Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1905, p. 3

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The Easy, Pleasant, Certain WayltuCure R ISÂ S I I t F F cur do 1Ç Japanese Officer Who Took Part-I- Describes tabla; thVe CURED, theion Grea Naval Battde4 lt "ihxe st ruit-a-tives wlth great berefit. Tbey arc ' grand mnediclue for Con- t e G e t N v l B l)J stpto niStomacli Troubles. I would net be witbout ilsem ln the bouse, tlîcy are s0a________________ gond." ISS KATZ IKURTZ> Dunaville, Ont. TIIE GREAT SEA FIGTIT. 'Somethlng lime- tile Russian submar- A despatch fromn Tokic Says:-\1 files bave boa siglsted. Attaci - IJapanese effhcer wi-o lul returnedte to im,' Sasebo, givos île tellowing accouai -The flotilla tloeianti loateu of li se sa fighi off the Tsu Islandis: the objeci, vs-hicli provoti teo bca "At 5.30 Snius'dny moraing asinking slip, vitli its ,îxerturîotl bot- wlrles masae rndig.'The an- showing. Thicty arirvivors clung Sesny's aquadrea is la sight,' reached to the svreek cryiîtg for assistance. thîe naval base. This message was Firing ceased W]t tlhîe apprstach of I o Fui Lve TbIts tiransm.itteti to ail our slips hy thse darkness. tilagship, wîîî instructions to, gai "According to orders ps'evielusly At Druggists. 50c. a box. " Manulactured by rt-a-tves Liied ttawa. ready4 forý action. Our aquadrea lot gîver fo ai te dotr tacr ftis their rendicezvous anti lendeti for the darkin aht tw dstror ro-la - - - ~~~~~ensi chanssel ot Tsushimra. Our men iilgit w qaios r O-OO-OO-OO-.c-j-ooOo-oOO-O--OO "Vo man le ai?" sko ~ seoeti te ha filloti witî ie inpr- ceedeti to attack the 1-ussiaris during 0 -Yu n th raîY' ske D eo, and 'were eagos' fer tisa long de- the xvlole night. 'The Russins frus- The little girl lii île big bcd 'ot traieti tise firsi anti second attackt ~ 'k, wlh isciot a hc aes. layed fight. to borzin, YVO UNle 'ruîun wa sightedicie n ir i-W to ssith searchligîts. A thirti atteaspi la T-hiýngs lava dierent naine*_s lace the souîî-svesî, île son was rougi svas carefuily muade andtihîe Vugiri QoL I( Il île palace," ;lie wisisperonî, "just andtihte torpedo hoats were torceti to sanal a slip of tse Borodino typc K> for tue, yen know, becausc 1 have to ruai for île slalter efthîe island. anti aise lit ethers. Dîiring the 0 Si stx'lere ail the trne. Woulda'i you "Oaur third fighting sqnadroa, witl night île Itussians continiuadti ý0,>0cý - ' like to soue the greenhouses?7 Take tle 'lakashilo to port, reconaeitrod move and sve preseri our eaivelop- PRINCESS PRETEND. the first tilca te yens' lefi.- île Russian course, anti at 11.30 a. ing movement, soe distanre troin Thse ftrst tur to the laf t waa bc- m. intorni th îe main sqnadroa by île Russian position. Tise Russian Ia thea wieo'ow suit Doris, w'atching twoen twso olti clairs; île groanlons- wireless telagrapl thnt the Itussian slips headati nort -ast alias' day- tle main, anti lies' face wsag ail pue1- os wes'e helow île windoxv On a SImali slips, sere passing liet thea _S a res k l0pting torahVadvsok erati anti unhappy. "l'm tirod stiy table--oaa flower-pot with grass chenael, xxlereupea eus' malnts quati- Our' effcers ani,ý maiwere dot s'iaed liii laý tus olti louseh" sie saiti. growîsîg ini i, anti one wlîî a litile rots chaiigin" its course soewhnîît no a 1hpsoi saa n "Done me, said atother, feidinýg up Igeranitiin, net 'Sudl a vary pretty to île seutlward, came la siglit et noslvetd flot to, relax theis' efforts les'i %, ur!k "we'cl bettes' gai on otis gera-n!inn with a reti hlossorn. Doris Okinsiraa at 1 o'cîeck, la île lifter- until ihey lad scenein lacither îhi ýscai go te sec a naW friand stoot ifor n lonsg urne, lookiag ai noos. The third division arrivoti sihn o turlngr cvir Ressaa of Uol--un --eti--sard--geàrerady" them an Skighr eey-4i4te- letr '-ineti theaisqadron ship. Dor is unipuckered lier forelead a wiîe. 'The first anti second divisions, etc- "Our' slips aiway kepi alenti of Iiel, nîîd linritet on lier rainy-day "Tlhe court plirsician says it may cosapanieti by île destroyer flotilia, île Russianis. TIcý battie was resums lai d anies' lonsg cent, andi took lier tia ot'rly oaa yens' porc butfoe ',he changoti te a xxesîerîy course, w-hile eti ai 9 ciol Sunday mraocing 12 uile usuaibrella; tlen se anti mother queea moiuecau take me ont iet île third division andtihîe touril miles ansi of Ciyupyon Bay, and st-artti. île world again," aIhe heardth îe lit- diestroye fsltotilla lceaa sligistly lastati ail day. Hlera île Russians "Ta sis t a aie sitcoot," sha île gi Say to mthes'. Oh1, itlsatwr.sireitirevisloe. le sni. dscotenetiy, s tay mcdîîariyilca ynrssirce hatdayI Durit"' île manoeuvres île Rus- seareti nprepareti te repel nighi ai- said dicontntely, s tey trne nealy hreeyeas sice hat ay sitacks. ý1)riyn.g our Oirsi night attacl doa a aarrow strcet. anti, 0 siippad on ilia siairs. But that's ail ian flsgship apparat to île seuil- the Russians slowoti aine seardli 31toileor, ara ste going la this ngly gone." ward ai 1.45 o'eiock. Tha-l Russns lihsadfujraidteatcs horîsa?" ~~~~"Deriaq, if yeu've s'eaiiy sen the stenatid up is double columan. The lgi nitntaa h taî "Vs"sait i uotLhs, anti tliey greenhouses we iai ge hioma no, fleai was asurnerous, but no living ho- but clcarly gave 'ils île location oi Wetnissueantii iog was visible. The Russin slips tefîmit, whiel brosîght success iisneslabby stops i'said moihes', at lait. tîogia shlabtîy doos', anti thon up "Somoîlmoes lea île pal ace cms seemati to ha la goti ordar. Our inter.". lito tariught et siairs. A womass very quiet anti just a speci lonasonse, slips hoistedt he flag of action, île wa cuhlgltway 'rp. T sînil shut nsy eyes antci play youa Mikasa signîling: 'Thie destiny of our 7,000 W;EN F DOWN. 'Cant yen mindi wlcre you're are laere vîsîting me," saiti the lit- empire depends upon this action. Von A dasei frýoas Tilo says: Reugi ,,l(;eg?" sIc asked, crossly, as île girl in thie lad as elie held oui ares mon sapcnet do yalenyigl lestiseatIe fot, ;la île sn 'o Doiris 1iii lier pail la tic daîke-s, lier' anti again. "I shahl sec yen île r s meiicne set tei sgleatl. weg Jain ela,i lia arly 4,00 priso "'isorry," sairi DIori-ýs. but lai just as plain!" h infcneo-hssga.Jpn xlsv inal ,0 rs volco tliti not sounti as if aite careti "0) mother," sait Doris, "conlin'i "Onur firsi anti second divisions Gersaryfotsvnt ie hu Vcciv ranch. T bs'iag Agln eesoh ed'tuisrcte tohîe Russians' starboard, xary I fcretit ao te ae t Angaina ace ali aadn'tstiile île thirri division kaptinl cloe at hlafaeitatsemoit Wheni1i-y allri he op f peted al te tme? Coudn' Ig to dvi-pet-s-ld. Cahelatieg on île conîpia- Wle icyladrech-tiila op f roent ai le in? euld' Ti? tosel aih tie preceding wodxl tle hoiÀsse metilar saiti, "Here wtî 1 coniti mnaka hehieva ,unmin har nt laîl ments Of îhe Suaken anti capturet are," anti ,irnocket on a doo t nihîe the palace. Coi-tlda'i we cerne, iao- ceeding Wl ths orties h-s 2.13 slips ai upsvarts et tan thsousanti hent i et lsima tIen? Angeliiia anti T?" o'ci i w i îler Rsit as 2pe13r enx ai housanti men romnain- usnec 'Coa nh"caiet autie irhS Wîy, yes, 1 tîink yenl rouid,", lira. Tihe fissi two alois fehi short of icoilto(l for. Tt la possible tInt thl voica, anti moiler openan île door -saiti aseier. our lino, anti h was semai minutas SlshD ,5 hjlch cpt r Fo i-one ef into a cosa flot naearly as big as haies' hefore çvc cmemisoceti finiar. île' î5horS etîle crossa eto tIhe less '-Doris's phay-roons, or aaarhy as light, BOYÏS, TINK TIIESE OVER. TIen île initia was on, stith Oiss ansne lp. ay ois , altier, for it had oîîhy one xindosi. Ose' of oui' great amea sa a boy troas boili sitica. Our' destroyersý kept b-en ms'ashKd ashre01 the islnti aU heg bmiddl antah reppei qup sloulîl leara: on île por't aide et tic main 5iilan-Ianti on tle Sliores ot 1îi, neighbocin' a bsing beiî, any an til irl wiî Tolrciaeieelnem, anti ins ta formantion w'e press- o's ia tIle san the baîtiO, face sa ant shiiiis laea Tilwit Te ha kititi te ai anini. edth îe Russiaiis againsi the. ceastl Boi' Adîniral oiern wlo was alx dc yn d, priiacoays?" sa T obh manhy andt conmageona et l(inusliii, anti tliey were oîgr,"sn tcr of ihc battlShip aut 1, noisar, donîn ao ones,- ani îl To rcia, s'ew, shoot anti swim. te change t heir course te the ansi. roi ti. ï u)ia O i s- it s'a: utie grl cya han bigus' Tb huiilti a fonce saaiiini.RUSSIANS OUTMANC)!,UV-RED. anos d nSlutikiti l "l'a vey weh, hI ut apar et To filh the woodb-oi oves'y isiglif. "iVe so maneuvreti ouýr slips, ns tet c I ia l ny2,i nie ibai's under île beticiothos anti reo gsenihe to is giaters, have iheis' boas palie,,lei, o ý îlÉlLtsn oe ii lg- I(t Se ocn'îmaies,"saii ie ~îî~ To alini a coor witiout slanimng. norti aida eftihe Russian linoe. Thaiw tulvri ('Àaia on t I es girl ca es' bcd,- ally the liett 'o sews oui al biiitoi. Mikasa, oftu tins rsi divýisioni, whicl s uI býy let( anse a tili littie hati anti shook matis hu-~ ld heen ieaditýig, ciangeti to île It lu -5Vcke r' qudo.n with istother anti Doris. A SIMPLE CURE FOR PILES.. reas' efthe lino, Mvile tîhe Kasuga ri n eot hcitrto l "low kiati ye, store to coma tel Pile Suflecoîs kîîow tînt Ointnisp eaet îl isa.Ta sgginttIiilir-os ine îlec ants Son the minace te sec ne!-" sic saint' and tiells iodai treatînents srole owbcmvuyire liaDn-r-a higtsa o nata ts ,Was île xitci on thte stairs,?" relieve luit Isever ;ue Thydn ne l ,îsan H'eisot tt ot cqar n w esvaitstainei efthil "Vos, inideed," sain moilier, wvlile ranmeve the caue 0c cliangedu eus' course accordingly. ' rceoery oL A lar cai ,RPo.estxeasly, Doris openati lier eyes w'ide, 'aite Tîsere is a uitile tablet tînt is wiee u eoddvso oensh sl aoeloptl lefa w-aa liera wihi er tairy pal, sîsakingi. talon internally remnoves île caisse of trateti the r lire on the Borodlino. itijre te the sltuil la, slight, andti h( thiags dlean la île darknessa." Piles anti cures aSiy case cf aay kînti Our Oirsi divisioni nos- began Oiriî'g (tho ivnti r sc iu. T "1 newshess'uitho, sat ia o mtie' lsT eîs Stndig. vigocouSly, proceedîing pasaliel svitllhi-ta niInjuries inay tiaveoe, lowovar, utie ir. SI'sà îni ithye Anînî'streatitinn dosts, $1.00. tle Russlan lino, anti, as sie hegani T'lh total Japanose lossas are unidel know, -' she sait, turniag to Doris, Ask toc D)r. Leýosshardtts3 Tloti-Roýid te press againsi île heari efthe Rus-5 3011 Oui-y tiîce ionpetio boats wcr( "but lies' svoi's ara sossetias dis- 1(a tionsarît dollar gîîas'ntea gees sian lisse, Our ihicti division 'eeredit ass antI ne baitcahipa or cruserý I x gssied se yeîî mighi tuain she was twiih every treatm&iit). te tic Russlan reas', ilsus eîsvelopin. sverc datnageti. ci oss. H-eas-Rli la île tiisroery of Dr. tiair slips. "I titi," sait Doris, opaning lier Leonhardit of Lincoln, Nel. . one of "The eng-agemoîsi proceadoti lioiiy. LOO-K FOR MORE SUCOE1SS. (,Vosyc. ilhe meat distinguiaheti anti sccesa- Our second division foiosi a, course A despatel trous Tleatquas'icrs c "lno, indeati!" saidth îe litile fnl p1lys1ians mn the Westt-ma Siateal. -pacallol w'ith île nortlara aide 0f Ceacral Kuroki's Arisy, via Fuan gll ily heloaats e hh h rigiio leWlsî-yeîeiussians, anti this movemant says: Thoi-ra 19 evary ceasea to heliavf m5r inoýtler, the queen, la i;a ai tie Co., Linîii, Niagara I~i Oai. cemplateti the enxeieplng. Tho Rus thý île ncoxt campalgn of this aras': Gastie ot ýthe Books, cvi' day. ht siek iruis nios dsr~oens' slips were seaen trYsng ta xsille b s ra isor'O sucoastul mia til v hs aI x'o siîst îleý casernent TIs brasoiuh ndordetoe 1 t hesii flicga knl"'hts cantget la te THAT'S ALL R1GHiT."' tiotilla interepît tsais' course. i pas.it ae l p anti dicpieietrnat s hsr sne unîtes bovart thein- "This siatb et esivelIchiaen)t ctý- hn slclg aeîiaeta t ry !Ta-r tlesn tinali againai' tic IJapan's Great Naval Halro lias tinueti uit-il île toloin da,1t ss'ndw nt thn aciheaifal ionij One Pet Phrase, tahp ivaying dis1tan es.> Thls, pleS eeggmet aeo Nothig realy lu i ili, se ox -0i A Ncw V ork despatel says: -l dnloe oni ahl sites. ti iain 'ite aie Iericaits ue to s'uîlrl " H~-iolri, erûtla'-y et tise Javpan- I wo'a li'la anti po 'et> te) esa - -In a - to 1ihat l ny ose Legatien at Washington, las tIa1 rl.Pein intucin hthe~ twe armiie esvahy nainui C ban îayng i îl lîllasti loue jbeen givan île diestroyesrs ati torpù- tetoame aebehs 0f lus personal acquantsant witihd oi o uai i îtsa .is Admisrai Tlogo le saili. " Admirai Foioîving instiructions, île finih île- TROIOPS DISA,1FIFCTED. 'l'gosas iîîa îîî aIs lspinsstroyer flotilla a, anet ag1 s TIse St. Peiersbuî'ig corrospontian anid exceutas mIcas. Wh,. île s', slp upawld l scn f île Londons Stanidta caIms t( b tkeîe question et seîeeîîng a division, lad hbeen coneusîaiing ltsi have raceivati confir's-ato rm o comm1rander et tic, naval tCds a ire, sieia:'eana geing te give lsources efthe, s'epo'ri htia t!ie' Ces - ' - hen dscaset ailenili ani tî e lisi tlrnst ai ibem.' cframent suspects îleý iýtaper ofthl choice Peu1 upon Toge. By directhon il 1E"OESPISIDI. top aMnîs'aat ai home - tîeEpre Ieiiie f "ieRuan lpdeued t 'Accordï-ng to pnl-j aie letersý f roli oarthsc umienir th'ge el afiis er ofgs, an, aeigp th in tpoîae irt MnIra n.Lnvil at forîl spras cmmnt dvoettim. Unaîtîed osrti'~- h iset ' ii-eficrsavs' alit aént], c - n hur o' mre t toaihng' il l e reset orwad, le Citee isoan no liregoi. 1Urfoa.cafsweeena thsotesn lar0yhe île spirite n mk giiperuade cou Wo tySore opo stîccesa.~~~~~~~~~~ ly hnig ti's niiors L CLEAR THM OuiT Dr.Piece' Pie.antPlei ioi e cn oa os" Se(hl)" issti it ~iavrta Pescito'we-îtîi.su'seve soiih uSD W E U TTiE licou lhout tlht'pro lice un lcî tht ais sof fili' i 1t o i, parmcn tfAii i re. 1. .Alli le iu re o l Jgrdutc rut billstt LITERARV NOTES. Contents of The American Monthly Review of Reviows for June:. Record ot Curroiit Everits, with illustra- tions; Somte Cartoons'of the.Month, Generai Fstzhugh Lee, xvith portrait;* The Career of- Joscph Jefferson, by Josephi B. Gilder, with portrait of Mr. Jefïorsoni;- Modjeska, Dramiatic Artist and IPatriot, with portrait; Counft Cassinil, Typical Dussian Dip- lomat, with portrait; Japan's Repre- scatative at Washington, with por- trait of Kogoro Takahira, The k Larger Problem. Before Admirai To- go, by Adachi Kinnosulke, with por- ýtrait of Admirai Togo; What the -People Rend in Mexico, w lth illus- -tratols Morocco and the lFrech In-. ýtervent,ýion, by R. N. L. Johnaston, with illustrations; The Manoeuvres of a War Floot la Time of Peace, by G. ITpton Hlarvey, witlr illustrations; yAn Object-Losson iin Irrigation, by ,riClarence J. Blanchard, with. illustra- tions; Phuladel1phia's Civile Outieok, by Joseph M. Rogers, The Atlantic gFisherios Question; 1.-A Statemeat of b,'ewtouindland's Attitude, by P. 'T. MecGrath; I-The American X ieW, by Winthrop L. Marvia; The Amer- i! cau Academy in Romne, by P. D. )0Millet; Amnerican "-Rhodes Seholars" lat Oxford, by Paul Nixon; The Churchi-Uniion Movement in Canada, by the Rev. J. P. Gerrie; Leading Articles et the Montii, with por- tions; Briefeor Notes in the Perio dl- Summer, with portraits of authors; 'Other New Books, with portraits '0f a- study by John Burroilghs ot the -qutestion of the pcotecti-o coloration id of birds, whi.ch lias caused so much Idispute among scieatists. Timely ýyr and momentous issues ara authori- ttatively considered la an article on rk Federal Rate Rcogulation, by Ray - Morris, M'atiagi*ng Editor, of the 51Rnilroad Gazette, la '1Fhe cause. of fSeil Ancrican Revolutions, by SGog A. Chaînbellain, lately an Amrcctn Consul in Brazil, and in A 1etter trom 1 Paris, hy Alvan F. San- born i, thte author of Paris and the Sioc-ial Revolution. Particular inter- ;h esýt attaches at the present time to a striirin- paper hy (George W. Alger ofe the New York bar, on CGcaer- -osîty andi Corruption. Miss Agnes -Repplier furnishes the second of a y eries of delightful papers rerninis- -rcent of lier chultihoot inl a couvent is-hool. An article that will arouse 1,wirle gen oral interest la that on Vil-! c- lage Improvement, by Fredericr Law leOlinstti, Jr., containing a long ex- tf tract froiu an unpublishied marn- ýscript by his father, «Freder ick Law re Olmsted, long the forl inost lantiscape g arcliltert of Amierica. it la not orteil ithat an artistic short story lias whnt ,s ,oloi 'n iutorest," but ii v iew ef t'le recoat agC'itation ovor !DS' O)sier's hurnorouas p oaifrthe! retiremnt et of ,n ex r fortY anti Mr. Cnrnegie's rcn uo mn oýr tho ponsîoning etollae pofos- e sors, the.tender w'ill flti nesca- s- y 1tim ly interest l-aM, Jamres Lincoln's remarkable -tr Super- aaaiuated." Thoera is anothor excel- 'lent stery by Arthur Coitonl, a le thoughtfui.,paper on Sema Aspects of ,Japanoea inting hy Walter M. r-Cahot, poents by Richard Watson uilder and Franki Lillie Pollock, and Sthe customary criticisin et notable books. The second iinstaliment et c- Mr. William Ciarrott Broxvn's The le Tenth iDocade et the UniÎled States - and the tourth et Mliiss Sherxveod's r.The (}eming et the Tide are of spec- er ilinterest. re rs George P. Brett, head of the Mac- millait pîhlîshlng coînpany, writas as foliows la Tho Country Calendar for Juno, the nexv outdoor magazine tf publishetd by the Rax'iew of Reviews nBook Comnpany: oe "As for a travelinig outfit, that is -yvOI'V simple., LTnrdr the seat of imy etrusty oaa hoss-sliay is a box rach- lng trom the eat týi, o th-floor. T1his lis imy truak. Itlias b,,,, areull dlined, and hltsevrthn iOaned Afor poi-oiga driving tn irp,- ~ liko o itrust to 0thaliarbor- 0 g of ùinns, and the chani c eter- ta oon tfarmhouses, of ton n ot aven taking a lunch with us frrnt our iast stepping place. FPor these who cara for the !iti- ltmata companionshlp et nature and .frthat solitude which tends to the to grovwth la the things ofthle spirit,, r d know ut ofno butter wný y tu spend L!'a vacai'on.*Neither do YI know za bet- hotr vwa;y for those r o r utra e.orniig such a tli«p bringscotc nwith ai sorts of woather la tha Farmn For Sale by Tender. TENIDESe WTLhL BE RECEIVED up a uin TIi ,far aviald Fatrmn, Whitby 5 t imslea ans cf île ->very lest fatmstaleProvintes. Ih l p a-rt oaIlîle nid Thomsons1n lem tai. tram iwbichunranyPo-'i,, vineial Short lHerna inrs avacere.Il ConitainS 54.5 acres, mare or Iess; i so sl,'i s goanI eday'lor -as rl eîeat îaiy ii " daaica On îl ersut a ia en n -rec ' i liese, ia l rgearolareo ia-rt ifge srnl Futa-o wsibartner ticil,,ltci .trean. It 15 irithin oeaMIls ie -îof t 68 acres îlie wihln ilsetorposatiar- t iitiy Lotiest or auJ tender net nii, 15 ut F'or pan.tieulai-s applyto JoirT'! e- ,t Isays, Oni., or PasviesrsiP -eM' LIiTERPO CIL AND LONDON ;)EtIRY ROYAL MAlt, STEAMERS. Frein MONTRLlAL. Front Queae Bavarlan, Friday, DapiS, 4 a m May 19. 2 p ni Vîrginian, "26 9 - J"." ii, 7 pDm Tunsia, " Ju. 52' ans 2, 2 pot, Vlorlan, ' " 98 "6i, a nM R'ates of Passage. Fi, et Oablu-$It, and npi'ards, acerthug te steamer- Second Cabin. Liverpool andi Lo- donderry34i 21W. 84à, t4-t.Luodon 82 50 extra. Tlulu-ti Cass, î27.50, Victorîsa and Virginiau $,-e 75. MONTRE AL TO GL ASGOW Direct Pretot-lan .... WedAusday, Hey 17 (dayllght) MONTREAL TO LONDON AND HAVRE. Pomeraîsîso May I7thi--Sardintan Jue 501. Oîsly une ciasS cari-d ha Ghlurate 9 W. NEW YORK TO GLA8CGOWV j4oidiaýn, . . Thnrs7ay, Ma-Y ISîLI, 11 a. as, For Ticketqi aed !E-ery noaaiî AppiF te M A A -KES, Notice to0 Creit 12V THE M.47'TEJ 0F TTE EFstate of George Pa>-ish laiep of t,/wc towsiship f Dar'lington, 'n thrm cotint of Dur/tam, laboirer, deeeacsed. 0TOTI1CEES13'Ii E !RE'BY GIVEN', -I porsuzt ta sec,. 38 ni Cap. 1I,),iR. S. 0. (1897)i that ail passons 1lia-rg disor Semands agaicaft nIe siate oethîe sati eorge parlitI daceasedwir isedtou or abut ie sarIsday af .laîuary 1901 arec n tsle o snd'y paît pre- pai ordahverta Ic tidnigatexecolor a! thîe lest wtli andite cie.t the suint d4eeasent noi cr efore the SEVPhNTEENTfH DAY 0F JURE 19(5 their dibriîteaa and soroamseut addres3es wt full particuars la wmling af their cialaus as5 fiatoet tftt,eir ose Duais and itheunature et lthe seurities (If auy) hlîsitby im. ANtI)TA R NO'iI( B lest afier the saidt tI Ssay orlun e514A5 tise saus execnur wili proeeet ta tisirit-,ute île ass'ts of tle sa'd deceascdt asnrtg ils parties sîsIiedti herc-ti haxlng me. nard eiv te the elalnssaiofwhlelha he8ah then lave notic antlie sait axecimior willimet lbe lielle fer îaid asseis or auîy p aitt eelte auy persAn or persans et si-ls almltirt sae ssai ïkoi lava e mreceert y hlm ai tIseiý1me uot sudh dis*ributioný Datodet t iIday of Tslay 19015. StaîraSa 1& l 1Al, Il RsÂsA DAVsav, silicitorF3 for eseter, executor, iHanîpice, Oct 204. THE FOUsnNIRD 88 B-ELLE VILLE Business College, Tsalnlssg-UN EXCELLED BookkeealIr, Shorthand; Tvpowriting; OfficWrk; Telegraphing and Hall- way Work; Frenchi and Garman. Every Depei-tmont se SpelalLy. Seretaryf Ont. Ll'residtnsî. 1 --7eo Engincrs an other wbo ealizEtIeaiah- ity ef ha-igt. r etbsiness trasct. bylExperts. Preliininaryativice tree. Charges mndrtOur' lnventors Adviser sent upon requlest. Marion & Marlon, New York Iife Bldg, -M.ntreal; sd Washington, D.C., U.S.A. Su'-ersri ll rejo!ce te leua itIat Ni: cal Science bas et hlat tthMnPhed lUprOtlueinga 1pciileCu:re fOr7 this and 4aneroud nilaent. Tieresultf ,are ae îcnmiehng the Motical proeien as %vsll nas aU Rupttured. Cc8es ththave delk.d humana ineety have yielded lu * short tlie. Neopera. tic; ain, danger., or imne rora Worii tebe F-earbbi creOpr taraed la th ýt iJ1. Best aliuigle3 lu the world warp and dry la thse sua-inak up water when it raina or snows. Tin roof rusta-. cracks, Whea 5510w begins ta 11elet, water wiil liait Usose cracks and hales aud Irak 1in dades heatnuid eald, aaséd 1111- na'keS a roof thsa ab1lteleak-rof bSt rqoflaaj. Vouetien thi3 papas. PATKUSONMFO CO.., Lmited. Toronto otu vettseatias will be on the grounti for tîle pir ofetdeasesstra- tiost. Post-rs aîounia 01wlai larnis the, iatassvllbe hleltiwill bha istucti hy tbe Fariners' Institutes la each iidiag. So fac tbe follawinig places anti datas hjire beenanoine-lac- burg, ,Iuna 9; Renfrew, JuneI 10; Cornwall, Juno 12; Lancaster. June 13;Vokeh111 June 14; Maxville, Junie 15; Vars, June 16; rtlosgrove, Jua 1 7; Nexinigtis, June 19; Win- choster, Jane 20; Canleton l'inca. June 2L. PERIIAFS 511E WAS RIGIIr. "Womak.n," grosioti£te olti hache- loi', "is a delusion und a sno "I suppoýse," reoeineti the grass wldow, "tliat lasshy so usany mn go eut et their wny to ho snsred by a deirîsion."

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