Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1906, p. 2

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ot il îl-eîcngeins. For every dollar ada btocd mark or a sime merlk on l. Yet-li xssoee eofflicmost collosai feIiures lite lias produced. lie faiicd es a lusbýand, end bis nito Jeft hlm; lie failed as a citizen and xent te j il; lie faiied as a business man and uies blackbaiiod by flic leading clubs of flicword. ealizing ail 1h15, lie made 'wbat mendalie ceuld by leaving bis forun t cltrtyand tlie people V'tHM HE HAD FIOIBED. The tihird man died iu possession tif une of 11k lrec or four greatest fortunles in flic worid. Net eue dollar of this suin was f afîtcd meney. It was ail geined by business metiïods that were net oniy legaiy correct, legitimafe, but tisat are approecd by hoenorable, hîgli-mindcd, righîl thînkiîig mern. Fie was e construc- tiv, Ibut nef a destructivec force. ie did rlot mee is n ay te success over ollier mJ.e's f ailuires, flirougli ether mesc's ser- rons.flus patliwey wes nef blazcd by tise tuueof its cempetiters. Ile craslied lie lielped man., lie was a living illus- fratio e fliact thel a man cen lie an hoîîorble, higlî-souled Clristian gentle. evkdaspnlan.ceýus and unix ersel tri- ymeut by gixt-in gen y fliemilion e1 moul i n't tube v illi hm. ']'ec1ef man was a studetît. bLt c alu- dent of flie word et Ced. A Christian hnor te nî' isi[spie anc ac'tinig latît.ý lis sublime courag-e, lis noble, uncom- pleining resignaticis. These tour men lived ycsterdaycurlý idîcd te day. Wise or fooliso dut-c, lhey came le an end. Yct Iliere are betxxeet lliem greet differences. Tlie suicide, [lie successful tailure, the upriglif Chtristian business mari, the- grec t tinker an t educater constitufed a remarbobtle quai-1 Lt, preching a gospel which l f eeds1 ne werds et mine te elucîdate. Yes, the w.ise and thie foolisli ceme toe csaet end, but afterward the xise xxdtjj go one' w ay, flic tcclisli enother. Whidh way wîll y ou go, frîcnd ? CYRUS TO\XNSEND BRADY. The leading tealure article cf "Succeess Magazine" fer Februar-y is tlic begin- ning of a liislory of ftle toepîtour in- duslry. Under the tille "Figaling tlie Teieplicue Trust,' PeultLezke fteils taI- drarnatie story otfflic batlle cf six tho- sand .indepeudent oerrting leleplione companies in tlieUnited States teox-ver- poxxer flie giganlic trust Iliet eperates Ino and a hlal million lcieliiones. Clev eland Nloffett's caitinuati, ti- "Tli henseul it-sc e îi"sr' dii is lua ent nili "ur Cledau d1rVIme. flu 1cm lrviog s, Fitfori Fame" Bi cm Stoke ri for lwenty -sex s oj years flic peisonal represeontixe ettif giea eeacter, gîves a- short e uwneetflte characterit ls Itha xvonici- hin ani eminent position. "Priticely Sterehbccp-1 iug es a Trade MaInef, ' b ttileîry I-at butesa- tt- - cilst--î oefsee elft île j i--c'vil citen5 nu it lt'e Seutit Secs.' illustralcîlh sîs f Ls- a bitfoftueset-e'ts traxldecipi' I syttObourtte's "u lisoiigc fis fceditg sfockt for profit ansipr laîsi irt,,uirement is te secure tht' most perfect digestion and as-im'lafion ut CAFPAtBLE 1100 MANAGEME-NT. Dcsc~ribing flic mellods eîsspic'ed ;n aigusowuxs about farrcning tim-,~ emrîg flic sxine ot the Purdue Unix ci- sUyl it- d. Prof. . H. Sktinîner, insCtructor in animal hiusbandry, xx'iles: 'Wt- feed axslîbcraily up f0 xxithîn a e txtday s et farrexxing lime, lIen cul lita leeldex'wn, bmnging liîem back gredluatiy, se fLiat by flic tinte fthe pigs, ur Icsday s no wo eels old, flic sow is- gi fis ull fioxv cf iit. "'hie iceigsarcie en miîitk a eery- iîîîporltst perifd in fhesir lix es, aîsdà rtîcls nsay bt-gined tty itx ieg camefu atfcnilcn te lie tdîîgofethtie dam. ïoung î%'s eî'e tndcr, elieatlings, coesqilcstltIcy ncd viýt- rus dry quai- lers- and c ce'tfcriablc bWd xvhiclî is iii exposc J te xxId. Tise more snligrit, fthe\- iltfthcbelle . "Onc, tfflic grettest leaks xxe liax c'n itý lt îesi'ss in indiaîse ctd 1 pre- um e -lie etci' tiucesexxere. is fis. los-- er pigs et fr-oxing tusse, Muccl rf - tili, bass or leca can1liC steppied b gx Lt-I Il - 'zS~p. Whoopin~~ C.u -h, Ci'- up~ Rror.chitis *augh, [iripi A~thma~ Diphtheria ~ Isuoti to A~thmatIcs (r' s it - - n's~i 't~ i 'taS-i-i ~tr~ n 't i et- ~~ft- 't~Oi~ 2 - k -ct-foi 'to-r 5b~ daec~'i ru e- t 5~ ta~~ b.- ait ax t-- ~. a ~vt-~ br't't'tb. £t'Vi'tS i 't~~s ~ e,-t-e--'te't'ta. Liait-, cfa lt-t ru ~--u ot- 'tft-~r t-st-t- Orrsri- ba 'totO'ti~, 1k-i i -rt-'tdt do 't'tiat- fr'ts't u t-g"' 'tr lut sut c s1i'tii't~ et uit- ct-. .~ .t--sîc n tsu la 't OS ukt-t-t5t- t-t- 500. C~ '~b A. Ve ' -"att-i ---o 'tsi- ta a -c~ a ti-121o et I C -'t itt~-tk.-tt-d 5,ok't Lt lit-tiNt Min i ce., Lu.. A~c'tte, iii St .Yaaeg 5"., Metittal, Cenes,. Mt- U'trltiatiGurin21 Famih llcrald and Weekly Star 2 00 Ladies Home Journal- 2125 Womau's Home Companion '2001 Breê-ders Gazette 2125 Christian Herald 2125 Xcriefy is again a maiked ciarecler- istlic et "[tie World To-Day fer 1Fe-bruiary. An apîrecietien of Pr"t-ideiît W illialii Bainey Harper, by E. Bcenin An- drews-, Chancelier etfflic Univ ersity cf Nebraska, is a notable teatute. Tîte re,- inarkble social changeos "tl-cled i-q lb' dcx elopntent et oftrolley transporit alln cre inteý *reliug set fon4li by Kart Edwn Herrimuin. C. H-. Quitn w %rites oethIle imsportae.-of tht brie Canal lu lessen- ing treiglit raies, white Ithe xaluable w erlofcfiraion uideltken by flic desci'ibýd by Hamilton W right, iindu- flic captiol , "The (,voreinmel f as a I-oieeinakcr.'- C. M. fî 1011kell ls a graphie story o et iorge'IV. Beschkc, builder cf Geirestons fn' ,sec w,:ili; Fi' ttry N'IceMahion describes herei'ei-h aite ettoîts et iFrtinkîtu 't't. î1- il ' c aeblishitie 13 rooli l sinîiî eCf Uts ccd .ciencs; and f"s-jkW. Cobra rtesofii-enry ,- illiPrt- chh w-rl- iiîe asaetssî usi detde u l 1e, Ta Nw ngi-iiAn Club" l V,Dugls SIekis "[ie of dît' eý etLit" by l. Clsrilo Basie,- anx tiiasîpaumiy ,xi t-a r e- dciiLà, coi egisr Alcr F thpiei Menis.~dd-ets, lieWetdof 'TO-Day, 67 W abei X euc, Clisege. SYMPATIII - tie te 4M t hl iim lie tlti -c-n et- ~it-so te il-stit -~~~' ie5 yossefy '[i Ioi 'tis t- it tcou 55infu danced around. tiabiola al et once saw that if 'Les a f1arne-fairy, because tere jus[ as ptain as couid Lie, 'as a facp' smiling aetlber eveîy lime the fdame lcoped up tewiirds the ehimney. "les, that' uine cfl hem," said lte tire rlog. "îIles ae ged eue. It's ne use try- ing te tLik te tilieni. They cant speak a single word. Ail tliey Cen dû îs danice, and buon i tings. Pi ety seen bel l li up thichcinncy as st-ton as hîs log burris " ish1ceuld go uip, tee," seid Baico- "Suppose yil go up otheliroo-f and sit ontilie ed f thlie chimney unlil oe cernes eu, g thIle lire dog, hepe- fll,"Or saiy a speil. Den't yeu kynow, any spetîs? I used le baux' tls ot thein, but they'te redi dungeus, because soinetimes yeure lb ic-le osay the wxron.tg one, and ihen goodiits enly k-nows wl'nat yeu'Ili bm yvour-ei' jute. Say rt srnoke spel i-ind sec hi tppn. "I den't knex uysei. "Well, iîueybe citr e1bi f.llit You cna eace b les aii sua-antee it. If it doesnt eu -,cyou il cous, nohn.If ihdosîi cossyou 25c. Ih aT iy ai to-day. Shi!ch Las eurad imaty thouae-s of the Most Obsîiates cas, and we deoflot heiat.j to i t lwil cure ar.y Coid, Ceagit. Tiseai or Luri, trouble. If we did nfot Lelieve Ibit u e wculd not guar-aube it. 4-Smoke up, smee u, smnoke up, smoet-e up, sinoi- i p tîi.eup-' "floew esny finies?" "Sexveri huudred and sex anty-seveni l,*imes, and Iheri you have te say it back- n ardl,like Ihis: "Up seoke, up smekçe, up smuke, ap sinoke, t-p satei-ke." 'I dou'l believr' flat's a spell,I" seul Be3biela. "Il seunîds as if yeu'd nmade il up yeurself." W ecil, it is a speli. Oh, 1- xon't argue. Jusf you say it, and sec x-hat wili hep- pen. 'lien sey: "'Buither, blit ler, Vshilieî, xx litlicr, Fly tyhli spcmks rip in flic sky, W iit smoite for a dlock, Ocam me, xx'lit a joke, Babieia wn us te try.I'l "Say thet eue. Tliet's poeeiy - Girls alway s xx nt titebr spclis te lie in poetry.l Buf Babieja, laid foots doxxn behini tihe soui carefully aiid smiled Up et thle "11 ce 'iuup on Ih(, cdge et the1 linee,' hesaid. eisdIliaushe alisi I c c.andl), m:it -yx vrt manti rliC rotîed ficý ,e îîyflir c"ouil sli cyc. l x s heqtt-cil Ftiiîg. la aucsufe .irly years.It ha% sîoocd Au It~irlkottSel4 se evaî p l teîwiîhuî hla .F11)er - dd-- iits"ci-le'the fit-t Prooî Îa', h 'pl..ý- -t-, i- n'ifs lie amke ,pe'l. Ian t Îs found in the many testimonialg ofth!!e tuittee bcd. i115 rcAlIY a liutniast ,who ha-c tried Shileli andi heen carti -uc , ts't tl. L'eulishe poker' xx el'1 Mrs. Archie Taylor, A.apis,Pa ,wnîs-,hvr c better. Thee daines usex cmhike 'I bougle buffil0e a Shil'th' , e'untr5jn ~tiebcllexx - a lit. 't\' llii1Iask tle ýAd fouOd il Oatý' 6ici&l. 1 hetuita.-- t'ssH!aty 'wa xc cî!d. end &'hl-, I celd Il-loit . bîi -t ,, ete £ýhi.W 1 t l e h-aiiti lu ltyaiwsi's test' dif.xlicfcuds- li te h ,aosl tht-y seb"al'tuî NAMINý HEBAY A laborer loo - bs ifanct t"a -che nearili: 1ubigc esEgn\lreet ly to be baplized. Ashcd wntommes-lie wislied the chiild te bear, Le sltrtled ftie clergyman by bianding 4,n a i,,t of tvcenty-one Christian namies, eacli be- ginning willi a different letter Aetli alphabet. FINANCI \L Si BINGEN:lCY. 1-er Adrirer-Will yeu give assent Io my marriege wilh yeur daughter. asir? lier Fether-Net a cent, young man, flot a cent. -1' 41 -u4 - alptto ancç' rglr acti-fon c e hart ;are -eIargely to a thi, water odil nof blocli. he-liertand er' r uei pi r herPro)Per work for wa-ýnt of suIpport. Pale, weak, or anatmic people should use "Pscî~NE"and avoid heart trOUbles. ' PSYCINE" MakeS riei blood, tones the system, regulates, the heart action and restores vital- 'i'y. :-;7 e!î i sloiave a boitie iandy lu case of sudden he-aritroule's. GREATEST 0F ALJL TONIOS - (?RONQNCEU S~KI AU. OP.UC~IST8-ONE DOLLAft~-1 DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Li~ 179 Kir.g St. W., Tgronto~ ri- r- -F-r. -1.1.r -1-- -1-L L-1 ýLj-

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