RES-MAINGBY M« t. l, youLr spare tinie at home, or Talce a Personal Course at school. To enable afi to lcaan--,-,e teach on cashl or iastalment plan. We also teach a eranlclass at schoal once a month. -a-ocmmeacing last Taesday of each maatih. These lessons teaches mw ta cut fit n put together any garment frota the p;a- aest shirt waist suit, ta the mast elabor- ate di ess. The whole family can learn frain one course. WVe have taught aver seven thaasand dress-rnaking, and guarantee ta give five hundred dollars toa ary ane that cannot leara between the age Of 14 and 4c. You cannot learzi dress-nmal<ýiag as thaoraagh as this course teaches C 'you vnork la shapa foryears. Beware of imita- tions ais we emplay nanoautside the schoal. the anly experieaced Dress Cutting Sehoal la Canad!ýa aad excelied by pan-ýe iii any other cauntry. Write at once for particalars, as we have- cut aur rate one.. thirdà for a short timie. Aýddress r- SANDERS' DRESS-C-ITTINC SOHOOI., 81 Erie St.,Strattard, Ont., Canad'5. We are tligceai aI 37o at 12cern for sale. AOH GLBR1ADON ioW c-very boy jnews new nare la lt jýLIllel . -I- more s~~Temarm sterui nte xitet kaesdeu," btmespheric influence nas fer a lime IThe most 1mprtant parte! f th, Ires- rrotpower!ul aud sofeýr than any pet lao the advanitages Ihref,, x n EdnnubiPoteone A iuy t 4eepiemehe- imet ssbsauttrss.a cdTi sek trjej li& broTn and 'Utimais .)thers, byIkee acinaicr and Uning, -au na,-revived. Aot',dys,"fbye iepiemipsbo- mentan abionge rrsc'in bed go iel as praýce:oally iiitless. iProm int eî aAu'.tralla sud Great Bîan ~ k îO cclwas usa' te malte gas Ese'Slyi scv !tise et rsinb feir illiuLatsîg pulrpo6c"'i alj 10iest*ý- C! Ic oerm t teapply 10e anme due ýo trem ii pees euitoie!res ptacPl tea ])lrgo numbo-r of to wcýeil kuoxxn sht csceo mmenlia manufclur'îîo ind-.Iricin. The courjcf iu_1r.Tk fîscwo. coqulai a uci but tisa la tter ack, t-scid, hait sofl, bcd te te _bIt te accumuleteL-until itlxha- cemi. prnbîm sxlat tb de, wi th1e -lang quanites b-ut orînci uue'ghthy pýki n uTaI ara :ii gas lieuses.- About 1850cesiitsLogan le experimenî, wilh it audi extract bedcils whiis ceuld to tiaifr ligchhug, but'ibis lefI asucis ef ite xx es!te unutiliscid. Il xxas lait te \Vil- li-a;in Il, sy Paîýkins,, a youssg Englisis- cacalrshfrern e'sIeýg.', le stunsbo on a maiiet 1e"fproeining dye sxhicis ne-1 veluti,-nsizaci many industr7-bes, Ualwsoxvu about ifty yers age. -ool 1er te-day rcpiasensals nu aisty xecIedinl seluie bhy alt stec 'I ao1e, Iu order te do axxay xith 1he exils ',fM.sO li iî' and ta ses oe1 the tomptalion te lise abuse e! cbiid ba- ber il is preposceiEi Lugaixi te 'os- tahtî asiiniiunn xxcge aairsin thie iidu'.loips 1001 haxvefalln ier, lb'., , , crea'o -spciaiaci a'.îxe-,l b-an 1-otexcrislre h e to apply 'ug îLe legîl sLiitindrs,acdiiiii- trstA the cisfesc-mast o! tOche ard s oie-,,s le lis-c lest- ry inspc'ois. 'The b Oil whMlihtics heen introciuced in thse ha'ý_ seof c'. issînrs toe efe I l1e, c re- t onias sis nA engovernîs it xîasure, and' î trlio PS Ic.sneo xetiie iL ~ ~ ~ 1- P ettlîse-ao pA nsnms, xssch xiiiho abusycai 1UaLi tern lnail ils f rty-en- lem bo e"the sland(ard anppireee to the normal, acodc.s(f the icraige employa. ei rded w> a human ha ng li.ving in a cix-ilizaed c,,rmnminty.ý' The manufacturera wbe haenot poid su h ,wagoý,s as, tbedcc*s- ier' fixeci mustirurute tisa ,gos ain- me'nt, Ihe prifi t xxhlcthcy are' assun- mcl J ýohavse ïreelizcd frn the tarit! lut FInEgla,,ni lthe fri-ends cf t-ho ini'nnum ,,ag(,,doctrine are c<DerrneLd neot çvrf 11h herue-sticnnotequalizing 1es lit[s cenfeî-r m butthh tofil e! cr- iug cicceot '.tan 1-3ds cflivinug, t rcua- ar,ç ecric!1ilusrisfi o c' grada- t. nbnlif-e i)îderi-t oftIhe pl,îsccari d m-ual s-..'icfo e!lee mk.c1'S and, o! the unal.' n chiegt The Biers are jubilant ovni-Prof. DD vîsî> .ho i s sai&I1to hav eruade of r ut y.ais. Il pnlly le kucxvis a gî'.al ei ii n Oc& l o boctri c. '111e a f Il, k'n is.sSo acting up- s tic rnm- Miidioms up- n e lher gir- t ' f !hL pieus. Of lb.e smurs iii' crIantugo up has-e lb.' îsýexor o!cf x- SAINàL ESE OIEONMN Broies C rgîgladsappi~dby rubbia, at aIl an' amsi ng shýort sk-cleh by Espetb mIr 1ds,î ces Magazine, 2 As parlinjniini ge-ratiugc as a br-'ighit dy uIlyspiîîLig,tieaiol Magazine frIc i-oh groos is readors wîth a gi-ceit veie e!g-od(ïthiiiga xx hici fully, susham in the raputaticu cf tbis popuhar per'iedcical. in acLidJitic teO tO.ý regular iapartiels "Affci-s at W ab'igte,'"Tise Ilalme,' "Thie I-ap- pv Hait,' .and LosTallk il Oser." cil ustei'ntaginstructive andcitnspiring, tkreareispaialfeatures o! vital inter- est. "Hew tic Blue Jackets sîs LFoi.d" t, John P. G, tisanauiluslrated erti- (ýec toimeiintc-rest. Ia"FhIl vv Ar- d.e-tsaienieste John 1leiae n w lbSlsaesporeix tise Globe'Tete o! tl, larges l&nases -e! Ibis doscrin- ton iin thex,ord, Mr. C. H. Iiigers-ollIs artiic WatS ,nie'Icx MIaous,' di- i-ects pubicatâmlcainfteiie -pria -lbs cf Henry George as a r iý-sey oir pox-- cî, e rimxeoc gaddatia. Inificcien theý March National ti,î-cnsri'.atis sirn. l's Cerge mc-rsýon î'ings .w.i fciaugseria,"The Sm sky G-d,' lx, a1c-,p iiithorie neo ks than i h s.r 1iing, d ancd shbsm shut .t~i ",ful of Luxeecxi erieuces- al od'.Lîires. The ooitî-ryvetfthen uin- beri iii lanor v i xi blise uplifiiî g spiîiýLt ihat pers odesth-oNational ai- ways, and r àîdes i a x'aO'mo moitb- iY vsstor ai uud od f t liousauis e! happy bsmnes. Aiel-ss, The" National Magczu-e. Bcstlon, Mas-s. i (p -e 'wt netU tura uck aI al. Bcïore, the boys could reach the îshere, the bear, mes- Ing in a cirele, bal gel hatwonth'em and the lanid, and iu try\inugf-teurn, James elipped and slid righl. iah(ad, le- ward the bear. He set up a grýal cry, bu.t Geerge saud Arthur did mfretlt geo -l hlm. aitheough, they, tee, were very inuch frigilened. Th-en, al aI once, th.ere came a gical shî and crashinig in the builishe,1 snd eout, peppec i lhmou wiîi hig-h btsan d a red 1f!,anneri lshirtf an ida fui, ,ap Ilis eycs xo big and b*i lak, ani I! bshair Cuiy\:andla is cars hle lsad î l-o ings -! gelli Ile talked vcry3 leur teIhaLea~ sd Seemri te ho scedîn hm, utthe 'beys eould, net uaderstandwathoid. He alvck e right up te Ihebear and siapped'hlm tw c oes tho face xx [lb bis band. T11o bear xhnd and h-egain te dance ci1l the tester. ' Thn e ithe111e matee-k c big ceollar fi- in bis pocket and strop- po 1itround the hecr's ncek, and ho, gan te tead im sa axay by a rope. Just iefore liae veiii ho turneci te th(,b-ox s anlid saii, wi(h a ,mile that sh<owod bis xxibtCeth. "Bcd Bpp! Punav -iyc. No like doncie, Gelcodgel t k BaieSt Paul, C.., ue. March 27th:, 1907. "Dr. T. A. Slacum, Limitad, Toronto, Ont. Gentlemen:- My maay thank-s for Psychine andi Oxamulsion., I have useri them with very great satisfaction bath in my awn case and in that of niy friends. It af- fards me muci pleasure ta recormnned a ramedy whichh a realîy gaad in cases for wbîi ilis iateaded. I amn, yours very truîy, 1' li11. EFIIN\EST A. ALLAIID. Doctars rcgiata sc ines ona of the vîy hst remedies for al Ï13roat, 1oirng sanr .i anh troubles and ail rua dawnondtauf-rm whaterarr caus. sItis hl rrpio af anaof th ol S greate t sp ' ' ciaý1lista la i.s- T.A-, ýloiaUn4 -Lim14eà, Toroaato. iever, pi-rovc nmaiit iieweu !ina van-ý ýerings cf isuma eiugs deug t-hainos cf trarci, aItiretlu a defilile dicion, beceuse ise tý raxellaiben ami cash- routes sud 1 ii a ii v rd direclcu. Oneit s-'lesbd popule uwstern -1 r'op, syith ils, radù,iieiug lno ,f'51 wa ýiiJ' i aist for th ila evoryvdirction likl 'the explosion -cf ia reekalwhicis basý journoyec f-or a t'use luA a straiphi lissa up Ibrough tise air. This explosion sud alusost simuitane- ions diffusion -Ibro-g;lý isecl Eurepo 1'Vws- smply the nosuifiIiit o human ntercaro As ) snastececa r r!( r i rs cf , ihýe ýiinfacticîs reacislï a popuicus cily thsc sahrinla ains directîclis tole Isole homes or l iigugliuss isatoisIs cîsi ëcdieuene wxvaýsulltaag aI tOhc lime trýous he disozicsa bense a tocus o! sit idon, sctoni ,ash oetihese enr-i tr-es tIsh isaa p and uit1e gripp-e ,3e:zed -ilru greal aumb,!,ers iii al1paris of [lm cid aheOcsamii im, as secu as 'the is cihative 'perkcl cf firas <tsi. le fout- icys bai passei. Lurape for a tinîso biie epideasimle tisit. ,but in ten lcy 'v- r tIwe neeks. just iclrng enosmgb fuor lie t'iamer-s te briîîgtl4is-r nîfeci huîîîan eicaro. it ppoaeîe hîieeon the Eabsei-i ccc ',, en as test as sIcaîn ceüuli cari-y 1hspi-cai cxci-the entine COiUitoy TOc( epIcsi n - afoi-mer limes lasteci frei a e tu hee ci- lur y-cars cîsd then ceceai. but sino-. 189 insfluena has Len p*epiinlaEuî'ope and Alîscîl- ca ýeveî'y xx aer. Tii.'s ais exceedisigly infeclieus CLs- case, oflen cco niai sa villi a co«! ilion c bi ut î-eally an eatiie'y ciifar itil ýf fair. Il 'ttscks souisg adalis îîi'c f ýie- (ieisl'y lisais tOex'cîy cl or Oladi-eu Iut i-ceag' is scc p yecially duriag cii Inx cIc-po'. ai cp i isi cs An a1tl ' coufrîs immîllia ty fýor a svariable peric, fic"i a feý x nts lot ye5ý10. iut illiloh le i 051ea-st Ocan -icî'ieaisuscepliili ly. ,Ma!isy pCi'5rSi55siLlia1-i- fi 1,1:lise ss's <i yVe ci-. any sidae! the beuse, wt idw hapt epen bat1h day and ngt h patient so l ha protectedtby hg but warm bdlteand hy ansl 'u[ghtcap. Tho detshuli a retl rcstricted, pcily vhl tafyr letbut wtrsol oduki abuisdance. THe aiccl raIet naturally vris ith 11e !erm wh [ci the uaseasms a h parts wi j ýLeh il attackýs-Ycuth's Cempcnle4îi. MEAN JOKE. "Isnltpa cxxful?'sobcdthq l r. biewlhe eleped. "Wbat new?' falterecI Iho bid(cgýreomq eniUsly. "Why, you kaonw yen bld nme te nv,îre j a oailtell ihamwxvoe r roallyilaneari ef feed." "Anci culd d ho 'cai bo meacy? "Ne; ho sýeul ireerellsof muc ad ai note sIctliag thet as musie wes te ,ucd A floe -ho hoped xvo weuid get on ail right until we retuî-ned.' THIE WEAKLING. "Sa, ister," sairi the small bey, "lmocarry ycr -satchel?" "G"repli;cd thec lad1 like Mr. Cssey, niy sotchelisant heovy." "No, 1 knew il xvoudnl ho heavy fur me, but it's diferent wvid yeni." ceiege epecalI wth îtrge ex rat-A ilarge grDwer cÎ poppies says: "'Vuur LOI 1S SantIa Rosa"' is an cecptioually fine mx 1'ùg batri.Bywteî h -r Kai1 S j ture of Shirley PoppIies, by far the best we s[raberies wbat, r barly c- efs _____________ha',e seen." W-vini give absolutely free a ~îlha bctEral e1uen h ha Inceas ~ ackaeTfhcsseeds ta every person who cd Ier gowl abet ea thrd.Morc THEDOGTHATDANED. e r four new handsomely lllustratea Il ws Sturdy, nd e, e euse,-. 2~c ~ Caaloue.if you prefer, yon nim rer, sIiioibatriltrame acceler- thera was i-iûschol. Al the&LI wekae- aeapcaeo a aainGmTri atas~~~~~~~ the aturty ! plntsfanouas ic en he endsliedbro grevi atl th, an aý a ic. n te Pods ad ben ilor Canado's Pride 'fomato seed in place of re11suýJ fIt !Ulng1aceril slutonsbeans tikradtikr ethe great 1yrte o-d sa hvbensdsi vesalrte ldeth oaybyJames aud Avthui, ýte t-yadname yonr choice. Iland ih ofi,ý1 é , --1, 1 . 1- - 1 1