Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 May 1905, p. 6

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Futun HffrT I UNf I(e"ea ko t,ý hrt thlat oaa be donc, in ny thr mwcay ltanbycleuninlg ilmveThatwil, hi Hus d- w I i oral of Mr. Stltrh."fl 1 VieAdrmirai ÎNebgaof'CSqaronl Ears Looked as if TLy ou, Drop 1- .Bednfllwd etea-time any H as P ssed Vingapo eof-eBody Entfrey oveedwith -I ris.fer theprps ,e upprRed Feath Sores'--Three Doctorsà 0ould Not ~lt~ oj l~ h~ie~pceny Cure -Child Grew V or'se@ the riglithe Illgratiman lias dis- pofpc RrSINNAVAL DIVISION prevont the vessels frein faiig i1îîîý more ee;cnl thix e orhis cic- lc G A lesqratolifrein Singapere, Straits teBlseack, os.CGDr UTCR fun wr-haedncteveyia 'ctuiirsy:TeRussian naval CleseD eh CUhI"lotis lias dfficpscdiopeef siiULFAVORABLE TO STOESSFL. iT OcdK ntfserson o esa ht d -i:os îd laze at 5.30 'ulocki o Accrding te the St. Pxîotg se oc os his ýlde of thG liuse is Sicasisadecrsç,ýln f the Londen Stanid- taond r sure that ail cf lus Forlirsda wmre g. i wrhpsadcc epeda MsGereSteer., cf7 1 Ceburl fcrclir vr ihc. Nûarci tbe eofdence taken by the ceai- St., Akron, Chc, telsi nthe feiiewing oeîa mcist sinco r-I y la the deefs;yi- This li ev'deislinVice Admirai (le Sur- Jett, ofpatiy whicl i 1ki ve gentie- bTi's squden, wîVie-d xa pao- amicatsivsrtgag eto notler ef t..ose remarae oxecr ed at 9 'cleck don, th neai a - ef erl uafuAreteu Goibn. uni- î,cures ef terturiag, disfiguriiag skinaran en thce tier side of thelieuse da 4 by the Borith semerigo or,-uivrabSelan- I oe1slhieu;.sdàilym.tdrb'LyC-ticu.ra, after feols fer the I arnly of Mr. Sutlor- eay4 Juge ratshnstamcte eln- ttrdiag te justlfy the rorimniations 1physiciansad ail el se lad failcd: "I land ie their bereax cinat, and ger, ofJgaiiwybtei h that lave beca iruade. itsc iel it iny duty te parents ef ether espocially fer the P'rime Miister of Islnd f enag nd aapee. w le serx cd under hinm have testifleel Ipeer euffering babies te tell yen wiat thus ceuntry, w lese truc and valued --thnt lie raroly wcflt frein hisls hoaci Cutcura las dene for my littie daugli- friend RMr. Sutherland lad boen se 0 - IIEAVING SEVASTOPOL. quartiers, and that hoe dcx ted îhti .Ahmurrksotalevrbrmaayr years. I59a0 e a i TIccerespndet e Th Lodenpricipl osecieste arilvig lmi-bedy, and we used evcry7thing recem- lands the groatest kinclncsn ad o Tinios at St. Petcrsburg cablie- self by selîing provisions, in wîioî xended, but witheut recuite. Three diality. Apart frein a w ild report eofRojes- ýhe was nssted by hie wlte. -- lie -dctersaiat claimed they-could hlep-'I 1,repen-t ,Lhat on- 4hicsîde wcr cx -_____ tvensky's reaoioig Viadivostok , u 'rresponcnt at ide deails wichl ber, lut she ceatiaued te grow tend or, ast cordial aad leartfoli teegam ren Eacu'aeta;,, hewever, ae nt ncsaiywerse. ITcr body was a mass ef sDpteDo ie cte.e>fml;o tlrin ,iortan li eatinaoulng re netseres, ber littie face-as beiug eateu cr alefhad, ih a e ise heu. gof- tîlin nitnt .* lshe a-ny, and 1cr ears ioeked as if they ail.id vdtobein.g- report Riussiaba acquired îeweaid drop off, Neighbeure advised tlomrn oppoite.:,Loby bis deaih naie ef Ille and Argentina con- RESTOBE BATTLES11LPS. m egtCtcr cpadOn-ha. esane u a groat less lI tueteietwitl an officiai denial, A despatcl f eux Tekie enxys: Tic mient, and befcre I had used baîf ef îl iatlefir Suihi riand Canada f but frcm pr-ivate sources I leara Of work cf salvin, the sonJI'cnships ai the cakeof Cuticura Seap and the box h ls' aei a man nct e nlV of great ex- r eR! I>RDSO svrltrans,,peits leaving Sevasie- Port Arthur and Chmupe15Prc- of Cuticura Oiime-it, the socs lad j jerieace a aubi malil, but, I piel fr the sanie destination as the greqssJing saîTfacteril -. tc",île Japan- ail lenîod, aad îny littie ene's face Ihave , 1 p s bo i, a maof very mytrcsvesseis froim Cronstadt. I ose. Detail s arc wihod, but it is andl body -%vere as clear as a new--lera greut eeuieaiiyidc. I _GvsteTu odnJ believed te lecerti tt thc Ja- babls. 1 weald net be vrithout it f ccl !hat I bave tia hcnariy sympa- iethTr GlnJu NCESFOR NEW NAVY. panes enavy will securesovral bat- again if it cost a fertune instead of tly ad up orto every ffentleman The Laij Thee s n itiaton ro a*,tlohi~ nd resc ~the inalli sin it did cci st qte cure on tfus side of ticIleuse la tle Týi, is n nimtin ro acp-tlshpsad cruAi3Vses. IIIFS. cpafen lding mnuchl men1ey vwerds I have utied, and fa my sup- lemaic surc tha warhip a-h leon deciers and 1mediciaeswitliout aay port of tle ,-otion cf tIc rigithlien. 00 LOOKFOTE eý 11110 lrsgl runi the Baltic te s erve as beflafit -whatever." gentloînaiî.' al nucleus for a aew navy in case The St. Peterslatrg cerrespoird7' -nt _____ _Tie, motion was agrced te.I It ojý,,ensore fleet copies te grief,.ete ido ie"as h jEA'T)OY-IL t smr hndoubtful if thse Rus-1 Ors lave lisen crrect for se.era FOR Ei IS nTONOSIY stn(overameut a-oîld venture upon days tînt Messrs. ScIwanb and Ilia ecoaeuo I eodrn __ siich afiagantvioltio of eutal-effeccd the sale of tle Argentin-- and ReSt forT ired, Fretted AMothers o; cfthc Au,inonîvBih oaset ocatrdr, stehi, r fty- astihe purchase cf Seuihl Amen -Chififan navies ote le Rssians. The In cutiera. cluýý,sion on Wcaosa lit. At se e ller dan, as thbr ns are ît awrships unlese on thc condition Miîisiry cf Marine deaios tic ram- Instant moudc and refceshiuag slcep aiceactier to tci oiocir tle di- alien î,ioved at that tiiic. ~The noat J!iat dellvery le delayed until tic ci-s, batthîey ai-o gatliclag force, fer ekin-tenîumed babies, and et ferj vision bell L, 1 icn d tihe mesr boxes shcsîid le frein 15 te 18 inuit- cenclu-;ision of pence. la tînt case It is dcclaccd that several trans- tired, fretted methers, luna-ar bltis ofptl apcesiirefot ~scquar-e,edsiine eeF1 tle urclse nay le regarded ne1 ports are loaving- Cronstadita-l with tiCuticura Soap and gontie aucoint- tic lest fea-a-ek.Nfacty-four ts eta fîebxsxiiCli meeya precautiennry imensure te cancrs te inan thc pai-ciases. ig wî aiuaOamntcinibr aeepcso d p-Ireunning up the corners so tînt tie _________________________________________________________ reat ,sun cure, and preo f emol- jions uron th i ea sare, and cf t ce ntre aili leslighly hoibea-,and __________________ - j eu s. A single set ef Cuticura Seap tîle ence a-asq pretty evcn ns te o0 rtccriwiisra ccaf NTARI L[GSLATRE.r-Inowneyin famoving tle second 1aud Oltinenti efien susfeunt t Iunribers. It wam10 minutes s o Sîcine ualboxes are iined a-ihi O eiig of hilsbll, rcfe7ric-d te io ueîemsdsreigcss niugîae the itarsicr a- aisey, as this plant seins te be suicidai policy foloe d ly tic bairn- (lti 5 o~p, O1tMcn', =a pliS ýe $.Id thrau-ho. j nnewe by tiec!cbrk: Yens, 59; navssciiropngteeisfofon WiHAT OUR LEGISIATORS ARE rs of edrOiai scutn f eied Pl;Aelre'ie15. itao.kd.Sdr 4,M- c-o' secmn ca î. If valJal' oggs are being DOING AT TORONTO. tîmbher, tlorcby dryin.g up streanne or1 pýtoC-Bbj moaccordiit'gly dufoin Lted ly a ,aajority i'set, hitis Weil te try tise liten andai dcroasing the rainfaîl. is bill f8.dyors l gsc n îca au CODSOA .w ns menai toe .cuoa-e the farauers iD OMVINIO N PARLIAMNIENT V OTE J'Y PROVINfCES. bofcfropaittin-g thie gocd on cs under jii ifse fArcluescu e n rescrxing and c1dvelopiog tj jrTic alalasis of tise vote on Mc lr!ier. Cluokers shcuî]d le thoreughly Ti lilsefArcluescrdw'eodcd lande. dstdwL Ietpw(1-ýra h n, cec n roadiug for lis blliite lpre- j M IHarcourt cxuressed lie entire NOTES ,0F FROCEEDINGS IN Bordecîjs ainendment, by Previace, dtcd \x01tJcthisi-tepowdixut a i vide f eicincorporation of cold visiome asdfTIloa- O- tinve cf ses tia__ilion aluni-10 daîs scaeassociations. Tlic measuire concurrence tith tie pro'sinsaa TE HOUT F OblN. Prîiîsccs. For. Agninsi. inter o - n. îd agatîlajou'-'t th 0 lSii fic setîiusfnt aisof tîlUe ili, lot earefi tînt Oct ane-----------------....44 84 day of incubation. T ttise ggs iii; îNE-i ui RATS. TousipCeucls -oud e lo ite tndvContngc ef the sAct. I FEruNCES. Quelec ....... .... .. ...... 1 6()I fer fr-itility letweothîe -th ansd 9th OUTOFt ANT. tkeadvniLae f tli At. Sir- Wj lftild Laumiur ifo McRr. -Nova ScOtiat....... ......O 18 duyc. A lanciy testjine inînmp is-iadje Aentvdiscusieiontolapice ovor Mc RcR i gg'estcd tînt the Ceoiista1i qoiin fe6t N--Punail...... y iyîag a apieco -of black cloth ti i îgout ef grants te l Ct a uildt xntc edo-ing aire fonces uogtesnevurcu- eiiea---------8 6 jnrilda larntp cilaîitc-n rhimany ti Bedr'AacaiSield.bouîîdaî lus ef tic Ncihac.si3 i- j '-ici-c!I tTcr irtriee...3 7 a-us n hle ouftilirciogi ,tiýecIuci lieeer'Axocaie, lepBicd Io. I. Meaiilih, Mcr. Iislep, 7torioseg hld o~s A~u otonni Pelîy Asei- ndotf.ier iîý,oilciauCilO'-C, d tic1,111, is u drcntcaiibut nci . ts ou.m..... 'opoietchr.Afnl g l I icadî~~~rs lad SeY-u ost de a: riceFd.rdI_-xd . i epite îe lo !,Wiiljappear dark or aiol"lien Eroto Wadle. ni I -sgis on is' second read ilsg leerat o. 0ia---------O 1 uouyahl um-bugmii IMr. Wiiecoedcdtn ilsaîdreferreid ote eMunicipal Cent-ar inocysceuti e npicd ucr ad miiceTPA 1 1N G STA,,P ,t-S ION. - _ kr vntaeosy O gicsl5i'minerSitflih aei1 nucmdMr- otl59 1410 Abî, i 24 t 36 hurs after batin- c-icfln 11ci iîgtlinteîl n- OR 'IRE POOR MAN. " ia lsfl;erieil'n l ITONO !BLI . ing tic- Lcs hould le reine-cl I ,1 ;en () i,- oktattea h froîn t ndl laccd bxviii is soitesinqeto.AnuppepM-r. Bewney ,oxpiained tUnthils itradinîg champ JquItion,, if1oljghiup Cos11-reicaoftfaîii e- lheu fna nstenîil coep. 'ieo5î f suc qf$5,00 erthe Win'tcr Pair ansiuctote eAssessincat Act j by nMaialil uaiî, oe, o-SOIittif0 îacli xiitl coli inrit favord ai prec nii tri- a _I 0uîp lad bren made insad. a-s sgned te do awey witi '.te sidei-atieîs, lut laiîztAsyot-omnc auteI ii acmiitc e ea aglrbsuIp 1c lelte 3,EEDOiAUOOIE. injustice he thely -stninuin tmx te io ocls o.vialtf lcisv ien on e 2 fieet square aitie leotfcn and 22 th.Sîierlaîîd snved île 1second ef ?2 50 on persusas coa'cuctinglsinahi ELEFBILL PASSED. Isut7is itIc eider Provifaces, îinl-tes igî etthîe puais, made of Sundur îuctv lsnse.'stordco île pcc Ceýintabtaygatmthdli-re sasob t re-)aïn- cf lisJIl biite furihcr nmcnd j'an-cl bribi was givýe lsis seod en-1T~hec 1111 for lhe relief cf Eda-ard b- i -ý asîtary eaii ntosd iers st e ane îleAd te regrlate île epecti and -N. iLewis, \M. P., aexn tcnoi-Iseut e'luiineuxd preof, inul pccsvided tafin a ale opnuonf tuotor volicles on iigiï- ng, anîd sent teacîaînîttee. l i.claiie ybisrt loi ,î dLare ,iîeboard bellcm fer ise caryiynle îe TO PRESERVE PBi IALTII.yd.ciale libn srt e aj16. i ifmc arer sed ihos aaS. This aunieîsîîniprevides mi arewspse hog tisnwe hgordi ilrt meto ;oliîcie on county rendsll- hi b- l- ,l;i-vertact enitan enriy date. I red. 'Tit fooding cf the choie sisi mcistop )1010 feet ficn ay p-an nîlthe Public Ilcalth Act pro-inual siagos. Ieomfc'd1- aasunnîle te cii tic nexiipoinitînht calî's frcareful prarsiglo-s ac aai utl ig vdtitn nertson aiait iceep or îA 1FM. EES. drsnr ts i'e itrr P_ atahuI t ',Icu-T leodnlv aie naot t peeol a tin rier adstreantrg, ouso cho fuisicig-cd ai-Sireorc fWfcc-lafricdfied nu glitcoinn.ter j. eleenehe dsaerort if ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~,u, îîcsny ui aahemtre e ise anny build:ing used ce a ing termes teo th iedenl f Mu. - -pe tn i -sfnieralle te a1bren J soakcd ije m 1k edeace iI."ýý!ý ccod amîd ssii tis cinixr teilalmirg or upois nny premiceswt- mi- Li. Lvs) eýn tsa(i îisc. ',Iiidagsgsrf-,î eugh te cimble îsendl.-t prevdustîn, inotaithstaui oco spoalyiln bs d a rîiua1.nlcti!vin nti ora ilagril placef itihin ce a c- cembiuc xxiiti peviiess I ppre ofeh'y tîle Me4dical IT-ealjycthaçultiidcfi'lantuîte a-h11,1a-as appied. LI code. A urcîeof the flcais tie-ctceoaier o i nOfficer, properly vcssiL'late-d, ;an1dsi, iuinc- caeijin in 'mtndia orepors aa ai Paina É:rains eihoproportions gvînxilii. aicd netlltosof aan eue 'us(Irodt feetetaanmalu-te îlle aonosof lis 1ho- a-iih tisLe rsltoaif eliri î IdresorxmilIe_11for damles efrouianlv d ci.g rs l, ovifai~ -ilScWifl io gî,%ne ali lieIib1 i11out ilds-fo: punsikdait, 0 pîe..were ausedly b iis) ceredofvbricker01, eV on elaiicf;leiOpe:iten vbo- da-n.budgt ! ;*)ï' bru i ld ont mo l nil, 5 ppda in-e Tie ii -s Ioercdt le -l- 1icia Camsite. ne n i -crro te ic Maiipl 'bei 'Li;b., Bocas) sapieil IEIL FTEAE) ut on-ic ocf hI-saeî STATINARVENGIEERS. Cesunitte. fipndasfaise deccasei, r'ferccd t , a-oitje Pui-taa CisckFeocTenllx îiînc ngiîcrsaas o motion In încv,ýiag for île second raig a oo rareeit.- Hea- lhey , 1Ide.y Be Lessened. Forin: cfo d qn poe in cf fir ),Wjilaoîgîby, referccd toa o f tIc iis, Nos. 136 and 137, te,10F Mrs. il'nf'i Stecy, of 172 c rscirs nbcr taah atior îl e berroa-ing of île V7,_ý On tle erders ef île (iay being limiter Siret W' Hmito ayse lf a measuof ef ict menl, umeis- speiaiceasaiice 00,00 fr îe Tnîilningon odnsd-ySic Wilfrid .an vr ucstoî;o -fej+ned a-ltlî ail et-ra-ater, avale oan Ra loTmskrig1til-1 cnlied on -Yeîeaî ixtJr,.j (sj miyl o TO EEPTWGLAw.avn, 3Mr. Mevas î fio-ars -ii clo-tlgrpi bitý, l'co ,, fasten- f -. IL iiii1m m m W-0ý-wa i i m m e i 1 i i, ii m kin LflO Tint haL Guarantees Prize ïButter. ,gest and Dest Creamerles andDainies ln the Worid Use IL iTRÂDIE VIIÀRKIài. EWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES, ANDIITTOS DON'T REMODTHIS. Every D.ay is Bai-gain Dýýay At the c Po PI1o's Fea n d We arc stili ha-ndling Pest Brands Canadian' Cements, Britishi Columîbia Ried Cedar andi other good Brands Cedar ani Pine Shingles, Pine and llemlock Lumber, Dressed, anai Undressed, Doors, SBasli. Blinds and Mouldings. 'Pâ Fresh Mmced Scranton. Cogti, Cannel Coal, Stearn Coa], Charcoa1, ilard and Sef t Wood, Long, Sawed and S Split, Slabs, Edgings, Land Pla-ter, Fine anid Co-arse Sailt ln -i e~ nd saeks. 'We aiways ain tàt give the best value; at reasonable prîces. llighest '-Cash Prica -- paid for Gra in and Seed4. KiDg St Ea-st, Bc; anile temperature of l01 te 103 dcoreces JAPS -UY ST- AMNERS thanl at hhhO e; toPeIatUroý. Chiot- ens hiatchcýd lu au i~u tra,, Shipping Ciroles Regard ThîIs as rcared ifi a ]breodtor or xx ith breeily an indication of Peace. l.irna. 'They ýare takeîi fin thiri j clib tur l from 24 te 48 hours A ondonden doslpatch says: Thle Fit] altr athigand if they are, te Meail Gzteg~sdt s oftwty be ra -- atiiIcially, are placed l ~e ~crn t ships, of xxich s a brederat9Z dxsree-. Th-is té,n ;ti e were BIt:isýh, thut h y bo peatr seuObe miaiafaiaod for ledt JpadaeJnur ,te the ls veka' aî!iPter that rédilc 1 h hixs aybealo tctit care s.far 'as bc d ddîek i( Cen- terd alIe ywr r ingteruai £ow Iflates To The Paecifie Coa3t, iCatch of raciffic Fleet Net En',x9nglI for Lendeui's ùNeecis. fK

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