Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1903, p. 8

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e I i The Very Thing the ID ctor Ordered Would likely be theéer thing to miake you well. The doctor did.nt sy so bu lie meant that the drugs, that go to make up, the prescription lie wrote should be pure and f resh. Thiis is a good place to get accurate dispensing, a gooci place to corne for anything that a drug store seils. We make it a good place as far as watchfulness andl care can determine. We have your exact need if- a drug store can supply it. No shop-worn goods in stock to seli as bargains.' Everything new, and up-to- date. Wiien in need of anything in our, une cail and see us. It is al ways a pleasure to show goods. J. H iggînbotham &Bon, Druggists, Bowmanville. R. M. rITCHIELL, Manager. As the price of other building material is steadity Sadvaneing, the demand for sometldang cheaper is daily y »I becorning more general and nothing better than Cernent ie __las yet been found as a reliable substitute. 0 For sidewalks, floors, cul vertsand solid masonry isteRATHBUN'S,,STAR PORTLAND lsth eading Canacian brand. For bank barns, stable f loors and silo work. 0 BATTLE'8 THOROLO W- lut èAa:iu $t*aviuJfYou Fait to Remove Your Burden ofý 3OWMA.NVILLE, JUJNE. 3, 1903 Sehoot Report for May: Son. IV, Mildred Collacutt; Jr. IV, Shirîto Snow- don, Gladys Snowdon, Pearl Snowdon' Myrtie MeReynolds, Mabel Cox, Man- noit Bolamy, Edna Adamsa; Son. Ill, Elva Snowdon, Bortie Wilkins; Jr. III, Rhea Jeffery,1 Ethel Adains; Son. 11, Arthur Chartes, Frank Hamilton; Jr. II Mabel Depew, Seward Tyler, Edna Wilson, James Dryor; Son. pt Il, Elmer Cox, Edua Snowdon, Cecil Jeffery; Jr. Pt 1l George Shoon, Charlie Burne, Cyril Itundie, Russell Foley, Cocil Adams; Son. I, Gladys Dopow. Llyod Snowdn, Fred. Barns. Konneth Cor, Lizzio Burns; Jr I. Herman Depew, Herbert Jeffery, Gertie Lyrmer, V i vian FoleV. BmRTÂ HANCK, teacher. TYRONE. Mrs. Skinner is irnprovinz from her recent illnoss. . .. Mr and Mrs. james Skinner, Brooklin, visited his mother who is c)i years of age.. .. Report ot our scbool for May', names in order of menit: 5th Ciass-Etia Saunders, Minnie Lind- say'. 4th-Florence Clemens, Aberta Morris, Clarence Rahm, Pearl Skinner, Harry Barrett Sr. vrd-Herbert Bur- gess, Blanche BaIl, Mervyn Morris, Flor- ence Rahm, Almeda Thompson Jr.. Brd -Jon indsay, Norman Poole>', George SILpo Sr. 2nd-Mary Congdon, Florence McLaughlin, Olive Skinner, Elia Lindsay, Lorne Saunders, Douglas McLaughlin, Mabel Wight. Jr- 2nd- Eva Henry, Effie Manning, Elta lîoidge. Edith Congdon, Lorne Phare, Lionel Byarn. Sr. Pt. II-Arthur Simpson, Louis Philp, Percy McCoy. Ir Pt Il- Gertie Henry. Albert Morris, Olive Gil. bank. Sr. Pt. I-Harold Skinner, Gar- net McCoy, Lance Phare and Cecil Rahm equal, Arthur Harvey. Jr. Pt, 1-Velina Staples, Otho Staples, Maggie Higgins. C. L OLE L. GAMBLE. teachers. Disease in dune, Your Life is Not Secure.., Paine's Celery Compound Wil Do For You What it Did For Mr. J. B. Butts. There was nover a remody so highîy recomxnndod for making sick people wolI in summor time as Paino's Clory Compound. It successfulîy grapplos with ail thealilments common la sum- mer tio, and nover fails to removo long standing and chronie disasos that have haffted thoe kill of physicians. Whon Patno's Celory Compound la used thoro la no long wating for rosuits. It tonos tho stomachi, improves the appetite assista digestion, givos sweet sleep, ex. cites the boweis te healthy -action, ex- pels ail foui humors from the bleod and bracos the norvous system. Mr. J. B. Butte, Spadina Ave., Toronto Ont , eays:-"11 had a very bad attack of la grippe, which toit me with a nervous PRONO Recent vieitors Mise Auetin, Guelph; Miss Hamilton, Rosedale, ut Mr. IL. Mo- ment's; Mr. Wm Coonsv, Peterborough ; Mise Edith ljhapmau ut Mr. Donald Siith'e; Miss Stevenson, Oshawa, gnest ot Mise Lîllhan Gamaby; Mr.t and Mr@. Ihos.- Sharpe-in Canton; Mrt. and Mrs. Wm. Kelly, Perrytown, ut Mr. D. F Wash@ ; Mr. R. IR- Waddell and Miss M. E, G. Waddell ut home- Mrs. A. C. Maefarlane visiting ber father, Mr. R. Edwards, Cn- nington; Mr. and Mie F. W. Williamfion and family ut Mr. Geo. Davidson'a ; Mr. John Macdonaldi, Bowmanville, ab Mr. C. G. ArmFitrong',4 ; Mr. Frazer and Miss Bingham, Toronto, gueste of frra Tho@. Waddel; Mr. Philip Thomas, Sturgeon Falls, et Mr. F. L. Andins'; Mrts. Harry Mutton and son of IDnndonald. et ber brother'a, Mr. J. G. Honty; Mr. Samukilf Lonz. Cleveland. Ohio; Mr. and Mr@. E. Fielding, Toronto,ý Mr. and Mrs.. a. W. Jewell, Clarke, and Mr. ]Robt. Fielding, Bowxnenviile, at Mr. John Rickaby's ;Mr. Josephi Biette, Toronto, guest of hia brother- in-law Mr. H. Moulton , Mr. and Mie. Thomas Vinson, Mr. Jas. Hallet, Megges Len and Percv Dpncster. Mesare, Chas. Miller and Clarence Vinoon. Miss Annit) Fielding, Mro. J. B. Mont, Miss McCut. and brokendown systom; I aise suffere 1 from indigestion, and sleepîessness ad- ded te my miser>'. I was troubîed with horr.ble nightmares and dream3; indeed, my sleeping heurs waeot me trnes of terrer and fear. 1 commenced te use patent medicines for my trouble, but derived tittie benefit from them. 1 hap. pened t eoe of yenir books at my house. and a ter reading about the wonderful cures off ected by Paine'8 Coîory Compound, I decided te give it a trial. lu tbree mon th I found mysoîf f nlly and perfectly restored te health, and had gainod tfi teon pounds in woight. I amn satis fied Paino's Celery Compound saved my 1e, and without it iwoutd net now bo alive. It la, witbout doubt, the beat remedy ln the wortd" TOWN COUIqOIL. Regular monthi>' meeting held on Monday evening lest, members al present except Coun. Doncater, Wtayor M. A. Jamcs preaiding. Minutes of last meeting read and contirrned. Mrra D. Gilbert asked permission to out down a tres la front of lier premiE- es- Referred te Rosis tend Streete 0onm. Mr. J. G.igg askel te hve esees- ment Ljwered., On motion the come- munication was reoeived and fyled. A communiecàton from the Treaeur- or, Mr. J. Moorcrafi, in referenca to lands te be sold for arrearege of Taxis, was on motion, referred to the Finance fCorn., with Instructions te report on. A number of appeala against aseaz- meut were recoived from farmera with- la the corporatiou. Refermod te Court of Revision. The Mayor etaWeà thet lie was ini recelpt of a communication form Jas. H. MeGull. a former reaident o! ont towa, but now reslding et Wasington,D. C., enolosing a draft for $500 te ba ap- pliadttowards the erao-dou of ithe néw The Mason Ce. Dig SaIe~ Rushing out thousands of dollars worth of goods, every week and must continue to CIO so to make. roorn for the changes agreed oD. About j of, our Groceries stili, left, ne arly 4 of the Boots yet to be sold, a large portion of the Jewellry stock lias been sold bat many of the most' desirable Ues and what we re the highest prieed goods are stili on sale. We are now making greater- cuts than ever on these high priced goods, This will give the people an opportunity ncver equalled in Bowrnanville for genuine bargains in best goods. We don't want them in the way when the mechanics are

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