Lit ti Li*verPils. Must Bear Sinatureo f, 500 PaCýSM!a 'iWrapPOr PErhý7. Tory eafi anaugýfn ~ V ~ E~ T~1L~LIVER. p~ ~ O~ CN T 7ATIO. ADVERTISEING 'RATES. The Canadian State-sn i1s publisbcd every Wednssday mnorning at the office, 26 Statesman Bllock, KingStet L3ow a9n ville, Ont., by M. A. James, no-i, -r and Proprietor, Subscription $1.50 Per annum, or $1.00 if paid strictly in advance. Advertising rates, transient advertising, ten cents per ;ine. frat insertion; fve cents per lino each subseqetInsertion. Contract rates on DENTISTRy., C. . BONNYCASTLE, L.E.S., fl.D. S.RfO no0.Graduate in Uentistry of îToronto University. Offie:-Over Cen- tral MiMlnery. Entrance first door West o!fBig 20, flowmanville. A. E. MeLAUJGHEIN, Blarrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. v E UN TU iur lf im I UI~ IIL IiRIIa Money I Idiid it SKIM MILK FOR PIGS, Each winter thore la purchaacd forR R IîUIyuaryua use in the wiater dairy course at duldi iei h is Cornoil university a considerabie duidi iei h is quaatity nf milk. From this thero year. The bakers. are resuita a large amount of skîmrnilk, which is utilized fil the feeding nf workirug night and day, the pigs. Last a inter particular atten- rirasaerrnn xr tion was given to dtermining the alod arrunge>a îaoney value of skim milk ia pomk trains, the grocery stores are production. This is an especially tîînelyý topic, inasmiuch as large busy as bees, and the whole amoulnts nf skilm milk, are now usedcal rh n in yn dairy distrieits fil the man- nto S c - facture ni vaseinanad other prodiucts aUbcsec ni a biiilar nature. Xihen shimn milk ia use-I for suchl purposes, the net return to the producer seldonm riscs ' 's ahove 10 cents per 100 Pounds and, as a value cnnsi(lrabiy above this is P re to assigned te skima milk for fend ing Cr m S d s purposes, it senmed w orth whiie to Cu o a enake an actuni trial to determine its jvalue f or ieeding. Gmo- On eason frequently advanced by cr farmers3 for not using skim1 miik for every-i feeding purposes la, that in odr ~ ,Where to ho mn mst econonically utilized, aav considerabie amount ni high-pricedlhm fond aoibheptrchased te be md in concinwith the milk. Our ex>-1 upeciments w ere planned w th t le idea ni usin-g the largeat amnunt ni \iik Pit the amnalleat amena i-t oi Augus'tI dSptmead a ihth'e siefed lsa Ounda ni o thei dam ouil aout erc-hec1 nîlk e nu ni rai , egain was They Were thn 1 vanedand separated 10 ona into six lots ni froma seven te 12 It will be scen that the character piga oach, according to the sizcne n hoganfaio a cmar 1e the pens which aela avaîlable. Thee i . httle influence on the gain in live %vas ne slection practicod and the 55 acight and that there was more or pigs included overy pig produced from less variaition la the gain ni indivi-ý nine brood sows. Theý,-w ccc hîgh dual pig. H-owever the greateat aver- grade Cheshires with a slight dash age gain was with siim milk and of Chester White. The pens"w-ro on- corn meai alolie, from which it ia ly comortable and the temnperature clear that cern meal is a perfcctly avent below the freezing point nearlystin faon.eiy ingl ri eh e nvery night during the cour. c nf tîce l one in w ith skinm milk. The experiment. The, piga were crnwded eprmns lns 'dta h fate proportion ni skim milk can ho ia- creasnd econmicaily ahove the ratio RATIIDli CLOSE QUATiTETIS. ni three pounda milk to one ponnd, 1 v Ice -'lekle- lockc, King Street, asI eavh pig atede, ajoithewhchasa Bowmanvllle.Morlney ta boan ai reason- aiing a tebegînringag gra1in, a suuiyrcmedd lnlrpos ajn hc a able rates. 48lr neal sps'il 1 qur etn thus lesseniing the ainount ni grain gron grain,. aoeyisac - __-- __ floor spaco.01 fond that must ho pn"chasnd; that very largo irkrease in the er,-up yiold ROBIT OTNGV.S. hefeeingwn beunDecnîer aeaiinig pigs, la close quartons duc- had been obtainedfrin.- the, soif ROBRT ORSEYV.S. ThK ad e ed-ovs e 98 dys. Tao51ing cold aeathec, Unar' be made te which bailurviouly gcown dover. O jsite Tonwn Hall Entrance, lots ai cc fed skim mrilk and corna gain a peund ni ive ia'ight per 'day The cropa experirn,ý,ieatcraith la thia where hwaili he found from 8 a. ma oltsskimfcr trenots ii hts-l ul sre feprm-iswr on a 9 Night calla at residence, direct- me n nly; to os enm iilk, cr f" or thbt; a nht s pim miiksum feprmnswr oa na W1 opposite Drill Shed. l7-ly. moal, and gluten food, înixed hall'.nW' chaot cnspo u-sgar beets, potatocsannd barley. LIESS. A and bail, av7 eight; and the other _____fe[topgé pt awih AlIIIAGE b re o eitepgi pteaaoih MJamnes, Issue,- of Marriage Lic- tain iota ski-a milk, corna m-eal and ni 125 pouîîds. enses. bino tiE treet wheat middlinga, mixcd hall and hall HOW'S THIS? by weight. Thoy 'acre fed taire a CliOWI'NCLAIILY POTATOES. - SIMPSON & BLAIR. damrig and cvcning. The SecU potatoca should net be kcpt We nIfer One Hundred Dollars Reavard for Di. f. SIMPSON, K. C., CHJAS P. grain avas put dry into the food a o evatmprtr e îo - ny case ofCatarris thaa; osoRRot ha tured hy fLAIR, Barristers, Solicitors, NotarRes, o o atmeaue o lo-Hall's Çatarrh Cure. F. J. C[IENEY & CO., etc., Mèorris Block, op-stairs, King trougba and the milk pnured upon ccl tn make long sprouts hefore plant- Toledo , 0I Street, iluwmaniville. Solicitors for it. 'Ie peu 'No. 1 the pigs cnnsnmed ing wites Mc. IL. Harcaavorth. Bush- Ve, thse underfiigncdbave kncwn F. J the Ontario Bank. Private mioueys ioaa- 3. pouacla miilk for eneis po-nnd cocrn Cteo oesnaeelsas htney foi, the last 35 years, and believe hiîu ed at loarest rates. el rnes o bxesmae .f la s rfeetly honorable Ii alll busýiness transactionRs - -a and mcade an average gain pdr arc about right to heep thein la.- and tinanvîially able te carry ont auy obligations No. , verethe sam.e1 kinds; ni iend Thoy ahould he stnred ia sncb a way madebylîisfirm, No.r3e hsed, btthe mpriortion nias te pecmiet a frce circulation ni air WALDIn î N se&2 &ItVaî, DENIsT. ia 6otre ida îcbuto tepouadionofail about tiien. Ours are kcpt ila aWhoiesal, bvfîssToledo, 0 Wi'1 b u Blvktov onth 8mi ~ca, tceavea'c ginpor pigcpr cave, dug 6 or 7 icet la the earth Hall's Catanb Cure is ciklnnternally, aet- Willbe t Eacktockon he irs niel, he verge gin er ig er!and ined witb puitcheoiîs and cover- ing directly ripou the blood acd miuoes surfaces ni the systeni Testimonials sent free. Prive lVtndy i evh mntbatOrnoday aas onl 0.96 pounda. lunpe d with carth. It is w cli drained 75 cents per hottie. Sold by ail Druggisls. 2nd Motnday, ail day, and at New- No. 2, w heme the grain was coca n nd i entilatcdl. It is kept a 10w Take Hull's Family Pis for constipation. catemeal and gluten, fcd in the Propnî-- degrees abeve the fireeziilg peint ln csle it Wcdnesday froue 2 plra, tien nof :3.7 pounda milke to oach iinter and is aide and cool in surî- Offce:-Temiperance St., Boviman- Ponnd grain, trie gain avas 0.891e. SETTLES'LW ATSWs sille,.ern igiaohmsdu pounda; ahile lit pen No. 5, where About the frst or second acek il atm.the samne leeds aiece used, but in the 1 March ave take our extra early var- ia h hcg n ot et iproportion of 4.8 pounds milk t eist wrro nte dli Vaiva the hica oiNoMrth Western 0 àopound rainpte No.aicocua.imai and plac thiora onthe stem ,end, Nav15 1905, cettiers'onue way second D'l A __ w N "Ir"'S T R Y 1 pnnds.aIhn edlngNo.4.vcrn use inone deep 0on crates. Pleaty on i lght. lo tckts at very Iew rates frein t n hepopot idiot of4.3 pud inkand suashinea ;s alioecd toe nter the Chicage ta pointa la Utah, Montana, C. H RND N, .D.S~' thoenrpornuî of rain itb again ikrenm and the aildea sare oened on Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, 0.mAdute n e Noy l ollege e 0.89poudgrin la pn sixaith av.arein daya. By the time the gconnd California, aise ta Victoria, Vancouver, Gradateof he nya Coleg of l .89pouids whle n pn sx, ithis mallî aartir and dry ennugh te New Westmninster, lROSIlndand alLer Dental Sorgeons, Ontario. 7 ý plant, which a ith us s l nar the mcid- points la the Koatenav District. Com- Office:-Oj2p! _______ T.-nhn' fie dle of April, the potatees aie wadi respondingly iow rateos froun ail points VITLIZD AR. ____________________ greend and hnrdnned, They baie in (1iênada, Write for full parliculars _________________AIR. __ made tbick, stunbby aprouts, with sud lolderste B. H . BENNETT. Generai it ~the nodea aveli fnrmcd, tiny meots Agent, 2 King St. East, Tomante. 7-7w ___ ~ NT uctiai frma their busc and ready 0 N w 1tn get îigbî clown to business. jWhencvnr possible ave plant ou deo- NEW CLUBBIN G RATES. COAL vi ersd adi ncannred in the fmu, Of ail Sizes, the best mined tiela1 hrwc, dis1kcd, harroavnd 1905 lincennecîlon with the undernamed dcaggni Froi 600 te 800; publications at lhe price stated:. pond speciaij lecilLe p t- acrela ToonteDailýyWorld, )bal 199 fcee 35 FL U . ciln l wit gain (Ili]]., aftorForante Daily ,Star, de de 2.0ki Il pîvHieh tin dsk ad pihe-tot r ToteDaily Globeý 4 7- Made by the Best Known illers i ue gan aiih rty bro5l " ' So'clock edition 3-5o Manitoba and Ontario -, mxstetriie a alr xt VelGaewtil4rîdprs19 thoso. Dcp trec ti re nondDailv ïMail and Empire1. 75 FEED y goig tiide a 11ha lnrgný singie Weekly Mail sud Pir19 lîîc in.The se adtadTaronte Daily News 2 0) 0f cery ind and esciptin '~ ~ ~e-dropped by hband and coi ereci iigletly, ek1 ites1,75 Of evry knd ad decripion ' Th soi ilsgradualiy worke nd m The Weekly Sun 19 tien trenches ducing cultîvatînwhd u rig el 1.50 Brmîs C lum iaCearbegias as soona as te fi-st plants Farmcr'a Advocate S h ~- begicc to uppear. In is15wuv aej Christian Guai-dian, bal 1904 free 2 O0 nnlsevor failte b ave nice, rinw potateesj Famili Herald and W ookiy Sihar 2.00 Try the Old Reliable Firm of JOIN ~ tro tnefor nksnrife ia ___ ___ GISET SNwhr9lesalc and - oui aeighbers, -w ho plant i1 0e id1 retail deniers in Grain, t aa chi ce na tacs A AIS Seeds, Fleur. Ceai and qary te spray, ,sai'n te ircumi eut' r.Jnig okdtruhle British Celumbia ~~~~i the bugs, and baieneacer, let failed il~' ennaloe bog e toraise eider andi larger crops wt se tbrsseMs pavn Shinges. wditare 11ih conaiderable severitý. Second te Noue. muir bou rne e c ta v ae "hanegbborhood lbas gel mbt Secndto on. bic to produce avth iiortheru gronî strange waas the iast ieav ycars, ni- Gooe dlicre pamplyin ilHE above picture of 'the te. else I notice it more as I gel farthnr Good delverd prmpty inallaleng, -sine eaid; "aind lest I should parts of the îown.mnadfsYi h rd- FEDING TNliICII COW S. get into te saninway Iwanal yen Largest Sek Pie the Lowest I mtj nark of Scott's Emulsion, 1 D icîîen baie a oeno trouble ito reînind nie noal and then, Mary. ~ jand is the synonym for1 lu maintainiîîg tbe quantîty nifctilf '3 y1011flud nie backbtcin like f0o. Ûi I U & %S strength and purity. It'is soldl duriîîg the late aiter îanlbs,ý. Tils tisai hatelul, stingy Annabel Powdcr S1n s duc ote aio gencal cauises-iack or Lucy Whiite, a'ho had better look King st. West., dowunanviIie lin alnîost ail the civilized coun i f fcesb, palatalde eeci ad coid te bier oaav saucy, bad-naaaaeired girl, ____________________________ tres f ue loe.ivcather. 'The iced t ivasucculinc, i d lber bo, tha's tise poornat achol- If the cod'fish becaniie extinct- which is ici,; linortant la hcepigar ain lathe adhoni; or ifluen catch me,-- e_ -,i~Home" the alliîal ul-en n amlIdccl. 1I eky Ime roîving close-fitld like the tain- it would be a world-wide- calam- oin-lisu 5011of .ets creinag-, j isters w lie, abo bas noencrntui-eed lity, beeause the oil that cornes ailtnofInnhe ýCse- c ( Iii. itepiaio inltc ua h from its liver surpasses ail other Il 15 1-l tcponýsib)le 11) eep up, n-cwd ht time the delegates . tise dow of niik on dcy fend, but i't caime; or long ai mdccli1ke .1 an Lar- »JE fats iiîtonîiShing and Iife-gîvîug a 1 eteoe'enahuainr' dît ew ho inîerrupted nie la the a nry propel-ties. Tliirty yea-S a9ag niuii h e rtlion is eige. 10 iaidst ni caî telii lie hr about j th pi-pritorsof cotts Enul-la 50,111beette nre0on feodntig -l Salle 's tains,-anciweec nu about lber thio foend a of ýS.oitaciti istende toc 1f escles.Oce tupid grancisea for iltccn minutes "?icfSioncloun-fea way ofipreparing -tntufliei i ,li laproperli aq i ilhotîl s teppiîag, 1 a nt 100 te telI Conceded te Weil descve ics populer iCod lis-er oil sothat ex eri-one eau en'tcd the coivs e itcana be iucrsc e ae rafii title, "h 'iisot ieautiioal rmîgaeinlutise tk L îdge h fl -ate and el-e can be indured to eat mrne. "'And Ihals lot 1111, saidi Srs. Prom 45 bu75 fine pituande-ch -theliuth value o Wheîî aie tut e iii o coneterîatioîîi Jerlnugs, aneli.s s Spcaile openeci e-loy of theisenlucler, andail et thora fer teolbwitîlott the ojee.ioiabue jthaï,aie sisoilcI gel a profit oin ail n ber inoiîtb te spcnk. " If 7ou llad nie fnaraung. taste. Seott's _Ernulsicon is the cow atst above wsati le necessuce te getteeg caqeleitive like Helen Lane, PorramscfCellcitesbest tlîiîg in the world for weak, mintala ber, we sbeuld sec tisaI lil)- ahe bas asked nee Iren times -wben oral feediu g ail rdpay. Anet!uec ail birtiiday cornes- and abat year I Rep'outtcion efSseecbackwaî d chlfdren, thin, delijate reasea fer a vauri niofeeds la tha a oe alr 7e ailgt o1 Th and p rf in i e plotograpluc people, an d a l Co ndition s of y tie c eaihieti nu' e- s icuîre i t -v the bu r ecorcds bto in î out ler r ep prodcn Bud w 0f fl cor e - astn and lot trngh.eaiy digeiblerutions thau ahen age, 1t at Out ent icion it ireoeiî, hamopreductier. teud it is snerdt oftf OSîelthe. nmlonec iiýle d. 1anti 1 shah do lte sainie b1 you. cov*r. Nend foi, free saïnuîle. Whou a change of lced ila î11ade if 'IffiLls dont belp eavh o015cr, The. Oniy Melaziaze of the .- Iiishocîlcibe grdual and nI e-nde h, th iegodo ea stii Riad ilarua WoraM i- ýt SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMTS-TS abcuptly- A dàaîîr cow can, pecae aile? ouîve got a litIle habit Siutcripioiu1,;er;3.oa jcr, includinig 1 Oanso'T, ONT. more than any' otbec animai, ge>-lof atcittîu Mary1 that's greîv- the~ SPECIAL CHIRISTMA S NUMIE.I toI ehbtt a igbr fced ing on ,ou~, anti l'ia goieg lt( d Vï, 9- lvdeh- V- Sbei.t w 50C. alid $100. Al dît-lss ie uhîl I~ng thi a u ahat1i an t10 îp on rekit lIaim Pa. t,, 4Wesi22dSt..New or~portan t point tb observe. This lsa u P, cp r ei Now Use Liquozone. VWon't Tou Try It.-Free? true regarding mîiking as feeding. A winter cornes on the amount of pr< teln la the ratinli should be gradua] ly incrnased. TPhis can be done b. feeding mor'e ciover or aifalfa hay, o by adding anme noil meal or a goni quantity of bran' to the ration. Whei we can get gond nid processinimal that is not adulterated wtith weei seedr, it is usuaf1)y best at this timn to give the cnw a pnunid or a poun and a haif daily,.. As a mile it la no best to give abovo two pounda Pei day. At the presont price nf ni meai, thýis precaution is hiàrdly neces sary. By adding a littie protein to thg ration, the skianio the cow is hep, la mnch better condition and she iý ia nvnry way maore hcalthy. Th( cnw that is fed on a w eh-balancec ration shnuld always have a smooti slick vont, whir'h is a gond indica- tion of health and vîgor. Next toï gond ration is protection fromn severE coid, kçeepinig the cows la a well von- tiiated stable. Th, "blond is the MEi nf the dairy vow and it is of parti- cuiar importance that she should have plenty of pure air. It maý, wvell h rememberod that pure air L not necessarily coid air. CLOVER ENRICIES LANID. ]Prof. Frank T. Shntt, chemiat ai the Centrai Experimieutai F.urm, gave to- the ('OMmittee on Agricul- ture an interestiag report of the re- suits obtained bv experiments carried on during a series of ynars to de- termine thé& -value nf nnrivhment ni souls. Iin this series of experimnents Mamminoth lied lias givon better ye- sults than ýomîmion î'ed clover, butII this mesuît bas îînt an-nzys ben o-;b tainied. The ,x.'pca ints demn- strated that at leat 100 pounds nf aitrogea per acre van ho addcd to the soit thruugh, the gi owth of, ciover. This is equivaient to the amounit nf nitrogea contained in ten tons of ordiuary barny ard manure. Prof. Shutt also broughx. inrward data to show not only the va-clous senounts of nitrogen contained in the ciover, but aiso'ni inrthcr experimonts in which the enriehaicnt of the soit it- seli was shown. le presontnd a chart showing cî-op yîelds obtained on1 plots ahicli ha'i prcviously grown dloyer as compared with the yield on 10- by d en al, ed rd ot e t s e ,d th re fe is )f For the American rights te Liquo- "troubls e te zone. We did this after testing the the germa, andj profluct for two years, througb physi- rect and tincertai sians and hospitals, alter proving, 111 the germs, wher thousande of different, cases, that vihen the germe Licinerone destreys the cause of any are destroyed,C germ disease. and, forever. T] Liquozene lias, for more tlunn 20 Âithma years, been the constant subject o! &bsceu-Anomla scientifle and chemical research. It le ochti net made by compounding dmuge,1 nor Birihîs Disesse with alcobol. Its vrusare cdemIved ronble eolely from g-nEp---argely ox"ygea gas- Oeupii by a pmoces requirlng appa- ci ratus and 14 days' t1wme. The recuILit ceasr-cn ry sute r- Darrhos a liquid -that doese vhat oxygen dees. Dandruff-Dre1îay Il le a nierve food and blond fOOd-tli fEýemarrysipeus Milli1ons of people, of nine diffement nations, are constant users o! Ligue- zone. Soine are using it te get wefl;' cerne te keep -Weil. Soine te cure germ diseases; some as a tonic, No unedicine wns ever se widely employed. Thesci usera are everywhere; your neighbors and friends are among theun. And bal! the people you meet-wher- ever Yen are-know anme-oeswhom Liqnozone has cured. If you need hielp, please ask sorne of theffe usera 'what Liqoozone doea.i Do'n't blindly talcs Medicine for wbatJ medicine cannot do. Drugc neyer kili germs. For your owa sahe, ask abouti Liquozone; then let us buy you a full-1 mize bottie to try. We Paid $100,000 Ray- Foeer-baitocu. Eldimi- Dis.atss ni ey at Treiît)2 aercia-ypsu TIMING I3ANANAS. - accept it to-day, for It places you ur.- der no obligationi whatever. Liquozone costs 50c. and $1. CUT OUT THIiS COUPON for this offer may not appear again. Filont the blanks and mail it to r e Xiquuzone Company, 558-564 Wabash Ave., Chicago. My disease is.ý........................... 1 'have neyer tied I,iquozone, but if ynu will supply me a 5ev. botte frec 1 will take it. Anyphysician or hospita lot usingIliquozont Dl It is generally known that bananas sare shipped whiie yet green and un- ripe, but few are aware of the care,- fui and elaborate Urne calculations required in Setting out the plants and cutting off the fruit ia order to inaure the arrivai of the bananas in proper condition at their dertination. When a plantation is begun, the 1young plants are set out at certain intervals, se that they wili produce at regular prefixed times during the vear. A certain number nf days be- fore the arrivai nf a steamer the green fruit is cnt, and a close cal- culation of the time that will be consurned in the voy age must always be made, eise the bananas willi ne i spoiled. Fruit steamers carry stenm- heating apparatus to insure a uni- forai temperature throughout the voyage. 'The ripening ia calcuiated to occur oniy after the fruit bas reached the re~tail dealer. FOR OVEIt SIXTY YEARS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions of mothers for their children while teething. If dis- ,turbed at niglit and broken nf Y-.ur rest by a sick child sufiering and cry- ing with pain of Cutting Teeth, scnd at once and get a bottie of "Mis. Winsiow's Soothing Syrup*" for Chul- clren Teething. It will relieve- the poor littie sufierer immediately. De- pend upon it, mothers, tiiere is ne unistake about it.- It cures Diarrhoea, regulates the stomach and boweis, cures Wiad Coiic, 'softens the Goma, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and nrgy to the whole system. -'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription nione of the oldest and best femnale physi- cians and nurses in the United States. Price twevnty-tive cents a bottie. Sold by ail! druggists through- 0ut,ýthe world. Be sure and ask for eMrs, Winslow's Soothing Syrup.- -LSUAL RESULT. Plolicemant',-Whieh o' yez beginued this fight? one of the iFelligerets-.IU' did. lis daàwg 1)itched jîlto mine. A BrOAD STATE1'=_1ENT. Tis nnucensi is mdewith- ou't am-qu lcaior Iemliîdi cur'e aniy case of PileS. It is l. the ferrm nf a tablet. It is the offly Pile remiedy used lu- ternaily. It is imnpossible to cure an, estab- lisbed case nf Piles With ointmenIts, supposit orins. injeotions, or outw ard ap)plicatýjis. A guarantee is issued *çvith eveî'y package nf Pr. Lconhardt's Hemn- IRoid, which coutuirîs a mionth's treatmert. ýGo and talk- to youî' druggist' about ltThe Wison-Fyle Co., 1, 1imited Nia- gara Falls, ont. "Nemws," said Mr. Gayboy, "lm what you tell about other people, while gossip ia what other people teli about you.- Vie best Coogh Aledicine. ABSOL'UTE SAFETY should ho rigorously insistedI vuponi when buying mnedicine. for -upon that depends one's Au- Y, IOU A PRISONER? H U ' of men are prisoners of dusse as securely TaathegDB they vers confined belsinti tse have forged their owaan a by tie er,;Y y exposnre t otgosdsae rtte excesses of mn.haod They feel t e nrefot thse men they ought to ho or used ta o. The vîm, vgr sdvtal Rty ofisanhond ar,=aking. Are yous nervonsaddsodet ie n iemrighavoc yo te force yourselftrig the day 'l 'wrk 1 have.yon Ile amn- billo. nd itenergy are You.iritable and excitabl.e el, sunkenl, depresse and haggard ooiag ? memory oor .rls fggEd? have yon weak baclc wlh dreama and lasses ai night? ep Claurine? weak sexualiy ?-yon have Nervous Dcbillty and SemInai Weakness. ;5 Our NEW METHOD TERBÂTMENT la gearanteed to 8ccu~It. Ewar cf aacs-Casnt nid establishsed, rlalhsicas Coneultation Fr. Boolke Fro..rite for Question Blank for Rome Treainent. 13SELBY ISTIZBET. D TO~ IH S U G AR BEETS PAY. OVER 800Ojr GRO)WERS HAVE THUS FAR REý INEWED THEIR CONTRACTS FOR TfHE COMIING SEASON. AND WEý WILI,.S£ND ON£E FO R VOUR SIGNA- TURE, OR, SEE OUR CANVASSZR IN VOUR DIST- RICT AND HE WILL GIVE YOU PULL INFORMATION. SUGAR P1$ 0is F BEET iî"VALUE for Stock feeding and is given to beet growers in propor- tion to aniount of Beets delivered. WE PAY 50 CENTS PER TON in Berlin for pulp, to any grower who does flot wish his pulp for his own use for stock feeding. BEET SEED IS NOW READY for growers and will be sent to the grower's shipping station. SEND IN VOUR CONTRACT NOW. THE ONTARIO SUGAR C0., LIMITED BERLIN, ONT. Cures CI in Two Days. Seven Mlon boxesSOh no nps 2 nnh, àj ~~ o.2c J -a 1> SDiseases, 5known gemm diseases. Ine n do for these help Nature overcome such results are lmdi- ;n. Liquozone attacha, erover- they are. And- swhiêh cause a disca- tihe disease must .s.. 7at le' lnevitablo. Most hepful thing la the world to yeu. rerer&-Gal1stozin umvos-yIeers Its effects are exhilarating, vitalizing, Gore-Gleeî Wloonesieae purifYiaZ. Yet It le a gerraîcide s0 AU diseases that begin witli fever--ail IRifta~, certain that we publlsh on eves-y bot- Mation-all eatRrr-all ContagIou, diseases--al tie a offr o!$l,00 fo a dsea r îesiis of jmïure or pslsomed blond. tle n ofer o $1,00 or adisese tn 1ervou eb lîy Llquoazone actsau aaVitalier, gerun that it cannot kili. The reason SORpihlgVstnargsed. ls that germs are vegetabies; and Liqunanne-luke an excess o! ou.yge- 50C. Bottle Freee ls deadly te vegetal inatter. There lies the great value o! Ligue- If yoe need' Liquozone, and ba-vg zone. It la the only way kno-wa ta kli never tried it, please send un thl* germs la. the body Withnut hlLling the coupon. We will then mail. you an or- tissue, too. Any drug that klIs germa dem on a local druggist for a full- is a poison, and it cannot be taken la- aize bottie, and vie villi pay the dmuge ternaliy. Every physccan knowsthat giast oumeelves for it. This la our free medicine le aimeet heipless ilu any giit, made to, convince you; te show germ disease. yen vihat Liquozone le. and what it > lrleý--ll-ilý- 'ý1-7-ýý--Llý-177z,-Ie=lý.ýý,ý-ýý, Germ These are the