CutThis Ont It is Worth ~5Oce We are continuing our test as to the Value of Tnn STATESMAN as an advertising medium and if you bring this notice with you we wîll examine your eyes earet ully f ree of ail charge and will ac.cept this advertisement the saine as 50e in cash on a pair of our perfect fitting spectacles. *2 Opticians în Constant attendance. Stott & Jury,' The Druggiets and Otcas 1-Animais cannot thrive properly whell troubled with these pests- 2-No remedy known will destroy them so cheaply or so surely. S-You get you money back w ith- ont a question if you cail and1 tell us you ever used as good a remedy before. 4-Price is only 40e a pound. 5-You cannot get it any other "Flolrfax" Fables The Honest Flollr Baffet anld the Farmer's Wfife, Once upon a time an honest fiour bar- rel 'was sent out to a farmer's bouse, full o!f four-tire wise wife looked the barrel over carefuliy and then said to ber irusband.-.- 'I don't thInk tIlla is the flour I waiit- ed- I don't see 'Royal Uouseb1old' on it"* 'iNo; h ain'î 'Royal Houseiolid' ald the fariner, -but it is just as good -for the grocer said so. -"*When I asked for 'Royal House- hold' he recommended thi kin d saying it was just as good, but didn't cost as much, so 1 said I'd try it. "'I wish you had done as 1 said,--I don't think mucir nf these 11just as gond" grocera any way-I want tire four that le purified b.v electricity for 1 believe it la healthier. However, ince we have got this, 1 suppose we might as well use it" and she had tire barrel rolled into the pantry and opened Up. ,,"LOOka pretty gond" she said to her- 'Madam" spoke Up thre Honest Flour BarreI "even flour experts can't tel about flour just by looking at it. Auy flour, if tirere je no other flour to com- pare it with, looka white and nice-but if you bake it into bread and then bake "Royal Household" into bread you can see the difierence. "'Now, then the trutir about this flour ia, it la made of cheap wheatI la a cheap aLId by a cheap process. Flour that la Lot aighly purified containa ýa lot of rituff tirat isn't flour and the procesa of taking al of it out is expensive-that's why pure flour coats morer.* "Pure flour la worth ail it costs and more ton. If ynu knew thre wirole trutir about flour, you'dsend me back and get "Royal Household." And thre Honeat Flour Barrel having said its aay subsided. but atter tire first baking, back- went the barrel te thre grocers and 'Loyal Houseirold" Flour waa sont in its stead. -now thre Farmer'a Wifeuses "Royal 11,3.seirold" and nothing else -and tire grocer dont soli tire «"mat as good " four any more. Any reader rnay bave the "Royal klousebold" receipes free by sendxng name and address to thre OGiLVIu FLOUR MiLLs Co., LTD., MONTREÂL. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 15, 1905. place in Bowmanville.G.Gbet taacndcairdpr- A. O. U. W. Entertalument lu tire ment "i'raetical Poultrv." AIl otir -à-., Opera lieuse tis evening. Attend. branches ara well luoketi sitar. Bey. S _ &to1t «V Mrl. Lowe, Oshawa, iras beau visit- J. N. Willilams talla aaclî mentir what la Y~ ing hem ister Mrs. D. Muttina. geing onulu Eng-land. Jauuarv sud Lit Drgg~ts ntiOptcias. Miss Carnie Edwards, Brampton-, la Fabmuary issues escir contain 50 large lhe rugests nd Oticins.visitiug ber cousin, Miss Jean Ted. pu'ges of aelid malter and illustrations. Ilei on god case b atendig 9c. a year. STATESMAN readers cau get ____________________________ Ieipou god case y ateningit tîrea vears for $1,00. A sample wili tire Concert tbis eveuing lu tire Opera be sont free tom iraesking- if tire STÂATE- bouse. MAN la mentinnell. lu request Mr. Tim J. Rayasiras purchased tira Ynu probably know that your saliew LES Centrai lote, Oshwfo MrE0 ~ EV TROU L Con . fr rw, rmM .Ocomplexion ilacausal tirmugirtirin, po blond, but soit prbably den't know ua ~Newieforquarter. Millem'sCom. thlit by lukiD Vite Taule ion eau bave wuM ENpound rou Pilla.- Sold by Stott & Jury, briglil osy oheeka. R. M. Mitchell & duggists. Ce., duggists. kaep t lu stock. Thousands of wornen suifer froo Miss Pauline Joirnson, tire Indiau Mrs. W. E Tlllsev, Beach Avlnune, was back~heandkinded îday ~ autiror and entertainer, in tire Opera At Homoe lan large number of lady buah adknde ide lie use triis avsuing. friands Fridiay aitemneen. Sire was Miss Dioigman la attandiug tire Mii- asstad lu receiviug sud entartaining linery Opaniugs lu Toronto ibis week hem guesta bv Mrs. Herbert R. Tilles, and gettiug posted lu tire uew sping Mrs, W. Norrîran '1illey, Mme. A. N. stvles. Mitchell, (Toronto) and Mms. Albert S. If ynwuteajyagdenr-i TIllev. Refresirments were samved la îaimeu oe su iearMis Palin itire tas ronm wbich was praaided ever Johnson sud Mr-Walter McRaye t0- bv Mrs. W. C. King. Tire table was - niglit. 25e, te ail parts eitie Hall. very pretty witirpin nirsd white carna- tions sud a pnetty centra. Misses May bMm. John Sentt, Toronto, formerly Vaustone, Mildred Jury, Edua sud baker witir Mm. Tires, Ted, viaîtad Norma, Coucir servad dainty refresir- friands here lest waek proviens te gong mente. te Port Arthrur. De yen ealizeta ta every orgauIn tire Miss Eda AndemaonuOntario Ladies' irunan bodv le compeseti of tiuy oelse t Cllage, Wiitby, speut tire week-sud called tisaue? If iluis tiasueis healthy wiîir ber graudmotirer Mrs, M Cryder- yen need havaendreail of diseuse. uman, Beach Ave. Vite Tonie reuews tire tisane aud builda Mrs, W. J. Humphrey enietaiued a up tire system. Mm. R. M. Mitchell, number of friauds very pleaaanty 'TVuesa- drnggist, kes it iu stock, day evauiag lat ln houer ni ber guest Ladies' Piur Coats, Ruffs, Muffs, Miss Nellile Riches, Cambray. Gauntleis, Caps etc. aise Men's coa, At thre receut axamînatiens irald ut caps, gauntîcta, etc te be seld at coat tire Ceuservatory of Music, Toronto, pries for tira uext mentir, ut M. Mayer'a Mliss Laura Riokard, pupil of Misa Lut- Fur Store. trell, passed witir honora tira junior Leadiug gmocers report Viat tire de. mand tom Mousy's Perfection Ceam CLARK, A WELL KNOWN CANA- Sodas is stisadily increasing, us more DIAN pute ou tire markaetirhe finest sud more il la found eut wirat superier éPetted %leats, Corueti Beai, Lunch biscuits they are. Ask for 'Mouey's Tongua, Pork and Basas, etc, aever and taka ne otir substituts. There is no need for aay woman knowa. Coucir. Joirnalon & Cryderman are to b. afing for an instant. There Pursa lest Mondsy aiteuoonu coutain. selling aIl tireir Ladies'COuatsa t half ho a sure and positive cure in iug meaev sud s railway ticket, soe- pricesand Men's Overonatssfs: one third where on Elgin or King- Streets, Bow- off tire regular pricessud are making big mauville. Finder piesse ratura te reduotinu lu tire price ni ail kinda of DR.. PITCHER'S Aid will bold s social C. M. Cawkem & Son bave beught s yR at Mm John M tra ogCiurcir oboice cal!, 7 mentira nId, frcîm Mm. Johnu St., onu Tuesday e ianiug Feb. 21st ut 8 Durcir, Erpiagiram Farm, Il will be At &K f )I p m. Good progam sund refreshmeuts for sale nt tirair shop tris week A fl Admission 15 cents lins ni meute always kept on hand.- IA BLETS.1 Durhram Old Boys sud Girls wil bold Beet, Veal, Laina, Ferk, Sansages sud Then laun ue ore e b piledthieir annual banquet ut Webb's Cafe, cooked meua. Ther isno ne oreto b piiedtda 6668 Yoage St., ' oronlo, ou Tirursday lu Tira Designer fer Marcir, 'Fada th* woman wbe iras to drag tirrougir the Peb 23, irom 7.15 p m. Gent'a tickets sud Fancies," and, "Fashieus sud Fab- day's worir sufféring- tom a terrible acht $1 O; ladies' tickets 50C. ica" show thre varions litile uccesseries lu tire back, a darting pain between thebis Majesty's mail is uow being dist wiih delia-irt tire fastidinus woman, sud ahouiders, a heavy dragging pain inl th* niiuted lu tire New Post Office aud. tire Fashman Notes for Men" fille tirs same loins, or a peraistent ireadacie that wili r'remisea vacaled la baing fitted up as a Iffice or tirestenner sex. "Tiere uisir Kae lth manntrefurh t. e - cîýîSireaParler for Fred R. Foiey whosa îug of 5maI! bouses." sud suzgestions Moe ha treafortrso te nfer. busiesragowseeesilytt effectively Illustra ted, for a "St. Pat- of wornankind come frmnidisomdered kîd- ,irerqes agrsotoe Hisvem-rcaDa unieo, "utiingLn noys and poisoned blod-not froni se .irqieaagrtt esd.r ic' a ueen""ntazLn cae "fmal troble." apecilvalues lu iootwear bera enee," unique 'Batton Bags,-" Nnval Get threkidneys acting right-iave tiientmovirig about Manr îst. apticle Rings,"ase efud pmettv kni:t âterti !soions fom tire bkood audpains bis fHoor Judga Churpîe, iras beenaudarle s ii ln Coa,12,14n1d naîng nuce*ie and gond healti rerturas, e-electoîl Ciairman et tf e Board et Ed.- StaNda r k.imnC. 1,41 adi Bore Is a stateaxent fro0m lir W. ucation ut Rat Portsagea. Ha haa beau J. Smth, Smlts Falis Ont., savolnani alan meealacted Presidant ni tira Royal Who knows wh.r.ot sAse speaks: Jubilea Hospital Board wiricir ias just "Ibelieve D.Pthrs~cnmpletaed thea enecîlon of a uaw hospital Sor. Throst end Coughe Kidney Tablets id m'cemos p.d tac building aI a cost of $15 00).00. Judge A simple, fiffectve and safe revacdy for ail tirroat ~ny cmed levr uad. K' kieays ChUbpple is a West Duram boy haviug ,rritattonàisrf,.undrin back caud mee ued. yktïbe meadide o ei ansu ecsCresolone AntiseptIe Ta.blets Tablcue emýhmecy m â eie frsyas ewcastle.v.Tbey combine tire germicidal value of Cresolenewith T bl ti t et ae ire second carnival of tire seasou was thre aootiig prrprties of slippery ehm and licorice, àtemtomy M sgirl fr we tî bell Tiurïday uight on thre rînk sud 1. lDs4lt 0 kidsy ad l4uhtaw j , wasaas -ual thoreugirlir anjnyed. MEY inther au bas upW# tboge ;'Prizee wereaarded aý3 tllnws. Hast OADr..OALRI- thre"s-e wu r a kduey S mm Cor,îumed gent-Mr. Orville W. Boa' rL G . ABRIH leultcM r ýa paa Bs OsumdLdMisa Iïarre;Scter, Notàny Public, etc. 1Dr ceeý,le0ud.Brc ae at Mer- Private and Comnpany nroneys i to loalr ai low'est art m&â th eý Ct)iii2ý;2 Mle Rce.Mr.Lanuard current rates. Agent 1for Thne Midtand Loan Nicirolis selle cheayp. jHomelnade Pesanat Crisp 10e par lb, Saturdsy only atT'rie.«rod's Tire W. C. T. U. wiII hold a metaorial service for tire iste Frances E. Wiilard a: Bey. D. 0. Crosaley'a Feb. 2Lst ai -7.80 p. in Gond program. A cordial invitation la exteaded to ail. Active, bright, hustiing agents wanted te sali teas, coffees, spices etc Over $2000 a y6ar la being macle by agentsý *G. Marsirall & o., London Ontario. Mr. W. W. Allia for sonie years clerx ewith Raddy & Co., groceers, has been oappointed caretaker nf tire new poat office. Haeiras moved la and le on dutv. Tire appointment is a capital one and le ao-couaidered by our citizens. 1 à Ensiga Binas ia coîning again witir 60 exquiaitely colorad lantera alidea and wilî give a musicalîr illustrated service In S A. Barracka Monda3' nigir: Feb. 20-"lFrom Work-house to Mansion." Help tire gond cause of tire S. A. by at- tending. Silver collection at door. sSpeciai services ail day Sunday 19tir. Tire new Poat Office was opened for Ibusiness Friday morning and tire staff irhasfirad n easy task gatting acquaint- t d wjth tire naw boxas. To leara tire Llocation of over 400 boxes an as te make arapid distribution ls nnt easy. Tire ac- 3commodation for tire public is net ton )great, indeed 60 square feet nf floor apace more would beaua advantage. We hope to give a fui! description lnaa later issue. r lA very quiet borne weddinc' took lace near Oshawa at the residelnce nf tira brîde's fatirer, Mr Jeremiair Lick, Feb. 8tir, wiren his daugirter, Miss Elana- was uaited lu marriage te Mr. Iasc 3Wray,llinto, Man. Tira eremony was performed by tire Bey. Dr. Abrahami, nf Saint Andrew's churcir, Wiritby. lm- mediateiy ailter Mr. and Mrs. Wray lait on tire evaninz train for Toroate, Win- nipeg and -Minto, wireatirey wiii reaide. É Yea, it ia humiliating te bave a skia 3cnverad witir foui eruption 1: ispain. fu, ton, for tira buraiag sud itciug give N ou ne pesce., Why net end tire trouble and rastore vour skia te Ita natural fairneas witir Weavar'a Cerate. We note fromu tire publisirad aunual report that Mr, John Alexander Cuiter- weli, our fellew townsman aad aise of Toronto, iras beau honored again by me- electien as a vica-president of Upper Canada Collage Oid Boy's Association, the gnverning body ni that great scirool. Tire president la W H. Beatty, Esq., snd otirer vice-predidants ara Colonel Geo. T. Denison, Nicol Kingamili, K. C., Judge Barron, Frank Amuoldi, K. C. and Colonel biendrie, M P. P.-The Guide. That tormeatiug coid.that made yon wretcire( last winter will not corne iack if yen take Allan'a Lunz Balsam wireu your tir mat la raw ani sere This admirable remedy le free irom opium. Taka il in tirna Canadian Poultry Revîew, Toronto, Ont, la lu lys 2Stir year, sud gmows lu importance.,înterest and size.- Prof. A. ni TORONTO l8 piesult staff of TWENTY ONE reachers. its fdne equîpment. ineluding UNE MUNDRED AND FIFTEEN Tyoewi7itlng Machines, its modern andti trougli work,I Its success ia placing lu students and grad. nates in gon'i positions, aUl combine 10 malts it tire nre important Business Scirool nf U a 1 ada. ey No N acatious, Enter' aurtinme 8~oresonena ivltd.Write 10 P'rincipal. 01all, then prie hansg oen reducedE. Tire wondarful reaulî's obtainad wîirh tire worst cisas of druakarda coming ne- fore tire J udges of tire Recordera' Courts lu Qnabae aud Motresi warranta tira statemant that the disease ef Drunken- nasa esau be cured-resdily sud srelî - under nrdinary circumstancea and wiîir tire reasonable debire upen tire part cf a inebriate. Tis treatmaat la simpiy tire medicine ef tire medieal profession-tire only sec- ret is ae te its administration. Dr. Mackay'a dlscovery is tira resuit of 25 years ni practice as a specialiat and expert. He la a metaber nf tire Collage of Pirysicias and Surgeona of tire Province ni Quebec Tire Govarument nf Quebec throei tire Judgea ordered over MO boxes noflire medicine for prisoners appesring in thre Courts ln 1904-Ofliciai Reporta establila 80 per cent of cures witir tirse cases. Witirtire public and officiai endorsa- ~tin d tra rcord of resulta published perimneting furtirer A cummunica- ins privat. THE LEEM1NG MILES CO.) [TDE MONTREAL SOLE AGENTS FOR 'DR. MACKAY'S SPEC1F1C FOR -r NKNyS Gannng Bros 1U. B." Chocolates-a full lina ant Tins Tod's. ILeava pour ordors witirT.'1-1 . Knight for fresir flir everv day. Big Remnant Sale ail thia mentir at Tire Maaou's Co's. Seo adyt. Horshey 'a Mlk Cirocolate, ln 5c and 10e packages at Tires. Tod's. Blond mes]. Me?ýtmeal, Oyatem sheil, Mica grit, at P.,M'tildoeirs. Try a bot Bovril, cup ni Cocos or oyster staw at Tins. Tods. New Caps sud naw Suitinga juat la at Tire Masea Co's Sea advt. Homemade Peant Crisp 10e par lb. Saturdav only at Tires Tod's. T. H. Knigirt ias fresir flir every day. Leava yeur eider wlth hlm. Wiran yen rend Cawkar & Tait's advt. remambar wirat they say are tacts, Bey. A. C. Craws lectures et Mapie Groe Feb. 16. Reserve tire data. Buv.vour glasses fer wiatar reading frnm Mitchell, tire Dmnggist & Optician.> Pratts Po ytv4JYood, Pratt'a Stock Food. Ppatt'a I à Powdem at P. Mur- docir's., Go te S A. Barracks Mondav 2tir. Enjoyableansd profitable eveaiag assur- ed. M A. James is Gnverament iSSUer nf Marriage Licenses fer ,Duram Couatv. For tira fineat stock of Ladies' Taller mace Skirts eall at Cencir, Joiruston & Cryderman 'a. Go te Nicirolla and look arouud and sea wirat you nngbt to pay for your gonds, do it now. Thre very latest lu Weddiag station- ers and Weddinz cake boxes at THs STATESMAIt office. Al kinds ni Furs te ha soid at ceaI price at M. Maver's Fur Sbore, coe early sud get a bargain. Senu1 TEE STATItSMAN te vour absent friands. $1.50 paya for your own and a nwsbacription for 1905i. Mr Walter McRaý e, irumoriat, wili antertain Von ibis evauing lu tire Opera lieuse. Reservad seats 25e. Ceughn, colds, boarsenesâ. and other threat aliments are qmickly relioved by Cresolene tablets, ten cents pet box,.Aldruggista Ladies' Silk aud Cashmecre Blouses tire latest styles, ai -eiciaily gond A big lot nif Dreas gene aliug off at abont irait price, soeaonf the3m ut exact. lv irai! priee at Coner, Johuiston & Cry- derman 's. Nwis tire tîme te get a bargalu in tire Fur Uina, M. Mayer Frumier la selling off lus ertire stock ut greatly rednced prices. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfectaut Soap Powder dusted in tire bath, softens tire water and disinfecta. 38 We especiuily recomîuend our readers te subscribe Vo the weekly Farmem's Advocateansd IHome Magazine ni London, Ont, Seo club rate. t!. 1Principal Jas Gilfilian, B. A , Messrs. Hubert suri Creightonu ligginbotiram F. C Vanstone, Wilbert Heur, Colin MeLean, Wpblev Cawker, Ciras. de La- plante, Gordon S. Jury and Ueo. W. S James and Mme T E Higgiubotraiu, Misses McWain, Evelyn Manning, Mar- garet Trebicock, Gertrude sud Aune Lyla, Eva Hlliar,Lena Boirtlett,Laura Brimacomibe, Editir Freelnad Edna Kin,-, Kata Dustan, Ema Cryderman. Jean Tod, Carnie Edwardsansd Arvilla Worthr atteuded tire annutal Conversaz- loue ai Ountarie Ladies' jollege, Wiritby Fridav evening snd report au excap- tionaIly pleasant time. INVITATIONS TO MINISTERS. Rev. D. 0. Crossiey iras eeived sud accapted an unaulmous invitation irom tire unitedoffirciai Boardsao etiaMatira- diat Tabernacle, Wiritby, te baceme their paf lur alter ths June conferance. Rev. Vernon Hl Emor ' , pastor ni tire Wbiiby Metirodist Tabernacle for four years, iras received sud accapted an un- animons invitation frem tire QuarterlY Officiai Board of Bowmsuville Metiredis t cirurcir te suiceed Rev. D O. Cossley wio is cempletiug iris third ý ear Rav. W B. 'fueker, B.A., B D . pasier of Orone Methodiat Cirtrcr, iras received sud accepted an invitation f rom Metosif St. Mlethodist Cirurci, Oshawa. li1elp lira Cousumpîlon Hospital b'£ 1, uîtenidirg the Concert ln tire Oprera 4Ç~ c"l V yu.LO G&,-twkerr & Teit, The Gtoeersls5 0ournanvI11e. i.,. Is quickly detected la I KINCORA CEYLON TEA I soil la A r-tight Leaci Packages-j 2e30e, 40e and 50e per j1b. Archie Tait,Bwavle A fice ciean up-to-date place to have Photos taken. We have it. One of the Finest Studios in Canada will be fourni here. And our photos will be second to none. Our studio bas aIl beeri re-modclled and 's 110W complete and ready for business. (Seo. Smith, Succeasor to G. P. FREELAND. . lictograpirer. 951 We offer you these Sxtvao~di~ty Bargains. Ladies' Silk Waists-Colors: Black, Pink, Sky, Cream and White. Reg. $5.O) foi-............. .7 Ladies' Silk Waists-Colors,: Black, Pi-nk, Sky, Cream and White. Reg. $4.00 for......... .... $3.oo Ladies' Silk'Waists-Colors: Black, Pink, Sky, Cream and White. Reg. $3.75 for .. ........... $2.75 Ladies' Silk Waists-Colors: Black Pin.k, Sky, Crdam and White., Reg. $3.00 for............ .2 Ail other Ladies' Waists in stock, Cashmere, Lustiresi Sateens, etc. at exactly oost price. This offer will be discontinued after Mareh 4. Be 4uick and get first choice, Ladies' Tailor-made Skirýs -Regiular $61 00 Skirts for $4.50; $5.00 Skirts for $3.75;- $4.50 Skirts for $3.50; $4.00 Skirts for $3.00 ; $3.50 Skirts for $2.75 ; $3.00 Skirts for $2.25 $2.50 Skirts for $1.75 5 doz. Ladies' Tape (JidIes, reg. 50e or 38c, sizes 18 to 2,Fý Uhoice of any Xrapperettes in stock, regular 12ýc for 10Oc. Remnants for 8e yd, reg. 121e. Remnants of Prints, Dress Goods and ail other remî- îîants at sacrifice prices. Men's Overcoats--Regular $143,00 for $12.00; Reg. $10 00 for $6.98 reg. $8.00 foi' $5.98. Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Reefers at belw manufacturers cost. Men's, Youths' and Boys' Suits. date goods, stylish and guaranteed manship, at wbolesale prices. Ail first class up-to- materjal and -wcrir. New Spring Goods arriviflg almost daily. This opportunity wiIl only Last Until 1ap eh 4, Lýg Grocers' Due Bis aeeepted a,,Ch, C. W.Man&So Sext Doox to $tMAdar'J I.XAi Bowmiy vie Wghat do Yon Kllow?. D)o yen know tirat after a Short- band or Commercial Course wjtb us, You are sure of a position at Q45.00 an ri npward5 tper monrir as a starter? send us a postal, witb your nanie and addresfs, and we wlll tell yorr ail about IL. Doiion 800088 cs oilee, Lid. 4 Rieirmond St., East, Toronto. R. D. NIXMO, Principal. 1 Don'& ni flerîg Mies E. Pail à Johnson and Mr. waiter Mcayintr D *' Opera Hbuse t~gt )f, ChUldren Cr7 Îo0r,130V, ' LILA ILA J aniCd Tti at Nichonis'. S eC I I nt I f For the Tramnto 4 Fea Nut Crise""a utirofl 'a.I f 1T~TIU Get Your rnilk pi ýns a.t Nicholîs'.' Buy your granIteware at NicholAs. Used la tonnection with the Province- Ž- Don't cough your 111e away-take 801 I* Mudor Poulry supplies 1at P. of (Quebee Probation System witir 6" Mu yurdoh.UBYSryIng sueces.+ The City Concil of Montrealirais ane umbga10ct albonSaurayatdorsed thia marvellous diacovery. Tire Thîrs department is complet.e i- teiags arey 4 Lu t ol's er. '1hFinance Corumittee of Montreal recetly t h &gst 4,jt Yen e: Si fo couh- at Mitcheil's voted #500 te defray tire expens e t va-~ fPne n e es ieCiaCp n acrMg1 4 Dru Stre.cing tire medicine in eacir nf tire it% 'V lait Cawker & Taits' China Pàror- Police Stations, as prompt application Lampa, etc. Second floor. Of tire Treatment tn bad cases will-pe- Deliclnua Scald Cream every day at, vent tire fatalities continually ocurn ~ W aeeeyhn-t aeaHpyNwYa. 4 T. H Knigirt's. in tire celîs curn ebv vrtigt &e&HpyNçý'er Take Mltchell'a Eimulsion <ýf Cod, No Saaitarium la required Tiré Liver-it,,s gond. p Treatment can be taken at home No < T. H. Rnight iras anme gond heads of spe.eial diet required Tire desire to e Thanking you for tha 1iberal patronage în the pa ýst, w Cabbage for sale. aom ided fr a e daya ndsirt Newedi ekeoxs ovlyciefao lfra mpy ecea.y pr ~~ wish you aIl thre Compliments of thre Season, Na 9edn ck oe-ivlns This medicine is now withmn tire reaePch, n1~ ,,,.,4 ~-at STAIESMA&N Office. voi . - B3OUIN. ALLIN-In Vancouver. Feb. 8th, te Mr, and Mrs, Geo. W. Allin, a sn Youa'a At thre Methodist parsonage, Russel. Mau ', Jan. 29tir, f0 Mev. and Is. W. A. McKim Yng, a daugbter. MILLR.a-In Oshaw a, Feir. 6t, the wife of Geo. Miller, or a mon. EU)moNDsox-In flarlington, Feb. 9th, thre wif e of E. Edmondson, of a dangliter. TslOMPSON-At Bowmanville, on Fob. Ith, tire-wife of J. P, Thompson, M. A , Ç!assipal Master of Bowmanville Mughr Sebool, a son, JAMElýs-MASoN -At tire residence of tire b ride's parents, Wednesday, Feb. 8rh, by Rev. D. o. osley. Mr. Norman S. B. Jame~s and Miss Gertrude Eliera, second dangirter of Mr. J. J. Mason, both of Bowmanville. WRÂX' LicR-At the reslderice of tire bridels fatirer, near Oshaiwa, on Wednesday. B'eb. 11th bRV. J, Abrahram, Mr. Isaac Wray, Minto, M.e ad M, E lena, daugirter of Mr, Jeremiair HR.Lt-BRowa--Ii Bowmanville, Feir. 9tb. by 1ev. D. 0. Grossley, W. R. Heari and Annie Brown, irotir of Bownanlvîlle, BLLAiio-lUNCi.N-OU Feir, fli, by Rev. R J. Moore. rector of St. Mar-aret's ebirrc, To ronto. Mary Grahaam, danghter o! John Dunean Esq., Richrmond Hill, and'Arthur George Roi- land, Bowinanville. REESON-MEDLAaa-In Brooklin, Vair. lst, by Rev. C. A dams> W. Reeson and Miss M. Med- land dauglrter (;f Mr. John Mediand, Brooklin. MAYNAItD-RoueLrY-In Brooklijo, Febi st, by Mev. C.Adams, John Maynard and Miîs Jessie Routiey. ýNoT'-GapENwsx'-On Jan. Sist, by Rev' Robt. Burns, William Bryant Nott, Esq., Osh- awa, and Miss Annie Edna Greenway, Montreal CooUR-GrRNi-In Oshrawa, Feir, ti, by Rev. Jas.lmodges, Herbrert Cooper and Sarali Gibson, ait of Oshawa. STÂCHY-HOGART-In Oshrawa, Feb, 8tb, ai thre residence 0f thre iride's brother, Mr. Loren ILigartir by Rev. Robt. Burns, John Stacey an O thel IlogarrIh, ail o! Obh-aiwa. VinruF-l En niskillen, Feir. 10, Mary Annie Gallagirer. ite o! John \Trtue, sged 8o years, 6 monttis. CAIN-At the Isolation Hsospital, Toronto,Feb. lst, Margaret Violet, ireloVerl wffe ofD. A. Cain. 193 Jarvis St., Toronto. BOItROW31AN-At St. Catîaines, Fer. 3,AMigs Borrowman, Wbltby. ALEXANyFR-1n Whitby, Feir. 4th, Mary Bal- ley, beloved wife o! Bolet, Alexander, in ber 6Otir > ear. FRE¶'PTL MOTHERS. Thre l.ttle troubles that affliot chli- dren corne wlîhout warnlng, aud thre care'nI mother ahould keep et band a medicine te r'slleve and cure the ali- ments of childhood. There la no medl- cine does Ibis so speedily and îhurugh- ]y as Baby's O -vu Tablete,and the niati- er knows thla medïctue la ea¶e, beense it la guaranleed to contain no optate or polBonous tootbing stuif. Theee Tab- lets cure colle, IndtgestioI8,cofStlpation, dlarrboea, simple fever and teeîh<irg troubles. They break rip cAlds, pre. veut croup and bring naturel aieep Mrs. Mary Falr, Escott, Ont., asys:- -1 have used Baby's Own Tables wih w1thout them la thre bouge." Sold by aIl mnedilue dealers or sont by mail st 25i cents a box by wrlting 'rhe Dr. Wl!- îains' Medicine Con., Brockvllle, Ont, Î4 jlvbpuu