Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jul 1903, p. 1

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£ s * ERL ;1 piFE NNE OuiE TOWN AND OOUNTY PIEMST ',TWR WORLD APTERWÂRDB. . A. JAMES, Edito nPrpit, NEw SuniEas. JOWMÂANVILLEs ONTAR109 W-EDNIESDÂY, JUJLY 22, 1903. VOLUMIXIXN.8 COUCH, JOHN STON & CRYDERMAN, having been 21 years in. business, will celebrate the event by giving great bargains in ail kinds of Sfummer Gooda Ail Colored Muslins at reduced prices. Some Fine Musliiis at haif price. Worth 1 2je for Se, worth 15e for 10e. Prints worth 10 andl l2îc for 8c. Sateens worth 25e for 15,-. Prarasols Ail Parasols at reduced prices. A lot of Black Silk Grenadines and other Dress Goods at about haif price. Ail goods will be sold exaetly, as advertised. * Cwouelig , JohnstIIong &Crydeirman.,, MHE CORNER SHQESTORE, OSHAWA. 04A N YoU FORGET. aow lard thos-, ordin- ary boots become with wear;, how run tley over at the heel; develop nails in theii insides botl long and Sharp; _and tecar the famaily patience all to shreds té pull tlem on tle feet? Ther,,,e is- Deliverence From such evils sor througli all hands wearii t he German Boots a n Sloes far-famedý to be h& onhy in their perfection ra fromBurna at Oshawa's Foi Corners. Made for hard wear; In sizes from ehild's From -five high-lca leathers, and solcl at Four Rundred Pairs To Select Froi 18-uJýîS & GO one Price-The Lowest. Removed I Removod Y. Remo ved 111 And now established in his new store where lie'WiIl be pleased to meet al lis old friends and patrons as well as any new ones who wiil favor him with their patronage. Having added to, lis fresh meat business a variety of eooked -meats, fresh in stock such as Cooked Hamn, Jellied Hlocks, Jellied Veal and Corn'Beef; B3reakfast Ba,,on, 0olled Bacon, Smoked and Clear Hams, long clear Bacon, pure Lard, -etc. Prices the Iowest, taking quality into consideration. -A eal solicited. .IIhanks for past favors. C. M.CAWvVKER. New Books ng FOR 1 d .dSumfmer -Reading r &ÎCamping and Canoeing" to Letters of a Self-made Merchant to His Son" "lLovey Mary" S&Thyra Varriek" "The Banner of Blue" "Eleanor" .1,"Lady Rose's Daugliter" ,'Wb Te ALLE.N, BIG 20e BD WMAN VILLE. FALL FAIRS, Witby-Sept. 15, 19 andl 17. Clarke, Orono-S"ept 21 and 22. Lindsay-Sept 24. 25i and 26 PortIHope-S-ept. 29 and 30). Millbrook-Oéi. 1 ard -2 Bowmanville-Oct.--6 and 7 MNarkbam-Oct. 7, 8 and 9. SOUTH AFRICAN LETTER. A friend in this town lias rieceiyed a letter f rom a genlemran who for the last 20 years has held a position in the Stand- ard Bank of South Africa, representmg in thzat country what the Banik of Mfontreal is in Canada,-from*which we are furnish- ed witli a few extracts-as u nder: My last letter was written f rom Hope- field. 1 le! t that place at th e end of Feb., ruary and returned to Capet:own for a few days.. Earlyùm Mardi 1 left for Prince Albert. It is a very long jouorney by train, then a drive for 28 miles across the desolate wilderness; called 'the karoo"> There had been nio ramn for t; months and the country was baked "ai color'. There is neyer any grass o the karoo. but the she ep and goats J!ive on a small bush that is able to wîthstand aIl but the longest. drouglit. The bushes lookeil quite withered and how the sheep lire is a mystcry. On arriving at Prince Albert it was a cornplete change, the town lies at the foot of the Zwartberg ra nge and is well watered by a constant-streamn whicnt flows from the mountains, and is led in furrows through the, gardens. Nearly and the streets are linediwith trees. There are a big Dutch and a pretty littIe English church. The Governor, Sir WValter Hely Hutchinson, wlisla iding or driving al over thecoon paid us a visit and met wvith a good reuception. in In reply to a loyal address lie made a speech translated sentence b>' sentence inito Dutch, pressing on the people the need of reconcilliation. 1 liad a chat with him and lie seemed pleased witl i us visit He sýaid to me thathils happiest days wiere wieu lie was a Governor in tie.West Indies He bas a..dfficult post liere, but his frieudly democratie ways sen to be appreciated b>' icý Boers and 1 thmnk the tour he is raking wiil do mucli good. I left Prince Albert on April î5thi for H'opetown'I was sorry tco leave as the>' ýýere nice people and 1 enjoyed tme frunit. WNehlad grapes at every'ma After a drive back across the karo o in the earlY morning stoppinig for breaidast at a soli- tr> farm baîf way, .1 got fthe train at P'rince Albert Road station and arrivtd neï-xt morning at 7 30 tr01-ge River stationi. After bekat doein a'11 D s t car t c) iles to Hofpc o ni This i a, small place; about a miile from tiec Orange River, witi a population includ-j in the native location liai! a mile away1 Of 1 '5oo It is not nearly so well sup. plied with water as Princc Albert, but thei igardens get water for i.%, hours' a week ' from a spring belonging to the municipal-1 it, and for liousebold purposes. Ever>' hous as one or two tanÏks for main water The district iiround la suffering from1 drought but there have been a few ligitj siowers it is not so had as in other dis- tricts. There is a fine iron bridge Of 14 span across the Orange River and ever>' day flocks of slieep and goats and lierds of cattie are being driven across to find pasturage n tie, Orange River, colony. Man>' of the farmers bave "trecked"hun- drede of miles trom tie drouglit stricken districts of tie north-west. One farmer to!d me lie started from Victo3ria, west of Cape Clony, with 1 75o, by the time hie reacied Hopetown lie had oi ,2oo left Across the river tiey p a y t h e farmers one shiiing p e r day for eaci ico slieep for grazing riglits. This is now mid-winter and tie: r'am here usuall>' comes in summer. t ,1nlike tlie coast districts, unless we get ramn in De- cember tlie outlook wili be very serîous. Tie weatlier is very cold, frost in the mornings, 1 have even seen ice on a pool. The sun is generallv warm in the day time but it is chilly indoors. There are a good many Russian- jews liere wlio are teen speculators in live stock. The Brit- isli areonly a handful, the Magistrate and Clerk, Postmaster aud Clerks, pol icemen. etc., PerhaPs 4 alil told. LOCAL AND OTh7FRWISE. Methodlst S. S. pienie at the laite to- day. Misn Bertha Cann is visiting Miss Esther McClellan, Whitby. Mr. C. C.' Tamblyn, Stanclard Éank, Picton, la holidaying at home. -Masters Herseheil and Eston Durch have returned from visiting friends in roronto. Mr. and Mrs Geo. Sherin, Essex, and MisMason, Peterboro, are gueste o! Mr. Thos. Sherin. Mr. Frank Taylor spent Sunday with Mr. Arthur Morris., They are now vis. iting at Lindsay. We regret to hear that Rev. T, W. Jolliffe, Cannington, la quite iii and not able to taie bis work. Mr. H. J. Hooper, foremen of the STATESidAN Office is visiting relatives at Rochester and Waterloo, N. Y. -Miss Loyd who lias lived iu Bowman- ville some vears lias returned to Eng- land sailing on, S. S. "1Canada" on Sat- urday. Mr. Jus. Pattinson and Master Bruce lloneywell have gone to Eiviter Rive'r, P. E. 1 to visit the latter's father, Dr. W . E. Ûoneywell. Mr. and Mrs. H. MeLean, and Miss G. McLean and Mr. and Mrs. Arche Bingham, Toronto, were guests at Mr. Wm. Glover's over Sunday. Mr. H. T. Smale, Sac City, Iowa, and Mr. E. W. Smale, Bigelow, Minn., are vislting their parents and other relati- ves and friends at Providence and Mr.-and Mrs. B. B. Cronyn, and child ren, Toronto, took train at Bowms.nville. Friday morning for Montreal en route to France where the childron will be educated. Mr. W. L Mallorv and Master Leigli -Mallor>' left on the'fast express Frida>' morning for Montreal there to take steamer for Liverpool. They wilI epend vacation in England and return early in September. Mrs. A. L. Vanstone and Miss Gert- rude and Mrs. W. A Gregory and son, Brantford, and %Irs (Dr.) Amos and Miss Liie Amos, Exeter, have returu, cod home after a pleasant vi8it here. Miss Ideli Rogers, editress of The World, and Miss L. W. Brookiug, Co- bourg, attended the International Eporth League Convention at Detroit, Midi. Miss Rogers contributed a paper on The Reading Course, and Miss Brooking one on Junior Work. The Methodist cougregation weire pleased Sunday eveniug to have Mrs. W. Arthur Gregory (nee Mabel North- cote) Brantford, in lier former position ras org-anist aud Mrs. W. A. White, (nee Msetta James> New York, in her former position lu the choir. The play'- Ing of the former ana the solo "Abide with me" by the latter were grestly appreciated sud muci enjoyed. Mr. H Hutchinson, -roronto, who was also present. oseesaplendid baritone voice and sang a solo ver>' nicely. The mari> duties outeide of his own business that the Publisher of thisý journal lias to perform maltes iL neces- sarv to be awaY from the office quite frequently, but no une ueed suifer an>' inconvenience on this account as ever>' member of the staff mnay safel>' be en- trusted witb auy business or confidence in the absence of tire proprietor and le autliorized to receive money at the office and give receipts for sanie, We have ever>' confidence iu our employees and assume ail responsibilit>' lu suci instnes, The excuirsion to Niagara Falls ou Mondav by Str, ' Argyle" was un ex- ceedingly pieasant outing. It rained ai, o r citizeus were starting but a! ter tie early mornieg the weather lady put on her best behavior so tiat the excursionists enjo-ved the beauties o! Niagara under most favorable condi- tions. The part, was flot quite as large as Editor Jaiues'excursiuus usually are owing to the very bus>' season, uuprom- isiugr weatber and Other exeursions an- uouuced but the triti waa, noue the lesî enjoyable aud thiowe wb atteuded came home well satisfled and giviug the Man-1 ager mucli praise for- is attentions to1 - ,the intereats of ums patrons. Established 1889. The first South African diamouda er found lun tic Hopetown district lu 1866 BB' IAIY Iu Mardi 1869 a Dutchman nanied Von BB' IAIY T h e , Niekerk icard tliat a Kaffir Witci Finil cm was wearing arouud lis neck as a Tic vitalitv o! infants sud youug charm a large white zlittering stane. He chilîdren la at iLs iowest point duriug fouud the native and bougit the atone Lhe bot weatier. More cildren die l for £200 worti a! cattle . Von Niekerk summer than sit se> other sesson. B elle ilkbrouglit iL into flopetown sud solil it ta a This is because the little one suifer large firm of German storelceepers for more froni bowel troubles, are nervaus, about Li ,o00 Tic>' sent îtto Europe wcak, sleeplessansd irritable. Prompt, sud iad it cut. Its size was greati>' re- action o! tee saves a valuable little life, dcdbut the>' sold it for £23,000- It sud troubles o! Luis kied eau be p lonipt-t was called the "Star of Southi Africa" but 1>' met sud cured b>' givieg, tic littleÉ is uow kuown as tic Djud ie> Diamond ones Baby's Owe Tablets, wiich shoid aud belougs to tic Countess of Dudley'. be kept in ever>' homne ready fer erner- -ddSince tien eîamonds have been chiefi>' geucies. The Tablets speedil>' relieve, Colieg<e fuud lu tlie Vaal river sud at Kimberl>' sud prompti>'cu. e ail stomacli, bowel 6o or 70 miles fHomi lere. welhave two aud otier. hot weatier ailirnts, and. zeotor cars on.e belonging ta the niagis- gieSound refresl.iing sleep. Mrs. P. trate aud the alier to a dactar, I think Feguson; 195 MNansueled street, Mont- Ilirrited. tliey will be greatly used in South Africa. roasa>s: "I>'y bab y was sttacked DEPARMENTSThe Governor and suite came here a fcw with dysentry sud wsi ot and feverieli, DEAITENSdays ago sud xvere well received. Town 1 gave hlm Baby'si Own Tablets andà 1-Commercial Training.2 7~ was decorated sud illuminated at uight. tho>' prompti>' eured hlm-. Before thisà 2-Shorthand, Typ6-wri.ting sand A good man>' farmeme came in sud spolce ho had been ratier delicate, but sinceà Graphphon. ofthir grievances. Thie,; ad man>' using thc Tablets lie bas been bettet-1 Graplophoe. lorses taken away b>' the nîiitary durîng snd stronger iu ever>' WR." 3-Telegraph, Commercial sud tic war, sud oui>' rcceiveýd about haif tic These Tabiets cau be given wîLli an Rafiway Work. value for them. Tic Governar saidtic>' absoluto certaint>' that they will do 4-Civil Service Options. had parliameutarv goverumient sud muet gaod toai.h chldren froni a new bore 6 ' athmatcs.make thir compiaint knowu tirougi tic upwards. The>' contain Do opiate or 5.~!.Mahemtiarepresentative for tie district, persouali>' poisanous Isoothing" stuif. Sald by 1 6-Languages :-English,_ Frencli le cauld do notiing but lie vwuld mention medicine dealers or mailed at 26cents and German. wl>at tic>' said ta the Ministr>' lu Cape- a bottle bv writing -direct ta Dr. Will- towu. Hie reception was ver>' fieudl>r ias Medicine Ca., Brockilîlle, Ont. Our rooms are the briglitest sîthougi the district was strongi>' dro -________________ and heaithieat, Students MaY Boer in sympathies duing i-te wam. Eii~nl commence on -1nY working day of Tic food hemie is not bad, masti>' beef NI U eey ointytho lh the year. sud rmutton, vegetabies sud eggs meoutCaaintrouh scace ut veget fine oraniges. ' ve onl î>"ITM goetakngu J. FiRITH JEFFERS, M.A., have service anc Sunda>' a moutli, -Lie show carda en treeis, fe«cs, éjong made and ail cou- President. clergyman lias ta travel 150 miles t t, u' % 2esago diarbinsa d 25 j ,TO S I, reacl u s, li e lias twýo aLlier vi llages .to expenses, flot to sx&p1j erday.tWyad J. A T0U AW1ý serve, sud his district is about as large CfliployineCft ta 5004, Jionlf *a le men 14 &S(etayexperlence noe.duI. write for funlpartieulars, 2~~O8 5 WATDu Hlave you a neiglibor or friend who would take TirE STATESMAN thO balance of, this year at 30 cents ? On Friday July 31st we complete 25 years as Editor and Publisher uf this journal. Every one uf our readers can mark the event in a wa.y that we shall greatly appreciate-by sending us one, two, three, fouwd five or more subscribers for balance of 1903 at 30 cents each or 4 for We appoint every preient subseriber a Special-Agent for one monthl for the purpose of booming Tu STÂTESMAN subsCripti7on lilt to extent of 2,08.5 new subseribers. Kind readers, will you, please, help the boom?2 If we receive 2,085 new subscribers, we will-make sucli changes, in THU STATESMÂN as wlll -surprise you within a month. Send the paper to an absent friend or friends. Remember, 30 cents each or 4 for a dollar Stamps accepted. Address- M. A. JAMEcS, "THIE STATESMAN," BOWMn- ville, Ont. NEW ELECTION IN ÎiOWN. Date of nominatiod te, 1111 the vacaucy lu Lie Town Couneil caused b3' Mr. Penviugton'a resiguation will be held uext Frida>', Jul>' 24, at 12 o'cloci, noon. IL us expected that Mr Alex. LuttrelI, baker, wil ho eieected b>' acclamat*ion, as anuniber of leadieg citizees have requested hlm La enter Mie~ vouneîl, sanneé bas consente ci.- ENTIRA14CE EXANS. GOOD SHIPMENT 0F CATTLE. S. H. Reynolds recently siipped froni bis flelds 40 steers with 1 heifer, weigh. ing 55,430 -ibs., making an average weight of!1,00tbs. each, leas 14 Ibs. each. Those cattie were a good averag-e of what our farmers should raise and feed everyyt3ar. Borne of bestattlfXnong the best who have put ont stock this spring are: Wm, _rei..10 att U enld ct li b_. Following la a list o! successful eau- anywhe're, S. Allun, 5 steers nearly didates to Rugi Sehools at Newcastle 1,5"00 tha esci, Richards Bros, Albert and Orono centres. Possible total 1100. Crago, J. Frank' Osborne, F. Allen, flequired to pass 55 and Wm. Werry. Those men raise and feed as good cattle as the miarket NEWCASTLE. ask for -and will comumand tie ver>' Nae Average mark 655. highest price auywiere.; NaeSehool Teacier Davidson R. 858 Newcastle J. Bradley OIA Sharpe E. 789 46 .6 "IA Sharpe 1. 77! No. 9 Miss Gsose Wood K 723 Newtonvilie W. Trenoutli Rev. W. H. Montgomery, Marmora, 'Moffatt M 704 6" lai speuding his vacationst home....'Mr, ElliottE. 689 Port Granby Miss Courtice Jolin Fletcher, M. D., ai Kanimazoo, Rowland J. 688 Newcastle J. JBradley Mc. iie ee..h erfe MoiseS. 67 *1-at the Division was a decided success.. Trewin N.- 638 6. . M r. and Mrs. Samelîs, Ciesarea, visit- Gibson O.. 680 No 9 - Miss Grose. ed at Mr. Silas Wlim' Enfield Wade E. 627 Port Grauby Miss Courtice brasa band has been eng-aged to furnish Coulson R.- 620 NewcastleJ'. Bralie>' music at Distriet Division .Peni. ... Mr. Jackson S. 619 No. 9 Miss cirose and Mrs R.J. MeKee'ýsock have returned Scott E. 601 Newcastle J. Bradley' home from the west...Miss Gracie Barrett E. 586 " Bray, Toronto, is vieiting ber cousina Toms B. 565 "ee..Ms aCîiCutci Kennefick L.558 , oe 'ie aCmCutci Curtis N. 554 visiting lier son, Mr. J. I'. Rundle. ... Picird ~ ~ , Miss Lýola Argue is vieiting in Toronto. EthelAtkisop.Ina ickad an Mrs. Henr>' Argue bas returned Ethl AkinouIn Riiar, sd hmefrom TrontoM._..,Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Holmea rîecommended, Bootheloyd, Master -Roy Teifer and Misa- >ORONO. ýMary Totten, Detroit, Mich., are visit- Averaze mark 624. ing at AIr. A. Hogarth's...,Mr. and RickabY H. 787 Orono O.,>D. Austin Mrs. Jas. Moore, ilsydon, visîceid at Sharpe O. E. 711 " Mr, E. G, Pascoe 's. Morris W. 708 Lesiard W. J.Inci _____ Bryson R. 692, Keudai MissE. Maybee Pollard E. 677 Orono 0. D. Austin Gilb&nk G. 671 Leskard W. J. Inch JULY WEDDING BELLS, Javnes A. 647 Orono O D. Austin Keat E, 640 " MAUNDUR-MOGEN,ý O'Neil P. 638 "The home o! Mr. and Mrs. Hall, Coram B, 686 Lesiard W. J. Inch Liudsay souti,was the scene o! unusual Leigh M. 633 Oroiso O. D. Austin gai ety Wedueeday,, Jul>' 8th, it beiug, Rowe F. 630 No. 8 Mis,. A. Waddel Lie occasion of the marriage of tLiu Rutherford S.629 Orono O. D. Austin imSohaMGetMrLsl . SissouW. 600 rice0ohi4eeet M.LsleS Fostr, A I.592 Mauander, son o! Mr, and M.rs. William Porrett A. . 592 j" Maunder,Lindsay. Tie ceremony was Barrtt A E.58 ipertormed by A. J. H, 8trike uf Edgertou E. 581 New Park Miss Bruce Qucenu St. MNethodist Churci.- At 4 Smithi N.- 575 Orono ,O. D. Austin 'lcp.i.t4sirng tai o Gordon F. 5M 46'lckp n hesirn srisu Staples E. 553 c Mend.lssohn's weddxng mardi, piayed Chapmau F. b58, b> Mrs, Fred. Thimas, auuuced the Morrow A. 558 approacli of the bridai part>'. Mr. E. MarrA. . 51 ~ , 44oldcen was groomsman and Miss ivra Y tut.ivv wO s fl4UctUSUU *. .Un bride was attired in~ a very necoming suit of white silk with peari trimniings. The bidesaid was also attired in whie lk ad the sweet little maid of hoxior, Cura Hall, who ouried the ring on a silver server, wasesse i white, The bridai party pairty stood under a handsome areh of fIo wers and ribbons, Some 35 guests were present and atter congratulations were extended to the newly rnarried couple the guests sat down to an excellent wedding supper. The presents were rnany and beautiful. Among the nurnber were a hand.some set of dishes and other costly gift frorn Mr and Mrs. J. B. Knowlson; also a costly marbie edock from the bride's sister in Toronto The happv couple lef t for OriLia, Barrie and Beeton. Hczir Pulls' 111 tried Ayer's Hair Vigor te stop- my hair froni f alling. One- hait a bottle cured me." J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. .Ayer's Hair Vigor is icertainly the most eco- nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A littie of it goes a long way. It doesn't take much of it to stop falling of, the -hair, make the -hair groW, and restore color to gray- hair. si.oo 9bottie. Ail druulss. if your dru gtst cannot iiupply you, Send us one dgfl"an Sd WO will express you abottle. Be sure andgive the name of your nearest express ofce. Âddress, J. C. AYEII CO., Lowell, Mass. W. D. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE. The su perintemlent ot Womee'e ln- stitutes for, Ontario, Mr. G. C. Creelmu, uDdertook te give Lie Institutes tlirougliout thie Province a special del- egati4u of two ladies t o speak in favor o! aud give practical denionstra- Liens in the art o! Household Science. Tie dele,-ates for West Durhami were Mrs. Colin Camipbell, Goderici, sud Miss L. Mougan, Toronto. Meetings were lield at Bowmauviile, Hampton sud Solina sud were well attended sud ever-yone iighly delighted with Lie speakers and their addresses. Mrs. Camipbell spoke ou "Canning sud Preserving Fruits" sud "The flouse-, keeper." Boti addressea were well re- ceived and tie discussion lieartily entered luto by- those preseut., Miss Mongan, Toronxto, gave a demousta-1 tion on makîng saladesand fruit pud-i ding xidding some practical iuts along these lines. Refresimeuts were served durieg tie intermission sud a social Lune plesngi>'l speet, At Hampton on Frida>' Mrs. Camp- bell spoke on "Womeu's Institutes sud how to maie theni Intcresting" sud 1 Canning sund Preserving frutts " Miss ,Mongan ou "Vegetabies" sud 'Meats sud Fish," Two sessions were held about 40 being presont in tie afternoon sud over 100 at nigit. A uew brsnch was organized with 18 members, Mrs., M. B. Cryderrn, Presîdeut, suad Mrs C. J.- Kersiake, Secretary-Treasurer. Regular meeting firat Thurada>' lu each monti. 1At Salins on Saturda>' over 100 were preseut sud eigit eew members were reeived. Mra. Campbell spoke ou Lie "Scientifie Cook" sud "Does the Garden Psy?" sud Miss Mongan ou "Mado ovor Pishes" sud "Desserts." Al Lie meet- inga were Liorougil>' enjoyed sud everyoue speais lu the higcest ternis of the delegatik'n sent to tuis riding. Tic ladies certailu linxderstand their wori sud are -able te intelligeutly diseuss Lie subjetaüsigueci thi--Tic>' wilI be welcome Lu West Duriýaniaain. Mrs. W. L. Law, the energetic pres- !dent, pres14.d at ail the sessions. .Z - 'Ouse has aý IZ r- -- - . . -- -- -- - - - -- -- - ; Our farmers dô raise and feed the-Ve"- ri il 1- u 0 NAW

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