Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 May 1903, p. 6

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Mr. l3rown's bill to qimen.d the ADRIFT IN N AN GYSA ONTARO LE ISLAT RE. unicpa Act; Mr. Preston's, to provide for a mlore frequent audit of Thrilling Rescue ofCew o ThePeples eprsetatve ~ the books of ail rmunicipalities; Mr. French Fishing Brig. th Poinil aital. McCort's, to arrncnd the Drainage Act, and Mr. Tlendric's, to establish Adsîthfo e oksy TEISAMNaRALWY. municipal coal yards in Hlamilton. -Twenty-three survix ors of the TE, ISKAINGRAILAY.crew of the Frenchli fshing brig Ile de Mr Mthoon akod:-". Wht FIE N ADINGON. Terre Neuve, of St. Servean, France, ar.ount basben aid :Up1to 7t h onf E. J. Davis, Comimissioner reached here on Wednesday on the ýz anouit bs ben pid p to 27t ofCrown Lands, denied in the IUouse Çermnan-Anerican Petroleumu Corn- Apri, 103, n ncoun 0fsur eysterday that the lire whieh caused pany's steamier P'hoobs ro ln-ý and construction of the Teniiskarn- so rach damnage in Addingtcn Cou"- burg. The lie Île Terre Neuv e was ingEalwa. 2 WTatarnunt 0fty a few days ago origlinnted in the swept by a hurricanie Api 26, and bonds, guaranteed by the province, forest rserve i h egb-bosvnm eewse ~erboard.1 habensf isued bay ?Ie omsin and on enquiry it was found to have 0f theso four were rcscued. Thrcc T uris* Bad Blood rinto e r ofsidraflayhe" nrisire fstarted Ini a farin bouse, lhe snid. days later, the, wreck vas sighited by Public \Xorks was that the returns AWA1IDS BY ARDITRATORS. the Phoebrus, and the survivors wero 1.for April wore flot ready yot, but Mr. tlntheson has asked for a re- taken on board the steamier. The Rich ed Bood. that the expenditure to Ittarch 3lst turn 0f ail awards by the arbitrators brig was set on tire. was Location, $40,895.95 construc- betwean the Dominion and the pro- Captain Sc¶ierhorst, of the Phoe-ý This spring you will need tion, $439,279.43. Total, $480,- vinces sinice the date cf the înst re- bus, sanislhe sighted the helpless1 somehingto tke aa,.ý tha 17588.trn, ad also statemient of account miarinel s at three o'clock in the somthng o ak aw;rtht 15.8.ROAD STA_?NDARD. between Ontario and the Domniaon iorîîing. A lifeboat was launcbed tired,' listless feeling brought lr Sutherlaand wanted te i-now from Plast Decemnber, 1892, to 3lst with gi-ont difficulty, owin.- to the on by the system being clogged wliat, the standard of a i-oad hiad to Decemiber 1902, as settlod by, the heavy son. Finally the rescuors ý> bo before the municipalities could Councîl for the province, and, the reacbcd the brig and found 23 mon with impurities which have obtain their proportion of the Good Dominion. huddled aft. The brig iras dismast- accu ulaed drin thewiner. --d F-rd.cd and, as she ]ay in the trougli of Ail the information nsked for, 1Mr. THfE DEST LINE. bthe ashbrogledit uoî- T h e Burdock Elood Bitters is the , thod aseewscnare otwsboh ndrtese re iledy you require. in the report of the Comniaisalonor of Froni Bou manviile to New York- oftiro rc n linemr.ase It has no equal as a spring YLgy o 90.GadTtiitsdLhg The crew were liuddIcd tegether. medicine. It bas berrn used by Prem:ier Ros-s' mnicipal taxation ý'ortýa ,îiid Lffajl',T0P""'l 11 ýh liau]ed into the boat. Feur trips thousands for a quarter ofbil iwaýs rend a second timie, andi Din,ing- Car fi-oui Toronto to Mý1agara was dr!-1 to a eetcmnteFlssdag ic ntnt ceniade-by the lifeboat cîew, anti a Cetury viit uheuaild cnisîiu eto aeectî hcr, ibson, FYerkand Ti eii aly a hr' on aftor daun tbe captain cf the a cetur wit uhqualed on esss. Brbe, Gbson ï'rkbrio- set tire to the wreck ant vi iron suces.Latclifoid, StcçKay, Pattullo, Pense, Stations la Newv York--Uptcwn ne Uar o success. -~Pettyjpiece3, Preston, Stock, Tutib.ope, alit csülss hotels, apd Do-wntown ,ahoard the steamier. In bis accourit Lee Duiýt, Beck, Carscallen, Foy, tiear ail E i1ropean Steamer- _ocl-I;. 10f the wrcck, ho saiti n large, stcaiu- HER 1 P OQ . Iannra, Hoyle, -Powell, l'iaciirmid, For tickels cal] at Grand Trunk town or passedtinl the nigfri cof Apili 28î ani hlREy.orsitin îPetofics. 168 anti replied to a diatress signal, but I n movinig tic second readino-, the I--+on accourit of thc ieavy gafo ires Mrs. J. T. Skine of Shigawake, Qi-., Prenrir spoke oen teslet etrsoiiiged to pi-oceeti. Whcan the wrecU writes: ",I have îised Burdock ]3I4d ouu 1--aietfetre ~WILLI, MEAN WAR. jwas aba)tndtonil shc, had six foot of Bitters as a spring inedficne for the past 0f tic miensure. Part cf the, repor-t ;wnter la the holti. The brig wa', four years and dont think there is its equal. of the Coîsaîlsalon la lacluded inl the Ru-ssin's Attenxpt to Establish Na- 'about thirty years olti, ana nrit When 1 feel drowsy, tireti and have no bill, t he Premnier- &rplained. vlBs nPri.L nalcroo at desire to eat 1 get a bottie of B.h.B. It One featurc to which specini at-va aeiFesnasaaicrofsit purifies the blood andi builds LI) tho con. tention uns calleti ias the doinition A Itiaptch from Londion says : utitutioO 'btter than any cther remedy." of the ternis "inY"*real property- Forcign t-icre-tury Lansdownec las WINNIPEG ON MAIN LINE. P. iild 'i-al etato," amoiig other proclaiii.ed a Ihîtish iioreDoc- - things included ha g ag " n achinery, trine in the Persiai lGuif, anîd bas The Grand Trunk Pacific Has Out- ffxtures, buildings, structures and pracli-nlIv notidied the conîjeting lndRue 7.ýý-7) îý, ,eý ni tierthi ngs eb-stinig, erecleti or pouci r that aiiy nttenîpt on ticir lndRue oacci ni on, le, cicr, under, or part Io 'tbls a riav h ase or Adîsaeifcmotalas olh~d emat o aa hglîîvay, forth tl post lu those waters juka s Accori ig to a plan i, sued by the rond, street, lane or public pince, uni' -tlîGie'on hritain. Grand Trunk Railway Coiîîpany, the or uator, but îot, the rolling stock "I. hwu outliiato, said Grand Trunk Pacifie hune iili pass of ny ralwa-or sîî-eet rail uay- thi Vr( îgî Secvcinîy, tioaliag îil straiglit through the City of iî- Tiere is n provision for a tax on the su! ject, lu the 1lieuse cf Lords peg, anti from the latter point the 5~ial f ranichises, the terîn meaîiing on WVcdiiesdaîv ovening. 'itint ie iewill rua. la a nerthwesteriy di- - îel-y rigît, autbori y oi- permiis- slîould rce-ýî-d tice. stablislînent c eto hog u akto i sion le ,ut-,i nalt in or a naval base or- a tortilieti port in triet t-i lattlefoî-d. Frorn the lýat- oir~ate within Ontario, lu, under, the Ptrsiail Gulf lv any et-bei powr, ter paot abad ri ocntut Patented ist May, 1900 aLoi c, on, cor througb ani iiglîuay, as a eu-y gravc enaete Dits d te Clgary, whilo 'tie main line AR U RA T E oad, st-eet, lane, public place cr intarests, ani IIne 'sbould certninîytîrill continue te E'dinoa'toa. Fromn FOR SALA ý uic water, any such structuf s, or îosist il uhth ail thue nals at ourthspnttro ilhotciose FO AJ t ,othtr tiings teor thù purposes cf1 disposai." the Ceasi, co pasaiag threugli Yel- L. Morrs & Son BoIa ilbridgc-s, mailunys, tranmways, or fer1 Lord Lanadow ne ,pr-eeded this ex-~ loir RTend Pass te Butte Iiilet, andi Jte urposeocf couiuctiag henni,1 pli'-it eîînîii-intion cf Br'itishi pelicy jtho second threugh the Pence River _____________________________ Irevat.,irater, gas, eh, oelecricity, oriby a roi iew of île situation tiore, Pass te Port Simipson. An extea-l anY rprty, substance or product as it affects Britishli itcrests. roui- sien froî lu tW latter lineo ilih be! capable ot transportation, tranisaîls- toîudlng tînt se fuar as tie îîaviga- ruanerti te Dau-son. ý EXPERENCE sien er coeaynce, for tic supply cf tion cf the Per'-iaî ulfuitis cencernieti Te ntaactic telio uiI ivater, light,,lîcat, pouwor, transpor- Great Britain heltis a position dif- extenîl froîîî North Bay te Qucboc. rtion,. telegi-aphic, teloîhîoîîic or forent te that of the ether powers, 'This portion xiii ho carricti noîti of, other service" bot-i 1ecause it was euiîîg te Britislho t.Lwncwthn ilaoe UAT ARE EXFMPT. enter-prj5e andi oxpenditure of lite and about 525 milles cf new rond. Tic!' Oneofethte first claus-es of the blli morncy Ihînt fie guit is now Ope o terew bridge just alov-e Que-dec uill bl I-as aiechtoîs a oiis te o -loceocf tieuoî-ld, nnd ba- useti feo-crossing the St. Lauwronce subjeet atîîiîuus dîrectud i h causethie protection cf the sea route to Levis, the pr-sent eastrrn ter - D)ESiGNs 3M1. Rosa. lat addition to tic cx- te li-ia necessitats. Brilt-lih pro mnuloua t fi rand Truuuk systent, e COPYRIGHTS &.C. emlpilons ouci Ci-eun property antli in~raîîcî-ini fli guif. anti troîn Lovis tic lino w iii le luilt Anyone sendiuig a sketeh and descritin may churcliada wntrpot qxiockIy ascertain onr opinion frece wether c urclis, tilicro15a amI section deal- Lord Laîîsdeu a's attitude la tilst; u aîdlawmtrput invention is probably pateritabie. Ccnumun'ea ing uit-a educatioia i lustitutiemsmaiu-gnc-ll îîos li p1Tic distance froua Quebec te Port setfo.Ods gîc o euigaet.Thue buildings anditigrounîds ut col- prox ai. althcugi tic ansu'e-s thore- Sinipson hy the Gra'nd Tmuîk Pacifieý, Patents takeia tlrough mauA &CO. recetie loges, sc-'tolsa nd-t univ-oîsities are tu te of tic otier potiers interos-ted la will 10 3,205 nulles. or about fitty spcn ltwtfie, wthout charge, ln the e 4 hogb oxouipteti as long as thcy aro. tho gîîlf arc awaiteti irilisonie mniles shoîtor iluan tic distance frein SC, paficJfîer nttillyris-1 nd anxiet y s.h Qucher cto -Vancouveor c or the Can- $ckniinstin atuionsy ust no t ly ise, nd Tie icxipaîboîs -liere -comment on adian Pacilic. Port S mPSo0 isncîr- culatuonof ery scieiîtific jur-ual. Ternis, t,3 aîîroî 7isi on lamatife for "cx t'e ieý]aOYO h rstp0ýco h uo yaou 0 ie ya;furNN & hs, L aload ba, newdeles sehool ori- souuinry cf loarning," îng' totehîe Untcud State-s poli-v of thmanV'ucouver' MUla ceCO'-î-nîity.aMo No isai.RTheo Westmiunster Gaz-I BrachOfic 65 S..Waîunson 1. . iîîî tic regulations laid dcuîi îy' ette iwidstia tit the Britisih iiutivo,[ $50.00 to California and return. j ___________ tlie lProv'ince. The buildinugs and nuaioily, thie protection of the sen groudsexemupt untier the bi11 shah, roulieIo Intila, corresponds; cxnctîy Via Chicago & North-\Western- R'y I oweîor, bele alle to ho assessetid for irithi lnîarica's msotiveo ini xclutiiag Fr-t ciass round trîp tic -cts on sale fi cm local luîîproe cîuomts ii tic saine îui- Euroniî'aipoes frein Auire]-can wa- Chiîcago IN1ay 3tdSi MNay ji2tl tei8th,I neî oîand te the saine oxtont as otier toi-s, locause thoi- îorritory is te Los Angeles anmd San Francisco Cor- A n Extra-anitirytrtic - respondingy low rates from other points _______ Favorab'e limit s anti stop over priviiegeF. TAXPI i 1D.Loironemway settlers rates to e Sterna ordnar Ofer bsinecss tax la preildeti, te pet Mr. Siiroggins - "Anti if 1 decliiie points in effeet dai y until Jue 51h arounul sonieîo ethte anoîuuali-s o et ticte lt vou have îny tiauglîter, .,hat - jutriis a day froni Chicago to tbe peu souni ant i rouIe tax. Aqjy per- ido vxou propose to do?" Mi'. W lb- Coast througi ivithout change. Daiiy P2nd- g ' sou cuigaget ini carry iug 0o n ny blesonî ;- 1 wara you tint lunt-hat r-,eisoniaiýy couductedti turist car excur Eeti et intrnue, inaulufacturofinncla or caseie are prepacedti t act. E-vnsest aiona aiigo nOe E ecri eis ouiuiail bsns shahllie assess neo ,y beloveti Atrelia lias ber ufe on. For parîlculars appîly te jour the Reah o Ai.. d feýr thee aiuîcumt Of 11w nunuaÎ,l hest clothuos on anti alaits ne near nearest ticliet egent or adtrsB.. l alue ote adocupioi. 'Jlie a r.i station. -I o eieBennett, 2z stK fil-St., ounto, Ont. We Are Sellng the Best Electî'ie Bet Prem1 Li;er saiti 7 per cent,. cf tic agnîinat us ue îî 11 flac togetiier and iî5-6w in the Werld at a Pries wltin the actuni mule us tcOs the th îevTer coule hack,." 1r Spreggin Reach of the Poorest Suferer. îm itu,5tax. o(withouit a incuuent's bsitation)- --Iitiii1 uidi-'100n-eeem 1T iiIrefuse.-" 12 MVEN BUJRNED TO DEATH-. A arta mxla leiatij~ tum~ f Mebers of a ConstructionTrn i, , ;~. $20 mar t-hn $00.Ailniacuinry hahon theC. P. R. '11' -- ue egit,'i-das persoîîal iîroporty.A Wiunipeg despat-chsoi-a: One e B i cc u aprviin rospecîiuîg tic iticeuaost bei--iile catastrophes lu FOR asses'siueît of iuccîue. The tax la 5 X % P G rthe listorix cf tic West eccucreti at $5. M lîiis on île dollar, wilci rate uîay 1 o'ciock on Tliursday îuurîing oui t ix - ~ le uierease eaiaî ee tiaa rateiithe min i ice ci tieC c. P. IL .noar 7 nilîs îîy liilaw cf tiemnicipal- Ll'ITl1 exter StaHou, 'about 52 muiles casiý Tic Prof, Morse's Electrie Boit [wii u 1fr Rder tihelîroscît la-, inceiues W Wmch H altAKO cf Fort W%,illiam. A tie train, rua- suspensory for men's or ladies' attaci- neassai iHcsil ae n uîga 1but fsuci a W'urite ah ore. Atidresin iale -lie-an-t-ntîy-wîîcîîm Those irlo accompanieitic Injuiret Go thi~value eLt-lic ati la -harny a- bre can effet no cau-se for t-ho The F. E. Karn Co, lcaîi lîaofte lnur ert-lc i-it4f reck. They al agree,. however, 132 ictriaStTornto, Canada, irvas cîaiuiid, la capable et misiater- ______________________prt-tiîîand t-he member for West- come of t,ýem bing leatç~ fr Toronto look thelîgrounui that jt-s 'flamues reached lhemn. Tanais tnier4,06 i' od ii.- - -as atytêc)lolt f is a pleasant, palatable and Tauiaisk inbc- ,00 ~uiugcîi îuanugi .Ros at-itIc psicet effective medicine for ail The Emperor Fout-ain at- Chats- has bea nfouiti_ l. pe -C ctirnsou!Ils. wrah ic.tRosaftsaitin Etgwas. condition ilan ,naat lgyptiami cui- SECOND READI-NGS. Tthae fject-b iset-b o t-let ofngin-7 jîles. Seco -d readinga irore niso giron t-efet FAY[QLJ8 ANÂflIÂIT SONT CHARLIE ROSS IN TROUBLE IN SOUTH AFRICA. le Is Wanted by t-be British War cas o Office on a Serious Suff]ight Soap s Charge. Major Chuarlie Ross, thc faunous Caindiam scout, wtrimecd ulîli di. Liiîction throtigiut t-le Seatb Afi jcan war, la in disgrace, says tle Nelson, (B. C.) Daiiy Nous. Heic l accuusecl cf seliing Goie-uinutpro- perty, anti a twarrant for lus arroît lias boen issuoti ly t-le aut1orities cfR tic -British War Office. Rosa, loir- euer, has escapeti accota t-be Por- tuguee rder, anti is fer t-li pro- senit vatiuigt-ho stcm justice of t-ho Bri hisi îniiltary. Ash for the Octi lîuîplicatet inhat-lictransactions hici ba-c icougit shin'ucupon t-be once fauret solduar arc a nuaiber of cthec yoîuug Canadiansiellnoa in Ontario cimcles. Aitogther, sliO equuickly arcest-ct, spont Christmas la tic close efthle last aulng anti jail, anti are noxr aîraiting trial ait tle dislaating et the, irogular col- t-e appreacîîing spring assizea. oullal corps wirbilit-ook se active anit Captn King, one cf t-hou- su- igaliant n par t la t-le i e ont r. ,ar, t-le perler offîceu-s, wholie rota 1 cnd hi C aniatins wunieeotedto eemalîl 1e-conmmission, trac hnoîr tohliai c 'ns buindiiin Southii frica sceinto ho tio- tistcd ta tic fcaudiuent curse muici, ung t-loir lst t-o huuuîg tiPiredit on t-le Mont-ceai officeis bave boen pur- t-udr natite mati. IPro'a tic mecord suing. It nîpears tint hociras t-le ce caitly establisbedtithey harv e emi Coveraîuîcnitageat-te irbonu applica- smccrecting. Thc nsteuniug story, tienîs lad t-e le mate for restitution irtich imuuir'tes unoeniliers cf soeime cf tond stock, anti, nîthougli kacu' uic!l-inow-îii Casieci fauilies, itus iuîg that t-licact-tic more boung selti only u O 7ent-ly u cceix ci hoeetroua an fer iirivate gain, ho coatinuetid oJliccuernte commaîndeir cf D Sqiiad- hionor the ucqulu-ihions, eveai goiag so roui of t-le Cau'ndian i trelt, anti fac as t-e alare in t-ho spola. He mas noir ouit-he staff of 'tle Transivaal uc entîyaskedtito reaiga iUs ceai- lt -apicis tint- wauay gs. eo mu ission, anti iili prclally appoar la ït ppers hatamogstili ofi-court ç0th t-hoethiers. ce s cf hua oua corps, K.. -Mlajor Tic aloic au-e but a fou- exampies lRessiciti an îuacuîialle uOput-nioa 0f tiecrunuuinal actions puraucti by as a liici-tino. anti uaainairedlilt, formuer Canadiau' officors mhl<-i haro cr-euly. lie deluglit-ett-e, sock I-hl -u e ralgtcam fOa couuuîîanious by batiecnglthe t-lue ororani cononcf y'uuiei -omi>i tiet-o mti-ada linto disecodit la Sont-i Africa. ing fils caa.u-ifo iiacuis eu\orail otle .s arc la aerious trou- hai Icmi î.aicl 'iC i t .u ie, not-nlly a lieutenant cf C tlv t-ahi soi eaae ýe- an 'ruy 11Squntron, Cauiadian 8couî;,_ Ho, mesuit (if 1Rosi' alne iç,,officrs ofetproperty, dcaling aintosi uriolesale te ('anaidi,ýnscouts vi e ti- cd te lu hou-ses antii-miles. glu e up thmer lr toila iiiu cut-ai The uiames efthle oflcers mention- clbhbouise. cd aloi e au-c la possession of youc WIfLESTLLOIJTINC< icorrespondeat, but au-e îithhelti for lis i-eieuî-otfcc 's hmd, to qiiote the prescat at tie requet of nuli- t-le îu ulitan ocilal at Pretociame- t-amy fcîcîîds. ferie oue.fer a long t-ie een con- riacedti tin- e bmd leen tifng amay Societyof Christian Endeaver, Den- wit-i a large iiumrbcr cf cattie anti horses beloaging te the (tovrcuinent, ver, 1903. buthu fiepositon cf couîîunanting offi- cor kept hlmi safe. R-is pciî ate lot Tie Passenger Dopai tmeîl.of lie iriti on t-ckoi ecanniounted t-c a Chica.-o & Ne7rti Wester-n Raiiway has wagon lent, andt souîî.tiîcs a guent issueti a vsry inlerestiag, folter on thbe deal uluore. le niagedti te gt it su-1Jeet of tic Christiau Ruteaî'cr meel- t-o Pretoria, isiere it tis stoceti ly irg lo beluelti ah Denver-, Juir Oth ho his unaay teutuale adîLuirers. Pianos, lfuh, together witi informnation as ho cnrriagcc, iwagon loatis cf temale ahi- reduedt rates anti sleeping eut service, paroi, satdiles, anti lire stock ail ats w,.hi ag a short description ef tie va- tient t-licsaine wuay. W boa ticeu egi- Ious peints cf interest lu Colorado muenîtiras disînteti mci June no tîstaliy vhsitetib v tourisîs. Senti 2 cent uuue ceulti undo stau thte action of stamto eW. B. Kinskcern, Passenger thc uiîîtacry aut-ii in ka eeping , Traffie Ma&nager, Chicago, 111 , for copy. the umîtter -uiet mien they ceulti not 17 4w pcssihiy haie bell cd kuuowng tniat -__ usas geluîg on. Thec prou aillng opin- IMPORTS AND EXORTS. ion us t-lati h ias to geRouss an opportunity t-c get atry lt-liut tl iBritisi Board cf Trade Ratima iscautnl t-hat tuoulti unioîubtetiili ai-e1 î-cou~~~is olfccoaurrse, 1osi0 coofpîains Sho flecease on thueliait et thepro-lluiis' o tiAcesîlatcl luoinLouidon sutys :-antiIreland, E îîîeror cf lati1, a cerîîiag t-he ccuelty cf the -Britishi The April statuneat of t-be Boarti of fieldi marslîal, an admirai andti utiar Ropss.vdnl e;e h potn Tradoe show ýs dec-cases Of $11,988,- i-cati of tle Establisiei Church, but îlos eitctl to. c t-'euppctia-000 inimpoîîrts, anti cf $1,780,500 1cm people, ou on la Raglti, irvow it i-cemnt iorlies st osantie ainlesin, exjiouta. tînt hie is aise a clergyman -and iii-een open sstckndt-lar te- Thc imapocts tu-oua Caîîaciafor Apcil %tit-i nsala-y, t-oo. trigot ect-îuiezs terrty Art- las , 'cas foiloxîs -Cattu'. 8,610, St. fluuid's t'uthedi-nl in P'm- hîoueue, rtc usi aurrt-oui.ts tc-£160.795: sioep, 1,059, £1,360; la- Irokshlue, Wales, ciainus IRis Ma- tcniurcu t ta~eacion nrtiabutcon, 30,771 cixt-., £7,84; ins, jesty as naîurebeuîta-y, nat î-ougli a nienth age Tindahl anti Uortlaier, 17,715 cmt., £2.0,621.; buttcc, 452 huis office mît-lt-les limto tho mualfi- laieatimîg Pretoria iii of linniers , cîri , £2 ,230; chiceso, 23,437 cu-î., cent salai-y 0f $5 a year, tiere la ne noce instrîrcîcti y tic Crora t-o pro' £77,231; bocses, 31, £930. meorrt -at ieho ts ecrcpcoacieti a pare a case agaiuust liai, ant i hue - ---- sermon te t-ho simpule fouk cf tho papers for luis ianîecîinte arrcst. HEAD IN POOL 0F BLOOD. prineipality. The umales of King Eti arti's ulne IN PORTUGITESE TEýRIIOY IOld Man Found Dead in Winni- nIe'e ocfhdially instaileti, antitha MaofRsgt idoftetun1ecclehiasticai cens lente is nom seinie- affalu is bl a nlen la t-t-ne te w-en jpcg. I iratdisturleti lecauso ut us beared is uni adi-oms inte Pcctuguez t-or-' A tiospatci frouuî Wiuiiîuecg saya :- tint Ris Majesty has ne particular rit-oui, andtiwhlin t-be cenustabuiary D)emitt -C. îxýiasey, sixt-y-oe iars iikimîg for tic auiitry. Tic King's aruie in c l hlot pursuit thmey focuat cf ago, coetoftte pionueraeft tîis st-allai t-be cat-hedual is sîurumounted A-bît-uc mater fcivapt are nu-ixýeci p cipy, n-ns fematinlix is rooîî at -10 ly t-licroy ai ari-ut,anti no one -an Anth muuuchrgfesiands ooft eni 'cock cri Tiuu-sdayny uouuiug, lis oceupy lt -n tîxout thoKiiig's per- la t-liel charges, antie tired.0fissinn. Ani-, cans, have icea arostti. Wnr bo n faasluocul e hlo, tolevueon, uThsen.terlisniï,! fe h rants nivc aise Leen issueti againat Toeia lvmvr-sîutebb u ahtali nmciato -i t-mo Canatilaa sulalterns,. irlieirnt tt tho oit amuil, Ime as kuiotrat-o Ipatron saint, 0f W aies, triewmas, frumu Menti-al te taie commnissions le possessoti of couidcahe maomey, luiet ne ar tle altac, andtiuhuose n j .Th olc acsine useti to e ha itotiy maay, os scouts anti trîo. alter tic negu as foully mrouieo.Thplieaelîiusbclla ti nciiag. fani- ns ishamîco iti, ofunnuetjliiet-gtug i ffi.Ben -Williaim thoConqueý (r ,t-ok faîng. uuudeî ceadiulons cf ti1GfTHiWEST. thotrouble t-e goanti sec . The grn-.Tîe-cotacoti te ho' con- PPLTN H ET g t thooiginal structure is nootet inla a ueasîucc mit-i miliita-y oubulu, lut somne iten 0f it- cai le aut-loritios, anti] tiir relnt-ous gai-e 23,000 Immigrants Reached Win- hmd fronu t-be fartt-bat t-hoen-cricf thoni oppeuituuity t-e cemummemîco a nipeg Last Month. cebmilting it lie t- s proscîi focîn coucse cf frauti ixhich thmey have pur- Adsa-h rn iapgsts:Ibgu a110 sueti on an oxteuitive scale. .Adspth-rn inie ay -bea inJ10 Tiucy soit ihicgailp Goiernnaat Tie statistirs urhich have jusi beeu 1 geosbu noe a iccut cugutcouulet et t-lite arrivais for the 1 DIX ERSI-FIED PRODUCTIQON,. by a nuenui- c f t-be crniiailies- mont-i cf Apu9l haro ta- oxcectietiMny a tacaier is poor t-e-day, af- tigation depar-uîîct of t-licSouthli evea tic iargest evipoctatiens. t -t-cc 10, 20 or 30 -years cf liard moi-k, Arlu-nn Constauia-y- resset inlaias thoeughlt thînt mien ail points 0f b ue ho lins couiînetilhînscif tc a plain lo tics. To hmn they offe'-et ontiy morelbcaurd fcom t-int, t-hil limue cf productioni, anti that to dispose 0f a uuuber cf cattie moulti haivo shon about 20,000 tefune an oer ipreduceti anti cen- -ivlich il dboen tcurcn fi-r,, t-le bauve emît-reti uuriuug tic mont,b, ut sequteatiy a pcofit-less one. To tuis (lovermiont on tie pion t-lint t-liu-noir t-e conipicto retucas munie up înay le att-ributeti nch of the fi-at stoci lmnti diet. Ticy nere tic uiagaificent total cf 23,204, I owmulgbt po-cmt-y that las befahlea _________t-l icler tari-mrs wmo arc sf111 ia CAMP BILL 0F FARE. t-li fieldi. The tairy fanmer shouiti net douent upouî miii nione. 'nion Coi-mpmn-iv1ySumptueus Fate tle hopu, cali or tebacco farier for Voluntpers. ripou lurpa, lcaus or t-obacco oraalone. Rani farriner, itîr1 ai A tspa-cl fruuîOttmu sYs :-. prou ci-h, sîxouit laive a amainu line, Toimîi n fil tare abri l eîtcr in tle detemininieti by lus location, his soif tnat uangs on 011 iiiti. c-..ipsalire-after. Thc euu want ilhus markets, liibut-ih huis muain u'eguintiolus p. ovule ,fer a mcoinuuc ore fine lieeamuliaivcide lunes iuios thnt For obstinate coughs amîti extecuutioi liof tare, lui adtioui te nill giveo iini seunthiug to sou ct'- coltis tiere s n otbing equal t-le pr-omît taily horamctic foi-! ery iicuontlinliithe car andti its t-t-bat olti cehable remetiy ,lmn su soteei -uegiue liai a liolti on sovocal classes Gu, ounces of baconi, turo ounces et lut ýof consumuor,. ITie fari thînt îîny Orays Sfupo Re Sp uce t-cc, threc ounîces cf jamu, oaa counce arc hargely tîmose ticvofti tedivers!- 0r-re1ro eo puc f et npouîtud'i egotaîîîos, tuxo 1fietipu-oduction,'irbilo t-ic louclest Gum it is sootbing and ounces cf fleîuu, ai-id ona ounceofe1 compîlaunts et profitlesanesa corie healing t-o thbe Lungs and split poas il euhof tt-liecmt - ai-I ngcy fi-om It-ose mho are distinc- Th-ont. 1hstops t-bat tick- iowamice cf îaîîoy. jti-i p -siungle lune" tam-mecs. ling in t-be t-hi-ont, and affer a 4 - 4 NAVAL PROGRAMME. SECURES A COOD HXLTL. few doses tiat tigit feelingA cuuioua toriro is i-oeted to by in t-be cbest is relieveti and .157,000,000 t-o Be Spent in Japani Duth daluermin l oroor t-o at-tract tiecocld and cougi pass in Next Ten Yeaî-s. thou- tictiuis. A luiliht-colo-ot away. Atemn-h icutTke aaîglaslottle is filet mlii artint Try a 25 cent bott-le. says ;Tue projectailmuaivah pro' xt-eiuii, ealedinlasuch a ixayitat tic cuîoily a little mra'leiro eau nte, tieul t-o ginue pi-oposea teoxpenitu-c ouf tug ~t bow utetc ia $5,70,00 mii-pea fo to yocs. tcr. Thle glistceiing uot-the, t1ioma, hîlt-ier aodîti-lit-ler hi t-lic cucront- cf (ir y' S ru ~ "Do O U know wmat I moultd (o if ltlic ate-, att-acts a sxaPrm cof of wne tis lac?"suit Ins, Cas- tismies, niose Cuiosity anti gvmced ar mcll, t-mmuing entliusiasticnhly to the excitetil y tle xuuiggling roînis la i guide ixhie m-s shîeîrng lier - o- t-le bottle to suri an exte-cnt 1t-at R dS r cdors et t-he Britilah MuLseum. - 'd t t-ici ail easyi itiuîs tet-be1,laitn hoidth îe liggest junuulosale tint 1the enofntit t-hol nowo -icr u mwais et-o r -ea on iluis green, onril." i ly the w'iipfseuy ua USED FOURTEEN VEARS WITH GOOD RESULTS. '42i E, 164 St., New York, Scpt. 8, 1902. Du. n. J. KENDALL CO., OCenleun :-tluhave used your Spax-In Cure on nîy lorucesfor île past foui-inayea e and Ih has always givea iue gond rcuuultin a very partinaùlar. 1 ale, uave cae cf youn huoks ihat 1 havec fonu ccryîiueful.,,If yoti have auy unter cditiiof thec'Treatuceounmtme Horse anîd bus fucaîne." -viilyen kindiy înnd me eue. iicipentfuiiy youra, jB. r. Frr.sBIr. It le au aluucutely reilable reincdy for Spavine, Splarts, Curb-, lingbooce, etc. aeuîuovee ftic lianele and k-ave, unoscer. Prune 8six -ifor $5. Asa aliniment fo- fanily uie it bae uuo catual. Air your drnggist for NtuNSIALL'S SrAviN CUREs sie. -A Trcatiue ou the uterue," the book free, or adumressa D9. B. J. KENDALL CO., ENOSBIJRG FALLS, VT. EIILS HIS TORMNENTOR. Crowd of MVen Teased an It-alian With Fatal Resuits. A deapat-ci frout Sydney, C.B., snys :-A -crourd of aiea mo2re tou- muenting aunltalima on Wetnestiay niglit, irbea the goaticti unan stabbeti John Kelly la t-be brenat, infiiciing a woumît causing ahuost imaiediate denth. The man escapeti. THE KING- A PAIDPEACI-IER., Prebendlary oe t7t.-aid's Cathe- dral at h5 per Annuni. King Ed,%arcl's rnaiy offices la tleý statc denu.anti fronut-lanie to tlame .muci bardwirciof -Ris Majcsty. Ifs e~ *&

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