Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Dec 1904, p. 6

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for two houris la, one pilit of miik WaJyist and hall n pint of water. Tako out 1 straiglit pu- Aï1 cmip o? fragran'T, deiiu aice Qu oe of life's greaý-test comforts the tripo and place on n hot dieli, %7-, 1"N u memiber tha thiclien the. inilk with flour, sf-jr Anid that whule it bouls for a teîv moments, i yfirs- ~byB1an ~add hall a pound( of onions, previoue- 1, y boiled and ,-liopped finely. Let 7 LI.g. ail cook togetheý_r for a quarter of DO-OpOpCppCpZOO3 TUE B. an hour, ,add a good seasoniug of pepper antI sait andI serve very hot. PA ESAD TCIS. Wliy le f-h For simple Scotch haggis take a It Wns DOr.othlys blrfay, at lefor a deuf penny worth of liver, somne of sncf-, Wn ee er lIfrti is ielier hear. one email onlon, oaf-meal, peppar inler11eY je br lea roue o te inatj-,71, Mocha and Plantation bernies, biended and sait. Farboil tlie liver for hall hffd le euiu rsns wlien it risE >1 by experts in proper t~prin.SOLD ONLY IN SEALED TINS an hour; wheni cold grate it down: Manuna ]iâd givecn lir a silve thlm- Which wa éýor oue pound andI iwo pounds each, AT 40 CENTS A POUND. add the suet slireded. fine, aise the hie witi 1) on it, ant(i papa lad glv- Austra.lie w Use t oly ntiy~ noer gainbe orned y per off. ~onion; pour in a teacupful of the wa- Z1t terin whicli thle liver wes hoiled, cr e eeydaigsate. Aunt W at tract Ký your hlonseholti. ad epranisi ndimc ijtli liad sent lier a book, antItd hr oatmeal as will make ît aice antId udaada ltebxu handi in1 7,or S.-le by UAI Leadlng Grocors firm; mix ail -weii together, tic in a kerchiefs. due (dew) floredcitli plng ino bilug a- But the biggesýt gif t of alllied corne (miest) 1a t' ________________________________________________Ter and hoil for an heur andi a hall by express fromn Aunt- Jeunie. Wliat repi ormore. This witli a dish of niash- Andti t wns nof-hirg more nor lese a scioolrooi ___________________ suct, choppati fine; one cup of molas- ed potatoes, makosce naice dinuer for f-han n Pink ginglian dresel wif-h a Wlien does se, le cul' of mulk, thee cups of f-he bairus. pocket in it! la auillier seven yasgtbeli A _______Dorothy lied nov-er liad a pocket J> -nce lias mi I A floeur, three lavel teaspoonfuis of ha-k- fore, anti she beggeti to lie alîowcrl b i iu% pour onthi teapoo Mai0 ARKETS FOR BUTTER. to wear tlie new d1rese to school, thnt SR i 0fcifflamnof~hf]j tn- ~ ~ Rît&II the girls miglit sec the A Case ul qpeifn; n-afc. West Territories. "But you can take a holiday if tractE fl,, ouse à ofin tebope hieu. Fatwit The Dalîy Division of f-he Doparf-- YOu like," sa-id lier mof-ler, "andi Thero lias lA lei:-<m saure. w~hment of Agriculture, Ot-tawa, lias Stay ut bomne fromn edhool because it 'Dur sf-nge]. Ol eliable" Cake Mi'.aroc,--Two egam lihis year opora-ted a number of is- your birthday." Dairy Produ eggseone cup of sUgar, to ti f creamneries in the Norti-West, Terri- - N 0' niamanua,?" saiti Dorothy, "i Butter Act SELECTED 1 RECIPES. a cun of mlilk, butter the si7te of an tories so that farmers iu districts Waiit te go f-o scihool spOshly to-day; manufacture Sheet Cake.-One egg, oua cup of egg, two teaspoonfuis of creama of adapf-EM to dairying mýight be able andi 1 wanf to carry iy paChe la difetd sugar, f-wo cups of butter or lard, tar,'tan, one teuspoonful of soda, anc to obtain a cis)h income> from, their ryoce- Adh antI have a lleides ,0aebaf upofmiktw up o t.,Epcnii o laorng sit, flii-cows until sucli time as tliey are able Piede of the 'sY9 lastings, 11011r, two teaspoonfus- of blaKitg t-o malte sttiff batter. Crean iiguar. f-o carry thimslves. Considerabie at- Ye, sa-id her riotlier, sîniliag, porte in luha powdcr. Crenîn sugar, butter andI eg an1 bte oehrndeg wi tention hus rceutly beca devoted. to "as' if- e your blirtliduy, you may if our dairy ILixiing la' pîik andI fleur alternately, iust biave beau ,well heatea), f-lin dcx doping new markiets for f-lie but- hvapico!teky"less strict,1 'nfil useti up; hat lu the bali.es;g the milk; slît lu cream tartan, soda ber produced, andi the rests.- have You sec, IJoràtliy's hf-f-le scliooi wae migbt liai jîowder. Bake lu sliallow li. Wheni ani i sait, wif-h flour, andi atiti flavor-lbeau quite s'xtisfactory. Iu spite of kept by two -dean, oltI-fa-shioned la- Whicli if- r, col diideint tw shetsbv ut-ing Ths mxtue my b, i tunthe fact that f-le pnice of butter in dies, who ta-uglit sewiag as well as f-o recover, ialg thirough wlf-h a long, shiarp kuif c marble, chocolate, currant, harlequin Eastern Canada lias been iower this other leesome. And t'le beginuers lu stili freh ii ,Ud f111 tvlth tif foliowiug hln:or layer cake, acrording as you coior, year f-han lest tlic patrons of f-le the sewingdcs aas natIe, Paf-ch- iandiing tirmi iloil, cousf-auaîy strng ciii spongy, flavor andi dîvîde it. Norti-We,,t creacueries have receiveti work. England, w; ur ccp of sugar, f-wo cups of butter, Cabbagc a lu Creoie-Chop fine oueaun average net prire of 20.98 cents Ad Dorotliy was a begnen. Evary as pure choc yolks of two eggs, grateti ninde and heati of ra-blage, two oulone, two a pound for thc butter manufactureti day sIc took four neatiy cnt piecce local anulyis julce oftolnos hncl re eproua luncfh of relery, from, cream .supuilicti by f-hem, ovor a o! silk, anad came 'homo with f-hem nil witli foreig aprentiî) ou lower shef, replace u.ppcr Leave lu sait water over niglit. Thea cent a Poundi more f-lan lu 1903, antd lierd togef-ler ln a lovely block for 'Cana:ill Il anti ire wif-l the f-wo whif-aa l'a-ren drain. Boii enougie vinegnn to rover, f-li higlief- pnece ever obtaincti for lirquit. chief inspectý istiff, four tahlaspoonful ni £c sugar atit a iitf-le sugar, put luto jars andtihfli scasen's Ouf-put of f-li Gox cru- îe m tern t ohoe silcs ni of f- ree f atIdtI, lavooti -o facta l'ire l seu. B1~î C I' las t~ ~ course, sorti were preftler f-ha upyins uven a moment f-o harden. oritisers.umBut lasnahjest of aIl wass a" cd fro is Fric' lBread-Slice stale breati in HIINTS FOT' HOME LIFEi.' f-le chief market- for Territorial but- yBrut hig elIesatinfa w ah Aun arm Caris yain fhick ties Ba-pfwî s Svea- rom coup, as vilea mal terl-i uIat tl otne - Jenaje lied sent for f-lia very purpose. in Canada1 ~Vthf-ec ahiespoonfuis of sugar a-rd cd dowu loito dripping if- le useful fo regi thes bai of-lie sxpns. re 0it f milk anti iay f-hi lie-ceihtres ndohrepe- r I- was sudli a far, rieur bice, that gerine or - lnu cafil well soaketi, Thon fi-y in Brsing makor f-byir chintalantIs h0ea-vy tha- a sut sfacf-ory f-inde Dorotycle if- lier "sky," a-ad luf-cly prohi Brushing inakes the hair shine, and 1 wa-iaways gludt e lc u is n h hof- leid. 1oa cl~m-ee lfxD e wif-l Great Br tajn cunecot 'liecried fvus tifO 0 - lcln tic anti f-h rBoijý etin fo ae.T;)Cp oa ah aei tf-'D Otn a-t oreoent, but a considerable ex rxai- tr wr uc inltdsgroeo ae.lse borax tue off-en or it wili hieacli pot jrd s heiug d'vloe wif-l So on lier blr-liday she liappily impossible f( t) e nuaf-tisaa-r oa I Wtr.anti rot f-le liair. port f-and ote rel ountic foldedth -le ca-raf cly rut nieces of skv u- -i iWhites of f-wo eggs. Boil ;n a sauce- Wli'n peeling leirens for flavoring in aaa unt otfai whiteta counticosr an th a rit Pan uLntil f-le syrup bardens wlian be careful nover f-o rut any of f-ticê lefore the Osakla Exposition tIare iri a ito lt th aclssin-paer, avni f-licý a s trop anlu ie iute. Bot fliewhif-e slin, ns if- has a very bif- va-s srnrcely any Ca-nadian butter eposfeti f-fiet par ine i l oavel- C]nl's \vasm rWhi tes of f-be eggs te a stif erof-l andtifer taste.. sold f-o Japan, hut lu spite of f-le so weut inf- bn e ofw thnmbeai h1o itea ting s ftthe hy Lemon rinci steelieçrin luflic wuter war, some 34,000 pounîis have been new lia-nkercliief's. t flt f-l' Ca syruip ln, betn taiyaIl f-li time shpe ticl yetah har- foflt country from f-hl-iictî ude ist proven by t] iuai ailc f-li syrup lia beuetert oniy shipat Then th qa-ppy litemie isdnient a-lalys1 Aferal hesru bsben oirdfreshiag,, butf of acf-ual benefi-t f-e-i Goveinnient creanieries tiuriug f-ho lier mof-ber anti rau ofif- te ciool,smpelq la lieut a few dirops of ventila la. ffItis o rlnh of ut ear. in samirniq Spi ent on f-li ca-ko a-t once. Cane sain, a-s if- ferras a splendId tenic. torta f-eu iuf-i of f-lits ear inTei" ih wne onîy flirce blockis a-wa-y. dent. nuilt. nustli tke flu fli src i iei- Sait is un oid-fashionod aisinfeef-- Asrnuaminltf-ir r ii -i shle went ouf- of f-le ga-te she met whtvr cd to just f-le nipylit Point. lf if-a.I a h avnaeo en caf-ions of a tIcidod lurrease iu de ticm rha!- sei The rasa il (,o(ei5 f-on long f-le iriag irili Le sfjfl noday us Ifla f-h cpital 0fori rnund for f-le Canuojian article at f-le sie was well arqca-inteti wlf-l hlm. f-vel t.niî uïni dry; if îîut long enougli if- wiil sprinllng a-bout drains, ls ifi a.tetiill 5L'l~ utef-h cae. he cko buterf-rde e aso ArruI, le If-" le saiti. "Thin l'i1 punrity of Spna DosBatfoafoh-Few f-lings ara more soof-hing for Th- ukn bte rd s " lic a-ff-ler givla' ye a token, Ilere's wilî prove ae f-na gs nion rp.ea tef sar fr humus or scaltis f-bau f-le white 'Of beeng recovered for Canada. The. two penches for ye. Thay're nef-t rgocs Iuto f-lis Ora lieaping ccp n1 cifted anogg pourod oven h f-injureti place. total aucount consumnedin lu-la-t te-o big, but f-hey're ripe an' sweet, au' laws liad lie fleur, lu whîch f-ir teaspoonfuls of If- is more coolig- f-lin swaet oi und ritory annuaily je ovor 50OO,000 f-ley'll do ye no ia-rrum." f-ai org-niza lialngpewer au bru mxCotBt on tiuntis, cf wlichl neariy 200,000 Dorotliy thanketd f-ha gooti na-tued sce -i f-or f- pohet wha se t benxdute Long skia fs Vreve more heceeningpouns, lias f-lis year beau cenf-rjbu.t man anti Pntting f-le pea-ches in bel, have otue _ ~(fre foensu f-)ant dm tu t fla-n short once f-o hf-f-le woman. This leI by f-le (loverumonet creamnerias lanew o t complacen-iy 'thoueglit om sit)anildro in e-stauniesf-o reason, for anyf-bing like thbe North-Wo»st Temmtonios. When f-le liow iauy are fiends she cemat f-ND spoonitels f-broc inchas upaîf-. Baka -taldd cuAyNEý>frtoeni ýv l H ae Iu a quiri oX an. la-von witli va-nil- wa- tra dns msdgiyfoi- euntry ofs irsebtteret sevtrul slip lia-vo. la- j eurr.encitscftiniet huf-er entte by Stopig f-e talli f-o f-tha grocer The Pope S Sop a-o ro crayBoes- 1 marks on walî pua,,)rrenuy ha ne- Candian firmes ware found te lic very nearly made lier lafe for edhool, but i SopMd rmTre els oveti by upplying a parte madie Ineic-lqul.yudesenflY, by hurryiag a f-f-le shc reacletfharo l'ut t-he beies in a boler wif-b a-boutm liats f wter aid bil nio piperlay anti rolti wtvafen. Leave f-ha Cunudian article got a ha namO juef- lu tf-e f-o muaret up-s-a-ire ia A despa-r twvo quat fw--r nib ni on a-il nigif arusiof n t anad the meurkef was practir.aîîy me- lheine. aueiece wl ail f-he substance is out cf f-hem, andi ýmri. A scn ap luo f-lic o7 by f-ho LIniteti Sf-a-tes, Iu- f-liaesngn ndohr pn Con-auglit f-len tak. f-hem ouf-. AtIid te f-le coup lie necessa-ry. deodunt il 1903 abouat f-ho oniy Can- Tng exramses sagng ati oaf-liar oe uosf cord: enc tabiespoonful of ire, one or f-wo Te ramoea reti i sf-aine, moisten u-diaix butter uised in f-li Yuklon was ihg ese s a th-l a aineed tord C rai ~taîk 0 cler (lippti in),f-ie ewngcI-sewa c-hed Quirinal, asc pti enisof antir peiore f-e , f- thfli spots with sf-rong airohol a-ciu- f-la-t scent f-o f-la Mounted Police. "It's My hlrftda-y,!" site sait, for andi timove t Poclcnin ad ppoc totase. hisla-ted witli nif-nir a-rid. It je a-lweays jMeanwhilo. f-le Dairy Division liad f-o Miss Katharine, "anti 1 have a hr le rua-kes a delicioces rici soup Ouf- Of a desirahle f-o muke a hianl expeni- been testing i a-noues styles of tins lovel u k ld t ewir i part f-ha-t is usuaily f-hrown uway.- me-nt fie-st, as a-il.maf-rIale wiil nof-__________________ "Tia-t's nice," sa-id f-le tanner. Monsoe r C- De aisel - Beeî-The f-ouglicst, rhienp- f-a-le f-ha sa-aie f-neuf-mont. "Le me oesignr Êst"Lo meea sac if-."nt ot Ilwd heproswh of Va-firan ae est seak ru le uatieinto - mos IIowdo flc porons wio se fourDorotliy diveti town into lier peeke-Ge-fi o appetizing dish if bra-isati. Sait niglit air f-ha-t f-ley sloop in roomns bâut qirypuethaîtlrlanii la-f-e-. fll ant -Poper if-, antI put if- lu a hf-f-ha wif-li-ghf-ly elosed xlidows expert _ Îdictay. You sec, f-be pearlies were thling wus r !boller, just rovoring if- witli waf-er, f-o lîve shouldtI -lerae bcau escape of ie'yrpatns oolyW- ofmny A anti set on f-le ha-ri of f-le steve, jet- gas while tliey sinnahar? 11111 do lur r-ie, abit afs-n D ry wsil buf- riais, A-co tin if siîxin heuhy or -wo ornof gie tetaseveseuechaceJuf off-en wriggled a-bout, anti occasionai- esrorted f-he liEreo fleurs. By f-la-t tiet the~ thici:, of a huendred for f-hein lires. Idu dn'is-e clio -carPp' -u tofocg steaký will lie cooke tfo, f-he Very feir people kuoxv of f-le effi- yo thitegr ett lier, those lie n'as exce( tendIerest of meat, andtIfha iraf-r cary of sturcli for teile- use. This o -eh--egr ef - cookeel den luto. a fhiel,_ grnvy. is ecperiaîiy useful for soro feef- ipahsaë utinhetemlv Dk'vst Prune Coraistai ch-Souk f-he prunes Finet ra-sh f-le f-oas wif-h tepiti ia- Fat is of great accounit into n jeily, anti youcan imagine pif-y hie sf-a nvrniglit, a-na- hoi f-hemi until juet f-er, but do nef- soai f-hemn; wie babyt th skisu say lisue!e hePpe tender. TIen e-na-li crestamch of quite dry, andti -ei duef- wjth sf-arnh to a ;ay thti why1lk!eeato two eggs, f-le tales Poonfcîs of crulihed te a- poirdar. baisae ft 4Derof-y trieti not f-o cy, but sic ce aîot only Srub f-li ieîsite of f-li teapo- aisaeft f yurwsntrlyatd itl il n h hl rensf-ardl. Put f-lie milli ou la a h flas-t Vobl biler afiti sraig f-n aho bu.s wae -thl thay -e sf-aai, sf-icliy blockse anti pearli- sets On lii Brutl f-leg tend suiga ati ad f-el boilîng - . - rlea weîî nof- hae gooti Iab is scrawny, ýScott's fillet pocitet juet cemati a-s if f-bey ing, f-le Fni Bth heni f-lic cm stareS thnti d irfia uniess f-le insîide cf f-le pot is kcpf-t' wemre going te spoil lier irle birf-h- Britaj t fh( hittIew1t enî' hnaII - -i nli brightf anti cla- Aff-em use f-ithe m ion i W a i day. at ri leaces sholti lia taleu ouf- imnieeti But Miss Katharine sa-id kindhy, The mission sf-jr until if- thirliaus, anti ta-ke fmom afcyntf-ipoiptiqied. wats. The healthy baby «.î m' - -ct ciet BtnvmIoialp ý,h fine. aJding a hf-f-le va-ila -,n ant Tu adysh o raoingd uion dr.enouldatasd ciet!Btnee rm.lP f-h paier, eiolpoc ine eah bis fo lin-Ru of-ieot irifl -îi trsasftw a itd uni, dea-iy, you an lie execuet fcoin pire spolie theprmes,'chi)p-ýý inû snal bis. romlinn-Rb te sot iuoaest sstresasngt hto-day."Ise.in todayrtlbe eynjoo Sf-m waîl andt pour oit te cool. nf-aitic dreti oxame ani a-ad ira-rtan t nedi m dael o I n't. mmd se mcl a-bei-t f-ha audiiece las' Hucf-rs Pdung-Oe tiP ater. Let f-hie raman f-e soali for hino, -I t nnvy tlihavl ____a- few moments and f-lie mia-se ianbn ad m~s ie a fighf-ing hncli lier f-caý-msibt. mv -ew BRITAIN'S eroas ca -?l o - f -h p J-lsAbsel5k'- Tna niervous house-iîi, wie livas B e sure thattmis plur5 la chute, anti tome n'y clef-nec; se 1 lino Oia-f-îîeufs ýree, eati ant postpaiti, f-hat wiii in constant dreat of fine ma-y, -aif-l the form cf a label is an the f-e go honie f-o niainu. Inia-y relit-i conivia-ce youabaýyonti doubt o! their veîy hf-f-le f-roublle, mnale a-n axtîn- vrapper of every botîle cf She sali: "Ah, Tonîîîîy, b0v-, people Dc'. Leonll, Nmoa-jderful curative properties. Ad- goisIer tha- wili put ont a blazc iflnueo c o.cvrgf -oot - ol -l jltnitt - trCI!s, W. F. Smith Ce., 185 St. James caseti ut once., Ail che nactis f-o de I\'If 11-f,-t--H is f-o piUthf-Ic pountie cf sa-lt lu a Sc ti St,'reet, Moultreul, Canada. galoî S0ft4 mater, anti f-y-i -iine t o -dc-ii nku at oa - i 0r ne', Snîlý?th-s Pîneappie andi Butternut aniacaifpnieo sa- îmo.a- ChrIt. a rt' 1a eil itcl te o Plilý; cure CoastIpa-lon, Blîlousnese 'Pi lj iquiti shoehi lie bf-f-led, andi' ,, couiilia si)c t f-lce- ut ni profit .~ citl 51c$ik M-eadaclie 1cm oue nlght. ihna f-le lire is diecoverati if- shoniiulOt mi-efr9,0 Inasia- u-ete -e A Il dea-lers 25 cents. A Cure at utc nue $1X-c of0 trptha dls- ee nIfl iîoutl od /tePe0ple's Price, square pices anti sieuner very gcntîy 1..Ail Druggints as- uire hun 1 ieilt f-it 1aucun, li D i-oji id al the wrong one. The ath ie the safe patli. Bo-ý Lat." is ail the lesson I learned tday at echobol, 'cause 1 BEST CONUNDRIUMS. ieletter A the be St remedy woman? Because it maiçes )ea-d like the sun? Becauso gs it le light. is the largest island before was discovered? Australia. le should bie recomaiended person? Grocer (grow sir). moneY wet? Wlien it ie in the morning and rmissgd lie evening. tiiele salways welcome in m? A good adder. ,a man belong to the ve- igdom? When long experi- nde hlm sage. ICT DAIRY LAWS. England Which Hlas At- id Ivuch Attention. 9been some opposition to ,n legislation sUch as the lcts Act of 18W ia"tIthe of 1902, which forbid the ýandI sale in Canada of Sdairy goods, iucludling a nd. proces-, butter. The aheese case, recently re- Ie press, lias showa that 'y iaws had been one whit the Canadian chee.se trade t, reoeived a blow from iuld have required years The case in question le in the 'public meanor. A aof grocers in Hastings, ças charged with selling cese an article whîdli the ist allegccf was adulterated gn fat. Fortunately the ligli Coirimissioner and the or in Britain of the De- )fAgriculture wero able avigoroLis defence, backed putable evidence forward- natIn by the Chief of the dou. -It was shown that the manufacture of mur- 'ililed" clicese was abso- ibited uinder hcavy penul- lie condlitions of rnuufnc- sucli that it a s quite for l)iis to halipen wi h- MIEM13ERS WANTED T E object of the League la taed:ucate Canadliane h ow best tu apply the Canadian Pr.ference sentiment. Members of *the Loague are expected, when making purchases, te give pro- fbrence te the produqts of Canada and te ail articles of Canadian manu facture, whon the quality le equai andi the- cost -iot in expocse e? that o? 8miirfcreign produeteor manuattured artiles. Ea.çh member le aise expected te give preference te Canadian labor and te this ,country'e educational and -ftnanciali nstitutions' A monthly journal wili be pieblished i the Interesesof the Longue and miaileci te each member. The annual membership fée andi eubscrkptioîn for the Journal le 81.Ô0. .-....-................. CUT THIS OUT, SION, AND $END TO WRITE The'eocretar THE CANADIAN PRaI'ERENCE LEAGUE, LUY Boom i Home Life Building, Toronto Longue. Enclosed la $1.00, my membership fee and ou bacription for one ycaIr te !'CANADA FI RST,11 the journal o? The Canadian l'rofrence Loague.Plae Il y aea ebe fteCndinPeoeck L (Name) Mrq Mrs., Mis...-.--- -. ..-------.. P.O. Acidressa ................... -..... ..... ..... ..... ......... Date 0ARTWRIGHT COUNCIL. 1jas. The puerjty of f-li Tome HALL, Dec. Sah, 1904 udmîitteti andtihf-bechamga Regular meeliagoRorCoucu. Mem, isseti, ,ian if- ias fouati bers ail proseut; miantesaIoflest meat. lna-diean contentions mare Ing reati, aud on modian adop ced. Ro- bhe report cff-lia Goera- ceived fntem Anise Taylor, Eeq.,, ti st, xvhtrh shouredti f-lt fha anme!f$4,80 lin tînîber lueucid hlm questione rontalreti 43 par lest year. frs. E. betlimanasked f-uc ft a-ad . ne fereigu fat Conaît te rcmett ledcug tex, aiseotsah- nIe labor for 1904. Granitei. Aire, hns af-f-a-cf-d almnef- uni- MeLean sketetohave her sat-ute tabor tien uin Geuf- df-alu anti remIttod. Granteti, Mr. John Foi- liat vindlicution 'of f-ha don made peoanal application for aid Canatinn da-iry îîroclucfs as indigent, for frr. JasonIrcia. Ou agi-eutatiaef-isemant nf motion, the aum of $4 penrenonth mas If, homee-, our da-iry granteti. Me. Thos. SRaîin askeî Coun. aun lax on oui- iptleiieeu-'cil for rebate oI ose dollar for na-e day's if-ion inipeefert ou aif-her road work-penrforencitaMr. R.,Splnk's Atlatfic, f-le recuit migif Division G sa- cd 0 u motion, the lif-aient. Reeve stgned eors usa,,fel(ows: To Mn. Hlockia, au Indigent, 82 50; Meuicipal D OF LIBERTY- World, for supplies. $4 80; Il. Parsons, for prting,etc., $27. 45; Audraw Kine- Speaks Thus of f-he Bn- an. for repaire le scra-per, 60c.; R&ch- esh Empire. anti Secgia.t. for work ou roati near Zi- eh frnm Rume sa-ys:--le on clnrch, $10 50, Ro'sell Aunger, fer vhich Pria-ce Arthur of two aheep huie, on oaf-i. valuoti at $6 liatiof f-licPope ira- @&ri, bwo-tlIlrds vaine, $8; Uerb Me- diai. - Wif-l Lient,-Gen. Neil, for work on Aia-vers' houndany, iflhi f-le Da-ka ieff- f-le CLrtwrIghb'a ahane, haîf atnant is $70; scoti hy royal birychiste, Samuel A. Davitt, for 18 roda wina te f-le Brit-ish Embassy, fonce, et 15ý-, , $2.70; Ilsnry S'oÀn, urne met by Monsign-or for one sheep and one lâmh, kilieti hy îoeu cf St. -John La-f-ran. doga, on eath, valueti et $9_50, two- Stea-or f-han leif- founf-le thirds valueý, $6 34; John Harper, for ti f-ha Dulie a-nid Lord wo-k on Maï-vtcrti' ioundery, bal the oiteti him flfteeînaminuteas ament or Cartwrlght's ashane ie $88q 96; nsida h f-ac Vtmcau every- f-o Ara. Jasion Irwin,indigenh, $4; Gený rerepa-re t vf-igrat dore- L. McLauhi for services a reeve, pro-ession of Papal offi - agl epatnieti îy a large guard' salecticg Jurersand Board of ieaheu, ýe inke te f-le door cf f-le $30; Ruhe'rt Jobb,for services a8 Coun- rtuxiat. The Pea-tiff sa-idI cill.r, $25; Jamîes Bycra, for services etiinghy 'gmufifli ii-ifhteas Councilior, $25; Thomas Wood, do., t, a-ddiag f-ha-tlit iras a $25; James G. Hooey, do., $25; the y ieu Ronie ias so short. Ctenk' a li!yoar salary anti selacting epresec great csteern anuc Jurons. $62. By-lew N-e. 455, appoInt- for King E-dur-n, 'îvho inz pollicg places anti teputy returaing King uf Englani, but of effiaers tn ca-e of Municipal electin, woend, as f-le suai îcver reiieivod the cual. readings anti slg'a e tum-iie-. Cýoujian- turcs, etc. Council tIt thon er joumo, af-jif sa-id li ewî Great titI Thnraday Dec 15-h, et 1 o'clock, unrougbly enjoyet libert-y p . M iextersf-oi its rmeaa-cng. nies ruming f-t oRnme DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUREDI rf-i cff-tho British Fi- cf f-le grent deg-ee cf býY braI appl1irtrn, as they caaeit reach tl yed a flie cluies.Thedieeased pertione cf the car. There la ouly on Dyedin he olones.Theway to cire deafnxese, andtIfattle hy conetite f-ci f-eu minutes. tionai eeciedice. Deafuese le caceed ly an le flîuîcd eau ditte eofthîe umarocs liniegonita- Ecetacian Tube. W heu this tube le iceflame ne -e ed tr- ing, anti wben if-ise ettrelv rlosed.i ,eiessis Sh ouiv ucreases in Ex- ta-eresuit, antiunlesstflie inflaenmat.,a "an lie ts ati mpore -taken out anedthletube îeetorced te tenormcal [n tieapauchl sa- tTu ine cases out of tan are asae by Catarrli, ys :The ihte uethiug bat -au intitmet conudition cf sta-terent cf f-lehBua-niof itîîe ncous serfcea. a- la-creuses of $9,736,500 We wlll give One ilcudrei Dollars for aeîy amui $55,377,500 in a~ case cf Dealaeae(teacsed hy catarrcldhut eaieeot b eureti by Ilall'e tatarri Cuara SentI for cir- cuas, Ireo, ca e ic iipurtejicluies . .i.CHENEY & GO, Toedo, O '98,805, a-ctetain inîua Solbbyi)rug 0etc.75e, rf-icles, uver $2,500,010O. Talce tfail'a Fam-fiv Pill, for G uetip.,tian. inei xpunl - uîa-s iniity ca)-ies, , Ctav _t Titei-oivcfa uts fruen Canada icce- Weekly AI tg z ne, the Wavcrty cf Be- Quantity -'ea-lue,.f-on, thebihet u utS't a -......16.796 fl24,216 ina Igic, acaftea ,,% oitîoy anco lanIs... 11,1370 22,710 A.mnoýr e:icm, licf-noae xis %Mtenc c ..408,200 1, a-t $100 e& year. Every etua whoovea 1,etr..157,100 7~9u!70 e aell-a-itti--"nutsl- 8.... 50,79 182,-0 'mile for tle Wetterly. Adhrae, 630 . ...117,103 40,7581 Wahlneton 5ý. Bo-t a, Alasi. t.... 21,023 97 171 The Clirietnaes samben of lioribiuer's 't.....22,8329 521,725' Magazine le uuuenal]y bheutîfal ia Ifs lia'ds. 46,612 592,578 p cturm, , lintaceo an sd bCack-%nd- whîte, ant i eI led viii sketlcesanti tSi II 'l"illb8IG - short storle that anranwu oa]y anaueispg an Cae-a ilte-1aieu a-ttin d entertalntrg, lot are ge idiltera- is tha - i- -jtare a-ad ful uf dia aCten, as well ae art'ctrlea uuiuu laily more worttcy art fbat res are f-le and local f-rct-af-eutesjolon'd frontispiere, by reaijelti Par- but cueunoufbre, iel; the tluatratious iacoler for aimne iaroc a- 1-li-maoIid je gune-1 'Sornes front tle olti Balladýs," by o-te a-ar case of Piles, Býýa'nlce Sftevoe; tle dniewirge, by iii ciusn'- run,~(mie u, oui Walter AppletonCak,îtigCîî- 'tice e fu.i cascenc's ta an ole French -lge 1, t' atai i t f-ni ti jnter- dravwine lf a indIer nd ntihld !a ca- ct11 -mou îag f-lincaa-t-s. i ors liy SirAl Stilehl. accciact. a-) ta oeuiaeo g"a s iflepîý)eeiy E, S. Ma-dcianued te li.u- tîîul colenetidore' t'y Da'id Enirso,) t ýctii fer ~i1,af- t,]Éýala9 s1j~.-ia lalla-, due.ci 'ndipubhlic afirinarce ail rpeiuct in The Eclrotie Magazine for' Deceni- bar, nelto mention poetry and fiction, An article from The Contemporary Rte- view by E. Waka tCook, Bti2geste and answers the question, 'Progresa or Decadence In Art?" Apropos of the war in ihe Far Ea3t and the political and milltary mtatus of the comtatantis we havt articles on "The Comilng Rev- olutîon In Ruesla," "The Javanese In Formosa;" The Pessimisîle Ruesla.n," and on "War under Weter," reprinted from The Nineteersth Century, Black. wood's, the Fortnightiy Review and the Mojnthly Revîaw rezpectively. D. Se Cairns, whose paperD on religions fiub- jects ln carlier numbeis of the 1i]lec. tic attracted wide attenlon,'as theau- thor of a paper econstderIng ,"The 'Self- Assertion' of Je6us,"'"AiRetirlag Member" gives his "Impres loua of the flousie of commc>nq;" a fitriklng peCM by Richard La Galliene volces "The Ory of the Littie Peoples" againat ag- gress!on; _and there are ee% ral stories and travel Bketches. The LIvin,ý Aga CoBoston. LINGERING COLD. Withstood Other Treatment But Quiiekly Cured By Chamberlain's Cougla Remedy "Last winter I cau-ht'a, verv severe' coid which lingered for weeks," sys J. Urquhart, of Zaphyr, Ontario. "My cough was very dry and harsh. The local dealer recommended Chamber- lain's Cough Remedy and guaranteed, it, so 1 gave it a trial. One 25 cent bottie of ît cured me. It believe Clhamberlaine Cough Remedy to be the best I have ever used." This is one of the mnost staple medicines ini use. Thousands have testifled to its excel- lence It not onlv cures a cold quickly and effectualiy, but counteracts anv tendeacy tuward pneumonia., it il equally valuable for children and May be given to tbem with-implicit confi. dence. Il always cures and le pleasant to take There le no danzer lu giving it to children for it contains no opium or other harmful drug. Sold by ail ç'ruggiets. A beati'iful cover desIgn and a varied contenta, to wich man Yweli keown wrlîers have cDntributez, combine in maklng the Decembee Issre of "Suc- cea m lagazine' one of srasgat- I ractivena2e. The leadling azticle, "The Ever-living Falry-!orc I >hrst matide," recaile te us the suegical tales that dolighted curcbihldhood fancy. The heroenansd heroines of fairyland, are charmingly portrayed by G. Aiden Pierso nhi illustritions et companying the article. Alfred Elenry Lewis la a, freq _ient contributor t"e ces aa zsne," and this month hchba written a. splenidid attic:e on "Men Whoý Have Matoheâ Opportnnity." Au lqterest- zng sidelîght la tlirowna on -the -promi- nent newepepar correspondents at Our capital by C, Arthur Willas, ln " Va5hington Diplomate ot the Preas."> llenry Cabot L-idge paye a worthy trlb- utc to hie tate a aeociate in the United - Sta'ea SeaV' eï Goga F-risbî le ar,i- ani article entitied, ' R ch Wt ont. Money.' David Geaham Phi';p'a new serlel, "The Plum Tri.e," deepen3 In. Intense in'eîeî3t with each tnmtailm6int. SuccesCo., Was-hîln Sq'arc, New wil positiveiy cure d'psae COLDS. A250. Beitie fer a SaiP1e 101d. Sold Tyal Dreýgg!0',s. /4 F

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