,Scalp Speciaglists Usedi and Reconlmended Herpicidle rIrs. Anina Conner. j TYRONE. MlUr'gGrp FowrsCurve. Soid by Ue-ent vislitorF:ý Miss B. Poilard Mise Power AndMrEwdPirdOh a tMi-, A E. Clemiens'; Miss Bertha -am ad Ms d Skinner, Bow- rîuîla- d 11Skinner's; Mlr. Plunket levî ttKn;Ms Jsi B'iug-ham bas rituraed home fromi Woodvilte; Mcaser Johnnie Lindsay 11-1 gone toP the Ciilîdrenis' Hospital, rorolnto, for ti ILnnt "I am sending yeu" mv phoograPh te show what N'ewbro '8 lerpicidje has doue for me. Since I1 finalt tied HJerpîcjie upon my hair 1 have IUOd it exýcluaivei- in giving scalp treatmentmR te others. aud 1I wouId Dlot think of tryiang to get along vwithout it ' (Si-medj JARs.ANNA CONNERý. '2807 Archer Avýe,, Chicago, lai fliindreds of lady Scalp SPOcialists and hair, dressers use and recommend Newbro's Herpicide instead of produets of their own manufacture upon which a mueh larger profit could be, made. They dlaim that Herpicide makes friends for them and gives ýmuch better satisfaction. Some hair dressers use Herpicide for obstinate cases only, but wvhy flot use the -best frst ? Hferpicide is a delightful dressing that --au be used when tnere îs no disease of the hair or ucalp, anid as an actuai rem--ed'y for dandruff, itching scalp and faIllng hair it stands in a claes sinigulairly its own. Many ladies object to a guimmy and sticky hair dressing, or one that is fual 01 sedimentary chemiicas intended to dye the bair. The market preferenice for a d cean and dainty preparation, particularly one that overcomes excessîve oilin-ess and leaves the hair liglit and fluffy, is refiec-ted in the enormous sale of Newbro's Herpicide. 'Discriminating ladies become enthnsiaetic over its refreshing quality and exquisite fragrance. Tt stops itching- of the scalp almost instantly. At Dru- Stores-Send ioc in stanips to TiteIlerpicide Co., Dept, N., Windsor, for a Saniple. STOTT'&JURY, SeilAgenits. LI ýs 4)sï tobuy FRO Y fN-CS 0, 1r i 'icel fori- o l i er nce are oiic O ly as uich a,; tIIe - .beýt f±nce ilu ýtueword ijg honetiywrtl. And we mali2 'Llie terois ,o easy that enery feemer aud stoeck- mian eaa takc adovantage of theni. Here Ui wa we tllLaiyou biry a tbe Fï!Qst Fceyou ied:O, tidcash ion etvr. n "11:"d by inoteduc Oct ' oS ". On-c thil'd hy oto, 'due Mareh nrIt,'07. Rive per cent. discotfoAr cashi if paid witth4n dlays froin date ')f invoi'ce. Anld irmenmbr-should FRosr Fzmcus go wroug, from mechan2ical defects or workrnanship in bbuilding, tIiey ure repaired, frte of charge. G. A. GORDON9 Reudal C. J. MONTJOY, EnnIskillen Tic GRAT=WET[LIF ASSRACE OMAN Presidomt: A. MACDONALD. flanagig ilMrector: Jý , iBROCK. RE2CORD FOR195 The Thlteenth Annual Report of the Great-Woest LII, Aýssrane Company 12 a record o)f prospeily, as well as pregreos, us evidi,3eod by the fellewlug Visitors: Mr. Rnd iMns. Geo. Argue with fiends ln Oshava, Whitby and Brookinu; Mis. (D)r.) mitchell, Brock. ville, renewing oid aqaitnc Ir. Joo Abrahams, NMaitoba, aud Mr, Absoloni Abrahams, Mount Vernon, at Mr. Jnames Pýe'6 ; Mrs. C Pearn, Port Perry, visltilgrinonda; NMrs David_ Hall, Cartwright, %ad Miss Gr-e Rogers, Toronto, witb h ed.. r P' J. legsk huemoved tobMr A Arnot'sý faim near Taunton .... A goodiy num- ber enjoyed an evening wtth St. fPatrick at leagute, Friday eveâning.... Mi John Pye bad a 'ry sucesefl weo-Cd bee last week. Recent visitors:m- 4isi;Lucy Cui3amblPa ll at Gneenwood ; Miss Ida MNcCuiioch ats Make Rich, Red, Health- Kînsa.le; MNiss May M'cC-lliiocha t givinig B10ood. Lixdsav ; Mr. John and Miss M. Rosi- nie, Brock, gutests of Mr. J. Nld-derv ; Mr. Oliver Heatiie, Layton, wiith Coid wlnter înonthls, enforcing close] relatives here , Mr. and Mrs J. T. nfem tîu ,er.aed bdl r.ndieSol nd aIn.Tlr.RPace' ventilated r9ooma-i the home, ln the Mn. . Tuil mi rs.Trui, farmoy sop.and tru the achool-sap the vitality aI Mr. J. Hiepbitrni't) Mr. Simmnonj, of oyen 1h. Streuest. The bl.ood M4eafordl, with old acquaintances; r.baeoes cldý.gd wi th impUritiesIh aaiNMrts M A Jam"089 wvii, liver augèi the kidneyA weakened, Mis. W. Weýerny end iUrs, J. VanNes, s le'pi e ctuiyuaaejs Salol-, I n. ols Bray'. . argoen.as tired as 'heu youi went te bcd; yeu poaets'et at !fia oîkadhad a voy eu. ar e ewsprited, penhap8 bave headache joyblethu aItu reidece of r.altc y akin-that is the condition ,Al1oe 3McC nio ch recently,..e.. f Ehouaitndsof peepie eveny iapring. p unî 11a,1M. j. Ndeys ona tcmste aIllî 1eas the bloed la night waad esq TA uk fri-ei a odtoi-vDr VWtt. aupnb ud jois'time cwas speul .... i HamyIns'Pk pills I eue PUAs net ouly '[le ox ocal ivn arc lth SSbmishe isfereligbut they guaid the besat o! ils kind teven given in thg localily. Tbe boxes ve6r.aal sns ganttei(ire teorious alime3nts wbieh shapes. and colors-rounid, sur eii. aama nestion, oblong, triangular, heant-shape an i mJ kidney touble. Dr eveni other shape imaginable Peopiev i lis in i Pilis arean ideal Mantea.Osav, RglnSoin, new, ricýh, ned blood( Every drop of Enniskilien, Zin and thomrnundtin nwb[iih t srnghn h ncighborbeed. The tootbsoqme edible j evr okd ne:-res overrcme teak eandprs ygrl r edrrwn emsand (drives the germ oûfdies zhivs yvou vin andi energy te jlesist the L")rÂ,torid fheat ol th-e'c-ming ýsummner Mr Mack A. Meuso, Sia Point NpS., Oshawa GrlUockiey Club have ent 1saMs: -'I was SO )coimpletfï,ly mn dewnv 10te tCe Hopital Mr Sick chiioreWtatIceld hardlv work. L desie A commîtee bas Oecu appemted t eu 1aie siong lis ever I did aud ca upfdertake ,ýthe work ofej nanging bhe rcommand IMe pulla 10ail weak Athl(ieugreundsA teaccmmodatethé epi. SouOUI rlo ir which 1is le hlinu là ISiaminstako te take purgatives lu Ibis towîn ufure,ý.. . .. Aîur z1 P-ae Weil bas goe i te California.M iE te srn.Nature caila for a medicine î-? te build Up thel wasted frepr O'Brien, Poýrt Hope, i iln nnaglvsnywae.I samdcn bere .. r.Jas. Guinette aie,ïn4-r od ehn ti mdr rih ru al sac, d b-, :c. inée- eti01tenîîeblooed, net ne tg acto TM ---M1i Newbro'4,s During the past week thousands of dollars worth of we have plaeed In~ stock new goods. We have been OSn1AUfl5rUUI .. 1. 1wo UUmtiLs aB 1 t enhurst. The Muamkoka Free Hospital, for conemptives, ia mpported entirely by voluntary subsoriptionis, and no person hie evea been refused admit. tance on acoeont of hi. or ber poverty. Pients have been taken, ranging la âge from under 15 years, te nearly '70O, and embraclng every religion. The average ego cf the patients Iast year, wms 32,ý yeurs, which but shows3 that this awful disease ta attacking oui youug men ard vorneu ln the very prime of their 11f e. Shouid l not be the duty ofa&I who can, to contribute towarde thi. great undertaking. We find that lu Oatario alone, about 2500à people di. yesriy f rom Oonumption. The Musikoka Hlospitais are for the. treaiment of the duses lunits earil stageo,whon It viii b. possible not only te arîsît the trouble, but te effect, ln a great majority of casjes, a permunant cure. Over 2000 pat fents have already been oured for, and of these the great- er perosutage have been able te take up theifr work again sa bread wînners ofA the family. Sino. the MAlikoka Cotiage Sani- tarium was epened, eight yeaîs mgo, twenty patients have been roceivsd, &ud mince opeuing the Fiee Hospital four patient.î have received fres tisaI- ment. By iookIng at the latent report olf the Reghitrar Geonerai, vo find that lu 1903s, thero vers Soyen deatha from Tubeieuioaes &loue, lu the CotnnUes of Ourbéanad North umber land. Shouid not thîs bîing hoen to the reidents ef theïe Countie. the necoiesty of dealing with thie, great quesitioni, the soln'lop- of whlch i . of mneh vital im.- pertance. The Natural Sanitarium Association ià repreueîated la Bowmnanyiile by a Branoh society, wlth th. foliowing ,.f- fleurs- Prere-Mr. W.,1B. Coach; VIce- Pre . -Mrs. J. W. DâcLaughlin; u;ec. - Mr. F". B. Foley; Tia,, - Prin . cipai DarldsO, -Who are being helped with a iitrcagCoemmittee. The objeat of this Branoh ia te rai.. lbe um cof $300, whioh viii eudov a beil in th. Fie Hoapital for one year, and give a four ionthe trealmsflt 10 et leat à thres peor patients, who otherwise wocid b. dooemsd te the slow ravages of the dissamo. ThehoTisasurer of the Local Branch wiii b. pleassd tu receive and acknow- ledge any oontribaui5, and Mr. J. S. Robertson, the Secretary, mi Toronto, viii gladly answsr-any toquâties. Mr. G, . bJsnnlngs, Fleld Secrotary, ta in town Ibis week, lu the intsr-ob of bthe Local Brmnch. Ail substribers of the Public Library are r.quemied te retuin any books. lhsy may have outiÂT o, o oIhat the bocks may be Iurnlgatoi. The Board feel thst. ou accouci of th. cases cf &aall-poi la lowa i je sqaer oa do ibis sud fno bocks will b. r-isued til aIl are brov.gbticl, albn r b coni vii be po Mrsie. (Jries ý!1Barroit;la hborn eclou Mrs. Morcer hAb a sueafui Wood bo. Satiirday week. Mr. Friser Littie and Mr. William Arms'rong m~ade a basiness tr;p te 'ho Miss" M. E. G. Waddil iz,,as home freinSresvle Mi WllamCooney, Pteboeva lu' the villagercet. Misa Elfla Sharpe fle houe f rom tho clîy with eais Mis39 Aggie McKay, Udrwola visting ber 0l5ter, MnE. J. R. Cocoper. Mlaas Clvîlerecen îly va thei daerMrs W.Canu,Bo an f f ISNIT il wortisonetliing to know17 thatBar, S1 Chicken Hotises, . ol Slieds, etc., kwe freproof roofs? Poterson's "WireEde very careful in our selection for spring and are highly satisfled with goods received. But we are waiting for the verdict of the general public. We think we ean show yon better value and a nicer choice than von have seen. Àny- way: we would like an opportunity of showing you our stock. Among our new Dreas Goods we mention a lino of Freneli Batiste Cloth which is very new and pretty and aL the popular price 50e per yd. We have in ceam Bc* and a'nice assortment of colors. We have a large range of verv populaIit grevshadesq in plain iand fancy tweedAs ranging in price f rom 50c up. In light weight gonds we have a large assormment in plainr and fancy sfllk and Kool Eoliennes, Crepe.-de-chenes, etc. We think we are showing the largest and begt valu~e in white and fancy 'waistings ever shown in Bowmanvlll,. We might emphasize particularly our large and well ascrt- ed stock of vestings, a blousing eveayone knows thed value of. It launders beautifully and le suita-ble to wear P.11 the year aroiund. It is by ail means the most poputlar blousnz on the market. We have sold ont entirely two or thr, inew pieces thius pring, 20e an-d 25e yd. W. mighit ij3t mention a fe-« noveltiet, In Ladici' Faney Neckwear an~d Beits. A goo& choice of Lace CollareParn, etc., deeldedly novel in style. A special feature in fthis lot are those made of the popualar "Babe Irish"la. We hava the newest styles in gilt and silver boits. CaIl and See Outr Spring Goodaq. TvJEMluN~O