Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Oct 1904, p. 3

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powdor together; boat bbceg,g stil wxithout separating; add tlicý egg to A * thse stigar andi butter, put in bbc wa- lthe1,J ter and fleur a little at a tiit, tirr- se ing stoaduly.1 Bake la layer tins A v .. . Put crusbed berrnes between, the lay- ZX erýs tin: stilo !,,bcrrîes on top as be- ouse-"~' Lemen Teýlly.-One-biafl box of gela. tino,oe-if cup of cold water, two i c upe of boiling water, coecap of sgar juice of tbrelmo andt SANWICîEpy. rocFcrpineof the rind. FOut thé 11_. gelatine into coltd water annd soalý It e nt e erbod wh matesne heur. Put theo bciliag water, Sandw %Vic e itaeawy n d .~th e sugar, andi the ecrapîng f flic n0'a. Te min ecrt e s'ucos mnP c th enoy-pool on the lire and stir tili tbe -sugý ~owmu .,a., ar dissolves. Take il off and stîî )lfcangc tliis sert iceable item l CImet an evenrg ing the gelatire, and mix tîli Ibis, lu s ,Le ta lie epecial care ia $ieîrLanment lenencis on tee, diseolves. Wien il is partlý Cerainra~e ba alay ap~,aad : he uaity of your Opefa cool tura in tie lomon juice and eery~ainrdthltc akiog There are! . -qt ii ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ eÏ ths.r1nvrsîhld h esi straici throîgh a flannel bng tiped~ ths r nvrsihtd h Gsl, ýLaSSeS. in wator and-scuecezed dry. Fut -hi is a perfect sandwich. Usa neither very old, nor very k pair t1hat canaot fài1 ta rtoxml. I3 aàf ait "youa" tht a ay cd ~ ,ivé satisfaction is Our , apPle lice may ho used instead of betfrbroad; ta ady l i pecial peari mouated, No. 2 th~e two cons of watcr, and only one éLýLfrthe purpose. if yen mals 9-104 at $53. i '., oin. Mfic jiuice frein apples houl- y'our owîî bread, and iatend te mako s'o'jll.Apl sandwihes, bko tholoves ii jou ' ,v Our stores reputatioa of . d and erie sfrjly p paneicand bat e the os abot lng fifty years assures satisfaction . pariitge are quite as good as tie indce igiby ix ide rnpurh sing. Send for com D wbele fruit. Mk ertige *4î1plte catalogue. 1-lonieomade Wcddiag Cnie.-Dissolve eaoe.ertig cse ready cr! ao largo tenspoonful of soda la twc y-our lunch before touchiag ycur s-i cid .. tahîepoonfuls of warnî water and w;vcbes, and bave the filliag .nC;dy C 113ixod before catting the bread.'h 12 2EB2O add if te balnaplut cftiic ~. crem.Boet wual, thonî tara icto e mal tem'ilas quicky as il is posaiý- t ýD1AM0HD HAL" oiid-o-av-bne a- ble t h aetentWeill ae a plat cf brou n sugar, hlu a cap ci Witli a very sharp knife eut offu1 111i1i;1Io 124 4Ji uteathespoonfol eacb of cia- bb tp ntboto cusyou riaî"e-s oStel namon and aulspice, and a teaspeen- fin us fr ts n smodeprtson ~TOROIITO fui of grate-J nutmeg witb a cup ci of domcstic cconomy, and slice t icý Kew Orleans molasses. Add graduai. bra a hnl sposbe ibuti y hreand a half caps of sifted haigiSrekwt anrn.* ~~psr our. The batter shjoald ,be Sead the butter on tiinly bat o'.a- - quite thick and stifi. IHaxe ready ly, and do't nogiect the e'Zge. 1-il a pcuad of raisins, etoneýd zna halv- raîbor have butter in a 1-ir ____________________ ed quarter cf a peand oaci ctf slcot arountd my bread, than te tre it ra ntCleanne-rflrat an-ne lxauddled in a spot juet la the . ,tr. snys bLlat at lie average wuman of choppot ien upeL,.. Flour lieso Always put the filling la geaercuisly, knowvs abolit this article eftç%oaring ingredients weîl and tiir iigitly into and nvqr use filling thaf sle ile 9a apparel you7 couît put in a very fie battor. Tom juîte a large round liip for 'drynoas. smaîî coins. ,ýpan liiîed witb greased paper and eVn aci4 separafe sandwich, or One cf tue iet îeqnieites le te gat bake in a xcry, nioderate cven an eacb pair of thent, if yen prefer bbc a soit, pliabe lether. b our an n ball. When pcrfecfly cold long, niarrow co, in a'piece of paper. A second le te use 'a glove powdcr. vrmoxe irom the pan end ico witb a For> this purliose bhe oiled paper is "A most importanît lhinig about plain boiled 'ircsting flaxored wjlh beet, andi a few cents xii îduce the glov e," said tlic w omian," is thej orange. ILet tbis bocomo bard and grocer te part witb eneugi te wrap mannor in which thev are put on tic irai before addiog the decorations, a lndredsadih. If yeni can- fret tinte Thiesiould ho a cardail whiclî are oi f rosting appliedt trongh net gel the ouled paper, use anay tsk; otherwise the fingers xiii ho a paper fuinnel, dlean, tJhin wrapping paper. sncb ascroolsd or extend beycnd the finger - cornes arouaf store parcels. f il, or ho othcrwise stretchet out cf FIEW SUGGESTIONS. And wlman the sandwiches', are alil shpe. 1Istead of buyiag glovses te xeyhueeprkoslo l rno aht loady dn' "um" heiPlior pt n he moment before going Otsua rets the lace carmains Ihaf are ino bsktpai r ac, utpakfinie Fsioald be taken the day henfore, exposed to ils-f nil strongth la su 1 - hemcarfuty l a reei psteoarLteput tonson careiully, tie e' wmer la roome exposed te, ful ligit box, and tie the lit on 'imy t bein lrml1-11y plantet oa the table anid and smshiie andi in apetairs roome, wil isep hen lastii btte codi-th gloves tenderiy coaxcd into place. the danaliy cprigged dimities, soli tnif the box le thon closely wrap- 'If glovos are net alloweci te ho- for sumnme gowss ant citon te ha aied loen t pa e atble gu, astisd e ro teeselid boiere clning they bougit for front ton tolfut con cents air oxe tegelaI Ie uproe.-c na ho nade te look quit ew aa. a yard at the midsumimer sales, are and defenseloss vicInale, andi bread by tie use of benzine. lmany Patent of imucli serv ice wbca made up for soon dries ont. Anether afivantage glove cleancrs arc cn tic market, but curtaine. Tbey are freili and dain- of he oxistint il may ho dis- f at,,rIai l said aînd donc there 's ty, lander well, andi are periectly cardeti when thc lunch is calen, and aotbing botter Iban benzine. saitcd te the season. For use la cornte one xil iehogiad luoescape 'Neltier sbould the glox clho dipp- summer cettage, or tic sittiagroa "toting" home an empty pail or bas- cd la the liquid, but cleaaed oeo at a an uptairsroncfamih e i~.tinte on the hanfi. Aiter putting on they are prctty and approprinto. Noter bake a sluce of dry liaam, tim1tie glovo take a bit oi clotlî slîghtly Thdiio-om fafrm bse ns tissue jpapor, and s'neak it la ho- mieeedwiThte ezie n xip brugîtie -ows ci which litue fwceawo "Ood-step-iuothl-\' slces the gloves off. This lano way in-j sru stemeWbidowswec urai tf anuteei rad s ax ' 1w juresthie kid and answe rs ex ery'pur- ad l1itrwt daeise n IeM1C ho dou ypeusterani, ha.t poe. Let the gloxe dry' on th", blearled muslha lined witb i-bie liann[e-If yoaiuse har an0 neti l ar Tr erd calico and bree iî itl, " rpre eie areShu I "an utting gleves axtay ilfle weil anoriental striped cotten in wili1 ila1 cboýp iaely, anti mix -.vilah o keeP_ each pair wrapped la tiSSi red îpredcoiinatod. The oued ct i Ibel soe avorite drossing, or use ~ af eeebb ulavysnih nti ee rcarela plain. oacI hfinger su rctched eiil b cteflas fithaofcian open ire:.1 Tic>Î I 1;1 baecOfortw npetrocpesforplae. t-i-ala, wc"Il t rkerd \vas plneed next the glass. ;anti1 ticmakng f luhnge ad a ~cs sacheLt powder la lbe gloxc _box, o aser- e ebig bay w indoxx ocCUing ai- Faxe nover1 appearet in lapint,T tl is there mny ho a ligl disagre- me h hl o flerc n gise ît., b_ ore. able odor frontfhie gloves aller mo the sidolei tic ous-Le tha culer Egg iling-Flor Ibis. bell tie cggs Wcariag. Soine persas usec blolting uaonnbeido the. h And anvewav.i bard. bat not rockv then ,chco i.',,,rri - -e. ndanya îff a- id le le ir S'I ly id ýd ilî "Y 'f le 1- le le le 0 d tr a Il- )fi coarseP Common soap. 1W PtOITJCS OlT~ DARY.Sunlight Soap saves linen. As farmers we re only upon the !ekirmishlinre oi ca ef sav ng an liasbanding by-produ its, wrts f IlECool, Pro ident of the Novw York Daîrva en c, Assocition. It. * ay bee necause the aggregate to the îîsdtvidual e omparatively small, * ,l-.*ý,nd nlot assuming the magn tudc of tlarge ni-aufactur g ce Xtbl e Sments, doos fnotL cc e the at tI;on. *; The xwaste of iflanure îeeomcthîn .c~. ~startling. It le stili considered upon Manly farmns a nuisance, to be hand- kfotuOcaoBr A -îr-"k -for SheuOcergel Ba ýÎ, led and treated not as a part of tbe14 MrsBlachad, o Nahvileassots Of the business. Noia will Tenn.,kils hw shewas cued evr reach th, inith of hie farm pas-_____________________________ sibility until hie eacrediy guards ev- of'£jU bakce iznes anu ry ounce of animal excreta as hoe telof orne remiarkable growth upon times as mucli as $1,000, The and iregla cries use 'o0' heganfrm tethehn whey, but if a second question je cliente simply handed their baibies ~ lc f1oor. The wasto portion of every asked it will always be learnod that over to Wiose, wbo undortook tu ()f LydiaE Pffnkhan'Ws Vegetable crop lias a Co mmercial value ta the it wae'f ed soon alter formation and look after thoin pormanetly. Inistead "D~Â Ms PKHM~G&ttnesoil. Fortuaately the roots. and flot aîîowed ta ferment. I expect of sa doing, it is alleged that shii stubblo cannot lbe wasted-remlaining exetnecliv mdedb ,sreengooed compels me to aclrn11owledge the great ta i no udeiognî atr ta pasteuriLatioa, whicb no douit othere burned alive la a largeý ovan, menit of your Vceetable Compound. 1 and plant. food for the succeediug wlll bc the method soon adopted to and others throwa into the Elbe. have sufiered for foryears with ir- crop. positively k'ill all fermentation germe Wiese secared clients froin Eng- regnln nn pa nfu mnsraton as The skiminill, buttermilk and whey l 0sv bund fdlas anad, France, and ex ea America, dizziness, pains in t1ue back and lower from our dairy goods comerne afornaîyltecleemkgscto.by traiv adriem te ad limbs, and fltful sleep. 1I dreaded the their share of loss. Farmers seema Let us guard carefully the by-products wben lier husband souglit to, check time ta cornewhh would only mean wiliing te part with t1ie full milk at cf our farme, particularly those from hier cinininal career, slie is charged Suffeing ton-,e. a very simail premîum ahovo net pric- the dair3i with havîng poisonied hlm, al ter bav- " Batter health i,-,al I wanted, and es for butter and cheese, and fre- ing secured a highlire insurance. cure if possible. Lydia E- Pink- quently at a price not abox e manufac- T EUEWITREG. Sa cieverly did she proceed a ifli bam's Vegetable Co mud -tuinvano, ndac1oal te y-e-wrk-Iia-i --ok is plie Oruhl ea e la happiness inl products. Somne ery carefully con- To secure eggs in wiater we muet' years ta collect suflicient evidence t(> afew shortrnonths. Iteellikeanother ducted experiments at the Utahi ex- haxe for Our fowls a wnrmn, snug arreet lier, Aiter the arrest liane person now., My aches anid pains have perirnent station gave the value of house, eaeily kept dlean, with pro- cf infant victime wore fouad hidden laft mue. Life seems new and sweet toa 100 poundeskimndilk, when fed. wlth -vision for dusting, food, water and beneatli the floor of the kitchen. me, and everything 'seems pleasantgri at the rate of one pound grain exercice, writes tirs. J. B. Williams. One ofher infant victimei, it is and eay.gri " Six bottias brought me health, and ta t hree pounds ekiminslkl, as, equal Fowls suller muet from cold at night. stçcted, 'was lier own grantlchild. was worth more than monilis imder in feeding value to 23 peunde skimu- A poultry bouse te be Warin muet ho the doctor's care, wbhich really did not muilk, as equal in feeding value ta 23 close and tightly made, yct with benefit me at ail. 1 arn-,atisfied there pounds barley corn and middlings good ventilation, for if warm ' and BOOb1LERS SEINTEINCED. la no medieine sa good for sick women mixod, and Wbcn fed alono equal ta lily ventilatefi, the fowls miay be suf- as your Vegetabla ompound, and, 1 14 pounds grain. Tihis mneas that focated. St. Louis ex-Alderien Gat Long advocate it ta mv ladly frienda in need skimmilk had 63 per cent. greater My building for 50 fowls is 12x2t4ens o1 mnedic&i heip." -Mas. B. A. Bini- feeding value when fed with grain foot, divided in two parts. One partTens CH,&=u, 422 Broad St., ail, Tenn. tha. whon fed alone. is used for laying and roosting; the t oi epth sy -;5ffO forfeit If arçilnal of abaue I6tUir proiiiny The time rcquirod ta make 100 floor la this part is of coînont. The Charles F. Kelly, ex-Speaker Lower gvlntsa eno b podae.pounds gain open înilkalone was other part is uosefi for feeding. ITals, . Muicipalrmescmebl, nf 147 days; upon grain ailne 116dasts part are two windows 3xk5 fe'4 Cthaleh A. Gutke, former member cf Mildew, Poacli nadc PlaniSais. and upon milk and grtain comnbinei wibich reacli from roof to floor. These oy eeo hrdysn Chloride solution. 7 9 days., The animi.ais did net do I indows fatce the soath, and provide tenced to termes la tho enttir Stains on China, raeae, and Well or show ibe tihrif tyý condition de- plenty of ligbt, and sua 1ta Warin the for coinnction with the sýuburban Tin,,are-Bakng ,oda.bnibery deal. Kelly was gixenl two TiwaeBain od.sirable upon ri-flk alono. If one fowls. The floor is earth., We put years for ponjuiry, and Gutke fixe The clloride of lime -solution is will. take the lime ta compare the ia fresh earth every faîl, wbich pro- yasfrbiey made ns follows :Dsov twolsolide of skimmnilk with gluten mneal, vides plenty of dust for the fowls. yaefrbiey tablespoons of cHIloride c(-f lime in orielcao of the most digestible of the con-j The floor is kept covered with straw, pin oflio s ter stain thn ad:centrates, _it will show a value of and chaff and the off ener put la dleanAEAN MUC . one gallon of watcr. Soak the stains 17CET-PE 10 ONS tébte. Tewoeuidnis arflivsiginsh antil lbey disappear, thon bell the, CNS E 10PONS leanebotter Tho ,whlch building a reuscnesigaosWhave prove-1 god.when gluten ncal le worth $30 per cIae vr elwihkoei httemsls swl ns othor gon.ds. I frocin from100 rmin.sOrgans of the body, bave their stages Forth oali aidsolut ion, use to.Siîiki ai10pud Winter le' the very time wbien oggs cf devclopment and decline. Tecsts o' lhrecon cos of loxalîcV acid cryesîanis! wico and 5,9 pounds digestible are wertb the imost, Whou liens want the slrength cf sovoral thousanýdq c to~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ onltf)te.Wt h am rtinad.59punedgetbe as mucli or imore haat any popehave been made by theuse o with the solution oorsteam ori u.la carboohydrates, xshile the gluten melj o the suashino, and wshimedatlwii contain 25.8 pounde proe' naa i me, and wben they arc net allowed a dy-nmometer (streagth mnue> la cal amnona sluton(on tale,65. ponfi crboydrtesto adiledo so by most poltry keepors. and the following are givea astheý i~nful o amonia le ui (ne quart of 1005 6pounds cannd flu e etoriso CforFolks tuik hero is a great mystery av;erage'figures of tie wbile rae1, wae) econerc ti eimaueaiml týtabout maksng lions l1ay in wînter.Teliin porcfaystofsv watr)b ounerctîl acdthn fcdngmaureanmas talar )al'-1There le none; ,aaybody dan do it. enteen le 280 lb. la he waalîel rince s oul.to dgestsohidf od We re a l'ile iTic os will lay if you wiîî lot year 1h15 incroasos to32lbndl Ofways exporimetfls n capteefrta xpect far grenieýr vaue îLýlemhn. is thlrtietb and thirly-ft ar e it ofgod o bll'ohvemdeafro,insizimnmilk wtýhen fcd te y-oung Fullets, not old liens, muet bo kept reaches ils hoiglit, 356 l. Atbb simiar sain groing nimle wth wnke nesnu-for fall and winter laying, and pul- eni of the tbirly-ll1rst or h lation. Tbis is of coursoeaya e UJSEL- IU INTS. tîn aou il m'u0a-vlue ots wbicl are mature onouglita lie- strengthbcbgins to decline. fBy lie thin abot is mauril vauegin laying before cold wcathcr be- tortietb year il lias dccreased 81 bI., Used te o lcs will polishi the la- wbicb les, to figure at its miiu is ogtsc uliet,ie lc a nd Ibis diminution continues at a sido of cutglass botties. Add a lit- Worth, $1,.50 per ton, or 71 Cents per 1Muet ho hatched in Anril for the slig-htly incrain. 1.rate-untinnli

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