Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1906, p. 8

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The Siçn Troubles of Babyhood 'y OUR fam--ily doctor ivill explaiti toyou, i',you askc hirp, tise xnissiionfettlisePorcs- of tise skin, ansd vi1 tell yeu of the da-ngers of jDin ore-cbegging p lowdcrs for thse b abies are subject. Anly mother who bsusedDr Chase's Ointmecnt f'or this purpose wî1il tell yeu of h1wb0 atif;lysoft] and smeethd it hias kept stisesin, and ef how, quickly it lais cur-ed tLhe chafing or irritation. ýý Especially during thse teethinýg peniod childrena are likcly te uie from- eczema, and uniess it is promptly clieckcd there is danger of it spreading te other parts of theý body and becoming chronic. There is no rival te Dr. Chase's Ointmnt as a cur-e for eczema and itýcling skirî discases ; 60 cents ai boat ail dealers, or 1cnasn Bates & Ce., Toronto Lake Ontarie Navigation Go, For 'balance e? semson 1906 WIl bave overy Tuesday and PFri-gy as folbowS.: Neweastie a t 5. P a, m. BowmavIlleat 7 10 a. m. Osh a a t 8.10 0 a. D. Whitby at8ý45 a. m. Returnling iba-ve Toronto at 5 p. rd. FARE Round trip SC;ne extra charges for 't(op C'ver privileges. Eretlght, solited andproýmptly and çarefa1ly hnld Agent, Bowmatnville. Votors'ý List 1 9061 liluiclpltye'the Towa cffBowman- 01Eis hS'.3 y' givea t'at I have, transmitted ordivr ed tthe er sn enp insctanss and of TueOnao nocrs' List c>,e, thoeCcpîes rýeqnired by si seto o 5 BDtrnsmttted o-,delvere l the K ade s-fuant o saeid ,,,t o0 ailpeona- DP-lgê tyhe lastreî,d essse't roi o! th;,; ým( uieiplty te be ette to vote li the I sad uxinkpality at iectiïons for inýembera ef, 9he' Leg1ilatlve Asemly and t Muniipal ol-ctïin, and thi,-the aid llst was first posled naimy offie et th'-Tow3 fSoma0ilu n p alth day of Augusý-,t 196, a,ýýnd remains tIhere for inspcetion. EIeCtors aTae talleS opon.tJ Z-2LexamIn e haad Uit and If any omtissions or îany cothe r er-ror3 are fon 1 th3erei"n to VSeImdaepoed Iwnge to have the asaiS rroscrrce aorclng Townc cUlr -of nowMaxviîle, DatedS et nowmanville lth day of Auguet 1906. Mis FIg ahoefront New Y0rk ls.Tisonnem a daughtor are iol.ý Mnr. John Rincli bas bon vat Mn. and M7-9 Chas, Coîtear andc 4auhte ar loldaingnean Fencloin Falls. M1r5s, .Haskeil, cg, and Mi*ss Scobell, Bowmaavîlle, are _guosta 0f Mviss Eýilbck.» Mrs. Pettrul nd son and Miss M. 'Mua- tard, Brantord, lave been visting lins. J. R. Fiaher. Smnart Wced andBlîdancet bîned witistiseison iýngredlente usad in the besi porous plastera3, make Cae- ter'e & W . 3acka1ch8-pluts t- i besi lan tiea ket, nio 5 ents. Rev. W. MDngStrtord, a a fermer pester, pDz*a îlJýnte Me'.1 Miss V. A. Davldson vbo ias beon vl.sitiniglier brother Mn.r L BDado, bas gene te BIghita., A iWomaa Worrnes Luntil 3e.gets wni- Irles, thon. woriIes because aIe has ibem if se 3takes HOl la' er'aRck-y rMouiniain Tea ale oWOuld have ucîther, Bright, antllng face tollows U3s use. 05 cents; Tlea or Tabiets. Sold by Sioti & Jury, dmnuggstC. Mn. a nd Mra. Robt. Brown and ~agihter, Toronto, rbo lave been visiting ai MnI. John Douglaso, lave ne iurned home. DNspepaIla i s towerst forntp willyield te tise use et Cartor'a, Little Nerve Pille, a1dead by Carier'g Littho Liver Pilla. They net enly relievo pr3eoni disQtresa b)ut sirengihen tise etentadl and digest- ive apparatus. lire. Rob,. Iia and fantîli of Red- vers,1 N. W. T, Mnsp. Landes and tle Mises, Phillips, Oehawa, lave been gusset Mrs. Martin Argaîl. ECZF2MA FRe 20 YE'ArS - "I WaS troubled with eczenta fer twenty yors and was tneated b)v thnroedeetors te ne avail, Dr. Chaae's Qîinteni lias euned me contpltely and I bave -net lad tise lîgitsatretliuofeth BIldiesae. -John Pratt, Blytb, Huron Ce., ont, Mn. J. 1H. Gunningsant, supt. et Fisl Hatchenles, acomppanied by In- specter Aloi Finayson, Ottawa, vielted Newcastle Hatciery recently and were mucis plcaeed with île neai erdenly ap- poýananceofettise hatcier. Mr. Wnt. Armstrong, manager la charge le rais- 80,000C yearling aaiman iront la tle taule, whlcl will be distnlbuted la dîfferenlt Parts Of Lake OCUta nlolatis spring, A largo quantitY oet ntal mouil blask basa are aise baing prep- agaied tfon distrIbut7ion Lin the fall. Ih te tise Initontion et île management te The resuits of ths Entrance and pro- moton xainaios ae:Entranç:- Doia Prout, Katta Ste)pheu, as. Lmnn Squaalr. Jr IV te Sr IV- Ruith Squialn, (Hionors>. Rilda Rutliedgc, Vernon Low. ens. Sr 111 tn Jr 1V-Alex Prout, Hai- bent Feston, Bartha MTcDonald. Jr 111 te Sr IlI-Madc eie eStephens (honore) Aloa Aloin. KatoFposter, Leslie Colla- cutt. Sr il te Jr 111- Aibent parker, BLTHESDA Report et Entran ce and Promo tien examinatiens ef No. 10, Danlington. namos la ender ot' standIng: Entrance: Elsie Cole, Rob Rov. Ettie Scott Jr. IV- Evelyn Wood, Vera ColwilI. Sr. Il!- Mary Cole, Everett Hoan. Jr. 111 - Alice Werry, Edgar Scott, Pen Wood,Mi ton banderson, Russel Wright Nelson Bragg, Wilfrid Sandensen. Sr. I- Gertie Sandersea, Wilnot Wright, Meiy Wriight. Elgin Higgins. Lesle HoSÉkia. E. SBXSMITH, teacher. APPLES WANTED, On and atter Aug. 18th, 1!9J6, we ivili. buy appies ofany varietyv large oenougli te pel if, brou.git te us whie liard te tle E vaponator. Shipens do neot want peur fail app les se do net wait until liey are ovor ripe and s-oft.ý Wewill take sente cider applos. CAPITAL APPOINTIMENT. Caa ian ffices oet "Canada," the illîutrnated weokly'publlelied nla on. deo, England, for thse promiotion ofi Canadian Intenests la Great Bitaîn, bav benepeedaiRcoon 88, Jantes Biuildiag, Toronto. Mn. Fred G. Il wiliams, ton twenty*flve yeans aetiveiy identified with the Canadian daily presa. and for the past three yearsanad a hait yars a member et the staff et The Newsýýz,Js the manager. The pelloy et tise management wil( be largeiy tise diveý7,rsion te Britishi manufacturera of trade la gooda whicli are at preseat ai. mobt atirely imponted front United States and othor toreiga couatrîes. Speclal attention wiil aise be paid to Canactian industrial and finnacial la- tereests, wltis a view et 4evelopîag tratde bot Weea Ihe Dominion and the Mothier County, while tise hlatouac illus- tratIons wlll be continued on a lavisl scale Canadians who have been lai Eagland this summer spoak inl the wanmest pralse ot the wonk whidis the3 newwek' is delag te interest people in tlhe Dmnona its developmant.ýr DEFIED TE BAILIFF, tish ldeae te mcrive"ýd etsuddoingas a8 are reýon7,dd'a 1ai tweck's police cour isnoIf Ballif MAllery bad "net benas LsaIte as ai Gbcktne and brave aýS -a Wlln te l rbbl areý tis-ai tise woxn1na sion wouid have ceoebratoýd a great v'co il e mation vlrmmdaa-d defiance cf the Iaw wouid lan future become a more, troquon curec. u leKa' reprsentie cme ut haaad ives plan-icar Sneetonand-wifeeaet Manven apere'etrePoicjagis3] trat8eVWilliam iMitchelî Horsey 'on Tlhunsdýay ananrged by Ballif' Richard J. Malor wsisressisng aadoarutn hlm l ienawuidiscisarge et lia duty ectinagansitic ýgoods and l atielS et saIsdeedat Chiange waa ai unde sec144et îe ciminal code. Evideauco JwIzas uqStiOaed and Slack- elton was fined $20) and $10 2()costa or temetIas la gael and sShkeoa altho tise chiot ottanden, was alo-wed tp do8pant front Court under bonid te appean tonr sotn whaa calod u tp on. R Russoîl -LOScoxMbe acted for tis dfea and Glas P. Blair appoared for BaLff MaLerï, Osliawat Bowbiens, twC vîLka, drove down Frlday aiternoon and yd twG pla Uj'sad adres being: A rrancoN G UAMEI J. p Purdyv J F. Gie rslos A, J, Staîlker T. HM MPM u rt r-, sklp. ..... Jas. Deyntan W, C, King Joîbn Lylo, W. L air C. P. Blair R., D. Davidsorn, sâip . 28 48 EvB3NIIÇG QAmE J, W. Provan J. P. P'n"rdy J. F. Gioneson H. T. Uarnwell, skip .-,.i R. Machsî T, H McMurtnyv, skip. .14 Boýwntanvl"le H-. Rîce j ohn Le John !Born, slip. 18ý ...i A E. McLaugiuîin W, C. King Dr Ha-ýz'ewood skip.... Grand totals C-3 80 BewmanviILea was 17 up It wlll1 be netieed thatn each rlnk et Bowmanvlie bowlers won in each gamne This le8 a very great viCtoýry as the Osh- awa gentlemen arej expenienced bowlers and skip Carswells rink won front the British bowler at Peterbono. Itle qtte excusable if our local players are amibitlous te try conclusio)ns with the Brileh bowlers nexs. CASTOc)R lA For Intaits and Cildren. The Kini You Have Mlways Boug1ht çomîng wne' Mrs Wm rMutten, W8iiivs~c at Mn J W Brooks8'.. .,ýThrethiilg las commenced and the jiel!d la very goed- .. Mra Jas Vice and Mlids Idaand Miesa May Rý'eynoids are visltintgat FeneOlon.,ý Mn and Mlrs Oco Blair and Misses Riuby and Lulu, Taunton, visited here... Mn John Lord, Hampton, las leasedi Mn Geo Arguae's a tan. Mr Jonathan Bray, Eufield, la yisltîng bis daugistens liene. ENISKILLEN. Mis$ Effie Gay la lente atter a plea- sant viait wlth fienda a iantamilton.... Sunday evening next, a mlnist orfront St Louis, Mo., will prend lan the Metis- odiatdrI.. et visitons: Miss Minnie Rogera wili ber aunt Mre.1H. Rogers. -..Miss Collhield, Guelph, at Mn. F. W. Leae; ,Mrs.Ashton, Tconto, at W. M. Wotten'a; M.rs. N. Byes at Mn. C. Mouintjoy's; Miss MI. Trebilcock, at lier Ibrether's; Dr. and Mrs. F. Tnebicock !boIîdayling ila Muakoka; Mrs T. B. Ileidge and daugliten Olga have returnued froin a very pleasant visit with lier sisten Mrs. Avery, Ingensol.. Miss Eva Stevens, Ozhawa, at lione.'. The MiEsss Presýtoni, Llnd-,ay, wlth Mn Georrre Preston; Mna, Chas. Williamts vliing tiendala inToronto .... Mrs. and Miss Jones, B3wntanvilîe at Mr. G Argue's; Miss L. Calver, CoSgarea, Wltli lier mothen... Mra. S.,MW Davis la viBit- iag fieuds at Woodstock and Detroit, Midi. MA'LU nOE IDeaili came teoOur commuaity Tues - day evening and rentoved front oui Imidsl Mn Wm J Jeffery Who las sut- tored front a long and palatal ilîness. Hie was a venry klnd husband and loviag ftuler and wll ho gneatly ntiased by bis temily -and nsany triands. The funeral took place Sunday atterneon te BoWman\rllle cemetory and was very largely attended. Thse floral effeninga were veny beautitul including a loveiy wreath front the C.0 F. et which le was a member.-Baides habisfele h he Jeaves thre. sons and two daughtens and an aged tather te moura lia bass Those who nttended the funcral front a distance wene Messrs. John William, and Thomas Jeffery, Mn. and Mra. T. J. Widden, Port Penny; Mn and Mrs Tises Squires, Okeo;Messrs Wmu and SteEhnn na.Ladvsmith; Mise thelVCîyton, Whitby-. The amli ntunity .... Visitera: Mn and Mrs Jon RUaton), Winippg, Mn W Gi Ranton, BýrantfordJ, visitiag tiseir aisten rira Chester Power; Mn and Mna WntG RuhdeBthodaat Mn WJ Colla cutt's Uarv eat Home Servic.es will be bld ai T3-rone on oýSept 2ad and 3,d, Sunday sermons will be proaRched at 10 n. M,. and 7 pl m by Rav. S,F. Dixon, pastor, and MHouday Labor Day a supper wlll be servod at 4 o'01cloo and a lecture at 8 o'clock by Rov, G. W, Henidenson, Port Hlope, on "DCrenkers, Lestfera and Workens," and a musical progran by home and iforeiga talent, Thse ladies wil aise sali ice creant and on-.fection- ery. Eajoy Labor day by comlng to Tyrone and having a goeet apper and piensant eveung. Admissian: supper inciuding lecture 335c; cldra25c; lecture oaly 2c isB. Pollard, Oshawa, La vlslting Mns. A. E. Clentene ... MNi6ses Maud Bcdg-soa and J.henle Colîacutt are visitlng in Cartwright. ýý Mojsns. Frank Wen-r., FrankCule, James, Norman and Mn. and Mns. W. Weedley beave this Week tfonMau- itoba, .. - r. aznesColî;acutt la n3covmey- ing front pieîunisy..The Iawn social ati Mn A E. Cerntens' was a decided ,succesa. Tiseweather was deliglul AUl -enjoyed Ltiselvea on tise spacious lawn whiclc was ilghtedt by onnantentedi lanterne. Atter a short, prognan, cake, and bannies and creant woee sned at the tables. Ice creant and lentenade were 2o4d, Proceda ver $80, Thene was a very large att, anee rnombers and visitersat the Wonten's Institute meeting- on Thunaday week at the hone ef Mrs. I L Brown. ,Tise subjsets dlscused wana "Laundrýy Work" and Pickle3s," A very interest- nIg tenature or tise progrant was a sur- prIse presentation to e o thtie vetolran rnembens oetCtue Instîtunte, Mrs. Jno. K~ersake, who on that day was ce!- ,bnating liher 711.h birthdnay aunversany. M1rs. (Rov.) J. PBerry recd a niceiy wordedl address and et tise propen tinte M'ra. C. N. Ruse presented Mro. Ker. slake with a beautitul roýadlEng glass and oed-rom l.anp as a tekea et respect and esteent front he membens oett Iar.-pton Brancil Who aUI uated la wishlng thein r en,3goeîsisten ntany îaéppy neturls oethtie day. Mrs. Ker. lakze,thougli verymucli surprlaed,ntnde a verv Impreasîve neply te the addreaa ;lianklng tise members for thoî unax- expected lides At tho close et the naetling ai were pboiognaphed on the awn. Next meeting ai home etf rs Wilcox on Sept. 6tb.h, . Mm. Wnt. W. .eacb, Taunton, and Dr. and Mns. Culp, Toronto, vlsited mt Irn John [ol'. ..Rv.J. P. Berry', B. A., la oiicially vlsitlng a nuntier of mission statons la New Ontario.... Mns. Berry is visiting lier parents ai Brechl ... 'Mn and Mrs. G. Stevenson, Oshawa, rlsited ai Mnr. E. Trenoutli's.. . . Mns J E L, Cole is born front Mitchel.... Epworth Longue seission, tlis wek wili be ran evening wltb Teanysoa. . - . ev W. Joilifte preached homo Sunday evoen- ing when bis ntany itinisdswere pleased eo bear hlmn,...Mn. W. R. Allia a sai. the 1. 0, . ' HigliCourt ai Onangevllle . Mrs. J. Wickett and Misses Eva and Greta Wlckett, Bowmanvlle, have boea visitlng relatives lareý. . .e citîzens kcep timhomnes and Burround- ageS very nemi and edean. CeA. ki Three yean ago Misa Ellen Robent, silo hoida the position et ealeslady la on.etfthe beadina sbe naslaHalifax, N. S., ia WaSpale dCeltcte boolDng yoU1g woofi, sho ehen llved àý homne with 1lier pàrentsaet AMherist, N. 8,S. Se complained et genenal siekacessand lo!5s of appe3tite. Beir blood ias thIn ariawatery f o begesthlauri :; 'Dy day unitl $ihe looked! alinoat a ahîd- OW. fler cheeks aresunkea, I trace et colon had loft lier face nd lien fniendG fehred ase sias golag lato e de- cline. "I lied ne enieroy," says Mis Roberts, "and auffered s0 mucl front the lieaacacle and d!zziiiesa and othen cymptenetfanacMlî thiat I toIt I dld net Careosihether I lived or dIed. On. dey, hovever, sihen readllng Our local piper 1 rendl a tentImaolai given by a yonng girl la tîvor et Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla, and aPolier eymptontssiens aimoat identicai silth my own, 1 deter- mlned to try thIs medielae. Befone I lad uned tise second box I began to find benefit, and I coatlnaed taklnig the p)Ille tîtil I lad nsed feenor onelght boxes, by sihlcli tine I sas fully reý stored te health." To-,Iay Mies Rob- ente looks ïas thougli île lad neyer been 111 a daY aliehr lte, and 3e liahiene heeittation la sîylag ase oea iser pncEs ent enengy and healtli to, Dr. WIlllants' Pink Pile. Bad bleod le the cause et ail1cern- mon âdiso.like aneemIa, headachesi, pelaaess,'general weaknees, hit pa!l- tation, nennalgla, lndigeetion, and the -peclai alimente tiat oaly wontenfolk- know, Dr. Williams', Pink Pilla cure lIce8s common aliments because tisey miake ilh, Led, health-glving Iblood,ý bnaclng tlie jsngled nervesaand glvlog Êtrengtfl e very organ lun the body. Do uet take îny pilla sithout tise full ame, "-Dr. Wllm'Pink pIla for Pale People," on tho sinîppen anouad ssci box. Sold by ail medla iIna deniers on by mîail ai 50 cents a box on six box- '32 for $2, 50 front Dr. Willia me' Medi- clae Ge., Brockville, Ont. DARLUG TON, Mrs, W. H. Jantes and daughter Miss Menta, Boiton, and Miss Helex Beamiali Toronto, are visiting ai Mrs. Tihss, Pown~s. . n.and Mns. F. H. Frost are visiting nt Mr. Jos. VanCamp's.... Mus ss. VanCamp las been visiting hem daug-hten Mns. F. Gale, Wisitby.. Mns. H. Burnett, Brampton, Mrs. Geo. Gavan, Toronto, and Mn. Chas. Ram- tord, Oalawa, are visiting et Mr. J. H.. Power's . - _ MISS Gladv's Power lias ne- turned honte atter a plewarat visit la BRocheeten. Cnie leantnsïides meas dean, steý- macboels bbod ilerloa, ealthy Ssu e aeery ongan.' Mo"AL:"Tko Bolflisten's Rocky Moluntain Tia8 cents3, Tea or Tablets, Sold by Stoti Ju>ryý,,, dr1g. STARKVILLL TIc oma' fatitute meeýting held lu îlte School Hoas Wedaesday, Aug. Ist, wns a auccease Thora were3 about thlnty presanl, Mns. Henny Joneas -ad the honon et giving tise fIrai addresa te, the eocie3ty. on tubermulosls; and M 'rs. RihardHafilowell tise frai stpaper 0on ooeklnz monts which waa excellent.* A vote et thanka3 was givan Miss Walsh, Mna. MullîganII, Mns. Sua1s HIowI and Mnso. J. Hlenry HalIoWell, for the dellelous luInch served. Nexi meeting wlll be 251h August, and île subjeots are, .Pchiing and Wiaton Plants., Old malda would ba scarce and lard te' Couîd tliey le madq3 te Sec, HO'w graco and bea uty lai contbined By using Rocky Mo,,untaïn Tee, Sold by Stott &Jar y, druggists Th.* upanlenty of Der. Picler'a BacLi. zei-!-dey Tablete @vr ptber forum o ZOUMatoeat a dua te tb* fect l tha by an4 ihec presacription or De-, Zîma ?itcber, tbe âomoue. specIallt-swei, uad auccasafully indtetdi pégvaI, praclice by lien foi -1- years bfor.?.hy w.n, given te lb. cxuhlmc atIzlrge, T ey coatli exptansive ipedflc ingnadntt mot fotund la, any othest lKidnoy remnedy. I. lb an y wondse-, theai, chat tise>' cure lubagO, diabetau, rel Brgtsdisea3c, sUrie aeId lîlbthe od eu tin eural 'a, dropsy, irritabiliy f iebladde-, aednlsey tromsbleâ; of Cid .,oeadcilidrea %whoa etaar reMadies3 Road ia Mre. W. Mantia, Orange. .;!le, Ont., bas to aa î i Som'l.g -ad egood deai ot Iwmbewithb 1bak lu oacqld lIaI aettUad ln the Kiays. -a" sas so troublad witim dlziabmsani I îrted taking Dr. Pitchai-'. Bazkach- 'idsicy Tablt, and b> ltha im 1I bai ýÀssd enaboule icte baciache, lisdaclax -au4 fpeilgs .1 dizzussoaa lad ail digap- 'ad.Icasader tlb. Tableta ja gQod Dr. Pitchab acab.CdayTabt ," epr. a 1.5*1. of la î » aId1<ru s am 8 Tomato Catsup To malke a Cat>eup one that wil keep, Tr h elowilng Cut up one bushel 0f diean ripe toma- tees and add tlwo pinte ot vinegar, euee cuptul et sait, eiglit large Onlons,(sugar if desired) and stew for two heurs, tnen strain or pase through ra fine sieve, mali a littie cold water with Riait a eup «f corn etarch or fleur and add te the stnained tomatees, slwnser for Iwo or three hours or u ntil itl a sultable thlck. ness and add a bottie3 of L-ee's Catsup lavor, mix thoroughl.y bottie and cerk tightly while stil hot. Lee's Catsup Fiavor an" Preserver saves tinte, labor Find inaterilt preventz Pýousrng, pro- duceS a niatural red colored Catsup <Dof fine hlaver. --250 a bottIe White Bcd Spreads1 î$l,5O for 98c, stock lntorests of this country than Beitn. BHe has devoted Bearly ail tinte aad energieg for his count bonit.Mr. Beif h was gra3eted riHi11g with ceErlng applause. ruade a very apprepriate response. coupled the agricultural w1th the stock lnterestO, for thesýe toge! 'Nith Latsa ro nof etCanada "% 'Making à thoeuvy of ail nations, onterpnise o'f our people, our excel invigoratiag limate, the live et cereal and other agicultural prodi were blornging Canada prominei betfore the wonld. He was highl.y g ilfed by the part belng pla3 ed la induetrial world by this Durhamt Bul factery. Ex Mayor W. F. Allen, J. P., Mr M.D. Williams, dealer and exp or ef lîve stock speke briefly te toast. "Our Visitons," propoeed, by Mn. Mason hit a speech emphasizing beauties and adva.ntages of Bewm ville, was nicely responded te by D. P. Shanin, sales agent of the Dur] Rubber Co la Ontario. Mn. W.W. Taniblyn, M. A propo "The Press" la a chanactenistica peinted speech ia which he expatia on the power and benefits of a cii eand vigorous PresMn, M. A. Jai respouded. Dr. J. M. Bnimacornbe ln the abse of Mn, Chas. P. Blair te wh.on ploasant duty was assigned was as, te propose "T7he Laidies " "God b~ the ladies" lie said, ",we love themn Personajlyhlewas very fond eftht( adding "I hope pouail are. The n whIo la net la neit her fit te live or te & (Great applause) . Capt, AA E. McLau lin made a verv hiappv reply aise te toast 60 aptiy proposed. Ex-mayor Losconibe pnoposed toast et "Our Hosto" when aIl areseé sang lieartily "For tliey are jollUy g1 fellows," Mn. James A. Young, the popu Manlaging Director, roterred te the lfonni kindae,,ss hoe ad ever recel, front the citizens and espeeially business men with whom lie is best quainted. Smillng and ýwltliaE nificant look la bis eye, he added ciosBing "If you will give us anâot Lbonus we WOn'l wait for a year double this butines nd giveyo other banquet."- Vice Presldent McGili tlanked toastmaster and President Robini expnessed hie gratitude for the ri compliments paid the Company and good wishes cxpnessed. On leaving the baaquotting bhl excellent Durhiam Rubber Ce. Bi gave the Dinectors a serenade ai whidli a procession wag tormed a paraded --the---principa--air-cta.M Lewis Ramley wlie las beeu nla factony trom its inception on a meu ed changer mnnshalle3d the large p cession.T, eoemple3eers ila white cý walkod wo br ni ndthe f emalei enatsesrod lacarniazes, The B-3 laterprotty blu(3 unitorsas marc! beon ite entylopees, DutM Thos. Hughesila a XVI century H tIe, the cynesure ef ail e-Pedsh cd the duties te the King's taste0. ï efficens aid visjtonrs 1brouiglt up thie r( la cannîages. The streets were liAu wlth peopie as the processionU pasad ila the opinion et TnE raiATESM, thle c'lmax et the happy day's doiv and a meet thouglittul and sallene was the address et President Robine te the entployees on the gr,-en wl tle procession returned te the factü: !Ie was proud cf- thoîr respectable pearance on this oýýccasion and wasB liglted te jein with tIem n l ebrati the succeseful opening of hejr 1n tactorY, Ble rlcdwith thew ao the succoas e of bsnesand the cneasing pepuiarity et the goods tb lad plaYed a Most important part manu1facturlag, Thei'r Interests Wi mutual and h e hoped the very bce8t fe lgwoulî cont-inue te0exist betwe the Cjontuy and thle entployees. help to dcvel1op this wontliy desire proposed holding annuaily liereatter excursion or pcl at wbiich a pregnk et sports and gantes wouid be ruan ton whicli the Cosnpany -wou-ld of suitable prnîzes. The enthu,,siastieé piluse that tell1owed the addrcýSs in cated umsakbythe pepular zc, Presaldent liobin-,ýounuhad touchcd by timiely and we L choson femanke. wene served light refreelinents trois iar-ge tent brouglit iront Toronto-! the occasion, Mn Thos.Ted belngt catener, The employvees w jere higi deliglited by the tnlendly werdis et th, President and tneeliospitabie and gen ous way they were treated. Th neyer ti're et talkinug about the epeni1 day and the ;goed tizn8 teteyaUil d, Citizens falilSay "ucestethe Dj hant Rublen COmlpany7." A meeting et the shareioldens w heWd Wedacsday evening When tý fWllowing directons Wcre eocýted lna a 7 .h - Car FALL TERM OPENS ned cd. SEPT. 4lh. s 'orthland trainling, t is wX9;oeb 'OOse a 1196 ecýhool that is well itnown Iortiy ih ion grade work. The han a- 4 ewm is we,ýil known ias on.e o Ihe beqt commercial verecools li existence. tîs record this 3year hasý been most rmral.Nore of our gran atesare on't of positions and the, e be c-v an1id for th em ts about twentyt ie h - ' ",nppiy. Write today for Our magnîïfienut iel. Si OoC'r. Yonge-- and AeadrSe South Park For sale. WIII opeon tise ayemn 1996-7 Mai .m -on TUJEDAT, Sepgtmbw Ltih sîtistise followlng aff, alo! whom are expenienced teaclenàatid~ specializts in their dtpansmets: MR. J.- EhLLIOTT, B. A , (Prncipal~ spreci3lisb lan Mathe3matica and Englirib. MrSS E.* A. ALLIN, M, A, speclaliet la Modern Languagesý3. b1 R. W.G. GARPENERB, , spec ilînt xi Science. MR. A,R. AMRO , BA. specialilt la lassico, T1.e Sol;ool courses inclule everytine r- quired for tise vrosgradbaa of teacer cetfatsand for ualvérsîey mnïuato smilîl honore. Speca oures iuli le mnanged for tIoBa --. --,, lr a.J fu,çasMn iThat lartge bric,,K reSiden)ce lxi nowmn lbub wieh toavail themeelveots e -an containing 9roome. Seven acres o! lanSattach-tesoth lgSho frenmcuue eSwlsoce wlth over two hundcred fruit tg. o l il ciolfignnIc c trees. Affords, a fine 2view of Lakte O-_tI4anio The PcincipIalsi'li le glad to ans3wer ia- TissD. ea e iral laefr a retireS familp[YOr rýSho rtC plac !e xfSimmer rsrifrAdtp famlly, Apply lesregnding eSholrIlcuss to ROSERTBaT, _ wavi , i tr of eudy. ____________ Tiehigis hoooBoard e, pndn POUND A LAST aiws to tiorouvhty equip -tise chocila bo Secure île bek t teacherse availalle, 80 lIat Tise propor mntilofetshanperInnga 7ucssniean ile Conti dently booked ton. La-va Mower. It 1s7 b tise Use oft tise ut01tof fdel aw A owo)r Gindor, manuafac- Sue emrmot !ts na ba tune bvthaRoo Bra.'Go Plntoili - Oard ln pnivate bouses ni ý,v e aee(nnbîe Oh1e. A. W. Pickazrd Eaat EnàiBak .B ÂRA~ ~ amuli, lias purdhased e na aad la pro- 1JGILIOT panad te aharpena mI makes etfntewens. Oairman o! Higis LSelool Bctr,3, Pincipl caîl and see It wOnk and yen I2 Il be BsavlAg 4îL,196 convlncaed tisi at sa enly mcthod to s3harpea a R moe . .- rJULY PIANO AND ORGAN SALE. J uliy is cniedaquliet mentI ton Piano Sales. neven'i7tleees we have s0oid a number et Ne w Scale Wiiliantis Planes.- Ore veny isandeemie. st11le 0, Was piaced la thc home etfm.F.. patio whos a taluy are muivcal and appreclate a fine tOnod piano. Oas fine SIenritan st.yle went te Mr John Keliow. one te MiSa Barn'age, Coeo e eSons of England, oeatemes. Roîpli. Aise a nmbon etoffineBell Organe. Cali and sao our stock. A. J -' STALTER, Oshawa, 32-2w. Receni visiton.3: Mn and Mme D Ment. gomery, Hampton, et Mn Sulas Wen'ry 'a - ..-Mina A.,Heganil, solina, Mn Geo H Hearts, BA, hltby, Miss Vera Floeen, Kaiaaiazceo, Miel, at R Pas- coe's. , , .r E Durant and Mnr and Mrs G morris, Osawa, ai Mn F Reynolds' - .Mr L Hurîbut, OMlawn, Wiih tniende hieia. . - lira L George Tmpp, PoIrt An- tlium, at Mn W J Ormieien's. ...Mr B Ferguson bas gene te Manitoba -... Mn R Ashton l adeopcnîng flie weli at oun secool. -. Mr J Johnsehlis nented the tant et Mn Join Arnnt. ... . Alsike dcoyen is 'yieIilg Spboa3dldlýy hr... JosepliAshtea la vi31ilg fniendsata Detroit. Miel. Women wlth pale,, Oooless faces, wbo fool weak and diseouraged, will recalve boti umntisal and bod'ly vîger 1made for île bieed, nrve .6 and. cent- TAITS' GRUOERY I Room Paper andÇ Window Shades The3 new sty'les are taklnig and 1 have a large varioty. Spi-eci sample books, so you are sure te be suîted. Usual limes of Booke Statienery, Gyames, Fancy Goods, Picture Post Cards, etc. comfplete, Special fflýif!va!ý mm , lrl.d fbË C-alg"o For sale-i -L -L -1 1- -onlv at 1 1 1 . ý MM& vq&'. -M 11 -Li- -L We are alwrays on tho wateh for speelal values to offer Our cuot omers a nd that we sacceed qiÀite often is a well known fact te our numerous patrons, 'out this week we have '1A Special"' that la altogether better than the ordinary Ilbargain lot." We' have now on sale 50 large s-i ze white quîts. They are flot the common cheap kind but a beautifully finished, handsome spread. They would Bell readily at $L50 each but ±here happened to be a slight defeet in the weave, scarcely notice- able in some, on ameunt of whieh the manuifacture was forcedWt allow a big rebate and we are seliing them at 98e each. The First to Corie fias Chýoice. Don't delay,,they wiLl certainly go qulckly, Ail Sumimer Goods MAust Go. New faîl goods are arrivinrg which makes us more anxioug to clear out al balances of summer stock, such as Mualins, Gingharns and wash goods of ail kinds, men's, ladies' and clilidrens straw hats, men's gray fedora feit ha ts, Men's light weight saits and ail similar limes eill be soId from 110W at less than hali prie lu many cases. Men's Ciothing. Our new goods are arriving and areseig fast, on Friday wc sold 5 suits ini less rhani an hour and had a faîr sprinkling of suits selling al day. We have the goodse and the prices are always riglit. Manitoba Excursionists, We are fitting out a9 lot of them and we give them a good telescope free a large one with a $lQOü0puirchiase and a smali one- with a $5 00prhae We print the name on them if desired.. TEe-M A SEN *ee(I BOWMANVIL mnýo uniy itu -l TAITS'G-ROCEBY. 1

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