Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Oct 1906, p. 8

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red Thirteen1 ivic Troubles, to fînd Refle -ri~-a, Takeri -as a Last Resort, Brings Itealth and Strength. L J A NA MU DEN, Brtikloy, Ârk,,I .~. . .~. "~suftcy -~ICI female troujbles4for thiten easand trled tb4pbeS àýi .........tors le. Loulsiliie, Ky., witout rl. 141 spent thousancis of dollars at the týe doctors des red that 1 have san ovaries, whlch 1 would flot consent ïô. "I saw an advertisement of tour- SPerunaa and boug-ht one bottle and be- .. ' fore 1 had taken it l!U1 couid ,get out of bed asudwlk .about. "A tertakngthree botties I was as weIi end heaty as ever. " gained l'U fieSh, prom i1inl- MRS.fN MUNOFDIi"If I t lad nn'o een for your grzant and There eau be o doubt ab-oit fthat1,wound e r fl med. inwue, 'I d no w be iû ffetçendencj reeon!ý-rt as""iclopr rae [lois hag beentoog' insut'he ýpàanad Iwlddvsaiwoesueer 4hat tIbis lharmult1d11 segrwsg e ry If. loss every day, 1 WOUI'ld not be whot i£ Or the ~nnyaimns hchsemdta euo AWM SLUTTER To WOMEN. mriugcal oe filsute atar ow Ms CrlieKamr Pr olia ~ beingcuMed b the Co wriî" AVQiED. don asmuc as ny the trubls, ave3 such strong faîth ~ oherremdyta-, lu doctrs that thy ailow them ta k o- tabishIbs vsyimprtat ad, pime-:t ou thefi fo,.r kidney, lver, or. ~lousudaaI eope hve eencon sîmae trublsuntil 1 iy becume domued ta ndroCuIîa ae"t-udicurg d terxauy1 ae Thef phsicins avetaldthe tha "Tis a y unfo;rtunaatà eperlenoo th9 nintsîtersubnittaauc oerafr uearly two yeoars!, wheýn m$, attenu-1 tio i rbsteslvs inwae ale a8eua ..A.fer ti t!e,, a :1rsaril a ý brdfly ùdareýd b1l0leV3 th at at lst peyuna snd fou!-,lcf ad foalidthe rlght lmaýdloinq b ut Otbet er 'isbaa c j) ket aou uslnÀg itand was fln&117 eo ~eaumêtisai io eslt~ bu il. t r any îhank God and taËo oôur- 'quae& run h is ene~oei w -k I hvenad Most saf*tiulnr ai hàauegd Icuabe ~ roam11the use jof yoUr ralgemnt aIIh pevi ar dpeneu mebcne udhave 'AIFAOTR uapoili atarrh, dieý dzn fRESLSFO- There la nocu -re for these except the advwed azi eP0f EKJT ROMUIN réiuaval of 'the-,catarrh. Pe uu s em ng y w rks m iracles in ufferlotwit sonr of h-ý- ýýaesý he ewomain's 111s ta use Perunâ end lot t h owever, la very simple. XPerisa o dactirsa usa, and thooo lebo R * yno-essthe clrhand Nature doesathe iowed m-y Pdvlceaare botter ta-duýay golmatny are. fully restored te lheulth, -~Ete r pric es v1ua Sol-fid Siton That sou wili fee1 at hine i, itwilecttaftprcly Th Iat you wilI lookdrsse i, I i1b ahoib That will be ttrongi md. wI bg ade ffl'Let 7u eshow yol our ngocJs the materias ailv used in sokready for our seiliig au yorbuyýiuIg. hwîllple us ta aeyo îYou ci'éain't afordl to pav lese thî --,vwecharge1- be caPIm,'e good ' wotk ean't be doue for lesïYou can'it fi ied (b>tter woCrk, be ause t better woýrl can,'t be, dorue i--, aee1-3, au Nbody, i BEri' 'FRY&SO d0'N, liueBonavil *.**4*~*~ ***M*I Ail The Hoat You Want Without auy Smoke, Dust or Gas. rolaîhv,3S here Mr. Jewell recontly Montgomery, Hampton, at Mr, S I disposed o, bis dru-g manuifacturlng Werry's; Mirs. Edua Milleon, Miïss D, business la Batavia but stili retaine a Emmreraon, Mrss L. Pasiooe and MIrs, hall intereet in a large grocery business E. J, Alexander lI Toronito a,,..,. Mis8 bPt 'S not actively uagdlithe same3. Nag'gle HHea1y hoýme froma Peterbo ro Hle intends taking a reLt but wiIi again Are frece fsom aIl crude and irritati ng egqa ela the nanufacturing uies matt;er concentraqted medicine o'niy Pl obably locating le Canada .... Mr. H. CRrter's Little 1Liver Pilla. Ve-rysmai; Hl Lang, of M1ontres i has soiçi the ve3ry easy to take; r(-o pain; ---0 griping; Lag Bok, ta the Burns CO. Lmtd apsig r hm Who are teuanuts oai"11,3 corne3r It.. 90Frldo-:rnr 1 ireçetoe h by s Onca liais Ur ~ii5Was ReCent vsits .Mie-s Elva Truti, dolng bis choreseal with the aid of a Oshawa, and Mr Arthtu Pbelp, Llud- launteru which exploded The horises Say, are vi.siting at Ms1j A. 9. Clemens'; aucs stock with the eýýxCeptlîOu oi twO Miss Ziliah MNcLauýghlîn, Oshawa, witb calves and nine pigS were saved but Maud Curtis, Mr. and MiEs Moore, the season's crop whichl had 81il been Hampton, at Mr. Joseph Hawkev's; tbreshed was lbat. Tihe farm la owned MISS Caldb)echk, teach8r, speut Sunday by Mr. W. H. Scot. The ls la es- athber >home in Toronta;, Mss. Peter timated at $1000 partly covered by n Weyrrv vislted ber daughter Miss Emma ý11rnCe.... Miss Ida Lawrie speünt WVerrsv, in Toronto who has been qulte Tbanki!sgîving holidaýs with friends at ilj Miss Lila Virtue bas, returned ta O)r;ia .... Mrss John Csoskem and Miss Tonto; Mr. Jamnes Vistue, Toronto, Rhýea have been %isitlng frieude in flvsiting his mother,..Wýe tegret ta Toroto ad Weton.hear of the deatis o! Ms. G Frank Lane _________son of Ms. George Lane. Oa ý wooad, a ud OROO.couin of Miss Amp.and Mr. Blake MissRab Thre on lsled isssympathy of this Comniunit'y ila the Allie Wight, Provid enice. sudntb ievmet Mre. Wm. Thompeon- I'2 slt fi er HYO 31stear, Msse. Barkîwli, ae PortHo. Jamnes Brown bsretoned home Vstr:MsPso n isEa fromtheWest alo Thrna SsnthSolina, at Mr, James Moore's; Msrs T, Lesks.G. eGili, Bethanly, at Mrss. T.Ashton's Mi.BueBtll, vstdadfrienda AMissFlorence WessrV, Betheada, at 'Mr. bore.J. Ruxsdîe's; NMiss Flora Riches sudNMiss Mra. Rosutnres has reisued home to Hlggins, BowmaDVille, at Ms.oh thle eIY after c-n exteBdiad vieit wlth Trewin's; Mrs, H, J. Siemon and MiSs frlenus bere. Greta, Toronto, Dr. and Mlrs. G. MI. M?-ssrs. Tàoaa RHigePOLnypooI, Trewln, Oshawa, at Ms, j Slemon's;ý w)d fHins7, Toronto, ~vted thieir Miss Jewell wlth frienda lu Tosanta; brohe HebMr, and Mers. J. Runiffe wltb their s'ou Ms.Flosenaos Bowser, Albany, 'N Y, Dr1.C Rn ,Mifr.. . . Te Les- vIslted her sent, Mrà'. W S GFMsby. gue Lad a pleýasant At Homne Thankel- Mn OA am-iby 1speuOt Thanka,çgir- glvlng. Goad prograin was senciesed ioghoidyswib rind kTorontoqysudand sefseshments were sesved. Pro- Satton.ceeda 814. Misses Lilliau Gamswby sud Editii lfY b ave boSt ýour ba hooed Spirits, MauieviîtdfrIends at Jnlil Mi'r. and Mrs. Ot'arleo Waller. routc, attended Ohe) foneril of herso, jMrs. R Hooey. Mm(Dr.)' F1?W TruU. of VaPeo W. WV; il udohe r1ua Msi. John Kerr, o!(il lU a sformes o"ýd sesident of the EigbthCoeson la vlsIting is bohe-n-a Mr. Aie Ohâpm»au. He 1e1com3 usdby s fr1n 3n, Ms . C hnamaa î , Enîa. Mlrloas srmnswer-e prebed1 ihe Metho-diat chuiech- on SLmndsy week last lu th maiori by Bey.Ms 'Mou1teer, sud lu the eývenlîng by Hec'. Msï. Bulles, Courtice. Lberal contri-1 butions ware taken aup, eullgos moqre tibsueallluaig that cf Lst yesr. On StraOt 3tstsa 1long rdu p i ile, Pb;i.lp Jans out f o! Robent, Hoy, p - "ad 's.way, ae65yaars.. The fnra'on Mu d2ay wa largiuly atienuded- . *Rov. H. V Mnuee eanduÀctf)d tbe 5:rvIcea. The peu ba-rrs Were Mebbie. G MLog D T AlUni, R'ob. HcknRIûcrd HUll, Ch11 lea iýWslerna sud John Milles.A habad nd ans daigsten, 1Mss. Gog. Cornlsb, are 1sft tolamaure.l LACK OF' ENEIRGY. A CammoaItTpROUBLE AssoNo <RW PisA UMTALLY MAKE NEW BLOOD. There are tho1ïsands of yong men Just approachhsg muad who bave eo) enengy, wbo tïie nt at the leasit exes- tkion, and who feel1 by the tîma lbtey have doue thoerday% s work as lbangh the day was sa weels on. iin oms o!f teecases there laý a further aigu of wasning l theo loples sud disýfiguirlug erriptbinswhich. breaýk outn t IE)face, These anre certsln ign ththIe bloodi ïî ont of arder,aud cunice.i is prompt- ly anlhds complets breakdown, or pesbsLp3 consumupîlon rmRy Le the se- Fuit. ilil thesFe yoang men ehould tî.ke Dr. Williiamsj' Pink P'ile. These pUila aotuslY make rlch, re DbIGod, odeaz the Éskia o!pe plEs sud ersptloüna, suï-d brneg haltL, streugfth asud erorgy. Hase la a bIt o! proof.- Adoîphe Roi- land, St. Je>roae, Que., la a yotug miN o! 9) yearR, wbo maya: "For more than a ?ear I suffened fram genersi weskuess sud i gfnaduslly gsew sOweâk that I was foseed ta abandon My work saa olerk. lMy appatisee falled 1 nIld occasional vioentheadaches, îsud I be- ga te enffer fcosin tdïgestion. lI.,as falllug sernspidiy Ihal I began ta faisr chat conauwption iwss fastening ilseiýf Upon me. Oas famlfiy doctor troatrd me, bat 1I ddnol galen Udôs bis Cars. I wmIrlua Very discour "ged alteewhen. a f riend f saisiMantreal came ta see me. <He Btrongly advlsied me fia try Dr Will- lnsee' Piek Pil. I did mio sud Inalde o! îhrs aweeks I bogie tatefeel bettes. my appetîte began zo Improve sud I i3eemed ta have a feeling a! eew cour- age. 1 contfinued the pIlla entil 1 ha-d sîken tee boxe$, sud I am naw enjoy- ieg the Lent o! bemith I oves Lad. My 'Woman" is the name of a new magazine for 'women. 1IEe first number is just lssued. Your new d7TlrTsit. You cari get it from hlm, and it is Worth your while getting it, There is nothing startiing about this magazine, There i- 'should be nothing startling about a decent magazine for vomnen and the home. But this particular magazine is unique among ail the so-called publications for vomen. You might not like it a littie bit, and then, again, it might bit your fancy good and hard. If you like fiction -good, wide-awake, Snappy Sterýes1--13- both serials and short storles-you will like IWmVî. In fact, fiction is the big feature of the magazine. Ail the other magazines for womien are cast onï the same model-a Iîttle bit of fiction, a few articles, more or less chit chat, some vise advice, a fashion department and a smatterlng of general miscellany. "WOMAN " doesn't look any more like this conventional model tILhai 'a yellow dog looks Ilke a race horse. It is bulît on new fîines for a strictly woman's publication. To know -what it i lke Y9U vii have to get a copy of it. ht would cost too muc tell you ail about It In this advertisement. The price of" WOMAN " is TEN CENTS A COPY, and the magazinle lsa l Very 'big one-192 pagýes. Bv the wav. two rattllnu aoond saal stnrîes b- ofreo fo 1 ealbl olter', _ber an(] it contains a ,b' lot of other good Racky Movuntra Teat . 5c ret ý, Tescjj'Oa0well to asic- your dealer for it bfore hii os Tablets, Soiçi )y Sti2t,ý uy drug~sa, ____ I THE FRANK A. MUNSEY COMEI MT. VERNON, Moud-ay eveningeOct. 1&ùh tisbom o! Mr. Danlel iHed(don w-.,the sen0! a rPlhier suleresling nature, weu M aïud Mss Heddonwrecmltysr handomesudvaluabie chairs, !arrewel tol-eus of!the iýesiusu respect they; carry ta Ibois uew home at Geneva, Recv. Tias.uod pastos, wss eleet- -- ed chairmiqan sd sites a. ihigblcoin- waxssdsluuîetoquent c c alled ouC! N Mr, ~ C 0si M MD aku pes By a few piessaut bours Ibis eveu-,ing axd~,$ 0. AfiOnw -o in breakiug lu Seabrupt!y on tise qu7ietiîii6nn L~- cas'ion Cai ans meeting bogethîer prior la At Singlie Pare. suitable maýter11a1 guaî,ý,anz- your dparlure ta your ncw hm, n&e tîtNemeUBh1 we bave gsthred ln bonigLIta otry ta ongC* s ed1o 'e good(j ar show you uamdatwy< hg pîoai onssuTmgm n T. &N. pe ian o yu .asec wî u R. ofsoma yoar udtsntsaaITpot MtataPrt Aru' WTe have boys S-'ailsn- last a word-a scd goodàbye. We e To Sanît Ste. Mie 1& Port Arthur via uta$10 pe su. Most ehenfully .-embsaeo tsi.,oppor- Northeýrn -Na , S Ca'$.0pe u tunlîr to counvey ta _Yeu n L inasrw? y To Goga s u aeSpno thfoes'e aîeefeelings oai deep respecýt Points via ýN. N. uCa.,O rNew FaI yenàwih nsreitosi ihus, Topint inQaebec. has, net only luvlted but ha S iuded MI Going Oct 251h b Nov, Bi, camrsmaRrd e d. Yen11cameamonýg lus Ta oneanMidandA, Lakeiled, ail somne twenty yoars ag-o as stranigers. pit Se1ut orSBy YOUrStUlV IIS beM1 9OeClotLhï ing Stock YoursIa ba ben aproperus ns;Argyle ta Coboconik, Liudaay ta Hali yeu have been nact Ive memnbers inu ans burton, cammuun7i; liborai, genorous au-rd char- Al pont Mada bssksto.De-pot Hra,1 l vr opeeWe ltable;easurest Iunhe promnotion of auesAilh t on Mvuakoka Lakes, Leke af Iendlug for good, irec fsiends ta the sicis, 1BayaS, îM1a gaPuoet ewsRi Ver ha ve an immense ratige sud oes ýresdy ta, do adeeda o! kinduese Tise church, the Snnda-i achool suad Ep- Al Icet ood lleturning Ê,ltll of Suits and()O vercoat-sai werth Leagne -wýiîî mss our active Je.Sh preseuco sud yens liberai suipport. You 'For tektpsu 1 cifrato auo izept 8 ube have heiped us tla enjoy ans pleasu1reýs STOT--' 8 &e sýULYi) oo48uîb, rP, s andy-on have shared witisus aur sosroWs Th mredhspîlivwbicb Las oves .D MD ïu itie aAu> Orsoc fodd pYants been a echaracteristle o!f your homo, tish(l tTrnt svr aisatr sw genlal persouallîr af yens individual i eystilatr sw selves. logethes withi a harpp d;disposition re c'-e te usigibwo-li is Irneat sud ils nobIesî euetoevr au MesulngI, bavé won for yen au nvibeal nseai dsitoncf a faremest place amiong ,abecearing 5cse lus Aud now yen beave us, t'ich mlSsed ir u utmr ooe WiII ou sccepî these chairs as anl ex extra valqueS, pre1ssion ci îLe Lî;gi regarzd lu wbich we id yen ? May you s o-ng enjoy thoin. Perchaucoa tlimecs they may brlngM e s c eack yous Itphangist ladays that areý ne mare": te gaod raid Darlington you leave bebn sud ta v ous gead aid [ieon d-a we're pleasïed to say yau lhave Aud -- fILi, i tweCruoCe -when aI asat Life'a work 'or you la euded fHow 1T vio ou iz in Tweeto e hooe f W13 fn2diy ho'pe and trust yonl will eujoy those Grandes Soats of whleL y our noble - iives wilileoweîî werthy. R b bers L ast O ur F ai an Sigueon ubehaif of your fionda:- M?. AND Mas3. J Comulîle Mu. AND Y ,118à iATIEJel "r'SlpeI Ms, Heçidon sesponded ta the address BIE SURE THEY FIrTC ed frsle h lu a way that imapressed overy one litoo.short os tee Arrow oves beapvy had. Prices 5oc; 75e and pressaI with Lis sincoeOtLsaniauesfa shoes they are hanble la break, if toa CIL RE'oO Q sud deep L-satltude fis the qulto utnex- large wi3Ll wrnke sud crack. HL R --,,ST LQ pocted sad beauliful glits presented te EXTREMýE 0F LHEAT AND COLD. better than ever aï-d we hý Lis wif e sud bisself. Ho expressod has inailty10doevn mii jstcetaÏL Dou't put subbera ea a bot s-teve gr choo-se froml, beauties at25 kçiuduess Le Lad. beau sbown b'y his radiales, lLeY will gel dry sud crack10OM a a a uoilheers dinLu--bfasta-vnn theenh - De't leave theotin co!d weatbier, ~ beR!i in this fir'st numf- ci things, Youwod asupp'ày is exhausted. >ANY, New York. j, w )dd Vestls lot, Fý 1ze, \Tor, ed, M i inter O argest range v ea $O.Le-ft overs 15c !UES:-The vahiesi in t .ae such a lot oi prcttý 5c; better oncs at mont

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