CANAA PJST;ALWAKS CANADAO tihe pres and else where. 1 have becrn Graiid Trunk Pacifie, whieh undertakeît their stock. They must sel] their pro- &sked, bavirtg agreed thaf flie railway to pay 3 per cent. inferest. NVe have leren1tial stock and their cOmmon stock shouid lie hult as far as fide water et agreed with the Comupany thai wmO shah n orler to get the Cash to pay for Qnebec, why should you have extended not charge them any interest for seveui cars, for locomotives, for ships, and so thaf railway to Moncton ? Why build years. And fherefore for seven years WC Ofl. Wben tliey go into Mie car shops saother railway wlien you hzve aready have to boar the cost of that- that ie and the shipyards to buy cars and 10'é thse Intercolonial ? What tesson 15 ta say, ne have to bear the coost ooresadsi0teywI aet there for it ? TIhe reason lasimpl, contribution direct from the Canadiar' pay With cash and flot; with a song. Thse Intercoloniai was flot hut as a treasury t owards this enterprise, of Anid that is ail the answer there is eonunercial r.oad. In 1885 when the seven years' interoat upon fli Ceaste-n to givo ta Sucli fooliali criticisms as Ganldia Paifi Ralwa watedta indsecion No, uon he estrn ecton.theso. The Opposition werc particular- a çiadi a Pacic Ialway wntdtoafnSecio. U, ponthefliriesec esntern Siu 'yl.îobstructiveo upon tisapoint, how- au lifef o Me ea heywen toSt Upn to paire ecton her is flo ever. They maintained that the Grand John. They would not taire the Inter- question of interest ; it is paid by flie Trunk Railway should be bound to pay Colonial., beeause it had not heen huilt 1Company hnmcdiafoly. But upon thes for the Grand Trirni Pacifie stock 100 as a commercial, but as a polifical rotdl. mountain section of 480 miles, or flicre- cufs on fhe dollar. Whocver heard and was too long for thcm. The Cana- abouts, wo bave agreed to psy fhin- 0f sany man investiug in a new Company dian Pacifie i Railway wouid net have if' ttesf upon fhree-quarfers of îhe bonds Paying Id0 cents on one dollar for fhe in 1885, when tlsey werc seeking a fer- for seven years. Therefore ail we shall stock ? hfi rpotru, Ti minus ln St. John, and the Grand Trunk1 have ta psy ouf of the Canadian freas- stock will have tob od accodn Pacific wouid not have if -when seeking ury, if Our bargain holds good, as I arn fo the nceeds of fthe Grand '1runk Pacifie an outiet in fhe 'Maritime Provinces. very sure if will, as the condition Of and accordîng f0 the confidence of tIcý We have heen told :If la not fairtate the country warrants us in believing, people in Mat enferprise, and there-1 us ; we have ,aiready a railway be- wî1ll hosoven ycars of interesf upon foreý thaf is ail 1 have to say ta you! tween Moncton an.d Ouehec. and youi tbrec quarters of the cosf of the moun- 0' f the absurdity and fIe sophisfry of are going ta huild anoflier railwaY, tain section hinflic western division. Row the arguments whicii have becn adduo- which isngoing to patalielnnd imperil much will thaf bc ? Weil, gentlemen, cd upon thîs point. Ift Sir, thoéso are the uords cf soin c Micro have heen many cai cuistionls1upon1 Must Go te Canadian Ports., one wlio is not well inforrned ;saine one that. Mr. Borden lias made calcula-; n lie las not taken Mie trouble to lock fions Mr. F~ielding bas made calcula-!Eiaving been defeated also upon this lt the matter carefuliy. If licen 111 do fions, other individuals have madC cal-: Objection, fhey have anoflier, and what sa0, he, wili find tbat fIe new railway 1 uatos The _fitot thing o doterminO is flic next objection ? Thcy'say, "Wliy wilinet parallel iand impe-ril the oxist- lis Mie quantfity Of rallonge. Upon hs Yur policy is to have a railway whiclî ing one. (-Appause.) Mlien fhe Cana- there i, ,o trouble. Bofween Quebece will taire geods to Canadian Ports, but dian Pacifie- Railxvay built a lino from adMoncton if is 400ý miles . hotu ef you bave not made any provision to Toronto to Moufreal if did nef parallel uecadii:s145ml, force t heo ompany to carrytfli goods te, andimpriltheraiwaywhih led eei wQu lI bcind thuniog if &h47ales, tCanadian ports.", Weil, Ont friends, as mmd impehry ril iorailw y he ad o w hf iL iesflc oaf r. id i notof 1said, are difficulf fo satisfy. IlUre are bulît flRaitey. No; befor by te Gan tk ficfiuescf te igunrsof the ferma of the agreement. Lot me Truk Rilwy. o;tIctwelins, IcMit Boqrdeni. .I1shzll fake tcfiues - ail attention publicly to tbem, toaflie Grand Trunk Railwav and flic Inter- te Go caeteier it chn colonial Railway, are apart, anîd thev Wood sdliroihor. ne estimates thaf the o I sip Latonin fhe agreement will ho spart. .They wiii ho af 'a dis- reilway botween Quebec snd Moncton -0have sinatre and nwhic bas hoo tance from ecd othor of tbirty, fiftyý1Wl O hÎ intr'adwihhsbe sud soefime soved.y-fve nîî~ ~ il cot $25,000 pet mile. aud Mie rail- seabefi --,lit 5 i' iydcae u there is a tange of inountains bcen a~htwenQoe ~Wniog$8.areorl bef ween flic parties to this tbem, in manv p laces impassable, and1 000 pet mille. Toalie on the safle side, agreement that tIe aid lierein providod th Prto te onty-a e 'r dlot us add fwcnty-five pet cent., as Mrt, for ia granted by the Goverment of tho pat cf ie contry t ho srvod iasdu hy -eue will not ho served by the ether. l ig h dn. Woll, thon. tli o st Canada for flic express purpose of on- 'fen have bore, thon, fhee tesson why 1 of the taiiway from Moncton te Winni- floiraging the deveiopment cf Canadian wc could not assueurthfli continuation pog, 400 miles, viil ho $12,500,000, sud trade sud fIe transportation of goods frcm Quolice to the Maritime Provci the 1,475 miles froi Winippg to Que- fbrough Caniadia channels. The cern- ove th lio f Me Itorol nie l i-ibec will lbe$51,625,000. Thon Mihe in- PanY accopis flic aid on these Candi- wsy.1 torest onctuton is ýestimafed 't.Qfions, and agreos fIat ail freiglit engin- Juggling With Figures. ho $7,031,975. So that Mie total cap- afing on flic lino of flic railway or ifs i iai of $64,125,000 sud interesf of $7,e branches, not specificaily routed oflier- 1 Iwgentlemen, there is inluen'n031,975 makos a total oost of $71,156,975. nise he li shipper, shahl, whon destined 1 -ith that anoMier question' cf great fo "onaiYaaah ano nie moment. Yeu wil ask me what arc Ouf la y Less Than a Surplus. fyopiin Canad liete rriehetwe t1i, fermis whicl we are paying the Now Vheiteresf, Vhe cash interoaft, Canadian inland ports, sud fIat flic Grând Trunk Paciflo fer fhe contract. upon fiat sumn fot ýseven years is esti- througli rate on expert ttamei frcrn the % eare fold by flic Tory papota, by mated by Mie ofilcers efthte (lovern- Point of enigin te fIe point ef destina- T ors ltînt tho prico we arc psy- ment toelbe worth $10,655,562. Upoii tien shall at ne finie lie greater via Can- in l is extravagant. Mt. Borden las the otulsr side, ln the mountain section, arias ports flan via United St ateos hol inbIs Province, sud ho bias told If aire the figure eof a well known Cen- Ports, and that ail sud tramei, net spe- us aogain sud again 11sf in flic contract servative in tis audience, the cvidence cifically rcuted ofberwise hy the shipper, whièh we have maae wîth flic G. T. P. of Mrt. Barker, Mie preseut nibet, shahli e carried to Canadian occan ports. ive are to psynine-tetîýsicf Miocot and but ne longer VIe member, I sup- ,'TIeCcompany further agi-ces that ifl the Grand Trunk are golitg te psy crne- pose, for flic cify lof Hamrilton. (Ap- sail nof lu any matter within ifs uow- tc_,1i, and lie asks is that a fait agrt,- plause.l Mrt. arker's figures w(verc et diroctly or indirectly advice or enu- .eut. Well, gentleeno, I bave saccu 856.00pot mile. That would maire fth oraefe tanprainefsc Juggiing- wiMi figrles hefore, but I total cost of tIc moontain section $26,- freighîf hy routes other flan those above no" er swsuch jîuggýing with figures as 888,000. Wo gîîarantecd the iutorcst pi-ovidel, but shahl in ail respects in thi- 1- If ila voiy simple. I will give upon flir-e ýfourMlis cf fIat amount, good faifh use ifs utinost endcavors te y'aIe partdculars and bave if te von whieid 2016,00 epsy tle ilu- u flicheconditions upon whicb public w4ha liereeis fhe sigîItestjsiia-as ntflat 20,160,r000. yers.aid is grantefi, uamely, fli. developanent n 0 tradethroDeparfrnenf cCanadiaan tii orteasetonotnmamdc sud Thmeexpertcf tfie Finance sevten ocanpors. ropmated hy hlm that we are going te calculated fliat fli@ cash value cf svnCnda ca ot. pay irine-teuMis cf fIe cost sud flie pearsq' intocrest upon $20,160,000 îs $3 Nofhing eau le sfroîîger than fhls en- actmient. The compauy la bound as Glrand Trunir pay onfly oee tu. 177,794. Tiîercfcre, the total Cash value closely as the, Engliîsh language csu hînd The 'road il a teliedivided juto toesec- of th,- interest whiclb yoiuare going te iftVota -te i- frelifs f Ca.nadian fionis, the eastern sud flhe western sec- ipsy for the two secellons is $13,833,358. hiathors, c 'î - t a we i tien. Th- casteru section shahl coin- Tlins. aecordi-e thMisontr ï, which We hae , iunit whicb meceaf .sectandi end af Winnipeg. we have raiif ifttus ta e hmwea, v îupn tw Ifitefoe blit by the Governanent of crecnu e ]iu seif or alveioionabnar f uOpu ai pen ejt. o1 the cç ý , out nla-t f the Cann ian perYilt,(>The C construction of he road. There 75 ssecrute this g e ufrprîso f -mi ocea Cu ncotlinig neosfor flicGovor- fo Ceean will hfo' s iitfle moWto fan thbir-: Wa! i- ~ .sol mnt ef isnda er lic .peopl)e ef C-- teeu millions, or a liffle losMian th e e c, !i eir un-1 ada lu this. Sbuppose if cosf $70,000,000; surplus cf eue peur îindor fIh. Field1ng derfakings, seouîfreightf suppose fIef flic Goverumeuf borrew tariff. (Applazise.) Well, is flore very te Sf. John and Quebec, but te l'ort- $70,000,000 at 3 pet cent. Tic company mueli I ha esaeflcGnds land, woe au Oriug flien belote tIe give us in rentai ail fIat we psy iiiisu people 7 Tho si-lu îst ycar n-as Ihsilway Commission and enforce tIc forçat. Is thaf very good arithmetic ? $14,345.000. If, th'erefoe, the Govoru- specile performance of tIc conîditiens You have off ou been told that I ar tn ietnof 'e 0ie u o hi um f the confraci '11sf is sirong eniough a nin o buines. donefproondte ientahuuldsotasio of o ths sen f itself. sud if would be quito t uf- ai man of business. I havoe good Itsi-$13,833,000 if voild provide for the fuilcetbtîwudotesasll edfo ie s, mne ousdie. 1hav. Patersi payanont Of soven yeas' uLt eroast, whîch my part if we lave to have a law suif' amçn.g ofliers, and wîen we came te tiF is ail fie obligation thaf the Gever -ý wifil fie company f0 enforce ibis cou-, qucfj~ ' i t " ~a niemnt are te heax with respect ta tise tract. We have btter flan tilat. kd in etit oM. Paterson wbole linr frmeca teceu TI Xbtiif1 'elv o ta 5fosolve fhIl; but really, gonfle- 1a ibt cen h hti i V aetis. We lave mo nhon I learsasone mon falking as surplus for 1904 is $i6,000,000. This tIc inferest of île company tlornselves. muof business I ami surprisod, I may vKili prnvidoi for fifinauiciai obligation They are bounfi te de whaf t tey have SaY. af my own rncdesty sud modera- 'if file Goverumu'nf aud Ibave sa balance agreed tf0(Io fortfils tesson,filai fIne tien, (Lauglifer anul cheers. cof about $3,000,000. Is fhiere aul thiug route via Qiiobce is, fatrshorfcr te tIc Let us go furthior on flue point. Wo lu ail thaf te sente ?aio nsi Arne ocean than fIe route vis Portland. But con5truef fhe road. Suppose if costa 3jflpnof ready to face tIe issuie sud gfIatanefaIlt le cmpn bv -_ __+ ~ agre esoîreur oeuf. upon fIe crrew af 3 per cent. We love mes in Canada wîo pop us 3 pet cent. ounfile eniosuf we borrow. How mudli isil we Le ouf cf pociret ? Accon-dng te uMy poor sfimaf e, fIe estisucRte et a modeaf muan, nboos not pose ia a man of business, if seeme te me flot we elali -not Le eue cent ouf of pociref, lecause if pou huill a bouse sud horrew $10.000 te fiiiill if. and when pou lave buif if, if Yçou find a tenont wlso yul talce i for the inforegt pou have poil cioi tIc amobut hborron cd, pou l notfbclieu cent eut et pocirot, sud fIat la exacthy tIe position in which we axe, with a sigt modification, te wlmi I 1wiii come iu a moment. Finance efthfe Western Section. Justf]lot-us taire tIe oflier section troni Winnipeg te fhe Pacifie Ocean. If n-lji i ut liy fhe coupany ouf et fleur oen nmoney, hornowed lip 11cm- sel-ses, got hy flereselves. But if le truc flatotheficamenut cf money flot flop wili bave te invoaf in fIe worir w< will guaraulOfln-w. equarters. lu other werls, n-e sîsl cudorse fbeir note for flreo-qnarters of fhe ameunu flop have te expenl. Wefl, expetience shows fIat sometimes au cudorsel note bas te le paid. (augter. ) At ail events, so fax as ont port is concernefi, thcre le ne foot at aIl. One fbousaul miles ,efthfat toril is on flic prairie, sud if la admit- tel ounal l ande îlot on the prairie the rond wili pay frein the vory fini. TIers wil nef he any dîffilclty, aun- esheal nef lic caliel upon te ppy oeedollar. For fie moîmut-ilu section, I admsit. tiere le soeoris], But n-c munnioftaire an enites-prise n-if 1out any îisk. But evon with fIe 'isi' I asir by n-bat prn- ceset imagination or taIse rensouiug can Mr-. Borde en toihfe people et On- tarieo ht n-e trc te opynine-teniths efthfe construction cffot rend ? JI lave lad some erCperience in poitics for some time non- ; I amno ne oger a penng man. I have beeiu for 29 peas in publie,- 1f e. I lave fohlo-oul if proftp clel and I love always sdînired ConeresL- fivos' canT.acitp for r wahhewine. (Bamgl- fer.) W hmtcver tbcit leader obI flous they woulî sienlon-. But if sceme f0 me tflotfils fimo flice rrer is too hig. 'Flop cannot en-allen- if Af ahi ovents, iftflop a-sien-if fuis fie-I lave seen floua swalion- ethet es-res-I muet cap fIat (loir -iroaf is nef madie et humaii l,but is mals cf couic kimmd et Iudia rubler. (Bond laugîter -) The Coaf tote cCouîntry. New, genthomen. there is eometling more flan flot. Yen conne t expeet flot n-e shahl have this raihway lu eperafion Item ocesu o oceimu witbonut if meting scniething te fhe Cans lion treasury - w'Iat wl f c-ot bI1oie,11 show you1 under oui- couiraet uhuat ut n-ilh ceaI II have tolpou fIatne are goiuig te huild flic eastcrs section enrsecves, sud fIat n-e are te rent if inimedistehy toe I fsprescrit e W5 t tie ?ils oean. s - f pi'e1a h ItmIia las a n i (eif ovel' su os. if, vvoulbee ec1ddoublefit disance If n-e agree 1,o lookspn fis proýfsi- ltion lu tbohe igîit c(f t-hoexpno wne, lave lad os flic f:1teiiona1 Raiin-ay for tIe hast twenty-fivc pestas, I do snci ihiuk flore is sa man lu fIls audience n ho %-euld fhîir seriously et sncb a proposition. Vbat las becs lte île- tory cfI Inllerelcunisi Rsiln-sy i If laa heen ilis, fIat in 1877 vvben tfIe rosI n-us suppýLie1 loe ho ompletel te Quelc nif î a mibeag'e of 700 miles if cost $36,oo0,ooýl TIche ol las liesn extcudcd eluce thaf time to Montteai, and is non abholut 1,290 miles in leugtl, sud h-asceet'th{e Canadias 'Freasury $710,500,0Mo. Noir sîpon flue amýount et seevent anul a Éli million dollars tîcre las not ben -à cent et interesi pail. ceet et the rosI, sud ilerelere in order 1on uylias f ono- n- coulDo- niord sud construci fIls Grand Trunir to carry on îîeîr iuiidertakuug, in enflr iutereit paid. lit font peas ouf et five Pîtific Railway, VIls greaf transoostin. to pay île roufn-bld fIte 'Company iliere bas isot boen enougî monop cars- <'uts-I rosI VI have Pagreel te psy, fIe eompsuy wih cd hp île tuiiwav to cover fIe ex- The G. T. P. Cousuon Stock, le tonced te lrîng îlefs-aie over fIat peuditure ouin tiuning if. And le thaf rosI, eilerwise flop enof loave île wl-at n-e arc giîuiig te have in lIc ex- 'fliat enghit te satisfy ev»sry geel Con- mouey Vo psy if. sud wil le s detoult- tension et the Intoecolonial Pailway ? sarvaiiive mas te icceai tfte railway. oer, subjeef te al fIe penaltie of lu. An extension ci defleit sud ? An But Conslervafives arc notf oosiîy sotie-' sobvent lobions. (Hiean, lest.) This extension cf a roiiway Item f icI n-e fiel. XXllin Miey are beates ou ose shows pou tIc value ef objections wîicl eliali nover fiave a dollar cf intereet pithflopturn Vo a-nothtc. Wn lotoavebecs raisofi aanai fIls dm olh Wlat piroposai is tînttfo put b1ey are drives froci oee ntroeemeut pony. lotore anu nof eigen-t audienco ? la tbey pase te anoflior like flic Iuseiasos The Opposition Pehicy. ùloee aman loto woulgay, "Ycs; lot liotore fisc Japancse-frorn pont Arthuir But againet fthavelat love wo ? We 'f go ou; n-e n'ont te love fhe Intecr- ieO Ii-oyong, and ai hst te Mýuirden.I l'ave the policy et tIc Opposition. And coloniasl extonlel t tei Pacifie Ocean V" (Applznse.l lUre la Ssecond objection. n-lot is file policy cf fIe Opposition .(Ne,. no-) lise we caIl te hope that sud they s-sp htf n-ohave a couirsef sirT h'ileiss a bard fasir te explalu t if nhI e auy bitter lunflic future flan wh-reliy n-e have given Vo fhe Grand and I arn afrail I uusi tire rnp audilu tIe past ? That n-ion tfI Guicru- Trunir Railway an undue alvautoge o nce if I go lut o île history cf île poî- menýt raihvvap as if a t rset a fIai n-e baye put if lu fleir wap fo gel iey cf île Opposin upon fhis point. not ernee a dollar et interesi, if elahl1 $25,000,000 n-ot hof fIe stuirof thVie (Go ou.) But, perlope, lon-over, 1 cas-n intcreef upon flic extension ? If oompany for a motre song. Boi me ex-. may lic pardoned if I tire pou sore ne u s preoefous, ouI 1 love enlp te say plain flaf a lithoe. Th1e Grand Trunir orlon io give pou tf i stony et tIc fIat Itif le neftairtote x- Pacifie Compitny bave bo-n inc)r-poi-atol policy efthte Conservotive porfp upon poct, it la nef possible, thaf oitI a capital Stock of $45,000,000. (Af hie important question. Yen lave fIe Canadian peopleoeuconhokr seriously f hie 320,000,000 is te lie prefeenuf lI ard, sir, t is a favorite phrase et gos- upion -suno aproposai as ibis. (Cheers.) stock sd $25.00,000 i f0tle comu on t hee n lcefbter side ot peitîce, of Noîv, Mis. Chsinman, if my frieul Mr. stock.ande$lave stipu'aft lbe cmn broken plecigeâ; but, sir, plefiges nover Barrer, M.P., wene icre-no, nef M.'P., n-cre breiren. Sud. Italien pledges but ex-M.P., s-nd I trust ovou- te romsin tract fIat tVbo Grand TruinirRa-in-sp1 n-ere nover ceeu os thoso wîicî were So--(ceers and augier-î thînir ho Consapau-ýnot. fhe Grand Trunir Pacifi(,, producel by Mit. Bordes. (Laugîtet.) n-oll le convincel that fhIs propesi- liai fIe olt eompoy-are Vo pos»ssesud WIy, sir, wne-ofiret intrefluced, lutie'n sali:ild ot lie entertained. Isîy and keep sud maintss.ln if during tIcelieuse lu 1903 îhe costraet in tie n-li terni et eut les-se. 'Flop are which fIe toi-ms which I bave juat Public Ownorship. to guarantee the part of VIe inonoy flot gîu en -Yen anc ouf linefi, Min. Borden le ef uarnfel iv Ie ossi-men JCame ouf withua proposai, a counter If la nt efli fin-st trne n-e have lad ise p iircantona lhe ovefore roosi nasi b 1fn-sluflcquestion of pulilie on-nership betore crIer te keop fIe Grand Tru-nl Go. lu tlese ferma : flie preposel, fist--if is us. Former leaders of flic Conservative f hiia eniterprise. WeVlh, gentlemen, MMr,; very long sud 1 love te, put if lu wrif- party bave pronouncel ogainet if. Sit Bot-doen andmI cf isfellon-ers. auîd.i rn1 y mernery n-ould nef lava beon John Maconal, Sir Mackienzie Bon-eh, ilînr, it.Barer hmaot, ~ qua1i tf, f bough 1 thlak I bave a Sin Clatles Tîîppoî-, Mr. Hagga-V, snd, is vry ufai to hp popl of wn-pneffp good mcmoy-firsf, te censsruci aset but nef beasf, Dr. Sptoule-(iaugl- te vry ufat t Vhspoohe t Co-Ia raiîn-ay froni Jacques Cartier June- f et)-have prenouncol agaluef if. liow ada', licause, Vlcy Soy, VIe Grand 'Fr-unir tien Vo, Coteau, te conoci the Inter-. are the miglty tabion l (Reen-ol hlaugli- Ce. cou acquire flot stock, this $25-ioielnial with île Canada Atlantie Rail- fer.) When tfIe cvii et Gevenrnent own- 000,M00, for a maere net-bing, for a more' n-sp; second, te purcbose fhe Canada orship las boen sIenn flop se us te ceng, sud Iran- dividouls on if, sud Atlantic Raîln-ay; ibird, te buihd s con- revori te if in fIat aggravated foi-m. If fluatitIfn-i, flieretore, lie n lui-don up-1 necfiug bînir betweeu the western fer- is suficient for nme, 1I mon-,te îay fbese ou tIc rail-sp sud upon Caris- 'sinus efthîe Canada Atlantic Ifailway thinge liefore pou lu crIer'te show fIe hian shippere. Bet ns se îow, te Sudbury; feuti, te buy fIai portion,- f ely cf fli, Opposition propesols. Bot flot n-Il wor out. ot tle ine of tle Canadian Pacific trom us take the pehicy I lave enggested, end Norfbh Bay te Port William; fiftti, te ail yen u l lave te psy will simply lic Needcd For Equipmenf. assist lu improvîng tle grades efthfe about thirfeen million. Let ne taireflie Tile Grand Iruni Ps-efie n-i l'ave Canadiau Pa-cifce or fhe Canadian Llorth-b lc fM.Bren o ol ne cru, or bof 1, from Fort William t o icofM.Bedn;pu-udude fie guaranfee efthfe Goverumeni andWinipeg; sîxîl, te assisi the Grand fIat nof oniy lave te psy tlree or four1 the gsaraufee efthfe Grand Trunir Rail-,Itunk Pacifie toEdIfmonton; seventil f0 millions lu interesi Ov'ry pear, but poui n-sp te builfi the lise, but wnone'ic uibI a lino freni Efmorifon te tle pa.n-oulhave a doficit every pear. Deficits sune isebit if will net le ready te le rifle coasi; elgîf I. sud some urne or 1 have ne terrons for fIe Conssonvoive operaiefi. Tîcre arc rny thînga fIat ofuet lu île future te luilîl o colon- parfyn-e kusv.- (lsnghfr) -liutflop lave te le doue bef ore if can le put ,izai ion rond Ietween Quelecanad Win- have for us Griis, sud n-e do nef wnat osto oponaf ion. 'Flop must oquip îleeiueg.; sud laut, te dcvcîop flhc great sny. (Reuen-ed losglfter)i lins, fhey must purclase nllng stock.!naevasou ottCnaa o1ccalpu ief o r Ie And unden fIe eonfnsct tflop muet lave Wro7llsirit fat n-se theo prejeit oethfe We muet lave flic taibsvay. (Appianse.)1 82000.00 nenf e tohmg soc a leader et fhe Opposition-to huil o rail- In ibis pou rgree -ith me, I arn sure;( piug ,andlot h eeonsteilatei and y' froim Jacques Cartier Vo Coteau ; pou n-ont fhe nsiiwoy, ad oudpeunst if ou île Pacifie. lFor flese slips sud t buy fhe Canada Atlantic, buihd Item accerdiug te the confracitlat bas beenE lonomnofivcs sud passenger cars sud thc Canada -Atlantic te filue Canadia signed, te le conuntedl by pivate enter-i fnsiîht canse, fopn-il lhave to psy, oud Pacific, bnp île Canealan Pacifie, tIers prise, as pour afisirs are menagel lu ibisc n-la ill-hi lp psynif Il TIc oui-timproDve îhe Canalian Pacific Railwn-y gool City of Himilfon. Bef me tef ou e ri-sources tbey have te psy nif Iae tIen improve île ('anadian Nortieru, aise, if flore is a part et Canada inî fleu 1r preeutiad stock anud fleur cuuiiu h as;t ftic CarutansPaciýfis-, sud uhich I hlieOto lave thse support of the c mcii stock. Tlcy canuef letton-, for fîes te luilî acu ose the mountains. peopleho frfIls proposal, it is île gý-d,1, fîepy lave exhausted ibm rpon-rof el(iLaugIter-) If fliere -las ever any- eutorprising city et li-ibton, le mtt bornewing os tle constrýuction oethîe fling boen pi-oposel -icl n-as o jumble cf n-hich l% "torn-arý,d 111dever fior- i lise. 'Flop muai tilote tobnp n-thI 'iis n-as VIe greafesi. (<i.uiteî- aud warb,." (Applause.) I ise topresent.L s - ipde c Urut irs il il ~ pul' 17'utc "by'TIc introduction oetIH. Levy, in Causadsawouili De ~prodi~- -d rceAbrabanS for a great aurny eo iiosfebes Adliiovemuents oethfieGoverumient. cenpoýýnp ta mrvetlu- igrade. Nef H. Ab a mile etfniuv tnnfry-v-uld le Open- Dicsn, Mr-. Po'terson esid le --OL1d nef asir cd up. rie expenlhl'ure ,for matenisi, ne W. 'F. E Mit. Borden s question le (flie speaker) Imen vvould bc ncquinod.. 'Fe Conserva- O'Reil]y,1 n-euld not anan-en for the Governuuont.~ tives laýd esserfeil tîmat flic rosI to elie on-, Win. 'FIe, Governusout beievel flicy lad en-lui 'It by fhe Goverumoîen- ouid nrus George SI acfe cd fat liai-Icoal eloutlcoîse lu Vîneugli muciege saud aant pîne, sud Pinflbop, trees of dntp sud fIai bituminonls ceai bdprilte oountîp. 'Flopproposed ThoemasC sîcul ppysàdut f o533 ents s ton. Th1e te lisp fli C. P. R. nortil-et Lalke Su- ar, John Conservativs s, Mit. Paies-son continuel, pOtion, 59 declaring te the vorld flot Lee, Hou. told lb GoveruneufIl-at fiep n-etc Canada lad neolhabitable counftry sortI Maben-s, sot gool businiesmon, tMutt flop netceOft le boondsry. 'flop salI tlîey' on, W. A lacki-n-g iakuon-yledge in a gros-t mauywo .oulti tsioke fIe Govermneuif's bon. tîmi- 0'11( respects. VI h lt n-s alrighît,ut gain. Whlai n ouleil iche effect if tlcy Moore, R< hoilpedol te ep il-cm hutmble, but n-heu diI flot ? lie veninnel Vo say ounflic CaptainJ fiey sai thaf mnbers efthîe (lovon- 4tf tNîîvoîner tîmere veosld le a lin- buts, Ral mentn-or-e ilut-oro t ean,tisai n-as auria]coliapse fIni n-ouid l e tP., S. Ba *hz-the -- tnsektà&Luf.Lauh- fîreughlit,île worll. If n-oid par- Grenat, D fer.) 'Fe Bilerai Goverumeuf liaI in- eiaYze îndusitr ny- ilililtonalid thFougl- Prom I cs-ea%.sed population,>flop liaI -revisel ft-e ouf ConaIs. Wlat incentive would Sn-oet, P. tarif, ,liai benfitd wcrkme an floere lie te culai-go business ouirpris3e Prestes, tarf, ad ionfiel -onrmem midin fhis or aup oflet citp if fIe noesWood, JO rnanufacfurers. sud ne counfry ln lhe iront forth thai île agreement. te opier n-old uI -puospoel ed c a gusaf or degre upse greât a country liaI becs revoIr- ttan Canada duig tIc pasf elghf peais. cd ? lIe Consenvativos saIdflopIT I If n-us onip repcafing -wîat bldbon oulhuihe leine. If flop atiemnpt- T saI 50 otten beoese, Vo apeair cffIe el iftîchre noulî Lic sueh delmys flot prcspe-nify et Canada, lut fie Conses-va- before if n-s oegunustagnation n-cuid STRflKîI tives cail ,"Yes, tintes anec kood, but tle lave sefflel upon the, eountry. Mri. diffe-renme ieimeoen Vhe ilerais anIdG-on- Paterson wn-atecl fo sap if fIe leýaders sonvatives le flot n-e adumit if, but te fl- thfeCosufvepryntc vbig BLilerais neull nef unmer Gosses--ative flu 5f flicpart'p aîould cir mb toa con- Enormous tub,." Whof s-n illustraition cfflhc lu- dition etfartssted developusent l i i p bereat quabîties et truthifuines itIe nef tîlirk lits Icarers onglît te give the pn fn-o parties. UnIon fli cGonsenvaiives relns et poe r into tîcir lioule, lest île finies liad not ho-en gol, but, as Sir tley shliil lring île country te thie Buthu: Wifrid -lad sald, drîven -Item oeepo- sanie condition. Adltessiug île- yousg trenclirent, ike the Rusaia'ns, fhey fiel mon, lie saId flop san- Sus-WifridLBans-- M t te anofler. They asseriel umlat Cou- lio nduIle as nnrtly etfleir auîiin- ote ada's ps-sent prespeiip n-as due o taatsues. (p Heuel icnas a n-onthty n-y App smiing Providence ; sud lad sot fhe exemiple for thsm te foîben-. Ilieas cemîng ir camie leneficeut Providence ismiied upon admincd hp fniend anul pohitical oppen- employed CannUa under Censeýrvative as undetr ente. No-ver -huaI Canada boen kiiîen w vay, la-s LbIlr-ule b 'FI, liffeterico n-os flot arng notions ot the n-erld os to-île y; hlitmili: theBilr- Administration lsd known noever -lad fhe Demnision liaI sucli voces hon-iý te foiesdvas-tage and moire fhe lu the couudllc etftti,- empire.,'Filet Montreol moet oftîle oppotunity oferol. Af fIen-os langcehy dise te île preterentini compriseJ eof et g-licoupeaseof Cosservafîive traIe policy et Sir Wilfrid Laurier asu d oImll, rnIs VIe fraIs et Ganada had increased le Vie prouinent pis-ce teiroîs by tlflifitcouI $66,000.000, wn-le unI-ren ogît peaseof Canadian Premier on fuIe occasion -cf Mie *'Ysa Liberol nNo fic mhe neuse lad becs $228,- Queen's Jubibee. Becauseett-lie flore 'wa n-as Dot a poung mn iluCanada b gvoc 000,000 Ther sent argument n-ms t cunt bdls iolhge. whatfIve moud flic prosue(rify Lu1nIon LBlerah ruilen-as cîl seat ad se of tîmenu -ese iel.he os-e Ge due Vo the Laurier Geverrnent la-siug tflopseuker sppdOflitliif s Huer Buileo kept ou ie Conservafive National Pol- aIey geuflenianovtle adnîInstno-flu tlf1 r of~ icy Wé-,] ,adrnitfing fIat for argu-afate getlima, cotr dsen isclp antihe tecrp mont, ilfIe lietease lu elgîfeen yeoasn-cl. 'Ft hsffs e-vernirent n'ouid ble considern -led lises 368,000.000 as againef $228,-' susîsinel le lsd ne louhi, blie le Idn-oare wu 000,000 lu eight peons cf Bilicral tube, ,nefnant the eflon Provinces te sus-- Bouides g sheul sett fie m-osn-ho bost mn- hfon-pase ftle banner Pnevince of île Demis eout plant te handl- tIe instrument lic iept Ou ion in île majoities flop seont t te,etctn te work hit <tei ans-sd opplasîse.) support ofthfe Govennmeut anud arouoea rsi Sir Wilfrid bal beau verp flh i nhm ios ne rue re ntunnel by Ontario t'-onf Ca île groat question et a son- frauscon- nesist Sir- Wilfrid liehopel te read tle andiîle, tis-ental raiin-si Ple Deuiiuieu ires- camies Zisîmes-man anul asfn-wood. Couipsy eurpsurpuîs of lait pear, continuel fer (Boul sud ps-oloeued cos-rs.)Ormo seven peas, n-eulI pp cIe inierest on 11Ormt tise cet of couet-rurtiinu ouI tilmiusohtl ose Who IHourd Hum. -asd Cas;a le bonne hp fIe Grand Trunir Pacifie, Asîmcng ilese ps-sent note :-Heu. j, n'e n-Ie and at tbîe end et that fine fhe eon- M. Gilou, Jaurus litron, Dr. Plionpson iuîg '-A tnp wouldhave, nifîontftuis-fliorxperise,1 Jaîties Dwper, WV. F. Mvoufague, Jois E. wn-î iel- tle bleseinge te lc efrivs-d fso-oi an- hircumu, John P. Classce, 11ev. J. A. n-ilcat oller gnoaf transcontinental rail-se. Macdonial, Ald. George S. Kont, AId. vylhl le oý R. G. Wright, AdlbumBolatrule, S. F. chine anc Coucohiug f1e Cent-acf. WashingtonC, S. P. Bozuer, K-C.; slop, ap Mr. Borei-In ad osserted flot, if ne- P. D. Cnes-st, K. C., XV.iH. 'Narfinope, a san- au tuinned te -poeo, he onoel caneel tle K.C., Celonel W. A. Bogie, Bymuan Lee, pow-er hi Grand Trsnk Pacifie eoutract. Mit. Arthurt (FRein, Jeliu Knox, As-eldule Iepartmrn Maelan ad onefurther Hehadde-Wilson, John Fnocfer, \Walfet ABoxaufi,-"me p( Mlarloan la gne ad do leeocoJoncs, 'T. W. Wafkiriî, Aeâ-mn e chanIlu tra-s'en e cn f ises.Ilg tho ci- Bruce, K.C., John Ciunmer, P. W. n-e have avbcie Grasfnd f tnr h ay. "Billbp" Brennen, ,J. J. Evol, J. W. Beumoreaux. letton foi alusys(miseton)ete lro nena J. G. ClcIt, Dan Sullivan, A. Dols- lug. Baulin.) 'Fop taîlket of -orth. James G On- 'F H. A.Bemue J caneelisg the Grand 'Fsunît Pacific ccri T. Midleten, R. -K. liope, A. Roeros. Bjeuire tract. ou in-onld icave -adevoepedleicJolis Pattorsen, J. F. FEgan, stanloy a girl iu gresi landl te e oi-fln-et, immeinse u 'ulule, Thomnas Barry, WT. H. VcLaren I'm e bal qunifiie s-ussu jt n hl-li1-f. T. Meluifyreý, Jaunies Blake, PF . ..Gi O acres et arable land, aluiosi as rmncl ne ,ii, Jauies RE- Voiie, John Moodelle Bjcues- tîco rssinai]etob Ouone, uf il. .Tîcinas Jv-,,ames Cro015, Plos. hic ou io flop proposel a plan for bumiling a Crocirs, Ion Ire, G . NI. eGegor, Bjenks- place loto and flore, te pair asflier 'Flousas Klvintoui, NWilliam Bak ing. Journal. W. T. C(inc41. .M.i ,c T. Gef C. B., E.~ osDr. E. A. Mahlc -i sr o saeMintz, Jamesu (hýi,.-ioni. Evans, J. Kiîrkpatrict i i John L. Counseil, J-u e m. Dixon, Wîu. M., Shaînîrooke, Chas. SI A. M. Lenwis, A> OTiowd, J. Bryne, i iKniox, W. A, W a n. J. M. Gibson, sDr. H1. S. Griffi A. Stewart, And. c K Heir, Chias. A. M i Robert Ifobson, T.-W-i J, B. Fairgrieve, S.- C. Mew- ipli Ripley, Walter Tliompsea, afteman, Thomas Redhe, T. Il. D. J. Peace. PCîalcroft, J. Burhank, T. Il. 1M.P.P., James Muir, D. B,ý fobu Nelsds, I. IH. Barker. EHNS PR 98PERITYO qG TESTIMONY TrO THEý LIBERAL POLICY.: us Works te be J3nilt by the plex Railway Appliance Cern- yat Mont real-Vice-President: 'rr's Stafement. eal. Oct. l.TeSimplexRil )piauce Company, whîcl, n ïnie Canada, a 5ow yposeage, i 50, men sud suppilied eune rail- ve decided fo speud two sud'a lion dollars in tile erection ne,1i' et o a gigantic plant fIat -wiill fiffeen dilfeteut kinle of abopo 8, aud n 111 give ompioymenft t hundred umen. tmore atriklng proof can wu ont entine satfation wli litions afforded ns by fIe Bib- ernmumot '? saîfi Mr. Wilson IL )f New York, Vice-President ot iany, to-day, "flhan fIat wo the outlook so promising fIat willing te spend se mucl money? giving employmcnt te mcn at ft loteo, ut ordors arc large in keeping tIe Praitt & Lef ch- asfing Company of Brantflord ýSmitl's Fialls XIalleable Itou y running Vo tileir fuill apacity. teo everywlîore is Canadian in 'adian supplies. TFue plant fIat, ereet wiii include fhe follew- blsfer sud braire bearn shop, li le 410 fooet long, and alone 3 80,000; a steear o- 5op fIat over 700 teot lu lengfl; a nila- fi bîsekomitî shop, a truck paint shep, an enectîng .slop, td plauîug miiil, an englue sud îuae, a foundry snd a stores unt. policy of île Laurier Goveru- cas prosporîty, aund the longer fIte prosont Govorument the or tle country." ;They ssy if îsn't oasy te keep p our iritelien nowadays, but fIte sane cook for fwenty -Thaf is a groat record. IIow uianage if ? -I insrried her.-Somerville TOO BRITISH FOR THEMf. an onterprising ity-tlio god old city A FIREBRAND. . A. Wood, Dr. ILH. S. rhin, Dr. L ora, fMnrel h Cne-of Queec, long dormant. ai las'r rising IJam;res Wie r ereE isad Le Junl fMnr~ tl esr te its oppof uniy<HoRnewod appîsuse. Hamilton Spectator, Thursday, Oct. Dr. cWbîte, lr. LGeorge . Hnsbaud vative organ, declares fIat Sir Wilfrid I shal liec flero on fIe 3rd et 'November, 6:- et, Dr. William Pilip, 1'. J. loweil, W, Laurier failed te maire an impression sund I eave pou wifh every confidenmce Thînrofet tiis a moment: If flic lead- L. *Cumiiier, Fred )o-sweli1, A. M. Cuin- upon lis audience at Sorel, a faihure due fIat ou the oveuiug of fIat day fheerorfethfe Grif partl wasn't Frenchi, wilat f ear, J. L Rliso,ColinJaesLat- te the absence of warmtl lu bis lang- vgemssgrwiifhcflcvcor chance wouid that parfy hav f sc ereIuhofrIf .Beu n r nae hc L ora tIiue el n arilton of Eastwood sud Z'ier- C .Eoy ereLrce .' nag, hih e juralatribte t bs man. (Boud sud long continu e pceas lunfliccoming election? C.oV.erto,obe ie rîb, S f. NA. "E nglisil associations and Englisil plause-) -Rhrou ortHti,.C. e- ideals." Sur Wilfrid resumed lis seat, liaving The race cry business is usuel to e liebure, Wl. G. More,ý George Cootel Tils j a arintof u Catis Tp-spoken for oee but and a hll. dcplored; but if wili nover do for Can-l Walter Woods, afrlatet .J Te-'hfis us vrit o(Srnderes lu Qu- Hu ila aesn d egieQec ooe o ltPeuirce. Dr. McCalo, Dr. Balte, Dr-. Day- per' famus vrdic (redere inQue-Hon.WillamlPtersn.I. Sunir. ,John 1. Flait, IW. D. business,. Flaît, W. O. Scaloy, _N. D. Galbraithl, bec): "Laurier la tee British for mc."' Hou. Mrt. Paterson, who was gree1led - iP. S. Baîoman, Thbomas Allen, George Ifla ic h sort of fhing Laurier ladl te with loufi appiause, said if se evident Down lu Quebec tiey don't put flic1 T. Tuckett, George Sweef, J. J. Greoene, confond witl lu lis owu Province in the ihuat they lad receive3 fu mess- JBritish fiag over advertisernenta caling; J. IE. Her 'irig, C. A. AMurton, ,Jonathanî hattw enrl bciosanuih a e n the wsy 'cf speakling o- Gilt Conventions. EFuis, F. C. Jento Y'. T1. at cofon witb again-andoýn*l averniglif, and if was therefore nfl e i . A lbl ai to cnted wth gain Lonon dve- -is intontion te detain thern t The question is, Ia a "soiid Quebec" ID. LynchI, John Prime, M. A. Plggott, tise. hngf. T lismmdthemeeingw5eas go 1 J. Cerrick, George Y alknîe, 1). Dexior, ______________________ msftheesn the scmes sudle on- I tng for Canada? C. W. Cartwright, Win. Addison, sen., thusiasm lie lad wîtnessed, Vo hîs mindI, shg iet rektedsO elicro) Isunhoud t sa tht fls ean fIt te eectns f -aa'-o Ifla iW.tim tedecl ne dalW.l .A. lVtkii, . A Ifito . GBB Ches) 1ar ý1n1l' a ht ti en ta h lctr 1Ia i Penny, iid. Skeddorî1 Roeen (,ristjeý policy was ehont ivel. Yen neyer wore gciug fo returu Messrs. Eastwood Bourassa movernent iu Qudlice. William Bon tead, And. Leif cI, J. à) beard mcl of if on fIe pîatrorm. Yen Ilnnd Zluimermani. (Applause.) Wlmy Hul-0n-pcttrFidy Ot . idlaw, W. D. Bos James Flua, cex- bear stll lss f i in"he re'8 Hailtn SectaorFriay, ct.7--Al. M. Basquil,' George Croal, J. W.V hour efll les etif l liepral. 1 shsonîfi thîey nef eleet fhemn and give Laurier las usade a compact witl Rosa Milliard, IH).,1'.CB.nftd B-p do0 nef belle-fn float good lper, The them a chance to slow their ablities Will oun 1rd B Hamilton SpecorVo to mudli pains tei as truc reprosontatives et a splendid, o,,n-1y whicl Ross is te dehîver this British Wlla MgeD-u airy,,A.W put f btoreIfsrosIrs. (Baughter.) 1ferptising Citp ? (Renewed appiausi.) Province over te flic French. And that Smos .Mra, r Ien .R Mr. Berdcn's Second Plan. Coutinuing, lie said lie did not cdaim compact maires Laurier responsible fori Rison , ereBlcF . iei OnfI S1 fApil]st i p-oesd tfIte Governînout was lut allible. Ini on tFed. Taylor, A. M,. Sent et, Jas. nte t ian, whi waat e pdoposn thfe fbonsands of appeinfînients which 1flic $40400o corruption la North Ren- Randaîl, Hov. E. A. Henury, late ln hc t ewhtId heonmade lie wouid nef confond j fncw. 11ev. W. F. Wilson, Itor. j. 1-1, No longer Vo huy sud te bnild, and te that semne mistakes lad net boen made,- Le azeiwood, A. -. USuplacli, Colin t bey Goveanrumoufveral-As ai mninjulig SpejuralanteaE ommansofrsonn Goodaamslo'tRclar wayi aslie proposed inuis plane e ltthisf weuid ot looir 5f ligît mistakos, Lauier's Englîsh ideala. Hamilton, alcR. B-James h1"eoilicîmoard, yr sudt thisae, sd e proe rilt fi t ersuî gfeWilliam Mnlvonoy Wiiiiam Smithm, (1pear u ile flume honspruopse anfidbut af flic genenal conduef cf tfee sifaits Spegtator snd Ottawa Citizen picase (ane - Ca.E-Mraj W lae (1 u meit osrcin adof fIe Dominion, sud sec if if was net ODf P .Mer ,Jh centu-el Iy tfli Dominion et ssci linos rupiitting aimd developing Canada.1c- y.-Leiîdon Advenfiscr, W J. MeDonahd, P cndJh et raiîway in flie wesf te tle Pacifie u,,aFin play n-as alh theo Goverument j esfiat waa mast alter Sir Wifrii Byne, Wr. H. N idhllhs, Dr. Walhace, Rohi. tho enermous importance sud incresmug ue1~~~~ ssecha oe au Hohion, Dr. Douglas, Dr. Dicison, H. deeopeicff-t r, netrucu-wte os flopveeywihng mate ms li ae pehold, of fctured , -. I D Petnie, E. t.. Depe w, George H. f ryvequimetof 12) '11eaexten ettieou-tkste eewlig eb odo atr expnesaly for expeortaion te Milne, ex-Aid. W, J. Reid, John Poag, tryroenuialRai ()hayxtensf-le f G e I- fbem. Wbot woeefte gi-cafquestions Onfro; b oa neftftle compiaint et R. Poag, George E. Mimne, Joseph Rea- tercohmial Railway te the G~~~~~~~~~~~- eorgsan offIe cani mien ? The Coneervafives Tejunloe h detsrsee hý,PtRnn .M eernH Bay, sud flionce te Winnipeg, sud the said fhe henen adlnef given ado- '-5opn-uAvrts'seesb , sRoaO M oegnl. extension ouI improvernent iu thc Pro- qae GIoevenien t a dqaetthdrfofFnh-ndi pn-I.IuIsc Blmsen Jl, vince of Quelice sud the Maritime Pro quaroectio ei nWhtwas aeqst.Ie ionfin dQftet rec-Cnaiu pî-Schradcr, Bryan Canley, Robert Cichecy, vincesos e lGoverumetnt system offdiitnetiecorn o did netedfig nei. h ionslueecRobert Juisor, R. A. Mimne, John Me- railways. (3) The dcvehopmoue sd tnaored owHameilguon. Th gist-a5Culioch, John,'MicCuibocil, ou., Alex. Pin- imptoveroont uiof-eut canals asdi nhuud ofthfe Couservativo resolufion introduc- asitn pcator, Saturday, Oct. s8: lapson, Hg eisn onT c edinto Parliament as an aedin e TelclGW-uhRbnojlT , wafenways. (4) The flereui exarmn anrden e Tc oa rit leadersirnow nofhing iLaron, W P. Smith, David Brown, Pet- afio, eplcatin sd arve of te itfriff uvas fIat sncb duties wOte te1 about fthe teal condition, of aff airs lu or McBeatb, James Thomsmon, John atio, exloraion and urve of hele imposefi te au article, great or arnalij T counnishetfen nohe sd fai.if could le profifabiy produced in Qec. Tygefiornomaon hem-pacu, John Paiter 011, David Turn- Thmis~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wf l eodplc f i.Bn aaa ofh ta a att rous the Laurier machine, sud fal er, Winm. Coote, Dm. Arneit, Dr. Arnott, T'i as h 5cndPlc o r o- aaa e hugli tatwa firtsýes., Alex., MeFanlane, Robent Sopor, IH. don. Hjome lo.1gdil if hast ? If hast ed tileun. Iuothuer wonds, fhe Conservas- about, a "soid Quebec"-a tbjing that s oig rnisMarei .W bass, I thinir, thon twe mentis. Ts tiea soodferFrotctcnisofMepoinellosJtoiat thRosoi(p!inter), J. H..Aussein, David if uns proposoci on fie Sf1 et April, sud of prohibition. If lad boen supperted Tevr atfa arerfuai wadJ J tmtog s hee if wns discarded on flic 26th et May. b et ss ilnadIedroad h eyfc htLuirfnsi elns .J rsrnSmCee (Laghtr ad ceer.)was if nef significant that VIe ahove two- nocossary te work the race cny openly ca',)WClA.te arte, John Le-ais, Iai- MVr. Bondon's iÉf est. gentlemen lad acornpanried Mr. Borden shows fIat le considera bilacase ;n Que- ersSdsr, Cml es a du, otuLeisMeHie Whntel§ P-PstO O r o-on lis Ontario tour ? :He uould lire Mn. bec te le desperate. (arclitteet), Walter Stewart (arehiteof), den came loFsn if was as follbows :- eue. le ase niuetool ex-Ahd. James Messie, Wnm H.- Schneid- "TIat tIe110050 e of the opinion flaf we e vould like humi te fell fhe Tîcre las been nothiug lu Canadian et, P. I. Flynn, S. G. IlcAllieterJ insi cal ot ntiîiug fIe proposol ogree-cutywleeronflewsutao) poltics more biagracetul flan fhe at- W . Rosendale, Mv. A. MoT avish, R. O. mot f rui h or l ii pblc~-o uîig df o cai ar sdsefat woîîld shut ouf al the steam. and 1tempt et Consenvative jeurnaba lu On- Olrnstead, W. T. Armentr, Itu. H. Browne, fereat fhai the Dominion should assume anthracite eali isperfod inte thus cous- furie te croate ti-feeling agalust SirChs ilGE.BstRe J fhe vu Iole oblgation nocesesary for ex- Unswortl, Rev. Mr, Martin, 1ev. Neil tcndiug acrose fIe continent flic pre- J try. Mr. Bordes neel not go into evenI- Wilfrid Laurier lu Ontario becanseofe McPîerson, Thomas Uptcuin, IHamnilton- sent Govenmtiit ssfom ettriîways, deqsîafe protection, but Mrt. bis race, whiie lu Quebec lhe latatacirod fluslaud, R. J. IHushasd ouIars theoh ern)ofnga nassotienaîPaterson weuid hike o te les whaf le ,Jh ft"rn comlei a ran cnteientai-lsd te say about a lui y ou cool. If because le la "tee Brtalh." Le jour- P. J. Myler, D. B. Dewar-, C. New- railveay fenteAlni etePc nlteCnevtv rni otbetty, J. Y. Bews Jamoe Bewe, R. Cl. fie, entirehy owue-d bp sud uder the Mnr. Bondon wcre retur ned te power uafeCnovfv ra nMn- Pea rmani, W. J. Feormon, J. D. Clmbi, contrel ofthfli people et Cuaiia" would le shut eut fIe $15,00i0,000 nortli es], soasbis Sorel speech failed te J. B. Rousseaux, D. Dengate, G. W. There is flhc ast poicy efthîe Op- of lard sud sef cool îîew iuperted an- maire an impression because if bore cvi- Rbeinson, W. B. Smith, Fred. Mihhs, Win. piosit ion oxtenid flic Intercolonriai nuialiy into this country b Ilene was doeetoflis Englis asso-îstionsansd Stewart, Ahox. Stuart, W. R. Beckie, Raiinay to tIe Pacifie, extoul if as a picnty, cf cool lu Canada, bot.î lard sud Thornas Beassey, Alex. Beasîey, E. 1). Governumoit toiA, te lie costruciel sud soft, ansd if Mn. Bordes were refursed te Englial ideaho. Thle race cry raised by Cahilb, R.- Matlews, Jolis Tîcmpsos, operaf-el as a Iloverument rosI.a Well pou-or , sud deshced it, le conld $but eut The Journal, luewever, fa mi11 wben Joli,î Osborne, R. Hohion, Dav id Gra- feflumit Idinef fhink ttt , ma al npoi l a. Ail le blad te de cempared wifh theF&wiici abuts et The bain, Andreur Rose, T. Jenton, John zons ofcV f îledlv t ar1ilton can he very olvet u na ysfiiu eSpectator. If la aometîing te lie Duif, R. Hutehr1ison, Thomas Cliue, A. suîse - \tsc O rpsi oeem hetasotain ca T. Neill, Boin mple, W. Prisgle, Jolhn - ~ ~ ~ ~~jf the cei ines lisnada te..,ie hanktul for fIat se tew Canadians te>- -~Ben , lu, 4-4 Li