WorUdld Scrutch and Tear the Flesh Un1esb HardsWeeTied-Wasted t10 aSkeleton-Awful Suffering for Over a Year-Grew Worse Under Doctors-Skin Now Cear. WOULD HAVE BlED BUT FOR CUTICURA «« My Ilttie son, when about a year and a hlai old, hegan te havesoe corne eut on lits face. 1 had a plily-, sician t reailt E in, but the soresge worse. Tbhen tlic,11y began te corne où his arms, then on otherparts of bis I No Man Ever Becaine a Martyr for-a Truth lie Received at Second liand. "This îs the vîclory tuaI ovcrcemeth mnes life. Your failli forais Yeu. I thec worid, even ouill."I Joan v., you do not believe men, liow can you 4. b- a man? If you do no t lcieve in YOu Cannot believe ltle th ingsaend things better, nobler, purer, lîow con do great oncs; you canrictiotb,elivn I you miove toward Ilier? If et botln hall successes ai-d acconiplisài wholc voue îaitlî is in tiirîgs nea, sordid, onceS. A mans failli sels the boundai- sensuel base, hen îtier lurris your 01, f ts woek. ttc wilfi do whal lie be- lice, anîd ne extraneous efforts, no badg- lieî es and cccomplisù wliat lie belfeves es, buttoiiîs, or- creeds can change iLs -cio be acconiplished. Miouttainis arleicolii se. n1ýt subducd by aien. uicstand dis- ou acnî,,a;ure a mn's weiglil la urage t a nolebli A -mamusti 1is wrdi i tegiand clearnes cý tiquer tlie fatigues of the \say ilahas cf lis co,,iioni- Po1 you îey lie, vxi arl or lie ,,ill îever set eut eîi eles conwck.ulearried; bot] 'h, road. i iscnboecoe if briglît iii theý Bo f cli free action lies somne cd. hebrnticre uo lcununlal s3rnE "onivction. Alit gical battles îaýe Home fsoegra psiosoie il buco I1 fogtand itici ýlost or won te lîtilî. Give Iîtq i re w ýv, ,v1ih1m,aili l" Eart. "Flie sm or iestuhl-cen he ànc)Ibel - rnL butwiiruuti Phys i èani Endorse The Canzradiant Discovecry DR. ALBXAN.Q£ra FALKXER, Wiiliainstown, Ont,, a' physician' who lias enjoye4a large practice for the past thirty years: - "I have ranchi pleasure la certifying te the, value of 'Fruit-à-tives 1 or 'Fruit Liver T£ablets' as a nuedicine for chronie constipation- and biliqesz ness,' dyspepsia, etc., etc. I have prescribed this uediine for the 1 past six rnontIi, aand can strongly recommrend 'Frit-,-ie'l I cases cf constipatin, indigestion and flatulence, ileadaches due to weakened digestion, etc. DR. A. FRANKrxORDi RoGERq, ONA RIO LEGISLATURE %VIIAT TU1E LE4iISLATURE AT TO- RIONTO IS DOING. TAX ON RAILWAYS. Hon. Col.MclkoosRailway Taxa- tion BiH, wo\' ougalinaUndlethe of- Liciai tille of Ani Ame,.ndmienLto 0the SuV- piementary Revenue Act. Belore toucli- mng on the railwxay wolinil provideŽs Ihat a tas. of $25 sa be iîoposed on eca gency of a bank', iii any munici- pfifity înstead of! $2a-,ou orie acY, vihicl i R ticsysteni ai pi-sent obtainîig nc mnatter how rmy bractis a bali niay 1have. The systcm of txto by mileage Ls continued, thcosent charges being doubled. lIntie application aand distri- bution cf flie re- onue fromn thjis source, howei er, thic nîasure strilica eut cii îîcw lnes. Af ete lcdeduclion of $30,- iflo for expenses of collect1ion, etc., andi foi maintenance o.f fticBailWay Corn- nmission, bal f oflhc reniinder wOl e handcd over to mnunicipal!itie.s la pro- portion to population, and from luhis TbRind Y Un iic AiWay-S Bouglit, and wicMI ias bLeen In use for over,050 ycars, has borne tho igatue f and has been made under hiS lper- "~~<«~~A.low no ono to deceive youc in this. Al Counterreits, Imitations and 61,Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho he,ýalÈh of lInfant.s and Children-ELzperience againstEpeiut Castoria is a hrls substitute3 for Castor Oîl., Paîre- gorie, Drops and SohigSyrUpS, It is Pleasant. hz, tontains noither Opiumn, Morphine nor other Narcotie