Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1905, p. 2

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IN71TERESTIN L ETTlER M11TT E N BY,'A NOùTA B LE YWOMA N AM. Sairab Kelgg of Denver, Cjlor Bearer of thq WVomai'o BeQlief Corps, fEnrdo Thaýnirs: to Mrs. Pinkýham. ýAve-., evr h .~ hamLynn,Mass.. :-DearMrs.Piukbams- "For five yeaxs 1 was trou bled with a turncr, wbich lkept owicausing mne Al'se~aAe/~~g ine and great mnutal depreosion. 1 was unbete at- tend to my botise work,aud life becarne a bar- den tomae I wes coutlncd for days te my bed, lost Axý appeto, my courage and ail hope. I9 could, not büar te thiali of an operation, and in my distress 1 trled every rernedy wlich 1 thougzht would be of aiy use to me, snd rending of the value -of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound te sick women decîidd te givo i a trial. I fet sediseour.ged thàat I had little hope of recovery, and when Ibegan te feel botter, after tbe second week, thougbt it oly meant temporary relief; but te my great surprise 1 found that 1 kept gaining, wvhile the turner lemsened ia sire. 1'The Comnpound continued te buildl np my general hea-Ith and tbe turner seemed te be absorbed, until, in sevon imonths, the tumner was entirely gene and Iawell wemau. Ian se thankful for my rec-Osery that 1 ask yen te publi n lettor lu uiewspapers, se other wemen may Inow of the weuderful curative pewers of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compeund.11 When women are troubled -with irreg- ular or painful menstruation, wealcness, leucorrhoea, dispiacement or ni ceratjon of the womb, that bearing-down feel- ing, infiannuation of the ovaries, back- ache, flatulence, general debility, indi- gestion and nerveus prostration, they should remember there is eue tried and true remedy. Lydia E, Piukham's Ve- etable Compouud at once rerneves sush trouble. No other medicine in the world bas reeived sucb widespread and unquali- fled endorsement. No other medicine has sucb a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse te bey any other medicine: Mrs. Plnkham invites ail sicir women to write lier for advice. She bas guided thousands te heaitb. Address, Lyan, Mass. Ilealth la tee valuable to risk in ex- periments with nnknewn and untrieri medicînes or metheds of treatmnent. Rememberthatitis Lydia E. Pilhanis Vegetable Compeundl thiat isecuyiung womiena, and dou't allow any druggist te sen yen anything else in its- place. }STAIES IN ARIREARS. One Iiundrcd ThousarA. Dollars Succession flutics Not C ellecteri. '& Toronto despatch says:-Coi. Mathesoii, Provincial Treasuror, says he frnds'tbore are almnost 500 smiall -states upon which the succession du'tiCes are several yuars in arrear. Sveral of those unsetIef are for the firsu:l second years d7irig wheh th iloc(t -,vas ln force. The aggrogato diue on these unpaicl sur(-.-sion du- ties -~out t more thonIllO,00 Onej( esenrvolves a $S35,000 tine- ber- îirit la Quebcc ad the Ontarie aIs wel as the Quebec C overnt cIim! thec succession duty on this FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. Urs. Wislow's Soothing Syrup bas WnIs oui'ly a t~oioseý) wsroled (1need two conte of oil, which wlll pre- very tbia, ad r reni ng bîtter iseýrve the Wood, iYaIre thons lelok very Wa5u<-'Iltb epenbeilug suffici- Lice and prevcujt aly ilnjery fromn ci tfor pi. i~.fto liing ileplate catreless servant s. IL the wood of soine ~ ~ S B[[I S ha euet, it waImsiilled ith applesIocrs is stained to iniitate biard woec a piiano l r he xdand 1> ý,goachrr, sssaper diandlirrsewood,,, SELLCTED JIECIPES. sfed c esi y oiiiV,,erl t i al es andeisae a o d vnlt t ose food. Qeicly udeSpege ake-InBaby Trea-ed a t Two Hisph1as Over pie Weqic ybakdl. Tt carne After thefoor is dry, apply a coat fir ih-oe ricli golden bvrow,,n, of oit, rubbing it in weil witb a rol LYouir fleu itrpt-cp ur,1i a Year'-Eyps Grew Worse-Doctor ail ns sesed wrrn.Our hestess of cloth,anud let it loueunutil lbard, eu utr,~ spon odSad he igt e1dfo ear,011s sa itat srnoime s made a eus- then put 0ou the seconud coat. Much 1-3 Si hy1MîhteBd o ere ard nd peured oorthe pie just cf the bcnuty cf au oiled ileor 'de- teaspoon saIt. Siftinito 11uixiug before bakiiag. That filled ia the pends upon the amounit of bard rub- boul. Breaký into a cup 2 eggýs, add O EBXOchinks betwcen tht apples, aiud at bing that it receives irbea the oi1 2 scaut tableSpotis -uoted hltter UEBO F CUTICIJRA the Saine tîu'c gave - 3itru acldiitbm, is applic4î. and il cup wlt mik or water. Pour M K Sn D~r(I~ food value. The care of sucb flloors, le vcry luto bowl and beut tborougbly. Bake " - light as ne scrubhîug le ever necos- about 20 minutes. It may ho flav- ---C-ary. i IPo p the dilst withi a mop orod or not, It le gueci. When tuy littie girl was a fewi USEFIJL IIIT.wreng eut cf clear water, lnstead of Oulons 4u Cratin-Cut Bermuda or menthe old, ber cye began te get A geed ioule for the bair le to sweeping it. W bore thor-e are chli- any large oiu fdîct iso bad; tbiuking hit vas frore ber teeth,I1 got a peuuy-worth cf quessla chips dr'on te drop crumbe aund spili thuigs onan ofe scs pareli te lavies Iived ln hepes of thei getting better, andi pour on a plat of belling wator. the floor wmll get dirty after'a wbite in ti1:k sice, paboiigthesl e et mtedia dvotice. I e1 ei e te t stand for an heur or se, thon even witls the daily sipîng up and buttercd cisb ti layers witb pleuty the -- Hospital several tilmes, and, strain throsigb a musla and bettle, thea it is erly uecossary te bave a of breaclcrum-baý, suit pepper and bits subsequenitly te the Children's bos- Apçly te the bair wvibh abrueli ut ligbit seap wasb and usce hp as usu- of butter. Xith the top laver of ptla ,t bchisiuto iglit. lt is ulso eceptioneily good ai. If the pelisb becomes duil, it Lcrumbe mix a geucrous qeantity of took ber for tiveive suenths. The dec- for childireu's bair. usay hoc luxpros ul by putting ene- grutefi chcee. Do net spreaci the tors were meet lkind sud attentive, and Cheese iiiay ho kept frolm belug half plut ci keresene iu a pahil cf cheese ever thse bronficruibs, as the did ail they couid fer ber, but lier mouldy by ixtappinfi in a cleth dip- Water and uîopping tbe floor wlth it. cocinea custome is. as tbe cheese thon eyesseeniedtebegrowingworsc. One ped inlu iue.ar sud xxvrun.g noariy dry. Occasicuully but ret Often it sony bcomcs a crust and je very indigos.- decter told suc tbey migbt be bad fer Coi er the cloth s ultis a vrupper of be advisble te use thse keresene tible, years; I1ires very uiscrable at such a papes' and keeplu a cool place. clear. Tf floors arc given n ceat ef Butcb Scrusible.-Put a geed-sîzocd prospect. I se eue day stepped in Clean bairbrushes arc esseotial te 011t0once a yeai. they cau be kept !lu piee f uterlu ucps, et he street bis a Mr-. TOdd -wbo told tieselatis <f thse air anti scalp, ansd geed condition .A kitchoIn liber i Pic ofs' ti ei ant xbucn dst tr me that Cutfcura Cîntrneut hsd cured th(e.sverqt cases cf duodruff are cf- Pî-Obably ieed a ceait txice a yesr. If lue ah culuref a srn d rncodlss i- bier boy, sud. advised me te try it, tote b ,0Je tprceti te curelessnes lu paint ile epes- d fer tbe kitchen iew he uttr atI isbte eceue cmusncei uinghi hatver ni,ht. thiematter. Blrcctly tise 1brush fleer, h is not a difficuli taslr te p ll athedutersud If seco essa uddThe cure bas becs usarvelous. beshwsthie let glinsinosse, xasb Itis ply it, Prexsded the regular iloor mor buter thn beaklu iveegg cys son ornencd t ge stong îîix iater. I)o sot bave the paint is use']. lt dries qulckly sud sude utcerathss b re akn suIvOpepperand ihey are 50w as healthy as if urot r more tIsaislukewarîn, and is 5 asIy kepi eca. Mop ai-d weak adsrnbe csnwt oprthere bnd ne-embees auything tis-e" "pu"i 'it b'rsh cu ar-palnesd îe h nybep ed ansd sa-fitasnd serve very bot. mnatter vith thens. Tise cure -was coinm- "i ihtebuhbigrr-Paln us r h nylep ed Wax Beans.-An Enghisîs recipe pleted s%,îtltsies ibau eue box of Cati- flut only te dp lu the bristies, for cd. Wben layhîsg carpeis or mat-- for scrs ing uwuxhoas is novel. Cut cura Oimieut. Yeu are at liberty te u'assiîsg is hy ne mneans irnproving tings iu ibe fali: be sure te cover tise heas breaibîxise lu hall or publiis ibis letter, andi 1 trust i a yto the pclish of the back. When the fheer lirst wiib paper. quaî'ter-iucb pieces sud heoiin cal lti be the imeaus of othera being curet cloaua rince in cleai' col'] mater und] waier. Braisi mcii sud prepare the as my litile girl bas been. - Mrs. P'. dry lu the air'. Doiset put tise brush follomlssg sauce. MaIre n sauýce -ibPbilidps, Grafton St., Waveriy, Syd- lu tise sushine or by the tr, or the HOPE FOR EVERYBODY. equal quaitisc i u'sdbutter, ney, N. S. V."Refereuce, Messrs, bristles wmliisosi lecocao yellow. aL'sd a cupful cf secs' crosa. Ac-d tbe R. Teins & Co., Sydney. ']blie od idea cf puttiîsg oiiceibt Tisera Seeme te Be No Case se :Bad, hoas and aliem tisus te hou i- ltenter tihe tasistand cover le9 now That Anii-Fill Can.net Cure Tt. once, stlrriîsg al the tirne ]f 1ne 1OL EP'F R AMES ec ad bles. dAie u bi-ehss-~ Strong Claini but Well Sup- Sour- seaIn le ut bhudseet cs'ean er ihsetmlwta e pp And Rest for Tired, Fretted If your whitc n uasiing gloves bave ported. of lernen jiexiisn.MflcaiiCtcr. bluck points b zfos-e washing 115cm, juic wii Aothrs n ctîcra. slightly moisten a litile sait, aei-i Just iecently a pisysician ln Lady Dailuty Caks.-Stir te a Instant relief and refresbîug leep wh si ur fiug ors pub it wcllinlute Lincolui, 'ebraslba, bas made a dis- ereans a cupfel cf fresli, os' mcli for skm-ortured, babies, and test for t, oit.This miii provent tie evsyaihleoiin thelitrt wasise']butter, a']']sien iy acupfi tireti, fretiet i othes, -lu mmm hsbtbsscs tothoirtsise sud vicsi is exmicagth ireso cf graisslate'] sugar, tisree eggs asnd ili Cutuheura Sosp, te cleanse, asti bl-ack frons suing. whc tewsanwoirofhemdalpfsin imo cupluls cf bnely Siftcl lieus'. MiX gentie anehntirgs witis Cuticura Osilt- it is very hiable te de. al ever tbe wcrld. anti rolli-hin, lbeu eut iuito su ralj meut, the gi-est skis cure, ast ipsrosî If nov; heots and sisoos are vuru li. Leonhardt begaîs ou tie theery1 round cakes.' Bout a taicnpo~ol sudandireetesi of emolieiits, te allay ishes os these olees-s'y fewweeloks ihat i-b' poisonss sent thi-ough tise1 of powmbercd Sugar jute tise yok ef iiehinig, sud. sceibead lirai. with the boni copal varuisis tiscy mli systeni by- the rottiug sud fermenta- au egg andi spread tbe tops'o! the dnitkrs.a~op, oiniit, a-a MES are sd rsigi.,î,last issico us long, snd rarely wauî tien of uudigcnted foode vere i-be1 tie w-Id. 5 s,.Led ,,,755Ciýscr5iriS ",resoliug. At ii-st ticly sisoul'] busc prime cause0 cf neariy every disýeuse. cuites wmli it, grato aimnonds iï oser b5Rws dUla Vii.; Roiaî,. Towns& Co, sjdi Y, ocu escai u labras- iestev keIfp- N.8.W. Pottir Drug & es-ni. Cvp.Sno.ol-Is i'ss.atwoiI o v is, adisceverab i-hein andi haIe a nellie browii. iSend f-1'i-11.wtoer ubay Eumau' siei yqî'i.u' olls iuesmab ola Pilue Apple ahsî, ites spf -' Fkxeei t r ealýli hisubie, a tessscdy tisai sxeld stireulate of oihhg ate sts~ sc eunîs on-choîsisci pluevupplo. TIee thie top sur- juice und icuf nugar is very seeth-is- ' of the souiacis suri bs 1,tilt, lui of buttes-, a pisselise! sait ceti 000 face. uug te ov ou'e 11S, sad xiii efien cui-e 1 by ibeir normal, elsatby uctii, lier- cupisi cioftfisehy sft-e'] lieuî'. Sus' A ButeS Apple Pie-Dii']youen s r abath ceughi. led. digestion moiuni be rento.-ed. hrlekly until tbc' pacte masses; tiset maIre, est, or ,c utbu pepe? Add ti imetubiesýpouftîls of paradisse lieucee',ai bsperuto shlow it to cool sud s']']tour eggs, Tf isot, do niake ()n, T s",ldoru .n-toe equaîrt o! ivai-er iben wasbiug !bc calioi rul 1.Tise preef'thut beating One ilu ta i ue. lire1 iu duige in pustry, but uben diiig eut açsiesios- it WilhT 'es-cnt dust fi-ou is nokwa e1 oci'fi long9 stripe on buttent'] tins, sud ]lot long9 ago, tbis cnpecialy dehoci- sic1ls .ais'] ilpehish tise glassl ielu n-c esrai ue bulle lu a uedei-ateiy hot ove"s uil laie pie ha'] sucis a Ploasiisg sud hsi; 1l, ii th(-' n t of PihI.l cre puflo'] up, ieavlng tise even door iseclhfsl ajopearcîicü it n-aily se-enscd fanti-Pull j- 50ic a bot Liual opea fcr a little white beoe-erov- snec rs3scifet refuse a gtucî'- la i in;S htte antfl.w e us piece', uns -b anel1ii i-THE TlITE"0 OI.Tt' rîggists, os' The Wîsoa Pyle ce., etsg see i-batisiisoy man- net fail. OV sheîs1I Liruite!], ilgaaFais, Outi. Solo ccl'], Spli elle side an Is']liiimh geiing mitix ue. The cessi(thora flbr ieo ads'e hywl pst c eca IfINIPAcWASHIS I UZi'SB JiU d UURON OU theB B ADMIRfo, aLTOa. ï - - -burns coal, coke or woocl vith equalI facility. Flues, grtes, fire-pot and'feed-doors, are speeially coristructed to burn any kind of fuely and specie.1 l wood grats is always supplied. Sold 'cy z.11enterprising deales, Writo for bocklt [ London, TorontoM ra, Winniîpeg, Van-eouver, St. Johni, l%,"D. PENNINGTOIN & LPATsole Agollts PUT FISHL TO SLEEP. Hawailan liethods la a Very Des- tructive Oue. J. M. ITcrnî'ig le tbe very appro.- priate usine of thse fnb Isnspeceor ni Hile, Hawaiiun Islandîs. In a receni repos-i lie sas s tisaii-be food ishes of Hawaii are rapidly disppcarn because of the siaughter el these isot !uily gs-osn. Ignoranst natives anti Japanese labos-crs are responelisie. Besides usingsgnmall inesh nsets tisey ba-ve a mnetbod ot snakiug a catch ixhicl iIs tisas desciitet by Ms'. flering: "Thisc native ueea rajlxire or coin- binatiesi of herbe kueils as adi-chu or' akia, a ball of sciici iviea deos-1 ied aitishe bottornof a pond fre-1 qucîsteci hy fisis sets lu tiseinature ef' chiorolorsa, putting tise fiis. te siecp. Whr' tise fisn risc te tise surface tie natives gaiSes' them. p andti ley are soi'] or eateîs like otiserý isis. liaredo esnet oppear i-o Se sny hr lel-ecet fren tise use ef ibis dreg sites' the fins aie-coolcd, Ifor tise Tranailaîsieat 115h kihed in i-bih masser xx us lsnpuuiiy. But tie s tioiso et is rug isise saisie oun al fins mu-bs tise radius of is indlu once, andti he young suifer deati s n weii as tise tai-os'ish. "Tise preseisi- asv provides a peu- alty for lijsbisg ili dynamite, Ssui dees ssci coensti-is istehodi cfdes- is'eyiug tise Lsi." OunMs'. Ierring's susggestions s new 100,000 People. There are a lot of people who have reaiized this year what rnod- ern bicycling is. There are aise at least ioo,ooo who thiink thcy knoxv, bult who really do not kuow, what bicycling nicans te- day. These people rode wheeis five or ten years ago, when bicycEng was in its iufaucy.' They stoppeýd because thcy thoug-ht it to liard work, that the bîcycle vwas liard on the arnis, or wvas unconfort- able te ride on uneven roads, or was unreliable. lt's a different proposition to-day. The fact of tlie ratter is that, the bicycle is as far ahead of its predecessor of 1895 lu POint Of setreliabilitv, conifort aud easy riding as za Puliman is oVer a fr-eîo-ht caboose. ch ganse, b r'aplî pee unss .estn-lgon'] -eîtti' jer asie, scus'iet fevei- i' ma:x sm'ali qai.k-flring gunse. Sh, a bati'c ais .1,5 ku- 's. S.s sscpea t v xssigdsos.Aot -ai 55eba a omlrirsntof567oflers at.dat 16 kn<Qts anti sis" cai'rieti 18 t'nçcsiLclomoai, i for 82 of- jI's, . bi's p sburg vu iIUS, lise au armeur - . PM 5W -rie,

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