Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1905, p. 3

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de 1ALîver e'is prefciedeth te stael ai e îccause Mtiust Bear Signaturo of they n ccc a cent apioce cheaper fLan the fresh, ones. Mrceques n'as a, ~~ i-cuit uan, anti epperenfly wilboaf ftLe liîdly disposeul beart that is somutilnes fhoughf f0 beho itic ti er a rougb exteror. Afte-ny S-aFc-S i l apregr Blaiw. at, hL elti'the drivers of the - bren ci n ggons fte- avoîy strict e-c- 15cao rnlant iiJ--c7 COt "Olh. Iltaow, si," Jue sutidenly r cvclainîod, as a cecolîecfion came f0 TER2 ~ ~ hua. - Old Mrs, Machon badn'f Lad anythîug t et since yesteu-day. anti I1TLE ~ LI~î~îNES 1:Ilet lier have a 1e-f untiî to-mon- P~ L. ~ @TI~T~O~. "'-The-l'hy didn't you pe-y foriti t~~AL~ ~ yoncseif? We're' not nunning a ~ TI~C L>UO~ charify hall. If she pays you backE ail 1 igbt; but yo'l habeolfk -~5,r7 ver',, C c- ow." Joe bauîdeti out the foui cents, (~,Jf ii'. ~ ' ~lookiag as hf Le Lad conuanitteti somex crime. Whea the foreme-mn'oent ADVEnTISINIG RATES. away (Le n'astsockholdec lanfthe - Company) SO (Àofthe workinggil The Canadien Sfatesuyîaî la publishefi oxpiesseti thelu- opinion of bhlm in every Wednesdaly monng af the ofitervgru e-a 26 ifJýafesman Block, King Street, BnWunanville, Omnt., by MA.jarres, "The mena ol t fing! I don'f ho- editur and Propuiefor. Subscciption lie h' o n er, adoe $1 i per Hnnin, or $1.00 if paid 'vLegoe-y eat"sidn. bti t t' vlanadvance. Adivertising rntes. -You titi right, Joe. I gnose the transientL adveîtising, ton cents pto ine, fGe 3kn Copyca std Üifrit ,nertion; five cents per lune each ou aig Gmaa ensnt Pbi1îîfinsertion. Contracf rates on f oun cents! Hlere, Joe, you're nef applcaton.goiag te lose if," andl Joe n'as of- feîuti the- moaey , a s DENTISTRY. "No, I wo't tae it, 'as C. (J IONNYCASTLE, L.D.S. . D.f ought f0 pe-y foc the 10e-f myseîf. Il' S Ilono. Giaduate ia Detisfry o1f1soe if non', but I fhcmught I1n'as tic- Toronto tUniversity. Ofrice:-Ovei- Cen- n rih.Teb-a s'tme frai llllinei-y. Entrance ist door g gf h ret aatmn Wiest of nig 20, Iiowmianville. Ito .,*ive e-way, anti I wo't do if agaij ualess l'ai williing te pay for A. E. MeLATJGH-LIN. i. lie--ilter, Solieitor andi Coaveyancer. AlîLuugL Le se-w where lie Lad O)ffce:-1ileakleY BlorE, IKing Street, demie wroîîg the syunuînhy of the alewiranties. Mne o 0-m - reaongirls n'as veîy gratefal f0 liin andt eLl rte. 8-yr -restoro-ti Lis, confiden"e. lIe n'as sa ROBERTYOTJN , V. S poor himself tfbuf Le Lad a hr ROBER YOUN, V.timu f0 iitke catis lacet, yet Le felt ()FFICIîI IN 1IIOPSEV'S BLOC, ladle!ldgvnghîo-ft h X YîO huwie Town lHaill Tntrance, ei~ i-tgv' hi1eff L 9Oipin. sNighf ral, eat nesideiuce, direct- frustoti ]hei-witL if, forlue n'as to ]y opposite Dril Shued. 17-iy. Le peit on the foliowhmg a. u Le mon'saiv lue Lad îuo righfte otrust 'nu~ic tEN.1i--M A. other peropîe's pu'o-pec, e-titiatde-t Leho XI anies, Issuer cf Mariage Lie- ensea. ilesidence- Centre street. onght b ihav-e peit foc uit iithont hein,,f- toidby the fbrjme-n. SIMIPSON & BLAIR. Affen bis delivem'y on itLe îext de-y1 D. B1. SlMPSON, K. C., CITAS p. Joe Landet i n Lis ceporf. BLAIR, tarristers, Solicitors, Note-ries, -Cocrect fuis tîmue. Didn't finti etfc., Moirruis louck, p-sceîrs, King e-ny poor olci ste-ivi,îg body, eh?" mai-et, ltowmanvile. Solicitors tfo~~t- '-' a rititwes rates je i Jo omt iYake auy mpiy, but f wenf fto is nîurk, hihc- ili- g i r ~j~Bjwtrllbg19 Ii, .~~ q't9.3 ueiý.mX aeir nopes at flic LacE of cïsliz ulfl o) 1The lplace wlcmc they %veton'omit- DENTISTS. iag uns on tht- fourtlî fhooc ati nl WilILe e-at Bhaekstock -on fhe finsf harge quîaitit1 of flou- in se-cEs Ladt j Itionday of ech montiî, et Orono been piiedti fLre rpuent lv while thei 2ati Monday, e-l de-y, anti et New-, besemnent n'as uaoergoung somne ce-I caes ts Wednesday fcom 2 p.m. pairs. Sutidenly fhîcee as a ci-e-k fr1 Oitfc:-Tomenaac st.,Bowm nug, gî'oeîiag soîm-tdLe-.e-rand thef Offce:Temerace t.,Bowan-floor hegan te sinE. Thesa noncesti ville, cee-c of Iîigginbotbam's drug fthe -n'indon'vs, wbucbie wecî' open, ce-n store. ~ton'nrls thera; but oîly thu- ee-c- edtfheni befoce the biLildint,,colape- D J , Ile n'alls bout inacti, anîd me--1 1 Se' R Y chinryfleuir, amainead woi-îon wenf c n s b n g f b o u g b t e t h e b e s e m n c i. 0. HLARDE N , LD.ST' ., In e- uomeni sci'cauns of agony 5J. L5.ID1L/.~J.1 .L 2J.8,, cameo up f-em fl-ee belon' nho wecc Gradue-te of the Royal Colloge of cuîhf h itheof n îvn-doî eli, ant Dental Sur'geons, Ontario. Lad no difftculty inla ilng hîluiiseif Offue:-Cpplosite T. Bu3ngbam's offee. fo a seat on the lotige; but -the wal I VITALIZEIi1 AIR. ifsclf was fottoî'iîg anti Le nas iii _________________________groat danger.j The cry came fi-cm sonîccue neam bu e-anid-ue looketi inwe-rc. 'I'v'o 1 Dt %q gris wo-1 L ad .oxpressedti er ym c CAL paf hv w hiai nh eea re- mandedby the fbromea, wn'i- Le-'- ing teithe suhh. To hot go mcit 0f ail Sizes, the best mined fillf0 the besemont cati, almnos'[ - in America. certlain duetIi; yof fey could iamui bolti on longe,-thoneae-few nminuîtes. FLOU R. Joe feît Lis nerves flagle1 at the fboughuf ,u Made by the Best Known Millers i Ile fira-cdtotehfe outaite. The Manitoba and Ontario fiie-es"ap-' nes about six luet Le-- nn-fb hlm ant ie-thongh.fw'isfeti iy FEED the buiging of the waîi.if ci n uîp t0 tbe wnedow wn'ece the gurls wero Of every kind and descriptîon laagiiig. Hoe droppe t t it, catid then raate Lis nay te the uppo,'r BriihCou baEea windton'a rapidly as possible. bre- riiýh C lum a O dariag isîfeot againsf the iron î'amhimg Shin lesanti Lis houicter ageinat ftLe side Try the Ol1d Reliable Firm Ot JOHN of the wimdow Le graspedtheL ai-ai GIL.BET& SON, wholesale and of the gis e-it pulledti mfbaIl lus - , migbf, felliag ber te behpLesecîf e-f retail dealers in Grain, the sanie tire n'witb heu' ofheî' Lama. Setis, Fleur. Coah and Sue dit! 5 ead n'as ceea eaning British Columbia tbrongb ftLe wiadoçw, froua wbei-e she Shingles. unede short xvock of g-ttîng eut ou &~o- oNone. thentire îtr~ietî to liehp tLe other Gt'ods delivercd prounptly in ali girl iin the sanie n'ey. ]lut sh'e-ctd parts of the fown. been holtinig oni for a fs-w seondis longer' fLan ber couupamioî, se that Largesf Stock Prices the Lowest wLtn Joe tf ceE er Ly the ain she #~%'1~i < go f the wiidon' nich 1.1e cottiu J no ~i~ er~ ~ S n Leamui also. Tliîs thi-en ber entire n'eughf on hi iii, ant iLe n as dean m King St. West, tiowmanville imîn'e-id in spite of Lis utiosi uî -ileai or. J~ OE AND THE f :FOREMAN - Your accourt's ouf jast one 10e-f. young f11 on,' CLe foî'eme-îof ftLe hakery, Mcr. Jac.quies, .se-ite the boy xiio stotuilbefoce hua. Joe Marstoni trîcdti f0 fi nkof any sale fur vnhich lie feileti to nake coi- lection.mi.Ils buisiness ne-s te tieliver breati a de-y olti thiongbent e- dis- tric-t in wvici, nnr r ein i ivedlwho Kidne.y anti Blc-ulter dc'.ases, anti nuake' new, richibuood. lWèe iih snti yen a generouis saumle post paid Pi-es, bogeflier wiib oui- large book on the c box'e mentioei tilseases. Aduhres. W. F. Sith LCo.,, 185 St. james St-ot, Mon.real, C aada. A PO1TWECURE FOf RI'EUMAI'7 Mr tLF iS < 7K1NE1A; BLL~RI. LSI AT APi - - - $2s oErS 'A ZuI- TSEOPB R Ifnever failste cura a SIMPLE CODIAVY COLD, and,( ~l DPONCILTIROV- Ev - i ,lit o e---- -.-ý,ý- -------ti1 U'J-li1-- 1U ý 1; Li vih'hyaenef innureti. oiiut î'en dto-astraimgLf andti ne-------------- As a prîotection cgciumsf veralna e- i'0 r1, ýin heiLn.nicoif elicm the wuit-e orpecaor u-ooctii- 'îLýe 1fýi - t, !,,wset tter Nvihi itesh tom' n Ph proie amnple,. Asge- pcefec- mneL mure ci.eo iy tfLan flhe cacgy -'Vnmigbf e-sE youristc'sif fi, îî cgam t ce-obits tl'e fi îmk steec. Froni one i car f0 tivo îisue is e-f home." "tsn ssc Iond lie cuinctet to a l-igLf of 2 e- LeIf te-ersis th- idenl a-o for She can' you comniag." or 3 ie, n s the nccunuuhnfingnin ___ -of \ inter enaecthemebis f i-e-cIi igLer. Tramiping the anow A Ir, 7-1EElBlC-,SîCILIA abot bcLes e tf tue trceis a pie- p jveind engiîmist the norlngs of mi , P asle-ise m biîiiu'--of îýLe fie Mni îmnyEe--,u'tel sr'iei tie re. od 0 i-im'byi-1L Pag -l -i iiOXayhr1Jsre merttHal arRne r There is more drawing-power -A I âd a noepound of EbysBlain's 1 Craceet WHY YO U SHPU L DUSE Cracofai he ro of crackerb o ever tasteci. AOTSpj ED IIt is very imp4ortant that the The crearny whtteness of the - eylon tes than in any other tes - j 1 1 udrtdte unciis f anlimal nutriton so that by a judi- -Pfirst-the ightness of the 1, da 0 et pudad i lous use of food mixtures the young seon te ~ f is pure, healthful, invigorathîg anal wili fom thefirst dcx clop another-the appetising ap- qE. a tedtets f curing a normnal lrameof boireand peaanc o anthr -he ie yerssndis ecgniedas the muscle. It ils nature's pla to grow Becaue it îs perfectly cleati. paac aohr-tysand its frrec and por 1tie franiexîork first and lay on fat Xouldn't you like to know that the tea yoêu drinký .icou etig f th 1aîte w ard, and if the ati 1mai is un- kîuse~.go.. pole1îurtrd aIl eii as not been touched by hurnan hand since it was plucked Then sce howv we've corn, FOR SALE DY &LL LEADING 'IsEcmuksaditrao-ontepnatn? GROCERS g~~~~~~~~~~~~ans, e.en to a slight extent, ina Ti swa o e nRd'oeTa h l bineci ail these five points intfevv generations ti e un effects becomeThsiwhtougtnRe Rse ea Tead Vymarked. cu'thod of rolling and packing tea by hand has been onle cracker. The best food, therefore, for a groving hbog ils thal wLich gives entireiy donc away wîth on the tea estates where Red M o neyS cotingawa fom he ~ Strength to the bottes and develop- Rose Tea is produced. There, as welI as in the blending likoly that hementldohave muscles, increasing' thean pc ro s,-en Perfcti n li no likly hat ie ouldhav ilsic of the liver and ether internail Cr~n S d s guidei the body down the incline, organs. TIhis gives a -greater capac- machnzry-is used exclusively. C e m S d s anud nilhbi's lahor would have been ity fer the ciî,culatil o f blooi, slip- Red Rose Tea ils never touched by hand after bein- Cojr pyoriel lo't but the firemren came to bis as- pIinig t1le eeiieits of nutrition to yor~sistance, bai ing hurried to' the sec- ail parts of th@ body. pbul-ke d. yotur perfect cracker-and end floor to sec îxhat had tiecome of Corn, elther whole or ground, is yoilfid tinMone'sm. With their aid Mr. Jacqiies more goeeally fed. k ils grown on T his fact clone will help you erijoy drinking it, yo'I in i n ocny' Pr wstaken out salely and sent away the farmi, relatively cheap, ric.h in The BIue LabeI is recommeaded. feto CemSoa.in an ambulance, while Joe, tooci îrbohydrates and ba,,i iig for its feto ra oa.wealk to beo0f any further service, special ftinction the production ofT.H ETA R KS StJhN.B 1Éewent home, fat. It should neot Le fed wjthout a T.H'S.Jh ,N B The fourth day alter the coliapse ful know ledge of its composition E.ýilNClES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. of the Cel aking Comprany's build- and limitation. For the breeder in,, Joetrei-Lved amesg to visit who ils looking for greater dci elop-' M dr, Jacqumes in thehopa. Whcn ment of frarew ork corn should con- Stubble, gra ,s cor ther mateiaýl feediug forbef The relative cost CÊ hie W'-s shown to the ,ot on which stitute only a third te hal f0f1the nar the hase of thle tree before thef a Pound of gýain ils as Iollos- outwa-d niotien to the!r bodies. The the injuredi forinian lay ho foundrain the !essor amount given tW rnow falîs. Notice the ruas of m ice From birth to 6 moaths.. 2c per 11,q girl first rescued beard hiec coui- bhla as grujfly as oî er. the y nungest animal, la the grass and clover' fields upon 6 nionths to 1 yeac . . . 5c panion's wild screamn, and i once ~Weil, you'll not have a chance to lIvestigations ih the feeding of the coming of spring. Take the 1 year te 2 years .........8e Bc seized the hand of the ari which gixe- away anly brý?ad te hungry peo- corn alonte and in combi-lation withý hint ai-d sec that no such favorable 2 years te 3 years ......... 17e Joe beld, pulling outwards witb ail ple for a fcw days, oh?" was the more protein foods, such as laid-1 conditions kcads such vermin right Thore ils somoethin,1 in the youngý bier niight. This asistance came net grectiag lhe met with. dlîirgs, skinm milk and dried blod, u tu te truaks of young, unpro- anrimal tha9t enables It to make bof-_ a mlloent too soon, and with it Joe Joe was so confiised that hie couîd show that there was about haîf as tected fruit trees. ter use of its food than when i t was enabled to drag the girl Safely answor only, "N-ne, Sir.-"rauch blood in the animal with cern Lastl.v, ouag fruit trec's are somne- gcfs older. to, the ledge. ".Sbould think îlot," Me. Jacqumes fed pigs and thatwht middliags timies injurod by sevoi-e winter wiads. We find if pays f0 put feeding ani- They were obliged te rest a mo- grauted. "Cet ]iurt any?" were feu the livers weighcd 48 ounces The o, ly remedy is a wind-break, mals in a loose box-of course they mient, and thon begall to mrake throir "No, sir-." oganast 31 ounces, with pîjgs fed corn which should have been planned for must bie of fairly uniform size-8 tû wny dowa the escape. No time ivas ~Weil, 1 did. A broken hend and aoe h edren ad ohrand the trcs te be used fer the 9 la, a box is enough; bed tbem well}, to o es, fr oas fomth fu- soulerou ofjont Thsegilsmuscles were more greatly develeped, purpose set at the time of the. es- and koep thoea comifortablo; keep the Bacc. had started a fire, and as gas up on the foui-fb floor scecm f0 iec froni proLeini-rich rations and theý tablîshing of the fruit plantation, Staîl well ventilnted. Uader poor, pips ad ee tistedoi, te laz ~u mll e?"brenking strerngth of the thigh boire Sucll a w ind-break flot oaly affords ventilation a bunch of steors g'aiaod piupdsuead raptifdly on, reachage I-I don't eh?' tmree.was 380 pouads wîth the cern meali protection from w inter winds, but is oaly 1 îb. per day. whule another theul third iea poioa fOnthe alls "I-1de. l3eenore nnd taidme ration, but 503 pounds where the valuable because of the protection it lot gaiaed 21L be. with exactly the th hihhd falle ariossofthewesce I o Bw yorae i(]terliv. epigs werc feit milk, middlings or gives during the bloomning andt fruit- saine feeýd and car, but good ventila- was encouintered, andi they ceuîd go Savcd minle, toc. tidn't vou, eh?,- bîddling and other carbonaceous Tg eao. jten ptigu ter ntI aý no further. Already tbe smoke and an<l îhe injured man looked and mill by-products are said te bave a Whca puTO fodlt' ifgsupulstforslanhd all bent were la tireir faces. spoke as if ho were rpady te give tendency f0- produce sofit porE and 1100S DO thLONPTTOS e d ots ofsuccent f eoo and ahý' "Girls," Joe said, there's îîefhing Joc a lcture ordeîng soo. ofi ~ oieto ih~~ y~gtruhg yucneooial to,,do but jumnp, so corne on, and lhe 'Il hcîped f0 get lïu ouf of the coi-n yieq], barley or other grains-,ttes anîd neai ever since theig1 s myto e4. Gs iveery n swtO starfedte t assiL-t tlîem over the rail- building, sir." Bran furaîshes mach pi-c iin andý time, with excellent recuits dîiggngasomr y ori pos ,rbe ,-andast ing of fthe escape, and tin this waY ~Weil, w'il b runing ugan in la a LineraI matter, but iN fil rous and" Mr. C. N. White.,Rottea ones are';iut or fivellpud st(r as r to let tbem dewn as far as possible few w'eeks and 1 want you bbck li t chafh1 la characteî- and unit fer the net feit. I alwans pick nup ail Sound!r mncb ay. We ne d i- oyx e s h beoete rpe.your work." stoinch of a t ouag pig, , lthoughý potatoes, ne matter how smiall, and! begin the nical. SItart with onë But at ibis momcent the firemren "TIark you, I shahle glati cf the when more amatu-e solfe bran CL~Inbe feed them 10 bugs anti poultry. ThîslPoundt per day; increase this quan,4 arrived in the ailey , and although chance"~ led ivith advaatao-e. li-s a goed w-ey te xary the rations. 1 tity gradually. Cats, bay anci it Ras chocked wiîh fallea bricks, -Anti you can give awaiy a loaf cf Wbere skim mallE is avaleablo nutL lI a1ýso ccok apples (sweet orles! ln ie r aro ain f they planteti laddeî-s anti starfeti up bread f0 anybody you fii dsfarving. cora or rîce m0al, it is one of the preferredj and pumpkins. if îthese , o av iede a od at in.fo for Joe and tire girls. One at a Understnnti?" best rations. Investigations cal- are to Ee fed te hiens, or g oubietobygenom fo timre the latter wero carrieti below. .Ioe ivus begïiîîîîag 1-ounîlerstand , ied on at the Wisconsin experimcent, ig, mshthcm wileghotw!thg aniais. e t o itl "Fol-)lowý me down," the ficemran aîthoumkh Mr. Jacques ralked as if station showed that ivhere eue te socle bra' If fe, be led to fattoeniagprclasme.Gtnisoeo said to Joe, as lie received the sec- lhe wer ro rldii~ igNg(;o.iuly. three pounds skim milE was fd i- i 0p u i&<.l1 u i aeor ens feei.GlthenEdasburg, C ond gir-l 01er the railiag-, "and bc, "Non', her Il n rdor onour one Poundi coca meal, 327 pcuinds of iluîîiiicl ocsnoec tr- &vof-?otel i, im ~gk-o--o a- Tie-ltwmu rc- jFEsnUlY'ItYan ,nmaime1t4'VYe~ '~~~t ,' 5'~~ -ave --,T%ýnie an honec:t gluten ma lis i ng' pa ~or yor wa'es eîyweek un- iLlkoweýJ, wente -p--Il f ai oî Lg-em prktafns-culto (il nmeal. It is qucfed .ioe turned to look at tLe ap- fil n ct te volk. itJadrst.-nd]?" si ikf onmc e e~ ed'ds e. ±pp1es ai(" Po*fa- tLa 5pr o ntaE a prhis - ove es ndo bnck itetoosirialthe mass cf much -,55 te7anti 7 to 9 undlfo onetees are lns mach tcmbesasf lteOfwa prcchig ame, ntionbrigîg "ee.si. ao ban yu vîypounti meal, 446, 574 ccd 5521huban c ace-. rurins- beciath iai. "W cl T'm doiag a lifflo thankino- pourids respectii'ely of 51im niilk laInsumalîrmy Logs have, the runar ofwtde fating can be feti afpto- "G t treseon foo! le ud in myowa way, foc, so that's aifl d ae10roud ia.of ftieorchard uni fruit gets f0 fMt, but if mnust gef aarrower as llthe deîîly qhonjtedftei ienien, and ieho rigt. Now, the doctor says 1 got Pigs uîcigling 75 te 10 pourincl1 dropping badly. Thea tlîey areý feoding polioti ativances. disappeaceti inwacu oie,- the broken 1sncb a 41-aking up thaft rînustn't îWill cousue-o tc, 4 pouads g i osdlid~ rceapn, I Ile rrged acli wbo wore interesfed Wall. ~taIlE to anybotiy very long at a f.dprd ni b~esi i~prufer hogs in îny orchard ftnoabefriigf ttn h hr WVýlat Lad led iîîî to mcschafmeaei ns oudbttrg."ldaent to onie round grain. ta, otheinvboyd0f ccliiiteatitgnththsoS.or -' ; is eCourse atr thy nfwcugriculturahe Coi- Warda 0ier a b1eameLe saw'dMc.terac-." n-ner f0 the aboie questioni, 1 -c.log is a fuithfcl worker and a Coure aTruro, nwïi scssvth L l pelin sop yig utidoa -'Vr wr. ic goi-ye"wouid suggest feoding 2 f0 2. iLs. liLtlecocrn scattereti rati wiul er who would bc thoro the quesov a.e- ottrin, lis, r.-o'n-io Liii, maîinddlin,s xitii 121 pountis cern muai i-cep Liai diligent. a futi b qusiddin rmiieîî asf o grder whiich 11h.-, -be ias about te,, feet frum r inixeul in a slop. If ith n refuse vocy oest rcieasfui Y Sldn ln .sélgre hc lthe cet, Mr. Jacqucs cailed hlm iadstl i stasîe noît--------actual expe -iecec. i,îclinet iiet nay, Joe jumpeti tebaick. Foi- the firmsf time uiace iho 0f mualilis reqaiceti. Gluten ment O OT UPRESS A COUGR. tbe place where the fo,-iîlaykaw hlm, Joe saw a wistfui, kdiiti ca, b fou in la co of maiulings but witb lis clothes cnnght on a spike. look la the forcmîan's oyes as L bc bing ,igLly nîtrogectous n larger - BRASS BUTTON ACTS. 1lie was umcoirscioims but stili bî-eath- ji asieti: proport ion of coca meal chîîuhd bLe " Lvii ve'î have a eccugb do tiot try t cswr10se nth egso iag. 1-ladiftnolt been for that apike I "Couldn'f you coule bachu b secO led. If bogs show n craving for suprrss it, but remuve the ccii o.TheWllamsIllr, Annetiandfeorcegna o hie would haie eoeoa barie under tie me day affer f0 morrow?" minerai matter, supply a small tînan- c .urbhis Dcl1Va s-, umPtiof etsoenisease hc aej leglfral alr culas at tire ficat crash. But other " s sir, anti 4lad f0," -Toc an- tity of -wood ashes, charceal or boue and thLee ,i ýesslid Mbat Tic-aslouid cure wihmtei lua o u alm Parts of the wall were occasionallv swerecî, feeling a lump rice imi bis mea]. Thxis craving is unnatuiral and Otbef he c iigh will stop 0 il-'elf. The f0 mn-ke, or ary man f0 woar, flling- la. the fire was atieanciiîg, tirct Lie coul,! notftel why. indicates a lacE of mineri înatter met -n1 CAicn8 f clu- îugle aclothea n ifb, any buttons other fLan ant i e must ho emovet iut once or in________ atheiî-feeti.cd.Aed ewîpomuinprs those madec of brass al péýeatl ere, lofft teobis fte, île cý,'uandipepcton onaaegIf. The law furtLe,' enacttedthaf The bea')in, fo-tîiafely, wals Jean- FOR OVER SIXTY "YEARS. c!ý-e'ntol hudaytio l, on ing OuitWard toWards the ch'orctorm_ýý oprim, etc ,are useti forntolysotiayalr ocen iig liwad toars ,lepoint Mrs. Wiaslow's Sootlnig Syrup bas YOUNG PIFRUIT TIIFr4S, thst ur 'l, ut fie-e-do nit cure the mîtted a rn hieebof i i e finetforty wheroe theriiallihall fallen avav froîîî ibeen oseti by mililions of mofhoîs.for înr nuyt fremyc-]i('aa'rla'C ghR edonsiigbtaotctosoni it, andtihfecinaeî- ci na agn ferchildren while tecfh!ing. If dis- coni cmfiurce ouce: uascît, coimho Lnt es noýt suprees the nef Leable f0 recover from is euis- on n wuro wbiclî nus attached lf0iit. freia. nighf ati hoken ot y-uIir vrî nis-o- vai.Teis ~ub u Oîîo th eoigfoetomer lan aicourt of law t1elprce o WLen LJOe leapo h f0 fLe h.î.Il matLy asi child sleigat r-fo u cîiat emnms, n' IioiaeIinsteme~wihtesi biLe bcadoîeiwf Le 'lad tf0deulo ws fove hofing wtbpain of CtigTe ,senti j h aggcau, e, L omtir.g get 5rce L rem.im nialih jte of e Atîng buttons. The ibthe oudes<f tfelicinfoLuaiîmatiýlîon at oince anti geIt ailotte of "Mg.No tr!sn1rotcttita%.mp îL irilrieani kt!iigi -,elrat orei f1LeAcfla f poetth te mh iter, ioier te ak it j Winslowý's Soothiag Syc1Up'fo' Li hiese tagî. Snsat scuif ise oeesîLes:celins ntie aset-Bir ih a me nu et ttonme ýrs.A safafueceIo r hieclthng cfhr- ice Tefhig. It l; reteve thehi Lenîtrmîte re ig iuiIî ani p mîiltî1ecaes h-vcoîitche cureains ther th corf Wis .0 ii'l1as iv.ceu.Fr 8ale by ai lainthe yecr 1854 oc 1855b, la bi, e ewoulti fc]], sinco eivas toc poor little Suffe,-ec iiiilin-tiinteiy. D;oguft-L-ikczibt.snie uugtt.aic, nhig nt yLi alr heav fo- Je t hoti.pend upon if, mefhiers, thece is DilO the wvotd i aîîofsisn ael a raiseti a snccessful defence eyn To gel:ilM. Jacques, sheîiiîhcu on, mistake about If. If cu;res Diarrboea, frozen, 'dor-aîamît condCitioni. If nîay - on the Âcfs in question, f Iat ch the henni n'as atm easy task<. bon'- regulafes the stomneh cmî;lrd boweis, bcones;ixccgieiL h ou u EDN-BE AIlIL. btoso h htewibL a evec. for Joe's sceîtl ad be crs Wind Colic, soîtths the Coma, coîîduîion of the LarE, WAich turneoosdenethenoce bone anti not brasa nealy lsei p nreay:buth ,ascues n nieton, ansthie us one Lick nof due, saietimes sepaurt rof tîtae e, teBaÂeciletite ntionf0bellexd istnce o!s accomplisheti, alteor îhich Joe took an- I cnrgy te the 'whole sysf m.ing from flicls hwood.e ale atnto t teexsticeo out bis pock'et Enife to cutthi V ' 1-s.1inslow'à Soothiag Syrup for To preverît iuiy i'ioua Sua scald Fer Fronomical Gains. tiv îere bnnism, rantli he rsfifla tbldea eehing i leas-.tnt to the 1 i ifporly rî'ei!-aiy to proteuft th le17"1 JIVIi te fVed l Ï then'ce oo afer boishti i

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