Muet Bonr i9 lnatuýE) cf Scespac-Stmîle Wrapper Belo. V«7 aemaXi Cm a.%eaay 10 te as gaur. FRSALLDW 31(11. _MRTIE COMPLEXION CURE SICK NEA'DACHE. NOTES AND COMMNENTS A balloon railway ia now running up the md'unfaiins alt Salzbuirg, Austria. It consisLs of a large captive balloon at- taelied te a single steel railway which. in turn is flxed firmly te thebiceof a steep mountain, woe rcpiteus siop es n llIer form f frailway coiild climb wifiout malçing a series ef ser- pentine detours' and passing flirougli the tunnels, 'Ille balloon remains bel- aaced in thc air about ten yards aliove the rail te whicb it is attached by a stout w ire cable, and ift s îrxved up anJ down Vfli de ef the meuntain tthe will ofthficenginPr. For an ascent theu babloon ilsef urîse the lifting frc by7 ùenser yrthn e lcdescent a large ~ rcsrvi chcd tue icballoon !is filed with watcr at fthe highcsf sta- tion and servecs as ballast. Under fthc balloon is a circula. car seating ten per- sons. The wirc cable passes flireugli the floor ef the car te a speed regulater bencalli, whieh is centrolled by the 'engineer. -The mx enter, l-lrr I3oldcr- aucr of Salzburg, claimns thaitfli bal- loon railway vill replace tflii uniuar rail\vay in fthc future. Nincty-tliree million years is the time given to unbock( a sAfe which is fastened witli the wond(cful new vlock invented in Jamaic.Ti omiainCesssc four sets et I x U nty-four etters(et th a ilhabt whch an ie tset tia asentence in motmodem nlanguage-s, WLi n ee leieris uscdl ne alhabtund ano- ther in a senid set and se on, if lie- HISTORY OF BOWMA.NVILLE l By MR. J, B. FÂTRBAIRN, PF. M. ji-ti. Rï (Continued from last weeic.' A miatter most dilcult of solution and sceimet l, y immediately before the citizepns and called for prompt action. Thiss the question of better facilities for transportixg nmerchaudise for sale as iwe 1 as to brig from other places the suierquired for th.e use of the settlemen1t AIl goods not brought bî water durirng the summer had to be teamed during the winter froin Toronto, Tliat citv was gradually becoming thie centre of distribution for quite a large section of the Province. However Mont- reai being the enterport cf Navigation. the la 'ger portion of the merchants lxx Orjtaio resort'ed there to gel whaý they re ed ,.ýc1in the waý of stock te supply their customers They went inx arge numbers in the fait cf the year for this purpose Tihey had to provide, for the long winter montlis and until the opeming of naxigation in the spring and here again the mnu with nione.y had the advantage Il took capital tu, operate any fairl.y large concern in the face of the length of lime to realize freinssales and to te îurchase, but the luc--ky man who had il toak full ad, antage cf the circurnstances -and Ilie coïnsum iir had to pay a big interesýt, in the way of increased charges on whiat tliey bought,1Huiman Nature is abot the saine et ail times and niumiber was as closely looked iafter as now, 1 kxxow fromù whal I saw a- late as 1848 Ibat fifv per cent was about the usuàl arnount added tu Ibe cost and on jmany special thing-sa higber rate. There is ne doubt but the people were under a heay ,burden of taxation The local t o-as lhroug-h the townshi p %were a fright 1There were portions eft thin duning the rainiv season that were aimost impassible aend then tb is f wrmer7s had a might y bard turne to com-e te the village for the pur- gose of trading Ouiy those w,,ho lied to attle with the miud and mireý can duly appreciale the change to comüparatively good roads. -1 rememrber ucining through the swamp on be Tyrone 1road passing bv the farn cof mv good friend Mr., MVoone/s PerionCr.eam Sodjas are-: crisp squares They are the fooýd that'- bu'Ids strerth and muscle. They are as easily digested' by the chfld and invalid as y 'the sturdy workman. The>' cotain ALL the food' properties of finest Caria- Mi sAanne Waddell la home from Toronto. Mr. Fred Dobson vlalted lu the clty. Mise Alexander, Whttby, vluited ut, Mr. Thoa. MoOomb'q. Mr. Albert Barrett, tailor, Toronto, lci home. Mr and Mra. Wesley ]3lewett, Ooha- wa, visited retîUves here, Mr. James ïrliett, jr., 'Toronto, la home. Mrs. Chas. Walker and fatnlly To- ronto, vlaited friende here. Mr. and Ë11s Patrie, Guelph, vtted at Mr. Robert Fostéir's. Mr. and Mr& Thomas Eliiott, have gone to ualgary, Alta. Mr. and Mna. EL. Souch, Oshawa, viaitedl friende hors. Mr. Ivan McDonald, Lîndsay, vlît- ed nt Mr. Wm. Walten's. Prof. John Squasr. Toronto, was recent guest of Mr. R Koci, Mri. A. A Gamsaby attended the Trull Plonle, et O.-hawa. Mrs. Andrew Matheson, Toronto, vlstted ber aleten, Mrs, R. HockIn. Mr. Wi1I Perkin, King, visited hiii alsisp, Mno. Fraser LtIe, Mrs.. T. H. Doncaster sud daughter, M ri Gladyo, Toronto, vlited friende Mre, C!ark and cou, Brîghtou, visit- iàd her eîster, Mre. Chas. Benrett. Inspector Robt. Âwde, Toronto, vlslted bles brother, Mr. F. Av, de. Mises LilenGarmsby, and Elva and Ors Truil, %faited in the eity. Mr..and Mro. W. E. Beamiab, Port nlope, vlsited her sîttr, MrFp,'A. J. Staples. Mie M. M. Moment eýttended Ep.. worth Leagne Sommer Schoot et Bo-b. 7 M'a John MePherson and Mrs. R. >McPbilI, Guelph, vlslted ab Mr. J. MeRae'o. Mr. and Mr.L I G. Houey vloited relatives et Coborne and Dandouaid. Dr. E. B. Cocwan, BiLekatock, wua 3ulinien 83.40. Total Z109,90. Ra- ceaived and edoptecl On motion of Mesins, Spry aud Tole, Mondy, Anuue 6ib, was appointed as Civle Holiday. FARMERS, DO IIORE DRAINq. West Durham farmera might profit- ably do more draling. Driving through the country the past two weeks wLe have noticed many patches of grain looklnx stuntcd and yellow and in several meadows lu the lo-w, tiat portions the grossis light. Thtese un- satisfactory conditions are due primarily to the land being nnufficiently draiued or net drained. Tnere le more science about correct drainage than most people thtnk. Careful- leveliing le a very important eseential; proper layîing of the tile-and we have ý et to leart of, anything more, eatiefac.tory than the ordinary round draiin tie that le made in Bownienville by R. H. Hamiley. Ooveing ie another conideration need ing exper ince Correct junictonï of branch linos to prevenyt de)posit of seut and blociiing. A proper outiet te one of ten dleregeded in dralning' THEn STATESMAN. te glad te find the De. partaient of Pliee t the Outarlo Agricultural College endeavorlng to empliasize the importance te farinera of proper drainage of their land This meet.e with sueh hearty epproval by thq Miniatier of Agricuiîuri thet he bas authonîzod Prof W. H. Day, thé newly apporittd Lecturer lu Physicg, te go out aeroug the fermera where rcequeeted, taIre the le3vels of Iheir land, locale the drainus fori- hem, and give information genferallv on the aubj.cî, the only ex- pense Colnuected wtilh t belug the travelling expenees of (ne mn Where twro or three persone tn the seme vieîlty have work toe e ne, teauce arrange5 together to hLve ail doue curlng une trip, eech one ppyàrng hie pýroportionele s7here of thý3eexpe]se. Thi8 reduces indiïiduallitley ID a v8îrv ,,Mali suM inded. Fermera who are intereeîed ehou; d write to P'ro'. Day at thea Collags, GueiLnh 'J RUNNING SORES ICOVERED LIMBS Little Girl's Obstinate Case- of Eczema - Instantaneous Relief By Cutiura- Lttle Boy's Hainds and Arms Also Were a Maiss of Torturing Sores - Grateful, Mother Says: "CUTICURA RMDE A HOUSEHOLD STANDBY"ý «(In repy te YOurI letter 1 rieyeu mny experience, and you are piiee te use il as yen sec fit. Latl year, afler having my little girl treaited, by a vcry preminent physician for anti.- nate caseoet cezemna, 1 reeorted( to lbe Cuticura Remedies, and wrese s wel! please d wilh the almost instanfaneousý rdlief afforded that we discarded te pbysician's prescription and relied cxx.. ticyon the Cuticura, Soap, Cut1icuira Oýiu.etmexxt, and Cuticura Pille. When we commenccd withIbe Cutîcura Rem- edies ber feef and limbe were covcercd wilb runxxing ceres. Ilu about six we%-eks we bad lier complelclywean there bas been uo recurreace etf the trouble. "In July et this ewca a lit tic bey in our family poeoxed hie bande and arme Witt] poison oüak, a11(jin twenity-four heure î bi auds ndi(Jarme cr a mass of torturing seres. Wc ueeîd enly tho Culicura Remneies, wsixgbis bauds and arme with the Cuticuira Soaýp, an, id anointed tbem witb flic Cuticuira Oint- ment, and then g ve Ibinu the Cufic;ýura Reselvent, 1l _ about _three wees i