The object of caolcery should be to prepare food ill the mrost nutritious, palatable and easily digestible forai. ý S iF vi AAINSasî iC1 pibwlh&i o'Vry ti' A. j j Je n iifi tte sdPrl et U rV . Subcr lien ~ ~ ~ u 01 eracsm r$10I pai tîcty iA IHÎE COUNTR"Y GENTLEMAN AN APITTEDLY "','y deparîmotmnt written by specialists, the hligi eSi athein utheir respective lUnes. 'No ethojr-pepr profonds to compare with iL 1-11,q0ualLiaou oAeditral staff. Gesthp igricultural NEWS wlth a degree Sf umpctttoLot evein attempted by others. INDISiPENSABLETO ALL COUINTRY REMIDENTS HIO WISiI TO KEEF III? iITIITHE TIMlES Single Subsriptions $1.50, Tee-a S . ~e.. 5-> F ire Subsriptiens $5.501. t4PEVIAL I.NIUCEMENTS TO BAÀISIERS 0F LAIWEII CLUBS. riour MOntliS' Trial 50C. SPECIMEN COPIES Wli be malleS frec on roquest. It wll psy $n1yb->dY ntercsted 1 li aiy way ln c untry lue iom-ndfurtheui. Address the publishers : LUTIIER TUCKErt &SON, Albany, N. Y. Bleslsa ad Boothoes the Lungs and Bronchial Tubes. Cures COUGHS, COLDS, l3RONRITIS, HOARBSE. NÉSS, etc., quieker- than any rem. edy known., If you have that irri. tat-mg Oough that keeps you awake at night, a-dose of the Syrup wilI stop it atoce 'USED FOR RIGIIT YEARS.- T aeused DR. WOOD'S NZORWAY PINE YRPfor every meold Ihaîe had for the puetighit yeaorsF, with wonder- f ni suceis. T nover sec a friend with a cough or cold but that 1 recemniend it.- M. M. Ells-worth, Jacksonville, NJ.l PRICE 25 CENTS. I A !IID@ m-rv'r- i ulala CANADA, the best Fur producing country in the îsworld - Toronto, is " industrial cenre-we are the biggest Fuir-. riers iu Canadal, Tlre," Furs are guar- wîýcll scade, and or nlbe refunided. made lo fsuperior Fur witb, full collars ani t r i mni e d .vith !-,x or eigbt tmils 55 luches long. Sld anywhero e nAmerica fer $io, our special pnîce this seasori $7.501. Pene men 0'tt e Fur-li nedh Bpeavorotidel ihOtto spi wdicakat. The big-k ioibran ont ctaou $50. ~ ~ ~ Uf -5lefo aalge Don'tM the littie- k ' o osif tho bed le weýt the mri.kisn'tth * hid' fui.It is su'tin frm wak-1 nes of the kiducys zaad bladder, mad weak kiducys need trnthnngt a'sal. IYou cani'tafford telis.,dly cgetsa entail a lifetimoe of sufeing n isery. KIDNEY PILLS Strengthen the kidneys and biadder, thon ail trouble le at an ed. Mrs. E. Kidner, a London, Ont., mother, living et 499-Gray St., says: ha" Ay little daughiter, six years old, bias ld weak kidneys since birth. Last Feb- muary 1 got a box of Doan's Kidney P111, ut Strong'a d-Ug toe.Since taking, themn she bas had nu moreekidnoy trouble of any kind. I gladly malte titis statmn o ,cause of the benefit my child has received froni this medieilue." DuaiIv Paner- OneVerFre THE 1AILY STAR i, ootfsfvrt daily nowspaper. Iu Eowmnville it haq a iar larger circulation (at 2.c a ioonth or, $5300 a year> than an7 other evenina- paper. It is o pecialiy the farmer'sadbuy ansapr givlng altheneews lu bif form and ît, '(di- toria page je free from h.fad Ld gsb.aail on fair lines. It L3 anindeiP-,enderet Liberal paveriluwiulch tbe tiuîb isfear]essly told and polit! cal oppon ents are treated iln a courteons, and gentleîuanly manner. This sprit cf fair- ness bas made t many stauncli patrons among Consrvatives as iwell as Liborals. The fact ihat its circulation bas bee» tuereasing9 by lealis aud bounds is sufIS jent evidence of al. popular- lty. OUR GREAT OFFiIR-Every ïubscriber to, The Stuteoman w ho wviii pey hi, subseription teo the eid off neàt yer (1904) and aoud us oue boua. cide uoew subî,criher ta cur paper for 104 at 81.0-0 wiil re.celve The Dafiy Star for 6 moaths fiee, and for twý sincb new subacribers et $1 each %ve wîil send The Datly Star 000 Whoeyear ir e. Such an offer as ti wag nover before made Farmers es]eeially should taire advantage off this offer. Oct yotnr ueLghbQr to subscrilte for The Sfatesmian balance off 1903 frece ai$100 or twu neighbors oýr friendesud the daïiiypaper Is yourt for a year froc. This offer s~ opon Luo everybody, eýxeeting subscrlbora ln Toronto. ilowianville a nS ther towns where The Star la haudlcd by the newsdeaicrs. THE MOST N'UTRITIOUS An adiriable food, with al its nlatural qualities intaent, fitted ',0 billd up and ma'inltain robIuCst healtbl, and o re Jsist ýwrInter's extrce eCold. Sold il,-ilb. 'tins, ,lbelled JAMEj4,S ists, London, Englnd GIVINO STRENGTH & VIýGOURC. mXmaor Zr1oua OIZLDPs~.l Tlhe trusteeis, erovtar , and other ' offleems of the FroecIHospital for Consump.. tîves at Musltoka are daily in receipt 01 maany piteous letters. .À foi days since ùMr. W. J. Gage, off Toronto, Chairman off the Exocative Committee Of the National Sanitarium Association, received( a letten from a resident Off Quebec, Ploading for the aS- -mnission Off a victim off isle droad iwhite Plaigne, living albout a hundred nles souc-eas of Monrea,jj as aking if ;t isce nt possible te admnit honrmu tCe Fr -ospital.Thiîcritersys: &Io farmer in a place cllS Gshn, a ho townii-p off Windlusor. TPe docýton says that lier leoftiung onl]y letrald.SP is able te o ablout, 1but her appeCtte la Very bad. 1I PoeileIoif seoaSlda- mitteS into thPe Friee optiforton- Oum ptives 8sitein ightL hO cure.Sieeui not pey nxucb, if anything. J-indiy 'et mie ltnw if yen couîd rceeci.voechemIl We are told by Mn. Gage thlat aprplica. tiens for admission te the Fre Hospital reacli the seenetary froin ail pointe in tPe Dominion, euS patients have breen mc- ceived £rom Prince Edisard Island on tPe eaet te Alberta on the iee.Tiei handred and twentfvpti enehv becnaednitten eghteenmentan net n, single patient bs eei rfue becainse offhis ùon htn evety. We au lharly thinlt off anycaiy thatapes more pteiolyfor tLPe Support f tPe Canadien peuple.' iSubeevciptiene mnay be egut t) S""Wm ,,. Mýfeedib, ît., VcPrsien"ff tPe Nationial Sntrnt soiain r t M1r. W.J. 6a NOT'ES ANDCO ENS Thie slckniess of William11 of Gerulacny S -gg1'ts a few thoughis aboutth train off moiar-Chs for thothon i the mthod emiployed in litting young Prinuces to becomne the rulersl of aigbl- ty ingdotuons and emp ires a WVOý polic-y ?,It je Wise as far as it geecsi btit docene go 1'ifar eough,. or aparntue flisl. put thnugh a e-i ,ýere couise off boolc lan '-i. ley aretugt a good da about histonyi P)articalarly thiat llf ti eir own couln- try. Tbey get ia smatturing of one, Or two dead laguge,-ood îvor- ing Laowledgec ,f tUrne or foutr ic unes, and, es>peially -ia eîan, thorougb kaowiedge ef the mnAlc nmns ard the art 0f wa,sofa a that Cen be ttgi ~bo-san- i-ham btis he çuailgen- erally tto:s Altur that tecrn pra s eCelv ivait1. On Pe datbcf the rVrthcy ut e s dde'lyeles atcd toe cîz7y height w) ich lequines greait executi-se ahi ity and cool judg- muent. TI.ey are quickly trarffe roi out of the neala e of theory Lnd buo' s 'to0 tle rnlaoff fante1aiid li e. It is no wonder, then, there ure netol moeg eat mouarchs. It je a wn der, aur such a ytm thatthr bat'eluens saycpbeinonan clis as hS eytcrs T; t!e t ew caseo ff CeugenW pie fWl . iç W a avaloffi rer. n lie dcm1iso ofis eider bIotizeAietVkt or, hlievas takenl euzt tf tPl atic ueOffthe nauy and be~aiu te picce cf Wales. Sucit a ilfe~~p dsntpepairo a man for aut exoe ul e lp! St. Fxcuutive ubility is ot Ibora-11fuu"Iy dt'e, e. it gnows. Thomaagr f a doepartmoa1t learne, in tbe dopvtment bowto hom mansr of i ewLiuconcelnI. ThPe i-are',ï-1istrte offi inge u(ni prin ns.Tt epnu(- wld hoa t- ton MI11- if bu hlad 1pre%îiwously hadt 1 -one ex'en nlupIî,layig tleo iýlg on a sma'lni seutýle. The lrit eoff Wales may, vni iIlino butIteor pu 1aa- tion than thait Aïcf ,lag corneLr Ftencs, b-,orne Lingoff IuIB) t auid Irelanfi and tbe "dom,)jiniions be-} yon tP i-as" cd a 1er off Iu- dia. ito pr'inc Lad pciul goecred paît off a gî,,at empi.o 10 wouýld bu, a mole elicct-xman wl.eui cutted te gox cru OIe isixeooffit. A kIng ibo had previeously been ait efficient xciery off Indl'nor goeurner of one cftPe nmoerous croisa colon- ies -wo..ilho e ctruste! by hie ministry, wouhldpQtsc-, a gcouton do- grueo-f t],e cetxfin eo(o4ftf e3peop loý Such a oie isotid Lho nue-c thal figuitel ad, noiiliai-e somethii-g te say about the conduct off bis king- So with the young crois p lxeoff Cerntnaiy. Suppo-iUg liluxpo'usef of an Ut cemmoît axiuint off Siîlgen-o. Hc isilileanal about tOhneatay.le nu l kiw toiste issue cOitmu11A'c- cîcu p,,nlas boiste get ttog aumy muneuvets successffriî. 1But Pc wili inexv littie abouit goe-rinlg. Mle Pas nover baS n chance te icar1na. What ho does leura will be ai Ionlhe comne te the throtie,-perimaps ut the exîiense off OLe country. Durlug his upplrettticcsltip wbiy fot senS Pian to the Genînun colotnies ? I-Jo iouui he tOroisa mono ou' les on bis own ini- tiative. lie isouid make hic noces- ai amstukes anS gt hie tesutant oxpî - (rce la those places. HIe mie- Onkus ould bar baýrd on ouly a annibei-d usPie ou u w oid ie faný înýoe ilid t11o Lt noli lte wilerutcs i ifte psiîno isaiteti attil hPc \sas enîperor te suai cPis mistakes LP; wsoildneî on bai-c Obei pointeS ont te blîn se rlitly. Bsi"- ctiitLy ne tîSl 1,ucp im out off mise) iuf. As it is, tPe hein apparent Le tee often a bird iii a gilldS cage xith poisus- to Se iîotiîig Pbut te foigut bis idIenes ii iîdtilgea e. The " Berlioz ceutenary, which ou- cars this year, is being quite genur- ally celebsatcd. There has beun one Berlioz festival ini Englaad, an)d there aro, yet to bo Berlioz concerts there. Thone will ulso bu concerts lu France, bis native land, 'wbicb did net api- pruciate 1dm w hile olive, and iniie- manywhichdiscovn'r-1d hlmi. Atte cd. 'r tPe ondon aucet OO 0f tho ieaiug mu Ica nd surgiclCdJOUI.- jna i of th w orld, it imuet havýI- e u ne. s ithat i e eoe oedr able spaee to îanilanalysie 0of tho story off the comiposition, aud rvers ta tPe( muscas bringing oeut 'aIllh 'vgu qspirationsç,.the Leniugs, the loninýees, and Lthe borr,ble vcoof !asauiity." It- naivoly roman) s "it is not sootbing masce, but so fat- as onu mian cau enter into auhe' brain, and convey hi-:enaioste othet s Berlioz bas cruuymd i Imusie a rcaîts in so dig eia mon ,ho have nt heaýrd thIis wr ehouid tube(. thefutopetniyoff reanigIlis egeu. Jtis otexuty ea1 wut th Lanet ucs b ths,îvhthe U thiinke BePt-rioz wus insane ,whien ho' wvrote theý comnposition, or that hoý Wae dcescribing tble isu Ot f ith mnusician wt "tho flixod idea," who le the,, hero off it, or t1hat the mnedicul gepntlemien could bave un, opportuniity7 of tdig the ae pensons h go te listen to it. Whatever it tnlay ho, it is graiffyng te icarn froml this TUE 0[-DFPERATIUN PLAN ITS PRACTIÇAL WORKING 1N FRUIT C-FOWING, A Leader in the 1'Movement in the United States Describes the M1an.. expert auunonîcy tan ii;t iueumiity nuis Th(, rincpl ofco-operationî te, do wilth i lasenýte form. Thure aýmong fs-it grwer, wicih bas buen bus nover suouineito hb uy thrstenlyni octed d çuring th,, last eatisffacton-y ivny voffepliig hstwvo y"ars by W. A. JUacîinn1on off tPie F1ruit Divisýioni, Ottawa, reeived meyoff opium dreameii, fanerai enthusiastie endorsatioli at the rec- matrches, witches' Siahuth, orgies, eu t aninuai meeting ol the Ontario the dies iu,"du fixe," and pan- Fruit Growers' Association at demenium ioffnie Leamington. The addrees off the president, the report off the secrotary and ail the meet itetresting and WIIY WE DCOAT A rRIsT instructive papiers deuit with, the MAS, questin off co-operation. Why do viee ducorato at ;Chii a? A ypical examipie off the practicul Why thegifts oni- tite Cbisumnus-tree? wvorýkinpg- out off the co-operati-e plan Why the bolly about tPie wal1s, aunS',vis described by Mr , i. O weun. the laurel rver tho p4ýiti us ? WliyCatawabu Islaad, Ohie, wbo is one ubove ail und ,tie coer ff,- ni , those; ofithe rucognizeadersin t1Pemove- green and lix ing, growtHe, the m-i- etactuss the liite, I-Jeis imanager top-bouglisoff a co-operative fruiiit gronrsi) un- Cbnstmo size apn tucethillgs ion, whlich does busineýss lu a very for~~~~~~ t' eerte f h etval "ot large way. The Caishub associa- because tbey -were gbeiut bocauîse Ition confiues its atten-itioni mostly te of the power thaut heid the-m green, peaciies, thoagh peuars ansd grupes are that kept thiem, alive., that pi-eses-vend Is anle 1mmurh is. lu lemtPebeatyof f lif, aetwsxii-.tbinty-fear, coutÈolling uabont one i,d nScilling nainand tewth- tbousand acres, ou, wi(b there are euiîng blut, about oiio huîtdied ,und ifftýýy thousaud It e îtospnitof thselivngpeacli truc1s. The grov'ucs ail live gnothstht apeusIo las heai sthin svu aid hif iles 0f the te u ieulig uî thc jmaiE cof togrdngiloule uder tPle jmu- i i.ctorp. lefore Chr'isima1s xas te agur's epriio.Tegroivers de spirite beld tî1e greenwos bciçv thir owu pling, and bing in frontI cd iiu by a aiatieeplanditr Iote ixe thoilaund bushele s off the groýat fsia jAdped tbu. ecsdal, The fruit bugiî.e to Tbie anciet i-t:îi(ls tbeiieve(uni Lutue ariut tho centrai Sepot ut two spirite of tCe h-11y, off the are], off 'lokp.mi., unS fpueiug opeýrations the great gîecen tîues that ffrmed tPe eqantyco1Itîneail nigbt. Eachý1 uxlîs and livit g arches off their temi- gnower 'is eliy credited rîtb the- pies. To tîtiomtheso t1i ing1 w0 atuctoff fruit'off eaeh grade bie peopienI withb syl1vaýin spi, its t1at ie ý0contnibutes te the total ameutîtf, loved tlie growtlîs and kopt tîuLu~b s paiS Lu aceordutîce, gteen hy potcing tetf-o1-u tcr fîoi-ts. Thuy te ok tebacesA ONAS SALES AB.E MA' E ulttintlejudwiligbolevlîgtîtt Caerthe bueiness7e-kesytom adop(1t- tPe ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ i sprt stn elwadtuoc tis possible te numake meet off exeinietirptctgcu. Ameg tes epi is heyhelevfi hesales direct fromthe isare-1 nou tohe ion povenul r cpal ouse. Focuse off te eigrph cf bî1iugrg tr blssnittn eePoe u imail service is imouSe these off te iuiA,-te inclîtîîIn iseiai l- Thuse beliufs hvegone,," atonasto 1t1e quuity ýi off oach isorîd, but w-e ciîg to the o tmulome va ict uS rae vuu le.lathis off t1lism,asî oieound theruui t w'uky 1t1(fruit is disp-oseoff pr lauti- the ClîistDu!yas soomn u rodce. hrel ne refniigerator service u thepuck THuE XMAS G SE. iitg bouse, but rufiguratior cure are sutpplied by the railiscys, anàd theý I-lere le a în useffni hit regard- fruit le put into tcm auss Ceea as ing titis bli-d for thesio sîto îvetld pssible. The ceet off carryiag on isitoutany fie iiieffets fromr1 nineteen cents per bashel offpences ever-greasitiue, îvhicli is 1týi llrd'cincîuduîîg ceet offpackages und rans o111Y fault. Afier1 c-zý(,Iieaiig a] d,1portutioi, ;as w t" us dministv dressiieg the gnoOS oit-rasiuriithxpenses of fthe association. it ail ou er llEide aad eut W ',ith curs kiAtchea sait. Gotaset zisoxea Ameong the adi antages off tPîpla iooseiy at bottent, place bhird in tlîle, whicbfisave Peceme appareunt dn aInS aleis the situs it niielte, te uthelvuyeurthý at the seino dnip it:iiough. Rave t Pung luna babuei lu[xsec r 1 0u cool pae'puîga ptbejneath to srsbetrpnicus fe'r the rnt.( catch ito me l1eS sut. Let t ne- it ets P rovrfiet ovote main Ots ý-,fer thro daye. efone -bis utî,divided attenýtîlinte 'tpie i t- coekiug wa'tue Clogoose tiltroaghlyprvemutof jrduton (3) It frefrom sait11. Al the course,fatY eulsbayons -te porche Se ut a matter cemes awny, unS the 1Lfiee enrlpeint largoe uattisoff a wil ho ns dScîlcate and tendon us a uîfnngrade. T te Olîey Oaase- ttnkey. Ths s a v.aiLnable caggos- lect pciey h etoff frsîLit te tieîî, as Ohle ichiiese of gooso fre- sitvalos art. () tie qucti cuse tto ateeY.the mnerIis g mach stîcuger posl- "Ilis is youn civ bholise getoiag tion ini d-dngsvth ceramissien mua, on?'"Fit-at. We'ie get the encataS crrigcempaîties roof and tP mointgagýe oit. I thiak titan thbuy coa]d poseibly bave ne in- wve shil haie tPe blimei n uge and diidual shippens. (5) It provides the baililis i-n beffot)e tise or i for tbe pi-eo distribution off fruit, eut." ce that ene markot mny net be giat- ted ut thïe saine time that anothor -1 is ieft haro off supplie. The matter of feed is of treendusimportance to the farirnel. Wrong feedinlg is luss, Right feceding is profit. 1 1The u-o-aefarmer ]knows whapt to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most ,)ork, bis hens to get the most eggs. 'Science. But how about the children ?7 Are. tlien, fi-ci i rrln,r 4-r science, a bone food are soft -and undeve fiesh and muscle food are thin and xveak and f oodi if theic s aneimit Scott's Emuilsio-n iS foc-d; e,,od Li ver make flshblocd an-i the Limie and Soda mll and brain. IL is thle This latter point n'as emplhasized hy Mn. W. IL. Dawsson, tPe Toroate -Coitntiission aturchant, hy a referonue to the co-epes-nOie osysteia of hlinS- liug the Te'xas tomate, crep. This is handle-d by one ma etatioced uat St. Louis, anS thuecii-tom is seotor- oagh that mianket domoraliization is abselatcly avoinled. TPe ginading le Se perfecLt hut n malcin order a foi bfuc*y ureoffgeti nngthese Iiiîts iLa OInanlo, Ian nu are scliifui bbltdCaliiorïnia,I Ohio, Michigan uS thn Oues One off tPe aloi-t Progressive co-opur- ative associations la Cantada Pas it0eý beudquarters et WaiketnOo, ilu tPie cekobruted IHuront uppi' district. -MnI A. E. Sherrinsgtonî, tise manager, ne-- portoS that lai-t year tPe associationt madne its fini-,triainiin the ce epera- tive isorIthy- forwardiîsg to Manches- ter,1 lng., tise cars off DucPoss ap- freshen eand pr alo5blotvhed skins or diseolored Ski, encrally indcate impure blood. 0o not trie with complexion rjpowd'ers. Take a proper tenir e laxtive that will remnoveth iron-Ox Tiny To-nic Tablets , y Ë cleansing and in'lr grating tle 0 digestive orgajas and CIStimulilatingv the remoyal of poisonous wraste,ý niake pure, ricli blood. When the blood is healthy and abundant th-, akin becomes dlear and fresh, unsightly blemishes disappear, natural color returns. Why not try? THE BASIS 0F IHAPPINE,,SS. Christmuas le the ucnivonsanuy offt-a Gifft. It inepired the athruof peaceanSdgod- 14i. lared aniSi strife are not pInovoIild hy giviuïg. Tboy ceaic from sl-ekîg lxn dIer xvopt hecase ItePnin mr isotLIato cnqur.IliaS be d(àevot ed lii71suoif t P aleeofýýf hiýfellois mou nrather hante ic wss - lo ry hol would Ihaverie ut t1ie <opp1o0r- tuanit fer scpfinssthat b !is poýsi- tion lafiordoJd. Tehus-iS of apin s e giviag nuitr itn reneîvtîg. TPe pi loso- pjhîes, aniicnt und toderu, rpi e or lees Simjly recog( sIo is funidamental tratb, 0One off tise met cetury's phphihj! iai nev-to( i-ýS aid th'at thene cu;d ho ino perfect happinese iitheut conîplete Self forgotfulness. The Nirvana off teBuddhist is sncb complote abs orption la thi1Ige -out- side off self as to louve no 1,00M for once soaýgbt the recîpe for itppines. anS 1t'Pec Teatchor telS him te, givo hie we Lth th ie ueody. Al thm L s el-ci nown, if eueeîsly stops to rocail It. The socret off happiîî,e s w as disciosed ishen the ftrst molthongave hirth to tuie lret c hild. lien joy consisteS not La the lnluae off possession, bat ia tPe opportunity for Si Tio.'he isonîd les belS toether net 1by -the cohesîve poweronof public plundc-, huit by the udhesive fon-ce off sacrifice. TPe fam- ily persiste because ail nature cou- spires for the protection off the yoang thneugb the devotion off the 015. The sOu-to continues hecause tlîat matou- cal instinîct somnetimes calluS putrio- tieruinîpeis to is Sefemue. AnS sihon tPe ffarily off nations necgnize thut fnîeîîdly co-oponation ils hetter thuan hostile competitien, the btie- flage isili hoefurIeS anSd"-1he kicdly eartb jshah cslumnber, }apt iLu uuii'ersal lais." Giî'ing is the impeliîg foi-ce cf pro- grecs. The maisho site lut his office reucbiag eut after poison anSr weulth for their owiu cake doeosueo udvance Pimsef, huit pols veal tPannd powe r back te biru. OnithOe other PanS the given of that wbPicb he bas is draisu forisard by the hoeticeut attraetion off bic good deeds. This îLe,,tP esiison off Christmuas 10 te ne)t sectaian non tteo(oca nion tstc bat is intesîselypac- cal1. Ptmy hoaccepteS hb mninoff ail1 C]eoe uS aioff noue. Jndeeni, it Les ut the bassi of ctlPies as isei s bnp- 110W'S THIS? W eoffer Qîse Hundred Dollars Ewr o any ca4e off Catarrh that cannot h cueSb qqall'sOCi'ta'rrIl ui-e. F. J. C FIENEY & CO., Pro ps., Toledeo, 0. Whe, the undereignod, have lnuown F. J. Ybno for tPe lbei 15 years, and belleve hlm ;îcrfectly Itonorable lus ail business transactions alud Onancially aeI Lucarry eut aey obligations mnode Py thoîr On. WiEsv & TRuAx, Whoeeaie DrugLstsi :, 1'ledo,0. WA.15,mé, INiti & ?iIÂrviN, Whuolesale Drug- ,aall's Catarah Cure le taken internalyat iii dlrcetly upeti the blueS and mueui stfae off the syeteîn. Price 75e. per boîtle. SolS htYy aIl Druggrî.s. Testimouials free. NOTES F111 M N WIr Witbin f Ifty yeuse i sca hs c- quiired neis tortitfory, wbilh Lnarea, Is larger ttn Ltho liýtd StattS. T he Frpencounitry -lu. wh th'ete ois tiar L*gest numbIien offmr uae ff mon ti.e ugo off 1l Tue b lottest plane oun -th le Bo nei, on aul La udS - laihe J'rslan gifý, which bas va1menu nima e peratture cf 99dgue. omt IFglie tre(fu -th 'ffthe auilexp endiur fte " Tarkish"' gox erumont bs oif re etyasbe ffn aïims anld munition off sar. Watch doge 4are tu hoenmiydto gurd the Germuin goverumea,ý;t dock,- yards. A dog le to accompaniy oach senùiniel, and tIe animail ii-be(- set upon ýaty struager isho fails to re- spord te the challenge. Despondeucy is th.e chief cause of potent facturesin driving iciiui to the commnission off rushSed tl'en iii itealtb, insun!tyý,Siapn- moent Lu love, or sti*eag dýilaIt. The chivairy off ie e is, il, gr-eat mieasure, a product off the SaruteaI nhivalny, wzhi.-b ctered Eurýope iLa tiso streams flowing tlîrougbi Cou- statinopie anS threutgh Spajii. The" Rev. W. F. rBronneRi.-e~to'wn Anglican xniaisten, has writetaîfol,, lowing letten to the lMuskpka Feocupî- tai for "Consumptives:- Dean Si,-I feu la inwtli a case to'fdav in nîy parnch, a yoangwmu very il' wiîh conumptien and 1 promnisoid 1 would write yeu regarding hler etuc jute the hospital for coimp nesL Musklza. 'h aei n f ra ee~ sity anS charity. The applicant les abeut 18 years ef ugo. She Le praeticali y with-. out a ho me, etayiagetpoe wihs relative. She Lebight and amtiable, anti would like to iive. AslI understendi,youi rejeet nune on account off poverty. I coni utnd the case te you as one mocst needy, anS if you eau senS me oilnstruc- tions or pupers for application to tlie hospital, 1 will 500 to, raisiug nieeoe:an-y moans for hon tranepurtetintp have ber sent et once, as ýI imagine altoie niot beyond receiving henefit. [Note by Editor.-Sir Wm. . Mre dith, Kt., Vice-President off the Nat ional SitnuuAss-ociatio-n, or Mn. W. J. Gagetý Cheirman cf thle Eneeritive Cern- mittee, Toruito,tIwill gicdly receive coni- tribuItionsfor this end several othet' equally piteous cases c flifrhl. The teachen off a country s<ehool as3ked Pis papils one daiy if auy off titein could tell inlu îvo Joan i ffAre ivas. TPe qtîestion m'as f-Iloisen hy proffoand siletnce. Somo vicf tLplipils i-tai'ed ut the teuchier, st4 omie tanneS anS stareni ut one anothier, us if seeebing the lefermaliouiin Lat1e faces around them. Finally a, o harst out iitîs-: "Oh, yes 1I uon- b ... Vie, Iviti aarrtveiteingooa côudi-------------- if bones tion. In addition teo thuse three cars off iiter aluples isore packed AN EASY ONE. -YORKSHiRE HIOG FOR SERVICE anuS soiS. This yunr the association -Wbere are yosy going, ny pretty - 'eloped, a lied prospered beyond all expoctu- imuid?" The undereigned huis bolzht a voung d if the tiens. Thore are non' about fuffty- 111'm goiutg te suceze, kinidsir," site inuproveni YOuiKSIIIE 1101G lwît ex- ' f hY five tremns, n'itb ýau average off said. cellent pedigree [lit tPe- Port Penny auc- four acres off apples each. FYifteen "AnS ut isîoîn iili you secoe, aty tien Sale] ishicli iili be forier ice at a blood cars off appies have Olîle yc'ear Pe pnetty muid)" Roselandvale Stock anS Da1iml Fanin. shipped on the cvo-operative plaît. 1Net "Atcboo, attchoo, kindsir," site Solina. oiy uavethe pniIcos hou boterbuit 1aS also takthis oppnrtuntv te return moe nitPa eutsel ý'l han Isol ----thanike te ai!lu,, pairnnef4er pasi favoi s s a mixed hv unpsileudrteoSss SETTLERS LO,'W RATES WEST anS eeýpeciaulv for prompt paInment, 0cm lon it ealyvuretesiffMy lmotto ishah continue te Pc "satis. Ouinit- ppesisnepuituontPeinaretil]Via. th-1 Chic-eg-o ,nSJ- thW's rfacinto ail." I mucleD'arresfer cetncuiser rLp, ai Novmh ý lhuîh, stioone wav secen co-eenaors ven tîOLtiS t bein di ic t itverv io'rates c akze bone p"kn ttecm ile II ilisCh1o-, poitil UDESonan. stn' i , ux occiii- XouS ttatunrpeuP trne ce iied frei. ,nfut emu enxttcktaeto .I Kii pL. -P soitin 0ieiib difcuh tefiniS L a ilte day o, citnunîajtysbne Si-taoI picuinlu labl sou ho IiitPecoiseofftu dinutri a tlti-orycf u ieny Sanu~ adeu- laS tatef onPit noxvxî an cors vy bul 'l ittr noie ît csa-eLOetuxuSs fi fWstr ic,1uiit ton n sytex c c opnaicî wcul taitof ti raitthn te tîsve- IIte glav c qit rwgIeî u hoN' coft cîu u îo tn C egi nuPefrtct o e-uciuaxe 0r ol icjei '<an- IB-owln1i 'ý À, tý 1ý1 o ttc egiaiîg, ud îtîeduce uift-ut inexxPutl : tn1e Aîbî& si ht bttecod f ntfdtc USS, unthdeintP sletin ffx'îutes cmetP pomt un nufdeîtne o e atilee iuin ta..eunsef 1 -, - - --y -e- , il-11-A - --- --- -1 - i - --joy xio eaung C't im abolir. fi, 1 tholiglit of self. A cuý Lain ý ich -- i ruici-QQ, - -T- Yi 1 1 1-4 1 i ; ýmj:c . flux/ ký£i lu - - 1 ---ll ý- -- . 1 Hillé Famlly PUIS are the L,ýRt, 1 1 ýliu %Y nc - -L -L à 1 m