Pe7una oCceupies a unique poSition ln m.,DdMUscieSace, Il in the auiy internai stmecatarrh remedy known ta tkc i*dedca prof.smon to-day. Catarrh, as eiw;rmae wili admit, la the eause of oae- b"d t>.d45seawhich afflicts Sanklad. 046u-rh and catarrhal diseuses ufiiet gehfo!the peeple Of United States," F-r R Roberts, M. DWaeh- g*, .C, wrltea: '2ruhMy oWa expel eo -neWil -as--t at Or Awgny oF0 a~ UIft4tcsWho bg.n PIIO or relloved oic. -"these o. f Ia rtmaa's a OnfMy nUrccm. ÏS th* bestiedicino I know ýk i. eesghfa ad toe tre»Cthen a weak OabMw auid ta gi>'. appetite. Besicles tibng it £or caarh, Ihave ordered hâ ld a patiant but said it helpe- It 50,a94 «Sellent medcie m&nd it l e lrge praetiee, and have a Oâcaý4 . ýp rrïeî à* 7y,0=Peruaa. I hepe e'al WO li','e11397 tedu g..4 to the sick Drs. ý C. Goa, writ« h frus 13Joue e* ido, c aie. ro"24pweromed 8se niay m- 0kw!Ws res In $au 1'ranaobao thul I arn r1awk*edtha--t il lga a aalbloremedy. &-Ylve untly advia.d Untause fla won 1,asIftnd fi iwi. rergui n ad and oaintçs's m O4rbla a awisf c a.curbl the, deçweeaed ne-r,.e eters, !bla what I>eruna de"a, Peu-us im.die ogpî~eSobw 1h. oeryo-eutm whk iw v tQ theI --eo mmrmu.& i. lbbot"kdl>- appearu.TIsaem suaues If y-ornado nDM d.eft v ppêcUdas- factory résulta frem tU am of .4uaà vrite st oace to Jir. X«*.vtmga ftU statement et y.., ee% dle vii b. piee.ed te gtv'e ym -kt&,vlm. .À. viegratIs. Âddre.a Dr. Harmmâ4 PaUM of TIc Hâniman m mtarM~M, co.(mnbuu Fa rmers! We Wiant Biarley Every bushel you have to!Spaîe. Ver1Y highest price piid. ChoppTrg dounepromptly and -Weil. J R Mo~YLIfltd CAILEDONIA MILLS. BOWMAN VILLE I RETIRINGI From Business. Uoods Below Cost! $16,00Gold Filed Watchcs at $12.00. $12.00 Goid ]?lled Watces ai $8.50. Everything equally low, Cali eanîy and ge-t e.hoiýec o! Gocoda, Silver Watches from $2.00 Up. Wedding Rings ahane the samo eut in pnices. must be sold. Positively giving up business. Ui'erything eauî and get Pries Aniy goode flot usually lu stock wiii ba Iproeurod ut an advanee? of 10 per cent On cost. Watchc-u Cieaned 50C to 75 C. Ilaisprngs50e to 75c. I hereby thaink *my numerous ecutomers fer libenal patron- age duing the last 4-9 years. lOàct. I., cieceased, R. B. Wiliiamsau, No 601 Park Vicw avenue Dr. J. S. Thomsan, of the Indepeudent Church o! Christ, will officiate, and the interment wlll be lu Rosedale ccrnetery. The pail-bear- ers wili be six old Canadian frieude, H. P Pcf Tp, J. S. Spiain, Richard Rced, W . A. Powell, G.' B. Smith, und Richard Gilbert. H. K. Williamsan was boru lu Bawmanville, Ontario, Canada, near Toronto, and his earlyj youth wss spent there Luter ho re.1 xnovetd to Port Hlope, Ont., whcre ho eug-azedlunthe imusîc busines3 withAxi brother, R B Williarnson, and for ton1 ye-ars they canducted this euterprieq there Iu 1892 the brothere came ta Las Angeles, and lu March of that year1 begýan the business of WLIiamson4 Brothers, dealers lu musicial instru-1 monts, ut No 827 South Spring atreet., They have remaiued thereconltinuousiy1 sino thal period, the firm- now boing1 au incorporated one. lu 1893 Mr.1 Wiiliiamsôn rnurricd Miss Jessie Saper, wha haci alfo corne ta Las Angclcb inom Port îlope, Canada. The wub $w- survives. Tlke WilliamaouLIS came ta Las Angeles prîmarlly ior the beuefit of the, hcalth of the jauior brother. Lat -May he-determin ed - trty-tha -deser- air, and fiting up u wagon ho traveied overlaud ta Thermal. After a short lime the intense heat drove hlm inta tbe mountains back ai Bauning, and there ho remai ned until about two mautha aga, when ho wcnita Bauuing, eugaged a cottage -and there was jainea bv bis wife. lie was a memLber ai the RoalaiArcainuin, and amrember ait the caugnegaîlon o! the Final Church of Christ, Seientisl Ho hcld membenship lu the Chamben of Commerce and lu the Cîvie League and was'deeplv interest- ed lu the grawth and devclopmnerit ai Los Aingelea. A HABDIT TO BE ENCOURAtEU. The mother who has aequired the the habit of keepinpg on baud a bottie of Chamberlaina Cough Rcmnedy, 2iaves herseif a greatt uamant a o eaf ns and abxiety.V Cauizhs4, coids and croup, to whichl chlldren are susceptible are quickly eured by 1t8 use.- It eoruter. actsa any tendencv of a cold to resuit ln pneumaonia, and if glven -a soon as the first symptonis of croup appear. it will prevent the attack. This cantains nath- iDc, injurious and mathers give it ta lutile anes with a feeling of Pe rfect security Soid by aldruggiate. HAMPTONt. M'r. and Mrs . C. J.- Stevens, Peterboro, sperut the week, end ut NMr. W.J. Clark'e. ...Mr. andlMrs. B. Dickenan, Zion, Hope, ai MIr. T. Rowe'.... Mr W. R lrne peut Sunday ut Pickering .. .. A lage oglegation attended Quurterly Service Sunday rnorning ail con- gregationa an the circuit were iargely represented very man 'y af thase present remaining for the sacrament . .. .Ai sharehalders of tbe Butter & Cheese Ca. Ltd., should endeavor ta attend the Annual meeting Saturdav afternoon. *..Remember Mr. J. Rebbin's sale a farm, stock and impiements Wednesday Feb. 14th .... Wc were in error hiat wcek in sasing that Mr. W. A. Win- datt had purchased Mrs, Noble'a prap- erty, it la Mr. John R. Windatt To be free from sick headache, bill- ananesa, coustipatioù, etc.. use Carter's Little Liver Pilla Strictly vegetable They gently timulate the liver und free the stomacli fram bile. kn lIroil Tonic. We have ne e odaemedy, for ýb"ild- ing up the n.eer- es and purfying h e.oo tuaigivs better satisfaction tlian Dr. De's e.ýrveeand BloodiBuilder. 60 doses for 25C. flljThee sas- STOTT JRY fae= D rumggts Winter Resorts in February California, Mexico, Florida, Cuba, &fier attractionsr difficuit to finid in any nther part of the world Dellghtf ni. restfui. heaith restoring climt, lumur- joua hotel. 1nO1JjN4bTlîIP Tourist TIeketU ale on Sale Daiy to Ail Sotherru Resorts. The Mount Clemeng MleaI Bata.. and St. Cathlarinem Minerai Spring, sitnated on aur direct ine, ar8e eiebrafý. ed for their curative at Try it. For tickets and tuli iLomation cali on, STOTT'& JURY, Town Agent, W. WOOD, Depot Agent. Agent, Toronto. evoning whi h gare nomne o! the rnem- bers an increased intereat and a wish thut tbey had uavailed tbemseives a! the oppartunity af attending the services.,...However, betweon the re- ports o! Trru STATiESuAn and that given by aur pustar wo have a prettîrfull re- port we think,. . .. Hampton E League le expected ta visit Neetieton soun.... Bujilding operatiana pr omise ta be hiveiy besîde the completion o! the fine residonces o! 1fr. John Sanda, Jr., Mr. Isaac Heasllp and Mr Wm. Porto- ous..Msr M m nn Wi hua Jr., and Thos. H. Williams will cafeh bitid residencea . ... - rs. Lambkin bas purchaeed a lot from, Jua. W. Emerson and wil build a hause there. on.... Mr. W. Parleous will quit farm- lu gand mova ta Nesîleton Station.. .V M. Fred Beacoek will neccpy tbe furm vaeated by Mr. Porteou.... Mr. Robt. Dlcky hue also purchused a lot ut Nesîlelon Station and la putting mater- lai on grouud for building, ûôlOLWO1ÇcOLDS ALCE TUE CAUSE OF BLA!Y SERIOUS DISEASES Phv3icians who have guined a nation- al reDutution as:unalysts af the cause a! tarous diseuses, hlaîm -thut if cuatching- cold couid be uvoided a long list af dan- garous aliments would neyer b. beurd of. Every anc knows thut pneumonia and causuimption aiginate from a cold, and chronme caturrh, bronchitie, and al Ibroat and lung trouble are aggravat- cd and rendered more serlous by each fresh ultack, Do ual isk yaur life or taka chances when vau have a coid. Charnberluin's Caughý Remedy will cure, il befare these diseuses deyelope, This remedy cantains no opium, morphine an ather harinful drug and bas thir vyears o! reputution buck o! il, guiued by ils eures under every couditiDn For sale by ail druaggists. BNI418KILLEN. New lite for a quarter. Miller's Coin- Pound Iran Pilla. Sold by F. R. Ken- sake, druggist. Those wh'o rýt"nded Lcugtse Oyater Supper, Thunsday, enjoyed an exeel- lent progrim ud double ahane a! o3slers. Praezeds $18. Those wha apssited on t he program aoulside ai the leuTera wejre Mios Eva Wicketî, Mount Vornon; Miss Ethel VanNeat, Sauina, Mrs. Kersiake, Mr. Thea Siemon, Hay- don .... Mn. Austin Code has returned froni a -visit ut Carleton Plaee, accamp- auicd by his youungen brather. -... Mrs. Vansickîs aud 7Miss Lauru Ranlan speut a few davs in Toronto. .... Mn. R. B. Beaeock af the corner gracery, ha been halidayiug at bis home lu Carl- wright...- . Miss Annie Cbapmun and Mr. John Mlorris, Leakard, visited ut Mn. C. Stewart's. HE WAS LAID UP FOR OVER A jE A R Tili Dodd's Kidney PIl Cured hie Kidney Troubles Now Hc'e Pcrfeclly Healthy and Able la Wark-Gives ail the Credit ta thet Great Cunadian Kiducy Remcdy. E WAPHLLA, ASS.,N1. W. T., Pcb. 5 -(Special.)-Cured af Kidney Discase that had laid hlm up for aven a ycar, Mn. Ga. Bartie man, a well known man bao, is loud ïlu bis praises o!f Dodd'sa Kidney Pis, for to tht miuad uathingk elso bie claima haeawcs his cure. 1 "Yee, I hiai Kidnuey Trouble," Mn.s Burtiernan tý s. "I bad pains lu mv N back and lu athen parts a! my body andy thou-h tbe doclor did wbat lie cauid forà mue, f gnew worse tili I was unable ta work. e "'Thau i slarted te take Dodd's Kid-a ney Pille, and I-to)k lhem ail wintcr undt summer whilc I was unable ta wank. Iv took lu ail twelve boxes, and now I am v perffeclly beaîti-v Mv pains are ailt gene and Ir-,mable te wcrk. i heuntilyv recommend Dodd's KduyPuis Itaffla Sufenra rs m nKidzincy Diseuse," a Dodd'sidnclle Pille alwass cure thes Kidneys. Hlea!Ll-y- Kiducys strain aila lmpurilles, ail sceda af disease, ontoth b biojod. That's why Dodd's KidneyS Pille cure snch a wide range of diseusesb Iueluding Bright's Disoase, Rehumal-s imand ndUnary rroubli.1 14HWTON VILLEN Mn. Edgar Noden, Newcastle.,-was homo over Suuduy-. ..,Mise A. Smith bau returned froi a pieusunt vigit wilb bier patrents at Renfrew._ Mrs. Jabez Bnagg bas been aiL kforn eome urne but i. now necavoing .... Mr. Allan Jone2 has returned ta Toronita ....Mr. and0 Ui. Wý J. Trenoutb atcndcd the funenai o! ber grandiathes, the late William Gilbert wha died at Bowmnan- ville ou Satunday and was buried VAIT FIVE MINUTES and, get Clark 's l Ponk and Beau, atcatm- 04vo. Vey appetiuing-. Plaiin or UUÂ b disappei and feit ulways Dr. Wll Wber are star or loeano 5are cure because rod bloc starved: strenizth troules chrouici special a women. with the Pilla for around the Dr1 ville, On mail aIlF for 82 50 res, every acheaind pain nati earod, I hud galned lu wclght ýbelter lu every way. 1 shah havea gond word to0 euy for [hiase'Piuk Pilla. i n the blood le poor, the nerves1 ,ed: then cornes nenralgia, aff, St. Vitus dance,1 puralyais or aotor ataxia. AIl these troubles -d by Dr. Williams' Pink Pille, they actually malte the rlcb, od that feeds and soothea the nervea and soude heallh and ;to-every partLoLAhe hody- iwhy these pillsalaie cure sncb -e as rheumulism, anuemia, eryaipelas, indigestion and the ilmente of growing girls and .But you muat gel the genuine afull naine "Dr. Williams' Pink rPale Peaple," an the wrappe- each box, If lu doubt, w: île Wlliams' Medicine Ca. Brock-, it., and the pilla wiii ho sent by 50 cents per box, or six boxes 0. If you arc uiiing, try thein NEWCASTLE Mies Gertrude Pearce huas been yisit. ing friends ai Sauina. D. J. Galbraith wiillbuild a $200C barn on hie western farm. Miss Marlon Edmison, Brighton, visited trienda here recently, Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by F. R Kerslake, druggist. Mies Martha Puley, Fenclon Palle, wae recent guest of Mrs. Atkinson. To be strong- you muat have gaad ap- petite», good digestion and good as. similation, Millcr's Compound Iran Pisl bring ail these. Tuesday week 400 hogs, 45 sittue and 20 sheep were ihipped frorn lhla station in four haurs. Miss Anderson, duughter ô! Dr. Auderson, haa been engaged to teach Coe 11ui1achool. Not anc in twenty-are f ree frornBorne fittle alment caused by inaction of the liver. Use Carter'a Little Liver Pilla. The result will be a pleasant surprise. Thev give positive relief. Mrs. Thorn entertaincd a nuniber of frienda Monduy eveniug lu honor of her guest Mre. Allan of Napunce. -, Miller's Worm Powders correct ail such traubida as iack of uppetite, bil- lousnesa, drowsiuess, sallow complexion, etc. ; nice ta takre, Soid bY F. R Ker- siake, druggist. T. H1. Eversan is put ting in a, grain crusher in conneclian with the elevator at the station ta be driven by a gasa. uine engine. Miss Mary Lovekin, daughier of F. B. Lovekin, J. P., was united ini ma-In. râouy ta Gea. Robinson. M*ýr.,R(ebinsan Intends going out West. NERTOUS AND WORRIED, MR. Aioss. IBALD SUT]iTRLA.qD, Principal South Bar School, Sid-ney, N. S.. writea-1' waa greatly traubled wlth nervous dyspepsia aud afier meais 1 aLlen feit like vamitiug and my etamach was sore 1 was ner-vous and worried, frequently hud headaches and shortuass af breath. Whcu several doctors failed I decided to try Dr. Cbase'a Nerve Food, and il bas entireiy cured me' I @hall be rlad ta3 be the mensof brinZing this medi- dune ta the notice of any anc who la suffering as I did." SOL INÀ, Mr. W. N. Pascoe is visiting friends at Markaaee.. .. The Farmera Justilute beld here on Tuesday was weil altended The Women's Instituts heid a profitable session ln the School flouse and waa well atteuded. The evening meeting waa a joint meeting. Misa Carter gave an excellent address on the "Courtesies on the Faim" speaiiingfar 45 minutes. Mr. Anderson' then gave an hour's addrese, describinug the farmer 's position ta that aIthe profetsional man and il was one af the moat practical addreases we have had the picasute of listening ta frein au Institute speaker. The hall wus filied. Mr-. T. Baiker, C. C,, acted us chairman. . - T There will be a debate aI Sauina Division ,Friduy uight "Ra- aoived that au;r subordinate divisions are doing more for temperunce than Legisiation ta b)e catained by B. G isteveus and J, Bal'r. . .. Mhes- Duthie has returncd home ta Toronto afler spcnding amouth withfriends here.. 'h. remains of the late Wm Gilbert, Bowman ville, were interred at Eldad F-eroy visited uat Oshawa.... .Miss Florence Luke, Kedron, vlilctd ber graudparents at Roselandyaie.... ]Miss Ida Moare, Haydon. visiled her sister f4rs E. G 'Pascoe. ... Mt Carswell Division visit thein bre3th-ren here an 23rd.... Mr. A Hoga,ýrlh Spcnt a couple Di daya at Toronto,.. .Mr. Chas. T. Langmid ,'hue purchased a, ncw seven- Ir il us the Bente Am niptoyetl Lon Plillthat qulky buildz "p the nerve% sud puts8 the biead in the tine,3t piblje cou (îii-n ta Dr. Detu'w Nerve sdBiood iBuilder, 50 doms e 16 ST T & J URy frý ~ t Auother 10 days of -Fu ' Magi n s Another 10 days of Bargain a]1l throuý)tgh :the tre4-a-iiter --oo&- I3roo ms for any customers whoîr have not already had one aî&d -%who buys $94 00 worth more Gifl,«oooii DDue Bille takon ao cash,. WNOTION-Our stooktaking being rather behind 4-~~~~~~~~ü -4i-erb~fn ue-enat-uriguhan we « Epe cbed, these are now aIl out for sale. TH' MAS q'N ee DONALD . GALBRAITH. Barrister Soifrtor, Notary Publiei, @e. Private and Company moners tla ban atilowest surrent rates. Agent for The Midland Lon and SavIngs Company-. Ofice opposite 1. IL. Martyn'astCore. King. St. Bewsazville, Ha-tf B.J.Hazlewood, IL.D.9C.M. BOWEANVILLE. . ONT. CIOL£ MEDALIST of Trlnity Un- ~.iesity, Toronto; Pour yeâ6rsAttendirg Physician and Surgeon at Mt. (Carmel Hospital, EPittsburg, Ks. Offie and Beidenue next Door to, Ex-Mayor Mlitcel'o, Elci' t. Toisphon, No. 108 :BE SURE. IAud examine aropy of our tcatalogue ps.yorefrif yoiu have any Idea, of taking s re Good Paylng Position We believe ther. la îno shool equai our.s for metisodie business training adfor produeing good resuits. We solieit Investigationes ad comparison. EONTER ANY TIME. NO YACATIONS. * Yoge nd Get rard Ste , Toronto. W. H.'S n" W,,Princeipal.: ~~ off ered i1905 BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE * oldest * quickest saf est * R. A. FRUASN B. A., MOGIU sund onge Sti., Toronto. Wyanted 1 One Huudred more Tonna, à Wùmen, w7ho Ste ambitios sud entei to quali;y liu te TOROSTO, ONT. fer the msny positions open tei Who art thoroughly prepared to sec, A six moutbte ourse ln ibIs college for Young men. of the rlght -klnd, eatios qupet better thel'iia or . profesion umoney earane StudntR adlnttd ai any tlm 8. c fiee. W. J ELIoTirPriacîpal Cor.Yonge and Alsxani e" "A Treasure" For "OIld Age". "GOOD EYESIGHT" i&ýrds the greatest pleasure ta cvery persan of advanced age in reading, ~ sight secing, etc. Why irupre- serve il while'you are you ng by givîng your eyes careful attention V If you have the siightest doubt about the condition o! y our cyces de not be careless but corne at once te our Graduate Opticiau Our opticai panlor a ssures apecial Comfort. No charge made ffor testing the cye. Perfect Filt- tlng Gnarauîeed or nîaney nefand. cd. Hours f romn S a. m. ta 8 p. m. The Chemistg uni Dru.0gista Tmho Long Wintor Bvoning&, A mon sud Qaa be profitably spent byyOur rpligown, comfortable firoïide with the J eomPany of a good book, magazlni- < or newspaper. We keep in astok the buat Elne O!monthly magazines Sfor all classes and tastes. If thers- f»l any magazine, book or paper published thas you wislh foi ve gala aIl flom UPPlY YOU. O!fcoursethe chist eptLherm. daily paper3 of the provinee are su du alwaye on aur counter's frsh from 'Y tradeâ h Pes w i. T der au, Le, eORNIS- 41-3m. - ?OIVNANVILLfI. i e -i