Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1906, p. 4

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A Test for igtDtic the dra .f mCa A NYONE who ..s at ailtrou>ble4î l4M. 'He aadishad A card ilysa G eu It al Nwitb %backache-, riary dis- ?aebilook, g m1t' ~hSA on 8011uI1I!4.0 M R- i Hg ,s*r any of the symptomns of te *if,«I11111S81% Blih O~l nna o Udoeydiseese,sbhoald maice the fol- ob esa îs5iIO0!48 rgtvah 16wig týst t fin outif te ki oeus"" . He weib surs &11 wuuld bu outh l"oae I.#agtet t fndoutifth kines oiry te hear cf ihia. %end to the SE ae 'dsesed :-Put some urine in a Mm. Walfraim wzîa nt pre.aen-. for. bottie or tunibler and let it stand for Ht sad h. vz as y bi tlaîcae$ eâ-à t'wenty-four hours ; if therc is sedi- Dnirýttiâsfor Warden rifor 1N tisa vascarti ment fike brick dust, or if the urine is GJoua Crewo and Tolor m*oved T. El. Â ds")ti Twoodie mami4a tenfor 190ti. G(ban ïj'eke d~imMored, milky, cloudy or stringy, M«oLan anà Il.. 1eter4on auaimt.ýâed cil join lam Y.,tr kidneys arc out of arder. 6*,ma Pward Wir ai Wîrde 0i 1 "Y Ottawa to mi Tiase are certaiu indications that on@ balot vas takez), tii. vote baiog. complets the yo-à need just stick kelp as is best Tweedle 10. Weitr 19. Th ii. k Âft,, ,a lenit s,ýPppled by Dr. Ckasela Kidney- deelatud Cjaa Weïr .lcetsd WPrdon vas refeired t UIc ilthe mest rehiable and ýfor 190 ;t e Tp PuisTa. Wardta thanked tia iaCngii mns thoro*gkly tested kiduey med- for tb. hunor tonferred on hix. lh iam &*ttft. vas nutul ray a P,)itiioa of h6nor, but The eonno Dr. Chas-Kidney-Liver-Pis, s as-of - -gresu respç)notbilihy. I.vsWse ai one pili a dose, 26 cents a box, at repreaentiog a ~~~.UfO iivs Cn p Pil deaiers, or Edmanson, Bats & reprôsentzd by 8 membmn of Paria- Oouany Pno1 iint. 11,â aaksd ihi imabers te gir. man iin theceh Co-, Toronto. Portrait and signa- i t hir assistâtes la perlormiug adopted. ture of' Dr. A. W. hasee the lait datieA depulilt laosreceipt book author, en 'The. minutes d Ilaît reRular and Campbelllord etvery box. Special SealioLosvara raid and îpl- village s a te rpiv.lA fter hiari ï' cle Caladiail Statesifail BO WMAN VILLE. FEB. 7, 1906.1 Onu uftht,, politioal surari-,ei of tho daN ii, the resignation of Dr. Beatie besbitl, M4. P . P., for Northa Toronto. tu aceepItih office o! Reglstrar for West Teronto Oh for another Pense! DURHAM COUNTY BOYS. FVr.ýî ilte 'PresbyterainBanter" <f P urPa., vs quote Ille folowiug rofe 'f e 'roeu a well known Durhamn Old Bo 'hl stunlents outhe W \estern Th ~~554S"cninary have h'ed ti(- priile.e ~f earng a eours(ç'floitures, on'Pilerb lie 1ev. M. P Taiiing, Ph. (ii., o! ornEý, Ont. Dr Tailing s va£ t 1n e s tne auti'or of sev-rai subjeel thorou,. ' d rpuka witi the 6ase and tue autunoiLy of a specialiet. lie alnaly2ed the nature oftIhe public prayer froua lie standpoint of tie non- liturgical cinîches, and indicated lie absoute neteessity fui careful prepar. ation ou tie part o! the miniter for lie d"Ilarge o! the ml-imprtant dnly. Dr. Taliing's inspiring lectures voe enjoyed by li viehourd thomand thie f aeulîr takes pîsasure la commend- iug hlm te otier institutions and ta iixmmer schols. "B13owmanville Boys are ail rlght" vritsel Mr. R. B. Andîew lu calliug Oui attenition 1 a despalci troua Washiig - toni.1D.C , latie epeclai correspond- su ce ut The. Montreal Standrd-a higi us veeklly fliineiated journal tiat le vorlhv et patronage. 'Cauadians ta W,'ashin"toahinBsiniiess and lu Flitie" heads thee erresp ouïdence and une zonerouB and scesflCanadian which Be-vmanvilLe citizens are partie- alarly iaiereîted te tins complimented : "Tho Caaadian, who le on a viil ef -pleaer or busine.s lu lie United Staies' National Capital cannot feul in bis vanderinge tirougi t' is ily of ma iflee nt distances 10 note lie impue- ing exterlur outhle MeGili Building, a big evensu torey, browa Stoae and and brick office structure on G street noûrthive3t, nur 13h Street. lus hteri(,r ta eýquipprd with alil hose moderntua- erovemeats, wbich are lu bi found flow- adas an trie palatial office3 o! protes- imlonal men. It stands a monument to tlis eîreserance. uhîlft, indusîre and i.0lgritv of Mm; James ILi.MrGili, Who, about *. years mgo, wben q utle a younng lad, ,tft moîan ville, Durham county, O'nt, ,tro"seek hilsfortune among tie Yankese I. NMcill ýsatibfled him- salf t W 'ash inglon iatd the opsning in a b)usiness way liaI suled lihu. So Ae uaaeils 1rrhoebor. iaud, bscomiag among terh le ulding con- twrlable frtune6 upon vili ho proposes seQon te retireb OU! DURHAM IRWJ. 1aowing oethIe edilnr'e landable aui iu o do honur la Old Durham%' solns aind daugiters, I tae thle liberty ot addîing my quota oi praise tu an arcle hali te Satnrdmv's Globe ef 201h ias1., entitled, "1Woîdâwurth, tie Priese a!Naur,"by Mise 1Mt;a Campbell, Dvseroato, Ont. I have read ii more liait onice anid fouud new btiauties of exýpressîin iiisaci succe3ýssive readiag 01 Miss Camtpbel's snce&. as. a teacluer tt is FcaîcelY necesbary tu epeak, sine E ee ocupied lie firRt rank during tie vears aie tanght ta hem owncouunty and stili oecupies an enviable position 4lu Deseroato, ber pressaI location. ýSo ni onths azu, readers of lhs Globe riehly enjosed ber artlie on "Keats, tl'e Poet o! Delight." The oaly fault bier ftbris and the public generallv eau ).find. le the long inter,'aie hilci elpsbLween ber productons; but eveli ts je amply atoned for. lis mat- urilvý,of hiou g'ht, the bsaucy and brevily a!f îsand lhe originel doductions drawna frokuatie suLj-ecutanhand. oi wiiioul,ýy tis puelical soul le capable. As 0.",e Who bas watcied iigio wing amr tiohle developmna of th- wes ,Scotch lassie 10 graceful girlhoud sud dainlv 7womanhood, vth a tili pro- foujuder admiration o!flier nous'v develuoped mmd and heait. i am proud, to-aylehave kuwa her and fo rank mmoag lier f riends e!fy oie. NaLLiE E WATTS, Vitoia VllMatun, Ontario. Catarrh Çannai be Cured. wîth LOCAL AJPPLICAýTl1T~S, as they canniot isah he ea Ottu dieae.Catiarrh tasblood Iu nuî ie nera remnedies. Lait ti Cabaai Cre a taku rrnaity, and acts di- retyo ÉIebood sý ui ucune gsurfaCes. Hall'a Oaiarh Cue isatot qùsk andinie. It was IbisC{JX1I 5t -Yut O ct totes uu' n, t, îsaclyonlie Uco!er e .Ts efc A nomber of Communicatons ve reculvud and diaposed cf. o!The Treasurers éltament ahowed a A, P. Suton, Tiau. Saisie, Boy- oauvile, sud W. Pickwroruh, 0Ojîbonneu asked ito bu appoiauéd Auiitiora. Cuunn. Bragg and McLian moved tiat thîs couacIl evmmunicâelis art- gret and eympalhy viii C.aaa. TribIu- cock la hie afflction. The !ollowiog vire appoiabod a Special Commtte. lu srike thi.SSand- ing- Gmiteu of t lie -Olunnelli-toi 1906, viz.-Meaigre Rutherford, Taylor Bragg, Tweedle, Mlatthewe, SPence, Powene, Feigusuan, MeLean, Dcnn,;t, MatruLelub. sud lu report ai afternoun session t.-merruw afternoon. of tis depelý Coqus Blagg bers bu appui lion presaae Campbeliford mitise ïmeut journâ bile À lengthy vhite b n The coanc o'cloek Thurii (Conti foi ths hoalîl other mudicil Tablets curei VZ.nC uzafte8-%to i t&m: Rad ,%Id bozs;d &ilkhe.,and-' &Ohoola. VMe'10 writsUe sore ut uà49h ble Or elid 010 ailth *lî- grtvtright &0 b o ooPorvy [ey <not go tQ 3~ smdo ald th& ga*.rL DO no von poaiuti.a tRa gha n. W. tini iy ui 'CýRtucta re have tW pay I~y.~.The. reaelux lied. Ltof fre- thé OobOgrg :d that iii Oj)ilies Oca- gendiag a depubation tO mige ,hfà Goyeramoat tg e@ Trent Vailey Caal. thy dhscaîsion th$ malter to lb. Gonringency Cou- port on. >NBiDly Nui il met at 7 30 oelek.Tih ise chair. ïuos-- reported -frem- 1h. perty Comiiis. Chair- )ait, whea the 11eport vas tIon froua the village of et l5a in#oipei-ating tke 0tow2, was huard. , rig the varions membens iliIon it vwsnaoyed hy ;g and Me 1 illan, Thal a of Northu'nberlifld mem- Lanted to conisider the quoi- d by tihe dolegation frUI d,-and thât th.e om- se soon as the council ad- evenlag, and report %e- discuion failowed aftsn @olotion vas osrried. cl adjenrned until 1 30 "day aftornooa. inued neltveek.) B O(WN tDES mothers needs ln carias ah of hen litl once as ne a.à In the woid oan. The. conctipatlon, iudtgestion, WUDINIMSDÂT AraUMeOON., olla, simple fevers, duarrtiesa, sesua- Cana. Rutherford ieporled froun tie lag trouble& and sipsivormes. They Striking Cu)mmitîa. ilacoummittee, breaLk tp culda and pievent eroup. ciairmau ln the chair. They me-kte chîdrea sluep naturaliy Committeese, ad ieaihlly, because tbey remove Finance-W. 3. Bragg, obalîman, the Gaue cf aeuplessnes. Ad lbey Crevas, Baker, Matîbs, MoLean.are the ouly niedicine thal givea tie Usaylor, Miller, Trebilleck, ad Arn- motber a cuIsia guaranîse liatItlunon- old. tale s ne oplîaeon polsoocsoothiag Sol-P. Trebilcjcek, cialîman, sisf. Tiey are good for cildrmnfrnt Ratier!ford, Prustoa, rave Arnold, bithi onvard; lhey alwvâ do god- Speuce, MoMilla and steLeau. cannot pousilbly do harm. Mn.. Gaoo Roada aud Bridga-Gao 'Danneli, Tuer, Barry's, Bay, Ont., @&y*: " chairma, for Northiuaberland, ¶v.m have used Baby'e Oua Tablais fuithie dla, Lîh, Povee, ebaîrman, ton Dw- trouhîsa i at corne ta 1111e uoses vill iam, Walker, Bragg, D)avidaen, Ms&- perteel satiitaclioa. 1 thinla liera in tFsueun. no Medicine oeun eal lie Tablet." Coaàty Property-B. -X. Feuguïan, Every mother onghtta10kssp a box cf ciairman, Fowers, Mattheve, Tareofle lies. Tablet la lie hauunsute- Davîdson, Spenes, Mastereon, W c guard for tie lit>le unses. Sold by ail Lean. diagglohs or snt by mati at 25 cents a Legîiaation-TionaseLiti, chair- box- by writixsg The Dr. Williame' man, Woltraltn, Preston, Danaî,et , Medicias Go., Broekvlle, Ont. Miller, Walker, Trsbllcock, Rulier- tord.' .ENFIELD). OCont.tgaale-J. F. MoMaiLla, the ehairmma, Space. Davideon, Twoedle, Visiiers :-Mr. Joseph Abrithams, Wolfraiai. Taylor, DonI .dion and iJeleAu, villa rriends; Mi. Tios. Develi Baker. and Miss Ë. Deveil, Fenelon Fille, Tia â'ommltteo rose, and -report a- villa relatives; Mr. J Huàrîbut, Toron- dopted. lu, aI J. S. Asilen's: Mu. and Mie. A naaber o! By-lavs vers given Alex SmnihaI Lotus; Mr.ad Mis. R. nulles cf emong thein belng ane froua Pascose t Kitasais; Coateel hus elaîled Otan. Bragg la u atiouîe the horruv- in tie Division, Ivo lnitaled last veek; ing o! $4000 ta inset carrent expaunea., Rex'. T. Snowdon assisted by Rev. L. sud uone by Ciana. Tayor, 'tu appoit S. Wigeht, Tyrone, eoniducted services _f -r, -. -1 î,-.,lin tho hunreh until Weduesdav night: hev OrBargain Day Ou tock sheets close on the lSth. Iii ora.er to ýsti1l increase our sales and to lighten our haystocks we will stil1i ve January advertiïied bargains and many more we keep digging up to keep the crow.ds coming to the West Efnd House. :25 per cent Discount Off AIl Purs IWe will re.-t ag every fur garment in our store with sweepilg reductio'ns in prices on ail furs. Prom market-reports furs will be till dearer next year hut as it-la ourpl yfo a Zr oods of any description, from season to season we intenci to move out ail f ur grmelintRufSoeMfs Caps, Grey, Lamb Purs, Caperineâ, Gauntiets and Coats take a 25 % reduction in prices duirinýg this S Bargain Clearing Sale. S Al Uoods Advertîzed t>uring January Sale and thia Big February Sale revert to formei prices after February l5th. M I'iII Ends of Embroidery and Insertions Miii1iEnds of Grey Cottoiis at Low Prices M at Haif Price 2 crtos o thse argin to Factory cottons are soaring in priste but îf y.L W. pioked up2erot ftoebral eet Me»nrtry 's during Olearing Sale you can ptUÉçoKs. embroideries and insertions lait week at a bargain prce theni at former cheap prices.I and they go on sale ai bargain prises. 2000 yds go on sale at the folle wing Pries: -Bada o!fI yda.- b -64 yds- ot da.inty--.mbroidery--ai --- 4G in-Grey-Cotions, regular, t10 ., tc, per yd ........8. S about bal! prie. Don't misa thec han.. o! buyin( these 36 tu 38 inch Grey Cotions, regular 7à tu 9e, per yd .... 6j.- S and aur own regaiar stock ai sueh remarkable 10w priees. '34 aiRd 5 inch Grey Cottons, regular6Qc te 7t, por yd. .4!. Our clothiig Piles are getting low but you are sure to finci amongst this big stock of good clothing something that will intereît you and make it worth your while to buy clothing for men, boys S or youthï at clearing prices. TeBsetStore in Town.- - - Bowmanville. GRON0. Veierinary Surgeon and Dentisi,___________________________ Mr. Ceaeu O'N.il, Toronto, la homne. F. H. S. Low rey, MiaLlillan Qamaby visiited frleada TONORARY GRADUATE of Ontario la Toronto. HL.Veternary Cotiege. TÔronto. Specl Mis, Kyla le viettlag her aisec. Mise attention given to Dentistry Day or nighi n 1 ldgt[,Tornort.of Percy's Black8rutb Sbo_ï MEisa Black, Colborie, vie3ited at Mr. Phone nu 12a. ailver St.. fOmnii. 14 Levi d waîds. _________________ Miss Florence May, Londonea Q71J i in- Mies<Neva C0mitetonore of uade atfinnu £oad- 111 bLt3 ç--ý --v-0------m jm--"uiguet of er v ui t.mie.. a zim= weve. ~Social gatiering e es held at M. . a i iIMlb, lrvetdm 0Oauneil adjourned ant:l haes e look, , itnsM. .Capel', M rM. J. G. Honey's.1 wai hresumed. Fred Ashlonq'e, Mr. P Faîrell's. Mre. W. Dunbar, diampbelle >raft, Moved byt ConusMcLean aad Gao. vlited fier father, Mx. Wm. Cooper. Spence, Tnat wiereme tie pressae AUCTION SALE MIss Aloah Wash visiled Mite Haigi School dIâtrct, ainlia conues ûâJenuale MeýLean, Bowmanville. laivea a every large Lxpenee provlded a SDTFB.4M tJh obbins, MiUaudaIGRMoffatt, Oshave, wad and' orectad Hîgi Schoole aud employ lotIG1, cou. 5. Daîlungton, viilssii bis Misa Verra K3ar, Neveautie, viBited, »In expeýnsi7e gstaff ut asheris te meel valuabte farim stock, machiuery, amp- theu graudfather, Mr. S. 'Hamm. tie rùunrUwmî1ts o! lie puplile la 1h. lemente, tc. Sale at 1 p m. Shiarp- Mises MI8Hlle 11, ho han basa la sud ouni.s-sa viroma tha eoa- Ses posters. If fari snet previousiy trhaah a ens tshle flanai oaAo!uiaocontie av tinade these sold by privaIs sale il viii also les us îuJrouto, for l.ealienl. Ilohools Ires tu reaidant pupila vîî&a a offered by auction ai lie samu li me. Mies Annvelle Morrow and Mise Y. vasv lu induciaethein la attend &sud L, A. W. Tça. ucti oneer. Obapama, of Kiby, vieiled hem aciioole, and vierese a gical nuimber cousin, Miss Mabel Ohapmae. of reéident pupila @hoc&@e, a attend SPECIAL ATBS TO NEW ORLEANIS. Mr, Richard T. Sîsphane, Indien High Sool&sutaida uf those ocaati -Head, SAak, baî issu btiying horses for vlch the ccuablce arQ halar F«rtAie Mardi Gras Festivities at ta take batk viýtihim. 'thet" lasuane. under lb. HJgla New Orleans, La, lhe veîy loy rate o! Mr., DanesaitAnderson, of Orillia, Soboul Au&, hIt àihurfrer ieoved one-va-y firet-class fais, pli.. 82 26 foi sud Mr. YFoia, et Myrble, Farmeis' ýata a memoriai h. proienl.4î by lthe the round trip, vii ha a n esio. Good Insituts deisogsea vrers gaesis oi Mr. Ww.eda, iha Clark, Cot=nillor Trsèh- goig Febrarary 121si le 2Uh. vmlld re- . A. Gausy,"aple Av," ,.ý>k id thie amjuer, éetiing forth thie tlurnlag on or b.! ors Mark Ird. Cali griees çzunder viui vw8ara laboclng, ou AZentz o! Grand Trai ilulwaY toi THE EXTENDED PQPULARITY 0FI the Provins,.! Oatanlo t-o seau.d and sm IlAie *ob"Arc-f tkùla.atPIZ Wea fuor w »Diainond Dyes l tezdHiahOOA Ach Ikai pa$Lweýde * lIEDWORNS lizasceounbiia puy or moka p;irvWb Mr. D. Taylor, Hampton, write: IdcsSeiltr e-urdt for bhem mltenans. àta rA. md leur Christmas Nuruber vas a splendid Wgk and Worthlesa zchr'.i. paper and a great advertisemoat for .tie. *Jnn Moean ln support of iko ri- Bovmnville. Êo uiunregrde tha s on ofthe Mr. Tho@. Jeflery, o! lie Globe offlite, DIAMOND DYES, lins berna hepeis runt impoibant maltera liaI over "mae Toronto- T: TU iuTIuAEsL) TÂDÏTUBXAN and money-.aavere toi motiers and before us., W.e i egard fe ediaca- vasamlrigil. I kaew soueing about vives, are dear te every veman's beart. tion for Oui yontis go impo;tant ikat thre .ust et producang snock papeis It * Reeently, speelators hbave gone imb we ýburdea ourejelvea. Lasîlyear vO coots about 04VO 00 svery ves la illust- lie package dye lieds yilb lie view cf pald teo, ouide Righ Scoole $2248. rate lAie Satnrday Globe. Mars paver paiunîag asiare ufthle immense and Q Hie ref ursd to the Buvaaanviili, New- te yeur elbuw. ever-iacîeasing lirade beid by tie man- cealle, Port Hope, Oobouig, Brligton Mi. s. H. Short, Boardan, North ufaclurers a!1lthe DIAMOND DYES, and Oampbelfond Higi echuoa. vilsiCarln:Tr TIJÂ sleabut ail suci efforts viii, as ta lie past, bas been eiecled aI greai at, .Wsi letter trom home eveiy week. leur recuit ini taiInres. il rgil because a tsv o! out reeldeal special ilustiated inaiber o! Dec. 1SLh The eude aad vortilesse yse brongit pupile wio iad frieoda peniaps in ad- gave me great pleasure, for basides lis out la opposition lu lie DIAMOND jiuaing couintes, tia vs oioid puy ialeresiing history e of muvil. DYESI can neer become pupuier, for sncb a large amuant for Ibisj purpose. vas delightedtluseesas manv faces o! the simple reasun that they hayo nul oae He could undereîaoid hie if vs_ did not wsll-knowa citizoxas. especiall ' efthle good quaiitY ta boast of. The -Merch-' provide bie meane o! educatîun for Masa Brotliere, my old scbool-fliows anIs of Canada who vers induced lu iiei, but vs do aad mado lutuesjý ta at Mt, Carevel. buy these dultsîaled package dyes oliare onteide lie limita. Port Hope 11ev- R Dug.las Fraser, M. A., Tor- nov flnd them dsad and vortilss stock. and Cobourgi1gb Sohoole âia mm- unIo, Editor aud Business Manager ut The progressive and busy druggists] orieIlzcd the zaveramreni He hmd no S'fbbati Seniool Publications efthle and dealers of Canada ssii aulx' lhe doubt lie Mialeter o! Ed1ýinca Jionvould Presbylerunanehurci in Canada, villes: DIAMOND DYE'i'S, ich have au est- teks acio luc lie oprensant ssiobut You CrInim .s aumbor is a credit 1a ablished repulation o! uver twentx'-flý'e vs satid a1tengtien hilsbanda y-our business salerpriso, as veil as ta years. The ïmoder m amrchiant has nul Couan Crs-V2W." vas n a vo cof the lie print ing ail. aad'givos the impies tie lime or incliation 10 encourage lie r8e0lu i, as tu vas nul la the Inter- Sion et a piospeoane ova I have beéa sale o! vortbleqs addeceptivo ooude. ses !Mure.Trenton Biglaechool vevygisall3 iuteresled la lieislorical If our Canadian, vomen Zoiro full, I wee bel'er for thein. ch-lcbesY 'n- ld frisad, Mr. J. B brilant and tact colers, tiey siould at CouDonaidnon sald Trenton Wae l <f loaliilîyliI eme 1 e ta bel nygaaledpcaed uthe2 tic firet lu tirow ofilie fe3se lu geýt sovalumbleTieivIra-qaty od Vnburgpckede. iasse Purals i.ong outaidu mois tie eusl e nieînstbavl aAE ISalnceupcctnnn (ba Mîteron as uala,'Infevor (If communitl i'îdbtdo himfov 1ilg- G- Cono ,LMVEMoNrnuALý, '. Q.3 Wiit i r esulotion, Our peuiple vers nlt . ing o ijac ýil i oif kecbske sead fieeta enadjëdîess heu'Nov Dý 1îPýuc wncivth say o! the,ý3es oool. jthnese ver e, v iunu l&!iounr cbm111w- etok ~D ! UddSamlpes, altad uev o~ueadvo ie ,~ret tl' tisai md îles, tiers would ho ae of-, o lu vtîaenýýttsd1-VleLdg1 is t~the Ô,èfrUed lugaler living bistory of fth T4siKonhe.'Thisielîle book Coun LBaket ;mid ,liit ort Ferry ~drY bous. Ciffr ütedr e itouâiad@. 6-4w.1 N4ew Teleplione Directory Bell Teleplione Ço,, Ltd. OF CA~NADA la about lu publish a new 11issue o! lbe OfficiaIl elephone Directory Par the district of Eastern Ont- ario, iacludiag Bowmanvlle. Orders for new sonnes- tions, changea of firm name, chaýenges of atresi address,.or for duplieate enties, should be handed to the-lookA man- ager at once. L. N. BWINYARD. Local NManager. =106= Sunday Sehool Libraries a Specialty. F'or Wedding Presents there is nothing better than miy Japanese China- ware. Price is Rightý My Bowmanville Pieture Post cards are the best. -A good assortmen-.t of Foreign and Comie cards also kept. A good selection of the new books and magazines. MIany of the 75o Books, at 95c and 35c. Bibles, llymn B1o",ks, Station er idSehool Supplies. AT CHINA HALL G-ROCERY. erockery Dept. Ses Our CrockLery deparîment; we are vnaking r,ýdedh1sa&Il along the lino in Oui Toilsi Sets. Toilet Sets vers worth 44.O0. Sale pries $3.00; wilhouu question the best vaine ever effer.@d in Bowmanvilie. Any ut our-85,10sels for 84.00. Toilets Sets wilhk Jar $9.00 Sets -for 87.50. A great lins of goode at 10a2sotie w0rih as àigi 2ke Bowls, Cups &and Saucers, Creaxu pitehet-e, J uge, Mugie, Tea Pot Standsâ Spou Hoders, Pick le Diae, Trays Plates, Vase,,, Porridge Diskoo, etc. Ses lie lino of fine Chinea Cups and Saucera that va are $elA- lng ai 24«. You wiii be surprls8d i the valu.. Some aoiild mot be, bought under 50c. If yen want ayhn in thîs dep-arument give us a cali vs vili Make the pricesrigi. The followiag special for tLis woïek - L tii departwext 41ba good0( Raisins for 2U., Goud 15c. Salmon 2 for 25c, 7 Bars Comtort Soap for 125c. 7 Bars Eclipse Soap for 25c, 13 Good Bars Brown Soap for ý2àe. Kippoed Herring 1(»_ Kippered llerring lu Tomato saue10e, Fiesi Herring 10c.- Donmestie Sardines âe,, 6 fcr 211. China~ Hall Grocery, Bo-1waDville. 1I[

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