àfter the ctistmas di(naýv r people ar e usually flot incline-d loi-r inucit ex- i n r, n eion", buit tliey wnnt lsoija ind of ligit muemet.Some c, the old- Corne in niic0ly. I Sncb feats are frequentiye perforin- ed by two persons, one playing the 0 , 'i part off the "professer," or wizard in chief, the other that off"mdin. Lutte1L ve11,u 0 One of the siniplest tricks off the kind is the findicating by the moidium M~ue 7ï c 7,_ r S re rof of soeineobject which has ben greed upon by the compauy duiring lier. absence froin the room. Oni lier re- turn the iagician. after plaing lier under (supposed) mesmeric in tuenc by a few shain "passes," proceeds te Se P.-Slmiio Wtepper BeIow interrogate ber. "Do yeu kno,% the article that lias Toe75iThE.~ .~Orn7been named)" - e. (She doesn't; ti tzU r-3 but strict truItlifuilness is net expect- r~n~~~ÂM~ ed from coijure,,rs). 'Is it the .o.n?" "Ne.""is it the sun?" zlIIlý1 . 1 "No." 'is it a coin?" "No." And ITT E ~ 11 WU~E~t. se on, tili the riglit article is nanied, L ~ TO~~ LE,.lihen he 'replies-"Yes." PI CJTIAT? . Thde. are varions ways off givinig 23 ALLW ~IN. the In one version off tlie trick t ehe u is instr-ucteýd to say I8~~I~ CMPLXIO ves" to tfirst artLicle nmeýd maeor ]inuaimae. Iili avr Dn,.I.. PolTTEit. seen it iînystify a rooml efý; people.- r'c rrsdnclucit.polernt f, bowever, the trIck is reoaedh- Cofgrtgi tlca u h ormniI.2- nfore the ýsine cman it may bho a)s ~ CBONVC$TL, D , DD , ~ ona newý- kind off e-od say aý 13 d ecl exitycff o-"o nvrit w r orbird. O~vtE:-verCen, a M1lne~. Eitrne fin aniother f orni off lie trick the ~itdoo w~t ff zg20. ~ L pr.,zformner dees flot speak at ail, but A, , MLAU~liINin tis case the eb)jeýct selected nmust 90îhe,8pit ard iCouiveanecer OFfce- 1)bo soînetbung ýin the reoin, On the Ytbektley BEl'cik, Fi g tct, Bowmvrtil-a il) ey e aIle aesual r% 48;-lyr, rutturn offithe iînediumii,the perfornier meeypoints witàhbis wvaîd (or nny] 1 OItERBT 10UN 0, V. S. cuenetsuýbstjiute, say -a ruler, or ON 1FE3NlOSE'LOCK OP ý a - ldy's fanl) to varieuis objects l Lt, Toc aUEta) ie, h ee IlhaLw1 ba su lc ce s'ijon. Th1le 1tr fl ; 1baf-do (zon or <a ;i.r l a. m.te 9 p ni. ,gtcal t se re met wtbangtvebu rcder c, reely oppittE Pull Sltcd.17 1, mhen- bo lie touches tbei riglit one a 4AIWLPAGE LCME~.Alconlfideý-nt "yes" is thie vaîwer. .k~Ja Is Fuer off Marriage Lcensia The secret boe,is equally simple. nc -dÀftce: Contre Etreet At the outset the'prvformer graspai SIMPSON & BLAM. tho wand, ail the flngoî's encircling r, B -TYPStON, Q. C., CHIAS. P. BLAIR it. Wlien hie peints to the riglit oh- Tsiiiu', tlcts.Notailes, etc, mo)jrî' ject tihe forefinger is a1llwed te lie I<<k. 1 1 Elillg Stieet. llowmarIville along it.. Unk'ss the secre-t is nw Fothtte- 'fr t e Oit trto lBank. P riveta efrenditsnbetlyaefen ir IIey, , i(aed tloluest 1atoibfrhniti boue detectien. fl'L lflÇI On a similas' principle, but coiiie- IU, what more elahorate, is the trick of' J)ENTSTS.THE MYSTIC TARGET. The apparatus foir this fonit con-1 Ilikfor babes but meat for mi".1 Wisen a nhan euno more et e man's food, but existe on a miik and cracker diet lie is gene hack'te bahood. He inay be a big man but ie lias a baby's stomech. Sîccess in life depends largeiy oR the stemacli. The ma with the bahy'e stemach. fads binaseif aise witli a bahy's peevishuess and perversity. He lbas the baby's exaggernted personal sensitive- ness and jealousy. He is an annoyance te his fniends and an anxiety te hie faniily. No manenu be strenger then lis stomacli. A xveak stotnach argues a 'weak mai. Aid a Il weak"I stoncdisj the common starling point of most of the so-calbed Ilweaknesses"I which affect tise great organe- eant, lungs, liver, kidnes, etc. How can it be otlierwise wthen the body and ahl its organe are dependent on tise stoasacli for tlieir nutrition? The "weak" Pystomaii hdrags the organs down witl it,bcae being 'week it le uable te convert fod lto nutrition, eandlie organe off t1ýýbc bey beiîng starvedl, of neCessity bece-ine weak-, as ecnqeceoff stervationi. Pr. Pierce's Goldeni Medical-Discovery eures diseases of the stomnach suid otier organe off digestion and nuitrition, Il nekes tle week body streng in tlie oîsiy waey physical strengt- can be made, whicl te hy food, properly digested and assimilated, The cures of t' weak" I uugs, Il weak Y' eant, Ilweak I! or siuggish hiver, Itwe ki dneys, etc., witichl ollow tise use of IlGolden Medical Discovery,"1 are ail due to this perfect nutrition of the body, thse proof off wlîich 4e Ithe remnare- able, gain off sorid, scouId flesis, which invarlabiy marks thse cure. "About te 1n years ago 1 began te have troubli witli my stomacli," wrle M.Win. Cosiuelly, of s5 Walnut Streeé, Lôrain, Ohio. "St got s0 bad that 1 had te layoff quite ofteîî to sud three days lu e week, my stousach would bloat, ansd I would heleli up gas. and was in awfui dis. Itress at sncb times. I bave ernployed aud been treated by the best doctors lunttis city but gut- ne belp wbatcver, Smme said i1lied cancer of the stemucli, othit ersctarrit, others dyspepsie, 1 bave hon ghlt and trieti evervthittg Isalv adver- tised fer dyspepsiea and stotuacit trouble, but coutiuuied te get worse ail the tinse. About twelve sstouthss age 1 was la such a condition that îny friends hed couse fesir abouit uy rcocver- Iiog. I called c docter and lie fouud nie iu a very bad abape. Rtandsanad linilis wcrc, cold Wibi hé et lBlack toek <on tise frst 5555 s ofa PastenOarn dtaugost avso ---- taaip'.- --------------. e.....ý IIU a huiis oyeausi lirce ,isncntx'l 1 lid a ver y bad case off clire'iitstesiti Noue-ay off eaci monts ai eye nroihnc 2n. t was usiderlutrtsst tiibssniIte riien(n- ça al n , d et Newcastle le rings ofdifiercîtî colos-s; and bail a but did net bssprove ausy. By semae way or M'ednesday frm 2 p i. dznaris iec iii col- otben I1lîappened te get bold of a iai off your dozn aros, ls ofdifernt 'Pellets,' and 1 thoutglit tlsey lielped tue. il CrnIFCE'TemperaîCe St., Bowinuan ors. (If tise apaatis15 lmi- was the. Iivrote te you for advice. Von told cihrarofl'ignbtsa' rug st oeistade, those, toe, nsay liecf pasto-. ie tliat liy uy syîsîpienîs yen thosiglit I bad ____board). The miedinax oîiîu as ie- liver complaint and advised the use off yucr ___ I Golden Medicai iiscevery ' ansd 1 '1 'eaat Pel- I fore. a sps'tator la luxiý,to eselect Ilatinlucennection. Tisase medicilies i hava eue off tise arws idwt l L ten as directed, aîîd am very py te satte 1 tls't 1 commanced te gel liciterfroiibe tr, toucli au?- ieue o r th ri ngs of the 1aid bava net lost a day titis sumnfer on account tanrget. Oit1lte m ejis' 'tunnshe off my stumaci. I feeci p-top, enfi etter than I fl Il A PTT"b~TNT T q. '" ij-diaeq s, tSii , mm-c o ss m 1 -. bave for tanyeers."5 Dentýal Furgeons, Ontario. 1,il J(pCesite T Bingliarm'lsofffie VI Ï'AL IZED AIR, beleve ofnmesîtal effort, wlel an 1 nru ivas used,anid iviI crcie off thleltargot iras touCbed (iillîti il. flor'e, ugalu. tise secret lies lu an agrc'ed rodeb of sigîsîss. 'Pr rngs off tise bargel are regarded as numhb-eod; ,tSt a-as twelve yeans - -o tisat 1 derived 50 issucli l'lp from tDr. Piarc-Vs sredicities I" inities Mns.live Stevens, Off North t{arVey, &Cuo., Ill. ", inas fliiiced wllh a scrofuleuse tumrnl the left ide off my neck. t was fuiyv as large as a large size s-vItint, aSO i ep4iiltI tisi1 could gai bu t litil a sieep Iit nilist. S duetoed witli sevenai pbystiiasîs bt neeeted ne beusefit. The tuor gnew s 111-yAud iste illanted aîîd uîy gesierai 1-isaIt tis eaisie impained. 11 grew vary -ira-k. lOua pisician raid I would Secii consomiption in vrysîont urne, Our berne pbysiriau ssid I wesid baVve te bave lte tumrer eiuoved, lut afteiward ioidsny lins. band tIsat 1 bad lîcant trossb asud lie i'ouid net dare give nic chlisoforni or ailier, so lie told me te be veny careful; gave mse usediclîse but difi nie ne geofi. Iinent te litteligan.iriwsa ilere tisnee monilis, and wliie tisane tok Dr. Pierca's Goldeni Medical Diqoevc nsd used 'no' sitan,aidirected ta onn "an' p5I"t. W!tdt aa'ay 1 gatîîcd sixieecitPenin- s, tise tt ssen a- casie susslr, and lespainfnl, lid te day tiare is .ot a sîgno of h. 1 feai conifideti1 shail neyer lie troubled witl it i.i We thit is ane gettig tee tsorne. No ga 1 possibl. SendJ011a1 ith nuzo ary sonlder mî1r hy placedat thiýe end if t'e loter alow offit, but t s option.) Some Good rcipJïes for ]Yaking c'Ilidie-s. t T ay he r icraas wr cd. Temre thýe cady is wurlced the ligliter it will be iin celer. Waltut Wziiffus .x-One-hnlff pounfi liglit hrown sugas-, half lb. broketi wanut meuats, t1lro tablespoons1 fleuri quartert'taspocon baking poirder, a pinch of saltitIin 2 beaten eggs. Mix tihe saine nýs for cake, adding the mit monts last. If desirefi, a littie 'tan- Elia or otlý hr avet ng rnay be nadded.' Drop ia n smal speenfuls on butterefi pans and hakýeuti brown. A 'haîf teaspoon off chioceinte or plina white ising drepped on each wnffer when cold will add te. thetLir attracriveness. Peanut WfosSi'te a creana haif cup butter aid ene cup milk. Add onec c'p qceet milk, xhites off 2 eggs (unbeater) anid 21- cups sifted fleur, loto whichli as been inlxed euee teaspoon bak,.iýis oWdes-. Bettunil light. Fla-vm ot taste and turn the mnixture jUte a. iat square pan llncd with buttered pupor. Spread wtli a speen se aýs ite have it eveti. Sprin- Mie thickl- iIi t ue.choppefi pea- nilts auýd haoin a moderato L)Ven until brwnvi. Tul in eut ente a bred hasdte ool Wen qui te ýco1Lc,ictte 10s;mnll qae, K thena liiia astoila jar. P'eainut Cad-utieasuc. pan t1",(,cupfS easss.ee up off biewn suaoie taIe(sponi butter ai-dnfi eu f ï ngi. Bell nutil it can'dies, Iaethe peanuts in but-. tered pans nud poux' the candy over thena. ithor nu ,ots, sucb as butter-. nuts, hicoîy us, walniuts or pecan, nuts miay lie usdnstead off peanuts. Cnt loto squreswhle ivar-i, or rather befere tIecnd becomes quite col. Mapie Sugar C andy-freak lie oproscrits acSi ssýrtx' ed usu inte isurst malPieces (me b.mpe sugar. off Europe. Tlify are tsoi n mba sîveet îii1 andli aîf ýcup tlslek sweet manier, se lnInbd eu g'1ueSs creasu. Bell untillbforas a sf what tise co1ntns an. erss e ball, wbem cd'opped finto roid ivater. ena iy acconspiny s-adi litinie dlie-- T ake fnem t1se fine ai-d stir until It iîsg the presents fonee person te begins te eneamti. New pour lt anther. Tfis peculiar usage. is de-> bnttored plates, malrk ite squares, rîî'ed frein thec mysles'xous manuýier i anid wisen cold, break apart. ivhiel tise sun god gave bois pro-. Fudge.-Pstit ite a sancepan tivo seuls, i. c., the floeros, tise green cnîp s gr nuu1laited( sugar, two-tiids gî-ass and the lbaves. Thereffone, thc cnp sweet imiile an-Idquarter lb. siveel greon decoratiotsilas sit luiitise for cliocolate. Buill egtsosîrin ilChristmas. Aiso tise Clhistias tre the lime. Whtn alm sti uead I s.driscd fi-cm eariy sources. Il 15 simail pieco off butter. Taise froin off siglit a tir troo beenuse ibis ne fire, stir iin iaîf up m, elceceanut naus aiways green,. Il symbe>lizes andbet viiili)i(ih.Di-p natonal spriiîg. CUsma pLid smaii spoJiuls- on pariaffîn paper, ox reug i lawoshelcnaU.;ring beanso pour loto bubtereld 1plates andi eut inus ug ii til squares. '11,1s is very good iitîsont fox' litmant-ly. Tsecauîssigilýy the cocoanut. doeri lliý, wiici caml1e loýto lise1 Ca'sdiod F-î-eltogethe owot-ld xitb Christ. ctsPS Mapfle Sugr, isaî1'if cup water aud In Scasidinavila erisptaby a plîîchoff ecana L1off lai-tlai- util itlthe greatest veneratLiI on es Ylti 'e caxdies adieu dreppod Ilt oiod 'ta- Off ail coussiýles. Tiseoeuî's ts ieý ter'. Rmoo te bncUoff range ani osd , id quarneL foigton. fend drq( e r uit 1(suc114 as seedless rais-. Iacljusted. -A protty symibel off ise2 îts, dates, fig. I) iste tise hot SPinit that neigu-s islise rctic of mixture, a ff-w aI aniae. Wlien jpiaelug is a row ex ery pair off shees iteii coated, ii', eut nid p - i of 1n ecdi onsclioid, setisaý1I durinig ithe ouled paper. ý'car Ithe fanaiy xviii ix e inpenc'ýe FitLonFf-Beaýt tugeble tansd bli'ony. Carsîdies are 1hefL 1but'n- whtsoff ieogfourr tablespeens ts eso h a e Vl tiksweot crennýmainîstwo oz. bitter TIrimt (the Chrisîmaiils Sp ;ili) rs hcleabe, gnct na fisse grater. ht-igsthlie gi s. OPStu' usls a c ke Noi ad cofetioer' sgfta nul o f meni in the sueir as a Cirisînass tic aI a lve, ul leule cup lias hocu ýoffoeiurg; for tho hirds a ssa off usefi. 1Ha't'e neady hll cup oach Ixî'eat ils placed on a pole lu fronst off raiin, cîsle chrresflscadc iebuse te provide theni twlths dates and tiolý-iineats or grated cocon-,food. The asl îefln s it nun. Gx'lssd the fruits, or chiop fine, te lake n regniar ineal on tise 24, add te lie ug7as mixture and work altisougis haking assd cookitîg beglîs sun musrc isugar as îîooded. Kujenf about four weeks befure. On tise witli lhe laidcs and ivisoî stiff onough day off lie celobration, aI neeni, tis e fus ni liïoi o a a. Let stansd for sev-' wbohe isonsehoid xiii assemsble lu cmrl isoui-s. Cul lu sices, se Ludion and'ip a piece off brend For Ging!,er Drops, heat lin a r-lu inthe bain broîls. 'lotn verybod-v - hie merlan am uenco off eardied or- i Isas te Ipreparo again for lise Ynle- auge peel ,,,itis soisse lunmp sugatanid .1k1,1pp and lise groat snppir follewiîsg. when il is sinoüth like a paste add iie bsgmo r iyed. 'loy Clsistasceiebration .ae drawn frein cdixerse sorce nd aebyn me11an-s al of liosraiegin, lan 50 fax as the cstomoniiesnifetvts thmautdatothe îeiigion ffChrst 'In the lceuntries off RemanLie de>cent the Rom11an Saturnalia bas lefft dis- tinct traces., This giont fetixazl il honor off the Roman God off Agricul-1 ture(, Saturn, was ele-brated lafi,,1i Reinle Lery Deemllber'. Chidren annd slaves ivere overwlielmed witb pî'e-1 sents, and merriment reigned in every fox'm fos' a wholo weck. Southera Europe and Spauýisli andl Portugnese Amloiica have retaiueýd Christmas Mostly as an occlostial festival, but a joyful one, a lune of public rejole- ing; while lu the neortbex'n countries, its; celebration bas a noeadomoslic c1hairacter It is a home nnd ffamily fenst. Thedeivtinoff Northern customss mny ho traced te the gods cf ".Edda," the greatest source off northera mythoiogy. Its sciptnros werc fonnd ia Ice1Lund. The customs derlved frona Satuirisalia and those fî'om nonthe1ra uytb)s were hy and hy pnrtiy anmiainmted Ibrougli lie mixture off peoples, but qtil every ceountry bas its own pculiar cere- yceld 'el ost dsiutyon tlise old!ýl1 u2tisen mys. Tho elecrallo at ts solst ice. Itili it bgnagnin lhe reign iloff Fren te sun iged. Tne yuleti;c. the cadon am aul clilisîmlasc, "Yul'meusw1seel. Thýe oLd lu ataus off Scalil)aviaim- ined the sunteill,) o like a wiseel. j Yuekipp"sigilisthe clnpping off isie iheels aud tlise expression is stili 1 use for tise mnnnet' in whieli the The.1-ospiti for SicisUbîreTeronto, ie not a locýiti insitution-it is, Provincial. pli Chiid frein t Ont ar i o I M-pwhne y par- M SÂErosipluLi M AlTSIM. saile dm and tise sauta pîtibege s asls e Tronto Oisuld ouier"wili d gh Pffis m'lis. This t ise, a3nth isaItisTrusceap- peel to tise faIsonlcs aid mtseoff On-1 tarie-for as thei moaygoas eut to hclp thse !oýspitase seise Hespitah's inercy eau go out te 11,31p theisacidren. This is utise 2ýSdi ycar off tise Iospital's iffe. Tiasa eory off tha years is awoii r fui 1ena-for iii isaIpeî'iod 10,000cide hava bcen taaeji-oer500 Itred end 3,000 inproed. Letyaar t!) isere er 863boyS a,,id girlsi 1 u its lieds aid cots, aid o et isese193 wera cured qnid 217 improvad. Loo)kb he isespictuires off club feel--be,- fore alid atler. isixr.Exi FTER Off ti( s,38 patients 293 camai frona 2161 laces ou--ide off Toronto. ho~ ~~~L Iie enthpaints froas d îîffcit part offOtnot, tTointo,, uage 230 uenya tIhIrd off Ilia co;U r numiser, la six ears 140oliapatients have isaci lrea-,t e-snd fo- 20 yeans past tiscy wslaeaa100 a er Tise arerage star off cvery patient iras if54 d ,tise cosI per patient per daýy 94c. A(dollar or t-ir means a Ismail lot ef 1 soniey nt off yonr pelto,it it takes a ig h*,2oad off miseny eutCoff,_sotie ittie iffe. reuis. girl came in wilb a double tisuis on oie isand. She bf t nilti one ttiumb-a perfeet baud. Sea wliat tiseisanfi of tis- Surgeon dees for tisa eneppled cbildrnioff Ontario. TakA off the handicae of n f ci iy giv al i l) ena fuir fil t iiteae eA 'T-,enty-tlinc echuidraisvhco cani m inws-, clali-feet wara sentberne perfec. curasiae year. Tiserearme as many more în-tise Hcspita-ledy wisg-rausn spin-,g Vaihay, Oîit., ln 1885. He ad- 1 sufferad frein inspura biood aid bad over50 boues, but suwe Iaking KUR- DOCK BLOOD BITTERS h ans entirs'ly eured, and ceau recommend il le any per- son treaxhlad witl bad blood. Mn. Mýoîl wieacu-1 frein 62 Broad St., Utica, N'., uinder- data off Dec. 31st, 1901. 1Ho sýays -Smelma ago f re- cirad aaterfrein your firas, eeying tisaI sone yaîrS agc YOu r]-ecýievd -a testimonial from ime, slaliig Ibhal Ilied over 500 belle. Vas, sir, 1habsdaid TERE ITORY.V-!8tweýen ale~in TLGAS Canda.Por Àfhu~ Saît te.Mare~ ibi is an ecellent gante. R Fadi Ontare. SrniaWindor an a 1,offtis pnyr gives a ltter in inn1r, aima te Dstroît and Pt. Baren5 Miehunil 4, lehave honobaied BIuffaIo, Wack riock, susp. Bridge La iiaremiibenini lie saute rder RATE AMD LU!LT-Singlo Fbrs¶ MaSc Pare flmtise round trip. in arwloxe, uahîcýh cadi plar gocnw Dec 24Mh aid 2kj ,valiiiretun4irîe asulsc sginning iiti the chosa lîibiaS. 1ho essages are ing upil Decr. 281h; aise goed going to edaos.l sn xeln 'Dec. iTtand dan. liqvuld 1iinaiîiaclOlo'rssesugoosda ijutil Jeu.4iiI, 1904 ~RATEAND LXIT.-.ngleFins;Tise euitsie fo tryansi Adlirection given.t to oxenanad i î r ~ dYk wlalevery rose hns-A-Hnxvhorne. sic NICHOL S. Wba1t a spîduî' Ysnebtilfotr ansd le mi-x-Webistcn.. Nioiwns le esptxa]ly veuernted A last tenont and tIs urai of l is ssia. Ti'c upelosnnsty Cht on und osng mviEL johsv -gadi___ in a anse ef osra!ion. On a tab- lje bav-c a munsisr oAfsînîhai'les, sayabut 0 iiaH, ss-tas a ien, peclpa, opanoyf sectalesTha's what Yom need; sorne- Sslo al q ectie i psaI llsee 1, ýJýgýý! th0ùingto 0 icureyourbiose, tstiiitttŽ tsi it-u iesi 1.ý rve-a egte yo AUr owels. You Saa:Aniequliuanîiby cf celry, cul vol sssi 1-sua (or paî it e ple sxanIs~~hnoLcnilîoc>itb pic d'-io, sisake n doudcous saiaDclforÈ reeeJiW alnIits :To- es-y tliseiintv -le seste ja- iitistbise sugar. Sta d bbcia lis a e-ct ep iaçraoff The Reeaautd.Afar, Ille its -k g iv n ive rsel satiefacîlen. tei Yeur moey ît mns mcrcy te om oy' chUld Yor oîey cen ciseýer semaî-n;? r' heRrt bOviovlg corne mllsar'sebila. h antsadweib You givo weaetli ta tise Hiospita1, l[,[rdtfiseHsptl iseailli 11te iao bîrn Thai Corporatieur of thle City off To. rnegives $,fO l for btisa Main- eaceoff ery -r eiîd, -wbietliçcffromi eity or eeUntny.b Thoacitizensof Toroîtocen tr,ýiîjutc yaar lewards tise -. evary patieýnt i Ïtis Tcroto û asilszsisara iin tisa gao rk, aid tisaTruce ek -you te do aos Tisa Newspaper Propricers off Ontarie have kmndby haped the HsptalinisErt- ing our appeabe. Tisera ara two newspspler cotelaidbey@ and girls frein tise country arl, plaed in tisa cote foundedby tishewspa eren Looki aI the pictuneoff "baffercauad effter.'" Tiey tl uther owî ecry-sureby you willliselp us in Ihis good work. If your dollar coud straigisten tisa feeb off a litIle boy or girl witli cluli-feat you would glatdly gira it, and your dollar wil iselp te do that.1 THI- GREA-TCHARLITYO TUE IHOSPITAI, FOU SiCK HLRNT OT. Et Takoýs Caze of Ev.I'y Sîck Cliild I Ontaplo Who Cannot Afi-ord to Pay FJoc' Treatrient