Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1904, p. 2

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7"711 t (i. Ho ild ('l 1 (ýo(i bon 7 ýle U le bc, nd -,'ùeyýed, -Napoleon hiu, long SiIIýU Cý to -Speak. S wi'l l Viiiilifflilli tongue ig silent. Elis power arld .. .................... authoritv are ended.- Put not so with Goà. lie Who spok-e in thiinder ffl 9we ow the, Undying Soul of Man Cali Bc toiles on Mourit Sinai- aad made the childron of Israel fear and tremble NATURAL PEIII,'i-IM rýý. Indifferent to Its Creator before 1-Iiiii, is speillâng to-day. And -ler is the season for the coun- SUIIIII tl.,.,ink you that it is lïght th'ng Lry giri to begiii Preparations for thalt Cod shouid I tell you Christmas gifts. A cushion broath- . . ...... ..... nay! God must L)c If the iuýr rose tinte ('-5'nter(-,d a-ce attitude 1 1 ý of or daintv sachet ording te Act of die 1-er- -hatever -ýe art hard nt of (7 ter. But vý your car is stopped and lie, bag t of some natural scout in the year onu s redoleu Thouqand Ni- ay be towards Cod, Cod has ne', ened in tliis life so tt tt a0peal and ,le liaindred and 1,'-)ur. 111 ý Will bc acceptable gifts to tbo- city by Wni. Baily, of Terertc, at tila forgotten ýou. lie appeiLIS 'LO You arnîng and bi(ýssecl proillise of S'ai- 0 partinent of Agri-uýtv.-ý, Ot,,'% warns of the dan- , 'or. Icillilig for the ciishion and to ineý lle Vation are without effect, then, as nercy. He holds ColisiSis of d1ried rose r)ç"als illixed AYegi ger. lie waits in r týe soli] appears before Cod, it niust 1 despatch froln Los Angeles saYs : With the floss of Cattai', out Ilis prom s,,ý of salvation. lie 1 s'. C athe -Rev. Frank De Witt TalmagO heur 1-Iiiii sp(ýik in judginent. The the cattails pleads for lis to congider our corldi- wlien ripe, place in a preached froni the followin text ýsoul may tnt;, rrom Cod in this li Muet Bear ûlignpture ai 9 i tion, our danger and oui- chance of fe, bag and bang in the sun to drv. J forget 1 but it canlict escapo 1-lim in the a, Ni)w consider týdS, ye that 1 1 escape. -Now colisider this, ye libeu they liave fltifïed Ont t'lie hard Cod, lest .,ou in picces, and ri xt If it vý ýil not listen here, it st_,li< ca, Le eje there be lIo to deliver : Whose ithat forget God,- and theu Ile goûs 1 e' * C t0dý This filling must do so !il the hereafter. Listeri, 1IIa1ýýes a el, ofiereth the sacrilice of tl1aII]ýSgiviI]g cri to v,-arii,,of the impending danger. as S'Oft as clown. glorified Me; and to him that orde Listen, ve Forgetters of Cod, "lest ýye 2 who woffld forget God: "The Gather the petais of roses in the 1 tear you in picces and therc bc nonc inorning ere the sun luis j &0 pac-SIL-He wrappcr Below. eth bis way aright will 1 show th Mi hty One, Cod, Jehovab, bath eurIv ravvii e lien. - Ilis illessage is to Yeu. OuË'their sweetiiess. Salvation of God."-Psttlii-i 5 0: 22, to deliver.- Ilere is the dan-er signal i SPO Break the pet- Vere B=cla azia as ý,ý-ge7 23. Ilere Ls the sign post writÏ' , by the. i Liste!' - 01", PreciOlls soul! -Kow con- nls ïpOlu the cal-vx and sprcad on rý ý7 finger of Cod telling you that just ýsi(',ür this, ye that forget God, lest PaPers in a cool, ail'Y place to firv. -NC)T -NAU 0 0 TIC. The 17salinist tak'es pains to des- ahead of the pathway which you tear you in pJe-ýes, and t e b '.Flic e( v rillg Of the eLlshioii can bc cribe as' Forgetters of Cod those i prirsuiii- in careless forgetruli ess of lieue to deliver: ý7;hoso 'offereth the accordirig to fancy. whoni perhaps you or 1 would, be IGod there are jtidgment and pullisil-; sacrifice of thanksgivîng glorifieth parts rose, JaSt to'include as such. Cod is re- Iment God patience Me; and to hini that ordereth lhis leaVes vvitli one part thyiue and on _AESS. presented as speaking, and r, de must' net be courited foi, weal, ay ai vill 1 show t1 part lavender; it is very SOI tiliiig t clares : -Thou hatst instruction (or ness. "The Lord is iiot Slack of 'Cod.- 0 'des 4 For hurcati diýa\v- correction, az it ils in the marginal -1 ise, as sonie ers 111ake a big sachet for the bot- -eading), and castest My words be-!Cou,,,t slackliess; but is long-suffer- loin, Consisting of' tw'O thin GR SALLOW SRM LEPROSY NOT DUE TO FISI-1. Of Sheet wadding, 1ivith il lavish sup- hind ti-ice. When thon sawest a thief, ling to yoti-wtrd,'iiot wishing that Kk,; Sced P TRECOMPLEXIGE thou consontedst with bini, and hast FO ýany should Izzzis: been partaker with adulterers. Thon ý perish, but that ail Dr. -Turner Tells ply of l'ose leaves ijet-,Vcejl Ol- Ilse ishould Coule to repentanc 1 of His Observa e.- Tlierc dried lavender, or cloýer flovvers, or givcst thy inouth to evil, and thy !,,e those who doubt Cod, who i tions in Soi-th Africa. do thorOugIllY dried and crasbed lla- ApC-fect ReMedy forC C tOngUe frameth decit. Thon Sittest Leprosy iliust now lie added to the root, whici, Il 1 GURE SICK HEADACHE er believe that the judgments i 1 _n and has an ojor resenibling, t iari IÏO£, SPeý-tlcst against thy broth ther Scourges ý,vIJiCb Ifllict South violets, VI,ý? S 1ý) %pnS 10lRac 11,or;ns C ý which lie bas prorl against Sin lo Ca. Cover with white or tinted sIl- thou slanderest thine own mother'g i , i il fri, Uillil recenlly the extent Organdy, finished with a wce ruille'l lie fulfilled. Jpc--,s encoanteret son. Thou thouglitest that I tO whicli tilis disease was prevalent or ard Lossop SLEEF. referring back biLd the edges %vith narrow rib-1 was altogether such a one as thy- such skepticisrn and ni SOUth Africa was little known ito Noah declared f',luf the People of i bon. self. - As We examine carefully and Tho fact that it existed in the Trans- 1 1 1 -Sitsnature el Ithat day had- For a trile heliotrope fragr, Critically tifis portrayni we find l -1 the saille __ ance 1 a ai ivas practically quite unknown, ta1ýýe of dried rose petals Orc ponnd, YOung, E A reck warnin -s 1 lhat the POSitiveJY Wicked and bac, -less disregard of Cod's vet Dr. Turner, the fiealth olfficer tonka beans and calanius each hall, -un as wl the d9ý-s ( -1 not mentionod. The Psalmist 1 d- if Noah se, file Uransv, BARRISTFM, SOLICITOIZj-;O' 0 reports that wherc- T TARY did not go fishing arcuind in ces-, Shall lie the coming of the Son of ' a Pound, coriander seeds Ore-fourtil las PUBLIC. there were 109 Cases in bis charge Pound, III of bitter aliiiond fie Office, Ilooey Block, Pools of in for bis specimens, lie 'id Man. For as in those days which. i in 1895 tilere al. le now Over As St., Treuton. Mon Dr. dro S. Ilave everything tlIorùubIYý CY to net trot orf te the corrupt heathen i were before the flood they were eat- TurneL çLýL -LrJ-ij,ý L"f - 1 1. L ý 1 de-, ri eon- nations 7EOILIt tÔ find his nian wh > ýing ana drink , marrying- and giv- vu ,,;;:.Eular Ageney. c I tbat 110 -- kilows how many sweet fla- is found in damp, Swanipy, had forgotten Cod. Ile found him ling in luarriage, until the day that ýthel'e are in the TransvaaL Lie s;ays Places ri near rit banci, -_ýtnéf arnong those Noah entpred into the ark, and they' Il over tha couiiti-vý The (ýl"Icer ,vho hae, been riyots ar Uaý XAC COPY OF W-RAPPERý e ctug, 1 shed, nell dried, A ABBOTT who perhaPS Stood Iii-ghest in the knew not until the flood carne, and in charge of the lePei's and hall tal'ell then crushed tine. Tbis nIaL-e-ý a. lie was the nuili who ýtook flieni, all away; SI shall bc the much inlerest in BARRISTER, Comniu . litv. the illatter a-Serted ]arý'C' d sliouýcl bc kept in r(.,cogiiizc,,d the qIJqlltitý- nu authority of the, law; lý coming of the Soli of iiiari.?' And tbat there wel'e at least 3,000 in an rccir. 1_ GI£FSBIOck, TRENTON, who tOOk air-tiglit a Pl-!de and satisfaction iiill-'eter, h,,_ý,ving declared tha-t Cod ils 1900- VC1ýLY 2:0 LoAx. For the thrifty holisevire notbin_ý his Incral rectitude and his.clean cit- net sl----ick concerning the fii1fillinent l The disease is deîying the ,,est p; Who held bis lie, -ill be SO ýlvelc(,Ine as , iiioth pre- izeilshi -id high and tof every promise and every ijudg- ý11-el-Oic e',I'O"ts aL its extermination in venLive. For this 111ix one, poului was ready to preach noral standards ýment, gocý,, on to say that "the day cape colon, whil,ý il, is also sPread- each of SlightJY wal-ni the grits and scatter a unto otbers. The Psaliiiist speaks !of the Lord wili Coine as illg la E- oland and clsewbere. tansY leaxeS, pýil.i-,id sweet Pillch Of sait oveýr, bcforc adding the S SHURIE, B.A., M.D., C.1\1 ýCf 111S going so far as te, deciare lie 1-101CIS up before YOLI, lis ý-,e îThe ývoist lre tile, Ilotten_ gulli or caiiiijhoi, laurel sLxý fast boiling water. 1 'à X M. 0. p. sý 0. COCUS Statutes and to take Cod's ihave tried to show yoiý, the certain itOt8; the lýaiýrs, with the exception Villere theve is to be rnIch Strain NEWS 1. PLYSICI.&N, &0 covellant in his mouth. That is lie i graied nutinegs an([ two tablespooris awfal jiidgnIents which will fait upon 'If the, being the Icast ='-cýr raid Rcsideuce, Marmora Stý 1 --Ou , of grotind cloves. This cari bc scat-i 01" COI11111011 Paste, add a sprinkle of BTJLI ivas net irreligious. lie recognized yoil and tear you in pieces If affected. y i lereff laviSIlly aluculg furs and blan-1 powdered ro-in. This is the custom Telei)hc)ua Cod and Ilis law. And yet lie is de not livar and heed; 'and on 'the 1>1-of- -Tonatban nutellinson'S kets and no 3noth will trouble thý'Illý ý of shoemalers, Charged witil hating instruction and ilig fish, es - Occurrenci mith other bard lie shows you what bless- theory tiiiit eat pecially Macaroni should bc kept in air- casting Cod's woris bellind ilig will be yours Cured, is tlie, chief cause of the dis- For potpourri gather rose petalsi s ind lic cooked Reigl Il i in. This I tak-e it Ineaus that, he !Case bas been fiilly set forth. Ilis and place in a close Iltting jar, with 1, t'ý01t w Il L.P.s., D-D.Sý of plurged into hOilinc- ývatev. was hCadY arid that IF YOU TURN TO arguments and statistics a"(, halî a C11P of Sait to quart 1 A statue NEW DENTAL PARLORS. had a vain selî-c- lie l , cogelit, lcaves. I,ýaC11 Clay add Illore osei When s'lit for table purposns be- ,"teeD' Wllich made but ilitherto have foulid little sup- r be placed Over 0- H. Bcl)te-'s Jewellry StDre, bil' illiteachable. And the charge of ýIn daling wJ1h Cod, (and tho, SOUI 1 Port. petals and sait, and any fragrant,ý coiil(,s Caked, dry it thoroughly, rhalil ST, TRpýýNTox. carting Cod's Words behind bini Inust deal with 1-lira), it is either a Inoi't cafeful inveptigatioli, differs r aes or Sliuli as lavender, l crush fliiely, ard add a pinch. of L'etliods in Denqstry. osera 1 leinon balm, i ground ai-r(jýý-root. lister eight - Would 1111PIY that lie gave thern a casc of judgiiient or blessing. Bless- absolutely froin Dr. lluteliill,"D. 1 ne.nairis 0' d the heads, sweet sccnted geraliauni jeave f s t eýý ed toriatocs should Jollle (-'il ce y olirsfroin 9 &-M., to a snbordimite Place in bis life and put ing lie wants le, give; judguielit He i Olricial returris show that 70 pr clo-,,Q aý-s be c, ýfored in a lard Throu-h -- ----- his in flict areïiW ý1 1 s own judgements and thoughts mlist give 'if you reject the offer of !cent. of the total uilloijnt Of ditiol - ',7apor 1 fish en- Sweet, snpliing flowers er, for tbey ci I to before those of Godý More tha' or arornatics. ý , 1- zi liscfI-11 all, ri rnercy. Ile holds before the Forget- teriiig the goes by Joli- 'Cic ý-rOaSt beef tillery yest ITAWLE-Y. 1, D. ï.. 1i-k(,Iy, îlitellectualisin and ýý leu Suffi lit, have been gathercd, or soups. higher ters of Cod the picture of the mail annesburg. Nearly 17,11 of this Criticisir, were barriers that p S let the, whole rernain for fivc days,ý A delical,ý f!ý-l)r in, added to sweet.0fi- several revent- who was vielded hiniself to 1-lini. eaten by WhitPS, but until December stirring _,vell twice a day. 1 Add to Calles Or (-ýl ý,j, S by putt ing an or- ý and damag ECCMO in Hooey Block Rctildence ed God's words havirig due weiglit "Who,ýo offeretb the cl there 1vas lot a sinffl, Ruropean in moi a Street, ell-st J'renton and each hall gallon three ounces bruis- ange, an or a, lemon in the! The lock] than!ýs,-ivihg gl,ý;-ifU-th Me; and to the Johanne burg leper hospital. jaý with thein. Dried lellion or or- ton. which TèlePlIOLe communication. l", t oi -ýJi ed ali 'ice and one ourice bruised him II der, bis w Iýigb 1 t Then a i was horri in cinnamon, with half an ounce of ange peel vvili haý-e the saine effect. is the oldc And now 'ne enter upon tnl,, will 1 sý ýw the salvation of God.- was a(JILIl lie was a niember 1 CIOves. This is the stocký Let it In boiling salinon, try the e["fect'c<)ine down The grcý,; sacrifice for sin bas been (-,'f a. 1,1-9e ýilI Où whoni of a vilich. of carbonate of soda in! The, Leed Y tphaso of the character of the f 1 rernain for two we'el's, ttil,ýfriiiig daily 'r- 1 made. J es us Christ the ri-litcous living in tý o Uiansvaal. Nolle 0 1 1. getter of Cod. lie is a coIripromi,-ýr T m op to bottoni, and keep well the Water. This rnakes the fish a;ýis starting -à One li:s siiffored in place of 'guilt S o 1( with evil, for when lie saw the thief y 1 coveved ýý rom the air. Then add to beli-Lutiflil Color and does net spoil 'At the ne> s opinion, bis diseuse W.Ils the faste in any way. at work-oh, net and lost inan. Cod pleilds witil lier ba ]Y every two quarts one Ounce each of, posed that the thief who j., the result of culitagion, ils La 1- L.1ae, Be s IL ' lý7- lut- li-us, and steuls le thankfully aceept iiiiii: nq 1 thing ho can lay bis bands on. This -ýia vi 0-11r. Cod can bc glorified and man is respectable in bis thievery honored in no greater way than fo aI0ngý'ýidc of the man, who rob . 0 accePt Ilis gift to the world. business deal or engages in question- Thinli You that 'th(, sacrifice of Cash &the ulgi 23tprice able criterprises that promise large than1ý;sgiviià, ineans Soule great profits, or talies advantage of the thing you cýn do for God; some se Paid for HIDES. iiiistake of a clerk or cashier which Vce ' vou can perforin for ilim. sorne er- SUD dfied Eyapjra ing Ap i.,,' in bis lav.,-when lie ga,ýv uess You eau ilianifest in your (kind. of a, thief at work 1içý winked life? The only sacrifice you can plus arid, siniled a bit and thought what a imake that will te acceptable to Cod sharp fellow lie was, and perhaps lie lis the sacriiice of your wili that will wns in on the deal and shared in the 1 giVP Christ the possession of your profits. He ýý,ouldii't do an-,ý,thing'heaiýt. The only tihanksgiving which. dishonest, not lie! But ho will let i will reach the car of Cod and bc the otber felloýv do the dirty wlork 1 pleasing te Ilim is the thanksgivi 9 J. F'vürN N IELL, and lie ivill pocket bis share of the Ithat has as its inspiration and proceeds Yes, when bc saw the theme the crucif1ed and risen Lord. At the- Market. Trentail thief at' work, lie consentedst with Cod's promise is as sure as His liiin, Fle had seen a hungry beggar judgmý,nt. He says that 1-le will purloinii af of bread froin shol# 1 , salvation to the in, ig a Io- the , -lis - in who bake shop, ox the highwiyman hQld Ys] >, ordereth bis way aright. In the da ing up the wayfarer and taking bis 'le, Iloiiiân porer, when the Cao- of ti 'a h -,vould have been quick isars ruled the world, it is said that jjl to yell "thief" so loudly that the 1 al, reads led to Rome. Sure it is policeman could have he'ard hini a that ail roads that Cod calls right quarter of a mile aýi,-ay if lie had lead to Christ and salvation. 1 arççI t(? dQ so, But when it ciaine who walketh over the rond of re- to polite stealing in busin pentarce and faith will bc shown ký TRADE MARKS suilled approvingly, especiall.V when ý 1 the glorions salvation of Cod in NS lie was in on the profits. And not DESIG é & r- Christ Jesiis. Forgetters of C od, COPYRIGHT only is the Forgetter of eFV Cod a - com- A nyone sending a sketch and descrigtlon may quiekiy ascertain our opinion free w ether an promisrer with evil, but ho is a par- your position is a perilous one. Cod invention je probably patentable. C ' mmilniCa- tiongstrictlycontidential. Handbook'OnPateïltS taker with adulterers. fle is a man pleads with yoii to consider your ient froc. oidest %ency for seeuring patents. of the , world wlio, though perhaps relations to 1-l'm- Patents taken t rougi' M'au, & CO. reccive .rpecica notice, without charge, in the not himself a moral leper, fellow- IT 18 COD WIIO IS SPEýAXING. ships with those of positive immoral habits. The social fabrie of the It lis net nian's message, but God's Arýndsomelyillustratedweekly. La-Aester- present day is becoming rotten with message. The opening verses of the cOiý ïon of anyieientific journal. Terrns,$38 moral irregularities. Divorce is Psalm declare that "the Mighty ye. 'ýmr nioiiths, si. Sold byall newsdealers. coming to be the rule rather th-in One, Cod, Jehovah, hath spolien.- the exception, alicl marriage , tics -The àliglity One bath spoiýýen." and vows are thoughtlessly and lust- There is atrthority and power bc- fully fornied and then more thought- hind the spoken word-authority to l lessly and lustfully broken. And the coiumqn(l, and power to execute. MONEY TFIROWN AWAY. Forgetter of God, though lie may lie ýýGd liath spoken." The leaker of -So ihat city doctor helped ye in outward conduct of high i-noral Heaven and eartli, the Creator of right sniart, did lie, S,*Ias?" aslied rectitude, yet ho je a partuker -,vith man, th(, Riiler of the univm-se bath Mrs. on (4er husband's return adulterors because bis bosoni friends, talked with man! Jehovah, the One 1 froin a week's visit to a specialist il, Iiis associates are morally defective, Who holds peculiar and close spiritu- a neighboring town. land lie 1inow,ý it, and vet Le excuses al relations with man, tiie, One Who IlWell, 1 giiess lie did! Jm feeling and overloolis and forgets. And theD bis niouth to evil, Ah, covenants with mari -,nd Who keeps if fine as a fiddie iioNv, an' lie says I lie 9'vos !thosc covenants ir-v-*oi.ite, is the One wen't likely have any return of it how unclean and vilo is ninch of the if 1 just keep to what lie, tells me." conversation of the smoking room. IMlio luith. spoken. ïf 1-le iý";io speaks or the social circle. The question- ils ail this. and more, does it iict bc- -What did lie say was the inatter lhoove us to listcii? "The Mighty with ve?- inquired the wife, eagerly. able witticisni, the double entendre, the sinutty story, the light, flippant, One, God, Jehovah,. bath spoken!- Ili Ïorgit now what lie called it. joking reinarks upon the rnost sacred- When Napoleon spolçe it is said that but-" relations of the niarried life, all these his soldiers trenibled beforp- him. It ,,SIjlase, slic cried, -ye don't reJ . ýl - 1 1,ýsue from. the mouth given to cvil, ineant something for the fierce, all- ly mean te" say ulow ye plaid Ont 111 The Forgetter of Cod is the inan or conquering general to speak. He that monev an' didn't gic no good ivoman of pollutcd Hpis. ile is aiso of it, after all!" the liar.. Lying is one of the coin- 'inonest of evils. It is considered VALUE Or," AN ANCESTOR. quite the proper thing among the -Why are you losing sleep and ex- niajority of people, and yet it is an Disease taftes no surnmer erting your energies to win fame aboraination in thesight of God. and fortune?" asked the man who And then there is the slanderer and vacation. avoids enthusiasnis. bitckbiter, even towards thoý" of his If yeu need flesh and own household, and last of all the strength use -I don't K-now exactly,- answered Forgetter of God is spolçen of as the the man with a passion for wor . k. - 1 corrupter of the truc God; that is, suppose niy rew-ard will coule in fu- be bas a loose and low conception of (ýcû.e,0._9 turc generations when sonie young God, quite in consonance and bar- s EMÉA.gs*o()91 man is enabled by niy proviens ex- riiony witli hi.q owil hfe and charac- ertions to wear a nionocle and say tel.. And this is the 1Bý7 Jove' instertd. of workirig." sniail h(,î,[) of coal slacli should RO 'IlLil[1 til(' TorgMfý,,,,- of G 0 (1. pIacýl in -y pigs,'ýy fc u 1,11ow fi 5ýc. an,! e".-: ail to 1'ved -lys a tract ]sc1Pïýý 0ýý o,ý oýii- 'r tbtý ine lui, 'e", 1 -, . -_ ', il, ý 11--- collan er ëf allisie seed, threc 'Fry ft- , 1 ýýg >.; ýpcýr -,vi',Iïout tliallv associa 1ýd lie au 7 jCr. es sweet in^. Of Dir. Tul'rer's 210 patieats, 44 flag or orris root and two Of tea and coff - e oni ab ýntering ri s dining-roûm, 'Y Éý. iUeo. Per cent. had caten fish, only 17 per ounces of ' torika beans. One Cali ý Procure it of good uality and with :'Mitchell, of Topshain, found- ar swarm rent. of which vvas cured fish. An add nt plcasure ariv perfuiried oilsl it rub tlle al'Ïeetid parts, afterwards'of bees in possession. TLvy had loug or extracts, bits of "dried lenlon orl %Vas" the linen in the, ordin ary way. icome doýývii the chimney. 'the white le! -rs 95 per cent. J 1 To test an Oven for b.l,-jng sponge 'la' orange peel. Let stand two iYionths ý At theïr annual inspection recently eaten fish, 45 per cent. of which was before using. It miCy then bc placed and pound cakes, put into the oveil 1 cured fish. -lonorig the colored pa- in Scarborough policemen wore sirâw a juncýY jar, witli lid, a piece of white paper; look at 't hehuets for the lirst time. tients, -%vho invdc up four-fifths of which is lifled white the apartinents after ilve minutes. when it should be James Enibley, of Skipton, has the total, oaly 30 per cent, ever vellow if the heat is ri-ht. 1 are being perfuined. L-,ielçing a . Ibeen in prison 45 years durin his tasted fisli, and only 10 had eaten 1 Wash liste thread stochingq in l 9 fallev jar, use a common fruit jar, 1 life of 73 years. Ile bas îasit becil cured f;ýh. tepid iv ter with a little bluc; US& 117. Turner 'is convinced that cou- with lid screued on, and rnake for it 01, 1 'l sentenced to another terin. a y boiled soal), and that for the tagion is the niost usual nieans of pretty bag. feet olliy. ltinse thoroug-filv in wa-j Mr. Robert Denchar, of Denthar, 3 le ter containing a Ïew drops of am- Limited, died at Warkworth, Porth- the spread of leprosy. 11e ti 'd a WITEN CHERRIE S AIZE RIPE. tiberland,, in his 73rd year. , 1-le fevv cases, in wh;eh it waý pcissib _ monia, and hang to dry, but not in to assert that iýs origin was heredi- Canned Cherries-Pick over the lowned publie bouses in Loixdon, Ed- tary, but practically nore in which. cherries carefully, to inahe sure there ýinburgh, Glasgow, and the four lier- An excellent furniture polisTi,-I)Ipl contagion co-uld bc excluded and are no worniy ores. Allow 1 cul) a chamois Jeather in tepid water, 'thern counties of England, as well several in wlÂch contagion was the sugar to each jar of fruit. Put the take it ont and wrhig it dryý Rub as numerous breweries. sole e.,,,planaJi,ýnf ne believes it cherries and sugar in layers, in - the the furniture wilh this and it will Mr. Wm. Ayres, reputed to bc one will oventuall ' u lie výoved that- sonie jars until nearly full. Arrange the reniove all finger marks,. stains, etc., of the few millionaire farmers in the verniin is "lie -ýiuse of the infection. jars in a boiler, ýqith straw Or wore effectually tban any prepared cOuntrY, was buried et West Wy- Sticks in the bo'toi Put in water polisli, and will make the wood -il. ap- combe. He lived modestly, despite enough to come nearly to the top of peu,- as good as iiew. bis wealth, lunching at Wyeomba, ACCOPDný,ýý' 'VÔ D1fýECTI0,ýZS. the jarq. Cover the jars, but do Marble slabs and washstands, etc., Market on a crust of bread' -and a -Now, childiver,- said the teachev, net put on the rubbers. Let thei can bc cleaned by simply washing crumb of checse, washed down vvith) water boit until the sugar in the jars ý ti-le, surface with warin water in a glass of beer. as she distxý1)lïJed the flower seeds has nielted, and formed à clear sy-l,,vhieh a little borax is dissolved. El ntombed for 24 hours in the among the little ones, -I want you rup. Meauwhile, have 1-nüre SYrul) Polish afterwards with soft cloths. Nantgwyn Pit, Perkyeraig a miner ito plant these in pots, and when boiling in another pan, and wlien the TrY the effect of Ilotato to cleannamed Lle,ývellyn whiled ýway the they begin to grow don't fail to tell fruit is ready take out the Jars, one sponges when they are slimy andItime, says the Western Mail, trying me. 1 will g1ve a prize to the one at a time, fill wiLh this syrup, and sinell disagrecable. Cut a raw po- to keep four horses, who werè bis who reports first." scat quickly. tato fil half and rub the sponge thor- only companions, out of dang(,,r 01 At five o'clock one niorning a few Preserved cherries--Stone the cher- oughly with the two portions.- Eub Ibeirig struck by a further fall. weeks later t1iýý family with whom ries, saving all the * iuice. Weigh, and and ýçvork the sponge tili the potato 1 Farmers in the romantic the teacher l)(-,ý,,vded was aroused by to each 1 lb. allou lb. sUgar, un- has penetrated to the middle, rinse of Trevor, net far from Llziiýgloli-n, loud ringing at the door-bell. The less the cherries are very sour, wheni in warnl. water, then in--cold, and th, ;are in a condition bordering pan- man of the, went to the door. 1. lb. sugar will bc required. Put slimy effect will have disappeared. lie by reason of the mysteric:us de- -Who's he asked. the cherries into the preserving ket- To polish plate glass and iýernove'stru'ction of numbers of theýi sheep. -Toulniy Tuckeý.- tle, covering with the sugar, and slight scratches, rub the surface gen-ý . -What do you want?" stand asidè for threc or four hours. tly first with a clean pad of fine cet- ;Nlgfiit after night they have found -I want to sec Miss A(lair.- Then bring to a boll, skirn, and sim- ton wool, and afterwards with !one or more horribly inangled,, with -What's the matter? What do a 1 portions of the flesh missing. The . you nier till -the cherries are clear. Pour similar pad covered vvith cotton vol-1theory is that a pack of"Wild dogs want of lieiý?" ilito the jars and seal. vet, which lias been dusted with fine' -I idescends from the hills in the night. want to ýi1l ber <ýoi-iiGthing." Spiced Cherrie.1-Tak-e 9 lbs. fruit, rouge. The surface will under this l "Woil't it kýjt-p till daylight? Cant 4 lbs. sugar, 1 qt. eider vinegar, 1 2 treatment acquire a polish- of great !a system. of watching by relays lias 1 tell her oz.'cinnanion bark and 1. oz. whOle brilliancy (Mite free froin scratches. been orgaiiized and in turus th& "No. It's soinething she wanted CIO%'eq. Let the syrup come to a - -+-- farmers patrol the "infested area,- to know just as soon as it happened, boit before Putting in the fruit. Cook FOR OVER SIXTY YEARS. arnied with rifles. and nobody else can't do it.- the fruit until the nkins break, then 1 Mrs. Edgcome, of Surbitou, who, Mrs. 'Winslow's Soothing Syrup bas recently celebra Tommy was admitted and shown take ont the fruit and boil the sý, rup ted ber hujidredth into the parlor. Miss Adair was down until thick. Pour over fruit been used by millions of iiiothers for [birtliday, bas lived during the reigns itheir children while teetiring. awakened, and informed that a boy hot. 1 If dis- !of five sovereigils. After the battle i turbed at niglit and broken of your 1 of Waterloo she had the distinction wailted to sec lier on business thaï Cherry Pudding-Two Gggs, 1. cup. allowed of no delay. sweet milk and 2 tcamoonq bakin, rest by a sick child suffering and cry- ýOf being kissed by the 'Duke of Wel- der. Flour chowl&b to makc ing vvith pain of Cutting Teeth, send 1-ýr.Lto She dressed lierself hurriedly and Pow came down. stiff batter, and aF,, iiiý,t[y (,Lýýirries as:at once and get a bottle of -Mrs. ýîiliiîJe working in a yard at can bc stirred in. Bake half an hourý)iVi11slo',v's Soothing Syrup- for Chil- Brighton a mari noticed a ghastly -Why, Tominy!" she said. -WhIat 1 and serve with sugar and cream.' ; dren TceLhing. It will rel*le-,-e the -face in Li top rooin window of a brings you here so"earlv? What bas Cherry Pie-Stem and stoile tL-eipoot, littie suffercý inilnediately. De-Illouse a short distance awav. The- happened?- 1 cherries. Cover the bottoin of a, long:pünd upon it, inothers, tliere ts ri,) 1 face -, M Teacher, mine's growed.- as turned -towards hi ýq;lfl tin with the paste, tben put in the 1 iiiistfflke about it. It cures 1)iarrhou,,ý, the eyes' seeined to bc stariri jui lili fruit to which add 1 teacup sugcýarlregulLtes tte soiiýia-h and bowelS. 1 uncanny manner. When t1-lýý pý,,îi(ýý DOCTORS' AILML.EýNTS. and 1 teacup Ilour. Bake with two!cures iYind Colic, softens the Gunl ý, M nt up into the room they crusts. reduces Il Soule statisties just published in ifiainination, and gives býý ered that a man had hong 1 W nd -energy to the wlýW-,,, sYstela- self in such a way as to -pl li r Austria throw au interesting light IIINTS. l ýLs , i -Mrs. iVins,]owýG Soothii foi* [thogh bc were lookling out ý,,i t lie, o-i the ailnieuts frolu v hich doctors j To preveilt , eggs cracking while i childrer técthing. is te th& window. ý-uffer» Crie fact is Very in- boHing, pierce with a pýu ýat the taste unrl is tlic, of ariL SI, active. The i boud end before puttii , -lî1 hiLoý cf t]iý, o'clest and best i iiýale, physi-, THE 0-NLY WAV, euliiributes o'lv 7 P,ýý, cent,'. to theitl-,-, water, Mrs must ri ciauLi and in *,!ýý, Uni tý_,d iiiortali'y from ývhicb1 ' iý,ýf0re Turniu- Out a l'u ýý!ing al-Stat(,ýq. -ý ce ývventY-'ýý- cents il ý 1. ' ' - - ) durner palty, dear; that's 1 for th, of in-: fet it stand for tl,.ree. cr four S(>ý ait iir is about it.- (ýÉi the oth-i ul1<-,ýý, tille stearn o out t!ý v Be ýýH- ýýl ;Sk for Uot v-ýY '-i . - ý 1 Mr. S0011)j "Y ",P.,, i -h anv excuse for gh, ng t r.ý ýnt Mvs- is

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