Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Mar 1905, p. 3

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WYYO U SHOULD USE Because il is accc-ptcd ns a standard of quality. Red Rose Tea can be found in the sample roorn of. nearly every tea firn in Canada. It is used as a ;tandard of quality by which they judge their own teas. A large London, Eng. Tea firr recently asked their correspondents in Montreal to gend themn sampies of the best brand of tea sold in this_country-they sent Red Rose. This. is a very high tribute to Red Rose Tea. If yo >u will try the tea you will feel 'like endorsing this tribute. T. H. ESTABROOKS, St. Johnl, N.B. BRANCHE~S* TORONTO, WINNIPEC. ach. 11,nt fonientat ions. freely * ~jsprnkled with laudanum, givo great wy~a~r w~ ~,relief. 11LL1~~ ~This cures hysteria-To remove tetendency of hysteria, plenty of <- active exorcise should be taken. IRise * ~ early, take regular meals, have ~ :>4~~5 îourishing food, variety of scene, SOMEDON'S OI-1WOIEN. anti cheerful coînpany. SOMI DONS FR W&EN, That sinking sensation is due to Thcrc is no wronan who dees neot, the effects of indigestion, grief, or secret]y or avowedly, tiosire to be nervous depression froma soine cause beautiful, to presers e what good or other acting uLpon the large, sym- looks she mray posse'Ss and, if pos- pathetic nerves. Stimulants shod sible, te enbance lFer charms by bc avoidect, and groat care exerciseoi sucl ativentitioins, aitis as may con- as toI diet, duce to the desired ci. Vet, singu- Whea baby scrcarns it is invari- larly enougi, flot one womnan in ton- ably an indication Ihat the chilti is goes to work t he 'riglit way. about it. suffering from pain in some particu- Pretty new clothes, cosmetics anti lac organ of the bodiy. It is goner- the like, are but too frequontly re- ally traceable to some digestive dis- lied upon to do tlie work. turbanre, anti is the effect of dyspep- A. few simple rules arc laid dewn, sia. which every woinaa weuld do well Sliglit coids, common at this son- to iay to lienrt. Tliey are calleti son of the year, should lbe promptly beauty's sevea nurses. ticalt nith, ia order te avoido more Dont forget that the nurses of a serious trouble, lut the feet in hot woman's lanty are seven-fresii air, water, take ton grains of Dovr's suashine, warmntl, rest, sleep, food, powder, a largo cupfi of hot gruel, andi xhatevcr stirs the blooti, be it and go straiglit te bed. If theso ,exercise or entliusiasm. measures are insufficient, romain in Dun't ncglect sep. You can sleep bcd next day, anti take fifteea to lolisýeIf into good looks. A long twe-nty drops of spirit of cantphor on nal, andi a hot b)ath will make anoy a lump of sugar every four hours. wei~d. mo-,ttýractive, antd iflt Mothe'rs shouiti know tli5t convoI- easfroia her shoulders. siens ia children ara usually the re- Don't cat whcn t1red, anti don't suit of, braiiu irritation. caused by work wliea tired. Tt is a noistake to feething, by indigestible food, or by work whea not in fit conditiora-bati frig'ht, anger, anti grief. The chld for thec work andi worse for you. shouid be immnerset ini a warma bath Dent miss y our 'beauity sleep.' If up f0 its aetk, -anti kept there for a is 'a mistake te go f0 bcd late at quarter of an hour, witli cold cloths niglit, risce at uaybreak. anti imagine applict to its heati, then wrappeti in that every hour teken froin slecp is a walinieti blanket and put to bcd. A an hour gainoti. teaspootifuil of, castor-ofl shoulti be Don't give unnecesary tîme to a given as soon as flic chlld can swal- certain cstabllshed routine of house- 10W. werk, when if roulti ho monh more profitably spenit in uest andi recrea- THE OPENF-AIRT TE ATMENT, tien. The acivantages of the open-air Dent sit down to table as sean treatment for consuaptives may bce as ynu come no afroni work, or a thuls brielly sunumarizeti: The patient rond 0 f social duties'. Lie down, exposedý coatinuonsly te freseli air or sit tiown, fo, ton minutes, waifing gains in appetite, assimilates lus until you can partakie ol your dinnier foodi bettelr, scecps more soundly anti with thc physical nunchinery. restt.d awakenq more uefreshed, writes Dr. anti refreshei. 1R. W. tG. Mackenzie. Free exposure 'Don't bathe, in liard water, Soften to air is the best alntipyretic. Sweat- it with a lit tie powdieci horax, or ing at night, fornîoriy se remmnon a a hantifol of ontuneal. symnptomn, usuallv ccases. Coltis are Don't bathe the face while if is practically unknvu n aong patients vecy warmn or very colti. 1ltatiing an open-air life. Secondary Donot rasli the face whiie travel- infection, on acceunt of the compara- ling, uniess it is vitli a lilttie alco- tivo freetimom f tbe, air froro0, mio- hol~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~. ani0neo iti et can oganisais, is much less likely te oc- ontattemprj1i to ,'-,ïove dust n'itli eui. Toeance of eutsiée air is very coltI water. G ive the face a hot quickly ctablisýheti, anti neo une who b)ath ithJ] pai flien rnse thor- has tried thae por-air life %will svii- ougAily w ýith clar epiti or celti liagly go back to the f ormeor condi- watcreà. tiens of stuffincss. I have neyer Do't cul, fic facewif h toc coarse see aany oe matie worse byexpesure a fs'cl.Trott as yen would the te frcsli air. Evea (Turingiag thick fietporcelain, tenticry amidli- Lontien feg patients get on better cafcly. Iying in bcd on a baiceny or in Dnn't bce afraid uf soanshine anti rooms witli Mindows wide opta anti freeli air. Tliey offer yen bloom anti a gooti fire Larning flan wvlen at- ecler. tempts are matie to shurt out flicfog Don.t forgef that hearty laughfcc by keeping tie wintiows shut. ia source of relaxation. Se are- ---- al hligh theurrhfs, as those of hope, LITERARY NOTES. buttrust anti love. - Datforget that -beauty Ns a pow- The Coelic revival flatte place bce- Ocr. Theire is nothinog mere pîotent. f ween the cevers efffthc March Mc- If is to) a worian -,hat capital is te Clures in a lengentdaryý tale of rare ,a mecýýchaiît. Its absence is a mis- beauty donc it e Englieli by William for'tune: ifs culture wise anti proper. Butier Yeats, flie1.atiing spirit in the renaissance of flic ancicat liter- 1117ALTI-1IRJNTS. ature of Trelanti. 'Reti Ilanrahan's Foothacheý is often rrlieved by rns- Vision"ils nof a translation. It] inig t1ie oteoili anti gttms withi warm moiglit moiro prep'u Iy 1) calieti an streg s i ad fad.otaptatitn. Mr.-. Yeats je a rare Swollen face as thc restilt of a poet, andîtihlas ç,oveii fa this frag- colti or tecayeti toeth, ehouiti bc ment, musical prese and a littie lyrîc fermenteti with hot water, or nilk- of swecc, sitnrple beaut whirh cast a; ani ,uikanti wNater. fairy speli over fi ete n Pale People shouli not always re- fecîs that the poet has ceîîquei cd sort te iron preparatiens as Il rem- "coltiEigis"anti conservoti fer otly. Tîhe sysieuui ruceds te be pro- us the , tra nge 1titiy o f the aiient. paret berore that tirug can bc ab- Irish legeuuti. "RetiI'nrhi Vis- sorbeti. io" s oe f tc oetsreo Colic is ia ainfuil amoiccon- ri-"'tIngs antý ice rt of ýtwe wvbicli, traction of the muscle of Itiu o-MCueswllpbih hn fr j A cap cffragrant, deticieus coffee îS olue of ife's greaiest cornions COFFEE is a product of the finest Java, Mocha and Plantation berrnes, blended by experts i proper proportions. SOLD ONLY IN SEALED TINS of one pouind and two pounds each, AT 40 CENTS A POUND. Us-e it only and yo-u wifl never again be worried by poor coffes i your hodseh0ld. ;riS&IG by ail Lzadlng Gf7rocers l Pll iBUES That of Death and the Undiscovered Countrv. A deepafcb fremn BroohkoN.Y. says:-Rev. Dr. Neucil Dwuîght hisi of Plymout h Churcli, preahdlit front flie followiig f ext :-Iui uui Father's lieuse are maimî mausonaý. Geti's messengere arceuver on flic wiusg. la silence tbey cross flic fhresholti, sud uhen tliey go away they beave a footprnint uamcti a grave. Gods plane anc nef intenî'opteti. Tîcre are ne accidents, no caftas- trophes unte Ccd. His wistiem anti leve are fuliy equal te every emner- gency-eveus to a grave digget inf flic grass. When flic life wonk lias heen done, uvhen fIhe harvest cf lifluence lias ieen sewn anti neapeti, then Be sentie His mesecger for release, guidance anti convoy liomeward-tl. is late-,t, richeet mimd crowning gift is thec gif t of deticf. At flic commit of flic dcsert palm te a cingle flowcning hoti Wluoo the fullness of time r WELLS, JRICHARDSON & IP E'BTE OO Gives the True Golden June Tint that Guarantees Prize Butter. The Largest and Best Creameries and Daies in the World Use ItL N TRAD E MARK. BEWARE 0F SUBSTITUTES AND IMITATIONS. j à L00K FOR THE DANDELIDI orccluent of ccarng a umanion f or: the pleasure of burniag if doua. Anti 'eeeE6! EEE.gI-ýee« «4c-E wlio art thon that thon dliargestef lc_ folly upon Cod? "Ia my Fathrs xet0 icati hr r ee lieuse arce mny mansionis.' Lufe is c sisoita iiniwco fi a vast bail; be ont ius flic gallery; . -te n htîlri hr h deticf is flic handti lit opens flic average carnuage, iriciudung flic doorint theothr rom. above ailowautces, arc beiew $2.40 a Thoor n lic iter roune. I y-wcek. The ligliet average fa Ire- ing. They tirew ' back from i dafhlanti is ültahli Counfy Dewn, wliere wifh fear, andti errer. Deafli uas the it ceaches $31j2. Thle Irish fnnm encuislof flic bodiy, ticfroyîig fliclaborers position, as, may lbe sup- folindat ions of fie physicai femaple, 1poseti, is tlic werst un the Uitied ftic botiily hoose liniltietiAith ti0me Kîngdoa, but lie gets lis bouse andi ci ivery andt windows of liglit for the 'fuel dheap, anti is oftenaballe te cent seul. Death uns an ecnmlof tflmi wierc lic grows pofatoos snd affections, of flic business ant c li aises pige asti goats. staf e. The olti images of da bwre Iarm liantis are, beet off near flic thie shnli anti crosebones, the 'danhen-j cd lieuse, flic hearse, fthe blach robes of darhnese anti plumes plinheti rmm the w ings of Niglit anti glooem. THEN CA-M-E CHRIST. couacs the fiower folle, thelo~i With on, bfew ho shatteredti lise swells, the seeti drops. Thc floweribarbareus conceptions. Dytng ~a tuies anti disappears, but the trec home-geing. Death was the doorin goes on, atid it is the epic of man- te Lis fathers ieuse. Bore mca life thaf uisappears but dees nethum n ithl ever anti shiver with colti; duic. Our best beloe d disappeor, but yeader is the soul's summer landi. eut ef the darknese cornes flic voice, Here the troc ripeas fruit once a wýhispeî'iiig, "I stili live. ' Lorto Goti I ar; there au ery moath. flore mon ail live. are staîvoti, piadlieti, tinarfoti. Rere We nover realize that the immortl reason is a spark; there if ivili be a life is the î'eal llue until ne lose euir ftbe.Hre t sah deepenine a snu-e brovest anti best. Thea reason uhis- tpliony Rer eeen m n feeasyon Pers how easy if is for Ced te con- crust tHereisahemfnt f e trenef tinue this rihly entowd soul, whose cut hr stefuto h r ý buildiing lio must have founti o diffi- immnortal lufe, flore ho drinks at a cuit Thegrct qustin is netbroken cistern; there flows the river cuSha hen beatifq uether c oteof the nwter of life. Therefore Paul'sI to liv? utiShlîl .iuchcantinuerabandon of joy at flic very thouglit ever begin te live?" of dcath. Hec hungereti for death as flic niltidccc rtbirsts for the wnter If lias bcen beautifully saiti that1 brook-., as the pilgrim longs nifli af~~~~~~~~ he e a atean efoli nolmger for the oasis anti its abun- a gonfle ceverie, and then, with a tiant -fruits. happy smille, saiti, Wiih joy Christ fronteti death as 'I WILL MAKE A MOIRER." flic home goiag. Approadhing the enti cl e exultoti in spirit. When Ho This was his crowning achievement. saw tînt for I-is 'disciples deafli uas Above the cratile lier love hangs lihcî flic eclipse of joy.- Ho hado tliem thc star over flic manger fa Befhle- I bld nafroubîcti liarts. Ris life wns hem. Evcrî motlieis n Madonna netfcdonc; if nas te begin. From anti exery cratile holtis the priceless' that hour for mea the cloutis hegan chilti. By day she brootis ibove the te lift. Foi' Hie dis-ciples gloem anti limbe; by niglit, with ccaseless affec- terror of dent hflied away. Dying tion, sbe toile an-ci sacrifid4es antin's alling asleep in Jesus, The hour sullers anti serves for thechilti. The ola lfrtesuna iefi I cars corne anti go. At -last cemesfa er wlfor the otireti libetret day wlien f lat mofler's face is Mile fa ifs mether's arnms. For a scarglreti wifh fthe radiaanc of lov e anti service. heo deafli nas flic efn affer the Standing fiiere in tlie liglit, sutitien-1 long battîn of tho fac off frontier. iy Co's ng haset ilu flue uayltno frflcdsiesaiffy lna nmoment the ýp son crics, "She is' taîheti of the eunniy hour of deticl, flot! Codi haf h takea lier." flic golden moment of dying. The Rencefortli flic noult i' salfereti. I artli sheds its whitest seuls into flic Oh, u'haf a frea.cuire lieuse -wns that1 skies as flic sens sheodti leir Puresf mothler's heart anti Cod's hanti filleti nists ote esuao if. flr sacify namtii li ew York. Do mca fill the Metropolitan Mos-'This week fo o huatireti mercliants, eura nifl art treasuires fliat alter scholars, juriste, staftesmea, worhers, set cnty -ycars thîey may liiftflue forci mothers amîd chiltrc-ali liesàe W ili upon if? Docs a man paint a pic- go homen varti. Then day shahl dawn,1 furc, builti a Louvre, cear n caflie- flic shations fiee an oy; ticeu'ickcti1 tirai, store a baconlal mansion nifli cesse from troubling andtihli wenry! freasces, tint lie may pull if to hc at resf. Weep for yourselves, but, piecoss i hre score yearus anti te.? oh, netfoftr our blveti tVai! For Diai Ced make a mofier's lhitart vasf f lie glorions army of saints -uTho or anti riclie- thon any gre uat gallery from their laors i-est lotles rejoice or muscora antifi li er face nifl 1int their outbî'eaking joy. For "bless- sweftness anti ler life witli love thaf cd indeeti aie the tienti wlo due in af flic cro00 aing atoment of lier 111e flicLord. They rc4 from their she iniglif sinîiply relsura tote icust Iloboîs, but their works do foliew of flicenrth? No mon accuses antliem." fIe fruit of0fMi. iYeats' di',s'tisi'oc- sertes. Asitie lrom this important tion witli coi eof flic work of hie article Mr. Alfredi Henry Lewis carlier yers anti thoy were u-iten writes on "Mr. Roosovelf's ~New Pol- w4ltlite idea of a(taininIg nearer te idies," la uhidli lie quotes flic presi- flie spirit of ftle (faclic. tient on some gi-cat matters, that will eccupy lis adtiistraftion dur- mo' flic ncxt four years. James Rua- The Moi-ch Atlantic opens wif hfle cher lias couifributeti an interesfin-rg initiai chaptei's 0f Margaret - Ser- article on "Grand Opera cesflic Pub- woot's serial, Thle Ceming of the liceRuars Ifý, '_Co- rj1or John A. Tido, which enlists attention ýanti ' Johuson, flicchlef exe\,cufive of Min- nwakeuus intereet froua flic very eut- accota steh le subjecL of a lii e-shef cli ,set. CeltinmSliitiu recails' the olti byW. B. Renuessy. V\anco Tlimp- Afanindos When liuly was ce- son lias an important article in vieux d by Septenîbcr wifli lis paper whicli le layesflic blame for flic wor entitieti Scott's Poctry Again, iii befwccn Ruesia anti Javan af flic whicli hie lirks bach te Arthur- Sy- door of Lord Curzon. 'Chare H. mon"s Novemnher article anti clilleng C loch, organizer of flic Grain Deal- e hie dictuai, avewing hinîscîf a ers' Association, contribuf e a frac- lover anti adumirer of Scott' ns n tical anti timely paper on "Teacliing poet. Frnik Foerofft ilscusses 'Tie Fanamrs f0 Be Business Mc." There Drift away frin m lihibition as lis a -long lieteo f olieu- confribofors-, shown ta inter state I"islation with among tliem being Nixon Wntecmian, 1 ifs apparent reolftant inci-îase la Hellman Day, Dlaviti Graham Phillipe, tirunkennees unaclor m'eut extensions Henry Siegel, Mai'1 Cufting, Josep- of licecase latitude. C. IL-t.Monta- lime Wright Clinpman anti Etimuat gue' tîlseusses The'leithit's of Trust Vanne Ceeke. Competition apropos of Mfies Tac- _ + belles Histry of the Standard 011 HOW FARM HANDS LIVE. tadustrual a'nt iuniniuîg centres of Scotlanti, Englanti anti Wales, nhere the eanilîge somnetumes recnltfhe higlu total ofe).$25 n wceh. Away fcom these centri-es thelr orcasuonalit tic nef average mnoue flan $3.48. Thie a-%FragL'value cf flecfocd cou- sumeti cdiweeh, unclnding wluaf is beuglif or laine gron-n or gix en by emnployere ut cut-works, foc s lor- or anti hie tvlfeantd forchiltirea lt umglantisle $3.24, la Scotlnt '$3.64 anti in Icclanti $2,50. Tthe remnainîler of flic carninge. where there au-e aay, hiave f0 provide rent, ciothes, fuel, tebaîco anti liquor. Potatoos fou'm by far flic largeef article c it flaal f arte of flic Unitedi Kiumgtii. Onîal ilecatea te n consirermhîy lesse xteaf ia Scot- landti fan was femmaer]y tle case. Baicon andl po-rhau-elime chief freeli footie cf Englisl farm ibandis, ai- flicugli teef ant iumutten are more nmaton tfIn tfouine-ny. TIe laor- crs in flic cousutes, where Ion wagee puevail, liowevec. do ot faste imeef or mauffmaone tfInsonce a weekh. TIe Sceote do botter tn this regardt, but an Irish famuily's consumiption of beef, umutten anti por t fogelimer toes uuot average imore flan anine ontces a weeh. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Huutiîed Dollars Reward fer u'uy case cf Calarrh limaI cannol lie caret by Hal's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledoe, 0. We. lime untiersîgnet have kuevu F. J Cimcney for lime hast 15 years, anti lelieve lum pertcly ihonorabile ie aillibusinss transactions anti finanniciy chIle ocarry cul any oligations mate by bis firn, * W ALni5OK11N N AN & MAt', Wi'miesae Dr-uggisis, Toledo, O0 Hall's Catarnl Cure is ichen iîîternaliy, net- iuug direnly apon thie biotd anti mucus surfaces of lime systein. Tesiinonials sent ires, Prune 75 cents par liotîla. Soit by aIl Druggiîls. Take ILlI's FamilY 1'illî for nonstipation. BTJRIED BY AVALANCHE. Six Chultiren Killed in Wracked Ausi rian House. A tiespatch fremi Inaesbcuch, Aus- tian, says:-Si.x chilirem nere killet on ThursiaS by an avalanchle whinl oveu'ihclmedtheflc luse of n pensant near Anecer, Villgraem. 'nie eflier occupante utliereet md wore ex- tricafeti alive. LIFE GUARDS. Thc Life Guaitis are two regiments ef cavarv forming part et the British househoît troopti. Tliey are gailant soldiers, anti exerv loyal British hoart is p'rcuti cf them Net only the King's househehd, but yours, ours, everyborrv's shouiti have ils llte guards. île nted of thoem la espoctatly great whon the greclesl focs eofIle, diseases Iind allies in the xtrrv eleinents as coitiInflunza catarni, the grip anti racumonia do in the ,Stermy month et Mardli The bost way th at we know of to gunard against these diseases la to Strengtliea the syS tom with Boctinýi sarsaparila-île greatest of ail Ille guiarda It romovEs the conditions in whih these diseases make timmosi suceosfal attack, gives vigor ant ofe tbail thue vital organs anti funetions, antd imports a genial warmth f0 the blood. Remember the weaker the svsteni lie g-caler flic ex pelure tb discase. Hood'e Sarsapanilla mal-es the aistem strong. "Do you 1h inh, young moan, that yenu colîtglue my tiauglifer ahi cie asks foc'?" queetionet' papa, griimly. "I-w-think se, Jr," inurunucedthe lover b>ushfOllî - "SIc says she n'ante cniy me." TERRIBL«Y DISTRESSING. Nofhig naîti cause more pain ni moretitess tflan Piles. No wcutder n uaýuy Puhe sufferere sny fh-ic hives are buuîhens f0 fient. Ointuaoenls anti local freatmients msy relieme, but ntiof cure. Dr. Leousiartfs Ile,,iri-Roit legnnc- auxtee otit cure any c'sse cf Piles. If ficu iRo!rloesn'f cure you, you get Tcuir îooney haeý. De-oiis a tnbI,'t tahcuî inter- nnlly, flue t eniox ing flue cauie. $l0,.OO gnua.it. e wvtli every A ouuf rimant foc 31.0lev n aIl Dcugg,_ists or 'flue Rýýiteson Fyj Co., Liasýiteti, Niag_-ri 'a Pls, Oijt._ TROOFS WILL NOT FIGH-1. YVeiues, Insurrection Grows Moraý rountie, anti on flie point of capi- [ isen of Sanaa, turne ouf f0 have tulatinig. The a1]iegeti vicfory of licen an insurgent smccees. Tnrke-y's Febroarty I et, t inif n'aýs odnnlvtefentive ffanisporfafion tieia.ys flic annouareetiChuat flhe Turkhieli frc' espafdl inorcem 'l'.lie oh- lad routedti lcioei nvestLi!îg lent of flieinsurrectOion is ohev Saan-U-Itrflffcda, c Irý ie, faraILu,]Iuý anid Ladireillouct lie b-esigeti gar- Amali State. (ID Coiled Spriiig Wire Fenice With large, stIfi stay wires, makes a perfect fence ' Not one pound of sof t wre entera into the construction of THE~ FROST. The upniglits are imnaovably locked to the, runniag wires with THE FPROST WEIXIE-LOCK, inakîng ane absolutely Stock-proof Fence. The I.ocks bind without kinking ë or critnping eitler the stays, or lateral. Wines. WilI net slip, and our 0niew mxethod of enamnelling and baking prevents-xust, which adds greally 9to the appearance of the fence. Make no mistake. Bruy THU FROST.i Itl6 h hain and the best. For sale by ~ C.J. MONTJOY,EnikIe j 'By-Law No,...... BY LAW cf thle Corporation of the L Town ofBowmanville authorizing the Corporation te Loan The Durhiam Rubber Company Limited $15,000 00 and te raise the sam e for thepjurposes of the said boan. W HEREAS lu vursuanee of "THE CNSOLIDATED MUNICIPAL ACT -1903,, lie Corporation of île lown of Bowmao. ville have enleretiloto an agreement wim Tme Durhm uIlier Company Liînllti (sulijeel te limis liy-law teiog approvetilcf iy lime electors 7tuly qualifinte10vote limerec cf lime saIt town ln maunar prescnilieti ly laW ant e salitliy-law lihgratiied ly- an Aet cf limeLegisialure of lime Province cf Ontario if Coansal 1cr lime Cor- poration tiems sait ratificalî-n Yecessary> $0 ban b lthe salit The Iluniariuliuber Company Limileti.lie sum of $15,000.00 fer limeburposes andtie meternisimereun sel ont. AND WHERE AS It wtil lie requisite le rate lime several sinma lu racI year respeclively as sel Icrth inathe acimedule t10 ls liy-law. AND WHiEiEAS lime whcle raleale prcpenly cf lime Munieipality cflime lowe cf Bowmauvilis aucertiing te tme lasI reviseti Assoesmeut 1Rol1 for lime year 1904 was $1,0W5,595 00. AND) WHEREAS lime exlallnq debenture telit cf lime saut Municipaily la lhe sum cof $81,267,64 anti no princi bal or unlereatl a lin arrears, LTEJEFORE lime Municipal Couneil of lime lowu cf Bewmauvîiie enacîs as ftullows 1. Il aimaIt anti may hc lawful for lime Corpor- ation cf lime loue cf Bounianvile te ican tb The Dnrhmam Ruliben Company Lîmilathelimeuma cf 815,000.00, 2. Il shiah antimay bltawfulfer lime CorporatIon cf ie town cf Bowiauvilie for the purpose cf helng amie teniake tme lan lenlime preeedlng Paragrapm larcin ref erret le,1teliorruw lime suin cf $15,000 00 anti agres le pay luleresl thereon aI lime rate cf four per canlum por aununi ant t issue twenly dehenlures cf thme sait Corporation f or $1 ,103.78 eaeh he tiraI payabhie on lime firs1 day cf Seplember A D 1906 wih sait tebentores wli represent lime ameont cf salit liorrcwing wihIm nleraît atteti as simown lu tle Scimetine tre Ibis tiF lau. 8. Tme sait telientnreas hahlieb payable aI lime office cf tle Treasurer cf lime saIdtlown cf Bowma.uviliteluBowmanvilie._ 4. Il shallantimayblawu niforîle Mayor cf lime satdCorporation cet lie isaimereby aucor- Izati anti insîruceette st g nant Iissus sauttielien- lunes imereby authorizedt 10 le issueti ced te cause lime sanie tlbesigLeeth ie Treasurer cf lime sait Corporation anth ie Clark cf lima sait <Jorpurailon is imereby aulimorizet ant i nslnuuctet le atîachel ieseat cf île sait Corporation lu lim, sait delienînres. 5 Timers mimaIt lie raiset anti leviedt ie eceli year imy speciat rate ont aillimhe raleahle properly cflie sait Corporation a sarnie! $1 103 73 lo be usPt le tiscmaig gt lssevûerlai eues ce- crui.ig deiusalit tb u,,ttn t,,utisby-i4w as lima sanie liscomne rnspectively, payable an- coi ding le lime Scmatutele 111 hl y-law. 6. This hy-taw Simdl ake affet on lime firs1 day of Septemmer A D 1905. 7. Il 1ierelv daciarati andi sacledt liaI lii liy-law la passe> subljant le limefcitowing stipul. alloins anti condtions antiounlime perfrmnace anti f ultimeal limareof tue referrete 10 an la te lie gruinnteoThme DunhmniIlubler Company Limileti, andti othlerwiaa, (a) Timal limasaIt Tma Durham Ilulihr Ceom- pany Limilet (iereinafler caliedthlie Company) wili ftolIit a! tan lthepasing cf limis by-law puircimase nct lens than Ibrea acres a part cf lot 12 in tme irsl concession of lima township cf Darilaglon uimatheCouuly cf Duurham (fleura Lpart cf Bowmanivilte) lvung immeduatelysoutm eliaeseyportion o! land canet anti ocra- t se byvueacuanvitle HïgI Scmoci cndex. j eiting oaumery l lienek wit a u'igml cf uvay te sanie hy a ruat6 tact wuttebQueen OtsaItle salit town. (b) Timallime sant Company wli forlhImull afler limapaaaing cf tIbhy lau anti the contirni- tion cf scmsby limaLegisiaturscftlie Province Df Ontario If tlimaiea eemet neeessary hy lime Ilounsel for lime atidCorporation enstuetce laiad lureunisea se acquiret brick buildinugs suit ihie for thme peirposcu cf time Comp'any anti be tng a groueti fleur snace ef- net icîs than 16,000 jquare feet anti a brick aue aeltianey for lime àoers;limaI lime tait Company vii le staI in &aitdibuidings ail lhe pial anti maciiery cou lu lime huildings owîuet anti cnapi t liby ilon King atreetlu a imeman%'lI1Im; timat lime Ccipn wiii show le lime sauisfactlion uf lime Corporation limai île preseul plant eana machinary se lu- salle i y itle agod, aseini, antiworking maciiery cnt s eurh au lavoice pricca insaltet net lacssliman $600000 00; limaIlime sait Company wii uîalnov nmachinery aI a tout cf not les tI«an $îo,oiýo ff0;timal limisait Company vilI niche sueà arrangements la connacliun vuth 11s ucu buildings3 that it wlli procurafor tsait ait waler requiret for its parposes ant i iiinet looh b tle Corporation for sanie. (c) That lime sait Company sialifiniatly atter lime erelion cf sait buildings anuti muai ing cf sailas anti ni aeiiery enter Imb aclive operatiens te pWosnue Ils businessinlits feur premises ampioylng net lesa than 60 meclianîns or workmen cf vim net leasslimau 50 sha libe men, cuit suci eoimanica or werkinen shail hae tistingutist dfroinofficers ocfie Ccmpcny managera on overseers limereof, ced Racupay l sait cmauuics or workmEu oct lais Ihman 82, 100.00m eacb montm or a totl o f net hais lIce $*85,200.001la ayear dtiing lima terni cf weuty yaars. (i) Thessait promises saliliec acqaîrethlie ptant uand machinery lestallet, andti ie active ope.aioui euulred a Oon biytîe tiraI day cf Sepemmer 1905, but the sait Municipal Couneîi may liy iy lau troni lime le lime exuedthlim lme for se tcing, (e) The siO Corporation on ling salIshuti liatlie saut Cempany basboa titispertonmet the- ebgtuons cnd agreemients menlinetinl. sections [alt[b] banc!f, ant ihas as'tirecît îsctc[] iereoeouemeced openalicus. anti la emp.-oylng the,,,,be,,of , rtheie>',or work- men neferreti te, aetdlia% contracte t te pay tu sait nielilcaor wurkmnewagestolelieamount spucifiet, saimaIt an 1telime sait lonpamy lime fait sun cf ,15,0oo 00, lirstlakimgaasecutily ton the repaymant tiiereof lime mentizage and ti 11r securitica retsrret te lan section [f ] hereof. [f!] The sait Ceompany shall give le lima Cor- pioration a morugage te secure lime epayatent cf thet salit muni of 815ý,ülOu.G0 ounlime premismi te hae -tcq,îîred b y il, antdreferredi le in section [a] imereof, andt upon lthe pIlnt dmaciuery t ee ijuitailetiin lu e buildings on lime pnemi'as,, as inticatet in section [b] hereof, cli plant and madhieerv vicli may be aflerwards arqairet Company. ihliams C. Dreher's an- l nal Gcrmnlot lt-r, utifirî l ecent 'Report on Esainga and Expendi- Events liiCermany, is iuîtorcstung tures in Britain. ant iInstructive 'as ex on; Pau i- A colora issueti by fIe Labor De- youkov lal'es up Present Tethnccei artaient of fhe:Britishi Boardi cf of Russiaut t L'bci'nisuu. n x itai tint-iTrado gim-os lntcrestiag statist-ins of tien cf flic day, au-id Janis S. Kiiak ft'e carnîngs anti expendit ores cf contu-ibus'es anofler ('lapi cî cf lieragî'icolfura laiboreus in flieIUnitedi invtstigationse on tihe sert ant-girl Kingtom. There lias been oui aven- ques'tionm. A Bondie tof 01i Leffors age inecse in wagee of 6 peu' cent. couiclurl-es th'eîeteu'fniuin- g I nuis simmcc 1898, btinthfe weeýkîy eau inge llrIîifîuumuîsortes cf papers, rnid the of admît nmales, includtng aill 011w- tnorstug xt-atfrrîm Timreau's ances m in iÀ , 'ichinu iisome - dis- Joural rc eatiuoei. iteai-ytrite re ouustleaim do i mofaxr jiapereore a packlin resouie 0f go moota $9 ek lie loe flie 'o'anLpt y Tis i:,11gu, iuwevu',tealmet Coonl ibinen n kea hcfStr double uliat naut ho cearnet ilta lici laieThe 'angenut of aCuima (a tale t)y Tjerbtrt D. Rai-t, dmiA. irl of flie EUigitiecrs, a onane cf nmoderna raiienti bui'd.:uîg hy Eizabth Foute.j Joh'in once Cheney furnimshes a strik- ng gutmup of pimns, caltiti dLyrcs of Ebening. anti'l'lie Confibîtors' Club le liveIy andtiestraintng. Tic M1ardi issue of "Success Maga-1 iue" nontains amnong othen infecet- îng mnattcî's flic second inntaliment of Mn-- CleveLmi dMoffetf's "The Shamie-- fol oisfsetWeil." This lime Mn. Moffel tcas ît "î Real RaeSicide" Beemplssi n t subjet vi h a naler e" mpranf tacs wichbear oIlthe valu cof lita r: T Serions.T A A tispatclîfrein Conistant inopfie sols:-lihe pi-e.i'mft isurrorticus of1 Yenen Province, \Arabi,nupeais tol put in the shatie aIl pi-ciious ce- volts. The cenitre oethef lcmou cuvent le at Sandla, uîortlinarti of Sanoaa (capital city cf X'eînn Province), ant iaroatiy fLore are sigtis cf its extenusion te the Province of Aseli-, The insurgeais have again sunroîîuîd- cd Sanaa anti a stuliboîn, Pglif las been ta progrees for îive tinys. Many cf the Tunkiei f roop)s rerise fo ne- siet any lurtlieýr, anti are tieqrtinig. la fI(-ýll lc euth flic tws Of \Ani ani Ritj i, lic atr contiaf1Inag2,0001 froope,, with fouylr gulie, are sur-' ftND GROWNING Gifi 1 1 m la 1 oi a erimitiai %-,ho -1- -b ýuf-lirvd). 1. ----Cru au- ana placeti on thme promises durlng lthe carreney cf the mo0îl'gagt!, anti ailsurib plant andi machin- ery wlulim nîay lie conLaine dont aay premises of time Company turing the curreuey ofthtie mort. gageant shali include time angine, boilers, bal- ingî,simaftiDgmachtiery palterns,tools of ail des erilptîons, plant anti maehinery te arrive on the premises or which wiiebapiacedt cethe preises turinig the eurreucy of the m,rtgazgs. andi shall bc conditioneti for repayment le lweuty equai successive ancuallealalments of $150.00 eaeh witiout Inlerest, the final of sucli pavments to ha made in tweive monîlis &,fier lime date cf lthe ativance of aald @unm of $15,000 0-1; and sha aai give as furiher security for said repayment an asaignieul of insurance policle5 1tulime value cf at least $15 000upn lime property plant and machinery of thme Cmpany te sucb Insurance Coinpaides as lime Corporatio nmay direct, the, prenilu8Ins les~pect cf whIcisha 1lis pata by lthe Company; anti shall aiso ive lime covenant cf lthe Company matie c ehiaif o! It3elf, ILS suecessors anti assigne. for lime repaymeet cf sait toan Ilte lmnaneer tedileti for repayment cf saine; andi saict secely te te lie contiticeied limatIif at any tf ie e aid Campany beccînes liankrupl. unsoivent, or makies an assigeimeet fortlimeientit of ilse retitc'-s, or au ortier le matie hy any Court cf Justice lu Ontario for lime' wiettng op of lime Company, or causes or suffars any exteution ereditor unter, an exeenlion tu seize the propecty of lime Ccunpany. or suffers a final jutigement agaloal lie sitComogny te re- maie unsatisiet 1cr a perioti cf 60 ticys, or if said Compony ls net performing l. obligations ashierelo teficei, aniecatines toe ein tefault lu connectlon therewlimh for a penice of 120 working tiays or If the sait Company altempts te remnove ls business fromt time own cf Bow- 1manvîlia or f rom the p remises se le lie acquiret ly ilnmei eferred te Insection [a]imrnof. thetu antinteauy of sucli cases lime mortggeseeurily aiaItlmmetilateiy become tine ai owlng as te lime whole $150.00, less any f unis whîe'h may have been palti on samne iy tle Company anti limeCorporation may proeeti as il may ilie ati- visedtot realize thme amountIse due aet owlng entier lime power of sale whIch is te lis ontateet le saItmigage, or any other means avaulable acter sait mortgage, or mcv foreciese lie eqnily of retiemptlen cf lime sait Company lu saliti property eovered by sait mertgage; anti sait morîgage seerity shahli e furtimer conti tionedt ia the saidiCerporatton shalihave ac- es tlie premises, liceks andi papera cf lime Comqany aiail limestleinRpect saine and de- termine whelimer tle sait Company la prforni- Ing lime conditions imposetitpn Il anipcontain. ed le sait morîgage, anti c rtfusal te permît saiti Inspection shall cause lime salti mottgage te forthwath lecome tiue ant oi clg anti proceeti- ings may be taken te realize apon sýame ienlime manner herein Indicateti. 8. The said Corporation shahl exempt lime salit Company ant i is property froni taxation (except taxation for sehoot parposes) for a ptrl:of !tweuty Yeas. 9. Thme votes cf lime qualîfleti electors ofthlie' laid Corporation shalbe faken on liis bltaw p un t tu lime pre)visions of lime Statutes la limaI balii on Friday lime lentl day cf Marcm 1905 frcm nineo'clc ritlanlime forenoon le five oclc1ck linlime aflerneon ea i le follcwing places - Por lime West Ward et lime Cour. cli 110cm le m Municipal Buildings For lime Northm Ward aI lime Drill Sreti Per lime South Warýd at the Fira e Ilr, Time followlng pensons shall ha lim e Rturnting Officers for takieg lime votes aIlimhe salit polli1ný For lime West Watt, John Lyle, For lime North Ward, John S. Maorerafl, For lime Soth Warti, John MeConnacmie. 10 Timat Wednestiay lime tirai day cf Marci 101>5 aI lwalve o1elocnocu shahli e lime day anti iour andthie Ceuneil Ciamber un the Municipal Buildings lu Bowmanviiile eplate wimere lime Mayor aimait attend te appoint perseîîs te attend aI lime varions polllng places antiailitmh a la samnlng up of lime votes liv lie Clark ou hehaîf of flima persons interasîrd ln anti promoting or epposlug lime passlng cf Ibis liy-iaw. il. That Monday lime birleenîli daycf March, 1905 at en o'eleck l ima forenoon shah llmeh day antiiour andtie Coueci Ciamhmr ie the MunicipalEuilings e ima the toc f Bowýman- ville lime place whiere thea Clark aimait sen up lime number cf votas gîven for anti îgain55t ibis liy-law. 8CHEDULE REFiliUXuuD TO IN FORIL.GOING 13Y.LAW Year Principal Intereit Total 1906 Seplembler 1 $50373 $600.00 $1,10373 1907 . 1 523.88 579,85 1,103 73 1908 1 544.83 5581)0 1,103.73 1909 1 i 500062 537.11 île0s,73 1910 1 5 89.29 51444 -1,103.73 19nt1 1 011.î6 490 87 1,103 73. 1912 1 637.37 466.36 1,103.73 1913 " 1i 6602.87 410.86 1,103.73 1914 1 689.88 41435 1,10>3 73 1915 1 71396 886.77 1,103.73 1916 1 74564 35809 1,103.73 191.7 1' s 775.46 328.27 1,103,73 1918 ' 1 806.18 297.25 1,07 1919 1 838,74 264.99 1,' 03.73' 1920 1 872.29 231 44 1,11>3.73 1921 ' 1 907,18 196.55 1,103.73 1922 1 943.47 160-26 ,07 1923 1 981,21 122.52 1,103,7.3 )924 1 1,020. t6 83.27 1,103.73 1923 1 1,061,28 42.45 1,103.73 $15,000009 140TICE T AKE NOTICE that the a bove is a lie akeni mb ecusi eration bytme Municipal Couicil.of tle Corporation cf lima lcwn cf J4cw- inanvilie and wiieh w111 be finatiy passetl by lime Couniei te eeveulcf lime consentcf lime eleris betng oblainedt thretcj aleroiemenitI frenlte finitpuibicatiion lu'PinsCANADiAN STATESMAul neilapaper lime date o!flime tirst pubi- lication bain g Weduesday time tiftnenîlu day cf February, 1905, andthim votes cf lima qualitiet aisecra wililiec takan liereon as foliows.- For lime West Ward aI lime Ceulcl Ciamber lu lime Municipal Buildings. For lime Northi Ward aI lime Drill Shaed, For lime Southm Ward t ailie Fire Hlli, anti ccmmen"ilig ai tIeheon cf nine ocnlinl the fereucen anti conîlnuing uIll tFle heur ci tive o'clock inlimte aflernoon 'of Frltay lime teuil day cf March, 1905. Dateti at Bowmauviiie February 101h, 1905. JOHN LYLE, Town Cicrk. lwàr ý Qý* A j

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