Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1905, p. 1

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1-81.01 Per àAnnum., OuR TowN AND COUSTY FînST' Timë WORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES & SONý, Propriotors. BOWMANVJLLiE, ONTARJO, WVEDNESDAY, JUNEM 7, 19,05. Importations, Coucli, Jelinston & Cryderma.n have been very busy opening out their Spring Importations. They are now showing the contents of scores of cases and bales of high class goods : Dress Goods, Silks, Dress Trïmmings, Prints, Drills, Sateens and'a Iovely lot of New Wash CTê A Gofe ail kinds suitable for Shirt Waist Suits, * Carp ets and Curtains fietThe BIGGEST Stock pf Carpet.sof ail kincla as well as the bany House in Bowmanville. * No Better Value Anlywhere. A very choice lot of Tweeds and Worsteds for Men's Suits. ii * Colol, Jonstu & rydrffan, 3le 3, t ifeiglits With the advent of hc% weather every member of the tamlly (cela the ueed e! ighter shoos.1 We hiave placed on our shelves a I large stoek o! summer stylos and1 hope, J yen should honor us with a call, tha t may interest yen in seme o! them. As a firm we make a apeealty o! medimu grade goods whieh appear remarkably attractive, fit com!ort- ably, sud wear well. Regarding price this is certain. Our store la conspicueusly a low À,. price store. Lowevr pricos for stylish and >~durable shees than most stores will consent te take, sud we have ony one pries. Our Latest Bargains A FABMEa'S CHANCE. 16 pairs onlv Men's Rubber Top Boots, ail ies, reli- able wear............ $2 70 --A Chance ini Girls- - Sizes. Misses verv fine Kid !Strap Slippera, sizes 8 t e 2. Bows 5e. extra........89e- A Chance in M1en's. Men's Tan Wootsý, some with 1ru.bber liels, also styl' h Kid and Cal! Boots .......2 00 Oshawa. Top Prices for Butter and Eggs. NEW LIVERY STABLE. T. H. Knight wants Sour butter aud oggs, farmers. Very top picos will ho 1 bea, te notily the public I have ne- paid. Don't hositate te brlng ail your oee h eta ieyadhv !anm preduco in the provision ins ehepee h eta ieyadhv e au take al ut bedt pices. Ho has good namber o! carnîages -and horses undertaken to supply a flirm in Mentreal for publie bine. I solicit a share of Sour sud eau handîs a ton cf butter a week patronaze and assure car customors et sud 000dez egs. o wntsvou good service. Ordors nigbt or day will preduce sud will psy cash or trade. Caîl tete hlm about it. neceivo prompt attention. WILLÂRD CALDWELL, PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS, During Jane, July, August and Sep- tember the Chicago and Northj Western Ry. will sell lrom Chicago round trip excursion tick ets to Sa n Francisco., Los Angeles, Portland, Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Exposition),Seattle, Victoria and Vancouver at very low rates. Coïrresl- pondingly cheap fares from ail points in Canada' Choice of routes, best of train service, favorable stop-overs and liberal retura limi>s, Rates, folders audd(fl Information can be obtained fromn B. H Bennett, General Airent, 2 East King St , Toronto, Ont. 22-9w. IThe Paper Hanger Who ia honest with yeu will tell yon that the walI papers We soul are the mest satisfautory in every way. We have the exclusive sale of many beautiful designs, se, when yen bay here yen wfIl be assured that yetir walls wiIl nef leok "Commen" 'Wu also have a few linos a, 3c, per roilthatare wertb 10e te , e Boom Mouldinrga at 2c and 3e per Ali Goods carried in -Stock. W , T. Ien, Big 20 Bookatore, ~owmanvIlio. Telephone 127, Proprietor, Bowmanville. FARMERS' INSTITUTES. Shape your affairs, farmera, se as te attend the annual meeting of the West Durham Farmers' Instit ute at the Town Hall la Orono on Saturday Jane 17 at 2 30 p. m. Read the article by Supt. Read the article by Supt. k'utnam on another page and decide to attend. Agricultural interost8 are of first im- portance in this country and farmors cannot allow any meeting that speeially concerns their welfare to go unattended Decide to attend yourself and induce your neighbors te go tee. Mrs. Cochrane, "The Pines," diod May 30 at the home of her daughtor, Mrs. W. Mann, Cobourg. MIrs. Coch- ranle, who was lu ber 8rd year bad a severe attack et pueumonia last Winter and neyer ralioI ( rom the effeets of the disease. Mrs. John Maynard, ilaap- ton, is a daughter and MrsJ ohn Èý Coecrane, (nee Miss -Mary Jane Mc- Clellan) is a daughter-in-Iaw. 4yers Why is it that Ayer's Hair Vigor does so many remark- qbIc things? Because his Wa hair food. It feeds the hair, puts ncw ife into it. The hair luiirVî gor cannot kecp (rom growingq, And gradually ail the dark, rich coler of early ife cornes bAek tw gray hair. IWhou 1 fîrai UBS ÂAynII's 0ah VIgo# My Yih' w3aý abouta algra7. But aow it la a ntea rl 1cibak, aà xitek -, 1 ,i ,dwî,h. -w SPSA. ÂiO»NSIC ucbi Ali au sg o , J.(lý RC . Have You tried. t1he Best Bakiîng Pewder eveî" sold ? No, Wh1-atKi? why 2oth Century The kind Krl.e h rg gist Is selling 50 mach of, fie puts it; up fresh every week sudý,- guaran- tees it te give entiresasaci. If Is the be:tatnu heps Baking Powder yen can;u-,Whiy it's only 10e a lb andyen oa bu it only at The DruggistsuOpian Phono 49,.Bemanvlle DISCIPLES 0FCRIT -ANNUArLJUNE MBZTING RE HLu lEuE by the meeting of the anuicon-vent- ion of the Ontario C-peaio f the Disciples ef Christ, sessions b ing hld (romJune 1 te 5, inulcljsie L met bers las 13 years age. Te isipe churcb is oee o fte moo beatia placesoetworshiu lu Oïntanlo aD ïiithe ladies bad prevlded for tho r piatfo)rm abundauce cf fiowoniîng plns u eut fioers. The aellgt Desud cheerful sacned edifice lo dvýry lu- viting. Mn.J, D.Higa, orno Pre8ideat of the Bûard e! anaers presided nt mosa !tessh-s te chie! officerswre: .N.Svn, Guelph, Crepnlg~cPa.;W C.MDealS.Tma.?rdg Sscretar-y;J ohnM1 ~ u~b mi1Unisterîal, Witb a discýussio'n oný1 "ThingslI have foüund otelniu my mlalstny," led bylRev. E R Black,ý London. Rev. B. H. Hay.deui, M. A_ «fBuffalo,, condujeted the dovotional services. Rov, W. J. Cadman, paster o! the convention cbarcb, gave addness of welcomo, whleh was responded te by Bey. James Lediard o! Own Sound. Rev. James Egbert o! St. Thomas r suoke iuterestingiv on "~Our message for Te,-day." Presidont Higgins' aunual address reviewed the year'a epenations and erowth Thee mmittees were appointed. On Nominatioas-Wm. Toveli, Ever- ton;, John Pency, Bowmanville; C. A. Flemig Owen Sound; James Egbert, St. hoas. 1Order aud Buiness-W. J. Cadman,i Bowmanvile; David Dick, Toronto. 1 Time aud Place-J. W. Kilgour, Guelph; M. N. Stevens, Gloneairn, George Gemr, Grandvalley. Resolutions-M. N. Stevens, F. E. Powell, Walkerton; A. D. Fournier, Wiarton, Ennollment-Mrs. A. L. Brown aud Miss Maud Haruden, rAuditors-C. A. Fleming, sud Robert MeMillan, Guelph. A public meeting wa6 held, in the evening, wheu Mayor Tait rnd au ad- dresses e! welcome. Two ma-sterly ad- dresa were dolivened. Rev. A. T. Campbell, pastor ef Cecil Streelt Church o! Christ, Toonto, read a paper pro- pared by Mn. J. Aikin on Carrent fiction as a (acter in meulding religions thougt."1 The eoncludlng thougbts wero :-Novel reading leads te sloven- ly thinking; novel-writers are net uoted for elîber ste on wise thinking. The sae plan is te turn ou's -reading Inte tUVhn .fl*V!rAi.ÉinVUO that LvA thn rinherV VOLumE LI No. 23 31R, THOMAS UP& JYRi4TYO. The 1lerchant Prince of England The first time that Sir Thomas Lipton came to America was in 1865 as a stowaway in an old-fashioned littie tramp steamer, ani when the vessel neared port hie was busily eagaged in shoveling coal iute the furnaces. The latest time was in 1903, wben a whole nation held hlm ln honor as a valiant and true sportsman, making bis third brave but vain attempt t0 take a silver 1cap hack ta England. On this occasion hie 1îved lîke a prince on bis steamer "Ern," surrounded by bis fleet of thirty-three boats-steamers, houseboats, barges, tugs, cruiisers,, steam launches, gigs, jolly boats and dingies-maini. tained at bis expense and manned by over two bundred men. Sir Thomas was born, in lreland, but spe'nt bis early years ln Scotland; bis educaf ion was a hurried, uncoaventional, picked-up vaniety, and at fifteen, with rosy dreams, hie ran away fre>m home, smuggled himself lnto a steamer and came ta New York. Hîs eight dollars did not last long, and after working in the rice fields of South Carolina, driving a street car in New Orleans, can- vassing for a crayon portrait conceru, stealing rides on freight cars, and mak- ing a day-by-day living as best bie could, went back two years later to Glasgow, îempty of purse but rich la experience. The prodigal was received with open arms, and with £100 of bis iather's savings, bie opened a littie meat and provision store. He introduced American idteas,, worked, a$ ha says, "twenty-five hours a day," and advertised to the limit of bis ingenuity. One day, sevea of the leanest, gauntest, hungriest men inth klngdom paraded the town la ladian file, bearing on their backs the legend]: "We are going to Lipton's,"ý Next day, seven of tbe fattest men that -ouild b'e foundl, walked the streets proclaiming in large letters: "'We have( been to Lipton's." Meanwbile, the pDroietor %lept undertbecounter. This littie shopla nHigb street wsth(,,begianing of Liptoai's i500 storesý ;b~'w~hot Eglan, bs frit frmula KntbakeiesinGasotera- est tea plant'fations iïn the ýWon,-id la -Ceylon, 1bis cunîg-p Lne l ierol bis candy manuftactory in London, bis fruit trees in Georgia, and his ohe vast in-dustries, giving- employment to feu tbousand people, and baving Made for fbeir owner a fortune of $50,00,000 and an Income of $7.50 a minute. He gave £25,000 for the Jubilee Memorial dinner te the poor of Lon- don, and bis check> seemed littîs te hlm wben bis eyes filled witb fears at the sîght of 310,000 poor people eatlng as bis guests. Not tili lafer did the world Jearn fbat it was bia gift; for the ofly tbing he nover advertises is hîs charlty. Entend according to! At *f the rliraonbo~f ca"à. a ..fhe èâ1904, by W, 0. Mçk, i ihe D»ptt» of Agricoftmr. supervision by the Provincial Board, that 15 per cent. more are withoa)sIr- itual lifo, that 38 par cent are favorablei to, the short pastonate, aud are ativ fora aâme after the new man arrives,) sud cerespendingly inactive toe seen1 afterwards. The remaining 12 pern cent are well equipped and progressivei chunches. Thus, ho added, 88 par cent1 o! the churches are below what tbey sbould ho spirituallv. Oui! one-third safo aud the othen two-thiirds illustrat- ing the weakuess cf our methods or lack e! methods. Tbey may ho deatb te us, sud May kîi lbh third that la new safo. Ho favored edueated sud trained pas tons, endowed colleges sud supervision by the Provincial Board of ait churches. The afternoon session was devoted te receivlug reports of the officers sud committees. Th,3 Women's Board o! Missions met la the evening. -faîaD DAY.j Alter devollonal exorcises Mr. D. L. Sinclair, barnister, Toronto, lu s verv praclical addness sbewed hew te be loyal bo tbe pastcen: Psy hlm well, boip hlm, lu- every possible mauner sud give hlm1 llb)erty te porformn bis pastoral duties lun' bis own wav was the-chief peints sug. gesled. atev. Jas. Lediard, Owen Sound nead a short paper on loysly e! the pastor. Bey. A. T. Camapbsll, pastor o! Cecil Street Church of Christ, Toronto. con- Paul, Master o! 'Languages at Hiram College, suoke on "The Life sud Wenk of Cbrist, snd presided at the commu-. nion service which foIlowed. Bey. J. Lediard, Owen Sound, read an obltuary paperigvinez the names of some who had diod danIng the year, In the even-; ing President Rowlison again proached te a largo as8embly. FsrTn DAY, The opening service o! the last session e! the convention this merning was con. ducted by the Missienaay Secretany, Bey. R. W. Stevenson, Toronto. Ho witih soyons! other speakers sounded the value o! "PorsonalResponsibility" te ho kopt dominant lu the year's Work. The report of 'the nominating cemmittes came up for considoratien Aflen con- sîdenable discussion the follewing wene decided apon as tbe Board ef Managers for the ensning year : Pnesidnt-J. D Higgins, 41 A.delaide St. Easst. Toronto. Vice-Prest-M. N Stephonts, Glencairu Tre,surer-Jobu McKinnon, Guelph, Correspond Soc-Amoes Toveil, Guelph Recerdiui S eretFry-PrnucipaI W. C. McDongall,St.Thomas Disciples College The ethen membors 'are:- Gee. Gier, Grand Valley; Jas Lodiard saud C. A Fleming, Owen Sound; Dr. T J. Page, Toronto; J. H. H. Jury, Bowmnauville; C. H. Norsworthy, St. Thomaq., retiiru, sud fil the mind with truth, ductedl a vory practical~ Sunday echool The report o! the commiltes ou res- thal tit oue for langer sud botter service, couference. Iu openiug he claimed olutions was presented by the chairman Bey. E. R. Black, London, gave s moe cansinationansd effort for rnak- M. N. Stophons, Glencairn. Itcontain- capital address on "The Need fer dep- ing the Suday sebool the rosi nursery cd expressions cf bearty thanks te the or Bible studv," emphasizing the value o! the Churcb. %Vithout a stuccesstal Maver, the citizens, the press, the te yonng people cf a tborough- study of Sunday School te sapplv' the inomber- bnethnen sud fiends cf the conventieli the Bible. Mrs. C. A. îCawkor sang a alhip the Chunch canuot live. Lack cof fer their kinduessansd hospitality. sole. c prosperous Sunday scboolu la the great- Words et aprreciatien were eontaiuedl est weakuess ef our chunch lo-da'ý .,R.la it for the labora of the paFt yoar's At a session o the Ontario Women O W. Stevenson, Toronto, J.D RIIggius, Board of Managersansd aise for the Board cf Missions Miss Clans Wiadatt Toonto; Miss MacDougall, St.Thomas; officient services of the Miss. Sec., R. roceived the address cf Welceme 'rom James Ligberl, St. Thomas- E. R. Black, W. ,Stoefn sen,T'oronto. A motion was the, cburch ropresenlatives. Miss La- London sud W. C. Maubougaîl, St. psssed dirsctlng the paston o! the Bow- vina Oldham, missienary (rom Tokil, Thomnas, conlnlbarod te Ithe discussion. manville church, Boy. W. J. Cadm.an, Japan, gave au address. Mrs. Jamesteepsshotako!heCnnin Lediard, presided. Lu the aflernoon the Christian En. toexpe; the brer forfbis eCentrice. SEOOSD Dy.veavr wokr blb Tsen rsîe he convention was concluded witb TwoImprtat adresosoccpie ovry Miss Hainna E MacUeugall, singg BlestbahoeTic Ibat Binda," Two Iportat, adresss oStpi.dThomaas, wlieu cucouraging reports the foreneen after routine. The 5rst w8e preson ited.M J . M cLeoJ.'a a prayer h y Bey. W. J. Cadman. was by Rev. B. H. Heayden, M. A ,ct lncifdoivrdaudrcsote lm dity uponi conclusion cf the Bafae .. trel tBotavle vleo cugpol' oceisr hessintenew« Bnard hbeld a short o WyIam aDisciple " Brifiv the Cnp ch'mci'. IeMssoavScea answer la: 1-Bocause cf a P1rotesta1t R w.,teverjson, was ne ,ýengaged sud ancostn¶: 2-Recauseimy paret wre h vei ses.sion w,-as verv largoly ExocUtive cownmîtteo0, nsistingo! o Chistians first and thon iscpeattended. Amos Toveil, G1elph. coul- the -redý denl. , .1),D iggins, the Cor- Christiaus bynntei,.udd distiînctio)n. dce dvtoaleecie.R1N e, sTvel, tho Tr'7jes, John Mc- Ho said wo do not enngb exviaitIbo th vesoevaug'elist, gave anit sî--K eJ. 1H H. Ju.ry, 1Bowmanyillo value o! spirit aucostny. 2ug sddress on A 1Langer Oaçîoonk." ud ' JPag.. 1), Toronto, was3 President VW. C. MacDo1iga.ll f sePeidn elso tHra oiue.apite ata sc cbbusiness as College o!fIbt Disipls"S. I7boras uObio, -aud Prof, Cfhhs. T. P 01 te a aiebewe ho reýgular meetings cane! nlly rprdsdesooe 1 w ýinstitutkou gave sýhort "fses jýBo, . e utok abrigbt fer couf eneBce on the-,'sttofe!the Cburch la FeîornDY.asucsin ea ! ok IOntarlo and C" 1 bing ýs Abs;oaits!y Nec- h eoae lsetwr leesH ccss." îl od th,1ee - _ Thene wene threo services luibecou odeeaespeoneo tbat 300 per cen. of the COntanlo congre.- vninSna. j h ae ~ua~,Oe allons8 are wthout Dastoral cane ,or moruîuig Presideut Llowlison preachtod E. B. Black, Lo,;don. an eloquenit armn e lrge coungreas. MbIeod, Glencairu. e'atca.Is4eateine~i'oLQea.'~'S. 1. rcaenu8 Ca cinL'a t ti FlannaE. Meicdougall, St. Thomnas. Hugh Biock. Guelph., Jas. Egbert, St. Tbomap. [Amas Tovel. Guelph. David Dick, Wychwood. A. T. Campbell, Toronto. Marzaret I Fý>fe, Acton. La venia Oldham, Tokyo, Japau. Mrs. J. E. Lediard, Owen Sound. J D. Higgins, Toronto., F E. Powell, Walkerton, Mn. D J. Clarik, Toronto, Mrs. D. J. Clark, M. GI1vrsi Malcolm, MeGili. D. M. Dicker, Odessa. SMontgomery, "J E. Mabee, Goad, Wychwood. Rebecca Page, Toronto. Mary C.' Masales, Acton. Reta Plank, Madge McLeod, Walkerton. Bella Toveil, Toronto, Mary E. Frame, Collingwood. M. N Stephens, Glencaira, Mrs. î" 6 R. MeMilian, Guelph. J. King, Billsburgb. Mrs 1-. i Mrs, F. W. Royce, Hillbburgh. Mrs J.- Everet, Everton. Wm. Tovel, Jennie K Ro' ce, S E McNeal. George Gier, Grand Valley. Ann Gier. ý Austin A Larn, Aylmer. John McKinnon, Guelph. Anle McKinnon, S E Thomson, Erin Centre. P. A. Thomson, I Hugh Black, Everton. A. D. Fournier, WNiarton Rý W Stevnson, Toronto. C. A Flemin, Owen Sound. Mrs. - , . C. J. Lister, 4 B. H. Havden, Buffalo. Mrs, J. D. lligglns, Toronto. Agnes L Stephens, Glencairu, E. Lucia Gier'. Grand Vallev. T. Mason, Mosa. W. C. McDougall. St. Thomas, Relia McKillop, West Lonne. J. W. Kilgour, Guelph. John Diekson, Marswell. H. T. Anderson, Toronto Jas. M. ayatt, Prince Edward, Mrs, John W. Hyatt, IS. Bowermani, I K. Dalrs:mple, Toronto, 1I. K. Rioch, Hamilton. E. M, Cook, Tcronto. C, NI. Tbomnson, Winger. W. B. Malcolm, Toronto, D M. McLeod, Autora. Mrs. . & Jas TltnWalkerton. D L Sinclair, Trao Mrs. Klor Chas, WVills5, Winger. Mrs. .6 .ý Ada G. Leatry, Toronto, A. Burton. M Evans, Mrs Geo'Burton, Mrs. J. Walker, C. A. Forrester, M. L Riggius, G.eo. Young, R. B . all, Linda Morsbead, C. W Simpson, Emma Ennis, J. E R-ambly, .D. S. Toveli, H. J. Archer, L. Walker, C C, Rowlisea Hiram, 0 Chas T. Paul!, Mike McGra;w, Chicago. W, J. Cadman, Bowmanvllle. The Bowmanville cburch o! Christ bas groat pleasure lu expresaing Its thanks for, and apprectation ef the hindness o! those mombors o! other churches who se lreely ýopened theiw bornes for the eutertalnment of, the visitons to its annual Convention DECORATION DAY A well attended meeting of repre. sentatives of fraternal and benefit societies was held lu Oddfellows' Hall Saturda -v night to consider holding a union decoration service. Friday June 1(i was deciled on from 2 to 5 p. rn. Merchants and others are te ho re-. questea te close their places of business durinur this period to permit ail wbo wisb te attend te do so. Another meet.. ing is te be held uext Saturday night at 7.30 lu Oddtellows' Hall to complote' arrangements, Alilthe tociStieS are nequested te seud representatives. Country people are requested te join our citizeuns lu decorating the graves et their deceased friends Lt is theught botter tehaveoe e eneral decoratien mervice than ton oacb society te do lit separately. Lt la desirablo'that aIl citizens shall take part in the ceremony. I Adyvane.e. The Corner Shoe Store r 1 --- taire Je

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