"C rnein!l- ei Ronald,, to find that his wife,. his Marion, "Telegraph oi y, sir." had developed pneumoixia, and was T -j Telegramn, Mary, telegram. fJfow in a very critical state. He was Aï~i oft en 1 told you that 1 only baside hiraseif, 'Ho feit that he 'Y 1 A FT r ave( the 'TelIegrapli' in the nlorn- could not do justice te lits part, to W K 111 IfhA v i ng?' satid her master, as serlons as him.solf, or to his manager wtth the R E AL T ING ffia judge, as hie took the missive from lawful thought upon him that pr her. l 1 aps the illness miglit termainato fa- Mary went out. The mild snrrasm tally.- He thought of throwing up was thrown away upon her. the engagement, but Marion, weak -Inakild iAdane truxlged back to Ronald tore the buff enveiçpe open. and 111 as she was, would fot hear 1)is SUbUTban villa heavy-hearted "There, Marion," ho' shouted, of it, and so the nornng et the day and sad. Ho Icîfet that indeed ho was ",What do you think of that?" and he! dawned that was te inean se mucli thle Most unfortanate of mnen; ev- ffung the flimsy papcr inte lier lap to hiîn. But ho had net slept an1 erything seemed to be geing wrong as lie danced at wild fandango lound hour ail the night, had not takenl with him. 11e had loft home in the, the rooini. us clothes off, and was te play a nri1ng fuitlt ofhqve, full of aftic'- Marion took it with treniblinog fin- part that day whidh wouid. tax lits pation, with the certainty of suc- gars and rend aloud: "Cerne and energies to the utmost. cess beatng ia lis breast; now hose me at once;,inportant-Dud- 'lits darling wife was werse. lber was retnriaing utterly cruslied, dis- ley."1 - teiaperature was very higli and she âppointod, and diÉpirited. H1e was "Tliere von are, Marion mrine. was quite uncenscjoug. an acter eut of an engagement. hT-nirro+> Why, the engage3ment "Doctor," ho saîd in lits despair, t1he uicrtainty of an artistieC a- islbere to-niglt." as the tune drew noar for the even- reer! The precarlous nature ef lits "Oh, ITal, yeu feolish bey, you tng's performance, 'II cannet beave calIing1 wetghed henvily upon him are, tee sanguine. It May net, be n4y týifc like tuis." and lie was nilserable. F ortunately anything atter ahl." "Nonsense, ilaldane; be a man; itwas netrwa e mn as tInt "oMarhon," lie relied, with mneck, the crisis is appronching, I cannot was roulinghlm forlielad eYdseverity, peinting a inger at lier as tell how tt may ho, but we hope for s«nie good engagemiexits tanlits t'rne ho stopped lits wild careering round! the best. Yeu have yeur duttes te and lad 4lways been cf a saving the table, -1 shahi really have te perfo!rm. Go, then. I will send a dispesitiga, se tliat now lie ýnd a rend you a sevoro lecture. You are' special mossengor te the theatre, fair balance at lis bankuers.' No; ýt a pesiîist, an alarmtst, a-a-well, and I pray tînt the message May be wvas the thuuglit that lie was nitet er other 'ist' that I cannot think a cheoring eue." advanuing tai the profession bc loved ofr the noent. Net be any- 'Reaven grant it may,- was Ron- se well tînt cast ailehl a gleoin over thing aitor ahl? Why. great Scot- ald's fervent reply. h'tm. This stagnation appalhod hlm. land! Dudley et the Pantheon net Se lie set eut fer his, niglt's work. lit wa mndeetstene stfftIe ean anythtng? My dear girl, you Ah! littie the public thiak hew te sit down quietly an!d let things dont know Dudley - a man et ex- mnnny an acter there, is who wtth a slide. Ele burned te de something collent judgment." smiling face gees tlirougl ilis work great. 11c lenged te show the Lon- "Oh, Ilai," replied lits wiie, suit-1 nigit atter niglit witli a heavy andl don public wiat ho kiew in litsin ing in spite et the agitation 'whicli aching lieart fer lits leved unes at xpoot bert oit capable of. Ulie wspanydpce 7 oe wntloargtieot '_ar frem it; but -naspanydlteueairfcho! tha e oist aiebrit-wti, i ow yeu are getting ronLceitecd." The picce_ begaii. Renald's nervos thenrtsti lie bratwittn im "Marion, for shamoe! Cencelted?, er unstrung, but lie weat t lit hs andnoldnethoquachd.GionWhoevoý,r heard et anl acter boeming werk wtth a will; ia spite eit tie theepprtuttylie kaow tnle cenceitcd? The thing'ýs ano mosi- ca iglit that was tuggtng at lits ceubLd stiir lýth ttrlcal world te iltty-, absolutely. But i 1muýst be JLirt lhe meant te succoêd. lIe tried its 4diptlis. But nas tOePpY'V- off. What shah I1 ask Ddcy'ot te 1e himself tanlits part, but de tanty a nlong ime omn-n-pounds a week?" wliat lie weuld, the vision etflierilit, deed, od fartLier off lian ' vor r ai"aimest scereamcd lits wtfe. dying nînybe, was evor befere lits --and Ile was ýgettiTig older ovory "Net eneugli? Coing tee -chenp? eyes. da.And there wns Marion--Mari- W'll lot himn down lightly nnd The end et the second act was on lits wife, bis darling-wlio ho- aslk sixty." reached. The heroine was suppesed ltoved itab hlm,îvho tdoltzed him, whîo "And lie'li kuock off the neuglît te bave disappoared. lIer wliero- lcngod te 500 liim at the top ot the anti ofler you six." abouts wero uakaowu. 47oald, as ladder, andi whe fet every disap- "Marien, it pains me greatly te the lioro, liad sworn te and lier, neý peintnieni, evory non-success te >b- know that my ewn donc wife puts matter wliat niiglit ho the cost. tain an engagement, more keenly the small anmd insigni iant tee ef £6ý The stage was clear, Rennld was Vlan ieodld. Do yen wender, tînt per wreek as the value et bier lighly- the enly acter te ho seen, and at tIcpoo felowwesmd? lieh~dtalenteti lushantis services. But, tle ond of lits menelague, a speech failed te obtain the engagement ittlicro-therc, dear, dear, let me go I lasting some e tw minutes, lio lad te lie md lotft homo te seek, anîd the andi get tt ovor. Kiss me, Marion, uttor a pathetic, fervent prayer: disaýppointinent wouhd telt heavily andi wish me lack." "Oh, God, spare my darling's lite; utpea ier mwho was bis one thouglt- "G ood luck, dear, and hoaveu biess spare her; she is all e werid te aeeenover tînt of his nrtisiic you." me. caorhsloved one, lis guardian Ronald tore hinsolt away and teek IRis acting thrilled'that vast audi- j1)o,1e1. a hansoin to the Paatlieon, whore once, mostly contpesed, as -frst-night "Wýei, littie o!" ho satd, cheer- Shakespeare, wns ta lis at niglits, audiences usually are, et ardenti fully, as lie entered lits cozy Sitti2ng- pcndtng the production et a ronman- pînygeers who knew what acýting re- reema. ever wltchlithe blessed word ttc draina by île leading author 0fi ally was. As the curtain teli a "comfnort": îvas writ large for ail the day. perfect hurricane et applause filleti to sce. "10w have you bngtting "Alm, IHaldanie!" saiti Dutiîcy, the the theatre; whilte tle tours, reai an , tis long trne without me, erinent acter-manager, ais Jonnld tears, wece coursing dowa Ronald's eh?" enteceti lis dressing-r oomn, aitith cheks. -Oh, faousiy, nla," was her end ot tie second act. "I'm glati As lie went off Dudley met him anti plaan eply. rny wire ceacheyd ye." saidl, slappîng lima on tle back, Siü nlwnays calied htur by tlue pet "Se am 1," was Renaitis lnconic "Splendid, my bey'-sptendid; the ziramcofetHai, n hicli aie likedtu tereply. cent thing." llink wns rancred toelier and te lier "Aire you dtsengaged,?" -Th.- real thing!" theught liai- alone'. "AÏLy smccess, dear?" "Amn I diseagagedi?" snid Ronald dane te himseît. "Great heavýens, 'Wlnt exactly success, but te ýhimself, cliafiing wrdyai tle yes, the-real-thing!"I 1w lit e ilsappo)ittd, 'wot t is thouglitt1int such l, anerninoýit acter- le toek lits cai; île appiauso ýwas iioliu;d te cernie in time. we canneotnnagrkne"w nothtlg aouhits d0defenng wtli«a3 s go on')l Ikiis." iags: bu[t ie rpled "ht n kactorý" satd orledam "Oh RiIhope sO"; Ithon, attar "Yojsi at pre1sen1t I n" tice critic. a "us ,0 Se 1you d i netget 1thle "«hYou ke wi ear o- "la a mn" ad ntîewho part 'l?"- ýing teno i. I 1wnnt a leadinig ke oad n i iru.tn "eii n, dar Iidn't.Btý ai Slnidpr. lgifcn1 wu doni't IVink it wouhlff ave sutited cac;wh ac-boueyaik - Any meSsage for, moe'"gaspeti fte: il WZ]as 1mlot'Oe a 'chatrncter - whoiever pînys it. Ylia are YOuc Ronald, as ho entered lits dcssing- pt tîan ny elcse, anti you tîor=?" reom. kno I% fhat clirctr parts." Pudlhey n'as a muaiet few werds "Ne, sir." Ifow Ronald 1Baldano bovet lits and believed la) comning te thle peint "Go tiown te the stage deer anti wifte ltins perveort the truth ta or- at once, sec. 1J in change myol,"lie sntd dctue smootli ever lits ptainly- -17 irty penndcs," replieti Ronald, to lis drosser. sendisappointment! Thc part tinîereuly.Tenndortd wasa iadig ee, t fr--raa0i - Te izchi; 1 umught about 1Thon, tlrowing himscîf on lits po výrt,, an d wouid have suite I l iitwety"kaces, le prayed wttli aih the fervor ta overy Wy -eî n'o"-foir Ronal1.d ladIet lis ipont-up seul: "Ru crn, ea,:'li cntnudbeon ait îe atho bfre, ad "O.Gol, spare lier; slef is all e assuming an air etgnityas if hle evr*body callcd o lte mlanager lY 'xworld1 1te me. lad net a troule in the woriÈ, jthtî nanme-' '1 really thiong,,it about Tl-i -aman returneti and'gave Ron- "wbat is there for ton? l'in> near-! asting forty." ait a note. lie tore it open- Iy, famishIeti, renlhy 1Ilan." j Just se, jut se; but we wen't "CitIsis passed. H1ope." "I]:nve you net lad anythtag te quarrol ovor figures. Tlere's my "Thanal Ilaven!" ejaculated Rou- enat te-day?" lits Nife asked, witl cail; Say twenty-rive. Do yeu nid troxu lis leart, and weat down mui concera, agreo?" for thc thtrd ne. "Val? What iian thtai tct Wle. eitetý(-i Roald, wttIli ing whe wan1ts te et oleeteoi mra eutnc.,Rnl Ila ati edn c tilc swt'et-est lute , welinn ta Hce!ortthn llel Mors WZoc la J'Liondea.1Iknew ne mos.nafor worldi? IT keiiin et IIeclub, 'tîS itic sceny"i'lgive ý oa oyonr w~ îgv a gretor regard, but I truc, butlta-neot I. Coui, Mai- ligreomeni zlt d 1e prt-gn part, adreis a frientid, 2arieni, lis wife. onl, gîvo nl,,ILie lts egtt-a;wud' mid ptayinig iuyot h Lne i-is lot us et and dinfor i-mrowiatsme"nsîl'al-oyke1e br1inlga iwe engagemenit." nit Il i dor andsat "Aw; ,y ýs my dear, lgtlere, "Cur-tntni's up, sic-." gealii liiL," ssheSiid, as li edly "Gootdi-ighit, 1liaoLan; we rehearso AA' PRIMS kisseti hlim nt a tie rom lfor litai imditly, adDuhv ieri ai ictale Tc en ws eati holding oi is -liai anti evdenily Tle nelwest et the malons ebc lyenot. Roniald exct'tbed him- quite satiaflot witl lis ýbargan. brougît te u is tîme Orienital por- sIf taiiclnrg lois utatii t L>prevcnt, "Goot-nigît, guv'ner," roplicti fumes. Thse ceats anti sm'etis Of hï.s wife freii riuiring te Colec tope' Ronald, equaîîy weîî pleaseti as le old Japan are île ultra-itasio for ofhit-'-ucces. t(te ontlcy al ook thc preffereti lanti. - the wlnawho caros toc luxury. la- îcrwt alirs aroundthîe fire anti Tey loftiîle dressing-roemi-aetie iltIi il mh l prprdte mako iheaîsehves ceai- getlier, île coete reec(ive the ap- otus fiower; insteati cf.lietrope it fortahit'. plaustietofluadretis et people, île wilt be santal wood; instenti of lnv- "'Now,, don," ho saiti, as lo lit aý cilier te receive île congraitations' endor i is te lic arnbergrls. Thoy cigaret te, "what is ite be-chevs, eto oneoueny a woniana, lis wite. are net ver>ý expeasive, culher, these dagî,cards, or woulti you tikel Whteh was tle sweeter, tlmnk yen? lturing edors et 014 Japan. Anti me t +_ati1e19u-"Ah! Ronadk-_w.soins et tlem ceaie se quatntly putl "Semn, n.~ImSay tiis; 1 knelw net seme. lIn! la!" anti le langhcti as if'hle md net aaeein, the î'rti udel ep auisotiantiw% - loo 'fs utl is wie. "Mark! iai u wns iba?" lie saiti. "'lcpest1nan," was lis Wif's repW. Thie 1ai-7at-w)kkacktiut "Tmy, wlere iA pawle go te wkî-,ýde-ceive thela' f-,11OW-11Qt ?ý the dt'pr, " i i.MPW About tile I ....JiouseI c 1 IIAS IT OCCURREDM TO YOU. _______________________________________________________________________________________________ - . t, Creai Puffis-Puîl hait a pinýt et water tan a sunceýpun wifour ounc- os etf wee, roal butI -te, n huEle lomear peel linvet i tua, t-wo un-es 0f sugar, anti a sait-spoon et sait, As soon ns île wte(r hegias te loi, ilirow ta fo4tc ounce-s etf leur (te net sit it in)> and tiai oce begim, te suir rapidly wil na wootien spoon or puddle hbdit t tue right liant whiie you hoit tic saulcepati firahy! withth îe ttht o ntinuete sur unati n a mooti, tîlci pas.ute is fori- et, which will ho ta a teýw minutes. Thon taie troin the fine, anti as seon as colt enougi net io scýaîdthîe egga, break la the irai oeeanti lent until it ta smeeuly mîixet ha île latter; ilion aud tiwemore anti boni thein in ilonouglily anti continue us rap- ily as possible untiii ogit lave licou uttiet, uness you fiadttthîe but- ter ts gttiagtee tai, tien do net att ahi île eggs île necipe culas foc, Thc latter must le sitiffenougl to ieep is siape wltliout sprentiing rnncl whon put ha tle panis and'tihle egga shouicti ne ho uteti efore île buatter gets colt. Atter île cggs are in continue te lenat île bu)tter unti it ia clear anti arnoil. Wiea neudy te haie, firsi butter lhe 1pans we 1i iliontuaiwitl fleur,, siukinýig effail tit t inet uin.Drop Hi,, but- ter wiii a apeon or uise_ a pnstî'y hag anti tube, ]euvhmîg some ýspuce bc- tween aci eune. lIfyen wish n idi hrown coton, bruali enci puff iiti bouton ogg, but this wiii net ho nec- cesary if you hiave a got oven, Let the puffs haie until iliey are pertoctly tigit te the touch, wlen hatieti; if they are talon frein île oven tee soon tley will soon sîrna anti troop; iiey simeuiti ledoue ta iweaty-five Minutes. As soon as tley are colt, but betone tley loose thehrcrcispneas, iliey sieulti le fi lied wtii culer île rogulur creuin put! fitliîîg or wiipped cecan, To do ibis cnt a siahneesite wti n sharp laite, pres lie put! open slitgtly anti put île filiag ia with a spoon. This anme lutter ca le useti toc ecluirs, Spunisi puffs, etc. .Creain Put! Filing.-Pui a plat et mikin ta ndouble hoiler anti put on te scutti. Put two tubtespoontuls et cernatandl ta a bowl wih a cap of sugar andt trce eggs anti liet until ligit. Peur île hot miii ever ts mixture anti sur untili wcthaixeti, ilion tina bncintaie lIoler anti suir anti cool unti îlemixture thiciens, tien remnove frein tficfire anti when aiigIiîty ceel att a icu- sp-oontul of vunihia. ila muiingîl pnff lutter somneluvmoitîle ion (- onl pool andtiisgar anti use eaiy six )e(ggq, tlu tîl naiber oet eggs cun le teteinieti by tie qualuity ofthîlebut-j ding aus is ncaur. iebte miiithave a1 thoreuigili eai lny very mucl ote lumn iliose uauSally obtainet utt îe airis Goot Egg tbe.-Sirrteggs lolk prettyiynta tîir ltte flutet porcelainin thes. Tlcy are gasily cooketi, tee0. Mltilitanteaspeon et butter ineci ttlpcupbreak ha oacI an egg, set itaia pan et lot wator, coer with greasot(i paper anti place in île ovea five mnts e nIova anti stick lutle tipa e pepe grass about île c m et oa cup, serve lot. A twsenfi tcool- et tomnate, a hitileoa sýauce or some well-finvoret mncimettMay le placet hIn a c lttle cup )bofore breiing ilatîle -egg. To pond île(: eg a, laveplea1ty e of itlboithag wae, Iral îtle egg on the ite of ýtic pan anti trop iright, hit he l]iý oi- venkts île, wîjite fremi eig t as se neiorimunmiaig us neces-sary. Taike île egg ont wtt the liimmer, ai tay ou a slc,ýoiet ltieotitoast, Tic toast alouliti le ippeti once iti lot wuier and, butteneti quicltýy. A ceiery or tomiate saue senveti with peadleti eggs ta a ptensîung vartety. Cook hlfaitapini celery, rc ntinchd icagtha, ta beiling saltii waier until tender. Mou na tublespeen t fbutter witli n tablespoon oetIfler, udt hli a cup et wator; ia whIch ic ýcelery was cooketi, hlita teaîtoix et sali, anti a dal of popper. Cool fige minutes, tien udt hlita cup et mili andthti tiainet cetery. Arrange the pteces cf toait witl a poadiet cgg, oe eaeci on a tuis anti peur round tle cehery sauce. r nat te put a statuette or otflec P. N. Chaningion, of' Londoia, is cpiece of brtc-u-bnac on n stand .n aototù-nitesig rfront cf the wintiow, betwoeeaithîl enbo t fecanfttretalg port- fgasandthîe lace cumt"' "iaia ne fi cniiosH frai confession tht itus ba iý us cae h elwoe do g for outsiders anti netfthefîl iOe a pundhetitcowetl-o exanin-c aTînt petiot patins, feras, etc..,are onsa, ouert ai t Eto ax atidt- e ut et-place urouati a firept)ace? eot inw1&th mau1fcr, Tint n delîctous sandiwichmu l rsethawîd te aafbue mIate etf day oIt Beston bhrowa sale anti consuuitea et ofncohliwiti j~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~b bru u asce l ogl e l i soluteiy proibIitetci. No licenseý let li pt a hierte lera oftîî et ofuny kiti witihogrunteti anti iwlte brout, wttL -creeuin che(,ae I)- snnet cnisn s out n - tee? Ic auwtlcshae ! toxý,icants wille taisertdinha ail iwiý(1Cbases.i The talfant mit]. le a large! aCppeIIAruce etf clioclate ,ýlayer caýke. snîn ,cautto tittm Tlint stockings anti sedis pus ai lra 1c rincone. r stbyriIra iLcir usefulacaOzs as sud aie goodt th ptcewiltbhoa roserit oc tlese hleos foc tiche chn? Ct o ff iîa oboi i ovse l île foot, toit the iog sevemnlijunesi habit et nstng iatoxtcnuing, liquors anti sew l inlce. Cever wvitli a bit te exceas. et calico or ginglain. h ta ie pedti tntovidence wtlt be cookt aiota!vge )ý;aegradnaliy accumulutedti te lp sottie cokdwitl île lits eh le iùpo.ts? tre tipttpons 'Itl total The wnt.er ta whtch oniions, are bell- he dipt ons:Wltta ot sieulti le changoti sevecut tînmies, abstinence fer a tine enadicute the Tin sîinset usotue wîcî redeshno for drink? n question on Thatstans o wIicliarewhii heticevideace et pctsoaera ne- île mosi ohtiaute et alito te roovo îeaseti ,trom mu allsnet hlieotut; tes tromeai ttnLa, mny ho re neovet wiih it uh atinence devoiop a 4tndency ciior? ,Sain rate tîle Spots wih ùte tils3ofdus ha pu ýetler anti apreai aiotlyon a eoa! s tduaacun pu ani ether? ouIL tas te w1lich ta suirface. Co%,, verwtII a owi te, pro- 'banaso jý-vIIucqumnet taii,îMe Ensiý; antilias tta wil reum'ove meosi grease atain1s, bujt asiec n dc i itihn muail set -wil caution.wokneagyapitwictc Peiirpiltows witi re nve ?o f ie oer acsye bn atrod Ilecomednt atiu un lrale cnineionibitks peti. odorous. Evecy fewwWecks tley slhould le pinneti on îlee une eon a suiny day anti lofti iere for sevecal leurs. If ticy lave an unpleasant odor anti ne reaovating estublish- ýPont ha neur, tina ibm frein île ttckiti a atout mnualla hug, maie stroag suds with goti whie soap nti a uitile ammena anti souk île bag etftout hors for severni heurs, benting ibem efien witl a sthck. Tranaier te second suds ýant i Sok anti lent us beforo; tien rnse tîrougi tour or five waters, henting anti souaing vigerously terrnove ail traces ot soap. Pin on thc lino anti louve exposedti terata anti wtnd for sevecal tinys, Wetting theai-,once n day if tiere is ne rata. Louve te. île sua for a weei, tainin aut aight anti shaiing otten te filE i heini wcli. Fenatherases treateti wili ro- main freali anti sweet for ycnrs. SWEET PEAS. For support, la ve a wirc neiting naihedtot posis, set ai equat dlist- ances, This wtll suppor't two rowa et swcoi peas. During the hoiftosi weatloc i wti le bcbesite oprovite a muId for île vines, evea ihougih tley are waiered repeatetily anti tlorouglly. A muicli willi comm muisture about'ilie rois anti keep ilion cool, se iliat the vines wiht romain treal anti green. For thie muldi use grass clipplaga. Cnt île blossorna off twuce a weei, aitoast,> se tInt new eues may speedily taie udirplalet, or île vines wt1il rua te seet. You can lave evccy vmoom in tle lieuse supphieti witli tiese. loeyblooins, ani ndifre cee fla oaci. The white anad pîni varie- tios are the lest. ALCOHOL FOR THIE 51CR. Good It Dees in Somme Cases Sel- eniifically Explaincti In the firsi place, thee udea tînt a stimulant gives sirenghl must ne longer ho entertaineti; it certninty tees net coatribute mnuscular terce or norvous enecgy, says uthe Hoapi- tai, Tic action et nicehel causes n tempornry generai accelerntiin ef tic circulation anti increasea afflux et btoodt thte brain anti viscera, antio ethitihe physician may taie ativuntage. Sudh action rnay per- mit the evelutien ofetergy, bat enty authîe oxpense et leet anti titssue; tle eaergy itseif ts net sup- piiet hy the alcoliol, Ia prescruiag alcohel ta chronic diseuses tle first thtng la te taie care net te hamAicehllblas ne pince ini île ti'eatment ot wcakness tan childioti. The imoat ircaclereusi eaiployment et stimulants ai aayi pertoti et lite is ibeir adiministration1 for île relief et doprossica or ot sen-1 sations describtng us "siaktng," or subjective feelings etf weaess, even tilgi sud subjective sensaitions le acconpaied by we-akncss e thîe puIsý. Douhulea,ýs îl iameine e- fýciL Of tiIc £mtitctOaf alCOhot1 iutr sd crun acsis tistitaci anti bgiell , tracin l vii- ahie. 1 D-iseus eofiorkidnleyo tiver iîauy bouileregardet as an har te stirnutfani, A. geetiword, hjowovec, is te ho sait, uccordtng te tic expenienceofetDr'. A. Iliansorne, foc île use ot nicohllitaphihisis anti tubercul o'is dtseaaes, lu debility, Woreever, stimulants propecly employet are et greut value. They shoulti oahy ho takima uat meals, andti ieir henefictal effecis are te lic estimaiet by île iacrcase in t1, ioi eni e f food which la tal- onr 11tlieir rait. 'lanselecttag a stimutjan, then, tle critecion is net uts clemnicai constitution, 'bu.t ius ef- fort on île appetite anti digestion. la iacute tebrile disease stimulants are nojw geaerulty gtvcn witi jndg- mne0nt antili metrutien. Trne was, lciw,, ier, wliea th,, treairnaioet tv- iit uis ïnet eveal yet holii entrety urteifrein le lpuiblic idie. Tins4 we are cntatycahot u 1pen tei who ima1:gine tfint îl0bvionswe- fes thîe pattenit caIlstaîpcrativcly for stimulants, la acute fechile dis- c'ýaese tinutants shoudit aneo case ho givea ha île euniy stages, lui shoutli e witimcd us long as pos- sibile. Wliea stimulants premnoto sieep anti timiaisi resticsacas anti agitation tley are ting geeti. On the otier liant, shoulti they cause excitoment, or shecplessness, or incrouse île fre- quency of tic pulse, or set up gus- trie or intestinal tieramîgomont, tley are tioiug hurm, TOTAL ABSTINENCE ISLAND. Mîci - "Wly ton't yepz leura 'un tle vi'lar?" Put - "nrause I wni,'tilte Ilavce ev'ecy ativantage. A ývi'ln maies tinore atbut a clrati,,,n loup Im.oete le -,de-, pindc oiont ua v l'eilalina ge." New orki pouce are,eest pî fia ticwot Theuy begin on $75 A DEATH VALLLEYý Nfo Person Flas Ever Beein Known te Cross it. A C. Carpenter, of Chicage, -who irecently returneti from îlhe Phlip- pineý Islandis, lihas, been roamiag arount in aunexpioreti anti unolvilizeti parts-oethîe tslaads, examiniag lie thie mineral possibitties eft île coun- try. He las but rccenily matie n report et lits observaitions , iita le( -newiy acqu7iret i ierilory, 0f all Ge uaparaleied tliatgs wiîlc lesaw Mc. Carpentter saiys thîat îleirnuiicl- talketi-of %Volley etdie-at)in la îe la- tant et îýmIdanois the inesi w-voi tierfu and ti.mnsclrious. "The fajýmouis valley," lic says, -l5 far taînaiti linta tîlarge tahanti. The tate2rtor et the isianti is coveret i wth inouiatasii, andti uere are nay indi- cationis ef voicaaic cruptiena., Atter eueý ranigeetf mouatatas is crosseti there is a deep desceni. This is the etige oetlithe vattcy. ltlookss lue île cim ot a great crai.er, but it is tee harge for tînat. fhistasurrouzdeýd Lby higli mouiniais, anti covers nuny square mls "encrosaiJng île nmouataina île traveiler secs a lieavy misi, sirnihar te a teg, hanng o'vec the landi le- neati liai. Tic misi is leavier anti tiarker ihan île mesi dense fog, anti it lias noVer licou kaown te oca away. As rny party et -five weai dowu the mouinain aide wo fehi tînt mvo were appreaching thin mt. "The air tînt we brenileti was leavy anti fouli. Wf knew tint there Were peisenous gaseýs ta île aimes- pliere frei tfie vecy effeci wllcl île air lad upon usfA Iwanet, eut upo an oxeduiente land eut 10w amudl sfcig o ult imedure, .I caileti a haIt long betoce we were mn tle ihici of ilie muit, Wo deeiled ai once te retura te theo meuntain topa anti survoy île vnlley ai n dis- tance. 1 was anxieus te make semee report cf île valley, for natives lad brougit 'nuggests et getti freai île neigliboriag isiants, whîdli wero harger ilan auy tint I lad ever ho-, fore lourd ot. Tliey suidti tît tlcy lad tounti these ai ticetidge oethîe Valley cf Deuil. "No od~e lus ever been knowa te cross tis strange vulley, anti sever- al parties wiicl mande île atteampi lave failto anti lave been tocceti te returu totehîe nmuntains exiausieti ant i sck Many people lave been oercome hy île peisonous gasses, anti lave enhy boen reacueti ly tîcir companions, wlios-e lungs wece net se quicity affocteti. "Se fac as 1: can untiersianti, 1 le- liove tint tiere mnuai ho some vol- canie fissure somewheco la île vnlioy anti frein ths is censiannly pouriag forth îhe poisenous vupor wiicl ever langs over île vntiey.. Frein descriptions et, othec votcaîc gases 1 b)elieve tint tIs Is tic explanattea efth île osi whcl langs over île Valiey et Deail." TWJENTY-Y-ILE SHSAVES. Disiance a Xmn laes in an Av- erage Lifetimie. Frein a ni-uhitie et examnplcs, anii average meiasuremol-ni uceundtihîe chia frein car te car 'ta feundtote (le tweive anti a huit inches. Frein where tic hourd sturis on tic tirent te îhe chia anti tience te the edgei ofthîe umda-lip ha tour anti a hli taches. You alýuai reckon tînt it is aoccssnry te glvo two stroies ofthîe caser fte oachiticlior traction et un inc ha eorder teu erathîe sur- face, aa'ti te go over endli section et îtle -face twico in order te secnre a cloa nrtàce. Se, asntiptying île numbor et strokes by île aumber et urnes tle razor is passet ever île ontico face, yeu get tic figure 8, anti tour Uies île twe abeve moniioneti jne.-sqtremonts, givos yeu tîle figures ot 7>o mid 18 rseivtwbicl, adde oelpoue 68G. Thore- fer te vergema,Lwetlec dank eJ, fursuvs68tchsoneevr 24 1ný hers ilt Iesefiguires We r rive ait tho resuliit tn vcm-an wear ing enly.-ý a ajuIc, s1ilaves 2,- 068'feet 4 îindes per ycar. TuTki,1. ilion, tle uveragoe ni at70) yoers, and tintthîe tain man sinria sllav- iag ai 18, andthle tari ma nayeari cachier, er ut 17,, ive have île fol- lowiag resulis: Thai a fair ma, if lo lives tiltlic ta 70, witt âhave ha île course etis lite 20 ailles 650 yards 4 taches. The iark ma, utle livcs tiltle is 70, wil hlave in tle course et lis lite 20 miles 1,340 yards 1 foot 8 taches., A FASTING TRAV LMI~ ht is almoest imposaible in Meceý- is suet le tiuny ni ilie wcng, la t île tieScY, lfortilal tIl vct t astby pept aglctinjg 1uleir lsneSte le about oaci oier Jauu'r'y isth ewaiotenIa île yeýar. .-as, ou n al, rg i hlvo I"ete" ýY es 8JLYER AN~D JEWELLEIJY METHODS 0F PerSERVING 'THEY R1MTRI Formiula in-lise With, Jewellers iS Simnple and Available Any.. whiere. Your jewels may no e lnmerens or cestiy, anti yonc irvrray lie liewvise lmîteti, yeti t s vwtl W11lh t o lo11)w it e'ep whnt teWý, pieceýs you have la tic besi possibleý ceuliteon, Sivor turaushea easily, antd iweihcy laconsiantiy lacontact mytth taiand ti ler substances whicl obscur'e ts ýrtllhincy wleat ptiotitcal dleaning ima negtecteti. Fe cucnang ahl sorts et jewellery,; excepi poania, the formula in gener- ni use witl jewellera anti opuictuns is simple anti avuita ble anywhere. TIc artiles are lirai wusheti in benzine, then ta castile sonp mmnd wntec te whiidl n Utile ammionta las bedu atutet. Riase iha donc water anti duipa in ulcohol. The ileory oet t is tint the benzine cemjoves île grouse, the sap anti watcr remiovo the boa-' zinc, tî le doncwaiec renioves île soupsutis, andtihîe ulcohlirernovez île waier. If the goiti lis lest is lustre tîcougli usage, or ta tarnisheti, soina furiher ireaiment la accessary. Maie n solutton ont et one quart ot waier anti one ounce et cyaniteofet ia- siumu, ant ip thpîe jewellery ia it. Thonrnse iha donc wutec, anti pro-' ceeti frein thîs pohnt. If gelt isladuit anti requtrespuh tng, cul witb n pieýce et cluanioh tenthier upon whidi iasbecaphaceti a amtali quanttty et jowelier's rouge, Wusli eft!hîe roiuge wî t-)sap ,and wntoc; tIn nase in doncr water, dtp tnalncolel, anti dry in jeweller'a saw- 'tai TO CLEAN PEARLS. Pend jowellory muy hoe leancist the sanie maner as ilint coataiuing tiamoata, excopitithîlte benzinci bath musti ho omitteti anti ail ile operations muai perforinotiVary qutckty, se as te nliow as lttle cime as postible te intorvene ho- tweea île fIrai wtttng el île article anti piuciag m i ie , auwtust. Pendsa are often cemetet ia place, anti fiits ave no, tentency te sofien tie cernnt hence tle mect for speoti. For cloaaing aiver ptate île tol- lowing mixture is recomrneo-ndet: To twe ounces of French (pncpnreti chali att eue-quarter et un ounce et ummeai-ni, foui ' ounces et alcolol, anti wo ounces ot waier. Att te tuas ton grains et cynitie et potas- sium titasolvet intatwe ounces of wuter. The resultiig mixture aboulti lbe et a croamuy coasistoace. TwentV drcops et cil et sasaufraismay ho ad- dot te give an agrocubte otior. To appty, pour a ltile iti a sau- cor, tip intahélecnt et a softijewel- hmusl,anti go ever tlie whole surface 'e tîle atiche la questin. IfU bis lhappens to e le eeply engruvetius Wlatpai1ttrs c'Ilatia"upta stroke(, wh-icl conrissaoe jalbiag île 'enta etf ibe brist1ies unie ihe oes ant ire groo)ves et tic clmasing ,I ltglly polishet.! do net use alirusi ut, alu,ý as it wtt]. make minute scratches * For use unter tie latter condition, maie n put et cotton ftaaael flleti wtticotion weot. Dip ibis itaie île( miturc, going oer tic surfa-ce w1,ith very 'ligit, .circular strekes. Alter tic article las been restore t ts ortginal wlutoness, wasi tlorougly ta loi wutor- anti castie soap,' rnse in sculitng wuter, anti, if itlie n Ptnce oet ltow ware, luke ta muig or a creain piidler, inveri it, ihn wili dr'y ulmtostinmstMntau4mously. Thomi polîsi witb. a picoet Ècotton fianuet. DUST AND TARNISHING. Ina alpoiisliag of ti i atulre île greatest i cresiulti le talio e x- chudte every atom ofet tinst oet everY sert fretinle Gcloil uset toc pohiali- ing. Theo bbi wn-ty te nae rc tlom frein hituai tste luy several yard-cs et celttn fIaud, d'ut itaie squares toror fitiCen ldies ne" cosa.' anti pudci away ilia abox fletdwuul a securo titi, Tontalc a n frslpioco every Liino, dtscartiaýg it wlea île cieauinig ha over. To pIreýveat silver frein tarisb1iag, place a tew lunmps et camphor ta île box or tcawer containtng tle Silver articles; tiis 'iill neuiralize te seome exieni tic guses wiich tara 13thvci tari, If silver- ta te ho stereti for seine lergtb eft une, >it sho nid le ceenet thorenghiy "andi placet la cotten flunnetliuags thut cit li clos- et tîghty aitIh top, Tien tieîa * ags sheutti le wrappet in para'fntl puper. Ncýw silvor frequefntly ceanes frein