Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1906, p. 6

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~HEucessofast~5Unkow ScooerAssailWed ara !n UiU UYflUArlvlin:rio NearlyTmirty-ive'iF e nsupon C'heSearr A dcspctch from Toonoescys 4TIse llur. Brea and pastr9' A LoilIs. SeotiantI, despathb says: 'lb' itelloixing ratures ivere givan on' Wed- rnut e mreti~n rer-~German sîcnxer Gomma, wiriclx erriveul uesday by Mr. Thomas SonilxworhWe,:~onnzar ucph5 oMn bo hre onTbum'day in ballast. rporte1 AIl Direcior of tIse Celonization Bureau, oIA Time WhnVýmica A-c 4~~ 1v appettisiu'g 1hy ' itthat sc xx ce iredonc by tIse Cex f ' ..a.. tIse Mnisior of Agriculture, em-id mcdoe e beivloeom dcebibesehroiiof xlunknioin ntinlîb't teIf, ~T.~.tI... ~ publie: Dread Dsess-n ellgn Vmi~rrp v orsig.Ctea (a l'rge cm'm of tire ort Seel Ears,, ojUIrO as if heSul3 d Dro JIp Imemigrants ho Ontam'io durîng 1905, b î li et 9 coloclu orithe night of Iant. 27tti naiîties: SouthiAfrican, 10; k'- fr t ToixeieC Cj[ fur deend' illeshots were fmed et a disýtance of, Off- Body Entirely Covered with j1tralian 2: AutILa. not oheri te - --n ,hisps [eng il, anc [h(, Iirs;ttlmie i-, f h Sores-Throe Doctors Could Not spocfe, 8; oeme, ; 1koiia The "change of lifelis u p o n t',eh e a a n t h,9 ;e m ai! ! x a s ri t e b i d g e1 3a! 2 :- r o a ia n n d S a v o ien i, 26 G a ia n, th e m o s t c ritic a l p e r io d à4/ dfhemi stath oii Cre hI GewWre 32 Hnain lt tews iteld o -cf a womau's exi8tenee, way 1 iS iIieJ disinctt hei ihe roixcf th schoner6i; Slovaki, 23; Syrian, 4; 'Belgian , 0; an heaxct îi by . ~tmtig.an tathobeieesth in-Brazilian, 1; Dili, 15; French, 73; G3er- iwOoen ait dtrasonea q eTi guagceui,ý was Finnish, ,Swedisli -r CURED BYCTCUAmari, net oihlerwise stated, 150; Alsace- sotwtotreon Ilussieîi. ltogether half aduiuri shois vr vma velc xx erefîred alle whic the choonr t ~Lorraine, 1; Bav arian, Prussian, Saxoni, Eer oa d te te scuhward.The seamerN TWO V I\ 8; England, 23,316; Welsh, 233; Scotch. nget h aec e ssmd r srn aâd nc tempotwte sThe ster4,496; Irish, 1,765; West md an, 16. heath at his time in- ,wha ny x smlf ounded maie reccived surgicai atten- r.ogeStseof71Cbr am a, 3,Hb@ ,nt Wheni her system je lu wbet ni. t s ild St.,,Akron, Ohio, tells in the following otherwise stated, 86; Hebreixas, Bussien,adr by the newest and bestdncheeadteule setate. letter of another of those remarkable 1,155; Ilehrews, Potish, 16; Hlebrexworstengpediscodto mahier. s urfidcures of torturing, disfiguring skia, Austrian. 62; Ilebrews, Germant, 13; ao se is ordongosdto mciev ti uiidhumnours dailymade by Cuticura, after Italiens, 665; Jopenese, 5; Newtoundtandaolxo ogsin6i by electricity. MUCH FREIGHT BURNEB. physicians and ail else hall failed: I b; New Zeiltond, 8, PorLtiuese, 2; Pol-,fan oranth e te- 'r __IeeLdenc _istt at th82: period Lsetan o er poor suff ering babies to el ht stan, including 938 Finus, 1,300; Swiss. adihhsfe- :7.#~ bread flot oni y iight, crisp DsrcieFr nteC .B hd Cuticura has done for my little daugh- 31; Da-nish, 84; Icetandie, 2; Swedish. .o...ritt.o....k ai Winipe ter. A humiour broke out ail over hier 320; Norwegians, 355; Turks, 10; Ari- eabud.Athi&:a. an peiig u loA Winnipeg despatcli says: A dises- body, and we used everyýhing recom- niants, 38; Syriens, 23; Arabians,7 it a 7 'whlesmedigestible and trous tire brhrcez ouf in the receiving nended, but without resuits. Three Uie Slaies ciizens, 21; negro, mulailn' s r or sl nou is in . lw a d cn ed waeh us i te ~ doctors al claimed they could help te, quadroons. 4; India, 5. Total. 34,958. to orm arde b iote i r nou.shyLy s dsd on Wed wrio een ntherP.her, but shte continued to grow Summery:detctevr. You will better your rvs mutc aubemrhnie worse. lier body was a mass of Engltsh si)ealkng............ 29,913 Sc ann yp bakig b buvng giIconstgned mainly te \innipeg mer- sores, hr ltiefce...e.ge.. eiriEnoea 9 toms as ceuse of Suffo chns h eto dsrydxa f)away, and lier ears looked as if they (Gerjan .........................15 cation, hot flashes, hcad- ýe vie's Royal Househiold leet long hy 6 U) e. he etexe 'r would drop off. Neighbours adlvised 1erw.............133lce bcahs, d read Flcur from your grocer. 0 ih inimhentue nld n e t eCt icura Soap 1 and Oýcj int- Scdninavas.............(i ofmpnngciti- silks, tqos evrler oed fte et n eoeIhdue of Iain.............6 tsuds in tIse,ca rs, Fleu Mis C., !dcie., and bre uiuldligfîeteaeo uiuaSap aud tIse boL .aa-ese .............. ......- palpitatîion of" tilv heart, CgiIvie C u îisc. d efotoftefrre nî îetr at f Cuticura Ointueent, the cotes had Bussians, includiI-g ý938 Finins'*.130sparks befýore the ïcyce Mktr t-hic !ne letd h uiling -"9were ail healed, and my littie one's face Brazilian................. ...... i irregularities, constipe- weeand body were as clear as a new-born The English immigrants btheD-tovral peie cOgtilv s 10 agoforeacellernted Bsils hebul ing ai - babe's. Iwndnt ewtot imnion numbered 49,000, cf whicb 29,9f3 weakniessý and inqul.. * entainsif ipage of axcelentunonents, tieoempcambox carstareio.-tude. aniu izzinesa arc- roi fre Your --ocer suli tell yon live wire. the small sum it did cost us to cure potel eoen wh are- how to get it fÈÈtE, .aur baby, after spendiug inuch. money elgnwo n har on doctors and niedicines without any LAURGE CATCHES OF SEALS. approaching the period benefit whatever,"P in life when womani's great change period Lad pssced, andItrsremtopr ___________________________________AT__MANAGER.____Canadian Fleet tins Donc %Nell oif may bc expected, feet hesalth. My advicet uem oe FOR ~~Cape Ior. Lydia Eý Pinkham's Vegetable Com- is to try rtur Vesgetabileoipudadhy -v~~~rw-~~ Attempt f0 Murder James Crease at A~t pound was prepared to mkcet thse needs wil t e digappointcd"Ms .Pwes r u< ( H JR C IUniacke, N. S. SLEEP FOR BABIS Âdspa'tch from V ictoria, B.C., says: of woman's system ait this trying Deseronto, Oit. AHba depchss: ams Rest for Tired, Fretted Mothers Mn Ïe Advîces receîved lrcm the setngîet period of her ife. It invigorates and D& Anotiier WCmns ae Crasc, mneercf hegod mneet Instant relief and refreshing sloo acesy h ace elre p 1 Ibuihdsuptlieweakenednervoussystcm. 1'iukham's Vegetable (oneoIanvr Mount Uniacke, nerrexvly escaped dcclix for skin-tortured babies, and test for the prese-nt ihan lest seasen . 1he For speciai advice regarding this !m- ic. scd to write ýand tc um eprec on 1 uesdey mcrning. Hoeivas proceed- tired, fretted mothers, in warmn baths schooner Edith B. Batcom tooik 908 skins portant period women are invited to with it. 1 arn thse mothe ttmocide n. î~~~~ng aleng an isolated read te the crush. wt uiua adgn nit up Ie Dcc. 2nd, when she left thse vrite te IMirs. Pinkhaîn at Lyna. Mass., gro 'n to womanhood, ia a- acypse o '-r t s'* s h r h er, ixhen a shot was fired frem hehîni sings with Cuticura Oitment, thse greunds, and arrix'ed iin Saîxdpeinf ii and if will bo furnished absolutely frec thse change of life, and ls ~yu n i a barircade of rock. The butiet inissed gret skia cure, and purest of emoi. the Sth, leaving agaîn Dec. lGth for ai Read what Lydia E. Pinkhaîn'ý Com- trcegas I dltWenty:yasce nIko Crase, but hilled. bis dg.Hoeias un- wîs o uicgrcuset oix dslucaicd hy Cap(. ddfrMs owesad .thatIth!S le aildue te ourwma' re dogrt nv n ore , int.Asingle set o uiuaSoap gruunds nepound d frMs ols n r.Lydia E. Pinahen'sVogtheCnpud r o p rty I v e n to ies jarmed. and dd net dae investigae. and Ointment ist offea sufficient t Balcom in tixe Anareie Ocean. The Mann- usd il; befome ry ebtdrnwr boa Lt ts e eieved f0 have been a deliberaf o cure thse most distressing cases, Baen Powxell, Capt. Honderson, took Dear Mrs. Pînkhat:- gretatlyassistcd natureail vetcauc atteinpt et murder, as the o)c-nrs ef the Cutieurs Soap, cintraien. and Pilla are ao ier oe thrnt oO 00sîdns; Boatrice L. Cei-kumi, 485; E. B. 11 a my opinion there is no medicine macle pain during thse charge f11.1 okio fmine have sullered mincir persecution the aorld. Deplets.. ondoe, 21 CSrterhou3e &q.; Parle, Marvin, etf\Victoria, 120; and the Meî-l- for wornen which eau compare witb Lydia and on, for four yeer.,sdbdbtlti Adespatch Irom Paris says: Evory- trendishing sticks. Tîese wero aîîcwecl from parties iinknoxvn. A f ew menths Potier D Pa itent.aîa, ~ ~ lanxd, 22 skiris, If was expOcied ihatE. Pinkham's Vegetable Coinpounn, and y outrouble sud siekiiesathafIls eanh il!r t France the actual putiing into to romain. age their crusher and several buildings lg catchas weuld hoe made flits seasoni have no firmmer friend ai the Dominion tflai f0 endsir(s"-Mrs. Jarne .Mnw6Bt Opmtetithe clause of the Churceh and Mwere destroyecl by tire, ivbicbivas be- oif Cape Hori. .Ian tts ii fcag flt u-hrt~meTrne îaa '.S'0ý e'MAY ELIGRETSINURD.femed unfîl 1 was nearly erazy, and was nef What Lydia E. PlnhmsVeea iJrairibilwhchpovds or_____eeo iceda foiin it te live wifb. I was se irritable, irmational Compouend did forMr olsan ~~tate spro-ationvibiti whichicprovideseforfN E L G BE T N U E . th e vo 0 h fic nir ni.N W P OIBT O O N .and nervous that 1 was a tonnent te mysef M M 'an , t xvl d o n w îa Of' thein cf nv ries b cf thue d p ro rs e in cfthe tomin deo bema.....nirs ani1 Reiri o cot c CresinPineSTEEL BOUJNTIES, . and oethers. I sumely thought, thaf I wotuld afthstmofil pei-t cf to chuehes as arused croxd reslted n theinjurng etreanyRepe mot SoitsAeCarnsIinIrincetose y teson bo etciagot ofour, whc sir fproteet. In several provinecilpersons on hotb sidos, including iîty PIRE ON TRANSPORT. Counny, P. E. L.nsutPadDîmn Ls VaorSVgtahitompon:)durind I cmk if or vo tO ascoqu-tý7 FeihsCetholies have gathered i ir te policemen and guords, and e cil ihgher AiontP i9OOuinqLG d fIs fi d tal. tQî t ,tiî bcd physilns churhes ud Adc such su'rng resist- number cf militnantCatholics. OeTreDaFu isn nVse t A Halifex, N. S.. despachs$1: ,,20. Lmeîîthsand on ot'and on anti ne criica balied pr once t hù the Gvemamenit commission- tîundmed and GI hy membeis cf the con- SnFucso oewstkninPicvony rne A taîadsec esTeaon ydaE PnhmsV Pbecn~on ncesWeo~h~sEU orswer et enteif. gregation ixere am-isted. Durtng the~ Edîvard Islanxd, on Thursdei o Ieîo o oa. cdonio n te fortc _ Ir ai on Thullrsdey violent scenes srgl ceo h urshdter ASr mnic eplhsy iape ftoSotAi etît,,,rovimîcfal paty alodroyearonansteel0,26. ETOI RVER TUNE. Oeuie nsvrlchurches, notcbly illes snatched lrom thorn, and thoy breke ouf laie on Wednesday night inl prohibition mighf ho eprit in force. The i atcln ryerws$,6,fl those f St.Boehand St. Cthide. An fcughf xith them hands againstf fl ho ebld cof the transport Meade, lying repeal camried, and prohibitioni auloma- DEROTRIER T cI loch b as lnot be.enade. oxig six ord stcks. severai bours, despite the efforts ocflica iotteCoxvn was aiready ruller a prehibi- Report e t Graid Trunhîraîi. lýlJIy Wi1-llT t 1bbcopoition of lthe co)ngregation, One cf the barricades eroctod before tii-e deperiment. Fully 20 mon were tory lau', the onty part 0f.tIse proxince s lfrTruhTafc but ~ ) hîm dfener o fIlater churcli lIe churcl wivs thirty leed higIs. overcomo. cf xxhom thre ar'e -dead, xx he itxs xas se. In Prince lb'îvole shouid assist Nature ah those tintes 5ii2iii~'- ' ~xn he nogeieasseuit'COM\lISSIONE1j PROCEEDS BEHIND Foui'pitiers are rntssing. .Third Oticat I stood hivo te one foi Scott Acf repeal. when thse system is upset, the nerv- A Detroit despalch say's .lThe Free BOMESTEAD 1EUA"OS an eueaforce.,W\alace, ocee of the deed, vas t' atveItis 110W fixe intention te bing exrixn ous brie bow and a feeling cf de- Proe sys it is the irntentiton of the Grand A N Y ~ mîhrdscinc 4'ý0\,-fUý-A GUABD. ci T'-'""" \TQîx and wa25 yativ61elcnfrteI ofieSotAt ofD p te n Tu- A lr te p o l a b e v â o t g -in tîhe Courties of Queens and King'. perience of over so years warran ts tbu cn the ash and ixest hi xx eyof De-o h 1iiW ' l- 1-iv, ,o xs['i 5 t.2 c lixtIe hamercfDeptis n 'bus-I refeet Lepirie. te prexont Iurther inte- ___________and xvhen tîis donc, if if cci ies. ixîicîr fie statemient that ne mnedine imoit. amxd thraitflie Detroit & GriiA1 .-reveti MAYoy .iniîi;mh 'yp dci ,ý(o aerxoiPremier Bouviers eply te ruption oethtie inveniory, placed a trip., ecn eran teibleilnIlii a gve uhprompt relief asi axenx division xvi le doub l rcc ~iis yi-'og,,q e, toih t ciotnqat seemsDuetaid. thewhjlericitonwixxithg te S ,ain i,'Cof f6et il are aiele ilixerpcellalion on the subject cf a rank af guards armed îîiîb ridles, arcundunera rhiitrylqur aw uxebrîvndChiueio iPt nlvu i'ymyb'a. iýi'u'ait a i~ oa iotaist deputy, M. Atiard, was gixan il(e choir. The commigsioi.er tîjs s _________fill_ e b con loti b' tIseafiePlret h-etnee fiehaes.alr.tie.-my aid greet upîrcar. The Goverimemt, enabîed te pî'oceed with is work, whichn t c opetdb te mefi 'ý !'ii 'ite r ftW ie ditiil iaiau ho eor seu-e avote cf contidence beho id about conIpleted by nighh. r O AE SI MRS.gariCenral tunxnel is ttntshed, when %rliau, ieiiu li te C a- r .,S 84againsi 6,efttePeir IePeetc h ecrmn fte51RS.passenr ~ttrains belix ccixChica go ,and OViçautiheo Ooaileii' e r uilc' a 166, alterathe Prore[hi'he culfecrrof he ecDaremeet oflty tPo c - id ftie bullk 0f the tliough un aeoiteume.-ryerh. erniinent wcs desirous of usirîg tact arid'iustractirig thom tfm' utekysh o aes reigtraisTireSt lair tuiani taa sDge- e foltlo scr ils ltuemith ulrac -noderation in cei'ryrng eut tIse lcxvbut'If their cixurehes, cnd adding tsafinieptcbfo eiia': Tie Ecynhm.l oxs2 e tIraclutuîTeSCla xex irtineletisa inei bb olani s'.iic usast thti wias fulty detormined to poîfoîmu 1case ef refusaiIltIe eoînrmissioncî-s ch fom erln______ire _______unne,_Eert__________________he______-i g lan Ifs duty. ~instrueted tenclion tice armed forces If you, yôur ftvends or relatives sffri hEmrpreson Tuesday îisitod bbc exhibi- -eupeldcdflceirrilo t h l~iaiftrila ioahsai~ c i'iism PBET MN E 1BSE.foi assistance. Fîts, Epilepsy, Si. Vitus' Dance, or Falling tion ef bome-riade îvork. 1tHem Majesiyh S. lirtunl eas AInýSE. ASACHRTAL KN. roeixllliaive about ail that il cari fzt If the tather (on r'inicS uihrI Sceties cf extreme violence wete trans-Sickrioss, write fer aSt, baibotule and vatuable oxpmessed cînazemnenit cfthe iw "vagies t aec r o l on utisa tu'rei u rnr-ate'usdooa pirnginthemenwilfe efibreb trs ee n such diseases te Tiî ri Liaî Co.. pid b akers ofcf ebidrens wdresss, i Christian Le't.Only n Smaaltebsns ffh odt sutii'vcuno h'lidir o h atfi Vuc RECKED MEN LEFT IIELPLESS. 179 King Street, W., Toronto, Canada. Ail, scien pfennigs an heuri), and for 1410 fireFrtne1 iily groîvîng soileieu',is as t> iesiuer d n uufe f( CabrAdruggsts seltonecaiobtain fr you ltoy soldJions, sixp)ence,-. The Empîest' e epuies. TIse 'ichmis bcd been ilied oRsîî SemrsNa he a ikod: Wtecena ho clne te stop thisi Adespateh from Corr)enfliaen scys: l-iios iten$2000.Theomgie x 1111 f- tI srns- cf ure3~Io-fIc moletcrftire RevnueThanExpndiure. 'tî tIe Cuiumesiuer f D'tubîuiîuL,41, a pc'acd, polce ffieet wc alempeci'['tak F.Buner, ssisant up nd ~fl[tI . iliLit IIJLF I 1LLII1foitaus ofkeuaîu topfy fu lîatuu eexolc t dptbc heniemsures ivehing fbclest surniv r or iave L ciieedlisbuei pec titIeLoal N BUusîou"e mbaine haa truet ise seono. Ho bcd interided goîng t ___Io_____________FRmANK J Cli>aNavmaltes , îastItg ueo 1icdyutmon.vrutnubaîlni u dtc cmxd Ma rmssivr cdanog Iie, but bas been subpoeîxced te sicha atneo i i fL. H.lis 15 'l e 'The tiiancial staboment tom' the yoat re dolr uslieù l bse cyet el-d,)Rntebysboxxed fiat netix'istanding an iri- îîe en we Ptnieshs. IrIeny persons,1 i gve evidence ah c Goveriment euiyuu e a o:en Iinga VULl~ busirume.ltt e fUit oled, iuLAl cî$9051tothfialymexdg irio uewrek o omen e bury ne 1 idst.afte -id. 'i ihut 4lJ Crin iwtll [us>' eosed expemudiumc, thore ta a surplus iliteg ern oiemn. vïoîjreyl s xrm i cxicus te tix the blanc sîeh and cvery talle ou Catarrh ibuat Caeuumot Jnebtas195 iso> as l T d uong tf f g t n g t flic f et filai t w b-n the w reck Isok e e d b > t Ie use o t f H 1 L 8 C &r.4 i < H , n g x . u blis ro d.Th 19 5 lu o 'd a îy f $ 3 ý 4 . 5 gc 'îl'IE EN(INES CALLED IN~. ltp otîvecu 12 aoncl i p.mn. Wednesday FIau1VOS<OjK 5 il>' O, .s f $.0T39,001.0 reene7. li IW ir nlus1-co1thr asn s'ae t '--d os o . S'vorn tie before me aimd euuhcrihud il, -aY yeem frunx cli uîccs amounld IV Evet iytw tr eigmesevree- îxr ws e rhsmnoff tfIsccentpeuett ice, .thia 6tI dani De euebrA. D. isu6v Ttîoo the iln te hke 111pa position near thbc pick up those wiîo tioabed eut ho soct, f 4.W GESN oidtr rorTie $4.937,2î) e'7 chmI easho o e leif neessamv to ced Lieman Logan toldet hb ere weme f B f Not GL ai-y Puble eeitriae as of m recito $ov93,820.77 drerili tIshre ,ýwd, wbieh obstinete mFe-r icftoaest tiftY Persois ixho drilbed sec- WITI-lMILlTATIY HONORS. mca intlits own regliment. Gen. Mode, ' - - ' U duîyep'dbm f$0180 fuc'd o ove tse ome sowig Iseixrd when the ixiecIc broke up, corne wtxosucée'eded te ame comnrande, agroo Hml'dtretonIllerlo bda lu trimac a gratstdeemiatcaopening nm- lof wxi'Is bt I be eA descucb from Vtdiceocjses o.'- ii hsysteni. Se d fuir testuiinuials,tfi-e. Lreles or toirproectin ed ~ ommîg axe enScvd if tbbc P - cu Isys n an. 26[h to wihdi'axv lie Cossacks ace retyoiieIodadmtusutas ,ýue ,1im mfîbng psOiiis. XXednesday memning tîmo ro thr~ee kiilcd by machina guns on .Jan. 23 neer On Ianil7airthe soîdier ss7e5c.lîs Setti "IymsU O uncriss 750 stemes bd e l lI Ie ereO Iefuoa ftIeL1118 b i'IOatIrlae h ncomr. -F. j. C PinET&s ocsito . , Mamma: t'm urg isec "I hwou, CIIWDBELBO3EDPO I~AN. stoeamrsoff Ile ec - re acf bcd the cemînandaîxt's ibouse ivere bcld i pocaaton-Take IaîaFniiJusfeoeshate. lInnxv" oix, IIiopil'y:" x M.Lpne, tIse Prefeet cf Polie, in- ol aebe er oen tt n'ýensa.Te intr-dot if you'Ii eveir gel usL-d te nie, mari- siîenl have een nar. SoemOtistate n W edesday The itci'- "Commiadles andI Citizrn:--Tbe city is-'---ria o'ealv suprsdcne" ____________monts xxetc mcdoeixith full militaixrv gnTO?111.0W UP THE STATION. __ritme." !fcd oreed Ire municipal guaýrds and------ honore. TIse cannon on Tiger Hlil no net-cred by onrýu iores instcad ____BLOW____THESTATION._____have____ poicio n e Isheureh. Umifier ai eofb' tlicCossacks, wivix e aibeen te- w-Id 1 sbwe e bokn hairs tIse oflbeois KILLED BY SON SIIE SPANKED. huirmdesane b bcrcu-fnoved. Lot fluetigbiiig coase andtI eotSeveraI Dynanuite Carlnidges Distri- adaepeare Isee ow Iriliage ti front o!fIsc lposed et soidiers, chanteýd dirgs. puoxi."Res ardCc nflth rainRelie Rando Comforttr aurd Abot. rîe te Ofrrerqo otacwle-IecodricIsavy v y !Se1 APr meccig evne îeimmense processionis. tin whicitTIse ctty thon cabned dolxu ---e-Aou.--rser ai lu îedlvev I blu ueafem TonIb ir renbiaSleo Hs oho Dc l.er, d civilians carrm-'yig mc tai i aMr.P.20 Iii'a fIsc doors, ed ho l ice ce m ni- ý A 4,s uctcvli o ay7( s-R 1 -ýý icîcî 7: j I XI 'e' t 2~ t, .. . ...........

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