Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1905, p. 8

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NEW YORK EXCUPRSI@î. Frlda-y Juine31 hth vin Lehl-h Valiev liai1road. Tckes nlv S9.00 thîe round trip from Sn p !n ridgeA, NiagAra Falls. Tickzets good 1 dalvs. For Tickets ea!l a.1L V. 1-,itvPassenger Office, 10 Kin- St ,iFast, Torouto. Robt, S. Lwi,"asege Azent. 232w I CANCER t R. D. E-e, ' Ud Vî,v . fficfm ICaniure, ireqneStS alny ue Suflering Iwith cýi ancrtowite hl. Two days I Itreatment will cse ny cancer, exter- net or internai No charge nntil cnred, I. D. EVANS, Brandon, Man., 13-3m NO. 8 COMPANY 46th REUINIENT. "s ATHER, ,US WOMEz-N.U ENTERýTÂ'LilNi, BELEQATES.j RHEmAI PilNS191, HIqAy D qN HOT WEA NERVC Prepratins ae l progress for their Sundv Shoo aunverarvon -Sunday Jueto2ttIi and Saurdy JuIv Ist. A g~o proraxni~ hin~ repaed h clildre fo th afexnon.Arter top. ' a frstclss onert wIl hof given by the veybe aet vaîlable. Reserve ' the date for a Zgood týIme. Mr .Al1ber.t-Uaw!ey and %Mrs. Thoq ý. in shaa.. , r.Arthur Virtue has improved his -vth a coat of paint... Mrs. Lewis, Toronto, formeriv of Ty-" roue, -vislted friends recently .... NMr. A. E, Clemen le atteuding' Conferenc at Picton .. .. League football match at v Bov.manville Tuesday dune 13 aI 6.30i1 pimn JUNE WEDDlNG. ANew Woman. Tatswhat any Twomanisi feralitcup cf Fragrant "1 I i The -Harvardi plan ot entertainiog the de'legates ,to the Disciples Jane meeting was a,-dopted hiere and gave Very Lyre%% sLAtisfaction. It was done Ib;is wayi De!legates were guestsata the ho>mes cf citiz(ens f or bed and breakfast. Dinner, and tea were served by Mr. T. Tod in the rooin oover Mr, J. B. Martyn's departmental stoïe formerly occupied by the Publie Lîbrary and Reading 1Room. The diiýng hall was attractive- !y fttcd and the imacltelnen anti bîight silverware on the prettily laid tables presentedi a Most iniviting appear- ance That the peoplev were wel pleas- eu with the menu provided is hest shown by tiLefoowg letter received fromi the Pastor: Bowînanville, June 5, 1905e ,Mr Thomas TAd- Dear Sir-,tit the eIosing sessionnof thieconvenition cf the Ontario Disciples <i 1 Christ he1ui thiça mornino'. a resoluton Driven Ont of the System by DrWiIimsPiuk p1LLs. "My life was absolutely made miser- abloâ by rheumatism, says Mr, Geo. F. Hilpert, cf West River, Sheet Harbor, N S. III amn employed every spring as a river driver, and in nequ6ne am exposed to ail sorts of weather and ex- posure in the cold water,. A fcwvears ago whie engaged at my work i was seized with the most acute pa'ins in mv back and joints, 1 became almnet a i h s r -.4 From Bowmanville to Lewis& ClIark centennial Ex- -position, PortLland, Ore Good going daily' until )September 30tî - Yaîid returuing wlthin 90 days from date of issue. SIECIIAL 81E TRIPS TO CALI- FORMIA POINTS. ilome Seekers Excur sions to points in Manitoba. Assinaboîa, Saskatche- wan and Aberta Rates $30.00 to $89 50. Good going J une 131h, 27th and July i2th, valid returning withl n 60 da 9. ForTicixete and full information cal, at- Stott & Jury's Drug Store. W. Wood , Depot rieket Agent, Bowrnanville. J.ý D. MeDonald, District Passenger ý\gent, Toronto. Lake Ontario Navigation1 Co,, Limnited. STROARGYLE Newcastle and Bowmanvilîe To Toronto. Service in effect May 23 and every Tuesdav and Friday after that date. Leaving Newcastle at 6301 a. Mi., Bowmanville at 7. 10 a.m ,Oshawa at 8Sa. m Arrivinoe at Toronto at 11.15 arn Pare : Newcastle 75eT "Bowmanville 70e Returning leaves Toronto at 5 p. Mi. T1ickets may be extended' for the seasou upon application to the pursuer and pay ment of 35e additional, Freiglit eolicited and handled prompt Jy and carefully. Meoals or stateroom accommodation at reasonable rates For further information apply to H. CANN, Agent, Bowmanville Lake Ontario & Bay of1 Steamboat Co., Ltd. Qui nte1 Central Buîiiue's College, M rs john B onlathau. Bowmnvulle, lias beeu i, isiîug~ her son William. Mrs. R. Spencer and son, George, are visitîng hier daughtcr, Mrs. Wm, Otlton, Arkona. Re9v.J.S Wilson,FPlcsherton,visited fils fatner Rev J. C. Wilson en -route t Conference, No Worm, Medicine actases nicely ai Miller's WarmPowders; no physie. re- quired., Sold by Stott & Jury, -drug- gists, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Abby, Vancouver, B. C., and Miss Mary Ab;by, Toronto, have been visitlng their mother That tired, languld. fèeling, and in- disposition te effort of any ,sort will be rapidly removed by the uge of Miller's Compound Iron Pilla. Sold by Stott & Jury. druggists. Mr. and Mrs. Green. Vancouver. B C and Mr. Henry Elliott, Port Hope, were recent guesîs of Mrs Geo. Warm- ington. "*Your fricnd, Mrs.-is lookln mach improvelinhealth2'" IYea, -we persuaded. ber 10 try Miller'oCompound hron Pills, with the resuit we observe." Sold by Stott & Jury, druggists, Misses Annie Wilson, Hlattie Mason and Mabeî Riekard attended the Women 's Missionary convention at Oshawa. Boys fali and braise theniselves. Grownup athietes aprain muscles by overdoing wholesome exercise, The aches and soreness are taken out wlth Perry Davis Painkiller. Rub il well into the throbbing flah and relief is immedia"e Newcastle Lod2'e S, 0 E., No. 46. paraded to St. George's charct Sunday sveningweek. Sixty meinhers present. Rev Scott Howard -delivered an ap propriate sermon which was mach ap- preciated 3by the members. The music and singing b y the choir were excellent. JUS!1 SEMED TO SUIT RIS CASE Welland Merlchant Restored HUealth by Dodd's Kidney Pilla, Doctors sud Medicine Faîied-Dodd's -Route betwee- Kidney Pilla Sueceeded-Other Cases ThyJust Secin te Suit.i Cobnr- -ooeser- PrtHope WRÉLLAND, Ont., dune 5.-(Special.)- STR J. J,. Yokom, a promineut mendiant of STR ths city, ls telling bis friends of bis re N G marable cure of a terrible Kitiney s~ R Disease by Dotid's Kidnev Pilla. Mr. N TH dYokorn's statement is as flos Comnencing May 2Uth. ',"Fer more than a ear 1 had beau aliûg with Kidniev Trouble lu ail ils SOUTH BuuVîD worst Qympto~s- I hall a, distreesed Lv. oborg, nt.......~feeling in m y heati, littie or ne appetite Lv Portbou, Ont....... ...30 P, M.sud a feeing cf languor. I became Ilrt um'ie, On . _.(Portgreatly redaced in weight. of Rochester) .........7.5. 1 "Dectors and medicines failiig te give me auY benefit I became desponti- NOTIBeuxO: eut, wben tv gocti Iuck I chanced to Lv. Sutamervîle, N. Y.ýPert trY Dodd's Kitiuey Pis antifrntm the of Rocheste3r)........ 9.00 A. M firsi thcy seemed te suit my case. .Ar Cohontrg, Ont........ i 380, iv' After taking five boxes lie old trouble Port If pe 0oA ..... 2.80 hatigradually disappeareti, anti Iwas feeling better than I hati in many Bagg-agoeeseked troegl Pull la- yers.~ formation froni aillG r, a'u±ori jd' KdeyPlluit the case 0cf Li Horsev, $toLt & Jirl every an womaan or chilti who bas Traffic Manager, '-rowa 'l Lcet Aa i ani, forn i cf Dodd*s ide Jiea ýKingston, eowmanviîe.fXheY slWaya eureandcure permuentIy. & Jury, drug-gists IMr. Thi s. Patterewu, Coutitv IMaster L.O. Asstcia ion, Durhiam, is attending Grand Orange Lodge at Owen Sound. Derangemenlt cf c liver, with con,. stipatidn, injures ithe co)mplexion, fin- duce pimples, sallo)w 5kin Remove the cause bv using Carter's Littie Liver Pills.' Onaa dose. .Try theni. Mr. Edsoa Ke3at, baggageon an at Belleville station for the past twelve years, bas been transferred te Montreal to a very fine position on the G. T. R. Why don't vea trY Csiter's Little Liver Pills P They are a positive cure for sick headache, and ail the ilis Pro- duced by disordered liver, Only oe pilI a dose. Mayor A. Tait, Bowmanville, spent Sunday -wlth--Mr.- Gao. Stepheus, -aise Mrs Wmi. Colville and Miss Annie Thonipson, and Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Williamson and family of Orono, Mrs, Purdy, an old resident cf Clarke towoshiD passeti away at Odessa, May' 1-5h. - Deeeased -w&-bout- 79-years of age and wiii long be remembereti for ber extreme kiadness and wiilingncss te work amengst the sick. Mr. Frank Staples, Principal cf car Schoei, who had measies followed by pnuamonia died Frirlay. Misa Watsou and Miss Colyla have been takiug Mr. Staples work la addition to their own. Receut visitera: Mr. Thos. Sharpe in the civ; Dr. L. Lapp, Pontypool; Mr. Frank Hooey vlsîted Miss McCracken; Mr. and Mvrs. Geo. Davitison at Mr. Moses Cowan's; Mrs. Wmi. MoGuire ai Janeiville; Mr. snd Mrs D. F. Walsh in Cartwright; Miss Laura Elliott, Bow- manville, visiting ber suai, Mrs. James Tamblyn; Mr. W. L. Long anti son Clark, Elora; Mr, and Mrs, Geo. H. Joli, Newcastle, with, Mrs. H. Heooper; Mr. aud Mrs. Robert Barrie, Newcastle ai- Mr. T1. J. Sharpe's; Miss Jesfsie Davidson Newcastle, guest cf Miss' Florence Hanter; Mr sud Mrs Alex Walsh,' Perrytown, with ber brother Mr. D. F. Walsh; Mr and Mrs. Robert Patton, Manvers, ai Mrs Miller's; Mr. and Mrs Ithel Walter anti son, Port Hope; Mr. andi Mrs. Howard Glcnny and child, Janetvyllie, and Mr. John James and Mrs M. A. James, Bowianviile, at Mr. John Buckley's; Mrr. Ah. McMurtry, Gaît; Mrs. F L. Andrus sud daaghter aud Mrs, Geo- Cornish, Bowmanvllle; Mr. John Findley, Kendal; Mrs. H. Musg roveToronto, accompanicti by ber sisler, Mrs. Langtrv. Meaford, visileti ber son, Mr. G. Musgrove; Mr. aud1 Mrsr. T. J. Sharpe sud Miss Colvin speutj Victoria Day at Canton. Are voat net weli? Are Iyou pale weaklv, depresseti in spirils, elanchol tireti, nervous and irritable?Tr Miller's Compoandi Iron Pis. Solti by Stott & Jury, tiruggists STRICKENr WZTIIPARALYSIS. MRS. W. RIl TELAD St. Andrew's, Man., writes :- I was sirieken with paralysis sudlbai powerocfthe longue 3and*lef t i le-, For sxmonithq 1I obtained 4no re- lie!~ e0hrb dc to") Vpr a criptionis or ether imedicIines. Mvhsha t elme Dr. C,'hase's Nerve Fend , hch bas ne- vîtaijzeti my nerves sud gîven me, fuit power cf the paraIs zcd,-ý parts. 1 arn strnng aud weli uowv, tbanIks te Ibis great medicine. Ail intelligent, reliabie people Who1 are seeking an advantag cous change,i or those who are idie and want workj wilil accempllsh their purpose by writ- ing Marshall & Co , lesliporters, Lou-î don, Ont., outlt furnishe 1 i ,t3voat sioy i iss .ti v auiNes n¶ssionarv Society cf the Methodist andI the instrumental by Miss Maggie hrlcfCndwshdinSme Pabwcoe greatl%7 pleased the audience. St. Methodist churcli, Oshawa, on- May mis Fuller gave an address on "Sani- 130,31i and dune Ist. Mrs. (Rev ) J. C. tatiun snd Mrs, Kinney spoke on Locke, Omeme, presideti la the absence "Evennga icth Homestead, the re- cf the president Bowmanville report- quiemnîsjfthe houme aLd objee o f cd 8 branches, 340 membersad $918.73 thîà tiuea"Ms T. Power and Contrlbuted. Mrs. (Rev.) S. J. Shorey Miss Haycraft, onil, and Mrs. zave the address cf welcorne. Greet- T.- Baker' logal President, expressed ings were presented froin the Prcsby- their pleasure au being present and the terian and Baptist missionarv Societies enjovmnent o! the pregrain The meet- and a message fromn the President' and ing closed w"i the National Antheni. Secretary of the Provincial W. C T. U1. Refireshmenîs 'were served at the close Mrs. Harrison, Keene, responded te the visitors and a social lime enjoyed. Mrs Real, Napanee, led a model aux- General satisfaction was expressed by iliary meeting. Miss Johnson, Stock- tl4e members on the work cf the visiting dale, read a paperon the Model Mission delegti doteanprccasd Band, Miss Dyer, Belleville, gave an neresting -points givea i n tleir excellent paper on The specifie work addresses and dernstralion. cf the Mission Circle. Mrs Campbell The animal, meeting of thia Institue appeaied for the Chentu Schooi. Miss will be tield'in the Council Room, Bow. Wilson made a plea for 'The Palm manville, Saturday Jane Ith at 3 p mi. Branch " Mrs Pinsenî,îucwly appoivit. Ail ruembers are eixpected toleprosent., ed hissionary 10 Japau, _and Mrs- Morraw of the Rescue Home, Victoria, B C., were introduced to the convent- Ufl0io and gave addresses on their work. The need of new buildings in many mission fields was madie plain te the conventiomn. It.wasddcledt-aslt-f-or- La every part of Canada You will fiud the nacessary t80,000. The executive mothers who speak la the highest pledged the Bav of Quinte branch te B'$3,000, cf this $2,624 bas been rafied. praise cfBabys Own Tablets, Amolng The Increase in auxlliarv mnembers for these is Mn. Jats. H, Koukie, Beanis- the past vear la 818; life members 35; ville, U)ntario1 who gays :-"i have used and Mission bandi members 249. Treas- Raby's Owni Tablets for over three urer's report showed total receipts $11,021 09; expenditure 810,249,49. years and I would net be wîlhout theni. Mis- .E' ons a letdogn They have doue more for xay children izer for Bowmanville district. than auy medicine 1 have ever used. Offiers w~ere eiected as follows- My 11111e girl, now four years olti was President. Mrs. Plaît; ais Vice-Presi- always troubled with indigostion aud tient, Mrà'.Locke; 2nd Vice-President, Mrs. Gîbson; Brd Vice-President, Mrs.1 constipation, aud altbough other medi. Campbell; Recordiug Secretary, Mrs.9 cines helped bier lemporarily, Baby's Copelanti; Corresponding Secretary,1 Owu Tablets were the thiug neededt t Mrs. Grange; Treasurer, Mrs. i e- cure ber. I aisegave the Tablets te mans; Mission Baud Secretary, Miss my baby fron lime te lime since she Wilson; Superintendent of SSstematie was two days old, aud they aiwa'Ys Giving, Mrs. Real. years old sud a more healthy chl wol c bard te finit. The Tablets 'are certainly a, life-saver." These Tabiets cure aIl miner aliments cf in. fautsasudyouug chiltireu. Tbev cou- tain ne poisouing soothing staff, sud there is ne dangr0 giving an oven- dose as there la with Ilquiti medicine Soitibie ail druggists or sent by mail aI 25 cents a box by writiug The Dr Wiiliama Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont. ENFIELD. SHAW'S SCITOOL. Report cf S. S. No. I Dsrlingteu, for -May:- Sr. IV- W. A. Allia, Kathleen Trewiu, George Trewin. Arthur Allin, Fred Bragg. Jr. IV-Gladvs Galbraith Otto Bragg, Bertha Allia. Etna Rick, ard, Robert Trewin, Mary Galbraith,! Edith Bennett. Jr, 11-Ethel Allun Sr II-Rov Allia, Verna Jewell, Fred Gibson, Percy Mauuing. Jr. II-Carl Clemeuce, Bert Jewell, Leta Bragg, Enflelti anniversary will bo e iît as ClarenceLovekin, Ruby Jeweil, 1rank follcws - Sermons on Sunday Jane 111h Trewin, Etina Trewiu, Eva Vincent, at 2 830 anti 7 p m. by lievs. S.j, Shorey, Vesta MaDnng Pt, I-Allia F. Anuis, Oshawa. ciairman cf District. Special Victor Rowe. F.M. GALBRAITH, teacher. Singing iv the children, Tes meeting _______ Ou MOndaY Jane l2tb, a vrogram, bv the chiltiren sud au atitress bv 1ev, P. CTJBAN DIARRHOEA. J. Andierson, Hampton. In the even- ing a lecture by Rev. Charles Adas, U. S. soldiera' who serveti in Cuba Breeklin, on "10 000 Miles by Landtand ud lite Spanish. war know whal Ses," vocal seleelions by the Misses tris ing iad tatcdnr Toagh. soldaits, Toronto. Tes 25 cents, dsaeî~at htcdur remedies have littie more effeet than s Lecture 15c, Lecture andi Tes 85 cents much water. Caban diarhoea la RI- Visitons: Mrs. Chantier anti MISS moat as sevcenuddangenzeuoqs s amilti Prenlice, Tooto Ir. anti Mrs. C. L. tskc ir. Tbe2re iscueremetis Msckcy, Kia-osle; Mir. anti Mrs. Wash- hcwevêen; thateau awavs b depend6d ington, Oakviile; M.at Mrs. C. Os- upon as wîllbe seen ýby the folio wing bornePr ilocc M. anti Mrs. W, certificate froi Mrs. Mi nnie Jacobs of Barre0' B- an -)!;-D. C il Camp. Houston, ITexas:. -I hereby cerlîify bell, Buaffalo; Mr. antd0i Ms. G Cochrane that Chamberlaîi's, Colic, ChoIera sud atfncnr;Miss Na-c OristnBow- Diarr h Ea eedy ývcureti my hupbanti ha . .r.Fired. Pa;e anc fsamuly cf asever,,e atc fCaban'diarrhoea movetinear nniekilen..Sun- whicihe ho rought home fcoin Cuba, day schnol ebi 'e re eceivîng spc- We had several dectors bult the e titi il tri ing or the aaniversarv ...Mr. him negocti. One bottlecftiisremedy W. Ormnis1ton'is reideuce on Churci cureti hirn, as cur ueigh bers3 will lestif v Street leoka briýght sud ' heerfut wilh 1 thank Goti fon so valuable a medi- ils new coat f pat. lue " For sale by ail draggiste. ~c~rs in sifs ana. ge-ft hem-uistiec Up and *ready for the exeursionists. Rie says we show *, the old stiekers and keep turning them oveî p * anaover and -before long they take ,one., This is flot done in suits only lots of odd lines. are Sfreshe-ned up and run off tu the bargain hunters,- %Set, Wise * We always seil with a view to bring Or * customers back.3 *TH-E MPmSON GOe', 6 * --Bow-MA.NVILLE. Ebenezer Jane il & 12. Mapie Grove Jane 18 & 19. Bethe8da J une 18 & 19. Hlaydon Jane 25 & Jaly 1. Hampton Jane 25 aud July 1 SPRAINED ANKLE, STIFF NECK, LAME SHOULDER. These a re tbree common aiments for whicb Cbambenlain's Pain Balmta etspecially valuable.' If promptly ap- plied ilwill save yoa lime, moneà sud saffering when troubleti with any one of these aliments. For sale by ail dra.glsts. 89 00 NEW YORK AND) RETUEN. ViEtrs 1Ms.FrdRoer, hN. ') witb ber brother Mr. John Martin -who dieti on Monday; Mr,. W. M. Wotten with frientis at Lîudsay;, Mr. John Gilbert sud My. William Robbins, Bow- manville, at Mr. John Pye's. .....A num- ber fromi here attendeti the anniversarY scrvices at Mount Vernon ...-. Atend the foot-bail match la $owmanvile, Taesday Jane 13 at 6 80 r ANIC~E HOLIDAYïN EGAD Montreai tu Havre sud London every twc weeks, cemmening May 13th. Oui, one cias cf passengers 2arnieti, calleti second cabin; ail the accommo- dation on the steamer being tbrowa open, Toronte te London ant t Havrea and return le Toronto 8389.30. Tickets On Leilgi Vaiiev Excursion front ess ic ayt aeahldya Suspension Bridge, Friday dune 16Lh. uitIle expense; single fare $46.65, Sanie Tickets gooti 15 tisYs. Good on regular fare f£rom Bowmauville. M. A. James,, fast express trains leaviug Suspension Agent, Bowmanville. Bridge, Niagnra Falls ýai3.50 sud 11,15 - --------- a.m., 6 20and- 1015 p.,. date Jane 1 16th. Fer tickets, pallmans ant: urhrRe ai Esta te For S'aIo p l,,uarsalltL. VR.Passeuzer Office, 10 Kig St Ess, Toroto RoitT S. Lewis, Passenger Agent. 28-2w end r DOMINION PIANOS AND IJRGANS ALWÀY THELeADRs. ERS wl horeeived up tolther 18tratova of the Eïotai, ot the laie John cote, l&te of the village of Hampton, County of Dur, ham, and Province of Ontario, for the follow- Now tiat you are tirough bouse-edean- îlan ardos:I tet,~npto iug ~ ~ ~ ~ n oe hat gtl u f our Pianos On tht, lot ibereis a rough trame house i andj or Organe. store>' 25x32 fi. wilh atone cellar. Aloo frame, Our new styles cf Pianos are the very Drii EHue xt. 14 fi, Hîgh with atone lalest designs anti are reaiiy a work o! No 5-20 acres, Pari or lotiS con. 5, Darl. Art. ingion, on East aide of Scugog itoati. ou tht, ForToe, oah, pparace AIS aou 3acres of orchard i g-ooti earing Durability they alIe net excelleti in condition. Canada. Ne 3-being lots no 41. 42, 43- Perry Plan Our pnices are as low as a first-ciasa of pari cf thse village of fHaxuton, Piao eu b sodatani w mae trni ssaNo -omposed etf lois 65, 81~ 2, ;83, 84. Piao cn b sod a an wemak tems a- nd 6. South of Elgin S lt., ; ' ' ',con le suit the purehaser. taiuing about 4 acres. >e, Our uew six octave piano case Orgaus No 5-bcbig lots no 44 aud 45 ou thse west aethe best Ongaus yen eau buy.' aide of Sougo)g St on which iiià fa rm houac are 23x24 fi one atojrey;thihwiffh 5ton~ eltardmen I have a number of se2ond baud 16X24 fI. AW, i rs trm tbeiTutS ft. 12 fI. Organs on hanti front 815 up. Eas-y Posta. terma cf pasIment if you 'want it. 0No 6-2 loi01noS; and 38 Caîl andi sec me or I will senti yoon e watcreoflt3.on6,arigota' cf our catalingues anti ,ou can pick ont S lra nti igoi'oestryfra the instrument s ou like and I wiîî give house ixSadiuSwtîkiýthen 7X18 fi. wi! aton ceHr ioer, lso riving hiotuae24x13of you pnices. ~Tht bllc r any tende!r not eesnl JA Mns DEYMAN, & ceptc!d or further pantiiclars aplplymto. J . THo. , L a p t o , P . O . c , o j a m E s ' MC . . , Hiaruden. B16ck, Bowmauvillc, Ont. LEANi, Bowuianville, adîu(nlstrators. 23-4w OnIy One Best Tea, BLIJE BIB BON'S IT. Lt haesawa tatOld Tired Feeling an. fýuis lier with new lf.So Delicious Too. 1 1 l0nly One Best Tea. Ji 1 1 1 ,BLUE RIBBONI-SI IT.

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