any other medicine. They have done this, and are con- tinulally doing it for thousands ail over the world. If yotl start now and take BEECHAM'S PILLS occasionally you wilI certainly benefit to a reniarkable degree. SoIdEveywhroun Oanad8n and U. . &Ameia Teniiskýaiidn g silvcr region. He is enthusiaisI ic aer tle prosp-ects ini the Cobalt district. Hle sa-,s jo other silvcr càamp in the xorl d can boamst of the record of Cobalt. Inaat- ritory four m lbotrosi rta tho value o S,20,OOha een mine shows (x cm of lb e ichs thike s oslid iiver, . ±tustralia. It iinteu mhat ue Doa- !mmlon is unwi]lirg to give any assis- tance tow ards es-tablishing a fair Customs revenue. Tbe Australian press is catillually pubiis'hi;ug rti- cles depreciating(andanpages aud asrigtntAsrlaxdvl opuentis n asoînde bs', nd that commercial m n rm n v ; Packed 'lia cetfcwy 71