abia TERMS :-1.O0 Pe Ânnum.OtIR ToWN AND COUNTYFso; THE ,WoRLýD ATR RS. M. A. JAMES &SN rpitr In Advauee. BOWMANVJLLE, ONiTARU0, WEDNESD)AY, MA.Y 2, 1906, VOLUME II o. * .** *.*e . S ~ *SAeYe, *Cheeks Pale? .4- If so you sha-u1d take I 1I lIgg1, Ur. tormafs Blo od a nd Nev Tablets. HISTORY 0F BOWMANVILLE By MR. J .FIBIN P. M, (Contnsud from last week.) lie first barber shop was opened ina littie hole, dug out under the first hotel, occupied by Hindes. The professor ofi the tonsorial art was a colored man namred Smith. 11e was tai! straight andi m-uscular, somnethmng of a pug-i!ist, and up to ail kinds of circus performances. H1e was he re, off and on, tii wýýeii up in the sixties. The only other colored famiîly1 residecnt at this time was called Camp-1 andfraugh1-t with abiding goolI to the people. Hý-e was a Scotcbma-,n, but 1 do Dlot kflnow from what part of that famnous laqnd he camne. His wife, tlhough, was from Glasgow She knew my miother !n that city. 11e was aimost indlefatig-abie worker, a goodspaewIedoe wïth power, bath of braia and body. 1 do flot think. he hiad many extra advantages in the way of igher education, but he wsos constituted that he uised every op. paortuity within reach to improve the giit2, he had. The awfui effect of the vepra use cf intoxicantss beinug scen on every hand. The best of homes and the Iowest stratuin of humýranity were suffering- alike. This octapuis stretched out~ its atms, pmraciiiz m 'nv f Ç ANESE HLL RETýý 0FvorG, Durhamn Coanty has supplied its fWl quota of young moen adi women for coii d o rs and resýponsibility in thelDominion. As se travel about the cootbv w idDurbamites holding lucdve ndimprtnt ost ns, s week w ee ocain ta vsit tPas, Wôomen's Resident lheu Queen's Park Tnt, anmnumnto thethou'artfuA- nesaniensity o f th ar ait at ANNESUY-HALL, TOR014TO. lit