Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1904, p. 1

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TERMS- -81 .0 per Annwn.OuR Towi; AmD COrUNT I'y EXT; THiE WOIRtD A-FTRWARDS. M .JM InAdane.BO MÂVILLE, ONTMIIQ, WE-DNESDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1904 VL POLITICAL POI,1NTS, Ayeswort n ld fGood oene. SDon't miss hearinZ Bon. MMr. Pater-; son Friday night in new Opera flouse. SLauriers Government' bas proved it- self a pare, honest, progressive, capable business Adminitration1 SA hirher, a limer and a nobleýr thing M(-than party politica bo!dconai our1 FoIlow its direction at tie polils The Conservatives gave _-way 5G 087,- At t odses ofthe peo d ro'slandto of Dryacre, FaitAD of D y DosC nada isutheaMot ountry notfal o ee heSinr th o. he 3U t ha charg Should ntfi oseteSpr tc f ew alGosr corruption aan tSirWird govreredGoveruMeL.t 'Lî!er1is hv just opened Cout at Coucli, Johuston & Cryderman -1s: CovenevavdarforaiR-s e adrsnal1 cagofcorruptionagiut nyma few Dress tG"o o dse S-tuiigs, Col ver sy i hd1 drss ta1ecl TwedsSils, loue G ods ~ors that lie hopes his cou thin s Palaetmet with ýcYei edorsemnnt eetsindetau vwhat 'Li- did in Fannels 1.8«lanketsq jugeo his cdaim ta be Candidly, we don"t know. Il the voters be sincere, beîore the Carpets, Linoleums, etc,, etc. closethocitam tt i*heizuty herwnself-respect-oadnpuig Sir Wilfrid aain lu tie premier' Ladies' Raincoats, latest styles and what îs beyond question position aniii Durham sendîing.Ayles the finest stock 'of Ladies' Cloth Coats lever sbown in town. Eiort ars of secralrd n iwý Staxation hv rnsomdCanxada frim1P Afen's 'and Boys' ready-to-wear Suits and Overcoats. uerfectapordprsetuglncotrv 01with ittle uhoi nnas Us e~onandl' POLITICAL POINTS. j MR. AYLESWORTH'S MEETINGS. Promots the welfare of Canada and Meetings lu the Liberal intereîît will Durham county bv electiug Aylesworth. be held to be addressed hi' Hon A. B. r Nervous people should take Miller's Avlesworth, the Liberal Candidate, and Compound Iron Pilla. Sold by Stott & others, as follows: Jury, druggists. Kirby, Weduesday. Oct. 26 Laurier lias more wise Projeets for Leskard, Thursday, Oct. 27 >Canada yet and wants Aylepworth to Kendall, Friday, Oct 28. help carry them into affect. Bowmauvilîe, Friday, Oct. 28. h I is due ta the people of Lower CanadaTob that the Dominion is now a part of the T gin-l at 8 a'clock eacli eveziiune Empire, and lias stood by the Empire when others were slow ta show their ATtEND FRIDAY NIGHT. feelings cf loyalty. Tories weut ont of office Ieaving a Hon William Paterson. Minister of deficît of $519,981. Liberals wiped'that Castoms. and Hou. A. B. Ayleswarth ont, and closed la8t îqar with a $16,500-. ai e to address the electors in the Opera 000 surplus Vote for Sir Wilfrid, Bouse, Bow manville, Friday uigbt, this Aeworth and good 1-overament. week, Oc..28 WoiLkingmeu art~espec- Tbree-fourtbs, more or less, of country ilu' invited. This wili be tru al prob- pcpe dealig lu Bowmanville are J bility the best meetng 01 the campaig Liberals. One Conservative business lu this Ridlng. Electora, ail coin iaud man thinks it foti, to take active part bring your sons Gallery reser, ed f oi? in election campaigus. ladies and escorts. Be ou tinie. Door, Liberals did more for farmers of Ciiu open at 7. Chair taken at 8 'clc !. daby the One act of securing abolition OICA PINS of American quarantire oni Canadian OIIALONS cattie than the whole suns of Conservat- ive administration duriug-their eighteen pLaurier was the ouly Cnda vears of office. Premier who ever wenttahhlp f One of the first acts of thle present the :Mothierland.in time o! îîeed. Liberal Administration was ta brin,- Several outside political speak e- s have about an amnicable settiement of the -refcrred in their speeches ta Bowmnan,. Manitoba School question, an act which ville's beautiful new town hall 0f course, wvas decidedly in th-) interests of the weall knew of it before, but it p! eases us Empire and the Constitution,. aIl ta hear corroberative evidence. One of the besi ahl ime reinedfies for The publisher of The News is not ail akin nffections, sucli as Ecz 'ma cjalled upon to accuse"gis of buri-ng Ring,'worr, Scaldl-head and similOr old buildings -ElfofLis business cornes affectionis is Wea'Ver's Cerateý It 10 et i fromA Liberals who carnnai li blamied for oitmnttat hasý brouglit 1ehef tO0 withidrawing their p)atron-ageý after bei-ng thousands. insalted ln sucli indliscriminate fashi--r Mjýr Ayleswvorth, at the Toronto banque t Lojyaîty to the Emipire, toithe Crown told an auiecd;te of Sîr- Louis jette wvhich and Constituition is'the distingýuishing is very pertinent. Sir Louis wh1ilst Lunchractieristic of the Laturier Admninistra. London was asked if lie werenot Frenchi. tion. No Prîie inister- of Canada iias "Yes, Frencht," lie replied, ' but for gen had spoken of hlm sucli enlogies for erations British.itao " That as -Mr lovalt t.. - POLITICAL POINTS. Voite for Aylesworth and Laurier. -H-on. %' Aylesworth. the man wha, stood up for Canada's riglits, is a Lauier supporter-Haznilton Times. The'Liberal party have shown their desire ta cernent the Empire mueli more earnestly and effectually than did the Governments that preceded themn Durham county has ever ything ta gain and nothing whatever to lose by electing Hlon. A B. Aylesworth. What an honor ta be representtd by one of the- first statesmen in.the Dominion. The tariff is a feature of this campaign. Under the Conservatives the samne sun shone, the same wînds blew, the samne rahi fell, the same seasons of seed-time and harvest rectirred at their regular intervals, but tliere was a higli tariff and there were bad timies. The Liberal Government sent to South Afri;ca 7,000 or 8,ooo men When the Conservatives were in power and a Cana- diîan contingent was as<ed for what was the reply ? "If you pay the expenses of raising,ý a volunteer force in Canada, we will -,e-d a detachment What terribly liard timnes prevail ln Port Hlope, juýdging from this quatrain from a. cainpaign poem (?) in the Times The Grass they- say the times are good Aithougli we're stinted in aur food, Our clothes are thîn aur boaves aie small And seldom we get meat at ail. Octawa Evening Journal, (lndepend- ent) in an editorial Oct. 19, says,- "Abouit as chice a sample of election scoundreli'sm as couild be perpetrntedj was the anlonymous political posteard 1 cîrcullated iu Durham county, stigmatiz-J iug Mr. Aylesworth as an athiest." Mir. Eobt. Nielaughlin, President of McLaughlin Catringe Co, speaking at a DolitiCa! imeeýing luiiiOshawa referred prnc-iipall.v to the tarif, stating that the, polic- adopted by the Laurier Goveru- muent in this regard was the safest and - - ej - - - 1 ' - 1 -- -- ý 1 - ý ý ý -y r - ý - ý eandol,, an man,

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