-I Keep your Strniach Clean and Sweet I As th-, great majority of serlous ailments are the t results of a negleeted disorderýd stomach always give this e ANNOT 'ais tub rstrtaioms relatives; ug wlllbe degtioyed forever; f ten are caused Éby Gtarrh, at Nýr R Sbut au rtfllied .Ondîltliof le P.1 ?S te aceî-.'Or.and ()le 11undred Dollars, for aliy Mr T H ý, (eaused by ea,,tarr1j) that eau aot 1'sCatarrh Cuire. ,e n d for -ir- .~ F. Griffin a J. C HEýNEY & 00. To1edo, 0. %Miss ej A Huribut, Owen i. j AshtoriDetroit, ; Mr %Wm. jardine, A1. Ormiston's; IMr. awa, a-, Mr J. Alex- ýner, Oshawa, wvitih ýa MaksKinsale,' Mr and Mrs Ber- at Mr. F Griffius;' Culloch, Osbawa, at Durrant, Oshawa, at Pir. 'and Mrs Wm ý;%I.Normn yand A ugust Sale, West End House. Atngust Sale. AGreat Enibroidery