Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1904, p. 3

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C luNI'àË ES8 N BI 1STIT I (jî T -he Divine Law lias Not One Criminal Code CLIflGfor the Palace and Another for the Rut <EntrCd according te AZor the FOr'îleadé d and prayot wilh theangr W' ieaunt)f Canada, in the yearQe -àouau Nine Huadred and Four, lather to tae Ilhrbc. Bts by Wm flaily, of Toronto, ata the lilas disgraced my home, sad i DWepartment of Agriculture? Otte.wa.) _I camiot, I will Dot take lier b 1. e 1V~~2 luS. A desPatcli f roux Lesols Cal.,'--ut,ma, id JshFrkr .e Leivsays: 11ev. Frank De Witt Taýlmage "ili your youager daysliave noit you t Cear Signature 0fr preaclitd from the foliowing txt: yourself also licou guilty oi' Smi?" John xiii., 5, "Wliat sayest tn"119 "Yes," said the fatber. ,!buti i ara 1-ave you studjeil constitutional maa and she is a'l'îaleT law? Witliout dloulit it offers o of world judpes rnan'ssn ilrnl the most aopetzing f-2asts ever sproad from a woman snsz. "Tat i la the haniquot hall of the mental se," saindParker. -Man judgs mn'.s PacSimîle Wrapper Below. ep Creau. Ilt follows, witlh unerring sans5 differeftiy from w orn's s' ins- '-eye the ramaifications of «agoverfi- but Christ judgos both theo sins the,, pv letleasse.medical student sourchoes ou.t the en- ameflg you. lot him first cast a stone was now eagery- e os n. teL u tanged athaysof 'heiie-,ýs ad a he.' ndparntif you will and race with bimr threugli tle long SFO R EtDACge, aa- plwy o h ere ada e.' Ad praday. And new 1be's as2, esflman, ~A F~ O muINS scls nnd arterios of the ifum-an inet le merciful te ynur dauglitor s Bat lie can't sleep. !le doesa't enjoy FOR IZZIESSè frame. t tells us whièeo tho lîina1sins Gofi will net lie mercîful i witb is food. Hia stomac:b is weak, bis I LE FOR BIUOUSNEïsS. is, wlere thle heart is and l wliy the olo." J osepli Parker had diine nerves are shakýen, and b le tne more rases iV R FRT PWLVR. amni 15 sinewy aad strong. It tolls authority for is warning. W emil au with the sun te race eageýrlY against bim. ~ L.F01CONSTIPATION.rnd sma onennd from wlience cornes teeource whidl ednne sVi ca nd o- Ris vitality is lew and mmew and again FORSALOWSKff creates the law and wlicnce the power ma forgiven i ma forgiven. NINn bis heart seems te hîg in bis breast FORTiICOMLEXON which executesý the law. mrnlss O, c, i ', wihl as if it wouild b'creak loe That's the Fa 5AUE I igoî C od we ave net deal gently witli an erriug -s- price le bh pi orsces ui~sieiye~tumie ~ ais asupeie utlonty.Th cun- tr od wl ome ea n he iscbîlef oflthe wole business ie cil c te uriefrayZfrnulteWili, u.tbat "3e blnys tablets> of oae soro CUR SOK 4EOAOE, dmrinsmaîe ecoos an co N DSTINCTIN another te ai" is dgsioadin-1 cO dulges in-boidsand othen nelrve1 higli or ,al! there is the th fti otv e losias of the sca ls-anîd wonders why e eeîsL e pju i1eoetl' ADVERTISIN,\G RATES. getKing 0 f kiags.,-Christ i te s? il 0oudo, let lme b ic scne wrse Th OndinSttemn epuulhd uree uere bs igdm ati0 m ex dsbueyurid f Thè wbole trouble wthscila ia every Vfedesdixy Ymor-ïnng---at-the offce bs-odi I etbt itl xr la uade onltu uhouir 1genetallylies ina wbat is-c(_llcd a' weak Il Î6 Statesmanc Block, King Street., dogma aad practico mnust bo uge.way tfirougl the mnultitudes crewd- stomach. The food le eats deoes net wn)anville, Ont., by M.A. James, Lot us ceasider someof ef lc chac- iag ii l ic teiiîple and find eut ivhe nonris him becausýe is only partially Editor and Proprietor. Subscription cmoeta ru.Woaetoedgse n si.m1ý..N a a $1.50 per annuin, or $1.00 if pad teristirs of' fuis goernuxoat.copstltgru. ileaetse igteadasiite.Nmncn stritlyin dvace.Advrtiingstreug, fine looking mon- standing 11u be stronger than biis btmclecause it straieynave.iîî, e etsgres,~ NOT AN ABSOLUTE MONARCII. front of Christ'? They aeîo n is in th-tmc n lied organs ef traet cdetsrg enetS per jne, reeo l te tFin ndL auseet insertion . vecntprct r ates on st, it is an absolute o earchy. slgaificant clerks. Thoy are net lmb- digestion and nutrition that streagtb is application. We have gevernînts oa earth thatI oroîs er fnî'ners ixho havecoeia mdefo teodwicisetn we descî'ibe as abs;olute monarchies, te towa uwith dust liogrimed cle'ies. Dr.- Pience's Goldený. Medical Discov- DENTISTRY. moaaing that the1. have ne constitu- Trhey are net hirolîags or beggars or ery cures diseases of the stomacli and G~. C. BONNYCASTLE, L.D.S., D.D. tioni. 'Tere are theuisaii4s oftldangs -men .and womoa xxho frorni perpetual other ongans of digestion and nutrition. S., Ilono. Graduate in Dentistry of I whidli thîe Iussian czair would like te eigoaeleem rms nd frsee h tegbo h oyl Toronto University. Ofince-Over Cen- 1e _n ocant o ] an lu- vagabonds. Most of that group just the only way strength can lie restored tral Millinery. Entrance frst deer d hc i and.1i rw fCrs aeko nelï yfo hc spretydgse n West of Big 20, l3owmanviule fiitely igior seuse is Christ the afeic hithv enitic- yfo bc spnetydgse abslue ulî~labi kngem l Itual faces. Tley have iin their phy- sssimilated, wben the1Lç diseased stomach absoute iderin hs kîgdom Insical inox (monts the actions of BU'- (with itss llied ongants) is cured of dis- A. . MLATGHLN. hismi o m ndp ,' Ogmrn essf'p mon. They have lanflie case, It is a bléod-iiaking, body-build- Siarrister, Solicitor and Conveyancer. wtliut check, and lus word is the glance of their eyes the searchin *sg edicine, inasmuchi as bleod is made OfC:hlauyBlock, King Street, law and lîfe of lus peoplo.,"Iaux poweî whichi bespeaks ceamai] t frin. food and the body is hut np iy B}Iowanville. Money te boan at reason- the Alpha and Omîega, the beginuing "Toe mn"weeDrSrn blood. It is net a stimulant, contaîning aberae.48y.andi the ending, saith the I ord, "were the scribes. Thoy were m~~ either alcebol or any other nancetic. ROBERT ~ ~, ~ whidli is and was and which 1 te 'docter., of the law and the iierpie-1 NO OIE OTRFRM coînofihe Alaighty." ters of fie Seripture." These oih ri' "atsrger, wreyumyeeig ÇOFrICE IN ItQRSEY'S BLOCK, A significant illustration of Chist's mn u- te liniee. he x ee; sn cniIn, sary1-.A. J.Vand M erings7 ~Peposi Town EHallEntra""' ci- whee h wIl e oua frni~ uite aigality nnd lisfreedoux freiuxcul- piiua e epien vesoeut- West Division Street, Chicago,, Ill "and yen 9 i advised me te take Dr. Pierces Go1îbi edical 9p-in.. Night. calltaut residence, direct- rent pria iples andi prejudiceS iS given mrttrnliy unspottod frein heathea c(Ils-1 Dlscovery (a fe hbouties), and thon write yen ly Oppoite Drill Shed. 17-ly. lu the gosýpels, and it namy holp us tomns that they carried extra".ts Jireaii how I feit. Ia appy to say 1 amrnetting te to understan.d lis attitudo if we the 1-ebrexv law about with them il r, el fine. In ail 1 have taken six bott os of te ATtEAGe LiENSs-M A.sfuv te sery. One ulue lttl boes n Tîy iscovery' and four or five via1s of thue littie M I.James, Issuer cf Marriage Lic- .dypyatris Plea"lyhv oemc ise od enses. Ilesidence: Centre street. Jesus xvas teaching i iiitic temple lad these Woxcs strapped te tlir AÀl rny fienis s",y: 'Vmiderwater, how well surreundefi hy the peeople the scribes foreheads that alilmcnii miglt soec M art lookiiir. w1rat li flue world have yen th ~~~~ een doin "f til ira ave been doctorbmg SIMPSON & BLAIR. ammd Phanisees tricti te citruip hi. I1 u îiu hs mu î' 1 D.- iucof~faO E .'b, tflan ille hiladpuliets, but la cither aase lie will elfain cggs. île will uaderstaad freinfhe eutstart fiati the old lioens are a more difficult -"proposition" than the pullets, and tint af ton holias doue lis lest fhe rettimus will faîl beloxv xvat they u'ould lave beea if thIc conditions had boen tle saine, buit ho aili make thoý lest possible use of thecnut,, ial onj hand anA compel it te yi bld rptunsl !whicl xviii wipe euýt ticcxene c count atturn oxer a pet besdes la e f1 bjee-t wIhlieholi asset eut But it is neot'k a a e etpul- lots tQ lay cemparcd ith f 1ie d if- fucilieswl ic hve te le overýomIe witli eld liens. Keepers of Poultry,, who are net more tlîaa balxvay te flic graduafing peint lad botter tie te tie pullets. Nothiag but tie 1imest rediless feediag wlll cause tborn te become ex erfat, and thus le made wxotlless as layons for the balance cf the seas1en. Tlmey have no lnoît te go threugh with, anti de net neefi te le habied aleng until fhe ainter Pis fan advanced amîd!hik lack la waitinig iuntil tl-ey have pro- vided tiîcmselxes wltha new stuit c-f cI îetis. Just feed tliem ag you would auîy other yeung liealtiy ani- mal ixiichi you waat te aaintain i a tlinifty condition, and givo thein conmferta île quarters la whjch +o do tie work expected of thoni, andi they will net dissappoint you. This is as suming tiat they wene eai'Iy hatch- ed and are of laylng cge. IVe have al pnivateoepinion tfIat everybedy wl0 \xaits teo otain the test possiobe 'i- suItsla tic wuy of xin ter eggs shculd keep pullets, andi nothiug but ;iil:'ts, but it is a uatter of particular im- portance te beginies. JA . . I Mrs. Rosa Adams, niece of the lateGera Roger Hanson., C. S. A., wants every -woman to know of the wonders accomplished by Lydia E. Pnkhami'Vegetable comnpound, "DEAnuMiss. IiNTIÂm: -I cannot tell yen with pen and iumk ahat good Lyi .Pidxa.m' Vegetable Compound did for me, suffering from the lUspecnliar 'te the sex, extreme lassitude and that all grine feeling. I would rise frein my bed in the meorning feeling more tired tha n wbhen I went te bed, but befere I bad used two bettles of £ydia BE. Pinkbam'P Vege. table Coxn-pound, I began te feel the bueyrancy of mye.gr tays retura- ing, became regular, ceuld do more work and flot fleel tired >tai I haît ever been able to do before, so 1 contixîued to use it until I was restorecd to perfect health. It le lndeed a beon to sick woînen and I beanfily recommend if. Yeurs very truly, MRs. Rosi. AAS 819 l2th St., Louivilei, -Iy." Any women who are troubl;ed *with Ir- regul1ar or painfulmetraon weak- nesa, 1eucorrhoea, dispilacement or ulcer- ation of the womb, that bearùing-down feeling, Inflammation of the ovarîes, back- ache, general debility, and nerve;us pros- tration, Should know tisere is one tried 4-,'__'ý"ý' and true remedy, Lydia E. PLnkham's Vegetable Compound. No other medicine f,)r women has receiydschwd-spread unuified; indorseet oother Litt 'Musl Seo F WJT1 AXLI'S. Ail hîna cesidredpulets are thobstwinte2,r layers. 'Theounan who is flot que sure that lie k'nows eaough aboý,ut the chickon business t0 get winter eggs witlîout f ail had bet- ter put his trust ia puflots. 1le wjll tliereby naterially lessea lis chances of fiue A thoroughly trained, Poult'.ynîeill iii ake any kind of, heas lay in winter. l li now s just jwhat is requirccl te bring about tbat end, and if he meets with failure it is because lie doos net do as weil as hknews. Ile has expert hnowledge bwhicli ho can attain defiaite re- slsif lie iakes use of it. If he bas old liens te deoal with ho will Put thoas under different ti eatrneat inan Who sits ini bis city office and lets his mind slip back te bis boyhnood days on thue farm, iHowv good ÎiC f it te live ! What an appetite lie bad 1! Ilow good everything tastedl owsoud is sleep internai MA TtllýT, IR WILII0111, -en as a !la

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