Th e New Town off St. LouiÏs .NO1 COMETITIO0NINFLOU' MILLS. NONVECLOSE'R THA.N WINNII>EG. THI1TY-WR MIESNoT ONE IN THIS SEC TIO.N 0F THE C0UNVTRY.-1T I-Ç TECOMING A NVECESS-IT-V. @zzzB RESOLVED Situated in one of the irost fertile b eits lu Manitoba, St. Louis offers an excellent chance for1 a small Roler Process Flour Mill that wôuld do gristing for the farmers and supply flour to the lumber- mcii, fisherinen and niavigators, a crusher in connection with saine would also do well. Any supplies cau be dnmped into the city of Winnipeg by either rail or water. Abui4ance of wood and water warrants -cheap -motor power and,: the comçany purpose being liberal with a free mili-site. THE, NO T TH- WEST 7 SHEEP? RANCHERS- HA %7z-'?LENTY 0F WOOL TO V.ISePO 0F AN»2 WO ULD A 22-ECIA TE A HOME MA -R&-ET. An experienced Man with uFr-t-date xnachinery would flind St. Louii advantageously. located for the manufactnring of socks, mnitts and other staple woollen articles, while there are. plenty of fleeces to be had from our Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Aberta ranches, thus utilizing thie production of our western country which is a ready market for the goods. Fuel and water le certainly a great point of economy for this industry and should be quite a consideration. The company is disposed to give suitable concession of ground for a factory site of that nature and other special inducements for the promotion of same, provided application la made by the 1Oth of March next and the factory put into operation before the end of the current',year. .NO IBETTE#R LOCATIO.N FO'R A P-LA.NING MILL THA.N THE NE Wi TO WN 0F ST. LOUIS ON THE NETLEY RIVER AN»I THE- C, P. ýR. BEACH LINZ, SEING A .NA TUtA L PO IR T 0F NA VIGA& TION. VIZ Oonneeted by ral and water with the forests and saw-mills of the surrounding rivers and lakes 5t. Louis le bound to develop into a mannfacturing town of considerable importance. The, progress of the town and district ln general warrants business for the manufacturing of rough lumber into siding, fiooring, shîplap, sashes, doors a nd other material entering into the construction of houses and boats; boxes for the. exportation of feuh, etc., while any over-production may flnd and open.1 market an.d best facilLties for- 8hipping to outside points. Steam power is most desirable, slnoe It eau be developed at little cost; and besides a free site the comipany have other inducements to'offer to thie right man, provided application is made by the 15th day of Mareh next. For further information address to flKennedy Street, WINNIPEG, MANITOBA. LIIIED. 9 -2 w.' iF IADDY'S IDEAL TEAî The cup that really cheers ise" brewd from 11DEAL TEA. Ideal Tea le selected by ative trial. Wednttk nybodv'S word for qualitv. We test the flavor, aroma aud strength before__w. offer- l-t- fer- sale-and- Wend It specially for our tuae. In ýlb and packages at '25ets and 40c per lb. Green, Black or Mixed. Dinner and' Toilet Sets. Durlng the month of Januarv we will make epeclal prices ou ail dinner and toilet sets now ln stock. 4ï Call and examine oui stock. 4q If we have anvthing to suit you we will make the pruce riglit, Ail kiiods of good groceries. No trcuble te show goodi,. 'il China Hall Grocery. FOR S &LE-Adjolnlng the qe of Enujekillep, A amali f arm of inug situ ated and eomUsed of pat of of the South ý of lt18 in the 8th of the township of Darlington. the promises a good houseawith od haro with atone husment; mn mli fruits for a family, For tieulars apply ta I. L. BROWN, 16 tr To Liverpool From Feb. 21 Empreas of Brîtain Feb' 7 Feb. 29 Lake Manitobal 9 Feb. 12 Mai. th Empress of Ireiand Feb. 21 Mai, 14th Lake Champlain Feb. 26th Mar. 20 Empiess cf Britain Mai. 6tb Mar. 28 "Lake Erie" Mai. il EA5TBOUND: Steerage $2750 and 828.75. Second cabin $42,50 op. Firet cabin $65.00 n . VVESTBOUND eabin rates, same as eastbound. Ail continental, Seandinavlan and Fiunish rates have been restored. -Lake Erie" and "Lake Champlain" carry oeelass, (second) and steerage ouly. For full particulars apply to S. J. SHARP, W, Pass. Agt., 71 Youge treetilToronto, or 'i A. JAMES, Agent, - Bowmanville. Th Hcornlng o! eauly-beloved omes Le!t whlewho lament The loas o! busband sud father And bie love wltbout alloy, A tyeo! tue all-wise Father Wose piesence gives us jey, E'eu ln the hour o! eadness. For~ we have bIs promIse still Tbat He wiil pretedt sud cefrn!et All those wbo do bis will. MVrý Gen. Hayes, Prince Albert. visiting ber graDd-daugbter, Mus. C% Souch..Mr.' Tbe.7 Wilburls vis ing bis daughter, M rs. Job Thomp8o Woodstock... Mi. and Mrs. Walti Aunis and three daughlers, Dunbaîto visited ber fatter, Mu. Jas. Garfat.. ..Mr. Jas. Goard, WI.nnipeg, visi!ed Mr John Pascoe 's ...Carl Wîlb and Norman Hedlon attended Toron Herse Stnow...Sorry to lose Her Tink and family froni our neighborhoi ....Miss Ada L. Wight spent Sundi at ber home at Providence. MAPLE GROVE. The Basket social bore Tuesdaý eve ing wxs a decided success Mr, E. Willoughby, Base LUne, acted auctioneer Some frein Oshaw Courtice, Base Line and towu attende Proceeds amounted te about $10... Miss Stella Mc2uýimmon, towçn, recent visited Gladys Munday,.. Mr Siani Baldwin moi with au accident Frida as the result of which be la likely to le the i3ight of one el eo...One o! our û and respectied resident8, Mr. Chu Frank. passed away Monday ln his 79 veau. The funeral takes place todi (Weduesday) at 2 p. m. NIEWOASTLE. Misses Frances and Mi inona Elîbec visited lu Toronto ...Miss Noi Colemnan, Toronto, recently visiteu hi parents...,,Mi J K Butler has be, suffering with la I McKennay o! the Traders Bank sai was at Port Hope .. ..Father Galvin, former pîlest in this Diocese, officiati ait the R. C. cburch here on Sunday la . ..Friday oveiing week Mi Geor Rickard gave an at home to the youu peopleocf the village.... Miss E Harr îeturued st week fromn a two mont] visit wlth herigiandparents, Blanchfor, Mich., and ie accompanied by ber cousii Miss Scott ...H W Dudley, Colboirn reports the apple mark et duli.... Officers and membeis of Durham Lodg A F & A M. made a fraternal vie Tuosday evening to Cedardale lodge. People lu the village weîe Rreati shocked te beau o! the sudden deathi 0o of oui old aud mucb esteemE business men wbo le! t here a fow yeai ago to reside ie Oshawa, Mr Thoma Mil11cr, agod 74 years.Rev A1 Irwiu perfoîmed 'a very intoiestin ceromony at the home o! Mr sud Mis, A Colwill Thuisdai evening when the! -Young sou and heu hIrwln Morris wa baptizi3d._________ SILVER WEDDING. The home of Mir. sud Mrs. William R Knight, Concession St.. Est, was th, scone of a very pleasing ovent er ruriday eveuiug ist wbeu about forti relatives sud friends gathered to juin it celebratiug the 25th auulveîsary o their wedding day. Mu and Mis, Kniight were takez completely by surprise, but accordeda very hesîty welcome to ail their guesta. Afteu ail had paîtaken of the excelleni uefresbments pîovided by the ladies thE couipauy was called to eider sud MISE El]ls, Lindsay, îead s very appropriatel3 worded-addicss assurlng Mr. and Mis Knlght o! their rionde' best wishes f oi a long anc. bhappv marrled life, and askiug their seceptauce o! a veîy baud. some silverService as a.' token o! theil esteem sud respect. Mu Kuight madE a veiy suitable reply ou behaîf o! hif botter bal! and bimeell thauking ail foi their haudsorne gift aud kind tboughti fulness. He expreseed the wish that the. evenlng might prove au enjoyabiE one ta everybody. Ail joined boa utili in singing "1For they are jollv gond fellowslr afteu wblcb short addresset weîe given by Rev. J. Gaibutt, Mesýrs J N. McDougall, J. C. EIliott, H. J Knlght, T. W. Cawkcr, T. H. KulgIL sud others. Pleasaut social inteuceurse garnes aud mugie foilowed and at ai early morulug boui the corpnpay dis persed, "~Happy to meet, sorry te part happy te moet again." Reeut vîsitous: Mu C W Kelly. Og densbu«Z, N Y, wlth hie Mr James Jarnieson; Miss Aima Wight Bowmnville, st borne ... Mu Wsllac Staples had s wood bee Saturday .. MissSussu Faîrîl le 111.., iArthu C Stock bad a successful sale FrIda, altbough the weather wss severe an' ioads-_alrnost- Impassable.- Mr. Stoeli iuteuds movlug into the estate of th, late Henry Sylvester, Enniskilîeu .. Mu Rose Hodgo left Mouday for Manl toba .. . .Mrs' Mary Hodge sud farnil, are ronlg luto the bouse recentl: purcbased froin James Simpson .. James Wilsoir bas gene te reides wit] bis sons lu Torouto .... Piovious to, theil removal te Manitoba this week, Mu au( Mus James Simpson weîe Surprise( FrldAy e vening wbe a nuber Tthe Lamb~- 1eemy l hlrA P51'TIN RBXLO Cure it by Enrichirg the Blood with nDr. Williarns' Pink PiLs. Thora la oely oue way by wbicb rhea ,tsmmenu ha oured. itmuet ho rtîeated tbîougb the blood. Liniments suad outward applicatioLs may gîve tem poraiy relief, but tbey can't possibly cure the trouble. And while you are yexperimenting wlîb liniments the troublea i every day becerng more firily îooted In thea ystem, sud more difficult to cure., The poisonous acld that cansea rhuenmatlsm nmuet ho drlven ont o! the lood, sud yen eau only do tii by maklng uew, rlb, red blood tbîough the use o! Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. Mr. Charles H. Lumley, cf Brick- foîd, Ont., ia oua o! the beat keown larmoie lu Lambten ceuney. Abeut tbree yeaîs %go, while Mi. Lumaley was a eugaaed Iu thîashlng, ho becama aveu. i hea suad thlis wss follewed by a se- -veschili that staîied the iheumatlam, àMr. Lnmley say:-"I did not thiuk Yan) thlng o! It at'tha tirne as I was ne- castomed te boiug exposed vo ail I nda o! weaaher. As a reanît I was anable ta go about next moring, I had se- voie pains lu my arma sud legs, whioh iI tîeated at firet witb the uouai home 1remedies. As thes dld neut lielp me, suad the troubla was growirg wasea, the family doctor 'was sent for, but ha did net hava any botter auccers. Ha told me I was suffarirg tram a sevare attack *o! ibeurnatioainud thora eau ho no, tdoubt about it, as I was conflned te rny home about four mouths before I wes * ortunately advlsed to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pille. I saut for ea upply, aud Ih was net long before 1 fouud îbay wara belpiug me, and by the tirno I had takan a bal! dozen boxas the trouble had entiiely diBappearad. In othar raspeef s the pilla also gieatly lrnprovad my healcb, and I noyer fait batter lu 6my l! e then I bave since taking thein. I tharof oie muet cheerfnlly eommend Dr. Williams' Pinkt Pilla ta othar sîmi- lai suiferons." Dr. Willilams' Pink Pille make curas a! tuls kind after doctoesasd common medîcines faîl, bacause thay actuaîly make uew blood. They don't cre the moe stymr»tomsi. They go rigbt to the root o! the trouble lu the blood. That le why ihis modicine cu res anaBsmîs, ln- digestion, naurslgia, palpitation of the h eart, sud the headachezanad backaches buought on by the alimenta that Mil the Ilves o! sea many wornewiîb mIsoîy. Do not take auy pilils wlthout the full nine, Dr. Williamns' Pink Pilue for Pale People," on the wîappor aroued the box. Sqld by ail medicine dealers or by mail eit 50 cents a box or six box- es for $2 50 from The Du. Wilblams' Medicine (Co , BreekIlîle, Ont, THE WOOL I.NOU1R CLOTH.. ING DOES NOT ÇOME---.NO VAIRT0FIT ---FlIROM THE co- TONFIEL »)S. MA Ny A LAMB HAS HA» HIS FLE-ECE SHOlRN FOIR THE ZBENE FIT 0F 06-R C US TOMEI S. WE T-RY TO SELL 0OU-R C U- TOME IRS O.NLY SUCH CLOTH- INVG A S WE OUIR SEL VES IC.NO W TO DBE GOOI). THE CLOTH I13 ALL R.IGHT. WE WISHF0IR YO u TO c OME I.N AN»)SEE J UST HO W GOOD A SUIT 0F CLOTHES VS'10.00 WILL BUYF-RomÙsç. VOUWLýL NOT HUIRTYOLîIR CO'RNS WALIIG A.NY FUTHE1I IF YOU DO. YOV WILL BU3P. Grocers'Due Bil taken as cash The f'lason Clothingv Cor CLOTHIINO AND FumiNGsINS oR GUNTLEMNND '.THfiIR SoNs; Boot and Shoe TO BE SLAUOHTERED IN BOWIIANVILLE. This le flot a Bankrupt Stock, but we intend selling the good-9 et Bankrupt Prices. $ë> 0,O worth of Boots, Shoes, Rubbers, Trunks and Valices to be cleared out in 60 days. W. have just bought the Davis stock at a low rate in the $ and lu.. tend clearing it out at prices nover before heard of ilu tus part of the country, No matter how 10w vour pocket book may be. corne alonig aud see as for your shoes, while this gigantia sale l1asts, W. wlll have a shoe-to fit every-foot and a price to fit every p-acket. The quality of goods kept by Mr. Davis ha; alwavs been of ra hlgh standard, and needs no- further commentlng,,upon. Corne along with the crowds, sbop early as possible, while this great sale laets. D. DAVIS' OLD STAND. Toronto. ba vyCarnages AýND Go-Caris We have the nowest designs and Most popular makes o! Carniages and Go-Carte, including the now f amous ail steel collapsible Go-Carte. Cali and see our display and get our prices. -FURNITURE. DEALER.SAND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Phono 10 Buwmauvilie. Branches:- Orone aud Harnpm 11 ý l 1 1m -R v -Ar-ÇER: - DRONO. ýe Miss HelenaJHnnteî lAshome from STorontu. Msas Vida Samils ls guest of the SMlsses Lslgb. dlMr. John Edwarde fa home froam [. Coîberne, [r Mr. R. Smith, Tyron.,,im visitlnb hie e son, Mr. Thos. Smith. Is Mr. Geo. lgham, Toronto, -vililed ýr Mr. James Hanter's. É- Mrs. G H Linton la vbitieg.ber pa- trenta, who are not well. B Mi. an~d Mrs. Charles Wels.h, Cour- Stics, vlted at Mr. Peter Staiker'.. d Mr@. R Warren and daughter, o! SNewcastle, vlslted at Mrs, Ohapman's, Oob Hill. it Mr. and Mua. H J Werry, Darling. ton, vlited bier father, Mr. A Tam-. ,'blyn. ~,Misis Ward and Mu. Siegel, Oshawa, ,,were gueste of Miss Re Doncaster, Miss Bowee, seillinée, ie atteedingz the millinery o eings la Toronto. Mliss M. M Meoment la home froin a vlait at Rov, Hav Mounteer's,aCanning. ton, and other friendo. ~-Mr. W S Stinison sttended the funer v, al of bis cousin, Wllmot A Gerow,ý 't' Castieton. ~e Mr. Meteaif, mother of Mis. Fred -Dobson,-bas gone to Thaniesivllle, 0W. ty ing to the severe flunes. of bier sîsite.. id Mr. William Adama,ý Boweisnville, ,k aud slon, Mr. ]Edgar Adarns, -Toronto, e vited bis daughter,Mrs. Leu Gamsby. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Armstrong and j.Mr- snd Mis. T. W Jackson, atteuded [y the funeraI of the late Thomas Miller, [y -et Osh..wa. 11 Mr. SolomoLi Hamm and daughters, bh Muures Iva snd Ruth, snd son Harry, ir visltted at Mi. Peter Staîker'.. id John Scott, father,,of &lrs. (Dr.) M, d M Tucker, Belleville, pasped away at 1) his home lu that clty Feb. 19th from Opueumonla. Mr. Harry Baker, Toronto, visited es t C. G Armstrong'n. Lr Is reported that Mr. Gould, of )f Bancroft, bas boughê the Robbie Smnith ,d fartm, east of Kirby. ,,Mr. Fraser Little has besou aerioualy llat bis home at Sintaînta, Saslk.,wltb typboid fever. e Many wiil sympathize wlth Mr. Tom y Eillottt, Milton, Oregon, who formerly r.olerked with bis comni,O.G Armstrong d bore, wbo lost hia four year old.twius, fwho dled fromn scailet feyer abortly Salter arrivaI at New York. ' ILLS -OF CHILDHOOD HOW TO CURE THEMO 'f There la no medicine ean equal Bu. Sby'a Own Tableta for the cure of snob file of babybood snd ebildhood as con- s tipation, indigeNtion, diaîrboes, colle, Simple feyer, worms and teething, troubles When you givo this medi. aine to yonr littho ones yon have the auarantee of a government analyst thet it ls perfectly safe. Mrs.Thomas Mille, Ethel,Ont ,says:-"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my Ilit he boy and lind tbem just the mediciae noeded to keop babies healthy. They are easy to teke and alwaye do good." Sold by modi- aine derniers or by mail ut 25 cents a box fiom The Dr. Willisms' Medicine Co,, Brockville, Ont. ýl