a ia t menu TJRS:$.OPrAnnuan. Oua TOWN-ÂAND COUeTY FiRsT; THE VWORLD AFTERWARLDS.M.AJME la Âdvance. BOWMANVJLLE, ONTARI09 WEDNESDAY.- MARCH 15, 1905. VOLUME 1 I NO il *-z Tft Corner Shoe ~Storei V heni Doubt Buy our- Ceiebrated iGerman" School Foots l rLi . lil.3i4I They are Guaranteed We stand ready to take back anuy pair of German j f1 Boots shownt to have: '-,eddy heel stiffners. Shioidy iniiïde heel pieces. Bverything'New With a fulll une of the best Boots, Shoes and Rubbe£s on the Canadian3 Market. Now Open for your inspection. It is iRoomy, Cosey and Splendidly Lig!ited. les --SPECIALS-- "Sovereign"'Shoes for -Hen "-Queen Quaiity" 'Shoes for Womer, ',Rocehester', Siioes for Chiidren "Granby" Rubbers for Al You are specially Invited to our New Store. ,Calil and sec us whether you buy or not. Oppe. TheNe Post Officeý Bowmanville. I AMTO'.MAPLE GROVE, 31j Shoddy ib.sidle soles. 1r 4. CU OffVailps a toeSons of Temperance will boid a pie, ~ut ff ampsat oc cps.Mr. H. E1Liott, Jr , and Mrs. C. . and ceain social on Tuesday cvening, wmon cotîon Stiteliiflg. ~~~~Kerslale spent Sur day at Bowmavile..Mrc s1Agodpeamipri- Mrs. Lawless died xery sdel Satur- ted.R1ev L S ,i-ht B A, BD, Tyrone,l wiil give an adduas'. Everyhed-y coma,. n"Boots are neat in ap- day of heant failure, She leaves an irl Admlission 15e. M. MUNDAY, W, P, paac.valid husband, one sister, Mrs, I. Wil- ____ pcaranee. ~liams, and lwo brothers, 'essrs. GeDrge ENSILN wear eut any other boot in and Johu Hammi te rnurn ber loss iios nJonrv ihred Funeîal Monday fnom the residence ofCis th mrkt.Mr. j. 4Výilams io Hamîpton Meihodist inuToronto; )Ir, George Lewis, Toronto, yare no0 dearer than many Cemetery 'r J, T Colo is quite il... enewing oid acquaintarices; Mr. L. i Mr.,. TdAln .1st1icont-ned lt bis ttainton Oshawa, at Mr. J. Stainton's; poor boots. F.T.-Li t 0 ïi. oison and Mn. F . Pearn, Port hed.. 'es Pickard, Newcastle, Penny, at Mn. John Pyc's; Mr C, Mount-' o "adein anaa." calMcý on fiends recertly. . Mrs W, Cox je"-,, Mn IV, Woîlcn. visiting friensh bas rturoed froni a month's visîl with Pon-t Perry; Miss Florence Pye, homeý remade in any of four harnine.zc Mrs. W Pickard, Newcastle_, froim Port Perrny; M iss Ida Stainton homne Mr. Isaac Clark lest a valuahie herse by I from Mauinchester; Mr. Chaznci and Miss leaters-light te heavy. inflammaat ion.,lMrs A Meenae is yisiîing IEtia Stainton, Mn. and Miss Arnot, ber daugbten Mrs. f-. Isaac's. Whitby.. Ta-tînlon, at )Ir. J. J, Vinîue*s; Mns P. arc made in sizes te fit any Mr. J. Collwell haspuîchased the Tbemp. Tnehilcock, Bowmanville, ah Dn, F. C. la-W son propenty soulh of the village. .Mn. Tneblceck's; Mn and Mrs. L B Wil- e4 bei' or girl. Lew Burgess has punchased the estat.ý cf liims aîud daugbter Elva, ai thein parents ejjecnbe bonght only ai the late Mrs D. Williams.,. Mr. R Avery 1previoI1s to Ibein leaving for Bnacebidge; v aubas a arbuncleoei bis neck. .Visilens: îMns. ýVm Stainton, witb ber parents at Miss E. Beacock, Bowmanvïlle, ai Mn, aI Onono,. .The Epwentb .League were A Petens'; Miss Ida Trpwun, Bowrnan- enletaîned ai the horne of Dr. F. C. ville, ai 'Inr J. Salten's; Miss Eu a Wickaîî Trebiiceck lait Friday evening. .Social el Ve -cnno, ai Mnr IV Sben's; Miiss evening lu the league Friday, aveuing. I il ~ IiJIIIW 3li b,., ~ Moou'e, Bowmai,,l!e. at Mn, E St, Patnick rgai vnbd Jo z.e'î; ai Mn we ý1 ",lcomne Nexi 5undav evening tIerel 1IF , J na'.M.J ~in nil ,Iiilibe aseyrmon foe Ui ngmen. All Mn J. Wandcis; Mn.H.1. 'nu, ,\estieton. corne. .Mr. Howard Niebols and Miss O hawa. at Mr. ;. Burosý'z Mn. Wi Oliver and Ada.- visteda ýt W. H. Gay's S Nday. M wif, shawa, aI MnJack';Mrsý .!J. RLB. eaceck l'spelit Su'nday ah home.. ___on the Main Cruers,-Wcktomavle wsSuayM .C. Hioeey wa's hi the vilage San-1 EYES TESTED FBEE;I. is nearly here again and withi it cornes Ihat TiRED Feeling _YoU- need flot have it if you will cleanse your system 110W by takng bottie of1 BURDOCK alldSARSAPARILLAI It will remove the iprte from the biood. Inerease your apptie rnbciiikfup y-our whole 8ystem. Regular $1,00 for 75c. F.R.Kerslake, The Drttggist andOpian Bowrnanville. -ONLY= ~rA L PRICEt 0 h*c, Johnston & Ctryd&ran AT HALF PRICE.' Men 's ad B oys' O vERc OATSlýý A T 33ý, DISCOUNT. AIl. kinds of Furs at reduced pric-es.- The World's Champion Hackney SP\XÔN 1 BITHi'S SALE OP H AUIiNAYS. it is OoevWed uyprs wîlI appreciate. M EDNE3DAY, MARCE, 9.,1VÇhile there is ample indication that the entire holdings of the Waverly Slnd could be sold at private contract An imnortant event for horsimjen wlll through the presdni seasen, as formerlv, be the dispersion ssalp by anction of Mr Beiîb bas decided to offcr ail, in- the greàt Waverley Farm slnd OfflIack- cluding bis faninus winncrs aI New ncv stailionio, mares and fulies Rnd York-, St. Louis, Chicago, Buffalo Pan harness and saddle horses, belonengtOg1 American and Canadian exhioitions, MrüRberi Beith, Bowmanvillc, On t- witthont reserve, ai public auttion so i'or.prising 50 hý'ad, aisD one rezi*tered Ibat prospective huvers from near and this stnd and is prizewinýing recrd per'sona] friends, may hava equal op- st a n dsqinequa 11ed, il b aving'rrepcaedY prun itýyte oblaý iinribýe m a t praebical ly Won' týhe ieading class ndcapinterowvalato Bv II-s Ieans ilt prizes at the principal NationaiMl n ibpe haiherprsutt h orses intenanosi howsof;A'ia lu !howill h sriuedoeraWtIderar, elcio tietH ne;s qau )Ünoro jury ~ lucnienalopeiin aI thles8 ation stock will mkeils inlue c fi greut shows thal bis ropuý-tation may soîoner and Ihe improvament will ha t truiy )le std te rest upon menit of the more Zcneral, ail of which will redouind firet order. The Hackncy bas won its jte the credit ef the Waverlcy slnd. way le public favor as par exeIllecehb mosl satisfactory barness horse for thIs (ountr an crossen upon tue general class of marcs in Canada bas rodued a larger proportion of bigh-selling carriaoee and saddle horses titan any other, combining the triple qualities of handsome conformation, souudncss of! limbs and swcetness of lemper lu the higbest degree. For this class, there is always a good demand at first rate prices, and a prospect for a still grealer demand in the near future Pofess louaI horsemen and farmors as well, who wish to brced good-selling' herses of tbc ligber class, shonld write for the catalogue of Ibis sale. K-* Whn hehitoyofCaad'shos breeding industry cornes t0 be wrtten, hhere wili be found closeiy affiiated witb severai phases of it, the eperaliens covering a score of years, carried on under Mr. Robert Beith~s personal supervision at is Waveriey Stock F arm Notwlthstandnoe thc tares and respen- sibilities incidenït te a busy political career, Mr Beitb bas found lime toi become indentified with the import&tion or to put into leather and eclipse aIl that America or any other ceuntr ecan bring against hima for sucb trophies as the New York Waldorf-Astoria Challenge Speaking of Robin Adair's New York vicîor y, cals b tomimd anothýr of Mr. Beilhs shipment t0 the Amherican met- ropolis, namely Gribthorpe Playmate, who aiso did noble work for Canada and bis Englisb forbears, b v carryinig remarkably 8trong ceompetitien. Thia g-reat stallion now hlpcds the stud 0f ýL lcnrv Wick of YusonObio,ad bi- reco.-rd as s ireo iai arnes's bonrses uhisalil 'tatïvipedit of hlm by Ui yopre f ~oIv and the blood 0 hampion îRoscncrantv. and lheD;tn"geIt and Denmark linusF bv means of Smý.i Il Performer, Mr. To obtain the stock epnneraîed in the when ho piaced Robini Adair of the Rufaît sale catalotrue net oniy were the more family wuîhin rcach of his mares, for, Ic4,!e'eraiad Eniu!b HackneývstecrVfarms wilth whal young stock ho humself raised visited, but Mr. Beiii personallv ex- and mature anim4sei f similar breeding amiued carefullu' the Hackneys bred at wbich ha pnrchased, thore conld be no tbe old-fasbiened lont-of -bbc wav places, question of the superiority of bishold- wbere most of the leadinz Hacknev i-s This, hewevcr, did net satlafy strains are stll eonserved and jiusy hi,'ambition, and se, last seasoin, thera guerdcd by tbe surviving moinbers of were imporled the romarkable twa- families wbOSO "uags" were mOst in vear nids Cliffe Rosador by Eugland'is demand a cntnryback. Animais witb-premier sire Resador, 8t. David o! simi- long pedegreas, but witbent individual larstrain, Terringouu Belierophon, son. excellence or promneunced resemblauceo f the great herse Goldfluder, the Ibree- te immediate ancestors, wore lof sever- year olds, Royal Drewlou by His Mai- e ly atone by Mr. Beith on his travels esIt, Ibte popn!ar Englisb sire ef to-dlay, threngh the breedirigýdishicts, and eniv and the Garton Duke 0f Connaught colt sncbherses as could combine the huihest Wadswortb Squire, together witb fhix peints of excellence wene vurchased for Royagl Danegel t yeaniinz LordMeltonbyý transmission te bis Bewmanville estab- and a censigoument '>f mares whicb Ceom- lisbment . The resuit of sncb caroful prise the buest blood thaI us lu Eng- selection, as will rcadily bc acknowledg- liil haclcney velus. cd byeovery cempetenl breeden and faucier, after a pemusal ef the catalog.ue, and a cribical examination of the stoeck Forban comment is needless ln a offered, is, that netbing fluer in the newsPaper article.' A visît te Mr' malter of prize winuning liackney mnai- Beith's farm or attendanco on the day n befoun aI nys Ud nither Of sale, Wednesday arb291h, will ciaiofte tlnic Iithereforeun- convince the mosi tions crilue that 1,-,ihAtan. _ -,It--tnkoisn.qmtAiAtat È apeas u e ver c-a'n au varefin-un i*iuÂv t rrîi 'itav £e necessary acre to Zire apiy into uctailses t ocii:etace ce C.rCLGî '.flfl. *i cliLed te tbink Ihat tbe committee In ils bneeds of herses and those of carnage wiîh respect te individuais or toeuelarge impossible te obtgin enîside of Ibe oId eaaeriiess te get away front Norlhumn- type, tbc latonr hing particuls ris upon thein beanlias, whothen yiewed as Englishbrbeading districts, and uts berland bas overleok)ed sorte very im- attractive te hlm by reason of bis breeding mabenial, show-ring p enîorm- stranger or novice lu H-ackulev hneediug portant items, lu the meanlime perbaps facililtios for' collection of reproseutalive ors or useful harness herses. Icaui hope te socure ln thosý districts lo- tit woula bc as wei for Coboung's may,.,or specimeuns ahroad and bis- undersland- dav ýucha worth- collection ofsoDecimens anud towin solicitor le look int the ,an- ing of tbe fonces gevenning supply aud..* as Mn. Beith presents for th is groal range-ment made hetwe the Counh-,ies damand in the wbolosa1ic and rebail At Ibis point iî la bow(-vcr, pertinent disrensien sa.o. and the uown o! Cobourg about the year herse markets cf the Canadian le remark Ibal by the conthiuuouýz vict- 1859, se as le ho lu a position te pretect Dominion sud the UJnited States, onies of Mn. Beith's herses againi;t the Editons do inu favons for wbich lbey fobte fiewn's teren whuIb u cies* slrongest international compatition. the arc naven thankea, but %vc nai-er sas' for he iualstop' lackney bas beeu placed in the fore-- aux Ibiug Ibhat auybody doesn't like but Eighteeu yeanî age, %hen Mr. Beilb front cf bbc barncss breedi. and i t is no e cseon hear et lb. We psy a man a first tooli up the importation of Enigiishj exaggeration le say that ha bas put. bundrel comapilmenîs aund give hlm a Hackne, s, the nunoher ef breedensý cat.- more lacicucys tbrough bis bauds Ihan àundre 1 ouffý, and tua takes It as a trib- erng leo the beavy harness hersealal other Canadîsu breeders toeeerr n d te i g' ansd noverthinks * demand on tibis continent was se amail, lu the United Stateshbis success haseen il d'ics irhl any good. But if w-e bap P numericsily, as te ha hardly noticeJ remRialbe, bis aunres winning thte peuu to 's someothing tbis man doesn't P r 1 amon the thonsands wbo wcrc involved stailion aud ma're championships at boîh I ii-e, or somethiug ha imagines a reflect- un th poduto ftelghe rtiIChicago and St bonis Worid's Pains, air iOn on bis chanacter, sac hew quiekly here s speingmachineý That the Chicago International sud the greatliha fianeî up aud gels msd aboutl il. 5 ~Mn. Beithb, plans were well laid bas Ncw Yonk show, Lasi scason. te hrng _________________ beau tberoughix demonslr&led dnning the record dowu le data, Mr Beitls One dse o!Ayer' Che r ueuit eaus,iulsimportlations of Euîg- ilsekucys wonn loss than fort.y.flve ecte oasa e diA ervenry lîsb priz winncns being arnong thc ibbens between St. Louis, Chicag o and t etrla ediepeet most notable on record, aud bîs victorues Torénlo shows, a msjenity of Ibis num- tnight coughs of children. tteretI 8stos xpstosbar of Inephies finit prizas, tbe seconds NoaudNttoi eaig ora hwsouIbsan Iirsbeing received un classes crop, o bonciti. A sidaeofthe tua lantic ranl..inZ bis stock, wbera, as a ruie, bis own ber. as wor. t ~ himportad ai wall as homne brad, smong Isc indicaton th2t, theý e r r y ~~ibe fluait aven placed bhefora the publie. *st ac adohedi siv '~ At the bcad oet lb.,Waveriev stuc wil Il was whoeily witb a i iaw of demen- ha found thc weudcu fui stallionu"Sax ~o rgn r ek ,rdo sstinîg' the advisiahility and, lu fact frc brown colon aud fuil fit tean baauds debilfitated. It causies no doctor's medicine for p1l absointe 1liecessit', of producing in Caui three irces-tba limîl of true llaeknay edo ce n an n affections of the throat, brgi- fri s est g Ir ada a làgh ciass bamues hersa suitable confonmation-probably aeeuau n d fahe nlýàà n ,v ctypurpeses, thal bbc prepnioe of n e uacter ns wîis ever seen con Ibis cent- is mostL COMMOn whV!ere chiai tubes, and Iungs' So1d Wavaerlev impontad the choira Hackney mieut.ý This hersa is cast lu hearutiful eot ,ei el n for over 60 years. stalionsasud- mares whiu'lu lounded bis mould, has sncb cxtrïordiflery qualtty pe hl hi me.tn " Ihav ned yers hery Pctral1iýy su e bd avîng disînibnted bis Wonld's and finish, that il is ne exaggenaiouu te urry cad worry as they taml ft ei Oghtyean d. eeiningfor 1 Fair and otheir champions sud Ibaîr prenouce him quita the baudsom si oi ,iscuty dren.l-mis. W. H. Baymien, helby, _Uâ. pnieay ail oxan Canada aud the UJnited staiicn oe bis tiize and age (six VEe,) cuty ~.. 0e.,~i.0. ~ ~.ATIS~., Stàas., conliuued le make similar char- on offar. Like bis illustrions sire, Robin SO -gg~s Iwi M.. acter te êuhauct- the reoutation cf, LiiiAdain I1, thal MNi. Boith "discovered" k J 'S arsapa ril'a oruotorprisa. Te day bis Wavcniay Slnd iway out lu Calgary as the haest son ofA- . hà - NugttouBo)wnnnvilie stands wiîheut a rivai England's champion 1-Ifus, au 1 won th - CS uyrSpepsla""htas" ht Cou lu n ambon and uality cf Englisb sud New Yonk chamnionn'ip wibb, Saxou magictouch"!%-àthis dhZease. ICanadian be ackney mateniai oi the will appeal tb aIl levers ef high ca-.Frtaioil frnokbe~ 9(e.pt.boweigs 0 lt ~ * seiîsational show variety, and usafut harnee stallioum as sultable te beafi a roefok on DY4e* o. , '~,~q, so~fly ratured &and yug> euch a arnage3horâe Lr0eting 8esçablî >4for k> rpsk "' AUCTION SALES& WEDNESDAY, . Jaen1--MsJh Otton, lot 5, Broken Front, Darling. ton, wli seouaill of ber valuable farmi stoc,Imptements,bouseholrl furnitureý etc, Sale at 1 o'clock. Ses bis1. L. A. W. TOLE. auctioneer. FRIDAY, March 17,-Mr. JohnWth- id-e, lot 21, con. L. Darlington,, wi!l sd aI of his valuable farm stwc'k. iMplem1entsý etc. Sale at 1 'lc L A. W. 'lOLE, îuctioneer. TIIURSDAY, March 3)-Mr. L. L. Browýn,vn lot 14, con 6, Darlîngton, wl elail of bis valuabiefrrstcpem ts etc Sale at 1 p. m. See biis-. L, A. W. TOLE, auctioneer. WHITBY WANTS US. The Whitby Keystone s - edivr,, l lç:A move that is net altogýethe e nlow making for 1!' earto ofN- thumberland ard Durýhm ouncs They areuuUied 1forcut prrs oreunty zco1ucii business. For ta resnit bas often bappenied in dUic pasti that litigants prefer an arranigement Iwbereby triais ara beid in btv ThIls town 's littie more than halL thec distance Cobourg ih [rom Most of the' residents of Darlington and Cartwright townships Hence the opportunity for Ontario Coutnty to have these two fine townships added to its tcrritery when the disruption of the united counties cornes, as apparently at last it is about te do. _______ COUNTIES' SEPARAT ION. Durham County and township coun- cillors. may ors, M P. P.'s and other representative men wiil meet at Port Hiope on Frîday, Match 17 te hear the report of the special committee appoint- cd to get the necessary information to guide iunflhc deitberating on the propos- cd divorce. The Cobourg [Post riscs to remark anent this proposition that "From re- ports pu' lished in ou~side papers it would appear that separation was about as good as securcd. The cost in con- neCtion with the proceedings is estimat- cd a t $500 which wil1bc levied oni ten municipalities intercsted. The suml of a JO 0uwll ha required for new couînty buildings The amount calcuIated ( PVTTYX IV Q A t r tiv Ir A rizilrvltrL,