he Elemeuts ani easy matter with Pease E--conomy Furnaces. iways depeuldable when Deedled Most. The rigors of winter are net teared by users of thiese Heaters. You take absolutely no risk in buying a "Pease Economy" Furnaee. We guarantee every tunace eone 0ents. te give satisfact'on A hoater that le time tested andi sur that the great m:jority of our people bue N te be the beet. Agents. R A& G g Stoves, Famraces and Hardware, PhohLe 66. Bowiuanville. Opposite Poct Office. 4î Barlev Wanted Tie igh est Market Priee will epaid for s CÏ any qunity of Biirley at Calednia s mUls. John McKay Limited, = Oseroo Ptet iistic FeIu Matresses, star anId snow- flake FeIt Mabress aud llealth Brand Mfixed Matreess.-All matresses made in onie or two pieces. Also Marshail Spring Piiows, Ostermoor FeiI "iwcanudait graden 5 ut àiher piiiows Ail graees of reliable Woven Wire Springs,,on, Speeiàl Sale at Low Prices I~Seo our Store Window this Week *U L Morràis & Son, Furn)itur-e Dealers Phone 10 Funeral Directors -Bowmanvlle- Preserve your If you have the least doubt as te the -condition -of yourt, BATURDÂY Nov. B--Thoe. Lanig wIllI offer at Queen'o Rotci, Port Hope, an 85 scrt arin, lot 29, Con. 3, Hamilton township, a cholce farlu in good oa'- lty. midIway betweeu Cobourg and Port ilope. Sale atap. m. Sec biIsle JAÂMES KERR, auctiOne6r. EID.&v, Nov.-ý)-Mr, W-. j. Cear, Inger- soit, wlll seli about 30 milch cowsi Bowmanviile Sec bille. L A . TOLE auctioneer SATURbAY, NOV. zo-'Mr. Hector Beith wi 1, seli his furniture and effects ai South Park. Sce bis for particulars. L, A W TOLE, auctioneer. TiiRRDAÂY, Nov. i ç-Mr. flavid A GiN- bank, lot 8, con. 7, Darlington, near Tyrone, will selI bis valuable live furniture, etc Sale at i p. mi. Se large posters. L. A W. TOLE, auctioneer. CRESOLENE ANTIîSEPTIC TABLETS A simple and effective remsdy for SURE IITROATS AND COLUUS They combine the germicidal value of resoleam with the soothing properties of lppery elm and lico. rie. Your, druggist or from us, 10o in stamps. Luie, Mbxs 00 C., Limited, Agents, Montreai. 401 'the canadiail St tesinan 13OWMANVILLE. OCT 81, 106 Bowmanvlle may yctb a city. WiNtht eyerythiug to rocommend it exccpt adequate transportation facilitie for the Cons enience et manufacluring indust- ries wo anow ne reasen why this tewu sbould net grow and rIsc to the diguity cf a eity. Port Bowmavilie barber le eue of the beet on thie nerth shore and Just now rail wav activity lu this viclu ivy ÎS r 'iig'.e hopes etOf uIrciti7ens to auticipatcirailway facilities of a meet desirable extent lu the near' future. The Canadian Nortbcru le proecuting a survey, acroes the country from Mont- meal to Toronto and the Canaadiani Pacifie Ratlway conatem plates cene8truct- inug a direct flue f rom Motreal te Toronto b way et the frontier tewns. UAL. Ciimn ..E_...and 14 men 5areAla the viinity et Port Hope maklnga 18l-vay froin that point to' Oshaw&. Several othercurveylng parties are at work botwcen here and Montreal, se, that It looks as tho' thoe ompeting rail-q way companies actually mean business now.1 Politieal inaction !esa bad. habit saye the Toronto Star. E~fforts te ececure a geed Cou»cjl arc Iimited, to clection day and te choosing betwccu a number of self-selccted candidates. As a rule the man moct cager for office le not the one beet qualified for it. Abillty and modecty ofteu go together. Capable men are reluctant te dlase themeelves with the self nominatcd set who are impclled by- vanitv or t5ome still more unwerthy motive. Wise, coueerted action should ceeu be taken te cecure- huitable .persons as candidates for Ceuncil. Publice plrited cttizcncsbhould erg-anlze te select and support desirablc nominees. The very best abillty lu tewu le nonc tee good- for councîllers Diseuse mon and measurc&'tbat need coneslderationu Surcîr the large ex- peuditibre et meney, this jear and littie actual benefit procurcd with it shouîld stir te action our citizens te put buel. ness men lu the council wbe will sec and whe wiLll net charge tbree times as much as they -hould for outof-town jaunts. Da'ýe are eborter growlng and ulghts are grewing eorrespendingly longer. This aftordse pportunlty for more read. ing and miod-lmprovement. Young folk ot ail occupations cbould set aside ce many evening a week or a part et every evcuîug for study, practice et somne useful occupation or mental imprevement ofsome kind. The other day we caw a laborlng man working diigeutly and bard wlth pick aud ehovel wh en hie brother dreve by d ressod as a gentleman and haviug the appearance of enjoving the comtorte et lite and ehowing evidence et prosperity The qu.estion that came te us was, Why the wido ditterence ln the worîdly condition- et the twebrethers? The auswer came: The laborer neglected hic opportunitles iu y-outh te acquire an education, heuce muet be virtually a lave ali hic lite while bis brother spent hic ulghts lu tud'y acqulred au education that fitted hlm fer a poitien at goed wagee. Hie etudieus habits clung te hlm and as ho gaiucd more knewledgc of bie cal llng ho advanced stop by sep tIi he wae ad mitted as partuer lu a succesef ul busi- -noesand became wealthy. --Soma eue sav it wasluck, Itwae noschthîugi- close of 21 vëars'honest editorial work? We hope -Mr. Newton will succeed in his wîder spbere of, journalism. That excellent, independent plaper" le the manner in whicb the Wiinghanm Advancc characteri1zes The Weekly Suin. The characterization is just. The Sun hae no frictids lu dealing with political questions t hcws to the line uttcrly regardl'ess as to whons the chips mlay f811 on. See that, The Weekly ,Sun, the one pape r that fights the fur- mers' battîe. iteinu our home d uri ng t he comning 3 car, A local newspapcr doe more for the coinmunit.y for lese money than aniy institution or agency iu the town. says Fred Abraham of the Montreal Daily Berald. Every resident ought to buy and support bis local paper. Dot onlv bec--use of the direct valuia he recives but because a good newspapr l the beet asset a town can possess. An Ienterprlsinz rnewspaper eau not thrive lu a negative comuiuit'y, 1A1prosper- oue local paper le at once evidence to me that ita cîtîzens arceutcrprising aLd have <g. CommentiaLp on Mr. Abraham's opinion Printer and Pub lisher ol Toronto adds: This means that a newspaper bas got to make itself felt in a commetnity to become a power and hy making itself feit, we MOaD that it must advcrtlse its good qualities, cither dlrectly rrlndirectly. Reader, 3 ou eau do TUEF STATESMAN a favor Of thie character bv telliug your frieuds and neighbors what a really good local newipaper it le and suggest that they take it for next year WilI you, please? If we were asked the que3stion, Do you advise young men to become poli- ticlans ? our answer would be emphatl. rcPliV Ye N<ot a ward hsý,eler, ri-nt a polîtical manipulater. nu) a narrow, paluiotic, broad-mlinded, generous politiclan, belleving iu and advocating wcll detincd and bonet political prin. 1 ciples and standing e ver rcady te defend them. Yes, be a parts man. but a con- sistent citizen withal Be atruc patriot a.nd then you wlll be the right stamp of a politicln. Patrlotiem and polftics rihuuid be Siames-e t wins-2-inbepaLrabOie qualtwal Whou mon in -vour politclaI pnarryor's in s dmoulsh o condemvu. Let ail thou aimest at bc thy country 's." Demand at ah times an exalted service tromn others and gîvd at ail tuneFs an exaltcd service yoursclf. Dou't let your party own s ou, but own your party. Own tby the powercf the rightueee of! your opinions and the force Which cornes fromn the justice of your demande. George W. Oche. the welI known Philadeiphia pubýlisher, eaid lu a recent editori, '"ThIe editor, if lhe be a truc journaliet, cousecrates himsecf to the public." Aye. thie le a beautitul senti- ment. It sounds wcll. But w#hat doe it lmply ? That he muet meet whatever may arise with sercue sdi,-confidence, untalterlng in, hie fidcllty, unwsvering lu hie determination to maintaîn aud expose wroug,regardlesef the sacrifice, uninflueuced by al considerations, cave what conscience and rlght may ii dicte. When public moun do wrong, whcn ad- ministrations sanction or wink at cor- ruption, when popular delasions prevaîl t- -on.1t edior must affirm what ho believes te be right, mus'. not suppres truth that wrong- may triumrph. If he connivea ft injustice, vacillate-, sali withi the popular breezc, lie baqely betraý s his noble profes;sion and le irrcdeemably faisec to the Ideale of bis vocation. What -a brave, noble, saluitly hero an editor should be to perfo:m hic whole duty. AhIPUTATION AVOIDE». ZAM-BUK CURES EXTRAORDIN- ARY CASE 0F CLHRONIO ULCER KINGSTON LADY CURED AFTER HAVING BAD LEC, FOR FIVE Y EARS. A powcrful exampleofe the hcaling virtue et Zam-Buk la prevlded by the case of Mrs. Lizzie Gilmour, whe re- sides with Mrs. Watheu lu Prinece St. Kingston, Onit: '-Five years age," che saý s, ' 1 bruiseI my letft log juet abeve the ankle, eausing au ulcer whieh de- veloped Into a very serions wouad. There wAe cee u anulcerated cere around my 11mrb like a bracelet. The foot and aukle were swollen te, nearly thrce times thé normal size. and I had te g-ive up wearing a shou The pain was terrible. J had medical attendance an wc Is teaedbva New York -docter, but-I got noe aEe. Theun-weut T The Footwear Qnestien for this Failiand !inter Yon eau buy Boots from us at old prices. While othere ask yen 25e. and 35e. per pair more. We scli yen the camne goods at the came old prices. THE CR&WFORD SHOE for men, in Patent Colt and Gun Metal, a vcry smart aud st ý lish Shoe, per pair ý.......... $5.00 West End House. NE W ASTLH Mýrs (Dr.) Brvdges, Fredericton. N B., le visiting ber aunts, the Mlisse., Wilmot.- Derangernent et the liver,- witb cou stipatien. Injures the complexion, lu- duce, pimples, sallow skiu. Remove theý cause by uslng Carter'e Little Liver Pille. One a dose. Try them. Jos., Watts' steve was blown te atome bC an explosion et gunpeWder in a stick et firewood. If you bave lest jour bey hood spirits, As mauv publishere give, the balance et 1906 to new êubseribere for,1907, now le a geod tirn to order papers for n8xt 3 ear James Publishinz-lieuse, Bow- manville, Ont., le headquartere fer ahi uewsoapers and magazines. We in- vite your orders. ilîl Arp is a versatile writer for news- papers acroce the ilines, lHe eavs he neyer teek a newcpaper that did net make more for hlm than hoe peid for jr. Once a friend.cent hlm a sample copy et a newspaper ho started. To eneourit age hlm he eubscribud Later he saýw a lot advprtispd fer sale in it. Hoe b0ugu'ht it ifr e8 iand aoldit s f-n [ter1 le the Footwear Question for this Faî and WMâiter THE MePHERSON SHOE for men, ini patent Kid, Patent' Colt, Box Caif and Dongola, ini price. .83,00, 83.50, $4,00, 85M0 THE JAS. MEANS SHOE, the styli5h American choc0, in Dongola Patent Colt and Tans etc., in pr8e... 3M5, $4.00 WB OAN BEAT THE COUNTY ON CO IRSE WORKING BOOTS-We draw your at te one partieular lino, our English Kîp Tops with the Viscolizcd sole, a perfeetly waterprv( we eau fit anybody at .................. ................................... Gents, Furnishings The W. G. R. Coa~ -t lu'in flmnnol, the, emarteet garmen t ontile market at ....7l.5 each~ FLANNEL SHIRTS wtth' ctarc-hod Cuffe and Collars,' bandc very stylich at 81.00, 81.25 and $1 50 The above are just a fcw of the many different lines we carry. Ladies'. New Fali Skirls Thece goode are new and very cmartly talored, lu colors, Black, Green, Brown, and man y Green and Red, in priees from ........... $2.00 te 87.00 Silk Underkirts, blaek, at ...........8.0te 85.00 We are prcpared te suppy yen with anything yen wan t lu the furnishing hne -- Tics, Collar s, Shirts, etcý. 1Gents' Ties A 875.00 order just te baud. This ie a lUne thÏat le impossilble te d ecribe on paper. Thcy are simply gorgeous. Get one Of the new, wine ebades ......50e W. G. R. Collar in every chape. Ladies' Falil Waisis In Cachmere, Serge, Vo] Lustre, 511k. Ah ceolore priee. --Coat 5C,- -ýShirt Solo agente for "tKant Krack"e Rubbers. Bowmanviile. FARM FOR SALE OR TO RENT- F o Pe ares of land, lot 19, *4, DarlIn gt3ii,80 acres under cultivati es p)agture and woods; good trame house MI ïtli in i rooma witlh Stone cellar; go od dtffard andr batri. One ha f mile f rom ffrnpw.For particularg appl'y ou the p remises to Ma8, 4oMý XAY"AIii, HampIton P. O. 38-tf tes Est. ,Tele. Veterînary Surgeon. and vent»,st .. F. H. S. Lowrey I ideuce, are founa tak arnet lnterest ilupli This applios te the aiug politice as weIl eQ'to Mun au active matters - )r area etf i affaire,j id ways lIMu olOd baîm. To bu a box. or j ors and castios and1 il tow- possible price. iivory a n d guaranteed. rrurnpa de- satisfaction Spieeai'91.00 Futi C.onsider Seriou-sly Decorations John McMurtry, Q--