Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Aug 1906, p. 5

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8 36 :.m. Paas.nge?-1 36 P.M 3il ....... 1024 p.m.I ie.. S 1 Tieketai ern points sold ini aecondane- wihspecial holiday rates announced in another coinn -ilU not be honored on trains N08. i1or %ToPP & Jnua. Town Agents Ama-lteur Photogr apvhy Nothlng lin more fascinat- ing. Try It We 'WilI lend you a Kodak, Zhow you how te useil, develoP oeur plates or mmeLu, print your P rivale Fost Cards showing your bouse or t amily. Frint any build- ing or street lu town. In fact we eau supply yeu with any thiug and everything required In the way of Amateur Photo sup- plies. Cail and lalk Il over. Stott & Jury, The Druggiste and Opticans. When we test eyes its properly Thee Bost Chocolates Made People iu Toronto wlio have trIed ail the leading kinds of ehocolales, Say that MtfcConkeys are superior to ail others. Stott & Jury, Sole agents for Bowmanville. Specials Stieky Fly Paper .... 10e. doz. Poison Fly Fade, per package ................. 5c. andi!Oc. Effervesing Saltos (eoollng and i nvigtratîng) ............... 0el e,>, Talcum Fowder, the best the "I produces .............25c. Cheaper Uines, per packages ..............5eandlOe. FotEl The great remedy for tenider or perspiring feet)... M2e, Sealing Wax (lu haudy tins for frit) ...... .............1l0c. Lime Jie 2e and 50c. Genuine Sheil Brand Castile Soap ...................18c.bar. Little Liver Pill.,. 2 boxes 25e. Stott & jury,_ Tho Druggists and Optieians. Wheu we test ey es ils duone properly. BOWMAýNVILLE, AUG 15, 1906. When the Haïr Fails Then it's time te actl No tirno t0 study, to read, go expefi- menti1 You wanit go Save your haïr, and save it quickly, t00! Sa make up your mind this very minute that if your bair ever cornes out you wili use Aycr's Hair Vigor. It mnakes the scalp heakthy. The hair stays in. Ir canniot do any- £hlng eisc. Ws nature', way. The bout kind c a tentimonil- ~sold for oiir aixtr 794PO.C PERSONALe Mr, Howard Riekard, Port Hope, te holidaying at borne Mrs. Donnellv, St Louis, Mo-, je visiting Mr. S.W.Sanders. Mr. Harry Vann, Ingorsoll, l; visiting bis father Mr. T. H. _VaBnu. Mise May GUI, Exeter, je viiting lier cousin, Mrs. P. . Kerlake MjissCatharine macMillan, Toronto, vlsited hier fathe3r, Mr. &lex Macmillan Mies Milite MacMillan, Toronto, visit- ed ber zrandfatber, Mr Alex MaeMil- ian. Mr. John Sinlair attended the fun- erai of bis father at Grand Valley lasi week. r. anid Mrs T. E. Higginbotbam and daugbter Brita are bolidaying in Muegkoka. Miss Luella Wîllls and Mies Aunie Bulmer, Toronto, visited Mrs. William. May.,nard Mise Mary A Burnbam bhas relurned Borne after a very enijoyabie vîsit -eith. friende at Cobourg and viinity, M1r. and Mus. Alex MacMillan, Mis Kate and Mfise Melie MacMillan,visited her sisior Mre. Richard Nîchols, Cour- ice. Michael Basso, King of the Italian colony, Toronto, celebraled bis 67th blrthday Sande.y. Mr. Baiso was a former resident "ot Bowmanville and takes a lively interesl la the Durham Old Bgys' Association. Ernest McCulloch-, son of Rev. R. MiCulioch, passeit the, Junior Leavlng examination with honore and the Matriculation examinationi. Hie friende are congratulating him on qualifsing for these examinations in two years. fle etood ahead ta the Oniemes Higb Scbool being the oniv one Wbo took honore, 11e is only 16 years ut agýe, Durhama boys, have the haýbit of suc- ceeding. ______ Taire a trip to O,,hawa Ibis 7WVednes- day p.mù Argyle calîs at Port BowmAen- ville at 2 1, oclock. Returaing leaves Oshawa at 8 p.m. Fare 25e The town council bave been doing some much needed repaire tu the pave- mente and sidewalks. There are soma- very bad places yet that oughl 10 be at- tended to The Victore went to Orono Friday and were deteated by the base bail Ieam in a score ut 14-0. The Victors will have to do botter playiug or change their name. The Millbrook Reporte r says. "Tom Redmonci threshed saven hundred bush. els uftflu wheat off 20 acre, ? Who eau, bout that ?" Now, West Durhamn fanr- ers, show us you can, Reader, you may have an absent relative who ie anxiuus to know what le golng on around the old home, and you may flot have time to gratify thati desire by witing a long latter every week or two. This le wbere the homie1 Miss Olive Bradley vieited friands la, Toronto, -Mr. John W, Keys, Detroit, Milh, le vietlng hie parente. Miss Carrne awkins ie ylisiting friands ii Qaeenston. Mrs. Decker, Toronto, le zueet of her niece Mrs. ArchbleTait. Mies MInaie Cornish, Orono, je visit- ing at Daniel Bradley 'e. Mrs. Arbhe Nicholson bas beau visit- ing Miss Lena Rihbards. Mr.- Arthur Hook, Toronto, recently visited Mr, Geo. Pearson. Miss Muriel V. Irwin, Port Hope, has beeln gueet at Mayor Talt's Mise Susie Beliman bas been visitlng in Toronto and Colllngwood. Mfre. W. B, 8hort, Toronto, le visltinig her iter Mra. (Dr) A. S. Tiiley. Mre. L. R MeNail, Port HIope. !e guest 01 ber daughter Mrs. Archie Tait. Dr. and Mrs Garnet M. Trewin, Oshawa, epent Snndav at hie fatheres. Mrs W. W liorsev and daughter Hilda rec* ntly viited Toronto frlend o, MIre. T. E. Osborne and Mise Susie Baiiey recently visitait relatives in Tor- onto. Mr. W. R. Cale wh'o bas been vielting hie parente bere bas gone to Antier, Assa. Mrs. W. Roenlgk and Mise Dora Roe- nlgk, Lindsay, are visltlng relatives hare. Mies Grace Bray, Toron~to, je visiting ber aunt Mma M A. James at Lofrnîe SVilla, Mlise Stella Mason bas b"en iisitlng Mrs G. L Stevene and other friends lu Peterboro, 31r. and Mrs. John L. Masan, Daveni- Port. aý., are vlelting bis mother Mrs. S.Mrson,esr. Mre. A Crawford, Detroit, is home, ealied bere bv the death of ber fathar Mr. W. Warder. Mr. and Mrs. W. L Allena and famiýly, Cobourg, spent Sunday with bis father Mre. Thos. Peate aid 1Miss Nettie Peate are viiting Mrs. Fred Rose, Rochester, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Belimran and ebjîdren, Toronto, visited at MIr. Ed. Beli1man's reeently. Mr, Johnî James and daughter Miss Ellen J. Jamnes bave re-urnBed from Oehawa avd Columbus. Mrs. W. J. Grant and two children, Toronto, are visiting hier birother, Mr, H. A. Walkzer, Welcome. Mr. F. J. Bassett and daughter Florence, Erie, Pa., -are visitirg ies brother Mr. Thos. Bassett. Mr. Fred Rehder je repreeenting Bowmanviile Court, 1. 0. F., aithe 111gh Court at Orangeville. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Giover vieited their daughter Mrs. C. A Cawker at Buffalo, N. Y,, over Sunday. Mr.W. G. Rankin and son Roy, Chicago, Ill., have been visiting Mre, W. H. Williîams, Liberty, St., Mlr Ernest W Legge je represanting Lodge Weîling'ýon, No. 19, S. 0', E.. at the Grand Locige a;i Chathami. M1r. and Mrs Charles Barreit, Orono, visited bis daugbters, Mrs. Daniel Bradiey and Mrs. Burton Andrus. Mise MIabel Walker, VWelcome, anXd Mliss Addie Cbalk, Port Hîope, are visit- isig their cousin Mies Beryl Percy. Mrs. T. J Sharpe andi son Franklin, Toronto, and Miss Ethel Barrie,- Port Hope, are guests ut Mr. W 1-. Barrie's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Legg and the Misses Leg-g of London, have beaun visiting lier sister Mrs. J, F. Fitzgerald and other relitives in Ibis vicinity. Mr. W. B. Grahiam, ex-Mayor of Bid.-etown. but now Registrar.Treas- urer of Ontario Council of Pharmacv, Toronto, was guest of Mr. J. H. H. Jury this week. Mr. Robt. Leith, of Redlande, Cal., and Miss Carry Redpath of Milbrook, were marrîeà by Rev, W. C. Allen Aug 8.* The groom ls an old Hope boy who bas made a success on the Pacifie Coast. We had a cail last week from our old schooifellow ut Dryden's schoolhouse tn 1861-4, Mr. A. A. Bowerman wbo ,with bis wife have beeu. visiting Dar- iington friands. They live at Cayley., I18nox a comIn luoee day. Yen are asired te read Fe ru-nuaadyt. tii wek, Town Counli report appears on an inelde page. Po-ru na adut. appeamrs on anetlher page-read il throug h. Avold lnstug vine gar wilb beelýs-ee article on another page. Girls and beys, read the Young Foîke.' columu ou another page. For report cf burang ut steamer -Erindate sec inelde page,. 'Dont lbave lowu -witheut visiting 7 îc1hols' great vaniety store, B3y a despaîch on anctber page will haeseen the gruwîh ur western cilles iun Methudisl Pnimary çlaee picule aI Drill Shed grounds lbls <W-ednesday) R flernoon. Lee'e Catsup Flavor save lime and prevent souring. Try a botîle, For sale aI Talt's. Round trip ticklts by Sîr. Argyle te Toronto 50 c; no extra charge for stop- over privileges. Bolw-sanville District meeting uft ibe Methodiet church i ll 1be beld i Orono Tuesday Âugust 21. You eau buy a bachelor fer loc. and an D ld natd toi, 5c. aI Pethcir's Tobacco Store and Barber sbo». HO for Manitoba! A telleecople suit case ftree iifYou buv your oulfit at The Mason ce's. See adyt. Sone paragraphe about tbe editor's î9tb rrnrnallsîîc birthicay fromn ex' changes are un auutbier page. Mrs. Rebecca Bird, an lumate ut the Cobourg Home for somne yeare, died Satunday Aug. il, azed 95 Teare. F. C. Pelhick's barber shop will bel clsdeveny Monday' afer-neonco- Menin wilb. May until end ut season A lot ut remuante and several pleces ut dre5s goude eellng off at about hiti price aI Ceucb, Johustou & CÎ'ydermian's. Port Hope bowlereý playedi witb the Oshawa bowlere Wednieeday aud were viclonlouls being 20 up on the day's games. You will ece the greateel vaniety ut w ?m~~I~ n 99 f~ y tr belweeu Belleaile and ïorontio. . PtI 'Nichols'. Corticelîl Hlome Needlrkfor Jnly bias some lovely designe la embruldery for ail inde utf anci' vsork. Seud 15c for a sample copy. L CLbiid'e Tam balot ou the street bel- weea Mr. Jas. Saunders' anlc Mrs. John Hoskin's. Flader please leave ai Brown Brus. gruoery. Mn. Jas. Leitch, Mllbrook was -re- ieved ut $50 aI tbe ciricus aI' Peleýrboro. Mesers Grandir, ut Millbro-ok, and Por-. ter, ut Cavanvile, also lsý money. M Mayer bas a flu unie ut straw biats boîl inu men's, boy's and chIildren's in aIl the latesl shapes, aise Obristv stiff and tedora. Corne and select une. Coucb, Johaston & Crydermnan Ehow a fine stock uf men's and boys' nead y-to- wean clothing. No beltter cohignon nu better value anywhere., Doý von send THEu STATESMAN lu yuur friend.e? 1BY Ihenumnber ut new orders we are receiving weekly we thîn,' Ibis paper was never More populan. Sylvester Baud, Lln'idsay. 100k part in the baud tournament at Onlilia Wed- nesday and was awarded firet place. another laurel for BaudmasterRounigir Il le expected Ihal a large erowd froni Bowrnanville and thesuradg coUntryý will attend tbe Ailal Harveet Home aI Salem i un Auguetl26 and 27. Service aLl.3 and 7.30 o Sundav and a Harvesl Hlome Supper and Grand Concert on Muniday. Supper including- Concert 85c; Concert alune 25c; childiren 20 cents. Fig Pis cure constipation. Try a Hiawaîba aI Thos. Tod's. The besl yet, Thene lesumething usetul for eveny- body aI Nicholîs' Working man, if you want a home ut vour own very cheap se M. A. James. One dollar parsq for Trni- STATESMAN to new subecnibers lu Jan. 1, or8;u 25c. tu Jan, 1, 19 j7. A suap la Marseilles Quille aI The MsnCo'e. Only "98 centýs for Qutille Worth .50 qLPOrnA dÈ The Straîford Beacon bas issued a. fine illustrated Supplement entainig a revlew of the progrese o! the cliv in 87 yeare, tllustrating the~ principal baei- nese places, ,residences, eand busîness men "theu'n ad now," lictndintr a number e ol1ti1dBois" -wh are success- fui business men ln other centres, 111081 îco wbom tound lime lu çome homre te the Ru3-nUion. The North Shore Transportation Cempany have placed on order witb the Poison Shipbtiildinuý Comapany for a new veseel to be delivered by the tirnt ut Ma-y nexi. The new boat je tû o ut between fûtnyandfiltty tbotisand dollars and wlli bave a speed ut troni, eighteen te ninleen kuote an hour. She will bave a capacity for 1,000 passengers. When the uew veeset je reaýdy the com- pany intendtlerun as f r east as Ce- bourg dally insteud oftIwice a week The steamer Argyle wvill be taken off the route and wll run tu Lorne Park OakvilJe and Grimsby. ALSîxs, LRED CLOVER .AiNDTIMOTHiY. 1 ar n the market lu buy the above ai hlghest market valuae, elîber clean d or a' il cernes Item Ibe thneshing machine. Rie SAMPLES.-I trust Farmers will be careful and brling true3 samples et seede ibev off et. A geod way teprocure1 aq true sample le lu open each and eVery bag, tare a band tuil from eaeh, mir thorouzh]lv and bring at leas a pouad su as the dealer can judg-e whqt the bulk le lîlce, If Ibe abo;ve le followeod il will likely Save uUpleasantness wbeon the seed les delivered. Trufly, J. B. MARTYli. VLARK'S VEAL LOAF. le jut ltender veal laslily seaeoued and coeked -a egg baller. An appeis- intit-bit always. M OI' , LàBELsiE-In Belflevilie, Aug. 5th, to Mn, and, Mrs. W. Oscar LBle a danghter, MÂLLroca-At soquel, Ca1., july ?7th, to M4r, ai nH. A. Mallovh, (formllry of ed, isoni FoîL)tv-ÀI the MethodiËt ,ansointge, 1a- side. WVednesday. Aug. 8th, to Rev. and Mryls. R. W. Foley, a Son, HANCOcK-In Darlinglon, Anuguat 9, the wife of Horac!e J. Hancock, of a, daughten. 1Foïtir)-Ii anlntoAngusi etuh, ihe wife of John i Founad, of a son. LoB-tuOsawa, Aueilt 511h, the wife of Harny Lobb, of a, dauighter. KIKxÂ'£aICa-In Osbawva, Augnat 6th, the wlfe of Rd. Illrkpatrlck, of a son.ý Buja&Ë-At Graceucpa. Toroito, Aug. luth, the wile of EdmlUnd W. Burkc, o! a son. MZARR1BU. OuTRÂkif-JoENisom-In Port Hope, August 9th, by Rev. F. J. Anderson, Welcoms, cousin of the bride, Frederick Outnam, and Florence M. Johuzou, ni"ece o)f Mrs, 19. L. Byîngton, ail >or Port Hope. PREgE-BARToN-At Medeal! Pan sonage,1 Oshawa, July l8tb, by 14ev. W. B. Tuceker, Herbent Arthur ueed and Abigal Bertha Ban- ton. boili of Bom manville. ]DEýAN-PiEnsoN-At the Methodist parsonage, Oshawa, Augusi Sth, by Rev. W.,. Tueker, Allie Hamnilton Dean and Edna Loule Pierson. HÂaxria-Â 100 MainSt., Aeada ct land, .lUIV 241h, Gilbert L Raznkin, biaker, father o!Wm Raki, oodstouk, andform- erly of Bowm-ýanville. - LEDIAPRD-On Thnursday-i, Aiigusit 2d, at bisi residnceOwen ound Jame Lec in ubis' 81st year. WLN-tPort Hope. Au-i. Sth, in the l2n-d Syear o!flier age, Eulalie Dorlin Wler. Eoss-tunewailAug. 9tbl, Ella May, daug1ter of Mrs. Bienj Rs, gd23 years. 1NOrr-At Toi-rno, Aug. 5Ch, Florence, !dLogthter of WiMlli Noti, Port Penny, aged 22 years, WOON-In Oshawa, Augusi sitb, Mr. Bar- ,bara WOon, in! ber 87th yean. AISGELL-In Q hawa, Augusi Sth, Susan Blow, beloved wif e o! William Angeli, in lier i551h year., JIEFFEET-1 n Darlinlgton, Aug. 9, William .. Jeliery, age d 40 y ears. MITCHELL-IO Toronto, Aug. lltb, Anthony Mitchell, formerly of Bowmanville, aged 86 years. 1 GUARA&NTEED CURE FOR FiLES Itching Bliud, Bleediing, Pnoinudlng Pile, Dru giss aneavthorized ta, refond money if PA 0 Ointment f ails to cure in6t1014 days. 50c' G'OS-Wor ý sal fmy. Agenerat residence of Wv, J, JTotNs, Wellington St, BowmaiuvilL. 32 2w W AÏ1TED -N'fURSERY MAID AND b ouL'se 1maid. boih b og o 10 Toronto, after the summer if possible. OGood wages. Apply to Mas. F. Goc The Beach, Bowmanvlle 31-2w.1 SNow '-We Have You Ouessing. ~H AVE y-u seen that big cake of ýSoap ouréwest wjndow and the. beoutil gold watch which will- be given away as a 4î pize to the one who cornes nearest to 1 4î guessing the weight of the soap. ADy person is en titledto a guess who 4î will buy 25c worth of Richard's Pure Soap, the best and purest ýoap on tho mardet. Drop ini and try your luack and get"a~ 4~big soap value, .â 4q Archie Tait, BW.NVILL1z ~ FigPis for Fp"agged Pooplo e I~t Take oee l-nighî, yoivll feel betler tomorrolil '~A Sure Cure for Constipationl Nalure's own remedy. If you feel lired,'b 4fl lrgangid and weak, try Fîig pFile MrS'D,, ., ' 4q u, Bowmanville, writes . "I lried U Sample ut'i P. your Fig PIl that were left at mly door and ' 4Q Fig they did me so mueh good I procured a box PUIS from my druggiet and I eau trulbfully eay they have worked wouders for me. I was ai- ' Mways lroubled wiîh headaches and a sour ' sîomaci andl would offten have dizzy fQ4linge. 'î M Now I amn entirely tree from il ail., Tig illsare for sale at 4Î Al Duggsts25c. Box.1 Augnt BagaÎls Kedil Bayors ECAIIPETS TO CLEÂ R TRIS MONTH.- I2 mieces fast dve, scoured UTnion <'arpet w<l i 1for

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