NO M OULDERINUf BRA NCHNBS NOWo (Dontined froan P 1e.) everybody to-day must admit, ho ho e 1_________ ___ ______f riend or foe, that the tariff which wast ha a ireI.ierzl <Vrý!fment doue fur framed and dex ised and put on the sta-I tite book in 1897 bas been of an emn- Canada entiy usef ni and practical character. V oice --verythÉm.g- (APP- ) True, env friends the Tories rnay speak Even thbe OOl5O5atVt r re the contrary. It la an oid saying edmi[ted tirat tâetanf aàn o that the eating of the pudding is the Ilrio during t<ie LAbe-1 regme best proof of it. gone on thrToughoi tthse Wâ0ý*Of C'n WeII, gentlemen, the Tories, who make ada- Look aRÉaise Haitoir markcets, such a clamor againat thre tariff, have ia -mas thiee ever a turne '-h- there W(ilTO their mouths to-day the pudding of it,j soelUne rops sle Ï,ndid fruits?1 A"" and they lie it. Tbey are ver y much' wirat 'as be4ng done for thse fanmer bY lik the Ilebrews, who, when f ed upon1 tihe Laurier Goveymunent ithre waY 01 manna, stil clamored and complained1 improved ~ tto and 'openiýof nP and whined and wanted to have the of tire marirets of thre wOr.d for tho flealipots of Egypt. (Cheers and langli- farmers of Canada ? rer.) So it is with the Conservatives voice-Wjh,t abcut tie bayfroit 1 1alter seven years of unexampled pro6- The- speaker aed Ire woud tell thein,! perity they are not satisfied; to satisfy and weuld give theon thre flne up to 5' thean I hav-,e givQen up the task, but if '&loek. lie then reand tbe dowi we can satiaf y the reasonable people of telegirani 'e lhis&eUf frein ideiry A-. Gray, 1thre country that le ail we can care for, Governimont Eagl!neer at Toronto : a&l that we could hope for, ail that 1 ask ,,plans and ",flelatiors foi,-beyfront for at tuila moment. <Cheers.) work axe in lra.nd, and wpkU be finiabhed by Revsion of the Tariff. the end cf tuila wezk ready to go t'O Gttawa. Thre ndvertI55ng for tenders is Non', ladies and gentlemen, it la ai- arranged tbereY inl itted on ail han ds that the taif bas' Wiiat about bonasei Hamilton?1 been an evidently successful one; stili 1 ReanI tcahte mnen wo'ud besr him eott n'rail your attention to the fact that thre tariff canohopraet easi s ýsaying there n'as Dot a vacat ouse notbieraenbceue.ll thie city. That, toc, wa8 a condition 0f simply the work of human bands, and affaire tht )Xravagead throughoet On- espeeinly in a country like ours. In a tarie. country liLe Canada, in wbich condi- Th11e spealer rend foltespeh l ions are always clianging, it is impos- frei Vie spech sible that the tarif lbe permanent like GysA- Birge, President of thre Manu- ir e-iaws -of the- Medea and-Persiana. But- iactirer'~ Asocitionat Motrel d- ilw as neyer intended that thre tariff ecriptive cf the proFçperity of CanadaI should be permanent ; t n'as iatended Row couldd i, lhe asked, ho denied1 hy raIt trere sbould bc stability, and sta- Birgs's Conservative frienda? Ylie liged bility there has beem in il,. (Cheers.) Iis heamrrate besten attentdvely to1-Si~r \V have refused, positiveiy refused,1 Wifrid, for lie Iad a mnesage for every rtime after tirne and year aflter year, te, mn and n'ensui n Canada.1 tinker witb tire tariff; not because we Enthasism t Eîh Pessre.Lnew there was ne need for a change. Exitsnaasmat Hgh essre.We told Our friends wbo camne te us in Thre hairman then introdnced thse erder to have it amended here and prime Minister in thse following n'ords: there, "No, we cannot aford to indulge Sir Wlfrid Laurier neede nio introdue- in that policy, we arot follon' the foot- tien tii a Hamilton audiene, 'and J do 1steps of our predecessors. , we shahl not not intend te attempt one. Suffice il tisîker with that tariff, but frorn lime to te say that b-is name among us is a time revige il and take up al mcomplaints !rousehoid word. nis face la as familiar made to us in order to remmedv it and tii every person ne one cf bis own famn- giva to the people a stili btter ce upy, anîd bis voice la3 a synonym for elo- than it la at the present moment." Now, quence itreif, May yen lbe npraisedi by gentlemen, eight years ebave eiapsed tire higb and noble ideai1 which lie has since the tariff was tiret introduced aud Pet before you. May you l iispîrod put upon the statute book. WCai by bis eloquence. And may x ou hoe know Ibat tbe lime is not f ar distant couvinced by the argumentsa and the when there sbouid lie anoîber generai. cold io f -bis faets. revîsion of the tariff, but il sucb. a re- The risiug of Sir Wilfrid Laurier absAion55111lanudertaken, upon wbat lines 8.15 p.r. usa tbe signal for a demon- siral lb lake place ? As bo that lire peo- station whicb lbirilled evry person pre- pie of Canada necd have ne anxiety Fert. Men sund -wemeu rose as oee Iere is ne nncertainty on that sîsbject, body and cheered and wavcd bas'îami because we bave given yen the lines hasidkercbief s. APcFocu as lie couid bli pon rîbicir the tariff ta te be revised. heard Sir Wilfrid Laurier said :- i Hon. Mr. Fielding bas declared wbat Mr. lŽirinan. ladies and gentlemen, - these bines sbould lie, and T arn sure tbey Tirougli tbe Parliarnent aluncl was eleet- wîl eornrend tlîerselves te your jndg- ed on tire 7tfi of Nor ember. 1900. would meut. (Cheers.) luIntbe first place, Mr. not have tsxirc-d by tlie nature] eflux of Felding bas declared bliexe Bsah lie ne time until Novemb;er, 100,5, the Ministers rer ision of tbe tariff until bliere bas of bis Excleney lire Geveriner-Cenerai been ample investigation- (ceers)-Un- tirought it eduisable te reeoînmend an tii there bas, been consideration given immediate dissolution, to bc efbllowed by te every casas of the comrnunily, te the an immediate appea] te the peeple. The producer and te tbe consum-er.ý (Ap- reason' and the metivos fer Ibis plause.) Ahl class es of manuifacturers course are obvions. Yen knw il is a wil lieo beard, and will give their advice, patent fac that ýtbore 'ira ,ecan, uni- so that the Government wili bave tire versaI 'consensus of Orinic fer somne bet possible advice and lcicnl the best tirue tire th Ibis wa nittinu and preper possible condition te de lu 1905 wbat it cent.," and lhey say ",adequate proter- granled sierne day ?" Sir, il la net a gentlenmen tbere did net refecet n'bat as rnced by Ibe construntion cf the rail- n'ays remain se, T hopeý but it is thre tien is My Protection." question fer yen or for me te decide ; il bIorv tliey wcre airing aI Mn. Borden [vay belweeu Moutreal and TJoronto. part of pruîdece te be iîidependent, I be imcrn e fi ihlm try is net a question nricir îles lu tire hande as tbe leader cf Ihe Opposition. W'!iii e vmcompare Ibis railway be- !brick. and înder tire circumstanees le t laeteenwoaeatlracled by of the Canadian people. Ill us erKie ieFY we oteal and Toronto wihbave eur outlml te bbc ocecan upon our es pisase Vire matn' F are cîer raiiweys blinI we bave been crin Ierritory. (Cheers.) thre words adequate Protection, u o 1 tien wbhich lies in thre banda cf bbc peo- ýsPtnei wili have suris confusion as ire nwold pie cf Great Brilain themacîves. Two Anrong Ibe fables cf A1 e 1ree building, il is net etfrniidli onscquece, neyer san' ineee bb twcr cf Babel. ycsrs ago lucre n'as a coufercuce, au eue, if I reilnember right, wimh lut il n'as for lIaI day an immense' Wiy Select tire Grand Truuk Pacific ? (baugirter sud ebeerae.) Imperial confenence, t-o n'ibir Mr. Eat-R aYl 5 . 5 Iere n'as a Manu n'ho undertaking, and il servmd a greal pur- iraoie usin Ia a i Thse Britishs Preference. wod ll'uded a mmnag-ltirhe had sa licar for bis friend. The pose, and n'as cf immense utilîty le bbce asked of moe ndci s, Wiry did yu con-, -Gentlemen, tirea ta a tenture cf tirs lime cf. Ibm coronabion cf bis Majesty lier nus made of good intentions, very peopie of Ontario gcueralhy. Il gavei tract wifir Ibm Grand Trunk Pacifia tariffn'ilh we bave at te pr ethlie King, sud aI Vial conference Ibm much like thia man n'ho signed the ad- te tire people cf Onlresra e ieRira 1WyddynseetbcIru C an die M i ist rs- ire e w ne vit r s re dre a. liu e t re nan lu ise fil e w as en an a I M o n treal. M oe n real nas lIe u, T ru n k P a cifie R ai iw ay Co m pan y to carry lei l iht eer hr ýte, tiret preferinancelMtarifldteg - glan thIb ier san'a il o iris nese, a s il is te day, sud as il wîllhcontïinue te e ut Ibis greet work ? Tis h a fair to nuni t 'iar l raer. 'Ihre a atis Miistr o Fianc, M. Fel nsd broueht bis beavy 'ran'donun n c i, the orman port -ef Canada, but il motto: "A preferenne le British kn teMnse fCsoiM.Ptrsn:Wsieon o iemnh ftequestion, sud'lT nt te give il s fai km.' tre Minat-en f Cuslies, M. Pabcsote r bisor fiv mouofa f bb anwcr, W7 contranted wîth tire Wel]. sir. lb is a mette n'uir 1 itnd tire Pc§trua'ster-General, Mr. Muleck. . lelogrendii rcdo b car. That n'as an immense 1u aidti goo blberl audience. Wtienlau Sir o ictBrenaMns sr a inebt ie nid uhlm f risInotsine ise eaut Ibat for five mntIs of every Granîd Trunik RaiInay, or rallier n'it i in Iismeteit aCosevaiv a~ thti-we laid down upen tire table srelm. (agrtr) l iesnevear lihe people ef Casade eouîd l Ibmh Grand Truuik Panifie Company, for dience ? T deubl il very mach. The of the ronferenne those conditions under Wey Ibis gentlernan did net reasisse 'lîat auilieniselves cf tise barber ef Mont- a very eobvieus reason, wbici wih1 ire un' (lonservatives prateally bave nleyer wlicn n'we wene prepar'ed te give a prei"er- a bu' ire n'as relessing upen Mr. Ber- real te seud eut liseir prOdunlýs te (iýreat derstoed in cvery part cf bbc province siown ranbh syrpathy for tire prcier- pne 1e Great Bribain, sdl snn m den, his chief, benause Mn. Borden, hie' Britain or bnîng in lire products cof cf Ontario sud Qixbci, but cf sali places mure. Truc, tley have net attaeked hde n tt an 'siinir ' e ad n hef, lias aadly negiected hae duty if Great Bilein, sud il imeant tiret for lu tire City cf Hamilon. We rou- it, but Iîey have net supporled il very lire table on that occasion. We saidsncb a resolulien seuld have been iii- five monîlsisnl eveny yesr wc is-ad te go tranted with lise Granîd Trunk Pacifie nordilly iliser. lbtn'ouhd lie very LliraI if &preer n'ere given on Cens- Iroduced sud n'as not. AIl hhese tiinga te some fereig pont. Wbat n'as le Reiiroad Comnpany berause tire Grand dîtficult for Mn. liorden sud lit arsty peerneare bec thin, The bine uill ituse bliedonc luinbthe ircumtennces?, Tire Trimk Railway lias ita fethoit in cvery geursnly te meet on s nommon plat- flan producbs from sa duty non' or hliýes- lilieve, for mutuel bradfe betn'eeu Greal duty n'as t« gel a pont nîitha barbon tity.leierytwn vyvlagad f orm on Iris subjeel. lenyeou llrt u oiiattatme e e- Bibain sud Canada. Canada l% ready neâr Menîroal. 'i'eren'as Portland evcry barnîc cf tire Provinces of Queieo taniet l bmacf, ut orn cfiri meber, t1iere n'as a war bas oncecreals for il, but il is for- Euglaud Vo pro- ol aomiles an'ay, but su toi mîgu sud Ontari ir taIis the great menu- lieutoenns bave attacked i'it schy -n' O'uid lie preparedtle go furbirer ru- nounce, sud unîi lEnglauf bas final proy- tcmitony. Tîsere n'as Halifax, Ibere faitîriig r entre cf lhc Dominion cf never attaek il isere iu Ibis province te Vire sulijecb, and endeavor b g ive te uouicd we sandauf n en our pelicy n'a. St. Jolin, double tbm, distance from Canada. Tire Grand Trnilk Raihway of Outenso, but go ie my e'n Pnov- tire BitislrmanufacrencsOrne inereased n'licb n'e laid de-un lu 1897, Pornit i hatruc, lut in Brillihber- 1 Company, tirerefore if yen give lb an mnec cf Queben aud ycu n'ill int bts sdeauitage ovan biàs foreigu epettersansd n'uir we bave rnaintained n'tory. joullet or imiel mb bfise Nortiwest Ter- lieutenants, anel as -Mn. Cagraîn, tell- in tire-mas kels cf Canada. Tir a t ire sud devclopcd. National Mîstaures. riterica, mbn 'unwi population is coin- îug tire people cf Canada, tise people e ol whîînir hwe laid de'n tn'o yeana Tasotnna aîa rtbdI lc ociibrs is udeac huad vr pcc a ve a e b t e L b r i icy d 't jbcte p rt nt a iycisar, if y en give it an i e l mb Ibtat scscr 'sevrmdelylieLbea erd l sbfore Canada, ilb la before Btimoan aslbl quaton. dass? This, difficulî iro shuit have blic ointunrv- toupply tire ouato8il psrby n'as le grant tire preicrence to bbc empire. Tt is for tire people cf there is anctirer one le n'iîri oun evernomo, sud il alîcuitd have been taknal iaIi nats oplak t ienGrand Engisud. Sir, il la tire cld, oit sîory. ratBiaiCb ruuneup-i nb-Ciairuran referned, nuirl e s t ie aitm aros Bit'sir, runit aciinRai'Y 0 bbc aetecfrail wtoemmnda malter et fer grester moment. Nori m c.Bu îfrsrulh iemnface Ra cf Otean t sud ail whieh n'e are long fanitisar viionetrerai.~aerayleuetn u t iaugu-agn fer tQmetus ndad Trt Aielc. ut ino-sud-e-ireh te-rtres f ntri adOne tario; luit se fanras thee beral panî vnn trepolilcy ne e li lnu(v1rak cf tibm colRanilayn of lancn' lronst ' enetbue ie s tGl rebrsdofo-rrp inse- - tIrte-Tom- Trascotinnîa llshnay.(Aplaue.)leday, men Whro werc blasai, prejudied ien. (Cliocra.) Bvti, re y nature s conrerued, n'c are lu Ontanio as sunuvetlir îîey are net. Sir, T wonld ha T dc not titîu hal 1 russînke, uipOflmca wiIl falNe iteasa ete(nncsuy, and cfilse cinnunistaurestfie cnustruct.ion cf guage, the lansguegebisaI n'w îm sinds cf tire Briisir'people on tire otirerfeelings oethlie people cf tIse City oc f orStaJiru sud mnkig ayraiin'afato- eu tradtrnory. l lI force tre poset -suheun'we lrcugtinrth Ie prefer- ide, but I lay te tbrel, "Thre question is Hamilton. bel me tel Ibis audienceorS.Jhan kicaalwylt-nta ertr. Tt ilfrete once, sud, se long as it w'rs snon' in your ownn anldafer yen te pro- tiraI, in rny judgmenl, in tire jndgmentaffi er ou BritishrRsol. ufruaey auatrr esn rertadlr I say, the r wn'ynas taken te Portlandt, iu tc admîct erders frorn tiraI su fos-igu Ierritcry. J say rvîllout lie- popuhaCcu n and te seenre lire sitation tris was e greal national mss- tna de cf tirab non' populatien, S take. aud Ibis n'as tire final cf a serios liacause thrn is a Population going into ef t oîlr mistakes Xnth" iock phaaetirt country 100,000) -drong every ycar, trne alrvad.I boit yen e me- udthal population foronb',r ment ago uve sîouît have cariedthtie porliapa blirce, gcncraîious n'ili be pro- railn'ay 'te ýSI. John aut ilahîfax. We durera cf cerels, wireaî nbîiety, sud net bad propoed'et thit lime-tiret biey rnaliufacburers. Iiscy n'il nt every- n'ere net t1Ison (ines i cenfederation tiriug lial civifizef umen'want-boets, il àà brutc, lut they were Bnitisft cuir-1sisoes, garmeuts, cicîhing sud etirer Z jectq 11k-- on-chres (Neva Scolie sund gos u Imueuat9eac Nen' Bruîsnik-to busitil a raiin'ay bc- ada, lire manufacturrocf Queben, eut, Canaa. hat ailan'as e necossity, terprising city Of Hamiton, n'il1 have ani tiee rvnesan ie etr f a enltse infe cters cf Ibi u and ben confeficration n'es docitot up- l ienetl aetri on, 'Ibm construction cfthie railsvay odrsn'asi e-ppuain.(p Susuidrakenas a -part et confederation. il peue. .e$s~ - - -~ ~n'ashuilt tb Quelimo liraI eutd exîcut- Need For a Raîln'ay. sent Governuscîsl. ~But lregsuerat BthIis is not al This population wîhl not cnhy bc theize fer yonr manu.- suc > ~~~5? i~5. iC5~uistake n'as mate, antd vist n'as it ? - 'iTInt etoftakiag ltse tmost direct lino faclurers to e sdi ; Ibeyn1i1i le gnon'- fenMonctous, whidi n'as lire pcint c fors emrela clietlY n'eaî, as TIrhae, ~ueue ~ t. J-iri sudîai a i andt isyYr tbhietpopulation bas roptre- . uce i bnddtironsant busir- Lawrncetfiy cosethe onest o, s f ulîat for exportatin. This Lsnrcum. lso rioseIbmhonestrou eirat caunol lbc nnumet lu Canada; -a polical route insteocf an ecmunser- uswe have net bbe neet tfon il;,ne haie ciaI roule. Ilfruas Iuit on Vire present nttcppile ia 'l osm sItefora plitcelnontteebin, sditaneut ilmuaI seek a nianketabroat, in again'a great misîeke n'as mate. if the Great Britain chiefiy. Is Il net right, is mon cfbtiraI day hat doue their duty- il not tain, tIraI Ibe Canadien Govern- 1 do net hlarne thires ; IiOy n'ere carried i sent, n'lich is et lie pnsent lime en- sway liy liseuir iteas aut sentiment,,, but truslet n'iîh tire nelfare cf lire peeple we are on living lus rcsp Ibm ceuse- of Canada. sircult make au eff ort lu on- quences of iroiýir msae-fhlbyiad fer blinItîshese rnals sirould ire takeri dos iires..-tur s tiroy sirculi ave over a Canadien Railn'ay 1teuaai tonmil an<oughtle bave docil, biroy barbons f (Applause,) 1T kuonnaI W&Uiilld avs ,% ,t-ýethe ,-,Oo-,-e t ho, vour ans .< is.. 1 v--.e-mom.u Uc >OCitI ('Iî JIdc O 'fs 1natysd Im1 elnybyn'rv i yo niili e governee, dturing tise il five yfare. Nel. gentlemen, tisaI bene la euy doubtin lurny mmnd as toeta is the mmnd cf Ibmeipeople of (Canaa.(Apî- pIeuse.) Tiiene une oideucca nol a f e, tiere are ssis niii h 1n' liat bbc heat cf tire C'unaîsan p'e picintlie mentir cf Oeuer. 1904, bots lu exact- ly lieranie place as it did liet in tire monîli4cf Jane. 1896, -wbm-n il bnrned cut Vire jouse'-vuive Administration bo put l ils -,place Ibe Luberai Administra- 4Aion, whsel iras been inu cilieevon ince. (Cîseers.) Tire arc, I 553. evîtenees noct a tew, te tint mtent; but, sir, Vira fart ia disputet hy morne eof>ur frienda efthlie Coucvative persuasion. My fient Mr. Bondon, leader cf lire Oppoi- tion, affecte te tbil, k tffereubly, and periapail n' as aunudtiuhreassn te give hm e chance oet bing pro>niptiy set igirî on tis quesltion. (Cirecra.) Te Redeesu Hamilton. Tu ordeir te show tint I1eam sincere lu wirt I bell yen i1 have come te, Ontario roeie t oce te tJisec ct ofRamnilton Iu ntefr tii cenfirni Ibm colons et the Liberal ,party, nt, ut possible, Vo pro- curetl ireyl, n'uir n'as wnn lu189o, whiirr nas usutrtnnalely lest, asut bat enly tor e tirne, in 1900, (Cirecrs.) Ladies g et geutîculen, Mn, Ea8tn'oot a moment age tatedthtiIthere neyer ~Yiirs hlaVasiunlarmeeting in-tire ity- cf amlton oiruiaJh cy u)-i,.-.-.I '-ý'- - - - minimum and Maximum Tariff. We anc nol goiug tb folo, tirec-id. groove Ibal iras becu tolîe'edalne tire Dominion benme a confeteraticnuup tO. tire present moment. Wc have ncn' ouiy -ee ine- of -duby n'hliv nwQ-l'c py t( ail counînicsaieike, except te, Great Bni- tain, le wiicir ne glvn lire preferenre. (Appiause.) But n'e prcpose le att a ne, cbepber ; ue propose 10 have. a double cnasa cf dtles, 10 have a mi- <jmndu a maximum tariff. Tire nini- muni tariffn'e n'ili apply te sucir noua- tries as n'il1 Ireat us f eirly, Vo> surir as n'ihi trade nith us fairly ; tirI atste. counnîies liraI noV only soilt o us but buy fncm ns. Tire maximum n'e propose Vo use egainat Viose conntrieis n'uir are seltir lan lir eniioda, n'uish. insist upen selliiig 10 us, but n'ili noV lave eiastiity or rmciprocily etf fair traie arrangemeuntiIi us. (Appîsuse.) Under surh ir crumstanres n'e believe 'e are f olon'ing bbc consensus of opinion of ail Canadiens n'hen'e pphy teolirhera tire sanietrneatmnn as tirey apply te ns. ïApas. pî "-~-- . -- yen a fan' nords on tbbcune ot tire policy we lulte le'Ofolln' n'ien n'e ne- vise Vue tariff. (Ap1lanse.) Let me ask thi.s question of ýCeunaevaliu'd5 pre- s;muI . I bouiee e re are anme Ceuser- vatIves in Vire hall, but tiey are gettsssg fe-wer aud fen'en ail tire lime. ~ ..s , ,, .-i T sk hem. llneead ~Jeag s 15e'ralway as t 102, hcy amete lis witira epoa was ros îrtd iiiluthe ferrn of a semu-il- ah iferent lte tbe proposaJ i nilb asý oirci 1e. This was an errocr. been put into the forni cf acota, and is now before you. Tbey came Thse Canadian Pacific. simply n'itb a prepose. te build tire rail- Tiren came tbe Canadisu Pacifie. Thoere way fromn Northî Bay, their present ex- was ne denying1 that tire Canadian Pa. treme neertheru terminus, te tire Pacifie. -rile nas -rel ctcprîs of t-great -Wem ld t1ire-arnc-adlet-tbere- lie- magnitude, -which musat eppeal te tIbe.ino e mbiguity about this; if there is te e.giuation of lihe people at large. 1 re.- lie any condemnation, my parîners take gret the ternis iipon w.licb it wag tire sanre stand and Ibe same sbare cf made. Iu 1885 tire railway bad beea respensibility as I do; we are net afraid cornpleted te Mentreai frombbt wtesof it-w e told thein it ould not be. We cf tbe Pacifie ; fi oieVanrouer te said that se fer and e long as Nve lied. Montreal we had an unliroken dlamn of in our lianda the degîiny cf tbe people railwayupo Candie teritey, utof Canada lbmy wouid net gel a single rwity MolinaI"bc ad en Pacifiebutdollar fror tireParhhament cf Canada, feund ilselte sae difm Patciwieh because tis project1 Ibis scheme, if il fad ew ear bnfoe aed *preaemted iseliwere adopled, înslead cl f bringîng th(e t ew blea rand Tornu Rhay, lenediaI la trade cf tbe west Ibrougli Canadian te eay, Gbren'as ýn oullet te tieocan.lachannelstb tire ports cf Montreal, St. te aythre asno utlt e te cea-;Joli,, Quebec aud iHalifax, would take EeW was Vils difficelty te bc ever- the Irade te Portlarnd, Mainie, the winter corne ? 81r, tbe railWay terminus at terminus cf Ibm G.T.R. Motreal bad te lie extencled again be tihe ecean, aud by Ibis timl public opin_-Ail Would Have Gene to Portland. ion lid advanced. Public opinien, we Imagine wbat n'ould bave taken place. 'boped, wonld neyer permit Ibal, part cf Tbe G. T. R. revers witb ils hunes On- te'c~ ~ bdtipni !tîue ~taieand Qucece, and its most-norirer ritory.' And biere, again, T say'a great terminus is N orthi Bay, Ita terminus in mistake n'as maie. 1 n'as in Parusa- suumcir la Monîreal, and in wînler -Port- ment at traI Iiîne--tbat n'as lu 1885.' land, Maine. As firsI planued, every Myseîf and some frieuda umade n'iaI 1 peund and every Ion of freiglit n'bic tbink n'as a gailaut figir againat aj weut over bbe proposed new line could scbeme of tiraI date, and aske arlus- !e hveescaped; il wouid bave lad te ment 'le desist fron t hat sehee, Det go le Portland te benefit a foreigu port. 4-to-aiucwther-aila o, eeem~Wudta-b-- adayoi4-No encan tens-rilory,_ but over CaainbrO anadian poieyn'ulv- i te have- a ~ry -i~naY-- nCfhi andian-poicuy w uaiis- ui- -U- r-7 hlýlýaITYr. 1 IIUN'e sont F-