Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Dec 1906, p. 8

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t thot te nu -love Lt thrt en1 YOUu L a lis i broat your f pro tection corne fro M Lis. We ak it, knoww its goodniess îand garneei to both yo nd the grocer. It is as sold ude our 1arIle anid taemrso you canotgo wrong. Ask your grocer for -Royal Household Flour. 's the key to better living. Ogive F'Our 5111s Co, IW. 107 NoNTREAL "Ogile' Book for a oc, con. tains 130cpages (f excellent recipes, sloine neyDeer publishied before, Vr )rC'er Caliteli uhwtoe lFe). BRIDES OF I BEBOURI On Wed aiesday, -Novembo,,r 23 b a very frastng' eenttek place aI the horne cf M.and] Mrï. FedGoodulan, Hay- doa, ialen their daughter. Bprtha. was, unitebd lï raigewith Mr, J04swph Knia5p, Enfield, Bey. S. F. Di-zon offici- atn.At twe o'ctock- the brida b ïveglcuaway- by htr faCu3r entere ta the stratus cf the edin Mri played by Mies Grae Siemon, urnd toak, her place benah the arch and bell aif Alutumin eaves. Elhe was aittended by litt-cIe iFs H2ili of Fort Credth buacted as inbeaerTte bide was prettil gondin whito cilk, trimmed wi.th 0mocking and au exquIsite lace 3 oke o Y berthe and carried a boumlet rdf whie rsesand feru. There er abot igtygueseasmldfroirn whtyou pý Evely deatler,hnlig ,STfANFiELDS, ; athrxc to rehmud the prhs ue should anySTN EL Agoiilmnt shriak froin any iapn cî r- i. nvervoue wtsnes rue eo ueh jý) and prosptrlty ý o D -ýI LLI AM Sr). ho e wd d iuD. okplc 0n i iiar radthetatte de wcrn rre vht rt ha>t. draped with safcfoina pl ace held in plae wlîh ecluo f manyccord roses Rud: iolagdSke cri ab suq-ueî ofAr- cric-un Beauty roses. The uîle minc ;fJoe ton"oked very sweet in a gown ai axeqat emhrodery ith ;yake wdssee aof ieccee rc -1-1is over a slip -1cf i Iwhite di. A hanosome sahto'mmeud I, 3i o uugrets >iudeed ar~e thel 'vpty chairs o i d b i -ht", esp-eýc Iren in mmr noss. Lit aur i. le u,, christ .il and Are You Up to thellak? If floýt feeing as weill as ou-m shauld, do flot uaethe mis- i take of Ic-ting your1halth take off r-3 a vrv eauifu cotum. Aterthe' Mrs.Lenioxleton he t. 1-taul fJ;erf" for tiheeat.nie bîestaeln o'own wa -', -)n tÉaH, ahbh d ses Hsllnry, aitnýts üf the bridie, the F'NÏSS flANNMf L T ti R wear, C forT&00 otd, - isI Rbar, f Mr.- and mr [y of Bowmaz ilr. James Pp y relatives u good iehe. LEA,7Nox-- 'e 'lcek 0 rt, Ewa-tCeusce touTrewin, ViCtýr rn Jim Lovekin. Sri I.Jr.Pt Waac are cured instý.aiutiy by Exterinato The rnost powerful liiniet imade. 25c. ut alele. 'rry Rrsstiile Liver PIS for sicl- heýadache and dizzinies. Asic y-our deaýie-r or senid tus 25c. direct. A hiandsatac water cola r sketch if ree. THE F. ïM2 DAL.LEY CO., tjmitied marfilton, Ont., e witl ha uraîg. nds nin r 1r, G- 'th i Bout Sdn u e is a bo a ~t seem rince cff t deuil of me, resîL, ,oui have er te atýn- le king. marres j use Ina I g organs I lomuisDmsie GIl td cf Canada Th i-m's iDomestIril)uid i an ad, id I ll,,te Mertio is>lcs ý 1b- abot ao lacktils nilIe temrp Francis, staesethat 1.00iservants cld bai e bilen ptfaced eas iy'il the ycar, Uf a l they11c12111d boxeIl il' ot id bc, Scotland and iiIoead lalxs Iy cplicat , whas charater au the giruihll l.cou oi lra fi six dfciciency Th ai aoIIe g1uild retaelx I fawti areiab:,le moIus i cau liu-uitii 1i)r stral is gomebi u s i d cire prabaionar memarsthauliii regard tail natirly T >Kout for these symptoms of J.' orpid liver and bloses Coated tongue, Bitter taste in fi the mouth, Attacks o3' headache, Fiekble appetite and indigestion,. Feelings of welight anîd oppression about testotnach, Pale, muddy complexion, D)epressed spirits andirtal temper Constipationan looseness of the most satisfactory reguilator of r i Dr. Chaýse's Kidneiy-Liver This xeikonmdcn ir-ectý and peif action on.- r, ei'vnià i i s work ,ri ng týhe bHiood and aid,ing a dose, 25, cents a box, at ail or Eldiianson, Bates & Co., Because n-one of the usý should flot give "ri--i Fresh fruit acts directly and Skin. But f*ruit Contait and in order ta receive- any EOieut-MOM Lln couiAd e asslmjLaed bLy thle systemn, "Frit---îyes cotai ahthe curati-ve virtues of fruit in a bsoluete;lacte!a, Lvr ny swl aend ics ls Tryeou Aes. _n cso ih o 'e" a good,hoetri. « on the three great elmntnKrasBwlJidneys Ins only a minute quaýntiy of the medicinal principles ,y rmarkecd benefit fromi fruit> anec would be compelled Cûilcentratecl forni L: making "rutates"tlejie ape ,oranges, figsacdprues-recmbed 1and, by awndru di,,covery cf afiin hrliu a chem;cnl cag takes place in theýý jceby Nwhic-h iseindiinaction i Iis mny tinses inicread. Thentonics are added, sudd the whOle compressed intoi tabrlets. 4(F'ru1t---tivcs " contain oCao eln Cascara-no Sennia-no Morphine no violent purgaives-only futjie and tonics. "Frit--ties'act dircctly on t1ice .Owels, Kidneys aind SI-teghun hz-n arnigthem nta vigocrous action. ,U Wi thc eKidney heaihy-he owets nsovirig reguiarly every day-tie Liver active-end the pores cf the ain -dcinig tieir fuit sisare towards riddIing tise systeni ocf waste-there cam be odiSease. "Frnit-a.tives" mean hleatis foi- every me±nbr of thse Amiy Soc, a box-6 boxes for $,2.50. Sent to any address nreePt cf price if ypur drug.gist doesc- not hiandlc them. FR UIT-A-l'îVES UJMITED, OTTAWA. )&'~ YI TogatUterine Tonteo, iand -~~~~~~ý fo1nca css 5pe o'i f bving thetir patent bu ood it rgito ,a b xet.Peiiaydi recel pt cf prîce. ceaeu OrIIntr8A TUE S-CATES>Nwil e Lrisedfo 190iil in Lection with the Ur-der named ubictinsauthbc)price stu tedi 1oronto Daiiy World,$85 Tornt DaiyStar, 8 5", Toono aiyGlob)e 4 75 SO'clock edtio 85 0 Weelx lobwtn llutraedparts i19') Daily Mua'il Vnd Empire 4 75 WckvMail mnd Em,-pire 39 Toroynto D? ilv News 85 WekY Witnojss i7 Tho eel Sun Farrning zWorid i50 FrexsAdvocaite 2~ Famni! tiHrald and We.3'kly Star 2 0o LaisHome Journa'l 2'5 Breeder'ýsiGztte 2, 25Ii Ch1, rtin 2) lHeralg 1d 21pil 25i bitr writen bou a ar gby Mrs.1 I finc iiiista\Vofn5 ounldeib-o (ifh avnagsa domestc servci Canada, wic licld elis a 2.50il0i aplicans n vrins ars1a he gin FebP ay nd arh comece Lth mie viiia art. ume ing ram Iot 30, bing brought oi each ,ot I, immer'ther1 Dvr tw The gvild]I cawmase ai atro irl 1,ppliiants4 The mehernhp teebath or em cmplayiicnt s secu ;id,,acharge ai $ ~~~~xIl, ofiasw iihatse-ig silifi Ne du )i liasexcty hocl oaini. N tu itath" tst, n1iwbîrplce'i L Intruetonsfions tse Exeouiters cf thse laite W,ýiiam L, w in cif)rfor sale hp y Pnbho1 Milction on tisie premrise tc tie towiio' BcW- n oalleo Sa1~a II~22~ oy ~ ec.,fi. 190, nt i to hai Elber Sd ALL' KEE-:F UP7ilw5 T11 Me~. is, $6.LO. RAIS-. .Pour, -witl b Underwear ~ s Guaranlced ILýa(itig cenu. 0 E Î-Il l-ýý 7 L'

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