ittie i er PRIS, tlutBear Signature el Sec Shu-imle Wrapper Mloow. The Ontatlo IliioricÊL Sciety ith lia numeroni braucheà smotared over ha Provîcce, ha8 In thea leeb few 1£11aýs ,)eau doing a ntaflla work ln rescutng !rom utter oblivion thse memary of zanay uotad pecplo and avaut ts c- "d wth the early zttlenasct of ita c au'ry. Tha BcwmanvlIh brauch hum beau parsateut Ilu la tflorti ta placo on record rsray iuausst'.ng thinge about tlils rection; but after a'l it la cl1y possIbls for them ta lancia aven ,ho adga of thea cîrcla thzt coutatus ruch aý vat amount of material, cu, of whIch 1ýo mach iof hîriteel lutaret could ha drawa. J havae fteu wished of late yeaws thatrama ne iahavlnig tIsa eces- amry informaI on and 103 ahp ta thse town, cobld giva thea tîMeanmd 1.bor ,bal, it M ould mnvi lve mcd take up, lu ý§ouwa dtt.aîl, thea livesanad mranig f the mmuy meanirbo lied a liand ln lay icg t habamesan wvihbur preî.ent Eccýal, palitîcal mnd rel glana lutu ions hava beau reiral. Ta une tIse wcrd uow mo commuan wihetb.pra-mËm md public peýakare: *OrjtsanadLg," il la rot il- ways th sa ta nwhoin ttsatterm eqppîlicz, thât after aI hava had thea aid s t i- en" la Mouldiug sentlimente train -which thea geeates. moral and ltlc .Il farces hava rtsnzs-tIse ur.h l tIse great power which tePa e ncvery Com- ona of theafounders of the pei at c3ug- ragatîon, aud thea Stapheasfaumlly wer.a thon aud are now, oneaof the mainstays ot the cause. Hie wa a goocd muietam ar-d a% gtoi Oengr aeid fior Yeats led ha oougregaton1 wcrêhip. Aboui 1840. NMr. Abramn Caf 1er, a Ebrewd American Eopeuleor, bavlng bought the faim uo)w owued by MIr. blaik Niucday', whlcb I think cmrasseé the creek (in thea orth end cf tha lot, and upon which, there wms a mills ts. Ian rat qui! acre wehser thlm was an the orr'gival lot, or whthr ha acquired, ditioual land ; et a.ty rata bu buit a tawmlll mcdhd it< lnop- aration for time Ha, hoagrevar, did not rea:an long ln Canada, and an lenvlng soid ttua miii ta 4r. ephtns,' who adtiei ta the etcbliahmeut a Tdn -ri end for aame Yeats, gave ampcyj- ment ta qoIît8 a ilumber cf men. He alec. aet ibis tilme Carrtaed on a Hannees oap and Bot ccnd Shoo store, haviegr boli. tan addition a t ahedwalliig or King Street, in the rear of it, with a warktehop, thea door opeulng on Silver strpet. Now 1 corna ta ona cf the moet terri- hle outrakes that e7ar occurtad lu thse ttnva!s cf the paoa. Thse particulars ara correct, for 1 was au ey-witneae cf the e-ent. There a a n egro living Ihors at the a tmý Thoo. Brown,. I ___ y Seeo-nd l rtiele (W~riUten by mft.i, Jos,1-3. Fhblipost rilastet', &bout the (From The News.) iaocwhere i the hetrogeneouma lot of CamI- ,bls and other staff ho t"Ankwt l tn gratify the gaýtio -- Cw tasteof hla LhInte on Ihe wayd. île wiseawy ,yûan for trada., dn atrwa a firdlu exohaaha 0,ew a3 read y fhr a dcl.bluha ogge, Mhlly flavored fish, a ~ ~ ~~n fataehu c verythlag ho drafgged 11 wILIIhielmcapaclots cE&. OUP wellremeabar ciotizen, a Scotchmllan amDaàvid Tcownc,,ued ta relmaewith i osto hie eep va-ca l the Poet in :ha fih linai. Mr.b McPhail,Blackataalr, al, so rm the land of the heràther-Q(-hey mlada qulte uiLto:es*ing trio, and for jrxgduaIity %Pd sbiltv would ha hard L() dari c.te) -wrS fquai ta the oca- doan, and whon euh deait with WylM, t waa Greak meet Greak. Fr, intime mmemorIat, the haddla haa ranked vvith MoBt people amonLg the chofceot <f the finny trîba, and whan prpe 17 aured is fit for the tabe tf a Pciaci. Ar. AloPhal having au extra 1,t that had becarna hl&b1y seazanedwaBsax- ans 'ta disPoca of them, and whon the noteid Bowtanviile d@Llar hove lu siuhb found hie apport unity. &fier - a cargo arrlved lie a d waa afaly '0tored ready for male, Te wum waa halad b-v the auterpriziFig marchant, au d cf course liveaat&ed ln a lot for h~ome ccii- è;!)-p lac. When they reachtd their dettira'ion the lady cf the cýtbb9eh- mnthad thom uncarrmonkuely thrown jut on the !oedway lu frout of the house. Friand Towrs a!ways dectared thât It waa the bqs t ou, 1Ly o! money ho ever made, for cîx manthealmter- wrardea-), !mpregnated was lh3 air with the bewiýchlrg peifame, tbt Ilwms only nuccs,3ary te get a whiff ta setiafy their lonizlag for the delicou& adibte. Aone lime ha tank ont a patent for a kind of an aven, clining that l was a naw and vrIaable pan fer balini bread, and throughthe1h. mency ai a 4 ~WC avs voy~fyto Lie Sunlght Soap- It rmakes play of work. VVe have used "Sunlight 'Soap," and we want to- tell you that it is the bcst soap made, tha-t's vihy we are writirŽg. lVe found cul, that thc Sunflight way is the best way ta wash with "Sunlight Soap. At irst mwe used to wash with Sunlight Soap in the old way as we did with common saap, but after we washed according ta directions printed on the package, 'w'e would neyer wash the aid way again. We first soap the articles, leave them ta soak and then rub out lightly on the wash board. Not much ta do and it makes the clothes white as snow. L ASK FOR THE OCTAGON BAR Sunh.gkt Saap washes the c/o flies white aund won't injure the hands. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO. 10a Yaery na ~ sa~ ADVERTISING RATES. The Canadian Statesmaxi lispublished every Wednesday rnorning at tl Mfic 26 Stateanlian Block, Kin g Sýtreet. Býowm&nville. O01t,. by MA. James, 1