-.Either price 2-ets 'jeu a SolId Suit, ent That you Î1l1 f, ee at homne in, - t will be eut to lit perfectly. That vou utwll look Ir,-ïs.Fd in, 1 l will be fashionabie,* That will ho tron)-g1,i' ade. it widlbc bhig value.g SLet lus show yeou Oitd-n-, OVERCATS-our andist grmeut very soon uow.Ai the ulateriais usu %lallvuse1 isnckready for our selling and y 9v r1uvýîrbuig wi, l -V11p1iuse us5to hav DU Cali * Yen ean't aff ord to -pav less thau we chairge hocause good workcan' hodenefor eseYen cail't ficd better work,boae botter work canj't 1ho doue arywhoro hy anybody. lieuseBowmalvllC Ail The Ha You Want Without any Soe Dust or Gs Mee ee are put togie hn lke two peoins of steve pipe That Is, the st~I? ud eseýý_t rou are boited tegethar. and cernent rubbed into the crapcks LA.amnueb after starting the ire, the diff.orence in expansion and conltracto f iron and 8temI looesns the bots-cemeut drops eut-sud gas aud cmot ornelute tih O'I . Lleacase of pu'-gin- up the crack with cerent-or living in â' dustv. Iny ouhse Amani who takes xny advice and buys a "ecTa" Furnace, svos himself ail thiat trouble and aunoyance, ï bel e.7a," j u½nts betwoee steel snd cast ieu are FUSED and are absoutev sd pr ranetlvt ht. That means that HECLA generateb, fresit, dea n Ui i nai c - as or smoke. AI fLi1 1S Mr Preutice and Mrà!. Chantier, Toronto', visited relatives hre .. .. Mis L, MICCUI0h le vlitlug at Iinsale .... Mr. S, Welrry'BSsale was von' satiS- facor ... esr9Goo Ormisteri. A. Ormletou and Fred F. Ashton have purchased Duarham cattie te improve thoir stock.... The meeting- of the beef ring- conducted by Mr. Daniel Heddon M'as vory satiefactory shareholda3rs be- iug Weil satlefled,.. . Hailow'en passod off very quie3tly the boyýt4 acting mnuly Wli(OIPIrNGCI OU(ý-'"My three youngest beys had whfoopiDg cough this wintor sud we could got 1uthiug te help them until I sent fer Dr Chase's Sýrup cf Liuseed and Turpenitîne Lt arreested the coughs at on:ce sud- they Uept right ou impreving until theci' *ere cured nt the cost cf ene dollar. Th at was net a large bill for e)dangereus ud distres- slng an aliment "ý-Mrs. Wtim Balt Bracebrldge Ontt flAYDON (Received tee late for aset issue) Messrs B. Hoskin, J MeNeil, Sidney Trewin Mltou Siemen, Lerue Me- Lsughi'ln bave returued frem differeut parts of the Northwest.... Misses Kate MeNeil sud Minute McPierse, Toron- te, are visiing at Mr, A McNeil's..., Mi. sud Mrs R. A. Aýhtou stteuded te fuueral cf the late M~r. J. McGil Bthau.. . .Mis. R Washington sud family* have moved to Bewnaxvlle.. .Mr. Reubon Ashton has bought the banse and lot formerly occupied by Mrs. Washington Woecome hoe.. .. Mr. James Ashton bas palnted his bouse-, _Attend Hector Both's groat Furui- ture sale next Saturday. More cases cf siek headaehe, b¶ious- ness, coustipation, Pau ho cuned iu les time, with bass medicine, sud for less mnuey, hy usiug Carter's Little Liver Pille, than by auy oCher meaus. PORT HOPE. William E Puisons aged 57, farmer on lo)t25, con. t. Hope, wheu retuiruiug lato At uîghbt From Port Hope his wagon waes upset upon hlm sud ha wvas piuued te the greund sud held theosilu meet eýxCrutiating agouv ill 7 30 uext mcm-. iug. He was conselous aud related his terrible experleunpe iHo said 4h1at soveral times dunug the uiight the herses made a boit for liberty but aîways stopped at hie command. At eyery meve the herses made ho thought It would kili hlm, and his exporience was reslly tee much to imagine. Ho died ou Saturda v frem the exposure of that fateful night sud the interual in. janies recoived. Your stomaeh churnsansd digests the fond ye et sud if foui, or torpid. or eut of order, your wholoe ystem suifons fom blood poisor. Hollster's Rcky Mountain Tes keepe x ou wel S5cents Tea or Tablets. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists. TlYBONE. Visitera: Mrs. NW. R. Williiraeasd' eildruu with reIsîives; Mr. Houry Elitt, Port Hope, at Mir. T. Colo 's;. 'Ar udMns. James Sinerirookilu, at Mr. T. Skinuen,"u Mius Ejrltn SkIinnçer (Continued fromflrst page.) Madam Presideut replied te the cordial words of welcome lu Most feliel- tous phrasobgy sud thon addnessedI herseif te the doiegates, stating that amnong other prime objecte of thoîn society ie- fhe devisin9* of wavs aud mean s cf m akïingits members attractive to tho sterner sex, sud aboyealal, the bringing of the lovelosF girl sud the girlless lever together. Growing more grandilocquent as site procoeded, she iu a cIarion. crescendo volce iterated:. 'lWere I te s'u n p Our principies they weuld ho expnessed in eue werd-tho magie word MAN-the hope cf ovary spinter's heart, te love star-cf hon ex- istence, the goal cf ber ambition, the radiaut star cf her dark sky, the glori- eus being cf ber adoration, etc. iSecrotarv Pniscilla Hodge thon called the ioli Escit delegate stood and turc- clajmed seras virtue pessessel hy man, suicit as;. "What a piece cf werkiîsman, hew nobe iu reason, boa' infinite in fscult-the beauty of the world, " Ail thon Joiued lu a Song cf greetiug. THE CA-ST 0F CHARACTERS Young Ladies' Single Blesseduesa Debatiug Society. Josephiue Jane 'Green, Presidet- Miss stella Magon. Pnisclla Ahigail Hodge, Secretary- Miss Jeuulo McLeau Calamity Jane Higgins, Troasuner- Miss Eva Tab. Reb(cca Rachel Shiarpe-Miss Flo Mason. Tiuy Short-Miss Ethel Tabb. Myary Au Fraddler-Mlss Ethel Haiines, Jerusha Matilda Spniggius--Miss Ethe lMorris. Sophia Stuckup-Miss Gertie Young. Jullet Locng-Miss Ida Richards. Betsv Bjbbets-Miss Maggie Aluîn. Cbarity- vLougPface- Miss Lillian Me CoptaBelle Brown-Mliss Lena PolIv Ja.ne Pratt-Miss Nita Devmau. Violet Anu RuLggles-Mýiss Lottie B3elinda Bluaegrasi-Miss Barba L Frainces To)uchmeuot-Miss Ena Edgor. Esmanilda ncuoysuacklo-Miss Mary Msdam 'M'akeover-Mrs. F. R. Foley. M adam 's Assistant- Miss Inez Mason. Hannab Susauuab Biggerstaff-Miss Aura Caldwell, Sarah Jane Makeup-Miss Ida Trewlu Routine business was conuneed sud report cf efficers preoeted. The treas urer's report cf receiptesuad expeudi- bures created immense laughton We cannet evea entliue the parts but must com plimnEt Miss Youug ou ber admir- able calorie proclamation cf Woen's Rights. After thie slnglug cf <-No oee te love, none te carees," resding se marniaga stabisties, lnitiatiug two caud- Ï 1ates, singing ",Wo are la',ing plans te ca-tch eon, Bacelor -Mine, bachelor mine, "reoirg the«Pslm OfMarriage," the, ciosing ,uatrain being, 'Lot us thon ha up sud deiug, Weith a heant ouýi triuimph set, }Ja?!H EAL AN AGONY DR. WiLLIÂMS 1 PîNI PILLS CURZ OB. STINÂTE INDIGESTION AFruR OTITES Mtn'îonNEs FÂIL. Whou 1 was first iroubi.ed wlh inidi- gestion 1 dild fot boiber wth ît, 1 thought ih wonld pass away naturally. But instead of doing sio la devei ceped into a paluf cui chronie affectionD, which Mu spite ot ail I dld grew worge sud we-se nuntil ad abaadoned ail hopes of« e-ver getting relief. Theso wordis orf M a. C'has. McKay, cf Norwood. N. 8. shotild serve an a warnInu« b ail who sufer dîsetress aflber meais, wlth palpita- ion, dow8inýss aud 106s of appetite-j early warulug of more 8eri)ns trauble ta follow. "I uBod te rise lu bhe morniug," sald said Ur. MKay, "feeling ne better for a ulgh's rest. I rapidly lesvt flosh and after even the mest frugal meal I always sufered severe palu5 luin m stomsch. I out my meiess down te a few mouthfulis, but even thon every morsel cf food caueed sgouy. My di- gestion wss so wetik sorne days 1 could scarceiy dray.-myseef abouti the house, and 1 wa3 neyer free from sharp pier- t cIug peine lu the bach snd cliest. I grew seo bd that I had to limait My diet to miik as-'a2 water, aud even thîs eaused severe aoferIug In valu 1 BonRht relIef-aIl mediolues 1 tookt sesmed ussees But lu the darke s heur cf my suferlng help came While readluig a newspaper I came sourres a cure that was quite etimiier te by ewn csse, reught by the mse cf Dr. _WII- liams' Plng Pilles. Iîheught if suether person bail beeu cured by Ihese pilla cf suoh suferlug aç% I was experlenclng, surely thera wss hope fer me, and I at once sent te the druggiaBs for a supply0 of these pille. The firet Iudication that the pille were helpiug me was, the dis- appe&rauce cf the feeling cf oppression Thon 1 beRau te taike aoiid food wlth but little feeling of dIstress. I btiL contluee taklng the pi la wlîh an lm- prevement evcry untIl I could digesta ail kinde cf food without the lecest1 treuble or dîstress. I am lu splendid« health to-day and ail the credît is duea te Dr. Willlama' Pînc Pilla."1 1Dr. Wiliams' Pink Pilla go rlgbb to« the root cf ledîgestion sud ether troubles by maklng rich, rad bleod which touies snd strengtheus every or gau ef the body. That ta why they cure ausesuia, wlth &Il Its 'hcadaches sud bscksches sud ideaches, rheumai- tism sud neursigla sud the special ail- mente cf grawing girls sud womnuof eil ages. Sold by ail mediciue desiae or hy mail at 50a a box or six boxes for $2 50 by wrltlug The Dr. Willilams' Medicine Co., Brockvllle, Ont. Mise Rutledge, Salem, vlited at Mr, col. Staplea' Mrs D. T. Alun, visited frieude lu Eldon, Victoria County. Mr. O. A. Gamoby made saina trip te Cobourg recontly. MIrs. Wm, Patterson, O.ahawa, vîsit- r t '1 Anotherr Sn apt Last week we bouglit over 60 Overcoats, a, eiearing lino. We took the lot and got them very low, almnost -as low as our "Sample Overcoats" that we are having . suoh a run on. We nover sold o many Overcoatg before s0 early in the season. In this new lot we bave evory size in Boy's frorn 26 up. We feel safe in saying that you will flot expeet as good value as we eau give you. Corne to see. ~ig Otobetr Sale. Our total sales for Octo ber were nearly 50 per cent ahead of Qetober 1905. We waut November to do as well. We are placing rur Suit pricos almost on a leVyel with our Overcoat prices. Thoy must soîl. Can give auy ordinary man 40 Suits te select frem t 1hat wiil fit him. We have the ehoice-try us. " Ur>derweati at Men's Women's and Children's, our immense variety sis * seeuring largo sales, Undoubtedly the ]argest range to c hoose from-over 200 kinds. Not only a great varicty Sbut our prices are low, as we bouglit bofore the recent rie Sin wool. Buy oarly, Prices, are bouind to go nip when Spresent stock is sold. g ThqeMasod-nCo. BOWMANVILLE .BarriSter, Sol it. ay ui A nnI ç! ULI rýit'n 1 ?r vate and OoMp"yvmoneys olInaz -----------------------------------------------------. I ~IqTklUSIASTIC MUJ~I1BIth. iiv"ry .~ af~emnnoo. Re.M-M J il ~U v tOL UIO~L icWu' h i~sand stsato