The Guadian StatesmialST. YITUS DA1NOEI BOWMNVILE. ILY 2, j94fIU 8T BL TILEÂTEI TRROUHTE1B BOW ÂNVLLE e94 LQ NJ~E1E Riglitin the Niok of Neodtiffe Goffes this Undér-priceN w II ~ xit ur stemd cntmpri-ry, Tlele of the W orstCases on record CJred Sws, has an articlecinitla, is Iu, 5~Through the Use 0f Pr. Williamns' Aý rro o e u O fl eaded "Parliament isa nonentity."ý Said article savs 'Parliament uinder the Pn us Votrelzete eesipafprtcint. itr hail direction of Sir Wilfrid Laurier as St.Vitua anci nervous disease in~ w ia i I qSl Voix reaize the nece sit of rot ctxn yo r b use developed into a m oer m achine t r - chiefly aff icting children. T here' are *MU ith good paint, but you do not realize the sieces- cord the wishes of the liberal 'leaidr." a number of signe by whih it mav be ~ I sityofpoetn ose aantpopen.t l Weil, how about the other aide? The dteck ed such as a twitching of theV1 looks alike in the can, but one kind cornes cff, the. Opposition mem~bers go en ma«Pç like a face, shaky bande or a jerky motion of other etays on; one kind soon looks shabby, the other fhock of sheep after their leader.Jif the the arms, a trembling or a dragging of lifl ow X kiad thiat belda on uguxogtot, 1QQlo uaw IQZ1potlW roasoning ho sound, the Conservatives the legs, irritability and restlessness are a machine too. Surely al are non- St. Yitue dance is cured by Dr. Wil- *V IV I t r rv T entities, eh? liams' Pink Pis The pis fil the veins EUMl ir lq%1 _______with pure, rich rd blood, which in turn l Ws are exceedingly much amused by soothes and braces the nerves, making the frenzy into which our Conservative the sufferer well., Mrs. Luffman, cteprreinadutothcoty ouhrsileOn.telhwhave worked themselves over some Williams' Pink PIS cured her daughq- chan-es in the officers of the Liberal ter, Louise8. "J do not think it possible, Black Sateen Waists 78o iWhite Mnslin Waîsts Underpîei Associations, This is aworld of changes,sa nyecod ?tts he resut of a quarter of a century's paint-making cqm dear con freres, and there ia no greater ýbe affliited wth a more severe termi of Orrneo uln Wit % 1 ; ~reason why one set of men hould occupy St. Vits dance that which attacked my Ail of these Waists are worth Orrneo ul oe;the product of the largest painit factory in tbCwotld. forever the association's offices, andý daughter. lMer arma and legs would$12 an eer onstr t$10 adrn shih 0 Wfe elui L honors than tas one man shouldrepr- twitch and jerki lier face wae drawn, $1.00, s:me $ Go5oad fittingne tSale we w$1.00 gnd-e sCA RE sont a constitusncy tor a life timerthere- and flnally hier left aide beeame numb i aeu ih na uk r a 50. Drn uySm e & ~~~~~~~~~by barring eut others equally deserving as though paraiyzed. Her speech be- smdupwtne tc o as$00 DrigJl chargethe dtie.COUICd neitheor stand stili nor sit down. 0 9Two doctor attended hier, but gave her appearing and ail S P E C I A L DUCTIONS on every dffet Dealrs i Shef an Heay Hadwar, Stvesed lier told me she would neyer get 'PICED " 8cpieed waist. Special Re1to HansBicycle Sotn Goods & House Frihn nesday night in the Oddfellows Hall at liame' Pin-k Piille After taking twn ____________________ of hie election te the highest office in she could sleep botter and the spasme Phone 66. One door west of Post Office. their gift. Every chair wa,; occupied wr essevors. From that on alleTh Gr a Rea t V al s cevers being laid for about 6e, After steadily grew botter, and a!ter usîng heG atR m n V l s ___________________________________________________partaking of the goed edibles and drinks egto o boxes ahe was as streng provided in abundance, including lus- sud heaithy a girl as yeu wili find anv- Amongst the remnant piles yon're bound to find something atai ra cious strawberries and cream, an inform where, aud sbe bas net had the ieast Sal program was given for an heur pre. sympton of the trouble ines." saving' of money. Remuants of Mushuns, Table Linens, Prints, sided over by His Wership the. Mayor Dr. Williams' Pink Pis are the sur- Situ- who lead off witb a speech -in which hieeset cure for St. Vitus dance, hysteria, Colored Sateens anci Flannelettes. reviewed the good work donc by Fier- neuraîgia, nervous exhaustion. para eD-hi-ngle' ence Nighitingale Lodge No 66 during lysis, and ail the nervous troubles of oh a nian cngrom uie t hsiesmon, womcn and cbildren. But yenWmnsRanot one' ot Steele ongle ing t rn donnratusnesstb:must get- the genuine witli the fufllna.n0ens Rancoats m Buto m menn___ theprincipal ofcs e"r ilasPn il o aePo * oeked expectantly te a presperous terni pie," on heraerround evervb WoniensR'as during Women's B o otsO( * * with sucli energetic officiais as Bro A. Sold by ail medicine dealers or sent IP __Tait, N G, and J. H. Crydernian, V. G. post pad at 50 cents a box or six boxes July Sale at a saving of from $ 1.00 ed, regular $1.50 to $t,0,Sl ýj A round of speeches and songe followed for $250 by writing the Dr. Williams'to$00neahj price pe ar $.1 *everY member present was called te speak Medicine Ce., Brockvilie, Ont. _____________________________________________ ____ tell a stary or sing a sang Votes of- tendered after which ail join ed bande and LOCL AD OHER,.E dcison hngahopeatedbS Mr Will r EC Bron was bore aset week r&h '3est B r an are at M cM urtry' ~~sang be art Aui d b yne. n E C. gain Tait Iurnisbed cerne musical numbere. laoking for a residence.D ul Ail deciared the function a very cnjoy- 11ev. H. Thomas, andhurst, formeriy 2c ress Shields, fllsize, pure gum rubber, Sale - 15e able one. cf Hampton circui1 t, wrît[ng ta TISE2ePanCsheebs elsadSl 7 0. -S'rÀTuEMAN Saye'Iauow being settled 2ePanCsmrHsspliced heslmn toes, seamless, pSal e CANADIAN SOLDIERS IN U. S. on this Old Adolphustown circuit, with 2eMnsBakCsmr ontcto ae~îe - 5 __the momorable "Old Hay Bay Church" 2oMns lc asmr o,,ntcotn'al rc EDTRSAEM-ý*I u atisewithin its bounde. This is a delightfni______________________________________________ Eoudiewthe ateMnonofyour Iset iseplace. lu the summer time at least. W e Price $2.25 per square, of one hundred squ are t ou dnete atentironcfSyrause aders ive near Conway wharf."I asking, did ye u tbink that the hatred Police Magistrats Horsev cammitted DrQtSit feet covering measure. Cheap as Wo hig . of Brtain was se strog lu the U S. sIarrv D Skirtstat manREDIJCT- Women'sStrawH a s t la indicated lu the artir-îe alluded te ? Mrs. E. C. Beman and girl by attackig Dress Sit bg E U '-W mnsSrw la o ~~ for oue wili net endeavaur te auswer tbem with a butcher kuife on July i"~ n e l rP o l, Oshawa, Ont but I feel like eudorsing ail that the te Cobourz gaei for 30 daysas avag ION during this sale.bjalance 08 writer says but for altegether snd rant. Hie had been empioyed by She ______________________________________________ totalv differeut reaso na than that wbich Win & Williams Ce,, Montreai, who hatred would preduce in any inid. 1 discbarged him for, drunkennese. lMe MaQ haviways, de nnw, and ever wiîî, was bora in Toronto sud bas frieude lunD\VO on a beileve sud sav, wheu ueeded, that the Cleveland, Ohio.MSa e$ . V o a M n' Su -L sendiug of aur brave soidiers, te the U. The wedding of Miss Milliceut Long Ste help celebrate July 4th is meet farmeriy oeh Bowmauville, audMr D uring July Sale- we will positively seil every man's suit wihi incongruus sud wbc ever le reponsibe Cliford Solues tok place quietly Tues A torinase do*ig oe l eosdr h a enigaTh esdneo rs eua Iie 75 o f~d' TTul (j natter and that we have 6eeu sud bea rd Staupley ?ch Toronto, sister oh the Ê-â f%. -;nthe last of se ding, for nt ony it is in brid Ie v. . OJohston offciated. 4 50 A t (N h îý -it XIULeLLe".LycalMy estimation net fitting from a Miss Beitrice Saunders was the brides- ~~~~~, ~~~~~~patriotic view, but instead'cf making maid, Mr. Lorne Morris beiug the betD whe Sae1 1e--A TeWest nd ose friends it le a prolifie source of iîl-wiîî. min. Mr. and Mrs. Seules leht for fellowship with aur neightr ou o illeside in Toronte on their returu *r l us, but înay increase daily, Mr. Jýohn R. Cole. Bethesda, lias sold Cash for Wool and Eggs. Empress Fine 000 JAMES WIGHT. 19 ch the beet caftîs lu ths Township, al bis ewu breeding, for the handeoin Salade, Bread Plates, Cake Plates, Cuspadors, S'a>sd* owteadigalta l oeb we fra Mr W.WrySln J o h n Mc M u YeSa etyu hic f vaara ra nds, Rosndd -- have adoe yt omMr ise.ougrt 5 c oieshifer-s l * Creams, Cream Pitchers, Covered Butters, Celery Trays, Haud- boards cf health sud charitabli nclîued Those prime cattle are fer their own * ed Spocu Trays, Syrup Pitchers on Stands, Cups'and Saucers. persous, the death rate smoug sanall local- trade, se levers cf gaod meatseW itw rSaeCnnusaB children is very higli during summer sbould buy from C. M. Cawker & Son. Whtwa al otn 17his is good China in nice decorations iu three colors menths lu the large cihies. There is A serious accident befeil our respscted es Bi ..maroon, green sud hèletrope. le not pirobably eue case of bowel corn- townsman, Mr. Robt, A. Treleven, IREDUCTIONS. afYh plaint lu a hundred, however, that Wedneeday mernlng. Hie sud Mr.2 Calland 0.6 Ourstok ifYouWrzi crcker or cauld net be cured by the timeiy use ef Andrew Punngtcn. contracter, were 001 OI0. u '~r ta1 Wo~tChamberiain'e Colie, Choiera sud Diar. remaving same lumber froin the newhe ' oï,,à rhoea Remody, For sais by ail drug- post office building te the bouse ewnedB * . GROCERY DEPARTMVENT giats. ____ by Mr' Treleven? ou Lover's Lane wbeu Stoced ithailkine c Frits CanedGooe, easaudCofeesMAPLE GROVE. a beard:strueh the horse cansîng, it te N' Stoced ithall ind ofFruis, annd GodsTea andCoféeskick, the biow striking Mr. Treleven a whn was sittiug on the front oh the 87'rxGLBS-Get our price for Sugar, by the barrel or bag, it * Secent visitors: Mr. Jno. Adams, Camp- ioad. His right leg was brokon in two may iteres you.beliford, at his brothers Mr.nWilson Adams; places below the kuee, the boues being may în~~cres~~ you. Mies Eva Saunders with friend,; Miss Metiaterbveated MdisadwaFO AECEÂ. P PR WNTiDA _____ Trimbleat home; Mrs, Wm.Everson atMr.. , htee.Mdcladws0 oefrBwanieMtodt uc. UbSnowden's, ... Mr-. and Mrs. Jacob Stevers immsdiately summoued silan od it iocsfr omavlihMtodetOnrh recetlyisitd Pterbro.....Mr.and rs.Apply to M. A.JAmEs or T. C. JswELL, Bow- O Ii ""'~T"~Trecnty vsitd atebor.M. ad Ms.the limb may bs saved frein amputation. Onmauvifwagon am&m" A 11 9Win. J. Jeffery reeently visited Port Perry. ... asli1i wgo. ________________________ * . buE.Farmerg are busy baying.,....Our footballists Florence Nighitingale Lodge, No. 66, Oas two seat open carniage, Ca. ~ ama,~viîe. * are ready for a uhalleuge. 1. O. 0. F., according to the semi-an- Oas two seat canopy top,.O L WA T D 5uccesser ta Young go Chamberlain's Coie, Choiera and nual report for Janîuary te Juue indlu- Oas liglit rond wagon, O L W iI D Diarrhoea liemedy. sîve-initiated four members; .lest by one McLaughiin buggy, new. death two; witbdrawn to pressa D»OMINiON ORQANS AND PIA14OS. Thie remedy le certain to bie aeeded ness ofh members $867 sud to members JMSDYA, Teudriudi rprdt u i aimost ýve ry home behors the summer oh other iodges 078. Cash assets $9788 - 27-tf. Bowin&uville. grades of woel at bighesat market pnices; isvr £,euOLîsb dpnedp 3 laNA, 5. eevd uigaise te manufacture wooi for farmers teb Sont-is ver. intheauMowste epnddnUp- ternii$15plte ut85 9 7161.ive duisg order. Spinuing, carding, sud woav- LFields are fast ripening for barveai; fllous ove lutemeseilvre u danger ta r $01 1 atiout $97epr61.nd hiws ng doue as usuai. Thauking friende whea nd barley will ha rady. Sbr ~ es ae.I eepeilvvlal for aaveyatsatrrpotudhwsfrpast havera and hope for a continu- rig a svr tac flmao.r me'-srer achlrn It le the socît te be ln a very sound coudi- neo h ae Midr J.aaig ve e i0s Eun-Age, ie.d pissant te take sud neyer halls te give tien finaueially sud numerically With S e~sc htesie a erato, ul 1. reWJ.Lnad M1r ilG. Pso ttendedMr. theJ. uera.i prompt relief. Why net buy it now? sncb well knowu business men at its D. TAYLOR, J6 o t Lards RISeni visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Rt. J Luke and It may save. For sale by ail druggista. head as Cou ucillor A. Tait, J. H.Hapo Woollen Mille. 20-80,. famiiy and Master Frank Vice, Kedron, Crydorman, H. C. Tait, Fred. R.Hmno e?,tSunday liera; Mr, A. Wright, Oshawa,Fl sd aruMaetepret vistedat Mr. W. Werry's recently; Master FolyaàMruMyeth esn Mervin Saunders, Oshawa, visited atiMr.l. .terinshould b. moet succesehul. Pace'bar.Wl l' Mhie aoddaugterMo it N owâi Mildre, NewYorlrOidyan.MisEthelVa esB w nvie atMr l. hn VanN "s IO S. O m.Mrtt f l'an a Mhtrwaa nurdENTRARCE EXAMINATOS.O L &;O V NR Post Cards froînbeilg throwu fromab.ggy, 01-ItV 1108 Plles0f ail Sizes, the best mined America. of Bowmanville. We have 11V N mE, MÂa.s Szc. TEACHEE. Theswsfevngfro lohngndJennia Moffat 750 Na. S Tena M. Ferguson èLO-R Teeeral different vIews of Alle1 738 Il15 A .Kennedy wae almost b~ Leta Noble 735 1"12 Frank F. Clapies MdbthBetK wnMlrsa 'worl.s Fairl, .st,. oi.I Bernice Tpeker 72.5" 12 Frank F. Clapies "" Manitoba and Ontario PLMN SLEEPER y@nd endluranc,. Bertba Waddeil 724 Il Tena M. Ferguson theTown which make a $.)0.65 TWIOE DAILY, You can- j as . .Wm ie ghon701 12 Fra, nne tFEE sledid remembrance to net afford te mise thua .tight. Stopover a. Tevci fasvr aeo ie sntol Walter Spry 682 1 5 A. W. Kennedy s nîiowed et Chicago, Detroit and intermedloate unfi for mental or physical werla but id keptinl Ora Truil 664 "15 lO vrknd addsrpin -Canadien stAtions,, almost constant ageny, Norman Allen 658 15 I r e c send to absent friencis. c 650 1 Besides the draadful itching 'md burning lia osgove 60 12B tshC um aC da senstios tereis stainon he ervus rite Stewart 637 21 Norma G. Gliddon sesainsthr iaaiai n hanrvusy*tem James Waddail 622 8 5Tea M. Ferguson Ro has no Canvassers it Sh ingles. Singie Faeafer Round Tnîp. which almost drives a person crazy, Elma Foster 619 ~ 12 F F. Clapies CALL .AND SEE THEM Goed going July 23. 24 and 25. Se far as je known the only absolute and CaI Carveth 6151 12 I ValidRaturing util Ag. 20h. gamnted cur faryveWannann f 'plesspeakDreMforaita e051 12dl theksFarmersef ardththermOldTrReheiabieel Firm Fr cf JOHNH >. . Thrnon 98114 !daMayLa GILBERT & SON, whoîesaie and Croquet, Hammocks adal To the ouaicts Besarts.- Chase s Oninment, a preparation wblçb j$ 1»W Laverne Cooper 661 "21 Norma G. (+iddou hv h avssr'Cmiso. realdaesi rn Diretndard the fr eoport on eorgan Cinton Camsby 552 '12 Frank F.Clapi!es DietMusokaaee s, Lfr ak1. ortaeen or Rav.W.TOABow ilOt,~ Lîbbîe Browu 551 20 Fo iilues Caland see Feue or drop a Seeds, FlourXoCal and By uok aeLkofByPr &.W.TosBonvlOtwie.Gerald MeKteen 550 12 Frank F. Clapies BiihClmi Summer games. Arthur, Duluth, Kawartha Lekes, Senlt, -"As a man of seventy years I amn grateful te NEWCASTLE CEN~TRE. card to me and 1 will eall n ou Btish ngles.b Ste, Marie, Mackinaw. God snd te Dr. Chaîe's Oiment for a cure of hnls piles which had cause& me endiess arnoyanoe ItAlE MARKS. m.- Fast Express Trains Daily for and much misery. The itching and burning Mary Rowland ................. 677 Remember the Ideal has ne equal, Second te -,Nons. Eastern Resorts. was amost beyond endurance, buit Dr. Chase's Nellie Staples .................. 663 IT 'ITOolment brouglit quick relief aud as the trouble Coa r Buller.............. ...... 662 *T0W 18 the time te buy Turnip Goode delivered promptly [in ail W . i ALLtdI. 0 MoLtral Qub ortland,Old Orchard, bas nt rred, haveraoto believe î William lianuai.. ..........:iSesWîeMutie fifx h ùe atn. da Nd.........61lagasrtetobad parts oh the town. -na-in h otatFor Tickets, Illuatrated Literature andj dealers, or Edmansen. Bates and Ceo, Toronto. ilcorWigt--------- l Peter M urdoch, iJno. Gilbert & Soni full Informatioun, eall on STOTT & J URY, To proteci you agaîinet imnitatinsuc orri Ai Huntie............. ig 2 Town. Agents, or W, WOO.U, Depeot Ticket end.signature of Dr. A.,' Chase, th* faauous Vers Barrie...............:5 512dorEathJeer'SarHusKgS.Ws. wmnyie Agent,,re.'eipt bqvk seller, art on ecybox.12dosEsofJîeryFSti o£eKngt.W t' Bwanle Footwear Sold Here. rtry.I ig 'wmanville, C TWICE A DAY TO ST, LOUIS, The Grand Trunk offer adotble dly through car service direct to tbe Wonidis Fair City-St. Louis, Mo. Trains leave Moutreai unorning and evening. Send four conte in stamps fer the handsomest publication yêt issuod on the World's Fair, and cousuit Grand Trunk Agents, for nther particulars. Stott & Jury agents. Hmoliday Goods. J Hammoeks are seasc able. From 75.cts Up. Croquet in 4, 6 ai bahl sets. Foot-balîs, shin pads, base bal;s clubs, gloves and mits, A specialty with me in boxes of note paper and envelopes. The range is from 10 ets to 50 cts, The Aldine at 25 ets and the Hem stitch at 50e are extraq value and uobby. 1 stil! have room paper, window shades, room mold- ing, pictures and framing to the front. You want vases for yvor eut flowers& 1 have the. and they are cheap. Chinese lanterns for garden parties, Pr.TrbIok AX'ýk 1 iio not minx mat -L object zo zGon 1 ALusKoKa soon auer- ine ceremony, anEL 1 ýN 1