Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1905, p. 2

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l fa centary te ..Lo ter ansta i'chr.Sk F, ,or Ot B ELLE VILLE Business Col lege, Tralinngr-UN EXCELLE 1) lloe3k-keep1nj; Shot-tlssnd; Tvpewriting; Offlee Wer- Tleg 0 clrg and lRail- e ay Wo4i; Frenclihand Germa. 1E5v<ry Deperfnent a Spealty J. A. Tonsaw, Belleville,{fJ. Ffîith Jeffers Sseretry f nt. tresideîît Witer is Co nielrig.1 To peQple who want the BEST, Cutters to "drive or their own Cutters a n dL Sleighs p-tinted and re pir-1 ed, 1 amn reac[y to attend to their wants an)y time. Special attention given to Painting. Wm. Edger, Bow manviflle which deposits may be made and withdrawn by mail as conveni- entiy as if your own post office were our office. Send for it. YVou will find it interesting. MrJtg-îage cOrpc-ýtiOn (nr.. l The< aadaPeimaneýnt and A ]I3OLD L ADY. u n ,1a,1a!riag0 suiggeSts te an irrex -rent curiosity the question, \ ARIOUS SALAý Iljg and Lettuce Salai aggs forf fiten nilautas, iý thor a to colti iaber and te rernaisi theceutilc-ol the shLcls anti eut ocu ifour pleces. Place ci I leax as on a large piel piek a of egg on each lab liglîtly n lth sait ant im1 aise oven ail. Coltage ( heese Saiad. inasIi 'g yoor mayonnai. frange ourlac toue leavas flat tlsh. Bruyak nlth the spoon the cheese iî to sus and xx bn this ta donci gradualir wilh the dressing--rubhlng anti bli togethas- laito a croamiy i tLe eheoee as i ca]h drop a tahlespoooful of it Ict[w-e lbai. Set the eaough opon the l'o to eh I ents il oronghly anîd sec- Sn uethi-eatiSalad-Ass sxxetrea.is aY e Lrou&' plongeo theca loto sualc slightly saiteti anti allow 1 tnalnts e. e for toit minue ia iCeti xatcr -te xhiten eneirely colti took lîxein îa:,,ies ii ._,lted boiiihg I l ii dry anti loy tbem uî,til thev aie coid andi îLey may Le eut xxith a ficto tIi 'e. Lise 3 oc-rs euth lettlice 1aelaý swtetlîrocds up on ti.ss, tlii' x ith înyoanaJsýe4 Tootato'Salati witb WLi, -Prealîne the tonintoes in thealbat icclpe; arranug clnlîttuca icaves, spr:i %'Ath sait anti lay a s w,1hipped creain upon each be found deliit'ous. Tomiate anîl Lattoco Sa rrmoî othe skIa irons yeo by'scaltling, Lot by caucfi tlirm. T'ebmeutiinto Ih range on a cold dish tLe, tU5e icaies, loy haîf at ach anti scatter Ladeyc aver ail. F111 a pretty With snay osnalse, ant inl sal.atd pour a ladîciol of ti each pioce 0f toinato. Sardine Salati One b( dises, txxoLunchas oai i aonise. Drain theoiol frc c-lacs Ly la3ilng eacl ft ti.ssue paper, turoiog tLe on one sida, than on the thc grea'eaisabsoibeil by Sprte anidxxash the c( anly the finest, xxiest t4 aach pice into suéh loti1 witlî papp', salt ai-id v.l tbcsc pie-ta ltab asi opon a glass p ilattes- anti1 dines nrouod tha base nf Pour ovs- a Pathirkrci Cocumes- alad 1- P uvtrfor- an heur. îaiy a saxail opion a wd i curohors. Laynailaina tiish ansi pour aveu thc'u to1nade of thrca ale es gar', twe of saînl,ia A xmotCs- o l'l Ptit intÏ1,e a tinL dr~in te aasrub )a Iplach of â T'o SOtnaMelts otwhich is aient erfctly ard, pro- v // aI est gr~ lim la hal a pliof l____ ecd as l ]ows.! Dilis Sul e a hnndfu\%0 W U s lo Nle 9 ~ oltin y~I Millioo f cIof fine different d-Bol si pthessOasi at tht cardeatd àpar anenations, are constant users of Ligio" th1-B w ell ' rcensfshooldLerpatd. it n zone. Soine are usiflg it to get well; thIo thow iiain rii lgas aism okep-,el oat(>cr allw tem 1 j mi tin lo-.< i glss aubce pro- germ dlse-ases; somne as a tonie. No )d. Bene fdt.ced h exi ensivelAy as follow-vs:-- medicine x'as ever sol wideiy employed. Il egg loto WHA T CAME OF A LETTER. Moisten 1'psoni saîts with weak gurn Teeueaae irwee ls lttce>y De r A i,,n Ka le: ndapPlv te thc, glass with a rag. neiglibors and frien'da are among theni tter,, lay a I nmust teil you the good news. Right W~hea yu cele the saine appenr- And haif the people you meet'-wher- ,z lpririkle c1ter receiving your letter, the day before ntanid thaatmnosphere is damp ever you are-ltnow some-one 'Whom pour usayon- New Years I'started in with new resolu-l and steaniv, Moisten putty the"- fLîquozone lias cured. 1tiens on the first of the year. 1 wrete te ougbly xxith lînsced o11 aad palit I o edhlpes s oeo -Begin Ly Dr. R. V. Pierce, at Buffalo, N. Y., as youl the panes of glass over xxlwit fyu edhepILes sksm sead rreqnested nue te do. I gave hlmii ail miy thcse usera what Liquozone does. Ieada-symptonis, wbich were that 1 was tird-- Don't blindly takie medicine fer what ;on a large se tired-all the tme and did net care tî0- HOUSEJIOLD HÀINTS. medicine cannot do. Drugs neyer kill Le hol of a go anywhere, depressed and sad, ansd ail genms. For youx own sake, ask about il crumnbs, ambition gene, Lackaclîe aud a dragged-ont pNever let .starchy vegetales, liko' Liquozone; then let us buY You a full- illoisten it feeling, could net sleep, limabs feeling s.r erpoaoS, cease boiling for a mloant I sîze bottle to try., miayonniase and aching. I followed the dotras advice, wxhile tbey are cooklng. Thbc1Leoie~ aidlng it au wbîcb lie werit to considerabla pains to wtrsaeîudrsc odtos usake plain te me- to rest every day a nap %vtrV,,kdudr uhcndtos e Paid $100,000 nmass. Wbaa after incb--coniplete relaxation-cuitivate and lose fIai or. ýd this StatO, repose of mmd, try net te worry, get as la puttlog zaiay tinwara, sea thatI Fo>r the Amerîcan nîghzts to Liquo- ýt upon each mucb outdoor air as possible, sud prac- it la '_UfeCUtl; dry. it is t'e utIle zone. We dîd thîs aller testsng the dish long tice long, deep breathiaig, expaading thei drop ai xater tLat causes tha spotipeutfrtoyas bog hs hili the con- longs. Trhen fera uterine taie, Dr. Pierce's 1ipoutfrto ertruhpyi -ce. ast FIavorite Prescription, coupled wath a wasls of rust and tLe sust soon eats a1 sians and hospitals, after proving, In so sth e teld nme of. I mai say that after follow- be. thousands of differcit cases, that ing Liis advice for four nionths I feel per- Copper miay Ile o ces_-fully uieaned Liquozone destroys the cause of any &lt home fectly cured and like a new weman Ly belng rubbed with a cut lemon. gerni disease. Iding xx ater Vonrs affectionally, JLWJEL. l dipped la sait. Liquozone haz, fer 'more than 20 t)f arn te ce- Iattera like the aboya are net uanusual. 1 he mince ment jar n'ill reeie easbeatecnat uec o aS';1 thon iay Mrs. itoman, of een(ltan con.stantnetad, novos ,sthe. Wha MN. ., s 82C1ays Ic n th Le.,cinectdinenal lait-oi crs te advantage,sinfl and chemical research. It la tIii iiad ta,.ken c'five betties, aise we viais of suceh as a bit af pleseri as, a feta-ntad by compoudn rus a fer fil teca tibe Ple-sant Pelles,' and 1 was cured. 1 ai- spoonfuls ef -spîi x inegar fri on tî,eý with 'alcohol. Its virtýues are derIved water, çvie-afriea whendyDr.ee wedi stom on the i a riecemwiend Dr. ircesnueiies emy swxeet piclels, or a sauscer a aad solely froni gas-larbgcly oxygen gas- lspihe yteDr. Piters inie. Mv wjsear thaiat fruit. Stîr t' c miioncent - e Lu ent by a process requiring immense appa- crisp, hen t yD hire s einitge l- siesacthat ly, 3.te I liand lococpoi-ate its iratus and 14 days' Uie, The rasutit shaîp knlfe ail who are afflicted wiil try thiem. aud sea wiiat1 contents. The e nsult W il e(- a rich, ai liquid thiat doles Wbat OXYg-en doeS. salad hoîvl good eso Lc done for the sick," wvrîtas Mcc. y h s EalEizsabethu McConell, cf Rocescter, Ind. fruit3 miass that wlll iiiaise a dlli- la l a nerve food and blood food-the andhe lcear Send 50 ona cent. tanîps te D. R. V. exous pie. drasiag. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., for bis Comimon Aplt'iigfuCaeOleoe desn. Sense Madical Adviser, socS pages. large to"ur aplile, add ona cup gran -o-Gooooo<>--ooo ppool Cteani___________ ulntcd sugar and wiîte of egg well Q as direc'ted 1 benteai. Dent al togethes- untîl 0T~T T tei hlvsup. Pour this oe r the i e, sa osiî1y aixhp c ra, for O jklie llghtiy' tar gcated el casao on the top and wl leLIt lis ofca mlistaken. O ipeonful Of broxxilinlathe oveil for twenty min- Canned Sailerkrnut-Boil satuer- YIO ~ h. This willl Ltes. Serve mry Lot. . kraut util telîdor, f111 jars and p'or ISuitana Doifflings. Ilub six'ý1 over top 0f ecm-b jar- 3 tablespoonis alad--DO not' ouces of firicly 'chopped miet lieo meted lard. Seal 'hile Lot. This OO~-o-G YY- or to.antoca thicee quas tars of a pound of flour xii keep a yeir or longer. Whou I1xas gcttîng botter, o liy peeling Fnd four ounces of Lrocad-cruaibs; add Patienuce Cand3 -Tlis is vert- good. And they propped me up in, Lad, alves. Ar-, one sait aîîd aL alfpourid of sol- Mecl 1i:i up graaulated sugar ln an Oh, dida 't 1 eladhuagry! rsptla-tailas. Binîd xx 1h an egg boutea ui) iron sancei an, stiricing constaatly 1 But 1 knew the doctord said, tomnateo O n lamille 11 the xvhîla is a sînek, until it is tLe coasistency of inolas lecn hv1uLtoet31 eruhcd iCOi s' . Dvie lto suligsticlaSa-S. Add 1- cap iialk andtituntill Sa I thought of thiags iîastead, glass hexvl cloilîs, drop loto boiliîg xateu, andl the caransel is dissolvtd. 'libn add 1 seri-î the cook ut a staady gaiiop for haif aný 1 cup mllk, 2 uups sugar andi ona: 1 thought of basket ç icnics, Jressing aveu htur.1 tablespoon Lutter. Bell until It And of 'mince andi apîda pie; Plain Snoet Oalet.-Beat three threads when dreppeti froîn a 5p001t.0fsaicesntdogat, oxt of sar- e gs t'îoroughly, andd to tl.eni onaTaka froïn fire, put 2 fable3pools Oft Ani hesacts I ud t ,y celecy. May- oioa e of L'tp-c ut ite smali a saucer andl stîî tý) secif lb Lardens. I seemaîl ta taste theîn, anset, eusn tLe sar- ploe as, andi oaa ouncea of sîfted su- If it dots not bardea boit for a few SulabuirLynasI ish on soft gar. Stir ail log"bher. l'ut oaal mi1iotes amiatry agalo.bBe aura1t sardine frst o-,ii.ce of hutt r ino a clean oeltr',ioe aCifi-osa lieecditinewhiia yiote' it'n en le othes-,util p an; wxxlîcait fritters pour is tha ýtcstlng. W'he t ha 'etry" is satlsfae- MAy Sorau'd si a ut; edm li te papes-, I5ixtiire andi stir until it Legina je -to tffy ad,., Aîîv story or'd pIck oit; elar, uiagsot Thn jra ory untl ~ or acas Iguess you knowr aI-lCdy celer,îL gs e t. ntha s li nethe edes ve -tilllantd stir- ti:) inixtth cabegls sto Va h tn xaeaot stlk. u t, ,,, i -novnI shape, b-- ai hardea. lPOur ote anoued Iaýter 'd listenuil ima~~e langs a pile oxera hot shavel, anîd tiit angar andti uan cool oft lotosquares. And help e edo i-tot Itiýga. Ple ý-e. i ttagce Cea -Pýlat(e a cra ck aof lay the sar- n ie sfoîl.c- nIl >pltitîtopot. batlg i i < t nil hoc nsbo thle mioundl, a tc OTa tîresnti,1; ou cao taise, aad sîse ad a Ta; oapounti of sugar nh-ey.anti -ur seprata Do't l"lo in klgor l in ues adaquai-tes-cai a pount of Lbutter, 1it khalll o i l cud xviii1 Le togh.Ilai rnauorxhen axxake, hem ~ an l 'daJput iste a Iliata mne!t. S ucIe Fea ise -rok fautt antieut As T haleerslttesas ile o ai o~ ~~h dryusi.aîLe cf tv to lei'ioiisl: and stralui'tec-cur 1hakaife. Take ont A h ls elslec ae ltlta t~o tic fjan; atltlth e gratet i na 's, xx ,ith a r and put in a coarsei v ry ou lan th, ai' s f fiv.e fît sýlIeggs. ýýbag to s hi - Lait it ang for sever- S hOPPING- sa dIressiLig Stur aIl the tinoI tilit 1Cil ixture ai lie'ius la a cool p lace, or over Dos etby is the only litle gil ifuis 0fvl -cooks and tlîîdcas. - -'nui'c. xx, i d hol'e ettes. then rcadyl mothar lbas andti aothu is the only( o -uoone. Wc Yu TyIt-Fe re it it it is most helpful, thlng ln the world 1t you. r-aIaltones 'luuiors-171aer ILS effacta are exhilaraling, vltaiizing, Gouorriea-Gîeet Wonien'a Dmueassn puniiying. Yet it la a germiel de seo Aitdiseasaset ei thfs-u-attd certaia that we publiali on every bol- mtr-i asil ueîtuoudesaal tiaea tiu resuiits 0f tMýUre ar Pousoosui tiae. tean offer of $1,000 for a dle In nets-oms debi tty Lkuomone ae's as akvitaulszer. gerni that il cannot kUll. The meason aeiutsmswîtn rg e 0 la that germa are vegetables; and Lîquozone-like a excasa of oeý:ygen- SOC.Bottie Free'. la deadiy to vegetai malter. Thare lies the great value of Liquo- If yous naed Liqisozone, and'baye zone. It ila the only way k-nown te M-il neyer triad if- tp1ee Send us tbis germa in-. te body wilhout i:ILing the coupon. We will then mail «ou an ,r- tisane, too Any drug that kilIl~gerins der, on a local drugglst for a fuil- is a poison, and It cannot lia ta1n in- size bobîla, and we wlll . ýpsy the dr-ug- ternally. Every physician knows that git urselves for it. This la our frae, medîcine le almoat hipless l ayfi ia ot(> convince ou;to show, "germ disease. i yo(,u wt IAlquw îZ, ufw&at It Thesee the known garni disers -der no obligation ,v1iatevej, AIl that medicine can do forebasg Lqtozone coesa Sc.ý and ?1. f îroubîes is to halp Nature overeoma the, germa, and sucli rendIts ara indu- CUT OUT THIS COUPON s-oct and uncartain. Liquozona attacha r hsofa a etapa gan O n tha germa, wlieraver tbey are. And Îi t"ul1lsnks and mail itto the Liquid Ozone Co., -wban the germa which cause a diseasne ti-04 bs Ave., Chicago. are destroyed, the disease 'ut anti Aýtha Dy Feýr-nfl.I 1ha's- nex-er tcied Liquozone, 1,allf yen will Abc h 1musls hide D 5 tu a su,pîy, me a Wec. bottle frac 1 wiil take it. cicuebesLa tr îppecase acp dtt-yo.ru usice b yorsebf, picase UoeCl Troubules Catarr h-Cancer tIysentery-DfOurcha. D-snduxf-DrcpSy iLc eesQ- Erys] peins Lis-a r 'ombi 8Ialara-Nesra-lgin 1bîan-y Hart 'irouLlls piles-PieLnen"a Pleurisy Çilas flbemnjst a 'ftrsalt rcý- xtc 3"ubîuec.t:î c Give iuli udrss-xvriie plainyj Aîy rhysiisuor hospl"lol ystusing 1iqnuà.On5 relit b6 glauty suipplied lt a tebt. couchas; tatble-s, diues anti sideboards, BRITAIN AND WEI-I-AI-VIEI. stai os, skill us andti taiettles7 for the dolîs that stnatie at homne; and Lease Vins ta Termninale Witli Fali for the tlolis thai travclled, titiaks, of Fort Asthur. baga anti luimeheon- boxas; cairiages. , h usIna L ttao h bouses and. atîtomohiles;Lboats, triains lrTlh uetoenmot'es lenuof te- and trolley-unis. rtsh- oericts eue fWi ll, took trne taeoxamine al theso Lai-ai Lecornsa of importance, non'v n onders andt Dorothy hati jot each- that Part Arthur bas fallen sapa the cd, the lions, lanibs, doxxs, cals London Express. Accoci'uîg tatLe dog's, tigers, rabhlts, roost 'ersanaditx fîet-ecyng itd o 'billy goals" amn a tlîlut counter July 1, 1898, ai Pal iîug, Ly the urben inother camae towartihou, still then Di-iti:-h Ainister, Sir Claude siii-. ai somnething tLe g ti L ad MacDonald, Bei balivwel uns to La told ler-. 'cra garld Ly Gri-ct Britala "for so long "0 nothar,' re Dorothy, "tion't a paniofi as Part Arthur shall res yous secethe 'conipensatlon' is all mitnlante xoccpationthat Ja xii antan! Do you think I might bave ti ctep -dta Jpnwl a Ïtreat,' tee, lia day?" agaîn raloase bier bolci opomi Port Ar- Moterirîs roîhat as she lookai thon in laver of Russia. Russia, Moter astroble -Loxxvvr, xx'll tioxbtiets comtaad that ai tLe teautifiil toys, foc she feare-Itog1otAturbsLe yet Dorotby xxaiid choosea acoslly oecd fhuo brtfAr thr basbee helo, t -xhb he oolti1noluy bac.or a stili "tecbicahtly" bleida the fortresa. 'Xlbt ixîmîi 301 llce or i Anti on this contention xue untier- trc-aI?" she o'am.istonti Gr-ant Britaiin iasa lier Derethy po illd te a raLýit i-'lde -ftý,dhdo of sof it Ltelolianti stujy.l ti xxiî ('oniudhln e 'i c o.Tbýere lsa aninrked d(ii: cceoa coîtn oinînîs aý, mong navaýl amb ie "Lon atii " ac u fl, se xithuaaniteîL ala fWei-bal- exyalmei, "bo aliil raLi " wi as a naval base. ,Sir (Cpi clan lovely e taLeto Led t nIgL." ' Bridge, ,xvho rec-ni eiqise h Mo~ragucaî'tithat inlght t:e c cmmuanti of tueAltc ttoc i.il xLiathi s.il orty~îe cauurse of ajb- i iax iit criL. -"Expr-ess" -rUapreseta asaitit- "Our Goi'erninant aicolxitb China TIEIE CLOVEIIr SEED C 110OP. 10 hold W'eî bai-n ai only as long as, Russiebeiti Port ArtiLur. îlot I Two-thirds o.f an Aveage Croix cannot séec idy thera sboumid.hîu any in Ontari o Lat Yens-. :1 I ditfflculuty la makmng a frcsiîcnen - '.0-t .5,, 1j stan Ca -ti' - 01 à. ht-1,and l wr- thi fu boLonSetîat bsan lIs-Iof Malaga grapes, tir e L ananas, CI-an îvhit4c b;ick anti Saeo 'muui -foîîose'rancarhcelyts ,ani<h saonfo hc-himgi nl i s or e a sls I aps asio atiappnrcntly authentietree ora-es, one dup of tEngila oo. i xilrean btil nnmiSIOO UNhS.s m anybec wrrenadasxncd.A apr 0 ixi ne'l Litilysitc-eos puy tagt iirithsutileiiLanaof cd.erh: , iosîructes-s ini seati guown'g, çtho arae Teei a- Oi cpwtrl sis i a cae w ee to 'm u autt L-cs oe h u b of elr, pt n a rln'u tn .A writen nacdîtly 'rote ofa visit hën lýa -e are parka antid cahs Ie povc v te SdBraýnr- of the Ithe lm r h r o, n l h un o 00 om' tck îe intiatiîe, Liii0oaa Lcad , f lt'ttuae, ,mayonnie "ocm. Whtxr.hs-ts fossh a-s-a c w-lkona sonl î.tunceuees o ol-arriu nliauutr t t-~~ teish a hghhaidtifahin d ressing. TîssUc os acire-o .., .. ... . 1t, ,shspol 'rn s.îtivd -- 'a c:'knon i Iolti four bat-cbp, nhl h f( in a I--' a - '. - "-'-'Ths saa ]ýS b rë ;u .l i 1 ',"- - - - - - - o go '-n dea t..o - - --- - lime "OOts i se 'xii ouata 'ne xî'nmte- ot sthai i-m-Lu duc-n wt-.uch sceni tee .- --o- - t ,, 00. et uisîiî5Ot i o~.a .i~5 Att. t.~ ~ -cs.,. a c , c.e-s-:c~ i St--s'-- - - - --'.-'-s'.~,-" '-- -- '-- -i. -- i.. ro - - i - -' m' -- Vu-j il - e) o' - 1 1 Germ Diseases,

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