Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1903, p. 6

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put up in One-0120 bottlet -c]IIIjrý It L ulk. D'on't allow anyone, te seIL ý 61ÊO on the plea or promise that ft, gooa,, ana - wiii e-wer every pùýr- Bee thattyon Sot ire (not crimpea)-tai, es up the slack 3 Own t-ýion all the time. P 'ht Iro - 80 icý4 M each bar break jat:e ird tLe worla ové, t- John, Montreai. P.Q. 12 -51 FÉDÉ3,ýM"s ana say they give others. The look better, are honestly, ber. ie iro'n." m j7j 2 ý run1,ý P À P T 0 ' Fr% T - 021 À The Route Whith Echoed With the, Tireless The strongest 'A castle could be re- .ýduced by siege if the INVALUABLr,, HORSIE MAA-IMS. Tread of Paufs feet. garrisoi ld bestarveil Thaï; should bc coin'mitted to Wý v, I - r__ -1 out The ongestbody 'inemory by every user of horses, al t lias t uPý tle fight (Ent red rding to Act of the Par- Ce and inipa- tholigli a good many, users ar hous n as 91,1ritual imratien wlien 8tqvý11:,or anyt"hiiig to rb011Eý1, t,,.-, hey botli C ý capable f oiniiiiiting Jýame11t Of Canada, in t e YlaT flesit. T it. There !ý1o e deatl" and Nine 11undre ýd ýec C-S ronto, at meniory: by IVm,. Baily,> of To the'spring front 'the sanie rootý TËeýf froin starvatic-îi thati the world 1. It is everybody's business to Departruent of Agriculture, Ottawa.) aýe, both sinful. They both carry dreauis of. VThen the stomach is dis- their weiglit ý of sorrowful com--e- easeil and the food eaten is not digested interfere with cruelty. ago says: i ý : AVegetable'Preparationf A despatch froin Chi,_ý 2. It is botter to direct your querices. But spiritual impatience and assinlilated, then the strength of the LittIE) IL.'V(Br ]PRIS. Rev. Frank Do Witt Talinage preach- 1 horse by a low voice than by a whip similating ftefood endpc 'too often pasýes for commeadable bodv begins to fait because of lack of or . 1 14 the stom&.hs andBO ed front the followilig text: "For ,,,ai in t!ýe L.,d's work and nutrition, and the weak body falls an rein. Muet Boar SapnatLare ye have need of patience, that, after as a virtue te those Who see not easy victint to the microbes of disease. The wbip is but little useci by ye have done the will of God, ye with the clear vision of Christ; covery our best borsemen, and riever sev- iiiglit re,-eive the pro Dr. Pierce's Golden Médical Dis mise. --Heb., while the impatience of the flesh is cures diseases of the stoinach and other erely. 10:36. 4. Yoit cari get no more poiver not able to disguise its presence, orgaiis of digestion and nutrition. It 40000ý1 11 failli is the golden-rutiged lad- horse than you gîve hini in evEn though it finds ready excusie in restores physical streligth in flic only front k ]Promotesl)igesuonChSrfl;t éler by Which the soul clinibs up to the trvir 9 circunistances which gave sible way, by enabling the assimila'- his 100(.. ness and.Rest.Contai ns neffiier -ce'a Vacýs1m11e Wrapper Below. the presoit.-c of God, patience is theit birth týiO.811 of the nutrition contaitied in food . OpiudMorpliine lior gentle 'and never-tiring attendant fuses a hoVe and advertises a block- 'rdry lemau ai&iL as Oasy SPIRITUAL IMPATIE, 4cli" ,l was sick for over three vears with a coin- NOT NAuc OTIC. who keeps the soui waiting oi-â the ri, froni lack of faith and imper- plHestion of stcmach troubles,"> writes Mr. jolin head. %0 taxe as sug=. threshold. of GO'd's Will until the -es !L Castona, re ai 2942 Arch St., Chicago, 6. The horse is man's invaluable i , aýsid'ng of G oâ and Ilis iii noýsý tried every good physican I lielper ai-id shoulci bc treated as FOIR ilEABÂCý 1' lire blessing is received. If unheiief is fect . Lnowlodge a 1ms-ýs. li.uputience of the flegi, of, as weil as inany patent înedièines, but tue raist which Muts out the face pro rcfce,.ved only temporary relief. one day, a i friend. _77 ý, ý --; -1, ý-. 1 . springs a i -iltitude of irritat- friend recommended vour Golden Medical ý;is- of Cod front the soul and blinds it i ý rfiý_ý_A 1 7. Any fool can ruin a tearti, but _ý'1 to the Otly sale path in Christ Jes ing condi t covery? I iinraediatellirocured sonie aud.be- , . - 'ver maintains its value. tiens in the huinan life. 1 u, ,,-in the firstweciz 1 a wise on oon bcconies a habit which sounds BeaI61k S.& - us, impatience is the spa,*de where- s and after 1 Lý! tý'-.e11 S. The best cirivers talk lunch to out in the Me L disco-dant strain, cal as lveilRF, expei-îcnciiig ill with man digs the grave ir-to which their anintals. FUI G'-, -sorne influ- ff, 'S and to-day ain happy and spreads an unwholc 9. Vour liorse needs water oftener are cast bis poace'of mind and, some- ta aiiiiLuiiez ain as welf ati(l'heul'liv as iý giA Fetý'î "---ILLOW $KIN. I em e upon _Il about. aj jFf«?ýý sec d - times his hope of Heaven. Patience 6v one cou] be. 1 owe it all te Dr. PieýceIs tban you. FÇ2 igIng in; is a virtue of such glorious beauty 1 Wliat is more discourî den 1Iedical Discovery. lÙ. ý A sandy or muddy roau .4zen as to niake God willing to be called ý! chureli or Sunday school than the Th sole motive for substitution is to floubles the work. ticnt Christian 1,vho f ets be-1 Pernieit the dea!er to malze the littlemore il. A rise of only one foot in ton AperfèctReMeý:-1 i a God of patience. Impatîený,e is al lmpa u jus as Pr( draft. vice wbieh sputters and fla-,hes in! cause, plans do net work o t ' t Difit paid by the sale of less nieritorions doubles the CURE SICK HEADAGHE. r7ý - - . don, Sour StordachDiarrhoea !it -,vas expected or purposed theyl inedicines. Hegains. Voulose. Tliere- the hurnan heart and life and causes 12f Balkirt is caused by abuse, should ; Who conderans associates fore accept no substitute for "Golden overloading, or tight harness., ]DE. L. POTTFR. more unhapepinesis and sbatters moreï ness a-ndLOSS OF SLEE' becau-su they are not as faithful and Médical Discovery.11 13. No horse shoulil Wear a shoe ner'Ves titan any other one thing-. As 1 loir ce al, a resider ce.(',Iiiii-ehSt.,oppogiteTrinIty 'astic in the work as is ho FRFtý. Dr. Pierce's Cominon Seuse weeks Tacsifftile Signature of 25-cm* the emery putinto the oil will sooni en-Èhusýî niore tban four withoüt grind out the 11-nest bearittgs ard 'who liecomes wtýary in well-do-'P.g Médical Adviser is, sent free on receipt c.banging. DENT1ST1LY.ý ruin the niost costly maciijnery, soi and grows careless and indifýer,,t of starrips to pay ex crise of custo lis and 14. But few farm. horses need for Christ inailing 011131. Send G C BONNYCASTLE, L D S, D D S, Honor imPatience ii,-jec'te'cl into - t*, e tiiachln- When souls are not won 31 one-cent stamps slioes. NEW ijastorfa is p Graduate lit Dentîstry of Toroelto Uiiiversity for the book in paper covers, or 5o stamps 1 lý Chnck reins are very cruel and ery of ;toute, soýciaI and business life as was prayed for and as there was a not soid il, FFieF,:-Over Central Millipe7y. Entrauce for thIýý eloth-bo,,itid volume. Addrcý.3 tiut cloor West of Big 20, Bowmanville will eut the sinmoth surfaces and reason to suppose they wolild be Dr. R.-V. Ilierce, B rialo, N. Y. injurions, unless very slack. 'l YOIL anythiUg E create disvcord and trouble wL,,2ýi-o Who loses faith in God's promises 1 311SS ETHEL MORRIS, haririony before prevailed. Patien.-e when the blessing fails to coi-ne on power. 17, Quiet and patient 'drivers 'are ]S constructive, but impatience lm re- 1 the fini-- set and in the vçay planned,1 ARTIST. IiistructionmgiveninPAI.NTING Worth twice as nruch as any others. fac. Ili 011, W ater Co lertlessly destruIctîve. Cods wordl>who in sanctînionious pride and self- Mu* loi,ýti)d(hina. SketehLýgand - I ZXAgT COPY-aE WRAPPER. ex -e C [patient hand of ii an. Impatience is 18. Your horse intends to please ligf-omiiature. KILN cnpýernies, fir declwes that patience worketh lappointcd zeal seeks to mal, ýod's p o,,, a riotous fellý),ýv Who is always stir.- 1 you, but does not always know your 1 Ulsral -ienee, but ,the impatient titan 1 or PrOgrainrna for IIýiiii, and then is ble. Impatience is- al Wish -up trou es, Won-lan or child with ýiut eyes 4inci ofll«,-ndel if the all-wise Cod fails toi ring heartless robber Who steals away 19. Patient and gLntle groorns A.E. MoLAUGHLIN, fingers presseil into tLe ears ruÉftýc 1 ,,K1;rý er,80licitor and Conveyaucer. OlLce - madly iiito the face of experience evOl'-,7 church and every ' Sitnday j the Pence and happiness ofOR i t si carry it out lit full deýtail ? 0, yes, 1 ho honte, and drivers are Worth more puy kleï Block, hLg ýtIeet, Bovinialiville. and iris-pir-ýt-';thaii others. 0 >atienf e is to the i school lias ils impatient Christian Ithe ernobling thought ciley loan et i>easoii able rate-. 43-lyr, 1 . 1 1 . tion of the study, the success of the 20. He Who abuses his horse will humait life w1iat the conscivingIw-10 is constantly creating discord abuse his wife or children. Cruelty 'forces of nature are to the earthland trouble, office, the harmonious CO-Operation . Il ........ ...... d, factory, the- exhilar- qualifies for crime; they are closeý ]RODICIIT -10,VNG, V. S. and the universe. Patience pro- 1 But lot us consider this sin more, of the mill an 1 -_ PAGE i ating pleàsure of the play-g-round neighbors. vents wastefultiess of enei-gy andjin cletail, and first of all we will Il h, -"Il FICE 1 sphere 21. It is cruel and silly te W ip 1N HORSEYIS BLOCKýOPPOS- the agrecable, elevuting, atino lu U ine Tovvii Bali Eiitraiice, illieeliewilibe POwer; 't guarcis agairst destrtic- ý talk about, what we have belon of a horse for ýright; soothe him. with curici irgm sa. m. te 9 p. m» Night calls ai tive violence and disintegi ating pro-' foreed to call for want of a botter the social function. Ille steals, hind words. go star, (lardeleven bar wire fonce. con, away a mar,'s judginent, rifles Inini This la the Pa sprins wirl cEideLcedirectlyoppoEiteliiillSlied. 17-lyr Patience is the safety valve naine, Spiritual Iiiipatience Our' In suinirier, does not bocome too tight in winteýreg.,ates lie that keens tlie boiler of huiruiii dy- text says , ~FOI. ye have, ne" i of his self-control, and thon turns 1 riprifflitu in one piece stand astrain. of 800 pourds. commonuprigh ed OU, te, th, MANAGEME, INT OF DATRY IIERD. poundojýzg atffl r amental fonce@, poultry nettingare standar hini loose an easy victint The a Vire ]ece Co., Limited, WalkervMe, ont. st. ramies tnidfer sale pressvi-e and pro- patience, that alter ye have done, j _ ., IAGE LICE\,ý,E:;,-M. A vents the, destructive explosion.' horde of riotous fellows Who follow Dairymen are frequently keeï Pa- 1 the will of God, ye inight recelve s such ai half of their herds lit, an actual IO,1ý M AJ111128,111seuer of Marriage Licen3es tieme is the great flywheel tý-at !the proinise.- It is a'dclress,--d to th ie J in bis trail. Impatience ]ReEldeiice: Ce tie street. ýilittle sin that it creeps in unalIvarcs, Il The'y are perhaps mak-ing a little keep-s the origine of the daily, exiFit-!Christiiiii. It boldly and plaïffly de- -Ofit on the entire herd and are and bas one floored before lie re-ý P] ap- once rurming clares that there is a lack in the i TRUE AND STEADY. 1 life wliieh is destrôv*ng the beauti- 11-alizes it. impatience seeins like parently satisfie.çi, while if they ISIMPSQlX BLAIR. "I such a little sin ý, that it is allowed would dispose of their unprofita' le Patience is a surit in addition, and If Liý eliect of doing the will of God : - W hy do we weai 1'. B. ý,ýlMFçtON, Q. 0., CHAS. P. BLAIR i to fester in the heart and life. But cows they would inale more iiioney rluyieteie, Solicto,â, Notaries, ete, Morris accoirUing Ao Peter's formula, acld,-,g and is robbing the soul of the fruit !if you will trace the ever-widenirig, and also save labor. Dairynien fier- ,El,çûk, vp-ttailp, Elig St.ýeët. liowmanvllle to itSelf godliiiess or w-hieli vvould surely be garnered in sist in kee à everdarkening fines of radiation as ping cows year alter yeý Sclicitine for tYe OiItatio Bank. Private But in this on-rushing, restless agél the fullness of Q'od's time. are paying oxily 25 cents a i m c n ey il Ic ai ed et lo% est , aies they spread ont froni the little iin- th't the feverish Land of nian has woven! Patience is ' the bridgle which con- patient thought, or Word, or action, Imshel for grain, while others in the inýo the fabric of bis Ilie the un- ý nects i the beautiful land of God's saine bord puy 50 cents a bushel, or you will be appalled. tbat so little haPj,)y Wockl "irn.l)atience.e' He h-asiwili with the hous'e of Di. !even more for the grain they cou- If. P. 11UXTE11, a sýeed cun, bring forth so large a chiseled the saine woËd in the arch- 'vine gil us. The obedient soul walks 1 troc, that so . slight a pinch of leav,--n sLime. EVery dairyman should. have a ARRISTEIý,ý',01.,ICI,1'0[ý,NOTARY way whieh sparts the outrance to faithfully through the land of God's jean. perineate the whole inass of Dealers. all over Dominion s 13 Publie ConvùTýarcer, Money. Private and busineis and industrial life, and as I will, and in the distance can bc scen profitable standard of production for Ccmpauy Fimds to end et loivesi cur, e ýt 'i' el h ves about Le exhales an a dough. his cows, and any mature cow bat OFFICËS: Xii g St., oppw4te Di,. e trio t- ý the certain revard of the promise. TITE CURE. renlalRoûms, Bowmaliville 13-6m* mosiphere wi-ýich is heavy with the'But tue bridge of patience must ho does iilot conte up to this standarýd better satisfaction than any e deadly irdwýInia of impatien,ý_,. And ho-,v may , the sin of inip-a- sLoulci bc disposed of at once. What before the coveted posses- tience bc eradicatccl ? How inay th eople say they fit better, 1 Scripture whicli speaks of Cod as sion cari be gained. :Llany a Chriý3- is standard is each mulst doter- a God of patience colis attention to the Christian worker tread the fuill mine for himseIL as it will depend T tian succcods in doing the ,ývill of lem th of the bridge of patience, sol lion the cost of foc([ and care, TO LEND ti-e Patieure Of Jesus Christ, tO thý, Gc-d 11%) let the Point where the 9 and $50.000.00 on good mort- patience of Job, and Paul refe,,ýý to bc' u Wear better.- Because they flint the Promise 'r,'aY at last the value of the product in that gtge Feenlity et finde'ate his own patience. The prophets are brid,,,ýo 'of patience begins, and thon, claspc.ld in the hand tbat bas faith- paiticular locality. This standard instend of kzeeping the eyes stea-d- 16 belci -Lip as exaniples of patience, and ý fastly fixmI uron the promise until it fully wrought the will Of GO(I? 110- slhould bc gradually raised each year made out of pure new rubb the churches at Epheý ý-,is, Thyratira j may the of the flesh be by v eeding out the poorest cows and is reaehed, lie grows impatient, an and PhiladelpOia were comniended 1 pluched up by the roots and. caSt breeding only front the best. The turning back, Ioses --IL the M ssing for tbeir patience. Lven t1- 'Pa-! that coincs front doing C-0 , Will. away with ifs abundance of un- onIv wav this rait be done intelli- i C-I.rar,'-)y .7.,ýubbers wear iiii tience of the Scriptures is S Vholosýoiiie fruit ? Does Cod tell us gent v iý by keeping a record of eacli This List, is rather a peculiar ex- The bridge of 'patience is t 1 ar - - ': -, ý ý ý, _. - 1 - ïs- _MM F--, M- t est pai Ë of the journey. we "have need of patience and individual cow. Cenerally speak- DEiNT>TS. pi-esý-mý.loii, but is full of deep, spiri - 1 then fail to holp us in our reed ? I ing, cows carnot be kept lit a pro- rial ineailing. It is n'est nI Lo! 11,11)ATIENCE, OF TI-I-r4', FLESIT. y, verily. But Ile Who bas said fit t4at do net produce the equiva- speak of the patience of Jesusi 1ý,iqguidecI human nature lias conte iNa îý -Ye have need of Patience,~ whiq-1 lent of 250 pourids of butter annual- Will be at Blackltoclî, on the first ý!irist, as, we t1lirik of Ilis 18 vears to believe and feel that it lias a pers in vour heart and mine, as Hct IY- 0 Mondav all daý, and at Newcastle st the carpenter beiich and of His riglit te mauïest impatience. TES'].'ING EACIT COW. V ' iý' at In did in the impatient heart of Paul 't Wedne three years of faithful ininistryl fact it is viewed offert in the light as ho fret'zed iincler his thorn in thoi In orcier 'Co determine wnaz the thLhousand of l'omme and MIddle A,,ed ifey: are annually s, -Te faced the accursed deatIiýof a passive if not an active virtue. flesýh -ýJv grace is sufficient for different individual cows in a herd e.rl yizidiscretiotis and laterexcespes. Selfabuse while 1 p1ýý>,ý11Diseases have ruîned and wrecked the life of ma Orrim-Temperance St., Dowman- uPon the cross. We do not consider 1'l'he impatient person, is the least you, for ùy strength is made pet-- are doing, thev shoul 11Y a prom d bc giveil a von any of the following symptoms: Nervotis and Desponi villeýrear of Higginbothani's drug store it out of place foir Paul to refer t _'s of anyone of the failing, fect in we-akit-ýs.- The grace and one-weelç test- every threc months, Ne Ambition; Memory Pour; Easily Patigued; Excitable - 3c' lPimples on t1ick ace; Dreams and Drains al Night* Res no al w ays cal Is the f a u'l t by strength of C od are able to keep his own. patience, as we follow Ili 1 1 and in -this way can ho determined Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair 14oosc; Pa ils tedlous and perilous inissiuri-la more dignified ami respectable the Christian oldier standing wait-i very accuratelv what the cows are Eyes; Iifeleas; Distrtistful and Lack c ary tours and . sec The Christian lis , in very ing patiently fu[ the reward of theý doing for a year, andat but slight Our Nevi Afethod Treatinini wili btiild vol ni jiow in every 1 11aule lil4,,lN T I Sr.L"-P.-'e7 and sexually. Cures Guaraxltçëd .X place lie first sought ont tLe ews 1 ge,---t clanger of falling înto this con- proirrise. Thelli are powerful enorigh trouWe or expense. DurIng the lem 26 YEARSIN DETROIT. $AN -end preache;d to theni Jeslus, -deiýPitc il diti n i bis attitude towards evil to concilier the most impatiý,,nt heart week týLe test is made, the trip -Mo Naines used Without V1,1ritteu C4 t'noir bitter hostility and 1,1111lu-lanlil towards People Who are living and the tribulalions of life front eacli cow shoL41d be weighed ai 0. HARNDEN, L.D.S. tion. When James speaks of the in si beaujjiul tljlcl fra--each milking and a sinall saniple' NERVOU8 WRECU.-A n. ple forgets lio,%,,, patient COICI l blossoni into the T. P. EMERSON bas a Nari Gradiiate of tlie Roval College of prophots as examples of paticiice we is t,)wards the siimer., ai-id calls bis grant flowers of U pat i, ý ýcc, - but pl.aced in a fruit jar, bearing thel "T live on a farm. At Scheel I learrie D'entât Surgeons, Ontario. ean but say amen as we reckt,11 thlil impatience ilighteous indi 4, COW S 1 unie and -in which is a stria weairèned me PhYsically, sexilýillyand in gnation. or blesscd ho God forever, we have Salit 1 was goiný into 1,JeciiýieIl (c,ý-,Isni long-s'uffering Pittie",-e in ýlëliveririg abhorrence of evil. Impatience, like God who ýýCaii- supply ail our iieed," ainount of proservâtive te keep the Golden Moiiitor;" edited by Prý,. Ye.1ileil C 1 F IC E-Opposite T Bingliani's office. hailds. ilearnelitlletrut/eaudcaý,se. SI ,the message of Cod to a w-ayward the spark which reveals the presence. if we but let Hiln. Will you ? inilk front souring. At the end of vital! 1 foolz tite ÀVcv,ý Jlelhod Ti-eatezert aint was cared. VITALIZED Affl. lind per-, e-se nation. Wberi Job is the week the iiiilk in each j ciired of of the powider kecý, uniiiasks the Cousu alPtioti- 1 have sent thora many patients, g raiseil to the pinnacle of huina-n at- inner solf, and with the roar of the ho tested with the Babcock test i Tlicir New Method Treatment supplies vigor, Vitality auc For Over Sixty 'rears tainnient by the saine ini*pir6d writ- the hidden passions flash cleterraine the amoutit of butter fat. CoriaultatlonFrue. BocksFroc. WrIte fer QýIý,3t1qq elapft c Mrs. winsiowls Soctiiing -,:,,yrup has If one does net own a Babcock test, and je held out as the great ex- vour 'done Tr foi-th. Oh. that 1 iiiight open of Clirist lie can easily have the testing emVlar of patience outsid' been used by millions of niottiers for to the woes and troubles vý,,bich ffiniself, simple justice concedes liný'I'y" of Up-to-mdate t ý are liatelied out in the incubator of their, children while teething. If dis- ý at a creainery. TIA total weight the place without argument. Bu Ourl milk for the week niuýt1pIiekl by the lurbed at iiight and brolien of impatience Greek inythology tells when Cod speaks of the patience Of sick chilci suffering and cry- Pei- cent. of the butter fat will give o . vercome, the orga s of - Sody.perform as cared for and housed. '"0 »00ds u0g, NVIII of the cross bursts upon, the Illiman IlýVe-11-11"--with a yawn, if Týnses flian VISIon. tlieir various duties and vew flesh and tis- ýd of the thing-"I willin' sheltor as n-eli as cattle an sheep, wearie in a Ointmont Is a certain tainly, 1 1.1%ere an, two pliases sin sue are added. 5o, cents a box, at all to drop the case far's I'm con- and absolute cure foreach Chough he is but a dý,g-. ýt fovely bullOog to wbich UU Nýiýïh to dealers, 0 Ed Bates Co., i, varie r manson. cerned.- týnd every form or itchinm Jl'qcern the -ýiiig." j!i-eýýt 7 mir attention: First, the one Toronto. bWýýdingand protrudîné pilec, 4 diflet (-ace be harsh. and Jiorrid-lool 4 the cote is Belle-- but bulldogs aren't love- oi iinpýýIiene in Christian service Eiuployers of the United King"dom tiraoniais Ir, tha Oâily Press ÉmIl aý'_' yournelgs> of ]y u1I!,--ý -Uey're horrid-looling ag.iinst ' 1 p-,ý ý- e Lind word. use -,ich our text is borswhatibeytIiinkoMtý have 870 associations for self-pro- maIkos luin iàdifferent îrU giïi" is Dot derived directed; and seýýon,î, tl"e of l' [il- È_«Iý.ý 01 get your money back je not 60e a boe, ab T'ý t4-(ti,ýn p_,mî!ýst st[ IKecýý Of these viii dýaiers Ce.,Toronto. uiiiiindiu) oi t want biri to Loii-'«Wl Jout froin 13,11 are vespoiàrdble M a nt de inerative tn rich or h froI,ý ,ei-,Ie-ire," patience in the ý-(,cular tlIirgý of iliý% t ni Q, Ir, 7 ý7, word for juniper. claily life. M'e mi,_-Iýt ýf CI for io'fewer LIliui Use lind ùIîýo t. med Mieil to a prem ature grave ConstitationaiBlood u Jýayg and Irritable; Uyes Blir: ,sýlesq; Raggard Looking; laïus In the Body, Sunke;,,Iý ",,-Y and sýr2rjgtb. r il or Klo Pày. ýNK 6ErýJRITY. Consent. L H"PV VIFIM. ýrrow Escape. ed ail early habit, v-,Itîclt DGctrs Finaliv, Il Theý '2r fýil ' into iliv Self aiiuseiýa1lqnPpeli MY 'E u' t l i a k 1 all et whoill V'Cre cý1rýý1. id manhood,12 k for Home Treatmonili, 148 Shell)y 10 iiseworthy act, pa't hini en and reward him w1th one kin.d words, and you will e a great difference. -Wever iff a dog. If bc, needs seý binent, use a willow or a ých upon hiin, and it ' will )re effective. De patýent ,ung dog. Ile can't learn day. e dog is old enough to bc is well not to allow any- attenijÀ to teach Ilim The dog soon learns to 1 you, if vou repeat your in the sarne toiie, using words. Others, ifferent words and p, i hap, 'hus confusing t7w ý-,m[maký ig hini te, forget Nv1'u1ý DOU lit hini. can bc trained for several er bc has attained his -nec there is no need of bc- hen lie is very Young. Pro- log trainers often pick up ,tnd teacli theni to do %von- icks. There are ds of dogs lliat are uý->u1 Mi. Tli(- co,!ý,,, or i d Soule oý w;ýi" serve rtior,, ri ally Cc'fliC"'ý bave ieties iii irielUIL'er.,(-ý 's a 1rý1"-'1'u 1 qUîtCý w1,11 ýA 'L"'(2 týýp. would vou ic, ?- Su,- bc rich also." H IlEi SIGNATURE ON TIIE or EVERY :>TT= OP

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