Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Mar 1904, p. 4

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The ,,aadiaUŽ StateSUllilabout the Fi ~0WM NVILE. AR." UQL in 13902 was ' Î6WM NfILE. 1àOi-$859,9-13,263, Farmors, write to Prof .C. A. ZaVt z6, 8e5dllans Ageulturai ole~Guelph Ont ,Ifor lmunicipalîti crculars giviîg fuot paticulans of -5 cittes 14 agnicultural oxperirnents: seeti furnish eti free Etccourage 1%aor bot s ta try an The 19041 expetiillezltSl plot It gives atiteti AssocIabion iutenost aurI pleasure te farta life anti Easter Moi exerts a wivosme influence ie koepii andti 5h.S the ri bot-s interestet inlu atm wcrk Buldiîngs iu ýVitctto aý anti mention fis papot- Lubrant and Publice Ito Frorn tho toue cfthie manyy bItera we distuisie have neceivedthie past two monthu Itemn deliven ati* lloivmanvile girls anti boys now living et iulapubli away frein lhe scenes cf thein carlien attend. ixys, wo are assureti thiat, prend as we Th ra are of their welfare anti succous, they Tego relaie a nevenence anti love for theo od mers are eS town thaf wiil continue thnougi 11e. and -the waher si are equally prond te bave their naines caIlle, as th associated stîll wlh Bowmanville Sncb ed freely anE expressions cf loyally te the own make that have bt those cf ns who presideoeven il feel thal o! a century nothing wo can do must ho lefI undone anxiously I ta mal woth of the love thgt ils the whose sons and-dtaugitens cheri-h fot il bai! them uù te drive tIbi Severai oiesons have expressedt l us ing places. a desire te ueo more busîs ci leading mec f laed in lie halls cf tie new Municipal, Our citizei 'uillding. They lhink ont request te Dr etiocfthie pI Iloskin was a -happy hougit. anti are lainmenîs s pleasedthlaï: ho compliedi se graciously tawui hall Ib We May say liaI tlie original ut of selves upto wvhlch this one is a copy n'as placet inl The oponirý the Edacalion Depaninent, Toronto, ilerium ba i* among mauy other busts cf public char- alleleti suc(g actes-Premiens. Jutige-, political and le a town cf scientific mon, heatisofithie University, ments lu iii andi so on-andthti reason lie Ontano local aIent Governmenl erdereti cre of Dr I-Jskin placcd befei placeti liene was becauise.for many yeans aud1ience-s! ohati been Cj-airman cf the Bouticf hati a Most Truistees c f the Univensity cf 'I'omento o epoin anti hati tevoteti muci ime andthieugit lu ceenectien iwiti tic duties cf that We bave1 office, l(4e of lIs ______te select on( Ont hopes oxpresse t aheic eginning temped te o! the year Ihat tie expeeditune on noatis one just lae and strecîs this yean woulti ho very mcci wbo ils evidE lessn'Iban last are net lkeiy ho ho eaizodt Owu progri berause lieeoxpieese cf siovollieg snow spirit shfow:1 anti trying leai novent flootis bas hem ho wites: langer thani for many yoans. Net oeîy words cf cer bas the seveno xineu causeti langer Ceuncil gel hueodexpeeditune but the corpona- MunicipalB tien expenses have been abnormna j,, v eIlthoc it largo aise. Il issali Iat miseny i os esimate. compary, se il may hc omie consolation iîg liat we teous that of ber fowes anti chies have isilors 10 experiencedtheb same Incubes that we letton hoe saj have hadto combat, The olticopv bock ltrte stand heatilino se famîlkiar te us in our scîol cffering av tiays-" »,, bat cannot ho cureti must ho those wbc ai entiureti" wil l apply very appropriately s-ymp4,îbize in eut present conditions trouble yeuî __________wav s than Afrer ail is saiti, a fauit finder tries cnra tueai -veCY few fnentis. We have in mind as suiccess aitt( WO write two sncb mon in Botvmaîîville cents. Whe anti neaffî we ha ce seldoin heanti a gootian ontenhain wotti saiti cf ither cf them. ýTbey are niglî s ou aLways ilookie-ig for fiaws or imperfections full andi you aniendeavoyin gý le convince -people cf lhiu cleverne-ss by poGinîing cut the short NýOTE You comnîgs cf cîhers orthe weakness cfincreaso in something. Coulti such depreciators anti Cbase's Ner carpers but cee anti kncw the estima'e cerlainty tIl placetion them bly theïr fklIowp, fhey il, being-add -wontd change thein ways anti lock as sevenest te.t eannestîy for a change to say nice things muent ant i ~ of people anti things Wo have be loti great reste:i le write this pararrapi Item coming lu W Chase, contact for a fow tiays wî h nee of these suthor. men anti we are heanlly woany of bearng bis whiniugs anti carping criticismns. Ni Strange as it may seoin ta eut readers, Mlrs. Geo. scarcely a day bias passeti since eut ne- a pleasant v eleotien as Mayor of luis town on lie Hlope.... Mr 3th ?f Junuary lasI, thaf we have net ing Mrs. J. receiveti lettons cf congratulation. J chun Brigh Several cf them bave coefo tm unex- Wetinesday peeteti quartons, tee. 1W e wisi le explileFriday .... te the Pensons wio have saiti anti written inZ . Mi se many kinti wondstislaI il bis Ieen in- port Hope ý possible for us la acknowîetige hieso Ladies!1 JetIons, for ho telilie trutb we have been beuîîbv and tee hnsy snceoeut reelectin te gi, e hCe laite biller time noecessarv ho sentiing the lettons liaI Solti by Ste:l hiave copie ho ns. W e oey grcatýy appreciate lie encouraging tvonds sont te us anti shah stnive tle wetbilv fil! bbc iresponsible office ta wiich eut teiiew- cifizens bave premofeti us. lienr ail ycur The stenn goed wishes, n e thank you le a ver.y bh _______Retidicit prE However longeor sho t ne ray ocup number o! -the office cf àMayor iy lie nmfil cf onrtahking in lu felicw celochons, ticie are twe cîcîses cf val at Oran persons wiom wo shahI even gratotu îl. Charniers ai reinemher-hhota'ent ti ees tvbo saing fientisa fneelv and genenously assi-tet ahttCeblas beon i111 opening oncerts and tF.e c tizens wbo Duvoy lbf t t nespontieti sa îoyalîy tho eut nequeshtea Ttegarva, IM attend lie oening fuinctions et the new is getting t< Town Hall anti Public Libnary, We - -. Mrs. Jume wero gneatly clîeeneti iy île nespolise oc f iýt daghte) bohh classes anti only hope tialtbey are Mr. Thomas as well pIens tci oethle success cf ti e .-Mm ['Moses ententain-ients as we are A ccnscieus- distemper ba nosu liaI we bave the confidence anti Miller';s Co respect cf tie people wbom tve arc cents!for 50 slnlving to faitfnily set. e nt!ie îposition dtimgishs. R.C S S SYRUP ïýlteee LI NSE AND lifu evntgFeb TU PETINE.friends, Th C& Cente a boUtle, ifamtly size three times asperel i va mui 60 cents, at ail dealers, or E-dmranson, pe t 1 Ottav Saues & C.,ý Toronto. Duniams rm 1To proteci you agant imitatioans the por. Kerr, Intila tratts.d sgnature cf Dr. A. W. Chas.. iks J. Moui ulging lu games anai gooti gr. anti Mns. W. Avery gave il unco panrvFriday n. 26IL teir relatives and 7h veing wus eenjoyably Lio1.s games anti dancing... D-yer has solti anti ahîp- wa oe f bis thoro-breti ealizing a gecti figure. 11r. an Hlea(t, roeulîtv viiiteti aI Intjoy '5 i- are a f ew fig-ures] 'rovieco of Ontario liaI mav me reatiers . Tho population 2, 097,267; total Issesement s; taxes for ail purpose $14,- ate-per beati$6 94; milîs on iSý Number of township leos507, towfls 05, vlIllag9es 4, countios 88. Lmeeting cf Onta rio Llbrary nwill ce holt inluToronto nday and Tuesday, April 4th Some topies are -Library n O)ntaric,"' ,Co.operation o! .i Scbiool,," "Ilew to deepen orosI iu the Libirary, " Some eti Canadian writors wll drosses. AIl pensons intereit- lie libraries are lnvited te iltest difficultv liat many far- 'nîouding withi just now lis uçplIy for Ibeir horFes anti ffi wells that beretofore !low- re almesl dry anti sprngs beou alive more than quarter y are about dry. A Ihaw is looketi for, particularlv bY eo Ilive stock have been put On suùai allowanco anti who have Lu a long distance 10 water- eus have bense long deprlv- easure cf attending' enter- silce tlie remnoval o! lie -old bhat tiey have given them- op1leasuro tho paSIt we weekS ng co ncerts in the new Anti- ie been manket b 'y unpar- ,esses Lt isanesmall credit of Ibis size thal five enlerbain- mcossion eau bie givon by i and net a wetk number bie ore the auidienuces-anti such ! rruly lihe nuw building bas lt auspÈioils anti successful recel ved 5 maeiy friendly ate thal if may t eem invidilu ne for publication, but we are quete a fow sentences from b aud from picperts holder denti y desirous of seeing the ,ess and admires the public 7n bv last year's Council, for "I would liko te atit a few ongratulatfce te you and lhe -eraîly for the maguifieet Buildingyou bave erecteti. ýbas cost more than ycur We have now a public beilti- , are not ashamedt'o Luake )sec." Fartier on lu bis, ass: IL is a vert' easy mal- i by andti flîd'fault inisteati of word cf encouragement to are doing thoir ,est. I eau o with vcu lu the worry and uhave had lu mant' more 1 can concelve cf (rom lie finish of Ibat building. I te yen, toc, on lie grand tending your opening cou- on ycu undertook te gel up nmnents for three couseculive Scertainly had tvcar bauds nu deserve greal credit." )Ru WEIGI-T-,Bv noting your n weighi wiiile usiunz Dr. ive Food you cf n prove for a bat now firm flesb andti issue Ied te the body. This is the ,t v ou eau appl7 te aey Iront- prove's the suponiorily of Ibis )rative prescription of Dr. A the famutos Ieceipt Bock îEWTON VILLE oHancock bas returaed from, visil witb ber son lu Port nrs. MeGee, Toronto, is visit- .Weeks ...The funeral cI ,twell, wbo dieti suddenly ywas largely atlended on ..Mrs /W Laneiscenvalec iss Lizzie Barrie visited inL Saturday. If you would bc strcng- and Iý bave gooti complexions, 3r s Compouetd Itou Pille. )t & Jury, tiruggists. LESKAItD. rn cf lasI weok lef t fie roatis bat condition .... 11ev. C. S. reacbed bore Sunday .... A cur ycunz peuple ietend he Grand Masquerado Carni- mo March 16tb. -... Mrs. S and litIle daugiter are visit- at Poutvpool... Mns. Millet . ...Mr and Mns. Arthur lis wteek for their home ie Mlau.... Mr. John Thornfon radv to move te Manitoba.. es Powers Kiî iv, is visiting ;or Mrs. Arthur Robbies,... is White is oul arounti again ,Robbins' herses have bati atily. ompound Iron Pis, enly 25 ,oses. Solti by Stoît & Jury, MARRIED. BEST-PÂTTERSON---At the residence of the bride's parents, near Oshawa, by Rev. J. J. Rae March 2nd, Mr. Herbert J. lIes, Orono, and Miss ;Alvâi Patterson. J0a'Es-StUDEN--Il Oshatwa. March 2nd. by Rev.,J. J. Rae, Jlohn RolainO Jones and Ethel Margaret, daugliter of Mr. Robert W, Sugden, hoth of Oshawa. OIEO BEAmisi-In Winnipeg, Mareh4th, Frank M, Beamaish, Interred at Port Hope. MALCOLM-Suddenly, near Ellesmere, March 4th, Archibald Malcolm 'n blî 68th year. ALLAN-In Toronto. Feb. 26th, James A. W. Allan, second son of Mr. Allan, Ayr. aged 21 pears. Formerly an employee of Bowmanvllle Foaudry Co.' PLUMMER-In loving memory of Mrs. Elleanur Plummer, who departed this life Marci 9th. 1903, aged 74 years. One year ha$ gone but stili we miss her, Neyer shalllier memory fadte; Loving thoughts shall always linger Aronnd the grave where mther's laid, How liard it f5 we have to part, With one we dearly love, But tiieresa thonglIt that ebarms our heart, Thai we may meet above. "Them aiso which sleep in Jesus will Cod bring wi th him." UfOW IT SPREADS. The first package of Hein-Roid (the lnlible Pile cure) that wasf put out went to a, srall town in the State of Nebraska. ILt made th.e cure of a cage of Pileu that was considered hopekes. The news spread and althougb thîs was only two yeaxs ago the demand prorapted Dr. J. S. Leonhardt, of Lin- coin, Neb., the discoverer, to prepare it for general use. Now it is being sen te ail parts of the world. ltIvill11Gure auy case of Piles. Thera iu a nionth's treatrnent in oaci box. Sold for $1.O00, with absolute gumma- tee. ý- I; is for sale by druggist. SoId iu Bowmanville by Stott & Jury. R-ini coats are a verv sensible garment as they are now made, they inake a verv nice liglit overcoat as weli as a rain coat The Mason Co. have the best assort ment and valuLes tbey have ever slîown. See them. MIORE KNOWLEDGE 14ORE MONEY. ô yoi t ad a betier knowledge of .~ I aIoit LEPNOSHORTHAND, CÛ)M- * MItBCiAL LAW. JOINT STOCK 4CoarANY Lâw, BusiiNesg CoRRESPON,- ,à DCEwould't youb le lu 10earn l'iore moriey ? * W tech hes BYiMAIL ai a very esmnall expet se. à Anvone wlhO nan read and write dan learnithe5e thinigs. I Write for or free booklet andl state the subject or subjects Yoiu would like* to study. CANADIAN CORRESPONDENCE* * COLLEGE,, Lirited.' Toronto, Ont.: TUrùrRNIPS WANTED. I mill buv a f,3iw car-catis o!fneediunm wim,, anti gooti qnalihv Tunips. J. R. FIN KLE, AIthie Evaponahor, Bow,,manvll, i an. 12, 1901. 8-tf, EXl'EUIOufRS' SALE Est ate of lHE NRY ÀDÀMIS' decea.sed. FARiV LANDS AND TOWN LOTS. T IIE TORONTO GENERAL Trusts Corporathn , the Exncutors, will offer for sain ly public andctinat the New Armstrong flouse, Town of W hitby, on Salut-. day, Match 191h, 1904, ati2 p M , thea folowing fist -72 ACuFS, utore or less. cf the nast blitoc Lot 17. Broken Fionet concession, Towiinshîip uf Easft\Vhitby. This is a g-ccd tar in a gond stale cf cultiva- lion. Smnali apple orclard, bnating. Tiie fiarrn fronts on Laike Ontario and las a goaciweliî Theme is a 1R stcrny dielling bouse v20 x s6 t., with kitchen and woodshedît.a frame barn 80 x 54 fi framn stalle 16 x0f.fracn ebar, I 20 ft. Ti--ianmi t4 utiles frote Wliitby antidielicwa and 2ý' 'iLles hein h iîtby and Oshawa i ii. Leased ci -'.9W) pr 11cr ttnatantd taxes, p -ase8s100 cat li gi ni Apil lst, 190.) 2i.- Part cf North baif cf L)t 17, Con. 1, Tovrcslip cf Ptckeritg;h 97 ctes imone ec, s mn a ' ta ttnfci cullavation. Weil ce the preclies.kTnis propnrty is witliju lcf a mile of PceigVillage, is close te Spieks' Flouricg MiL ce i iiflln's Crenk. Buildings, il storey franie huse. 22 xa 16 St., 1. stotny kilcien. 20 x ,-,t1t. New trame arin M6 x 72 ft,. wich stene horse cnd catule stables 11ramne dnli!g hanse 29 x 32 fi., and tramesheti. TOWN LOTS. 7est hall of Lt -I Block 'A" Town o.f Wbiitby, 24 x 132 fet, Oi1thîe noll sideoOf Don- dlas sem,, ij ear the t7ortîer cf Duadas anti Brocit stteets, otuwhchare ýtwe nyait trame stores, one occupind-by William tJaiverley. Pirt et Lots8,, B1o ek A" , 27 test tr onthae, more or iess, on Ei îet on which is a gooti trame Fstalle 27fet TERMS-lo'l on frmprp erty .ai lime of sale; 20'1 ' Ont lown prmy. -Balance lu one For fuîpart icuat and Conditions of ~ah, aply10 he omûooto Generai Trusts Cor- poration, anti Ihe utdersignetisoiitranti auctio eent. J.E. FAR1EWELL. Eý. FAIRBANKS,i VZ idotS Soi(oitoIl, auzltotîeer. Wbitby, Ont. 1 10-2w- B.J.Hazlewood,3i.D.,C.M. BOWHANILE, * ONT. (~ODMEDALISI e! ?rlnit,7 Un- G0ivnsity, Toronto; Fout years Aîlendtng Physician an d Surgecn at Mj. tCarmeiH08pital, Piitsburg, Ks. Ofliee andi Residene e ext ntoom te Ex-Mayor jMitcheli's, Elgin St. Telephone No. los EXTENSIVE DISPERSION SALE 0F Reg, Clydesdalp. .Stallion, MARES AND FILLIES. Reg. Short-Horn Cows3. HIIFERS AND BULLS. BERKHJaEP1GS, FARMING lm PLEmEN 18', E PC. tir. J. O.-Howden Wiii sel liv Public Auction ut bis fanin in tiri Town e! Wbltbx', Kingston toati, ý mile cash rof fhe centreocf the THURDAYMARI17J 1904, the wbole cf bis val.uable stolck, oIc , as fellows: 6 Reg.Cldeal mares ant i fuies 1 Reg.-Clîiotilestaliuon, isieg 2 .vrs olti, bv Lord Linticck. 15 Reg. bieort-hore ccws anti beifers 1 l mperteti bull 5 Blils, borne-iteti, uîer 1 ear elti, regîstereti. 9 Berksbire sows, rogistereti 2 Working herses. A' Co)mplote set of farming implements. The regiiereti stock is ail fir3t-class atid are irýcts' tescentieti (mmim- Ne' resonve, *IMn. Howden having renteti is (atm. For lunthet partionlars ueo, posters. Catalogues eau -bo hatiou a'plication le J. D. 1-lowtien, afler 201h Febnuary. rFAIRBANKS & JACKSON, Auctioneers. AMFOR SALE.-Beýiin g lot) FAacres, more or less, south )art of lot 21, con 1, Darington, nwihae l:I. andi necessaty tanin buildings wtth atone stable and elar tuderneath biarn full size. 0,chard of 1ý acres,wnhl wa ereti by two wells adstî rnnîing Stream, (Couveninvb arîlo Station G T. R,, post office and sbo.Ps session immdiatmîy cmas May be cg-rend ece Very favorabîn tarins wiil lin given. A\p'Iyro JOHN WITHERmE.On pr'e isPs, W.T. Wimtn. iTxE, 29 Vananiey si Ta3rGeto or M.. JÂAMES, Bowndnavvile Wall Pperse Sp'ring, 1904. We have received o r Spririg Stock of Papers in ail the new(st designs and colorings direct from the manufacturers, This is the flnest assortmaent we have- ever had and invite your linsp)ection,. 'Rooni Moulding'q in ail shades and widIths to match, papeî's. Wirdow shades iin plain and faucy colors withi and withoutlace triwmings. Bookstore. Mr. andi lrs. S. S. Brooks Icave for England îliis Wednesday ... -. Mr Lea pcid Courlîce gave a splendid report cf the convention at !Camnpbelîford necenblv ...Mr. and Mns. F. Wondcu aud Mr. Hedley Oke and Byrel vîsîled friends hene recently .. . . Sveral ftem hene a- tenidcd lie concert in bbc new Town Hall Friday evening anti wene highly pleoased with il. Mauy favorable commeuts wone heard conceruing lie new building .... Mrs. L M. Courtice anti ins. 1H. Gay are visiting Mrs A. E Clemieus, Tynone .... Mrs W. H. Moore, Tyrone, is visit- inher sister Mrs A. ýAêyb:ori .. . ,Mn. W.Fursey has leaseti and removedtri Mn. H, Oke's farm ENoaMÀous Guowr-Ever inice Dr. Chase's Kideey-Liven Pis wera first introducedt le epublic the sales ihave steadulv increaseti, each vear beînig langer Iban the t ear pnecotiiug. This le probably lie ilest evidence o! their romarkable efficiencv, as a Irealment for derangements o! ti,. kidneys, livor anti bowcls Tbey are invaluablo as a family mecicino. AUCT[O& SALES. TIJESDAY. 'Marci 15-Mn. Elwooti H. Lick, lot 4, con 2, Fast Wtîitby, will sou aIl of! ais (atm stock, împlemeiits, housebolti furnitare. etc Sale aI 1 o'cIock. Seo buils. JAs. Bîsfuor, Rue- tieneer. 10-2w,v TauTRSD APOÂhcH 17-Mn. J. D LJow- don,, Wbitby, will belti au extensive Dispersion sale o! registeroti Clydes- dale staîlien, mares ant i fuies, reg- istereti Shori Hema cows, heifers anti buils, Berkshire pigà, !armiug impie- monts, etc. for partieulars of whicb see adtinlsnotherecolanan antibis. Senti'for catalogue. FiRaBANxs & Jasoauctioneers. WEDNEBDAY, 'Marci 23rti--Mr. Jacob Gauti lot 12, Con. 3, Dairlington. will sou bhis (atm Stock, implemfelits, etc. Sale at 1 O'lock. Seoe bills. L. A. We. TOLE. auctionéer.- THUR5sDAY. Match 24i-Mr. 'John Clemence. lot 3. Con , 1, Darlington, will soit aIl of bis vainable farm tlock implemeats, etc. Sale aI 31 o'clock. See bis. L.- A W. 'lOLE. auctieneer. EHEUMATSM-IS Completely diven from Ibhe s\ystem bv Milburu's Rbeuma tic Pilîs. lioY givo relie! (rom lie paint, limier up thie Stil! Joints anti cure wheuî other mothotis of! Ireatmont (ail. .REXALL OL DYtS Theso Dyes wîll dye Wool, Coton S11k, Jute or Mixeti Gootsinlonee bath l1hey are tie lalest anti most improveti Dyes lu the wenld.. Tny a package Ail elors aI A. L. Nicholîs' store. ib,&PLLI GROVIL.1 Mr. A. W. Foee 2s t Ilontreal neý cceuty ... The %fisses WilLins gave a pleasant party 1o about 25 young people recently .. .. iMn Jujo ox i isiutung in Toronto.,lins. Jno. Muniayaud lins. S. Snowdcn hati quilting becs necontly... Mn T. J. Cole bas engagcd Mn. John Gay for the summ'ner. ... 31. T Trimb!c 0shawa, upent Suntiay ah home .... A jelly party was enjcyed at Mr. Wm. Mc- Reynolds, Brcokhîli Dairy, recently... M'edniesiv eveniug 7o uigibors anti fientis anueémbled ti athe- home of Mr. Jacob Stevens lu honion cf bis birtbtiay whicbho hati net celebrateti for egil yeans, bcing hotu on the 2thh cf Febru- ary4 Aften aIl got uicely settieti Mn jas. Giltillan, B3. A, mas chesen ciairman After stating lie object of lte galiening he calleti ou n Chas. Suowdeu who nead an address and aIt tc prc&per limne Mr. Ernest Foley ou belaîf cf tie corn- pany, presenled Mr. Stevens with a, beautifoul uphoîstereti chair. IHo ematie a suilable neply thanking the frientis anti shating il was a total surprise as they werc away frein homewben tiecocrn- panyrgaîbencti Speecbos werc made by Messrs Walter Foley, C Ccx, E. Foley, R D Sncwtien anti Miss Hancock. âir. Gîlfilan led inu prayen afler which ail di ti .*sticCthle contents of tic wcll-filled baskets. Gantes cf ail kintis was indulg ed in and a vcry pleasant evening spent. IIE's WELL KNQWN IN PORT HOPE Mr. Chas. Gilcirisî Declares DoCdd's Kitiney Pilisý Cureti Rlis Diabolos. Hoe Suff ereti for Ton Yeans anti Coulti Getl ne Relief Till Ho Trieti the Great Caniadian Kitiney Remetiyl PortI hope, Ont. Match 7 (Spocilai). -Il bas long been admittedt Iat wbat wiil cure Diabolos, wiii anv form of Kidnev Disease, anti Detit's Kitiney PuIs Lave cureti the long standing Dia- Ibotes of Charles Gilcinist o! this place. Mr. Gilchrist 18 easilv oeeof lie bestý fknown mon in Port Hope For fift.een v ours te was, Chie! e! Police anti fer lwenty-twe von nrs Fisb erv Overseer o!f the Dominion Govei-n mebt Wben atl-' eti regarding bii cure ho biatine hesit- ution in sa% ieg il was causeti by Dodtis Kidney Pis anti uething else. 'I bati Diabolos anti Kidney Disonder fer Ion ears,"hesaiti 'AVy urine was liko nickdust anti1 I ba t ernîble back- ache I tnieti doof ors, tnieti everything, but coud gel ne help tlii1 was utiviseti te tryDo.ld's Kideoy Pis. leotumen- ced Iaking lie.e, scon be-gun te gel botter anti am quit e weil now If I lad net uçed Dotid's Kidney rave. 1 rn sure I wonli bave been in my Soundi K!dnevs lake aIl impunilies eut o! be blod. Dotit's KitiuevPillsrnake soueti Kidneys. They are tie greatest toniecof thÏe age. BORN. FlAWLY-On Match 2 ai Cobourg, ta Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Hawley. a daugliter. Ollaux-At 50 Admirai Boad, Toroento,Mareh 2nd, 10 tMr. and tirs, W, J. O'Hata, % daughter. HuIrcîsuIIINs-On Fnb. 25. at 7EdmontIon St.. ýWinnipeg. Man., te tMr. aud tirs.H. W. Huteb- Pil InOrono, Fnb. lSih, bti r. andi trs. FnkPeate, a dangliter-stîilhemr. TA1JNTO.. The weather-man seemus b be in a happier (rame of mindof! ate, giving us seule of bis brightness.. .Our new- born Division is doiug splendidlv con- sidering the chance it bas had. Look eut.for our box social March 2, open 10 the world Specials fromn Enfield,Solina and Foley. Itemember the date.... .La Gripp.e has gone fie rounds of cur village pretty thoroughly this season. ..Mliss F J. Armstrong who has been iudis;posed fer some time has, again re- sumed du lies aI Dryden's sehool.. Mlessrs. Wm. Beekel and Wes. Ellins have lately purchased new kitchen ranges.... .Our tewn àbutcher bas been deiag an extensive business lis winler, Wouldn't il be a good ide4, Charlie, le strik e up a trade wilb the J aps ? Their Lgentle action and good effect on the systemn really make them a per- fect little pili. Tbey please those wbo use them. Carter's Little Liver Puis mav be well termed ' Pertection." For Cougbs ef young or Cougbs cf old, Wood's Norwav Fine S3 rup's the best remedy sold. For cold lu the head or cold in the, chest, there's nothing like l, il beats al the rest. A MODEL PHARMACY. During the past week Stott & Jury have addea two more of those handtome plate glass show cases te their stock. They are tic only cnes cf the kind in towe and are undoubtedlv the finest cases madeienl Canada. This gives tbem over 90 feet of show case shoîf room at the same time addiug greatly te the appearance cf tbis most attractive place cf business. Stotî & Jury express tioemselves as greatly pleased witb their now business stand, opposite the Ontario Bank, as they have muci larger promises than fornîerlv anti many conveniences that they were unable te secure in the oldi premises whieh lhey hati eccupieti for about 40 3ears. Their optical parler is specially wortby of mention as we doubi; if thore is a better equippeti opticai esablishment iu Ontario. An institution of uis kinri is cf grent value te eur citizens as il giveq tbem advantages Ibat few towus cf this size enjoy anti especially as Ibis depart- ment is under the direct charze of one of tfin oldest and rmest experienced opticians in lhe Province whose ativice andi services are rentieredt lecustomers eetirely free of charge. TYRONE. Miss Lizzie Virtue is visiing frientis in Port Perry, . .. Mr. Tom and IMiss Lizzie Penfoued, Cîiurtiee, were recent guests elcirM. Samuel Biighamû... Seven initiations le Home Cirýle recent- lv .... Miss Ella Sanders is visiting, ber aunt Mrs J. Brock, Bowmanville.. Bible Question ConteIt and Song- Service at League Fridav e 'ening Everone invited .. . .A number cf TYronese en-i joyeti "The Temple cf fa in l Town Hall, Bowmanviile Saturdav evering, .Feb 29th. 1904 will long ho neanienai bereti for its ramankabte weathcer--snPow, býail.raie, ibuncder, ightning ,andi bigh wirds, Signatuxe/' 4'*.> 2 Bean, the Ibo Kind Vuî L:a lAlways Brngt opriqMtdsC opyrtqhteci FIT4iESTFOVI11 ~ ~U1313ESI Do Your Rtibbors Leak? If so buy a pair of Dainty Mode rubbers for sale iau Bowmanville at Sthe West End House, Dainty MAode rubbers are, iight in weight, fuit of pure gum rabber, wear well, guaranteed wvater tight and are of the most s-tylish.shapes, and are Lruaranteed to g"ive perfect satisfaction in every respect. Throw yýomr ieaky rubrs away andi lty a pair of I Dainty-[odes as tl2ere are great quantÎties of snoW and ice to meit '~and Spring showers ahead of you. la fact, it wYi be an awfui sloppy e SSpring. Women's Dainty=Mode Rubbers 6oc. lleln's Dainty-Mode Rubbers 90c Most1 Satis- Style a nd Sbers we ever Wear In Every Shandled at ar this Store.E 5 inches wide, fine pure Silk Taffeta and Satin ribbons in following popular shiades Lîglit and Deep Pale Blue, Pink, Corn, Navy, Fawn, Cardinal,Çream or White, Nule Green, Ileceda Green and Black. Per Yard. - -25,Ç, (This &,tore will bave you rnoney on ail ribbon wants for Spring and give you the Sfinest quality Rîbbons. Ribhonu are boughtby us frorn sanie Old Country. house as we Sbtuy our Sllks frorn (the largest in the world). Prices ought to be riglit corne and see for Syourself. 1904 Spring Styles of Mon&s If Its a2Otb Century Garment You Headgear Just Opened up. Buy For Spring, Its Riglit. Priestley's Dress Goeds lu Black New Si1ks and Satins Opened Up or Colored Sold at This This Week Ail Popuiar _ Store. G nd. Shades.I Finest display ever shown at West End Ilouse anid fot ail in yet but what is here-tûeo Ladies say-are very, very beautiful and soreasonable. We invite you to inspect our Spring Wash Goods display for 1904, Exclusive patterns shown at McMurtry's. Finest Scotch Gingharns, Faney and Plain Muslins, Crum's Prints, Canadian Printq, Cotton M oiennes, Figured Sateens, Cotton Tweed Effect Voiles, Gauze Cotton Grenadines, Cotton Basket Weaves, Plain black and white open work Musiins, faney Grenadines and fancy Vestings. Bi- range here-rnore to corne. B owmanvile a

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