Lîves 'of Sfern nd And HaDInes nd6Qser Cuticura Soai, Ointmentand PUIs Whcàen Al Else Fails, Every child born into the, world wltï an inherlted or early developed tan- dency te distressing, dlsflgcmring hu- meurs of the skin, scalp and bood, beceàmes an eject of the most tender selicitude, not ouly hecause of Its sufer- ing, but hecause ef the dreailful fear that the disflguratiea is te ha lifelomug and mar its fqture happiness and pros- perity. Hence, it becomes the duty of untesof snob afficted cbtîdren te ac- quaint themselves wlth the best, the rretand mot effective treatenct ava î1 Lable, viz., The Cuticura Treatment. Warm haths with Cuticura Soap, to clean se the skinanad scalp of crusts and scýý7les, gentle applications of Outiera Ointment, te allay itchimmg, irritation and inflammation, andl soothe andl heal. 1 andmild doses of buticura Resolvent, to 1, 01. "' liuJi'm--ai, i'-'- -L"'- ue' r' tiplin& g a cafî iril 1e goods tlîeîusalvas bave attrat- cool the blood ln the severer cases, are thocaxetion cf Jîly 29, 1899, on i~ aes aPsjn i e-tiva labels miaking n nico ximdow eo- ail that cau ho desireil fer the speedy condition, Poxx-or, that they do att TPe Bridas of Peatb that xxait tPe ph11le o Slutiomn. TPe petaçssuum, sul-- nanient nnd the eîahessed card with relief and permanent cure of skia tor- invIve ether vital interesta er thîe grom , phid raiintcrisel i oa-easenablo prîce la plain figures at- tured infants and children, and thecom- jindepemidemice or bonoi' of the two t-'o Choosei-s oh the Sîan. in th ti fi' t cohrsl a insou-,tat etmr adaisaemd fort of were-out parents. Ico.ntracting states, andl that tbay b'frtohur naslirct lsoresan ae r nd Millions of women use Cutiera Soap, do net affect the irinýrtems f althird -(tio mac hi di-slxngSpouala xv ee Cauadian, goods ef equalli' efASotiOF DESsTITiUaIiN.0 galous jgoed cuality, but imet hnving sech asisteil by Cuticura Ointment, fer'pre- poweor. CAE FDETTiIN, c wtr. an attractive label, andlhaviîgn, serving, pnrifyieg and beautifying the Article 2. Il a cbpatielrcastinai iedpieae".detakd",n skie, sal, air aed bands, lfor anney- the Iigli coontracting ., before Sad Discovery in a Toroua te (O>,IiiîitÂiiaeye)- l ilti eu liiof ixas prie e suldta-tcadg." a ing irritations anud weaknesses, antd aidressing thenisie-s tthe par- I Cellar.(Frndey)-iosltn cf JbabonhuIttlrgqa- Ifermnaýlian sed foc the iinersion Pro- tities of tinned aad'Pottîcil peas, for manuy sanative, antisaptie ptirposesmaie nutcourt 0f arbittn -, ail sa ifoîiTîeit nscess x -a mande by peuig ne-imaîf bois and pnc aaPo gea wbieh readli' suggest themselves. sgaaspciAariraioibod e--O mftaufen, oront , ite tefmmai n 1glons eci" hyda treaiihentxxibeenîtreoh Cutieura Reovnt. 1k uid oand in the formnof Chooat On fteiotsokncases pu fte onoiinc 1g o caated Pille,, cutiemuaouaint and Ci cuars.p natimug forth clearly the sujbjeat undr( sîttoanmO!-,dsi ci'mica-of eater, anail ttscei lons xcecpe The public haveienaoawrn- ~~otd~~ dhogot1,wl.ue~soLdn icat,.ispue h ut fthe iuiimnersof iintPe solution fhem' ntyaI agaimmotthe conumpton0f thase bouse Sq.; Pai, 5 Rue dela Paix; Australi,R. Town, & ,th1etntehth in'e hthis c xx boug te o the ~xrt Co, Sydney; Boston, 137 <Colunbus Ave. Potier Drug the arbitî'ntoms and lthe letails te o clii ct' rubits ol yiedn îlia nlfo Cheiieîe l -p., oe Proprieteatebeevntnitncomoftxtihe CitoyannReli(7efih Dluted or- oms ylaignedc nd fo oe-Send forIlHaw te, ura'aaby Humour., osea ma egarstecnttuin0i-nsdy nnad eight 'ï)Sriiikýlieg wt iue o- unl ndl it ealy rmcmuains for Can- l of the arbitral tr ibunal and the lime-:chîildmemm huave ho 'aliinig. fer sortie nîlin.- One PnIllf,,piiit ohfornmlia \vas iaiapackeîs te show tmat tbey put STRONO AND IGO ROUS. ieduro. 3 p rsutameeamttiiam e iha acellar oh omme rooni at 170 purdimte 5 gallonus oh watr.-TiPe up goods oh as reliable qealiti'as I rtcl ay treet!. The fatimer uerk on ..Soilutnamnd orefulli' stinî'edlfintil itiag from othar coîmtrias (but which EveryOrga of ho Boy Toed iconciedlfer a tet-if ui'e ,,yenmrs ctismlsandtibas fnot sulpotel tPe g-- aIie xa Prubymitnn- niei raf' dleai cî,, fotte date ofeh tesgma l isa-lyfor iears, Jlbough lie imaks 1 8 Fumntî.Oasul iet aolrt raenlmg atui up nd nvioraed y ----- rceionl isits to tmm.The youuLg ohenc(Lî varuct:Y vws bf t umtrated ita fer Canadianbrands. It xxi c untcd t mtîuatte s !iii- st chiild is six îîetb nd, andmuthuee oIei that'tP'e influenccof ohtueva- voli mg , vitalierotamorthi l le sthe t oY(r il i ortee'f- 7$:icîts Righ lots ngOntlmef aareî y n uiagliosar iigol e deednoor boner" e h te parties nomaýl,ý,ut i , ý1,n]ae ido eigbt acCANNED AND BOTTLED PEAS. Imen nu si ohthomi ave icdoh cre thrchre, usad, for Ibis expeni- oî ý'tii- "iuteests oh, a tiird pow-r," cemmýumption. Tinw to uhv P aa. Alrtetetefsbi'TPe British consumai prafemsaa au-co, xcued freantPe ebligation to Idsneneo. one in tepiniv cmlthlaeev o-,t1pe samniersizel pon than isususaliy arbitate.ldoaly his xill e caled tage,but tle othcm, acidcffx.ontýs wvre cnrefully soxn en spat akd i aaa sectaIxe.goemunacts umer th ' n hemewas obing eun ituefiedtu nxste L-j tt otal e enteeh sînatteiIIl _MoEtans (sie o aîcsi fou- gmnd it si datgb h raisael.'Acormaiot ef lic cisrii hnlanaolts fenoc stand i' thet w-itou-tefaraohi rea-nsualpace he'ttf ai-eu- Fbee o eamm Iof iel fgenrdng)cl7 nictibe tassureiot.amui' gareput- socp A emaîl hcareu Abotd,, sier-,uiutr CopSmuie.iynong.6(sCtetîa)g F. . ayns Rig t.E. Beli, brt oh oenufeis ng. Ti-'esc tî'ce -a- o m sOuivepe w-senil tues-tev e, yt o mev Th f.Hot ir-- ------------bler piemcpxuîtoeon. s.cp "I uferd erfis en iis xii li Te inueIrbuma ihe. snthist incte n !,ii wfs ai r:î.es hestota e 2l'ours)---------eT--1oh t (in foimsi toFranci tmn Ont., asys rspe iroke do. Tai' xx-iî cause il to ed.omAexornerbat îl bemu um s by 4-ioDP ofetstf apri eiki O)--------1 -ii Poin tneî'rs.nro iila aleepiessneis bu~ Iciandopyits pou-ioms a tofli trf5r 0oeuneruum P eo --0lo mlui(0mm-ts-------ntn Pilacopitay enoalai te 1 as hmea plaicefec li -eufiortu ITtohheli hiîtntu edeboy 8.Unre t-------------< Froenchso are eiiriatiî' oh poa trausingessuymptoms.anI baiet ouo- slooer A in lm l aaieen xvD'origiut Te suaTnt iuî enta i 'mx' rceutld y u CA6N(ixNeT) PLs. rincp Mibrm eatat eruPi~c r o gmnîuu.eelng.mefsftme-tîucaemovpip, ws nl teliovetheet M r . P.smmaW ri-. fuy rouingStE ., li a r n cb ni s aingiT o tPe in tr eibn source oh suple itacxîa sas r of. he x'n er, f e (5na imu e u1.r8hotAii nu e femii goal uh'mumu fo, P tf-eutrebah 0r,sat as 111cea r wer hbfo ocratis' i-ceflmi otep vil -enlîf Ofecu' bta nuo ei i u mmilsby -luesto n o ie 2 hours haie..i..... . tmleuftin, har Caal themigoo loiti 1 te ra tPd. iThn]oeee ieluy'stettewheima aila ttmcCause irt emm utsuitlrmu mttigteloei h plptaton elcitnesif beah te rottaForti getegeiuoa'$5iorunaim s l- lliocid ... Pi. 1catiinuetalleh a a rlesouwter uu i i- Bleeplessnsýý and pia in the hart, bui dvelopamtsioliesaanddieglit itelif.sîlee neliapro-agbegotheaheel front-otliiuio -lt-an'dednmtg Soame iamietiasp 0thanktheucti g fnstem iusenui treusme iciailyumetaomul. ILe-avtefeleft' teun montPelieus oh S.-Ut i t ..P.'- _ .... ...........m.ratiîrly e ne l r ietalml of eiti ai' " l humul aîcai mmeflVpilnitae frIl,'-h vebenp auî i oi' efeetuabul'a-mesfnt' utlano efcemtfmi eîemîlmafee cfd o see el adoporuiuefrcuiry, Doui I o ui -eWTheuinudtw-inte ts v retPeimcae- u u is iogoisbigtrm j C. A. a Ut l1'Z. Osîli' tuaaP 'mt gra les sl inlthePr' cx- lîthetun ad i,, faineotgek ct ut- Bifeeneiifn dct w-atufre gri beumtrAricColag, teal-i. oand.f -e xih ftlcil o mi- M l ai wPP 1le xpanart a y cto nnsc t giieta anada Pmeplaarieutofgran.Fhecihithes Fiti o! c eas uraie wti negalnt insu wh isaessicindepot ma Pemade swel I lchasiretu e t o teitomipractinoorc o hhzY aeti o. Tfraii n oiirdni lase inore la l a coobpttiuufi-ouih cicnrv idQes raien ly aloas c o f en- uaubar lars te -t o ira Rel AuîOlEtaixa îspntch saisefiiyýlsor wlv DIhaLV STPLIuTh i haus ohn tPe uroumll foute n at cd 1wPi' in oeabou eeoCBuuur tree ,ute" om i c, t j im m c eim u i. t î P x su l n o ce o ur office. '-et cf p n u utin g ci'ui l$i-u-! lieclil m uxl l'e u-ta n shfolth e fr eî sffi n ît ce mii c o utta flic eh N cxv - Sed ori. onwli ncupea.otf d i umeliiad id pn-l m fxedli rli mit omît limea mi, eu oef xaflein îthe".sainee tiai. flic deeeco ohCanadaiii cas oh I er euscm 305 li s t aqiu-o,Ly te1 au-neatsiipimg ie cok anh fer e han il h0iNtaauiE.LoA't ils cre s TPexleie tit in.leixa v"ideouitim-ccl. torfuucanduus i- I P i tra htmetswtc fa nao-ingonel-S. nruagco-l aomus ketuat _e ntrel o ten rnt h Ios to a". tînt o i ne t otals a ivicooule fxoc al lu ea rae a- hi ferthemial Pcunio in taîm fu ie-0 Inlx Psu T lis - unemi aun d lie, atm-octua arsx'rns frm-it"em nmd hate et iuicie Imt fiat uxa L-tthfa 01crte f temiin- kiot lii.h a i-li uInsllmn xh il fo 172voite at thex -igoas be-îdntîe toinsgtheouîms abeui, luafe lunt freruyams o r u-ixEEmîumT MtAtGAZINmES C.i fu t-cs A.d16 tuir ccdat meibtîumex-aunlod 7-tb imdùla itu-'ugIoo- c&ti. ai te sal ietdry Pin-ice xi i iOAg- u rme ,ueî' un'iî'muesCollae, iGuilphtS, Pgoocif ucel la glas ort il ]et ý,vh'Ih explairr ý,u. systm-by isttnialeilsstxxotw-bilettnimme adedmtbrepnonieFaPimties isrgu'eusemdurtradflict m G ecksteh Feiuiry TepoiC anadabPmadand nTjfluim' hmircr'ihip'- î l ie -m clpuecl ~ juI-Ir. bntgD luea nuteuumobile. I - ni flo1 Wcueîn aumadaMortearrCerpeatieofficial figures fi-- i pieresoh î,lss ha'ie Uied feunl i lim si yu w os fie a guuei n'--the 'nomprosuomîairta j estarc W'orknimade, youu belomug te h caeisnlap uueceli Wl're tucurd ixoffice.etî aS'et mie willt all lislerei - o Prs l ie' Tc et lsso w-ou- eilk?"Cý t PLENTFTdLJONE. 'l' e liuawni-mxxumiliiois co'-e.threii' isegceabl har basto h TuenJo ies fare c.on iîul- leuiti- TPe e ad aedin tteilsl n stathuCit forewtPe 0henniÎ C hared comoi-ii f0 thnd ncîne nf Id fîri iii utie. A retf n v cern- theilli n gofpinada hueleaseioils silo]ivus per 'ataesio n gi fe uuiia eh safeve puise-ilmumnl Joues Sexcool o tluý lIm uîuoue t cimee menungnncynenstrucfonscaih171 m-if ins . t ha o thfli sar as euîc mugesca sîuels ivtro uuk jineg. Obet'ocf naî x ifthtal ES'pc lnttu' oreflu Chî'-innnamme h IlmuricI u-iti aamoîmdeh on ithe ou -p - Lo tanevatoîs. Dm th Daltie. cher Jomi. To n'omms mun -n hein tb th rieo w ny llit lÀn I s ikl h t su1i11a ie tctCr oe es - dei . sbi'k an is u etiii i o eat1759 ~arîe i~u inteh eu'n ehtIr jîmoi---i i'L~ ~ 'n n'tbe dîhu~ yer' Roal uttle bu'e adiu tîmir u'auieiu-ui" Jouît Joues I n imoux huil 1, s up n e a ciifaeiinl0 tmnPtidtma tuoc, eat zeshen mcci m nai'alu e o miii,- a tiur etih ia _____t________i-f i 'sa flmig Pntsreprt14x6ghmiluxiol- it lau ý,incheci le of araie tjioe ci ip ls I M 'nie-et Stra teg. a l .it, - . mx ...lD-the :, 'e"' accident.,.., t p ople tla ,ll , cfi ni -ex,-,,-g i-e -,su THE MOST NUTRITFIQUS, ourse ? Va tînt oh fli2 u ve ivnng SA rpal c-d tIci-att xx Iirut is tu1 hng fo An admirable food, with ail a gîthet fi u f a . c pe ,i l il ntîrlqualifies intact, pI flttate build up andi maîntain 1jtvi'at10hficj e a!smer t, c itri robust 1bealth, andti o resisti, sa7il geel Pi' 10tPe ligcf life. -winte-r's extreme cold.Soidt- h'iey auet- influe amaoî f lemth, in l lb. l tns, hlabelled JAMEI xxPLP iuis uorse tfluait oa. Il tle EPPS i& Co., Liïnited, corne hamk their returmuxii ilPc la tlue, Homoeoathie >hern- uîneeoh n resuunîecioi. WPnofuat 115 .i-iUiIAtU11~ E, agi titti, GI '5NÇI ST ~E 1$ rH & VIGOUR 47 lins attI nIo lîttrohsih lig ea tlimu l"- Im titiiZodac "ba Ls i,1ý1 ',. ait susa. 10>023 fltymk ý) '"e'-" - ed luhs-makos cearme food atîtriios- ielps the sji1 te g-at ail the g-eed out of the 'u~( I1me ,)'feiltbey sat-keepq 11cm ns fat and hcalt iy on ordinary flad as If they wxere gettia expansive grain. Noxling like it i î insure plomb, tendone cc LADnm and moution for makeýt-anl grow- apleniîi wo If you uvant your dýockîs t, iinler w-ail at te leat ex7pensa, for foed-use ___ Myers' Royal Caille Soitc, inioresting sand ciefl . I' r ,cII«aIý- "S01 1- 1,0111 ,~ - 1 nes, wiih x ' rkt u iDi t j'I I fr11oîrbeud nauowlycmnu '-' -itlu bis iife. Lborls ohfimuso tucehoi f heui oh 1louge si z i'leî'm î ýý ýis'en ohl the Gî'nmîaum rat, tend tmey are Ive ouci rporfail as beccumimu han ,fnîîu t-are iithe North Soa. Thmci- lia- I -cit is cattrilîxîtrulletIunir i orsutohf tb-hernig oais oiu tPexiitr rua ch, xxi - Saili Si ml 'caic- lmucio J - - rj T'EOUSANUofh uesare priseniersehofusase as scrl as tigh tiey were confined belmial lte bans. Man bave forge l içuir own chs les by the vices ef early ye'nm exieaure tO contagions dieoase, or lte excesses ci nanse.Yh,d Thasy feel tliey are miot the amen they eeg-Pt te lie or used te l'e. T'he vimn, iger, anti vitalty eh mannood are hacking. Arec Yea aeruts andI despoumlct? tirel li the nirnitug?haveený te force yenrself thretmgP the day's woai'k? have yen lattis a-U1 bition and eaergy? are yen irritable andl excitable? ces etneken, lepnessel and hag-gardlioeintgi inory- ponan braim haigel ? have yen wealc back with montas d llosses al- night ? ceposit inlrii es? weak sexnaily ?-yen bave"ý"7 Twervus IoiDebîllty and Semù1nal % ý IlkIleG , Ou0r NEW METHOD TR3AIMENT L goarntaie iý Cgrv or No Puy. 25 yeure îlai v1 1Î-,t.I5uu ~ eeaîuy.Ew-ree qacsCean~ou etofabd - nhilme hvleas. COnRuzteîio re. omi 11're. WiteferQnetiu Etn frHoeTrnmet LAT3TIMPROVED CLMI BOYiS ANI) GIRLS- Senil us your name attd allums(tnmieaci)!aeiw- w-ll mail- yoîu, pre-pail, 45 packages oh eut- id,,al Ài titre oh' Sw-ee Pean Seed. SalI theso for us, reixmn the nmone-',atîl va, %xilI senl yoîî tîis Peautilul hiile Tahiking Manrhume FREE, If you dilotmell ut tokagto, iry c.osts300 uibrg We maiie this i, solety te aulx tiSear once fo.îdte- ' '-criPiioe et ' If yo, n SerdC-, -i4ýi 'e talo t, kio toicil. seedsmen te ltme Canadien people, 1 rscl.cri, Whet i îurulhig. Addras uPT- a 1-1, te seenre promôipt î-eply. As the price of other buhdI-n îaeilissedi Sadvanring, the demand for soinethin- eheaper 15 da-'iy Sbecomîng more general and nothing boîter than Ccierent las3 'et been found as a reliable substitute. For si4dewaIIIks, floors, eulverts and solid masonry leaingbansstaleand silo work. areprpard ofuî'nih either at satistactory piealIsc an expeart t:) superintend their use. It will pay you te se u b for ptronizirg tho ýtravelling salesman who yo cabo reci gain. We have also a flu linc of lirdati ~ Sdi Wood and CotiCarcoal, Dressed. antid res f, Sasli, NOTES AMD M('MIENTS. The war ln thaearfaxt Is being- fought on an issue of lî , nd death betwx cn two nations. For such vital clasbes of int-eet the1 worl has Yet derv-ised no possible me thod of a' hi- tration. BI;t [et no one think hab- cause of that fact that'the outlook for jntormi atioaal riatn 1, glooiny. There is jirit at this tinie esiacause for stsacinin Lthe rush of the Furopean -powers toar- range 1botiveen hese'streate pro.idinig for the subm.xiss:'int h Hlague frlibenral' of althe i-norjr ritating disputes betweca thom. Sc a treaty was negotiateil last Octob- or bptwcen Franco andl Englanil. On ChitLs day a Siinilar trc aty a txvoen ranceiad Italy was signoed, a nd -this xxas followed by a treaty be- txi oen England andi Italy. Last woek bogt t-o more sucli trognjtes, naaaîly, tho.se between Frarce'and Spala auýd hctween Hollanil and Dr.n- mark. Fromi Washington it is an-i noenîced that England, Frnce, Italyi andi I folland have nIll pi eposed -inij- lar action to the 'United Stateýs. Exoopt for their preanbles and1 Signatures these tr-,atius are identical1 lan their w ording. Theý full text, trans- lntcd int o Englishi, is as folJows: Article 1. Differences of a judicial ordor, or quchlias rltthte inter- protation ci raiebxsfn etween the txxo contracting parties, wbich înay arise beltwoean theni and which miay net bo possible te sttle by ineans of diploniacy, shall ho submiit- Jted te the permranuit court of arbi- A Pili hi Time TRF.A TMENT 0F SI îUT IN OATSlfEUM~f UOl JAl Experimentsat the Ontario Agri- will save a serions sickness, espca! cultural Coliege. CAAA1IY EFC IT te people subject to Biions attacks,CA DA MY E Ec IN Sick Headaches or who suifer from Ma i equiieshve bcan made hv CREASE IN ORDERS. Stonxch disorders. A pillin need is a Ouil amr egarding tle frientim îindd and you should neyer treatr-1t1cf in aats, F'xprer- Providing Our Goocis Give Satis- bewtou a box of -mnsliiebcn conelactcd at theý% factionl As Regards Quality Colee a rer te ascertain th, and 1FPies. esd oCths et. lxxo viiti'es The Canadian Expert trade l cfcas were s'lec ind late sp;iig canned and evaporatod goofis is a of192,aa aai ui the spr nxg of conparatively noew one, but it is 190. ad e -foia sePles fi oin isteadilY increasing and proises te eah aio~ cc îîritted te develop into onelo0f large voluein i s~eigltretn ,ntswîti he eoblect tha near future, anys Mr. A. W. Soli eryher. e bxas 25 cents. fI hrgtL secso aîutnOer- (triadley ln bis srm'al report te the ___________________ ig tet egra'in. Thei arieus Leonlîrin iDepartîîîent of Agr'iculture - tratmnts ereas flleisof which ho is one of the representa- seî-ac-fmiigenthusî,îsin of f aitli? Iil £nmî ie ii--j ot ater1Fortues in Great, Britain. 'ThioBritishi Sîer tx Ar nat brute freas th;s emnt, tule Lgra w as P1zlaidmarchants haxe littie or ne> idea ni ila a ýbag, which was theîîiaîie-lh large assortnient of preservedi y et w!,1,,il, toar-i-iiîîwiixth an ter tbout 115 degrees F. mats, fan.1, vegetables and fiuits find a crilfrbsseul la tPe Se ate ards it xVas placol1 in which are packod by Canadian firms. abandonolbaoiniwbehcarsiatv hlh was lkept at a Ieiperii- 1GCreat Britajain flthe past bas tl.o twistii, w %rithirg deatié;b n turC between 130 degrees anul 135 l beeght ca,îned gooda largely froîi cf ~ ~ ~ - th1itetopd et degi'ous F. Thbe grain was occasion- France, Garnxany and Italy, but 0w- Thata lî stirrec and waallowed te re- ing o thte very frionly feeling that boat, darting liRe a siiettie tlrough ein la the water for a period of' bas arisen Patwarn tPe "Mothar ttc warp and wiof of the cro.,s fires, fiftean miinutas. It ivas thon spread Country n e Clne"Cn Wca\es for tivilizatien. a confidenicaeout lon a d cean floor te dry,' where t da fr" ale 'Co lnie,Can- uîssire oca loi nhîy.1cesian firs rov exp th lr go in- aa' boeas glorivus 4 ,ý , yt ()Jîi~.in i~Bluestone ~Sdn umes aodespeiig.hî ed comstructed by the netIe t d oil f iif;ý Fix e Minutes. For No. 2 igîva satisfaction as regards quality tender beiiaîolcace. tctP-ý , a strong solution vas1 and prîce. Tha laadîîmg Amaericani laae Pyvdissol,.i -goee pound of firms ,vho axportcanned fruits, yoga- Co iai ulparr (Becscna laenatablas, niants and lisP te Greant Bn- It la apprepriata tîat the tin)y gallon c xatar, and ltain.1e 1umursn tain ha-ve more push tban Canadian dasbing terî'edo beaýt sboul l liaie the nt i the slt foir a period b ouses. The Americans cither Iaxu fo0undî its am1osu oivie mas ter -i iof fixýe mîetes.1 repraseatatives of tboir own in Great the tiny, dashirg Jp.The îîîan fer (3) Iimmersion ;i iBiestou-e Sole- Britain te pusb their goods or if theY tio fr u-h e Hur. fathis consip-n to B-ritisP fixris te saîl on the tOrn ado Pont isthe manlxxho tatîî,tlob'soaslutiion nscmisiontbey fix the price at knows bovw te conimit lierai t ri. nd bydsoxigmepud of which the(ir goods are. to hbsl, l TPe fate cf tbe crcw ef the topcoblsoein2 aleu fwter, and lowing a goed commission, but not theent xvra iaorsd l ths ole alowig-prices te obcntutlan orlon Pont 1et ft e foi a br suc eed acces- tien for. a porldoi ftxeteheurs. te affect sales, In addition to this teiie toconee secea îthdelb (4) Spniinklleg mwilî iluastone Se-,they enclese handsome enîbesseil W o îay expertitîmrefora that for lutien-Ilis solution ad me by cards la each case of goods upon soie tntete eai itwil hot1edi Lsolxiig oee lounuim.l leestene ln wbich la plainly marked the retail *Jap uh xxii o fe fxeril wcte-0 galonrcf xatar, xxhicb unýs used price Inuit'- et tUe bcath me vrad cd bx _for sprint ling 0ver the onis until I NLSIMNY -1-1 lý- mmýý- ý' m ffl IL'