MIU~LUIk VVEMII WqIj 31 M Y compass and Pe-rut-na and 1 Will Steer clear of Al Wrecks, Iii Pe-ru-na Known and and Sea, " IIA sick salUr, le a prtyhelpiess man. __ hafve found that Peruna stldo neere te restore 1u kuowe, sud I have aredacouple cf bottles on board for man sasos.Seven years ago Fortins eured e of brouchial trouble lun ae -veeks sud gave me such neve lifo and fer-voe force thai I eertainiy belleve lu lc,"îng yeuefit. Gîeme my contpass and Peruna t1nd i lU steer clear of *mecir.s of ail lndýýsan land lu port sale sud wel v etî ssei sud men."-Capt. L. T. Ctr,123 101h Avenue, 1'ensaeola, A . Watson, M. Ev., 48 Elizabeth t514 Ôbôawa, Oui., srtes: N-mma h as nty heartiesi endorse- lnu.if there is auy place that yen sIixe heiptese hen illii tlaou board s seamzer, at ses, miles away front any ~vli.~.Sontetintes twe or three of ty mon tw(euld hae -ck ai oeelime sud i Frtoly orippie the force, but since wee 1bave leamned ef the value of Peruna, by tkil-ng as feve doses they recuperato very qck-,We use lb for colds, lungi q.. 'E-RU-NL trouble and klduey disease, sud have also fouud lb very flue for la grippe. IlPeruna la alvesys eue of the meet im- portant supplies of xuy steanter.e$».E.& Watson. Wlth a baille of Pemuna aboard sailome have a rentedy on whlch they cau ely. Commodore V. S. 1isvy Commodore Sonterville Nicholson, of the United S taies Navy, ln a latter trein 181.7 U Si., N. W., Washlugton, bi di# sys: 11 unhesltatingly recommend Po- rana te al Persons sufferlng from Ca- tarrh " --- s. Nichol1son. If you do netderIve prompt sudsastis- f aciory results from the use cf Permis, write at once te Dr. Hlaritan, givîug, à full statentent of your case sud lie Wfii be pleased te give you Lis valuabloàâd- Vice gratis. Addrese Dr. Hamiman, President of The Hartman Sanltarlum, Ooluinbti BEST RE\ FDY IN THE 0RL FR OO 0UQHS AND QOLD3ý Fhi Wînter's Sa c4otth-l.S Wcaderfu1 medi'cine exees ilChers. Everytody who 1xnows cff i, takes ih. 7 D)on't OCough. Buy a Bottie.ONY2e BOD. . ITCHEL O Checrii sts, rggs and Oti0 as Phne 92 Bwmavile EYEIS rTESTED FREE,. $0 AýHifNCTCN EXCURSION $10jMALEGRQVE. GOý-, FuJDAY 1UI1 ey, A. C. Crews, To onto. Generp,' GOIN FiIDA E~RAII lOl uperintendetut of Epworth 'Lp" Tick1ets onty $10, iom suspension wipl icctur(3 in the church - 3idg or Bulilut Wsint and, auspices cf the Les" otura Vi Lh;gli Vatls ailroad.iFcb. th at 8 O U A'ss peta EcusinTic!kets good 10 Cae"' OU "'Th.îe MamIMOth n.Stop oOver alwdat B-aitimore-t" ilCwi b-fniledbloa ,i Phldiha nrt- juJ~eX Admission 15e; two for 2.5c; rieketS zood on ail ai - Ichidren loci Everybody cordialb ilac imn x' ecitd'invited. 5 sw. s-6anld furthe" 4'orTick- uarterly 'Service at Ebenvzer npxt T L-fJ~ aihGrove at 7 1) m. Sund(av School t 3 8 '~~~r geu, 1 Kn~t,'lron-p m .. ..Miss Lois SnowIien euterthined -WHiTBY PRESBYTEBIAL., The anuual meeting of the Wo-4n's Foreign Missiousry Soclety Jan. 'l", iu St. John's Church, Port Ferry. The presbyterial raised $1168, an tucroeso f $70 over asat year. Two new mission bands were formed and one re-organiz- ed. Abale of clothing, weighing 900 lbs , was cousigned to Rev. F. J. Dodds, Carlyle, Assinoboia, Mises McCllan, Whitby, and Ras'. P. F. Sinclair, Sonya, addrassad the afteruoou meeting. In the aveniug Dr. Margaret MeKellar gave a very able sud aarnest address on hier madical work in India. Addres- ses were also given by Rey. Murray Tait, representing the pregbytery, and Rgv. Aexander Ester, Cooke's Church, Toronto. The de!egates veere ho8pit- abty entttrtained bs the ladies of Port Perry. The officers for the year are as follovs: Presideut, Mrs. Scott, Port Perr'v; Vtce-presidenes,,Mrs.Crosier,Ash buru; Mrs. C. F. Mciillvray, Whitby; Mrs. McGregor, Pickering; Mrd. Mecm. tyre, Whitbs;- Miss Mooterafi, Bowmau- ville; Recor ding Secretarv, Miss E. Smalt, Oshawa; Correspondiug Secret. ary, Mliss C. Thomas, Whitbv; Secretary of suDplies, Mrs. Kesu, Whftby; Treas- urer, Mrs. Currie, Port Parry, EPWORTH LEAQIJE RALLY. The fonrtti annusi Epworth ILeagnte R5lly of Tymone Circuit was heid iu Tyrone Church Friday .snt 20th. The Ralty was favored with delightful weesîher -and the attendauce veas good throughout rapreseuttng a large taura- ber of earuest enthusiastie workers from ail parts of thes circuit . The after- neon seasion opeued with devotional exercises couducted by 11ev. F. J. And- erson], Hampton, sud an - ddress of welcome front, the chairruan, 11ev. L. S Wight, pastor of the circuit, after which an excellent progratu wss preseuted b 'y members of the several Leagne3 con- sisting of readiugs, recitations aud mueie, the foliowing excellent papers were aise preseuted, "'Our Pledge," by Miss Svmons, Salem; "The Resding Cîrcle, " by Miss A. Mountjoy, Baydon, sud "Tha Spimit of Kindué-s suad Soc iability, " b v Miss S Blackburn, Prov- idence. Grectings from Euniskilien League were Lyiven bv Bey., Thos Snowdon in bis oven inimitable mauner an entbusiastie tempemance address byv 11ev. F J. Anderson aud au exceeding- ly iuîerestiug Round Tab!e TaUk con- dueted by 11ev. L. S. Wight, B A , B. D., cornpteted the program ac 5 15 p m. Two heurs veere then spent lu social conversation sud f ree refreshuseuts wecro served te the Leaguers sud their frieuds. At 7 80 the evening session began with devotional exereises by Bev. T. Snowdon. Eacli League was again represented iu recitation sud music T1he most in teresting part cf ibis session veere the addressa-t given b>' Rbv. J. G. Brown, a former junior paster on Mis- binis in China," sund a very earnest tpractical address by 11ev. S, j. Shorev, Oshawa, chairman cf district, brougbti Io a close one of the meat iuterestiug, prüfltable sud successfnl gstberings ever held on this Circuit La Grîppes Rayages. Tha Victime Left Wa.Nreesaw s Prey te Deadly Viseases. La grippe, or influenza, which sweeps ever Canada every veinter, is probably the niest treacherous diseuse known te medicai scieuce. The alttck-may last ouiy s few days, but the daadly poison iu the blood romains. Yen are left with hardly strength euougb te walk. Yeur lunge, voue chesi, your heart sud nerves ara permaneutly weakened, and you fall s vietim taedeadly pueumenia, bronchitis,' consumption, rhenmatism, or racking kidney troubles. Dr. Wil- liants' Plik PuIs neyer fa ilta cure the disastrous aflter affects of la grippe be- cause tbev purify the blood sud sweep away ils poisonous germe. E -very dosa makes neve, waym, rîcb bleod which bringe heslth sud healing te ever'y part of the body. This is proved.lib te case of Miss Dorsiua Langlis, of St. Jerome, Que., who says: "Ilhadassevere attack of la grippa, the af ter effects of wbîch le! t me rackad with pains in every pari of My body. My appatite completely failed me; I had sovere head'aches, ws subjeet te colds with the least exposure,~ sud graw se weak that I was unabte te' werk at my irade s dreesmaker. 1 uried several medicines without the slightest succees until a d - ug clerk advised me te taise Dr. Williams Pink PuIs. 1 scted upon his excellent advice sud the pille rapidty -and cempletely cured me. My straugth returued, the headaches aud cough disappeared, sud 1 amn &gain anjoying,tuv'old tinte heallh. I arn eatisffed ihat if suffamers from la grippe vel use Dr. Willisnts',Pick Puis they veut speedily reever front tho3e iRUer effects wbich mnakes the lives of s,) manu7Y People a but den," Dr Williaius' Piuk Pille cure ail the corrl'Ien ailmentg dgQ tg weaUk ana Waterv btOQd1 ',SUCb.. üaeüiâ, head- acs~ titl-àcesindigestion' neural gis. rheumatism, sciatica, nervçousness,, general weakneîssud the special al- mnents Ihat grewiug girls sud wemen do net-like-te tallk e.bout--aven-ta their doetors. But euh' the genuine pis eaun do Ibis, snd yon should see that the fuît nains "Dr. Wittiams' Pinis Pilîs for Paie People," is prinied ou the verapper around each box, If yen cannet gel the' gemiu i1lafae-youur--diugg'îsf send-direct te the Dr.- Williamns'- Medf- Congratulations to Mr, Duncan Mc- Millan upon 'bringing t) bis home a bride.., Mrs. T. B. Hideenjtertaiued a num ber of 5 oung- people Friday aven. ing. . . Visitors: Mn and MIrs. S. J. ilanton, Golldstone, 'at MIr. J. RaRton's; Miss Tina and Mr. lierhert Stainton vistted with friends ai Uxbridge; Mr. ki. M. Mitchell aind Mviss Agnes Lyte, Bowmanvttle, Speut Sundsy a i Dr. F C. Trebilcock's; Mr,. sud NMrs. Ira Argue Carberry, Manitoba, and Mr. E. Argue, Canninxton, Miss Rena Argue, Saulna, at Mr. G. Arzue's: Miss I!da Stainton visiting friends in Manchester. FAREWELL SUPPER. A number of *youug man gsthered at The Balmoral Tuesday eveniug 10 bid tarcwelt to Mrr. Gao. P Freelaud, our popular photogŽrapher. The party teck their placos at a well arî'angetl supper in the dining reom aud did justice to the many gooù things.settbel ore them. Mr. Frank F. Morrip, Chairmau, cailed ou Mr. F. J. Borne, who raad an address ou behaif of the boys, foitowed bysapres- autation of a hanâsome gold locket wîth a very suitable photo on the inside, Mr. Freeland made a very appropriate repty expressing thsnks3 for the kinducess ou this occasion aud in the past, The party then adjourned to the parlor vehere speeches were made by Massrs H. Greenleeý, W. S. Sanders, F. J Horne, W. J. Furze, EF,F Morris, D. Luttreil, P. Elford and G. Smith. Sougs were reuidercd hb' Messrs, Geo. Freetand, Hughi Greerlees, D; Luttreti snd Georze Smith Af 1erý whîch the party sang God Save the King aud bade fareveeli to, Mr Freeisnd who left on the mornin- train for bis neve home in Tor- onto. Bis friends join in wishing him avery succoEss in 1,is new field of business. DRUGGLNG OHILD.IEN. The mother wtio gives ber little oee G&aoothtng' safflwheue It cries eurely doseflot realize that she te siuiply drug- gtng il ntotemporary insenlbiliîy wIth a poisonous oplate But that la just Wh!%% ehe le dolng. Ailt tte so-cail. ed "soothing" medicines contain pot- 1 sonou3 @plates; they are &Il harniful- etue of therm daugerous, aud ehouid neyer be given bo children. Baby'e Own Tablets are sotd uer a positive guarantee qhat îhey coutatu no opiate or harraf iidrug. The Tablets speedliy cure ail etomoch troubles. conatlpatten, diarrhoea, aud simple ftvera; ihey break up colda, grevent croup, case the palu of teethlrg, sud give heatby, uat- ural eleep. When Ilttle eues are crose,- peevish and Pîllng, give thern Baby's f)wn Tableto, sud you vettt lied there's a salUie ln every doe. Yen cati get the Tablets froin. any tuedicine dealer or by matil ai 25 cents a bo. bl wrlbtn3g tle Dr. Williama' Medicinîe Co., Brockvlle, Ont. TYRONE. Miss Ethel Curtis s guest of lhem friand Mise May Vaustona, Boveman- ville.... Mrs. Roberti Martin, Petheede, epent lasI veaek with friands hee.... Mies C MJinnie Wermy, a beeu visit- ing friande lun eau l. ... Miss Lizzie Virtua is veti hem sistar Arme Bundie, Port Pry .,M.Wm. Simp- sou laft Fmidav 201h t10 spend s year in Manitoba .....Quarter-lv services in Ty- roua churcit, Sunsay 51zh at 10380 a. m. ...S. 0. E. ara preparîiug for a Basket Social, Thursday, Feb. Pib, DARLIN GTON, W e are pieased te hear that Miss Winuifred Fower bas beau accaptad anu'd wilt pursua hemr studias for profes- sîcuat nurse ai Clifton Springs Sanitar- lunt Newe York.. .. Mrs DelHari sud Nim. Thos VanCamp are recovariug front theimeîckuess. . , Mr. sud Mrs A M. Hardy, toven, spent Suudav vitb Mm. W. C. Blackburnu.. .. Mrs Thorùas Power le visiliug friande lu Oshawa... Mmes. Jos, Langmaid us qutte siek..._ Mr F. Gaie, Port Whitb3, visite I ai Mr. Thos. VanCamp's. ... Miss Addie Philp, Whitb.y, le visitiug Mms DeHart The Womau's Institute veut mest on Thurday afiemneen Feb. 2nd ai honte o! Mrs. George Kersiake, Alil ladies are iuvited te the meeting. Members haviug books e! the Institute Lîbramy yull p!easa brin.- or seud then to teh meeting, Comeansd anjey a profitable af ternoon Meeting opans at 2 o'clocki sharp Brink s frieudgiud ha on tinte..1 Mies Gerlia Creeper su-d Mrs Boward1 j. Cryderman vielti5d fi U lt iu Toronto last weok ..., Mm. Hrold Williams, Mis Eurus, Toronîto, speul the veceisend ai Mm A. Paters'..Dr. J. H. Elloît, Gravenhuret, Miss Mlabel Tait, Boy. maLyillie, vi5ited aI mirC. J. Kersiake'ks uidray.. .. M e. Ma i Alliri w o 1 dc the i torm door ffC htu er thigh. Congýideîtpn Vr advanced aga the accld(fft le a seriou nee... ,Mr. C. N. Ruse sud Mme- E. Bas-,tings are racoer- iugfront their -ecent- illues..-Mr Lewis Cr, ' derman sud Mise Hildali Crs derruan bai7e returued front s pteassut vieil with their sistars at Whitevale sud Stouff ville... At the reg- ular menthiy meti ng o! Court Archer ~L O~~F-. he futowîu ornersr wueI iùtniedhiCurt- De'putr, W.- R.- Allia;- C<Yhe. M.D.. l'h-!-Trhioe ORONO. Mm. Alfred Garsood visited tbe clty. Miss Ida Jaynes, Toronto, is vlallin,2 Mrs A. fleury. EMiss Erelyn Honey bas retumued te Eors, Mme. Andrew Matheson, Trornto, vIslted st Mr. R. Hcockln's. Mr. R, J., Cooper purchased a driver from Mr. Wm. Sheppard, Klrby. Miss Vicia Hooper, Oahawa, j. vil-1 iug hem unele, Mr. H. flooper. The Mesers McLauglln, Gorrle, are vîsitunRai Mm. colin Sîspies'. Mr. Stanley Jackson o! the Collage o! Pharmacy, Toronto, was homne led- udsy. Miss May Vinson, Toron te, and Mies YAsy Matthewsi, o! Uhîhoif, are vlsîiug at Mr. Robt. Cowan's Miss Moment, le guesi ef Mme. Cle- land HamlMten, Gien read, Resedate, Me. sud Mme. John -Alckahy, recent- ly vieiied hiem brother. Mr. Robt. FIld - ing, near Bowmanvtlle. Mir. Wtllilam Adants sud daugbtem, Miss Jeane, Bowmauvlle, vistted hie daughtem, Mr,. Len. Gamsby. Mr. sud Mme, Rey of Toronto, sud Mies Pikes of Buffalo, N. Y., veere guesîs of Mm, I. S.ý Adamse, at Mr. R. Hockln's, Mrs. AI!. Chafflau sud Mis% Hbar sang a duel ai thei Young Peoples Raity, Tyrone, Mie E. Roy, accompaulel, Mm. Lawerence Wrieht, Janelville, sud ceusins, Moes eWit sund Ctsrauee Wright, Sp)rlugvttle, hve beeu vipitinu ln Oreno sud vlcinity. Mr. William Davidsin, sud sls'cr, Pickering, are vîiotingtheir uncle, Mr. Gao. Davldeou. Mm.. Sarah Colln, Indigent aged 85 e r , d e d o n F rid ay w e ek ud w a% 1illt6êr EatillgRln Stfaos "6Now 15 tihe Time You Need Mi-o na'- Says Stott & Jury, Think, for a moment o! the extra stmaîn yen put upon t.he tonach lu the vinter. The hearty food, the late sup- pers, aut the lacis o! exercise snd oui door lite &Ilt waakeu snd strain -the stousach, laying the foundstion for poor health sud suffering. Chromle stemaçh troubles, nerveus irritabilty, sud serLins boveel anud kid- uey diseases bave oiten dated from a waek of extra "geood living," Neariy everyonie la bethered vill more or lese hetadaches sud backaches, furred longue poor appatite, emy, hackinz -cough, h earthurn, snots before tiie eyas.- dizzi- nees or vertige, leeplassuase. iack o! eso~,loss of flash or a genorai veesi, Nove is the tinte vhen Mi o-na le nead- cd te epsir the ravages sud Ivastes th2 hearty estiug of iintcr bis caused in. thO etQUt-rch PaiId digestive systent th-is le the outy kueven agent ltai strengithens the stornacit sud digestive organe, se they eau sud velu readily Qjigeet whalex'et food isasten. A Mi-o-ua labilttaken before aach niesi ývett rentovealai irritation, inflamation sud-congestiou inu the digestive- organe. and se strengtben thent that thev vil extraci front the food ail ibat goe te me.',e goed ricit bleod, firtu. muscle, sud s sound, beaathy body. 1This r(emarkabte rerned3vcoosebut 50 caults,-ar.d-it ie6use doeai- trestoeayour fuit sigor, vitality, snd healt, Stott & iltJE IIASON Co. BOWMANVI LLE. Ladies' and Ohuildrens' Ooats at HALE price' Several of our newest and best coats are stili Ieft. They wil1 go quickly at the prices we are now quoting. Cal at once for the choice. Furs at Sacrifices prices.. lncludingc mens -ýfur coats, cap-, l e coats, ap muifs, scaîfs, caperines, etc Ail must be cleared. It wilt pay you to buy nowl. Mens and boys suits and overcoats.. wool untlerw -ar, Hosîery, Mitts, Gloves3, Blankets, Flannel at startling reduc- tions. New SrigGoods. are beginning to arrive. We must make room to re- ceive them andi aie williing te make larger sacrifices on Wifl-, ter goods than ever before. Gzroceiar s Du1e Bl aeascash, T Go ai omeWITOUTPa DagerorTime cFro-t ork by tit a eW OTPîn aDERFUL DISCOVERY f ng mie teoSpeils J. R. KETCEO S utc fPae aoRsig e On.,woepo A ir per serda 8year y tha great! Disovery of the Rupture Speclii, Dr. W.5 i,21Ea Queen St. (Block 85), Toronto, Out. Te il Ruptured siffer. ers, w-ho w;,rite ai once, Dr- Rice wilt send FREE, his BOOK, "'ý-îIn RuptrVý'E h urd"and %a FR>EEH TRIAL of his DISCOVERY. Do net wait, write to-day. For TiiNr VILLE External applicat- Miss Laura Mitchelll bas retuerned frorn hMiler of great value sud we ca1n re.' a pleasant yisit with friens in, Port Hlope cornmend it forcos rheumstismn- or .Mrsï-J-.Woe-ha S urn L eTn winssd uas-'giaE roftD .. mrs JPi, Iirhas b-nsi ck. -.,. A voldsubstitutes. -I, jss -Sitlihas returned frotu -Reiilrc:w ___ ,),u ,.y Ouse saob Free, to anyWoman who balies her own Bread Thousands of women are writing in every week for the "Royal Household " Recipes-they explain the new. and casier way of making bread. Make a trial with the new Royal Household Flour, which is purified by eletricit- Vou would flot believe there coûld be such a difference in four -these receipes are certainly worth asking -for. Send a po§tal card to-day. NERE IM JUST ONE TrISTMONIAL OUr Or MAI11 THOUSANDS RECEIVED. SAvelyS, PERE MILEje, f. Novemnber 28th, p904. I 1 have been using joiir four exc1vl ic aeta C.n.., outeen years ago, and have b1e0usng RHousehcold" ) t nrdcto.T hwyubw 1 I vaueýi t mYgreraty could not supply me w~~~~iiand rather than eanothrbadeatmoaiyIettoK - chresrther th-- u-e a nfrorbexd l a t .i ltget it otherie ol hp dire t f ro _m - 1the .1mutaj. Ic n aw ys rl n h 4n g o ed w e t and nothin e d moreta kep Rreoy lualhoe.h t.ýýph . .yi< h . Sigoed) MRS. r. SMITII. THE OGILVIE FLOUR MILLS COMPANY, LIMITED MONTREAL I ~ <j! -t a poor sud il r's ana i , to be ýA e4,