-- Either pries 'CesYOu a Solld Sulti on That you wil l f eei at borne t, - t will be eut to fit perfeetly. That you W-111 look' dretSsed in. t wl!1 be fAshionable. That will be s.trongiv made. It wid ibs big value. ýý ,t us shQw yenUUr goods 1" OVERCOATS-Your handiest garmenit very soon now. Ail the materials Usuallv ulsed tn StOck ready fOr oulr se'llng "nd your buding,. j will please us to have sou cail Youcaut ffod t py ias hm we chanrge becau1-se gool worb-e be done for less you L call't fi nd better worký, becauase býetter worký cau't be dons arywbsre by anybody. lieuse DONALD G. lm. fQLBRAITLIl. Barrister, Solcitor. Notairy Pub-, etc, Pr ivate and Company mQoo et o oan at 10w est carrent rates. Agent !or ~h? Mland Loar and Savings Company. office opposite J. B. Marty' store Kîneg. St, Bowmaaville. 22-tf PRETTY SLIPPERSI For Father, Mother sud.Childireu. 1 We have a fluet assortment sud better vp.luea than ever befors, ail sizes, 25o to 82.00 XMAS SUGGESTIONS. Queeu Quallty Shoes for wife or daiughter. Patent Leather Boots for father or brother. HOcIkeý Bo( ts for t'he boyS. A nice Suit Case akesa Uitable gif t.1 Fred.RI. Foley,l l3tw.,mariviiie, Ont Bowm Allol Sale Relproperty 11 ow iavile late Wiiam L1aw to Il er for sale by Publie Auetion oa the preibes at the town o? Bow- mlaniville on SGIItuï 1P Ihe22N du[i 01g.,A , 96 at 2 'clock p. ni. thiefool vaînable prop- Part of lot niumber eleven in the(eond Coli cession of tlie townskhip of Darlïingtoni i the connty of Durham <00w formin,7 part of the town of BowmIýanville) conitalinig ithree and lthree-qu,.rter acres more or lesei and belng the homiestead of the 1 ate Williama Law, There are on thîls property a solid br-ick bouse wlitb furnae and a framie stable, diving shed and wooda1hedi al lu good rep'air; also about 2t ace fgood orchard. TERMS 0F 'SALE 10 per cent of purhae oney to lie paid at tiie of sal ; enlougix withlin fifteenl days to maeonethurd of the pui-chase mioney and the balanice te be secnred by a» first stazttcory mnort.ý gage on the p)roperiy wl intereIt at 6 per cent paer annumz. For further particulars apply ta J. F. GaTEa- soN, Barrniter, eAaa rt o LEavi A. TOLE. Auc(ýtieer. Dated fe~mp r,10.45 BANK 0F MONTREAL ýablîshed 1817 Miss 'Marli ,ee thnm t A,. '.,5TALTP.F.', aier in pianos and organs, Oshawa.1 The annual meeting of the Conserva- tive AFsociation of Durhai Countv was held in the Mtusie, Hall, Noecst.e,l Wedniesd1ay afternoon suad was fairly representative o! the Riding, some flfty officers were eleced: Horp. Pres, Dr. Hiaer, Bowmianvllle. Pres., R, A. Mul- hollanld, Port H-opeý; 1st V1ces, E. H. Mle. Lean, Newcastle; 2nd Vice, Charles Hagerman, Port Hope; 3rd Vice, Mlayor Tait, Bowmanville; Secy.. Editor Rocoke, Port- Hope; Treas., G. W. Joues, Newtonvllle. An excellent entertainment compos- e', of dialogues, recitations, drflis. tab- leaux, etc.,- wlli be held at S. S. No. 5, Darlinigton, on Friday Dec. 21st Cou cert commecces 8 p. m.ý Admission 15 cents. Flsh everv day of the week at T H. Knlght's Mvodel Grocery, nieý3spsalon trout and white fish. Jý 1gb le verv eatefood. Every tamily, should serve fisheoneor twice awee'K. Prices are rig-ht Caîl and take oine home. AUCTION SALE, TiiURSDlAY, Dec. 13 --Mr. Chas. Wil liams, lot 21, con. 9 DarlingtoD, hav- iug reuted bis farm, will seii by auctionk ail of his valuable farm <,toek, implemnents. haiv, some furniture, etc. S'e at12 o'clock noon i Lunch ser- yod at 11M8 a. mn to those from ,a ds tance. Scesbili. L. A. W Toc, The folowing arîihretical problem' p1epared for the junior classs se- at week caused great lifference of opinion as to the answver: A. and B. together bouaght a box of fruit, the prices e$1 2.50, which wa's paid bv A. B pi tbe express charges 'i0 cents, and kept o! the 'ruit, glvinge So! tho fruit and thec box to A. They valued the box ati10cents, LHow much1 does B owe A? GIVE THE AR-LIST A CHANCE. We wish we eouild shiow ou what we have gathered. We neyeýr weit to more ,trouble to prepare for Oid S'enta and our w'ork aud our purchases neyer showed to be3tter advantage. Our store rule says, Purity a Surety lrst ; price as 'aali as possible afterwards, Faiîts for the Xnias aMe Seeded Raisins, 2 packages for-.,..25c. Smltana Raisins 12 lb. for......25c. Currants 3 lb for.,.... ...........25c. Blue Bell Currants, ehoice quality, beautiful flavor, Pi lb. for...2Me. Loose Museatels RaLiis per lb .. 15eo. Figs, 5 lb, for................... 25C. Dates, uew Halloween Brand, 2 lb.. foir'. ................... .25C. Pee1s 1 Peels I Som3ting that wil give the cake the rlght flaVor. Not the commion sugur peeL. What we have ie clear and you do flot pay for a lot of sug.eÀ- Orange-- Peel.......20e per l.b Citron Peel ý...... ........ .0c per lb The SModel Grocery. INE WTON VILLE. Miss Thompson hias returneýd firom a t-0 mont hs' visi't with firiends in St Louis . ... Sons ol 'Englanid At Home on Tuesday wveck was largely attended. Abundance of fowl aud a good program.' ..Mis Hlen cKeziebas been sue-, gaged to teach Starkville achool n"-"" yea. , Ms.Jabez Bragg is visiting friends in Bowmanvile... MIrs. Baites is imnprovinff in health. THIS WEEK'S PAPER. Household hints are excellent; read them on another page, ladies. YGunIg folks. rsad the columnu for YOU. Fre grain satmples-see article, ifarmers. Climatse sud Consuimption in this num- ber is z good article. Three ma-rriages aiad a goldenl wedding are reported on an Inside page. Alindale Stock Pa:rm, clipping from Farming World-on in- aide page. Changes lu the Tariff, Hlstory of BwavleteCawNvke(r Pamfily, Fashion lnt sud Orono n-ewsE make a full page. West End House MeMURTRY i S Shoppin2 Davs bof ore as A Few Gift Suggestions from t' Finest Xmas Display we have ever showu !tead this list, it wlll give Son an idea of our Stock and may prove helptul to you tn your purehases. We invite every person lu West Durhamn to drop in and have a look at our co DRY GTOODS ETC, From y hand-worked Linen Doylîes Faney hand-worked Linen 'Tray Clothie from................ ....2àe up Fîacey lhand-worked Linen Tea Cloths frm.................. 4(;c np Faney hand-worked Linen Side-board drapes ......... ............ 50e up Fancy Linien Pillow Shams...0eU Linon Table Cloths from.......$I1,00 Up Dozen Linen Table Napkîins from. .90e up Pair Flannelette Blanikets from.95eup Pair Woollen Blankets from ......$82375 up Comforters(quiltsd. with white battingl.5 Up Faney Cushion Covers (new style)... 65e uip Ladies Faney Silk and Wool Shawls 65c up Wool Clouds arud Fine Toques ...... 25e up Children's Dresses and Bear 5kin Coats Ladies Cashmiere, Lustre, SJIik, Corded Velvet and- 3sket -Wave -Bioues-$I.25 to $T.O FOR THIE MEN New Neekwear, ail styles and shapes, inewe-st crne.......25e np Failey and Plain Sooks.......5e up Siik and WoolieN fiulffiers ..... .... 25e up Hanidkerchiefs, Lineni, Lawn, Silk and Exeeda................e up Coillars (ThLe Bs ag n..... cup Faney Vests........... $3.00up New Suite .... ..................$4.-50up Overcoats .....................1.50 tip Men' s and toys' Gloves and Mitts. - 350, Up (,A big chie Men's .andI Boys ewBaes, pair... 15c up Men's and Boys' Faney Shi rts....50e up Men's and Boys' Lunderweéar and Cardigani Jackets -Men's and Boys'C1laps ............. 25e up Men's and Boys New Style Hats Boys> aud Yoaths' Suits $. U Boys' and Youiths' Overeoats. 3,01ý